czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Picture Poetry
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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My Bucket List
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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VIP Poster
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Graphical Inventory
My strengths are that I am generous, I help others out, I stay calm and not become angry right away when things go down hill, and I am determined to become successful despite the challenges that I will face. I placed them all in a heart because my strengths are some of the factors that will show how big my heart is and how happy it will be when I do good things. 
Despite having these strengths, my mind overthinks many things that are going on in my life. It tells me that I am not good enough. Overthinking makes me think negatively. Sometimes, this weakness makes me just wanna lose hope, but I always remind myself that I should follow my heart. When I do, everything is gonna be alright.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Human Pictogram
Leaves would symbolize humanity. Each leaf is different and grows on a different rate. When a wind blows, leaves just go where it takes them whether it’s in a bad or a good place. We, humans are unique in our own way and grow differently because of our environment, style, beliefs, etc. The wind represents things that influence us. Humans usually go with the flow and end up either in a good or bad situation. 
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
Who am I?
“Who am I?” is a question that still confuses me up to this day. At first, it seems like a simple question but then I realized that searching the answer involves critical pondering. Maybe, one of the main goals in life is to know who you truly are. Each day in our lives gradually gives us answers without us realizing it. God put me here because He has given me a purpose. I am a human being who is also composed of cells and body parts, just like other people. When I meet new people who don’t know me and ask who I am, I simply answer by my name. The answer to this question is not only answerable by my name, but rather a mix of how people define me, how I act, my perspective on things, among others.
 So far, I can answer based on my personality or how I see myself. I am a person who loves to travel and appreciate the beauty of the places I go to. People say that I am a shy person who has so much potential if I go out of my comfort zone. I am a person who lacks confidence but tries to gain it. Each day, I try to make myself become a better person in terms of my personality even if it’s challenging. Watching my favorite TV series and movies make me take a break from the daily challenges I face. I care for the people I love.
I am a person who still does not know what I want to become in the future. These are just some traits that build up the answer to the question. I am a person who does not truly know myself that I still don’t know what the appropriate answer to this question is. Someday, I would know how to address this and truly know myself beyond how others see me and how I act.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Cell Group 4′s Guidelines on Becoming a Better Groupmate 
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
Reflection 4: Habit Tracker
What are the most challenging and most enjoyable parts?
The most challenging parts of doing the activity were trying to remember what I needed to accomplish in my habit tracker. These past few weeks, I have been really stressed because of the workload and other personal matters. I have been forgetful of the activities that I needed to accomplish in my habit tracker because I had a lot in mind. The most enjoyable parts on the other hand were designing my habit tracker and having a feeling of relief when ticking something off when an activity has been accomplished. Designing my habit tracker was enjoyable because it helped me somehow be creative.
What are the changes you have noticed about yourself, especially on your emotions and reactions on challenging events? What practices will you continue in your routine?
I noticed that I have been less stressed and more relaxed when I did the activities. When I feel stressed, I tend to get easily annoyed with some people even if there is nothing wrong with them. I have noticed that this attitude of mine has lessened when I observed the activities in my habit tracker. I will continue to keep myself hydrated, I will never skip meals, and I will remind myself to rest when I feel stressed. This way, I could take care of myself on a daily basis.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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My Habit Tracker
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Based on what I have heard from others, being calm, understanding, loyal, polite, kind, and hardworking are some of my positive traits. Aside from these, I also want to be more confident, expressive, and artistic, not to mention braver and more focused. 
 This mandala symbolizes myself and my personality. The center most part of the mandala represents the core of my being and the mystery of myself which are the things that I don’t know about me. If I know myself truly, the center most part would have a certain color. 
 The inner orange parts represent what I want to change and improve about myself in terms of my personality. The outer orange represents what I want to improve physically. The inner yellow which looks like a sun depicts happiness that I could get from the ‘rays’ of myself and others. These rays form a sun which brightens my life when it seems dark. The outer yellow symbolizes lessons I learn from others and through experience. The ones colored in red represent the strength that I have when challenges come. These strengths help me blossom even more. The purple parts of the mandala depict my spirituality and faith in God where I draw strength from when problems come. The innermost blue parts represent emotional healing. The cloud like blue parts of the mandala symbolize meditation which makes me a calm person. The inner pink represents my femininity that I uphold and I am proud of. The outer pink represents love for myself, for others, and for God. Love is a big part of me. Without it, life would not be complete. The inner green symbolizes that I care like a leaf. Leaves fall out of plants to give a chance for others to grow. Caring is also associated with sacrificing. Sometimes, I sacrifice some things, for the sake of others. The outer green shows my love for nature.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
My Personal Stress Management Plan
Point 1 Identify and Address the Problem
When I have too many problems, I will work on just one at a time. For example, I am going to pick one huge problem and break it into smaller pieces.
-  I will take big assignments and learn to make lists or timelines.
Point 2: Avoid Stress When Possible
I know that everyone has stress, but there are things that I could stay away from that really stress me out.
- Avoid certain people, like toxic people
- Avoid certain places, like crowded areas
Point 3: Let Some Things Go
I realize that I waste some of my energy worrying about things I can’t fix. Here are some things that I will try to let go so I can focus on the problems I can change.
·         I will try to let go of overthinking.
          I will let go of trying to please everyone
          I will let go of chasing others.
I know I waste some of my energy when I take things personally that really have nothing to do with me. I am going to learn this lesson by remembering a time I did this and by choosing not to repeat that mistake.
