audrey ☻︎
51 posts
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d1azzifuddglazer · 19 hours ago
do you have the clip to this?
someone also tagged me in this the other day here yall go
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 day ago
face card competition and she’ll win it all each time
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 day ago
holy face card jesus christ.
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d1azzifuddglazer · 6 days ago
BABE - https://www.tumblr.com/wbbpls/777779635761102849/platonic-plus-one
Yall are so kind bless ur souls
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d1azzifuddglazer · 6 days ago
its platonic plus one by wbbpls i think
BLESS thank u so much 🩷🩷
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d1azzifuddglazer · 10 days ago
paige stays repping azzi iktr!
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d1azzifuddglazer · 13 days ago
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d1azzifuddglazer · 19 days ago
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this time it'll work fr (valentine's day special part two)
crossposted on ao3 here, first part here. tysm to my dearest @luvergirl-866 for reading over this & editing it <3 if u havent read her works u Have to check them out!
pairing: paige x azzi
plot synopsis: each year, all paige wants to do is ask azzi out on valentine's day. unfortunately, something in the universe is conspiring against her.
content warnings: stupid
wc: 5.6k New words, 8.9k overall- this is part two!
p canonically calls a mami (see here), so ofc i incorporated that. i’ve read some smut recently that had some of the same ideas that i put in here but i already had most of this written at the time LOL so if uve read anything similar i promise this was fully plot driven (loved the other works tho!)
it was february 2023, and paige thought that the universe was playing the world’s most cruel and evil joke on her. never in her life did she think that she would be in this situation. somehow her life had fallen apart and azzi was going on a date with some guy named garrett, and for the first time since high school, paige had no plan for valentine’s day. unless, of course, you counted the plan to blow her own brains out, because–
“paige, you can’t laugh. seriously,” azzi’s muffled voice came through the door. 
“why would i laugh? how does that even sound, you let me into your room and i laugh?” paige complained. she’d been waiting outside azzi’s room for five full minutes while the younger woman hedged on letting her in– never mind the fact that azzi was the one who called her over for help in the first place. 
paige could hear azzi’s dramatic, frustrated sigh through the door. “you have to promise.”
“fine, yes, i promise,” paige rolled her eyes. 
“don’t come in until i say so,” azzi ordered. paige heard the soft sound of her doorknob unlocking, then footsteps retreating from the door. “okay, come in,” azzi’s voice rang out, much smaller. 
finally. paige wasted no time turning the knob and throwing the door open, stepping into the room and searching for azzi just to see what the fuck the problem was. 
paige’s brain short circuited. she could practically feel it sparking, smoke clouding up her head. she let out a choked, strangled noise, and her jaw went absolutely slack at the sight in front of her. whatever she’d been expecting when she was called over to help azzi get ready for her date, this smashed it to pieces.
“shut the door,” azzi hissed. she looked like she wanted to gesture at it, but could only lift a shoulder because her hands were currently occupied by covering her bare tits. 
standing by the bed, in front of her mirror, azzi was adorned head to toe in vibrant red lingerie. the material was lacy and ridiculously hot, slightly sheer and cut away to accentuate the curve of azzi’s waist and hips. her bra was seemingly undone, and the garter and its straps hung loosely over the thin panty and the top of the matching fishnet stockings. paige’s chest suddenly burned, and she realized with a jolt that she’d forgotten to breathe since she’d walked in. 
“the door,” azzi whisper-yelled, eyes widening as she jerked her chin towards the exit. paige reached behind herself and practically slammed the door shut, gaze impossible to tear away from azzi’s bare skin. she took an aborted step forward and gestured vaguely, not trusting her words. 
azzi’s dark eyes searched her face, trying to read her reaction. “i can’t,” she huffed, “i can’t get the bows and hooks on right. every time i try, it just ends up looking stupid, and i don’t know if you can help, but i figured it’d be worth a shot, and–”
“you bought that for a man named garrett?”
“no!” azzi flushed, scowling. “i already had it.”
“you already had it?” paige’s voice travelled up three octaves. “since– i– how long?”
“can you just–?” azzi snapped, looking pointedly down at her bare chest, which she was still covering with her hands.
paige nodded faster than her head had ever moved in her life. in a heartbeat, she was in azzi’s space, hovering over her as close as was physically possible without the lines of their bodies melding together. the heat of azzi’s skin radiated through paige’s t-shirt, and her breath caught in her throat. 
“what do you…” paige’s voice trailed off in a murmur, expectant hands hovering at azzi’s sides. 
“the bows, first,” azzi said quietly, looking down. paige’s eyes followed her gaze, and she swallowed hard when she saw what azzi was referring to. 
the bra, contrary to what paige had previously assumed, wasn’t undone. it was clasped in the back, underband present and cradling her chest, but in lieu of the cups were four red velvet ribbons hanging down loosely. paige’s head swam like mush, realizing that they were supposed to be tied into bows directly on top of her nipples. in the center of the underband was a small heart charm that read “do me”, and- briefly, wildly- paige tried to decide if that was supposed to be female empowerment or an innuendo. 
her hands skirted over the bare skin of azzi’s ribs, drawing to hover over one of azzi’s hands. azzi’s breath caught in her throat, and she pointedly looked away as she slowly let her fingers slip from her breast. 
paige bit her lip hard to avoid downright whimpering at the sight. the soft tit lay in front of her, nipple dark and peaked, and a million dirty scenarios flashed through paige’s mind that she beat back with a mental bat. 
she caught the velvet of the ribbons between her pointer and middle fingers, tugging them outwards experimentally. azzi swallowed. wordlessly, she lined them up over azzi’s nipple and crossed them over, fingers brushing against azzi’s feverish skin. visible goosebumps rippled out from the point of contact, and paige blinked rapidly as she tried to keep her head from spinning. 
she tugged out a bit, curling one ribbon under the other; as she pushed it through, her middle finger grazed the tip of the nipple. azzi breathed out sharply and looked up at the ceiling– so, she was sensitive. paige filed that information in the back of her brain. 
pulling the ribbon back out, she carefully looped it into a bow. she tied the other ribbon around it ever so gently, ensuring that the bow stayed centered for azzi’s modesty. when she tugged both loops, tightening the knot, she noticed that the ribbons weren’t quite thick enough to cover the entire nipple, a slight dusty pink ring peeking out from the edges. she might have blacked out for a second, coming to a beat later with a worship song crazily playing through her head. 
the heavens are telling the glory of god, and all creation is shouting for joy. maybe she should kill herself. 
removing her hands, she looked at her work with a critical eye. she brushed her fingers along the velvet, adjusting it minutely until it looked perfect and fixing her up perfectly just for some stupid ugly man to undo. 
