daichislover · 2 months
well, puck (Daichi college hockey player au)
summary: after swearing off dating hockey players for years, you quite literally run into the alternate captain of your university’s hockey team at a party. after a clumsy exchange, you find yourself thinking that maybe hockey players aren’t as bad as what you once believed
warnings: fluff, mentions of partying with alcohol (be responsible y’all!), slight cursing, daichi being a total sweetheart
word count: 1234
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You had a rule: avoid hockey players, especially the college ones. For three years at university, you'd managed to keep your promise. The mantra was simple: stay away, stay safe.
So, how did you end up at a party for your university's hockey team after they triumphed over the school rivals?
The answer was simple: Liz, your best friend and roommate. She had been dating one of the players, who also happened to live in your dorm. The deal between them was if the team won tonight, you both would celebrate with them. Somehow, you were roped into this agreement without your consent.
As you moved through the crowded party, the grip on your cup of cheap, strong liquor tightened. The bass from the speakers pulsed like a heartbeat, sending vibrations through your body. Around you, Liz navigated through the crowd of drunken students with ease, her charm radiating as she flitted from one group to another, laughing and chatting with the effortless grace of a social butterfly. In sharp contrast, you hovered around the edges of conversations, offering shy smiles and uncertain waves to anyone who looked your way. Each interaction felt more awkward than the last, a clear mismatch to Liz's lively ease.
You wondered, Is five minutes too early to bail on a college party?
While thinking about an excuse to ditch the party early, you collided with what felt like a brick wall, spilling your drink all over yourself. Looking up, your heart sank. It wasn't a wall but Sawamura Daichi, the hockey team's alternate captain, with his broad chest now inches from your face.
Panic surged through you; not from the collision, but because of whom you had bumped into. You stammered an apology, expecting annoyance or dismissal, but his response caught you off guard.
“You okay?” Daichi asked, concern etching his features.
His kindness rendered you speechless. You’re the one that ran into him, so why is he asking you if you’re okay? You nod your head and give a quick reply. “I’m good. I didn’t spill anything on you did I?” you asked, your hand impulsively reaching out to pat his shirt, then quickly retreating as you realized how awkward it must have looked.
Daichi laughed, shaking his head while your face turned bright red. “No, not at all.”
Relieved, you managed a smile, then glanced down at the liquor staining your shirt. What a perfect excuse to leave. 
“Well as fun as this was, I’ll be heading home now. I’d rather not reek of cheap liquor,” you said, turning toward the door. 
“Wait, don’t go yet.” Daichi’s hand gently grasped your arm, halting your escape. You turned to him, a puzzled expression crossing your face as you awaited an explanation. Instead of speaking, he took your hand and guided you through the throng of people filling the living room. As you glanced around, your eyes met Liz's, who was watching you with a mischievous grin. You shot her a desperate "help me" look, but she only chuckled and turned back to the party.
Daichi led you down a quieter hallway and stopped in front of a door. He opened it to reveal a cozy bedroom. Your eyes widened in surprise as you turned to him, confusion written all over your face. He looks back at you and realizes you don’t fully understand what’s going on.
“I promise it’s not like that. I was just going to give you an old t-shirt of mine.” You stand there, shocked. He seemed genuine, and you didn’t feel any weird vibes from him, so you reluctantly stepped into his bedroom. 
Inside, the room was simply furnished with a bed and a desk, his personal touches sparse. He rummaged through his closet, pulling out an old hockey tee. “Try this on. The bathroom’s right there. I’ll wait outside,” he said, stepping out before you could respond.
You look at the shirt, then back at the door. Is he usually this kind, you think to yourself. You shake your head and head to the bathroom. 
In the privacy of the bathroom, you changed shirts, your heart inexplicably racing. It’s just a shirt, you told yourself, even as you couldn’t help noticing how the fabric held his scent. No, snap out of it!
Shortly after, you emerged from his room, tucking your shirt neatly into your purse. As expected, Daichi was waiting just outside the door. He glanced up from his phone as you approached. A hint of a blush seemed to color his cheeks, but you blame it on the alcohol. 
“Everything okay now?” he asked.
You nodded, and together you returned to the party, ignoring Liz’s teasing gaze as she watched you and Daichi with amusement.
A few days later…
"It’s practically illegal how tough that test was! It’s like the professor wants us to fail.” Liz flailed her arms in exasperation as you sat outside a campus coffee shop during midterm week, sipping on your iced drink.
“I told you to start studying last week.” You reminded her. “Not sure if looking over the slides two hours before the exam was the best idea.”
Liz sighed, acknowledging your point. She had asked you to be tough on her this year, knowing it was crucial for her graduation. She looked at you with pleading eyes. "You’ll help me with the next test, right?"
