Lachelein’s Conglomorate Of Muses And Hornyness
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A weight gain roleplay blog dedicated to health and mobility issues themed muses primarily from D4DJ & a personal blog for my idolization of and journey towards 500 pounds.
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d4djobesemuses · 47 minutes ago
I’m not the best at reaching out and learning about muses.
So if there’s a muse you want to be autistic about, this post is your invitation, I like hearing my friends talk passionately about their babies~
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d4djobesemuses · 2 hours ago
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“J-just 350lbs?! Didn’t I weigh nearly a ton at the Ohara Hotel?! I’m so skinny now…”
Rei slipped a hand between her legs, disappointed she could without effort reach her sex… she was disgusting, healthy and thin.
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“I-I get another chance to fatten myself to death! From a skinny girl to an unrecognizable blob… I get to throw away everything again and become a pig!”
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d4djobesemuses · 2 hours ago
Furina kept playing, squeezing and wobbling Jackpot’s cheeks, taking in the warmth and the softness she felt, so amazingly perfect, so wobbly and full.
It took over an hour of entertaining herself for Furina to finally slump back in her chair, exhausted, yes, but in the right way… not in the wanting to die way.
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She smiled, looking content, and put her hands back on her enormous belly.
“We can uh… we can go… on the tour you’ve mentioned, I want to see the casino.” She said, and her smile disappeared to a bit of a pout.
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“Please take me normally… I want you to reassure me about something as we descend to the lobby, Jackpot…”
“You said I’m beautiful, that I’m pretty, and cute… but I don’t see what you could possibly find positive about me when I’m so fat.”
“I want you to explain to me please…”
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Furina grinned when Jackpot reinforced that she was a beautiful lady even after her flatulence, it did feel good to ease some of the constant pressure that was in her gut.
She settled more in the wheelchair, happy enough to get curious, and so her mind wandered to the possibilities of this bizarre casino… it was abnormal, and that made her excited to see it.
Most people probably had reservations about gambling, but Furina was certainly not one of them, she didn’t boast about it, but her career left her with royalties so lucrative it was laughable how many zeros she had in her bank account, enough to gamble millions and barely notice.
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“U-uhm… I’m excited to go on the tour… especially with a pretty lady like you… w-with a very big ass uhm… I-I wanna squeeze…?” Furina tried being flirtatious in the way she sometimes saw in Navia’s films, but lacked the confidence she wanted to make it come off too cool for school.
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d4djobesemuses · 3 hours ago
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d4djobesemuses · 3 hours ago
So, who on earth decided that we shouldn’t make naval battles into a sport?
Who looked at Battleships and said “no, we should get rid of them for financial reasons, and not spend billions making it into a sport.”
Cringe person.
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d4djobesemuses · 3 hours ago
Wheat based. Egg based is often used if it is fresh pasta while wheat based can last for a longer period of time and is vastly more filling in comparison because of the added fibre
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“Pasta science… who knew.”
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“Me… I knew, I buy you damn wheat based pasta you’re just a fatass and eat it all super quick.”
“But it isn’t as filling as say, pizza, or a good McDonald’s order.”
“No shit, Sherlock, I make what, two pots on pasta night? Four, five packs? That doesn’t compare to like 6 hamburgers or 3 pizzas, that’s why you get hungry quicker!”
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
If I learned anything about tank lovers is, every tank lover is obligated to love the German ones(?).
Blitzkrieg reference tells me this show won’t shy much about history.
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
Miho was bullied into tankery!
Am I supposed to be happy? This is horrible…
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
Oh you must be having a lot of egg-based pasta then
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“As opposed to uh… to what?”
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
doesn't it... depend on the carbs? Like complex ones are very filling??
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“Well whenever I eat pasta I get hungry like an hour and a half later.”
“Pizza can keep me full for longer, so can rice.”
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
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“Carbs are delicious, but aren’t very filling.”
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d4djobesemuses · 4 hours ago
«no.., need motr,.. didsatisfied… horny…»
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She had zero self control, she literally couldn’t handle a minute without eating if food is within reach, it was definitely taking its toll.
Especially with her mental health, every emotion was thoroughly mixed with eating, she always had food on her mind, and all her friends were pushed away in favor of more time eating in her room.
Being friends with Kirigiri only encouraged her to further dive down this path, eager to entice her friend with her obesity.
Nerd!Kirigiri sends some fat art Chika's way.
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“H-hot… nghff…”
Chika mumbled to herself, moan turning bite as she ate another mouthful of cake… Kirigiri was a horrible influence, making her more susceptible to actively gaining, and then…
Chika took a picture of her belly, red and taut, sweaty, covered in food bits, and sent it to Kirigiri.
«I ate a bit today… 7 cakes for breakfast… pretty hot huh~»
She sent over text.
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d4djobesemuses · 5 hours ago
So, the shipgirls here will be.. let's see. USS Vestal USS Baltimore SN Sevastopol (Gangut class) FFNF Jeanne d'Arc DVV Kasumi (DOA Collab) DVV Honoka HLN Sora Tokino (Hololive Collab) HLN Fubuki Sirakami HLN Mio Ookami
Will I add pictures? Maybe, when I'm not lazy.
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d4djobesemuses · 7 hours ago
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“Ughhh….�� Wotan sighed, and slammed her laptop shut.
No shit Abyssals exist… that’s a recognized fact, it’s reported on in official government sites, you just need to dig.
“So smart… you looked in the official navy site, or on cia.gov and read the documents… big whoop… all these conspiracy sites and nothing interesting.”
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“Going down that occult rabbit hole again?” Marian asked and plopped down besides Wotan, idly rubbing the latter’s belly, barely even noticing.
“I am… but I think I need to step up my game, I bet I can get an interview or something with a Shipgirl and ask what they know… hopefully.”
“Eh, I still think that’s a pipe dream, but I’m also not using the allowance of a fortune 500 brat to pull string so what do I know?”
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“Mmm… that aside, I want Tuscan Chicken Pasta tonight…~”
“I swear I’d think you’re an italian with how much pasta I’ve made this year…”
“Nuh uh.”
“Fuck you.”
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d4djobesemuses · 9 hours ago
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d4djobesemuses · 9 hours ago
Never have I did more of a double take than just now forgetting that uh… comfort wife does NOT in fact mean, a comfortable wife you come back to.
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