“who fuckin’ suffers through nine months of pregnancy just to look at their newborn and call it garrett?” she complained. 
azzi shot her a look. “it’s not that bad.”
“it is that bad, bro. it’s only second place to like, hubert, or craig.”
“it doesn’t even matter, paige, he’s nice,” azzi frowned, free hand coming up to shove paige’s arm. 
“right,” paige agreed sarcastically. “so nice that when he decided to ask you out for valentine’s day, all he could manage was ‘you tryna slide to mine tomorrow?’ with a thinking emoji.”
“it’s casual,” azzi defended, “we’re not, like, exclusive or anything.”
i wrote you love letters last year, and we’re not exclusive either, paige thought, nails digging crescents into her palm. 
“stupid,” she grumbled under her breath. unthinkingly, she placed her hands on azzi’s remaining cupped fingers and peeled them away, not realizing what she’d done until she was face to face with azzi’s remaining exposed breast. a stupid noise that probably sounded like “uh” or “duh” or “um” escaped her lips, and she clamped her mouth shut as she tried to play it cool. azzi raised an eyebrow at her. 
fighting for her life to look casual, she repeated the motions from the previous side, ensuring that the two bows were evenly sized and angled. with one hand on each side, she thumbed over the velvet bands to smooth them out, palms lightly cupping azzi’s exposed underboob. 
“looks perfect, az,” she murmured, gaze meeting azzi’s. 
“thanks,” azzi whispered. paige became suddenly hyper-aware of the pounding in her chest. “um, the garter belt.”
“right,” paige responded over the rushing blood in her head. slowly, like it would pain her, she let her eyes drop down to the skin of azzi’s lower body. shit. her brain fucking surged, and she swallowed hard and snapped her eyes towards the wall, trying to compose herself. 
“paige?” azzi questioned, a bit nervous.
she inhaled shakily, subtly flexing her arm to rid it of the shivers inadvertently travelling down it. blinking, she shot a confident smile at azzi. “all good.”
resting on azzi’s waist was the red garter belt, just as lacy, another heart charm in the center, with small bows on top of four straps that hung down loosely. paige tried valiantly not to look any lower, knowing her face was probably already turning pink, and her fingers ran down the length of azzi’s torso to rest on her waist. 
they were face-to-face at this point, azzi warm and soft in paige’s hands, standing closer together than they probably should have. paige dared to look into azzi’s eyes, which was probably a mistake; she immediately felt breathless at her intense gaze, brown eyes hooded and blinking slow as if entranced. 
entranced was an excellent word for how paige was feeling, fucking spellbound and dumb and like her fingers could hardly move. her sheer ego at not wanting to feel useless was the only thing that ripped her out of the reverie, blinking and letting her hands slowly slip down azzi’s form again. she eyed the garter straps, fingering them loosely.
she tugged experimentally, and azzi’s body swayed forwards almost imperceptibly with the motion, breath catching as she focused on her balance. god.
the buckles at the top of the fishnets were just out of comfortable reach to fasten. paige needed to move, she–. she didn’t let herself think too hard about it. slowly, deliberately, she let her knees buckle and started to sink down. 
it felt like a goddamn shitty porno, the way paige’s gaze slid from azzi’s face to her chest to her stomach, finally settling on her hips as her knees hit the floor. she was eye to eye with azzi’s waist, and it was impossible for her gaze not to slip any lower. blood rushed to her head as she caught sight of the panty curving around azzi’s thighs, and this time she couldn’t stop herself from making a soft sound of disbelief. 
the thin strings on azzi’s hips didn’t just lead into the curve of the bottoms but cut down sharply into a v-shape, revealing even more of the soft skin of azzi’s pelvis. there was another small bow in the center of the lacy material, and paige honestly just wanted to die.
if she could have it her way, she would kiss azzi from the swell of her knee to the apex of her thighs. she’d touch her skin and hold her ass and bury her face between her legs until azzi was dripping down her tongue, ripping off the lingerie and fucking her until she forgot all about dumbass garrett. unfortunately, paige had too good of a conscience to do that, but she couldn’t stop herself from resting her forehead against azzi’s hip and closing her eyes, taking a deep breath to regain control. 
god, the way just some fucking pieces of fabric made her feel. she clenched her jaw, squaring her shoulders, and resolved to finish the job. pulling back, she hazarded a glance upwards; she expected azzi to be looking down at her with an unamused eyebrow raised, but azzi’s chest was rising and falling and her eyes were locked on the skin where paige’s forehead had just been. everything in paige screamed to press a kiss to the area, to take the fabric between her teeth and pull, but she stopped herself.
she trailed her fingers down to a clasp, threading it through the lace on the top of the fishnet and fastening it securely. she adjusted the length, looking back up at azzi. 
“too loose?” she muttered, trying to ignore azzi’s parted lips and stiff shoulders. 
“no, perfect.”
paige nodded, moving to the other side and doing the same. once it was fastened, she breathed a deep sigh of relief and stood up. well, thank god that was over. she brushed her hands together, already trying to plan whatever stupid words were about to come out of her mouth as she walked out of the room and sent azzi away. 