You roll your eyes. You had taken this class last semester, but your experience was different—the professor was more lenient. "I’ll do what I can. But you've got to take it seriously. I've got my own classes to worry about." Liz celebrated this agreement with a little victory dance, earning a chuckle from you.
Her phone beeped, and she immediately checked the notification. Meanwhile, you observed the stressed-out college students hustling around. Midterms week was always a chaotic time.
Suddenly, you spotted Daichi strolling towards you with a teammate, seemingly unaware of your presence. Panic surged through you; you hadn’t seen him since the party.
Desperately hoping Daichi wouldn't notice you, you turned back to Liz. But she noticed him behind you and gave him an enthusiastic wave. You silently cursed her, but it was too late—Daichi was already approaching your table.
“Long time no see.” he greeted you warmly, making your cheeks flush slightly as you exchanged greetings. 
After a few minutes of conversation, Liz checks her phone and abruptly stands up and gathers her belongings. “I forgot that I promised Kuroo that I would help him with his paper. Bye guys!”
Liz runs off as Daichi laughs and yells out “tell Rooster I said hey.” to which Liz shoots him a thumbs up.
Now with the two of you alone, you found yourself internally panicking. What should you talk about now? Was it time for him to leave too?
��Do you have any tests coming up?” Daichi asks, breaking the awkward silence. You nodded, mentioning that you had one last test you needed to study for.
"Wanna study together at the library?" he proposed, his smile encouraging. You found yourself smiling back. "Sure, why not?”
You both stood up and headed towards the library. As you walked, Daichi turned to you with a grin. "I'm guessing you liked the shirt I gave you?" You blush furiously, eyes widening as you recalled falling asleep in his t-shirt, thoughts of him lingering in your mind.
Well, puck.
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a/n: first daichi post! not sure how i feel about it, but i love the idea of daichi being a hockey player!!!
'til next time!
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daichislover · 2 months
same time next week? (Law college au)
summary: feeling more anxious than ever, you find yourself seeking help from Luffy’s med student friend, someone you've never had the chance to meet before
warnings: fluff, swear words, slight mention of prescriptions, mentions of smoking weed/vaping/CBD, slight mention of drinking (be responsible y’all!), law keeps his place TIDYYY you can’t tell me otherwise, implied plug!law lol
word count: 1337
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You don’t want to do this.
You stand at this random person’s door, double-checking your phone to ensure you’re at the right apartment number that Luffy gave you. Nervousness tightens your chest. What's the worst that could happen? A simple 'no'? But then again, you've never met this man; anything could happen. Taking a deep breath, you muster the courage to knock but are interrupted by a text.
From: Luffy 
“He’s not that bad, I swear! You’ll get along just fine.”
Easy for him to say, you think, shutting off your phone with a sigh. He could befriend a wall if he tried. After shutting off your phone, you turn to the door. As you finally go to knock, the door swings open abruptly, revealing a man in a penguin hat holding a trash bag. 
Not noticing your presence, the strange man collides into you. You stumble back as he falls, the bag ripping open, trash spilling all over. Groaning, he sits up, then realizes what - or who - he just ran into. “Oh shit… ARE YOU OKAY?” he exclaims, scrambling to his feet.
Stepping back from the spilled trash, you reply, “I’m fine. I’m sorry I didn’t move out of your way.” You then offered to help clean up, but he shakes his head at you and waves off your apology. “Why were you standing outside our door anyways? You lost or somethin’?”
Before you could respond, another figure steps out from the apartment - a tall, tattooed man in a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Your eyes widen at the sight of him. This man is very, very attractive and catches you off-guard, fueling your anxiety. You start to blush.
He sighs at the scene before him. “You had one job,” he mutters to the first man, who can only laugh. After bickering back and forth about the mess in the hallway, the trash-covered man turns to you with a smile.
“Whatcha need, sweetheart? My name's Penguin” With a shaky smile, you introduce yourself and add, “I’m looking for a Trafalgar Law? My friend Luffy mentioned-" 
“That’s me. Call me Law.” The gorgeous man interrupts. His smirk doesn’t help your pounding heart as he invites you inside, telling his roommate to clean up the mess.
Walking into the apartment was like walking into a magazine. The place is unexpectedly pristine, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. “Woah…” You say to yourself while looking around. The living room is spacious, featuring a sleek black leather couch and a TV mounted above a fireplace. How can a couple of college kids afford this place?
Another guy emerges from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. “I know right? Law’s basically an interior designer. If becoming a doctor doesn’t work out, you’ll definitely see him on HGTV or whatever that home design channel is.” You laugh, feeling your nerves slightly disappear. Law dismisses the comment with a glare and leads you to his room. "Don't mind Shachi, he loves to be an ass."
