dacytoxic · 8 months
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dacytoxic · 8 months
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This game is my guilty pleasure atm, here is a gif of a few of my favourite streaming moments of taking control in Carrion.
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dacytoxic · 8 months
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Mini Wallpaper ~ Biohazard. Specimen. Horror.
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dacytoxic · 8 months
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Made a little gif of this nightmare I experienced on my first At Dead of Night first stream lmao.
Twitch username: Lostinzombieland
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dacytoxic · 8 months
Dawn Of The Dead 2 Fan-Fiction ~ Preview Part One.
This fanfiction is a 16 part short series sequel to the 2004 movie Dawn of the Dead.
01 Good Dog
The island, it looked from afar like a potential sanctuary, a place they could finally breathe. But they knew they had to be cautious, anywhere could be infected.
And once they arrived on the shore, on the boardwalk. Their fears were realized.
The dog, Chips barked and ran ahead, alerting the infected of their arrival. Kenneth got a few shots in and so did Ana, and then they were forced to split up. The camcorder is dropped to the ground in the trouble.
Kenneth and Ana went into the boat storage they had nowhere else to go to escape the pack of infected that were at their tails, and there was no way they could go back to help the others, who had chosen to jump back into the boat and try to force it out to sea with items around them.
But the boat storage was not safe either, all Ana and Kenneth could do was push the doors closed and hoped that they wouldn't be torn open. It was inevitable that the doors would open eventually, and that their time would come to an end.
If it hadn't been for a loud deafening bang that came from deeper in the island. What it was couldn't be seen but it started to draw the infected away, one by one, until it was quiet, like it had never happened.
The dog comes out from the island entrance, as Ana and Kenneth come out of the boat storage.
Nicole sitting in the boat looks around, tears filled eyes but subdued. As she realises that the dog she had come to think of as her own couldn't come with her wherever she went from now on. It was a liability.
Tying the dog up near the board walk was not everyone's choice, but it was the right thing to do for them to survive. If they just left the dog and walked away without it being tied up it could eventually come back and get them killed. Ana makes a makeshift leash out of rope from inside the boat storage. She looks at the dog for a small moment but refuses to get attached anymore as then she would change her mind.
Though danger lurked inside the island, curiosity sparked enough interest to find out where the sound had come from, and if maybe some people were still alive on this island. They slowly started walking towards where the infected had come from, but being very careful as the infected could come back at any second. Nicole stayed far back from the group though Terry tried to convince her to stay close so he could protect her she kept looking back at the dog, who sat there wagging its tail expecting that they would eventually come back, not knowing that they were leaving him behind.
"Good Dog"
Nicole whispered quietly through her tears.
Copyright: Stevie Laurence
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dacytoxic · 8 months
Welcome to my tumblr. The brain-eating hub for my stories/ streams / fan-made MVs + also sharing creepy infectious gifs.
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