“the back,” azzi interrupted her thought process, turning around. 
god was testing her. god had personally sent down the world’s hardest challenge and was hell-bent on making her suffer. god had started the day out by wondering what he could do to make paige specifically lose her sanity. 
of course, there were two more straps to fasten in the back. of course, the bottoms back there were really just a glorified string. of course, they formed a small triangle at the small of her back with another heart charm. of course, that led directly into a g-string. of course, that meant that azzi’s entire, glorious ass was on display, and paige had to kneel back down to finish the job. 
tears formed in her eyes. this was a joke. this was a joke. this was a dream or a joke or someone was going to pop out with a camera at any second. she paused for a couple of seconds, glancing around to see if any of her teammates were hiding in the closet. nobody. she looked up, searching for any hidden cameras. nothing. 
“hello?” azzi called out, turning her neck to look at paige. paige flushed, tugging at her collar, and immediately fell to her knees again. she hit the floor with a thunk, registering distantly that she’d probably find a bruise or two later. 
the remaining straps hung off to the side. both of her hands shot up awkwardly, palms hovering over azzi’s ass as she tried to decide which side to fasten first. with the strength of a thousand men, she tore her eyes away from the g-string and moved to the right. she swore to god her fingers were trembling as she clasped the string and adjusted it. it was not her fault she was an ass guy. 
the amount of smooth skin in her face was just unfair, all of azzi’s curves not just highlighted but fucking, like, bolded and underlined and in size 150 font. she’d definitely just showered and moisturized before this, a sweet minty scent radiating off of her, and paige shook her head, trying to regain her sanity. 
that is, until azzi’s phone buzzed from a dresser beside the mirror and azzi bent down to pick it up, pushing her ass right into paige’s face.
“az–” she tried to protest, choking as her lips brushed the skin of azzi’s behind. her hands flew up to stop the contact from being made, and she suddenly realized that she was gripping the entirety of azzi’s ass. 
azzi tensed. “paige, what are you–” 
“you practically just sat on my face–”
“did not!”
“i was practically eating your ass–”
“were not!”
“azzi, you literally shoved your ass into my fuckin’ face,” paige argued, hands unconsciously squeezing azzi’s ass to demonstrate her point. 
azzi gasped. well– no, paige was trying to be nice, azzi moaned, but she was trying really hard to ignore that. 
paige shot to her feet. in her hurry, though, her hands remained frozen on azzi’s backside, so now she was just pressed into azzi’s back while she gripped her ass. she jolted, throwing her hands up like she was getting interrogated by a cop, and took a huge step backwards. 
unfortunately, the bed was directly behind her, and she whacked her ankle on the bedframe and tumbled into the bed. 
“paige!” azzi whirled around, dropping her phone as her hands reached out as if to stop paige, who had already fallen, from falling. her phone landed on her toes with a thump, and she hissed in pain and drew her foot up, rendering her off balance until she, too, came crashing down onto the bed. 
the entirety of azzi’s scantily-clad body was now pressed into paige, tits in her face, and paige released a strangled noise that she wasn’t sure she could ever admit to making. half of her screamed to shove azzi off, to scramble and pretend like none of this had happened, and the other half of her pleaded to kiss azzi senseless and run her hands over every bit of skin she could find. 
paige thought about it for all of two seconds before it hit her. why do anything? she was done inviting in negative energy, man. whatever at this point. things really couldn’t get much worse. 
she sighed, laying her head back on azzi’s pillows and accepting her fate. 
“shit, p, i’m so sorry,” azzi was already rambling, but paige waved her off. 
“no worries,” she shrugged, “your toes ok?”
azzi rolled off of her, facing her on her side. if paige hadn’t already given up on everything good and holy, she might have had a panic attack at the way this angled her chest, but she was blissfully free. “yeah, is your leg?”
“ankle,” paige corrected, “it’s good. you can kiss it better if you want.”
azzi scrunched up her nose, shoving at paige’s shoulder. “ew, no. i’m not putting my mouth near your fucking feet.”
paige hummed. “i know somewhere better you can put–”
“paige, you can’t say things like that,” azzi shoved her again.
“garrett gonna get mad?”
“what? i– no,” azzi blinked, confused, “i just mean, you can’t,” she huffed, flushing, “it’s so– ugh.”
paige rolled onto her side so that they were face to face in the sheets. she let her hand cradle azzi’s waist, thumb tracing soft circles on top of the garter belt. they sat in silence for a moment more, observing each other quietly. 
azzi’s hair, that had been gelled to hold her natural curls, was smushed against the comforter. a few pieces from the other side spilled into her face, and paige tucked them behind her ear with a soft touch. 
figuring that she had nothing left to lose, paige let her eyes trail down azzi’s body one more time. from the bows on her chest to the fishnets on her feet, she was nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous. 
“you really gonna let him fuck you tonight?” paige muttered, regretting the words as soon as they escaped her mouth. 
azzi looked surprised. “i–”
“he doesn’t deserve to see you like this.”
azzi inhaled sharply. “paige.”
“c’mon, azzi, look at you,” she confessed, “you’re a fuckin’ dream.”
“i mean, i wouldn’t–”
“if it were me, i woulda asked you out proper. real nice. taken you out to dinner. treated you right,” paige didn’t know why she said it, mouth moving faster than her brain could keep up. 
azzi sat up, eyes wide and a bit desperate. “so why didn’t you?” she asked, eyes boring into paige’s. 
paige almost laughed. 
“azzi, i’ve been tryna ask you out for four years.”
the truth hung heavy in between them, expanding to fill the prolonged silence.
“what?” azzi snapped. “i thought maybe, in quarantine, but then– the art museum, and the letters– those were you?”
paige shrugged. “yep.”
“oh, fuck you,” azzi hissed. she leaned forward, cupping paige’s jaw, and pulled her into a searing kiss. 
the world flipped upside down. paige was instantly dizzy with it, unable to register a single thing in her periphery except for lips, mouth, kiss, they were kissing, jesus fucking christ they were kissing. 
paige had been working towards this moment for longer than she could remember, and yet– oh god. she was going to black out. 
her lips moved fervently against azzi’s, registering their softness, their warmth. every one of her senses cranked to one hundred, dialed into every last bit of azzi. there really wasn’t anything to talk about; it had been four years of stolen glances and unwarranted jealousy and drawn-out touches, four years of endless pining and deflecting questions and nighttime fantasies that culminated in this moment, this kiss. okay, so maybe there was a lot to talk about. sue her. unimportant. 