You follow him down a hallway, and he opens a door on the left, ushering you inside his room. You murmur a soft "thank you" as you step inside, taking in the neatly arranged space. Aside from a desk cluttered with medical books and papers, everything is meticulously tidy. You slowly scan the room, absorbing the details, while he settles into a chair at his desk. As you admire a collection on his shelf, you notice something familiar.
“Is that the ‘Sora, Warrior of the Sea’ collection?” You look closer to double check, and smile when you realize that you’re right. He doesn’t say anything for a while, but then clears his throat. “Yeah, been collecting them for a while. You read?” You mention how you and your brother, Sanji, grew up reading them together. He nods, not saying anything further.
After a few beats of silence, you realize that you forgot why you were there in the first place. Panicking, you start to stutter. “I- uh. Um..” He cocks his head at you, waiting to hear what you were trying to say. You feel yourself getting flustered again and widen your eyes. “Uh-”
“Luffy mentioned something about you needing my help? What can I do for you?” His expression was unreadable, yet he seemed to be listening intently.
You inhale deeply, gathering your thoughts before you start speaking. "Since starting college, my anxiety has worsened, and it’s hard to afford prescribed medication with my tight budget," you explain. "I mentioned exploring alternatives like weed to Luffy, and he suggested that I talk to you. Is there any way you can help me?" You stand there, gripping at your purse. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea; your nerves kick in again and you feel like running away from embarrassment.
Law nods and turns to his desk, pulling open a drawer to retrieve a vape pen, which he extends towards you. You take it, examining the unfamiliar device with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Seeing your puzzled expression, Law asks, "Have you ever smoked or vaped before?" You shake your head. "No, I only drink when I go out."
He hums thoughtfully and gestures for you to hand it back. "Let me show you how it works, then." He carefully demonstrates how to use the vape pen, explaining each step as he goes, before handing it back to you. "Ready to give it a try?" Despite your hesitation, you nod. Law's demeanor instills a sense of trust, but the nerves are still there—after all, this is your first time smoking.
“You’ll probably cough quite a bit on your first try, but don’t worry, you’ll be okay. I’ve got some water ready if you need it,” he reassures you. You nod, feeling your palms begin to sweat.
You bring the pen up to your mouth, and inhale. The feeling was weird and very foreign, but not so bad. Immediately after, you feel a horrible burning sensation in your lungs and throat and start coughing. 
God, how embarrassing. Law quickly grabs his glass of water and hands it to you and you drink it immediately, thankful for his preparedness. After a couple of minutes, and a refill of water later, you finally start to calm down. You look over at Law and see him smirking. “So, how was your first hit?” he asks.
“What do you think?” you retort, half-embarrassed, half-amused. He smiles, turning back to his desk. “See how the pen works for you from now on, then we can discuss other options. That’s yours to keep, no charge. Consider it a first-timer’s discount.” Smiling, you whisper a quick “thank you” and take another hit.
After a few hours filled with small talk, you find yourself surprisingly at ease with Law. As the evening unfolds, you not only learn more about him but also share aspects of yourself that you usually keep reserved during a first meeting. His company is surprisingly delightful, and you make a mental note to thank Luffy later.
Stretching your arms, you suddenly realize how late it has become. "Oh my god, I didn't realize the time—I have a paper due tomorrow!" you exclaim, hastily grabbing your purse as Law rises and stretches alongside you. Catching a glimpse of his tattooed abdomen, you feel a flush of warmth. Can he get any hotter? You quickly avert your gaze before he notices you staring.
He leads you to the door, passing his roommates who are deeply engrossed in a video game, oblivious to your departure. At the front door, you pause and turn to face him. Law doesn’t seem like the type of person who gives goodbye hugs, which is really more like your style, so you simply smile at him instead.
"Thanks again for everything," you say, gratitude coloring your voice. "When should I come back?" He returns your smile, his eyes slightly lighting up. "Same time next week?"
Your cheeks warm at his smile, and you find yourself nodding eagerly. "Yeah, that sounds perfect."
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a/n: idk why, but college law just seems like the type of guy to be a plug LOL hope y'all enjoy
'til next time!
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daichislover · 2 months
nice to finally meet ya (Law AU)
warnings: talks of injury (broken bones/sprains), going to the hospital, swear words
summary: After Luffy's latest injury, you end up having to take him to the hospital, a place you usually avoid. Amid the chaos, you meet a handsome and somewhat annoyed doctor who makes a strong impression. Perhaps hospitals aren't so terrible after all.
word count: 950
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“Can you please bring him-”
You had just stepped through the door of your shared home with Nami and Robin, shoes still on, when the sight of Luffy sprawled out on the dining room floor caught your eye. He was cradling his right arm, a grimace playing across his features. Before a single question could escape your lips, Nami was by his side, hoisting him up with a determined grunt and steering him in your direction.