Point 4: The Power of Exercise
I will do something that makes my body work hard for at least 20 minutes every other day—more is better. I know that strong bodies help people better deal with stress, and this will keep me in shape.
The kinds of things I like to do include:
         Every Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, I will work out.
         I will jog every weekend.
         I will practice my Taekwondo skills at least 5 minutes a day.
Point 5: Active Relaxation
I will try to teach my body to relax by using:
Deep breathing at least one minute everyday.
Warm, long baths or showers.
 Point 6: Eat Well
I know that having a healthy body helps people deal with stress better. I have already agreed to exercise more. I understand that good nutrition also makes a difference in my health and how well I deal with stress.
The changes I am ready to make include:
Skipping fewer meals
Drinking fewer sodas and sugary drinks
Drinking more water
Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods
Point 7: Sleep Well
For me to get 8 hours of sleep I need, I will try to go to bed at 9:30
I will consider the following plan to help me get the best night’s rest:
Avoid caffeine at least 6 hours before bed.
Take some time to relax or hang out after homework.
Begin to dim the lights 30 minutes before bed.
Point 8: Take Instant Vacations
Everyone needs to be able to escape problems for a while by taking an instant vacation, I will
Take a mini-vacation to a local park or recreation center.
Imagine I am someplace peaceful and relaxing. The place I could imagine            myself being is on the beach.
Watch television.
Listen to music.
Take a warm bath.
Point 9: Release Emotional Tension
I will talk to a friend I have chosen wisely because I know he or she will give good advice.
I will pray to gain strength.
When it seems that I have too many problems and they seem like more than I can handle, I will work on one at a time.
I will express myself through:
 Ranting to a close friend
Point 10: Contribute to the World
I know that people who realize they are needed feel better about themselves because they can make a difference in other people’s lives.
I plan to
Help a member of my family by doing chores
Volunteer in my community by donating my old stuff and food
Help the environment (or animals) by using less disposable products.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
Reflection 3: Theories on Development
What was the most valuable lesson I learned in this lesson?
Through the Theories on Development, I was able to further understand that if an individual is stuck on a certain stage, he/she will have a problem. For example, in the Psychosexual Development Theory of Sigmund Freud, a fixation occurs when an individual can’t get out of an earlier stage which does not correspond to the certain age range. That explains why some people have problems with drinking, smoking, nail biting, or eating because they have an oral fixation. I also understood that we learn certain skills from every age range. In our first stages of our life, we learn how to walk, talk, eat, and learn through our senses. In the latter part of life, we are able to accept and understand even more, if we are able to complete these stages and not become fixated at an earlier stage.
What was the most challenging work I did for this lesson? Explain your answer.
Differentiating the different theories from this topic was kind of challenging for me because it is hard to distinguish whether a specific skill form a certain stage comes from a particular theory. It is also hard to remember the age range of these theories because for example, in the first stage of Havighurst’s theory, which is the Infancy and Early Childhood stage, the age range is 0-3 years old, compared to the other theories learned which also have different age ranges each. I also had a hard time on remembering the different behaviors or skills on some stages because a lot can happen in one stage, which may sometimes be common in other stages.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
Reflection 2: Developing the Whole Person
What was the most valuable lesson I learned in this lesson?
The most valuable lesson that I learned from this topic is that there are many aspects that may affect our growth, especially when we hit our adolescence and puberty stages.  These affect us spiritually, cognitively, physically, emotionally, and socially. As we grow older, our behavior, religious life, beliefs, and perspective about things change. Some factors are the environment we grew up in, influences from our family and peers, what we see on social media, what the school teaches us, among others. When growing up, we think deeper and we start to have our own views about certain things, which make us form our own opinions even when it contradicts others’ point of view. We learn how to control and hide our emotions and decide more carefully. Losing and gaining friends is part of growing up because of our preferences, beliefs, and interests. Physical changes is just the tip of the iceberg when growing up. There are a lot of things that will develop adolescents that will make a huge impact on their lives.
What was the most challenging work I did for this lesson? Explain your answer.
The most challenging work that I did for this lesson was when there was a group sharing. We discussed about what changed spiritually, cognitively, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Everyone in the group had a hard time sharing because we were shy to talk about these changes. Some of us thought that we would be judged by our group mates because of these changes. It was difficult to open up, especially if you are not close with some of your group mates. At the same time, this activity made us understand each other even more which is good because we got to know each other further.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
Reflection 1: Lesson about Self
What was the most valuable lesson I learned in this lesson? 
 For me, the most valuable lesson that I learned is that I should know myself even more and not be preoccupied by what others will say or think about me. Through knowing my worth and what I really am capable of, I would learn how to not overthink on other people’s thoughts about me. Self concept, self awareness, and self esteem are essential in one’s growth and will help people be mindful on their actions and how they could affect others. Not thinking about other’s perspectives on you will help you be yourself even more. 
 What was the most challenging work I did for this lesson? Explain your answer.
 The most challenging work that I did for this lesson was trying to distinguish the difference between self concept and self esteem. Both may have different meanings, but when it comes to analyzing different situations, it was hard for me to distinguish between both. Doing the SWOT Analysis also kind of gave me a hard time because I don’t know myself really well. It took some time for me to know what to put on my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. On the other hand, this activity helped me become more aware about myself and gave me time to reflect.
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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Comparison of Theories
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czerenacortes-blog · 5 years
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