“az,” she breathed, “i–” 
azzi cut her off with another kiss, hard, and she gave up on talking. azzi was leaned over her, hands still on her face, and paige gripped the smooth skin of her hips and lifted her so that she was straddling paige’s waist. 
azzi groaned, a little crazy, against her mouth, and her grip on paige’s face tightened. her thighs squeezed paige’s hips as she continued to lean forward, the pressure only making the moment more intense as paige’s hands gripped her upper leg. 
paige tested the waters, letting her teeth graze azzi’s bottom lip. azzi breathed heavily in response, her hands slipping from paige’s jaw to the side of her head, sliding out to meet paige’s wrists and drag them above her head. she shifted backwards slightly in the process to maintain her balance, and paige sucked in a breath at the pressure. 
it was kind of fucked up, paige thought, that there was so much that she wanted to touch and azzi was holding her back from it. yet when azzi intertwined her fingers with paige’s, and paige felt her heart beat heavily in her chest, she couldn’t find it in herself to care. she gently nudged azzi’s lips away from her, drinking in the way that the woman looked above her. 
there was something in azzi’s eyes that made paige halt. it was an expression that paige knew well– one she’d seen her make only once before, on a drunken night of cuddling and hands roaming, and had fantasized about ever since. it had haunted paige, appearing in her dreams, and now that it was real, above her, beautiful– 
impatient, azzi kissed her again. the way she was leaning into paige was maddening; the bows on her chest slid against paige’s own nipples, and the weight of her on paige’s hips started a low trickle of pleasure that dripped from her heartbeat through her gut and into her core. 
paige couldn’t wait to touch, for her hands to find every last bit of skin, to strip azzi of the lingerie and consume her whole. as azzi’s tongue found her own and they kissed languidly, the wet, dirty sounds made paige’s brain focus on something else.
continuing the kiss, breathing heavily as they continued to make out, it wouldn’t leave her head. azzi crawling up her body, settling on her mouth, suffocating her as she fucked herself into paige’s mouth– paige groaned into the kiss. she wanted it. she wanted it so bad that it burned within her chest, lips twitching as her back arched up off the bedsheets. 
picking up on paige’s neediness, azzi pulled back. she wore a smile that paige didn’t often let her make, one that said i’ve got you right where i want you, and for once paige couldn’t be bothered to fight and wipe it off of her lips. 
“what?” azzi whispered, eyes sparkling as she looked directly into paige’s. the proximity of their faces made azzi’s eyes appear so large, beautiful and teasing, and paige lost her breath for a moment. “what do you want, p?”
paige stared up at her for another moment. at her hesitation, azzi tucked her face into paige’s neck, trailing her nose up the line of paige’s jaw and pressing a soft kiss at the bottom of her ear. 
“c’mon,” she encouraged softly, breath lingering near paige’s ear. “you can tell me, i promise.”
well. paige was wet. 
her mouth fell slightly open, tilting her head up so that azzi had more access to her neck. she practiced the words in her head a couple times so that they wouldn’t come out choked and unsexy, then cleared her throat. 
“want you to sit on my face,” she confessed, and the air in the room seemed to still as azzi froze. 
the brunette pulled back, a wicked grin splitting across her face. “oh, i’m sure you do,” she murmured. “yeah?”
“yeah,” paige nodded eagerly, “wanna taste you.”
“mmm,” azzi hummed, eyelids lowering as she drank in the look on paige’s face. “bet you do. look at you. bet you’ve been thinking about this forever.”
“yeah,” paige repeated, shifting up her hips to nudge azzi forwards, up.
azzi, for her part, looked surprised that paige had admitted it, eyes widening slightly. it didn’t faze her, though, as she slowly lifted her abdomen and shifted herself up paige’s body so that she was hovering over her chest. 
she was so close, and paige could barely register how ragged her own breath was becoming. it was the culmination of everything she’d ever wanted, and she ached with the need to pleasure the other woman. 
“c’mon, az,” she mumbled, trying to break her hands free to shift azzi up the rest of the way. 
azzi let one of her hands go, and a wave of relief crashed through paige as she used it to grip azzi’s ass and pull. unfortunately, azzi’s hand was also free, and she slapped it over paige’s mouth. 
“mmmpf,” paige protested. how was she supposed to eat azzi out if she had no mouth?
the brunette rolled her eyes. “i haven’t done this before,” she admitted quietly, “don’t want to crush you.”
paige softened, and azzi freed her mouth. “don’t worry, mami. i’ll tap you if i can’t breathe or if it hurts, okay?” she gently reassured her, free hand thumbing soothing circles on azzi’s ass. 
azzi still hesitated, but it was obvious how much she wanted it. her pupils were already blown out, jaw clenching. she dropped her hand to paige’s mouth, tracing the jut of her bottom lip, eyes intent on it. paige tried to steady her breathing as azzi’s thumb slid down, softly tugging her lip outwards. 
it was tender in a way that made paige’s chest warm and her head quiet. paige’s eyes locked on azzi’s, which hyperfocused on the point of contact. the intimacy of it made paige’s mouth fall slightly open; azzi repeated the motion, letting paige’s lip fall back against her teeth before slipping her thumb into the space where paige’s lips were parted. with anyone else, paige would have felt ridiculous, but the way that azzi was admiring her, eyes dark and hooded, breathing heavy as she looked down at paige, made her open her mouth a little further. 
kissing- sure. making out- fine. but the unexpected way that azzi was touching her like every inch of paige’s body was already hers, like she could say the word and paige would fold for her, like she could do anything she wanted and paige would fucking melt into whatever shape she wanted– god. mockingly, she heard evina’s words echoing in her head– she’d do anything on command. 