“I’ve brought him to the hospital the last two times, and now it’s your turn. Just this once, please?” Nami's plea came with a look of desperate hope, which quickly faltered under your incredulous stare. How had your evening taken such a chaotic turn?
“No way; you know I can’t stand hospitals! Are you out of your damn mind?” You then turn to look at your idiot of a best friend. “And you—what happened to staying out of trouble? You couldn’t keep out of harm's way for even a week!” 
Luffy responded with a sheepish grin, his injured arm held awkwardly. “I really thought I could nail that backflip off the table. I'm fine, really!” His attempt at a reassuring thumbs-up faltered pitifully.
In this past year alone, Luffy has been taken to the ER six times. Four of those times were for broken bones and sprains from trying random tricks off of furniture, and the other two times were for ingesting something that he shouldn’t have. In his defense, those wax melts did look uncannily like macarons.
Before you could even protest, Luffy was already out the door heading towards your car. With a resigned sigh, you snatched up your keys and purse. A last-ditch effort to deploy your best puppy-dog eyes at Nami failed miserably as she simply chuckled, nudging you out the door with a teasing, “Say hi to Law for me.”
As the door clicked shut, you paused. Law? Who in the world was that? With a shake of your head, you followed Luffy, the evening suddenly promising more surprises than you’d bargained for.
Twenty minutes after arriving at the hospital, you're sharply reminded of why you avoid this place. The sights and sounds gnaw at your weak stomach, making even the mundane task of filling out Luffy’s paperwork a trial. You briefly consider abandoning him for the solitude of your car until his discharge, doubting his ability to stay out of further trouble on his own.
As what feels like an eternity drags on, Luffy's name is finally called. You seize the moment to escape to your car, but Luffy grabs your arm, pulling you back with a mischievous grin. "Where do you think you're going? You’re coming with me!"
“No, I only agreed to bring you. You’re going to be just fine. I’ll just be waiting in my car-”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Why are YOU here again?”
You spin around to find a tall, dark-haired man with piercing gray eyes glaring at Luffy, who seems entirely amused by the man's annoyance. What is going on? You wonder if this is-
“Another failed trick, but at least Nami isn’t the one dealing with me this time!!” Luffy says and pulls me next to him “I brought someone else with me today.” He says with a grin. “Actually, I’m the one that brought you here.” you whisper as you pull yourself out of his grasp. You find yourself locking eyes with the dark-haired doctor, noticing his piercings and… are those hand tattoos?
Feeling your cheeks warm, you hurriedly direct Luffy forward. “He decided to become a gymnast in my dining room and didn’t think of the consequences of his actions, so here we are.” you say to the doctor. The man just sighs and says “Alright, both of you follow me. Let’s get this over with.” Before you could protest, Luffy was already dragging you along.
Inside the treatment room, the array of medical tools does nothing to ease your discomfort. As you sit ruminating on how Luffy can ever make this up to you, the doctor’s voice snaps you back to reality. "I'm guessing you’ve managed to avoid these hospital trips before, huh?" He’s wrapping Luffy’s wrist but glances at you as he speaks.
“Yeah, I guess so” you reply with a small smile. What is happening? Why are you getting so shy all of a sudden? The doctor hums in acknowledgement, then adds, "I remember Luffy mentioning a friend who’s not fond of hospitals."
You sit there in shock. Luffy has talked about you to this handsome man, but you haven’t known about this man’s existence until tonight? Maybe you should’ve listened to his hospital stories in the past. Maybe you could’ve met him sooner-
Stunned, you realize Luffy has talked about you to this doctor, who you believe is Law, whose existence was unknown to you until now. Shaking off the surprise, you respond a bit awkwardly, "Uh… I wouldn’t say I’m afraid… just not a huge fan." Law chuckles softly, then continues his work. 
As he finishes and begins cleaning up, he sternly warns Luffy “If you come back any time soon, even for a slight sprain, I’m kicking you out.” Luffy, ever defiant, cheerfully yells “Thank you Law! You’re the best. Can’t wait to come back!” and runs out the door. The doctor, whom you just now realized is for sure Law, calls after him in exasperation, then turns to you, his expression softening. 
"You're good to go as well. Sorry you had to bring him. I’m Law, by the way," he says, extending his hand. You shake it, introducing yourself in return.
Law smiles warmly. "It’s nice to finally meet ya."
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a/n: this is my first post on tumblr (yay) and my first time writing fanfiction in years (double yay) so pls be nice! this is also not proofread :)
'til next time!
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