azzi’s thumb pushed past her lips, grazing the tip of paige’s teeth. the sensation was new, and paige’s breath caught in her throat. azzi gently pressed down, opening paige’s jaw wider, and the part of her thumb that was still resting on paige’s bottom lip tugged it outwards again, slightly wet. 
paige was still looking up at her, mouth open and pliant, heart pounding in her chest. carefully, azzi skimmed her nail over the ridges of paige’s upper teeth. the soft clicking sound filled paige’s head, intensifying as azzi moved to her lower jaw. her thumb slid to paige’s canine, nail prodding at the sharp edge then pad pressing into it. 
the finger traced from one side to the other, brushing against paige’s top lip. before paige knew it, she was closing her lips around it, enveloping the tip in her mouth. 
azzi’s breath hitched. slowly, delicately, she moved her thumb further inside paige’s mouth, brushing her tongue. surprised at the contact, she pulled back slightly, thumb back to pressing on paige’s bottom lip. 
before she could think better of it, paige opened her mouth slightly and moved forward, letting her eyes fall shut as she took all of azzi’s finger into her mouth. azzi breathed heavily, watching paige’s tongue meet her thumb, feeling it drag across her skin. it was warm, wet, achingly tender and soft. 
paige continued tonguing the sensitive skin, aware of azzi’s eyes on her. she closed her lips over the finger again, this time sucking it deeper into her mouth. azzi twitched, forcing herself to look at the ceiling, as there was no mistake what paige was mimicking. softly, she pulled the finger back, but paige chased it, running her tongue along the pad of her finger. finally, she let go, azzi’s wet thumb again dragging on her bottom lip again and then releasing. 
inhaling shakily, azzi’s hands balanced her against the mattress as she finally inched up. her heat hovered a few inches above paige’s mouth; feeling the warmth suddenly surrounding her jaw, paige opened her eyes again. 
she promptly closed them, a zealous surge of emotion tearing through her at the sight. the red lace on the edge of the fishnets caged her face in, the thin panty so fucking sheer in front of her face. the vast expanse of azzi’s skin, accentuated by the garter belt and leading into the exposed underboob, made paige let out a choked noise. just the idea of azzi looking down at her like that had her boxers feeling significantly more liquid. 
gathering herself, she took a deep breath and looked up. “can i?” she asked, gaze locked on azzi. 
azzi bit her lip and nodded. wasting no time, paige reached up and let her hands span the width of azzi’s ass, squeezing as she pulled her in. the second her lips made contact with the fabric, they both groaned. paige kissed it, open-mouthed and sloppy, letting her mouth dampen the fabric near azzi’s clit. 
she dragged her tongue over the area, flattening it and pressing down, and azzi gasped. she continued like that for a time, teasing messily, and then slid her tongue down to where the panty covered azzi’s entrance. 
oh, fuck. azzi was soaking wet, the fabric sticking to her, and paige’s head spun as she licked a broad stripe from there up to her clit. azzi’s thighs clenched minutely, and she released a breathy sigh. 
paige repeated the motion a few times before sliding a hand up the back of the brunette’s thigh to the edge of the panty, pulling the fabric to the side. azzi mewled at the feeling of being exposed, thighs trembling. 
paige wasted no time diving back in, tonguing between her folds and up to her clit. using the tip of her tongue, she flicked over the sensitive area once, twice, repeating until a cry fell from azzi’s lips. she flattened her tongue, pressing into it harder, dragging the roughness of her taste buds against the slick skin. 
gasping, one of azzi’s hands shot up to play with her chest. glancing upwards quickly, paige distractedly reached up to move azzi’s other hand towards her chest as well, encouraging her to touch herself fully. 
azzi rocked down slightly, and paige slid into azzi’s entrance, slick muscle on muscle. 
“oh, fuck,” azzi whined, throwing her head back. paige gripped her hips to keep them still as she curled her tongue, slipping out and thrusting back in repeatedly, mind empty of anything except please her. 
the feeling of her arousal on her tongue, her taste, and the burning heat of it had paige clenching her own thighs together. azzi reached forward to grab the headboard, leaning down slightly, and suddenly the entire lower half of paige’s face was consumed by her. paige continued, never one to back down, and ignored the fire in her chest as her lungs burned for air. 
she could die like this, she thought, being suffocated by azzi. it would be a pretty pleasant death, much better than the way she had been considering blowing her brains out earlier. never kill yourself, kids, she thought to herself. life always gets better.
she continued fucking azzi with her tongue, tensing to hit deeper, harder, better, and the moans spilling from azzi’s lips as she kneaded her chest were downright sinful. 
“so fucking good, so fucking good,” azzi babbled, “oh, god.”
blindly, paige fumbled with the strings on the back of the panties. she was about to tell azzi to shift so that she could rip them off, but suddenly a sharp ding rang out through the room. 
she flinched, and azzi craned her neck to see her phone, laying on the floor. they both laughed a little, ignoring the sound. paige moved back up to put her mouth back to azzi’s heat, but another two dings cut through the air. 
paige groaned, resting her head back against the bedsheets. 
“who is it?” she mumbled, resting her eyes. 
she felt azzi shift, leaning backwards to see the phone. “i don’t think you want to know,” she replied breathlessly.
“i’ll kill him,” paige muttered, “never want to hear his stupid name again.”
“call from– garrett,” azzi’s phone announced, and paige cursed loudly. 
azzi ignored it for a second, but the insistent noise was less than sexy. she sighed, moving to lean off the bed and pick up the phone. paige, figuring that she was going to decline it, tugged her back in by her garter, once again pulling her panties to the side and pressing a messy kiss to her clit. 
azzi’s eyes widened, and she choked back a sound as garrett’s voice filled the room. 
“yo,” the man greeted, “you coming?”
paige honest-to-god growled in annoyance. yes, garrett, she would be coming. on paige’s mouth. not anywhere near his unwashed ass. 
“what was that?” garrett asked, confused, and paige busied her tongue back inside of azzi to keep herself from swearing. 
“uh,” azzi gasped, “my stomach. it’s getting kind of late, i’m, um,” paige timed a particularly deep thrust into her, “hungry.”
“you tryna pick something up on the way?”
paige’s nails dug into azzi’s thighs at the mere notion that azzi would be expected to do a thing for this man on valentine’s day. azzi quickly muted, letting a long-drawn out moan. 
“hello?” garrett questioned. 
hastily, azzi unmuted. “um, no, don’t think so.”
“alright,” the man responded, and there was a bout of silence. paige took advantage of the moment to lap back up to azzi’s clit, repeating the motion like it was her life’s mission. she didn’t want to think about garrett for a millisecond, so she continued eating azzi out with no regard for how loud the sounds were. 
“look, i actually don’t know if–”
“you cancelling on me?” garrett interrupted, annoyed. 
paige’s eyebrow twitched. this cunt couldn’t be polite for one second, could he? she sucked azzi’s clit into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, and azzi slapped a hand over her mouth and keened. 
“i,” the brunette said, voice a little rough and high pitched, “yeah, i thought about it, but i decided to stay ho-”
“come on, azzi,” garrett scoffed, “i made sure my roommates would be gone so you could come over. just come.”
paige shook her head back and forth in response to the man, and the movement on azzi’s clit had her scrambling to mute before she let out a loud moan and a fuuuck.
“i–” she tried to say into the phone after a second, but he interrupted her once again. 
he didn’t get the chance to talk for long, though, because paige reached up, snatching the phone right out of azzi’s hand. azzi tried to make a grab for it, eyes widening, but paige detached her lips from azzi’s heat and was already talking. 
“she changed her mind,” she spat into the receiver, voice low and raspy, “get over it.”
before he could respond, she hung up and pressed down on the off button, sliding it into shutdown mode and throwing it across the room. 
azzi hissed as she reattached to her clit, circling her tongue around and pressing down hard. 
“god, that was so hot,” the brunette breathed. 
paige’s raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond, completely refocused on her efforts. with the distraction out of the way, she went back to tonguing from azzi’s hole to her clit, speeding up her pace until her jaw started to get sore. 
azzi’s breaths turned into short groans, intensifying in sound the longer paige continued. 
“oh, god,” azzi moaned, “just like that, yeah. so good.”
paige plunged her tongue into azzi, and the brunette’s thighs tightened around her head. the lace of the lingerie brushed paige’s ears and jaw, and paige was reminded of how fucking hot azzi was as she looked up at azzi’s body above her. 
head thrown back, hands back to playing with her tits, azzi was fucking herself down into paige’s mouth and grinding on her face. her wetness dripped from paige’s mouth, and paige swore to god that she could feel it on her neck. 
one final time, paige moved back to her clit. she licked it softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the sensitive skin. 
“so fuckin’ pretty,” she mumbled, lips glistening with azzi’s precome. “never seen anything like you, az.”
azzi couldn’t look at her, overwhelmed. her thighs trembled. 
she leaned forward again, and paige kneaded her ass. her mouth fell open in a gasp. “stop, fuck, i’ll cum.” she finally looked at paige. 
“i want you to cum,” paige whispered, but she let azzi pin her hands above her head again. a chant of whatever she wants echoed in her mind. she kissed azzi’s heat again. “god, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.”
azzi exhaled, relaxing. “paige,” she managed. 
paige lazily looked up from where she was still pressing kisses to azzi’s clit. she raised an eyebrow, slipping her tongue out to lick in quick, gentle strokes.
“i’m gonna cum,” azzi breathed. 
“from this?” paige laughed quietly.
unashamed, azzi squeezed her eyes shut and nodded her head. 
“so fuckin’ sensitive,” paige mumbled appreciatively. “gonna come on my mouth?”
“mmm,” azzi whined, rocking her hips down. 
“wanna see it so bad,” paige flattened her tongue against azzi. she continued stroking her softly, giving her just enough stimulation to ride the edge. 
“paige,” azzi warned in a gasp. her hands gripped the headboard so hard her knuckles turned white. 
“c’mon, mami, give it to me,” paige murmured, hovering away for a moment. azzi whimpered, clit twitching, and paige watched her wait for more stimulation. 
when azzi looked back down, paige resumed her gentle ministrations, and azzi’s hips jerked at the slightest touch. 
“oh, please,” azzi begged, breathless. “please, please, please.”
paige sucked azzi’s clit into her mouth again, teeth gently scraping and tongue intently swirling as she moved her head back and forth, and all of her senses suddenly went black as azzi slammed her thighs shut and came with a loud cry, cunt pulsating on paige’s tongue.
“oh, paige,” azzi moaned, uncaring of her volume, and paige’s heart squeezed at the sound of her name falling off of azzi’s lips. she kissed her through it, wishing her hands were free so she could stroke azzi’s skin, thinking about how nice it was to have everything around her be azzi.
the aftershocks were strong, azzi weak and collapsed against the headboard, catching her breath each time it hitched. paige smiled, feeling like every one of her life goals had just been accomplished. with a groan, azzi rolled off of her, bonelessly landing next to her in the bed. 
“pretty good, huh?” paige smirked, and azzi smacked her weakly in the face. 
“shut up.”
“make me,” paige challenged. azzi rolled her eyes, but willingly took the bait, leaning in to kiss her. as their lips moved together gently, paige took the time to thank whatever heavenly power had been looking out for her. everybody wanted to know what i would do if i didn’t win, she thought. i guess we’ll never know. 
that had single handedly been the hottest thing that paige had ever experienced in her entire life, and she sent a premature apology to her right hand for the amount of use that that memory would get in the future. azzi looking down at her through the valley of her chest, fucking herself into paige’s face, coming so hard she completely disregarded paige’s need for air– phenomenal. no notes. 
paige was ripped out of her reverie by azzi’s hands roaming along her arms to her waist and the bottom of her shirt. 
smiling into the kiss, azzi tugged at the fabric, signaling that she wanted it off. “your turn,” she whispered teasingly. 
rolling her eyes, paige sat up and stripped off her shirt, leaving her in a plain tan bra that she’d probably owned since seventh grade and her cross necklace. she felt a little stupid laying next to azzi, who somehow still looked like jesus had come to earth, and felt even stupider when azzi’s fingers played with her waistband and she gave her a big brown-eyed look, and she reluctantly shimmied out of her sweats. 
pleased, azzi shot her a grin. the brunette leaned back in to kiss her, pushing her onto her back. she kept the kiss slow, intense, slipping her tongue along the seam of paige’s lips and into her mouth. 
while paige’s focus was on that, she took the opportunity to trail her fingers across paige’s chest. she squeezed through the fabric of the bra, the friction not enough yet so fucking sweet, and paige sighed into her mouth. 
paige loved to be teased, and often had been in the past. she let people do whatever they wanted to her, taking their time and enjoying themselves; it was fucking hot, watching them get turned on just by pleasing her. but this, with azzi– she was impatient. 
the touch on her chest felt good, great, even, but wasn’t enough. she was hot beyond belief, already pooling and sensitive in her boxers, and tightening her own muscles couldn’t give her the relief that her whole body was craving. 
“az,” she pleaded in a whisper, lips barely separated from azzi’s. the way that azzi’s full lips felt on her own, the way they consumed her–
azzi laughed. “want more already?”
“shut up, bro,” paige groaned weakly. “look at you.”
azzi hummed into her mouth, pleased. paige suddenly felt the need to keep complimenting her, keep pleasing her, like a floodgate had opened in her brain because she finally had her. 
“you’re gorgeous,” she mumbled between kisses, “c’mon. how could i not want you?”
she felt the curve of azzi’s lips turn up, and her chest warmed. “prettiest girl i’ve ever known,” she promised. “beautiful.”
it wasn’t just azzi’s looks that she was talking about, either, and she tried to convey that in every kiss. she was so tenderhearted, the way she learned sign language to say hi to kids in high school, the way she gave fans gifts in return. so loving, the way she cared for her brothers, the way she knew each of their teammates’ quirks like the back of her hand. so funny, with her quick-witted jabs at paige and her outlandish facial expressions, and so talented– ambidextrous at basketball by the age of seven, and the best shooter paige had ever met.
azzi was just that. beautiful. every inch of her. 
the brunette’s hand slipped down paige’s stomach, causing her muscles to clench. the ache in her heart, the touch on her skin, the kiss on her lips. she burned for azzi. hot. wet. she let their tongues meet, let the sound of it fill the room. 
azzi played with her waistband, dipped her fingers under the fabric. paige gasped into her mouth. “please.”
her fingers slid a little further, underneath but not where paige wanted it. she edged her fingers to the nail, scraping back up and out. paige’s stomach twitched, and she kissed azzi a little harder, encouraging, pleading. 
azzi complied, moving back under. she traced up and down, from one hip bone to the other, and the touch being so near to paige’s heat quickened her breath and had her pulse pounding in her throat. 
slowly, featherlight, the soft tip of her middle finger travelled further south. she brushed over paige’s clit, making her choke on air, and moved past it to her slick folds, her warm entrance. 
paige knew how wet she was. how it clung to her inner thighs, dripped through her boxers. but azzi stuttered. 
“jesus,” azzi whispered. 
“all for you,” paige replied, breath strangled. 
azzi made a choked sound, pressing their lips back together harder, more desperate, teeth scraping painfully against paige’s lips. in that movement, she pushed the tip of her finger inside, and paige’s back arched off the bed and she moaned. 
she shallowly fucked the finger in and out, each time going slightly deeper. paige’s breathing became more and more uneven, releasing soft sounds into azzi’s mouth. 
“feel good?” azzi murmured. paige nodded eagerly in response. 
“so good, baby.”
paige didn’t even have to work on relaxing herself; her body melded itself to azzi’s touch, ready for it and pleasured like nobody had ever made her feel before. every drag of azzi’s finger against her walls, every bit of pressure, every thrust inside, stretched her out just right. she let the feeling build, quicker than it should have, rising like the swell of a wave within her gut. 
somehow, reading paige’s mind, azzi slipped her finger back up to paige’s clit, coating it in arousal. paige released a sound she’d definitely never made before, something between an embarrassing whine and a groan, and bit down on azzi’s lip. 
azzi gasped, pulling away, and paige looked at her blown-out pupils. with a jolt, she realized how little of azzi she’d actually gotten to touch. that was not fucking fair. she let her eyes travel down azzi’s body once more, greedily drinking in the sight of her on her back. 
as azzi continued to stroke circles around her clit, paige couldn’t stop herself from reaching her own hand over and touching azzi’s chest. azzi breathed out heavily. 
“c’mon, mami,” paige mumbled, kissed her, “i did all the work and i haven’t gotten to see it off yet.”
azzi rolled her eyes, but she was biting her lip. she attempted to look nonchalant as she nodded towards her chest, giving paige the go ahead, but her want was poorly concealed. 
instantly, paige’s nimble fingers were pulling the ribbons on her chest, knots tumbling open and leaving her chest fully exposed. paige felt herself throb at the sight, so hard that she was sure azzi could feel it through her fingers. 
her tits looked fucking perfect, nipples hard and peaked, and paige’s eyes darkened. she had never been so thankful for her large hands as when she squeezed one, thumb running over the center, and azzi moaned. her pace on paige stuttered. 
the sound was addicting, and paige couldn’t stop herself from continuing. she played with azzi’s nipples, squeezing and running her hands along the swell and valley of her chest, and let her hands travel even lower. she skimmed her fingers along her ribs, the garter belt, her hips, the damp waistline of her panties. 
she hovered there for a few minutes, letting azzi continue to work her up, reveling in the feeling. the sound of her quiet panting filled the room.
slowly, she leaned back in to kiss azzi, using the distraction to slip her finger underneath the lingerie. azzi gasped as her fingers sought the skin right above her clit, unmoving. 
honestly, paige wasn’t sure if azzi wanted to go again, could go again. all paige knew was how badly she wanted to make her feel good, how she just wanted to have her, bare and beautiful just for her to see. she didn’t move her fingers, hovering in wait.
azzi rested her forehead to paige’s, breathing out shakily. slowly, she removed her dominant hand from paige’s boxers. she drew it back to herself, to the hollow of her thighs, and closed her eyes as she gently guided paige’s fingers back to her clit. 
she hissed at the contact, sliding the hand that was closer to paige back down into paige’s underwear. paige found herself suddenly grateful that azzi was functionally ambidextrous, at least in all the areas that mattered to her personally. 
they lay there a moment, each with an arm across the other. then they started kissing again, and their fingers started moving, and it was so hot that the both of them moaned into each other’s mouths, trembling, stroking circles and pressing into each other in a way that left both of them spellbound. 
it was sweet. it was tender. it was so much, all at once, and it was filthy. 
both of them getting off at once, touching and feeding off of each other’s sounds and movements, an endless cycle of pleasure– it was all-consuming. it was dirty. it was erotic, pornographic, sensual. it was four years’ worth of love spilling out of their lips, their hips, their fingertips. it was everything.
paige felt like it was her first time all over again, all desperation and messiness and sensitivity, and she panted into azzi’s mouth. azzi was no better, barely muffling her whimpers, and as paige adjusted her angle, she tensed. 
“fuck, right there,” azzi breathed, back arching off the bed. 
“yeah?” paige rasped. the words went straight to her gut, and the magnetic pull of arousal mounted quickly within her. 
“don’t stop,” azzi pleaded, eyes squeezing shut. her fingers on paige sped up, adding more pressure, and paige’s own eyes rolled back in her head. 
“god, you’re so good f’me, baby,” she choked out, and azzi canted her hips up off the bed in desperation. “so fuckin’ good, pretty.”
azzi pressed a wild kiss to her lips. “paige,” she cried. 
hearing her name get called like that, combined with azzi’s reckless touching, slammed into paige like a truck. “gonna cum,” was all she could manage, and azzi let out a high-pitched moan in response and nodded fast, eagerly encouraging her. 
ensuring to keep her fingers moving on azzi, right at the spot she liked, paige fell off the edge and came. her breath punched out of her in a strangled sound, and it washed over her so powerfully that her free hand gripped the mattress hard enough to hurt. 
“shiiiit,” she drew out.
as she rode out the orgasm, azzi’s noises increased in intensity, brown eyes drinking in the sight of paige coming undone. thoughtlessly, paige reached over and squeezed her nipple, and that was all it took for azzi to cum again. 
she came with a throttled gasp, tensing. she was more sensitive this time, and if the way her hips shot up off the bed was any indication, it hit her fast and hard. her entire body shook, clenching with each dulling wave, and paige rolled to her side and captured her lips in hers once more. 
they both calmed down, hands slowly sliding to more comfortable positions. as paige caught her breath, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling like an idiot. 
azzi kissed her teeth then raised an eyebrow, pulling back. “what?”
paige shrugged, staring into her eyes. “i ruined your date.”
“thank god,” azzi breathed. “he was a piece of shit.”
“so why the fuck–”
azzi blushed, rushing to interrupt her. “not important.”
“i mean, it’s kind of my business now.”
azzi blew a stray curl out of her forehead, sighing. “you hadn’t asked me yet.”
“technically, i’d asked you three times, but–”
“paige, i didn’t know.”
“it was pretty obvious, i’m not gonna lie. everyone’s been clowning me for years at this point,” paige admitted with a grin. 
“yeah– well,” azzi stuttered, “i didn’t want to assume anything.”
paige rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t upset. she kissed azzi’s cheek, and they melted into a quiet silence. 
azzi trailed her fingers up paige’s back, and paige pressed chaste kisses to her jawline. suddenly, paige remembered something. 
“hey, you said you already had this. when’d you buy it?” she asked, pointing at the loose lingerie. 
azzi flushed again. “not important.”
“last year,” azzi reluctantly admitted, avoiding eye contact.
“not important.”
“just, you know, at a time,” azzi hedged. “earlier in the year at some point.”
“like february?”
“who’d you buy it for?” paige pressed. 
“you’re lying.”
“i’m not a liar!”
“look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t buy them for me to see,” paige challenged, smirking. 
azzi huffed, reluctantly looking at her. she tried to keep a straight face, all wide eyes and faux innocence. “i did not–”
paige burst out laughing.
“paige!” azzi groaned. 
“you’re such a fucking liar. just admit it, bro.”
“don’t bro me,” azzi scolded. “fine. i bought them before last valentine’s day.”
“and you bought them for?”
“you know i bought them for you, why do i have to say it? yeah, i thought maybe you’d finally get your shit together and ask me out, so i went out and i bought it. is that it? is that what you wanted to hear?” azzi hissed, eyebrows narrowed. 
paige grinned. “oooh, you wanted me so bad, huh.”
“no, you’re an asshole,” azzi muttered, rolling her eyes.
paige grinned. “yep.”
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d1azzifuddglazer · 27 days ago
Someone hold me back.
petition to bring back the pony or a bun I beg
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I love the braids but her hair up is so fye
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
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Ugh basketball gfs 🥰
Paige definitely was talking her up. Pulled her in and looked at her in her eye and told her she got this and azzi just smiling lol
Sidenote paige and her hooper walk 🙂‍↕️
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
Pazzi deniers will see this and still make up some lame ahh excuse 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ they’re so in love
the way they cut to azzi brooo im so done
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
hi fatty
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
Oh I’m sick.
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
Azzi Jazlyn Fudd… where do I start….
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
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This dumb ahh clip circulating again… wait until they find out about comphet😱😱😱
Why do these delusional TikTok fans want her to be straight SOOO BAD
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d1azzifuddglazer · 1 month ago
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how do both of them keep getting fucking hotter? jesus fucking christ-
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