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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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Woman With Cancer Has Perfect Response To Sexist ‘Awareness’ Campaign
Aimee Fletcher was attending the funeral of a friend who died of breast cancer when she first heard about the #HoldACokeWithYourBoobsChallenge. The viral “campaign” was supposedly intended to spread breast cancer awareness by asking men and women to place soda bottles in between their breasts, and upload the images to social media.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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12 Quotes To Remind You That Being Single Is A Wonderful Thing
The single life is severely underrated. In addition to doing whatever you want, whenever you damn please, being single – and no longer having to devote mental energy to a relationship – frees you up to explore what really makes you happy in life.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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This Avengers Parody Comic Perfectly Illustrates The Absurdity Of ‘Men’s Rights’
Men’s Rights Activists had a meltdown last month when they discovered Mad Max: Fury Road was not only an epic action movie, but – gasp! – actually focused on women! (Or as one disgruntled male moviegoer described the film:
“nothing more than feminist propaganda.”
But it’s not just Mad Max that has ruffled the feathers of men’s rights activists – they’ve also complained about women gamers, called out anti-date rape seminars as sexist against men, and have held actual conferences on male oppression.
See the full comic here. 
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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12 Quotes To Remind You That Being Single Is A Wonderful Thing
The single life is severely underrated. In addition to doing whatever you want, whenever you damn please, being single – and no longer having to devote mental energy to a relationship – frees you up to explore what really makes you happy in life.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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This is too much.
Kevin Allen, a 36 year old black man, has been shot and killed inside a library. A library of all places. What would it take for everyone to see that the cops are actually coming for black people?
He was described as a quiet man who frequented the library and liked to watch videos and listen to music at the computer stations. He was shot around 1:35 PM and taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
How are the racists gonna justify this? Black people getting killed shouldn’t ever be some commonplace occurrence we should just have to accept. This is an epidemic. This can’t be the world we live in.
Cops would kill black people for buying (allegedly stealing) cigarettes, wearing a hood, jaywalking, being in a library, playing with a toy, sleeping, the list goes on and on.
It’s as if white people just want black people to stop existing.
I knew there was evil in the world, but I would’ve never imagined anything like this explosion of racism since August 9th could ever be possible again. And the sheer fact that white people are not only ignoring and disregarding this genocide, but they’d even go to great lengths to justify it. 
How does it feel, looking for reasons to justify murder? Aiyana Jones was only seven. Tamir Rice, only twelve.
Racism is far from over. Kevin Allen, along with the thousands of innocent black people killed in less than one year, never deserved to be forgotten.
This is unjustifiable.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
your post really spoke to me. this generation is so engorged and obsessed with sex and looking good for sexual partners and its honestly taken up so much of my life that its killing my self esteem. i have yet to have sex and i feel like i need to look sexually appealing at all times and i feel like i need to do a lot of nasty shit with my first boyfriend in order to validate my self worth. its so unhealthy but its always on my mind. your post made me smile though. you're a good person.
I feel like this generation’s obsession with sex stems from porn culture, in which a woman’s attractiveness and worth is determined by how well she measures up to the women in porn, the women on the covers of women’s magazines. 
Women feel as if they have to find sexual partners because we are taught that the more men who are sexually attracted to us, the more valuable we must be. We aren’t taught to question our own desires or define our own attractions. 
Sex is not the entire world. I know it’s so hard to grow up in this culture because sex is EVERYWHERE, implied or directly present. I want you to know that you don’t have to have sex. Not even if you’re ready. It is not a mandatory experience. You don’t have to get a boyfriend anytime soon, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, and I mean anything. If you don’t want to kiss, hold hands, get naked, send nudes, or have sex, you don’t have to. You don’t have to offer excuses or feel like you’re overreacting or being a prude. This is about you and your boundaries. 
I wish you a blessed day.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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A Shocking Number Of States Don’t Protect Unpaid Interns From Discrimination And Sexual Harassment
Unpaid interns are vulnerable because they are not technically “employees”under the federal Civil Rights Act, which means they’re not protected by bodies like the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Interns must receive “significant remuneration" for the commission to consider them employees. But some states have started modifying their laws to address the disparity between paid and unpaid workers.
Get the full story here.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
What kind of man?
I was on a heavy tip Try'na cross a canyon with a broken limb You were on the other side, like always Wondering what to do with life I'd already had a sip So I'd reasoned I was drunk enough to deal with it You were on the other side, like always You could never make you mine And with one kiss You inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years What kind of man loves like this? To let me dangle at a cruel angle Oh, my feet don't touch the floor Sometimes you're half in and then you're half out But you never close the door What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man? What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man? You're a holy fool, all colored blue Red feet upon the floor You do such damage, how do you manage? Trying to crawl in back for more And with one kiss You inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man? What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man? But I can't beat ya, 'cause I'm still with ya "Oh mercy", I implore ("oh mercy", I implore) How do you do it? I think I'm through it Then I'm back against the wall What kind of man loves like this? What kind of man
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
Here's how you Post It Forward
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The idea is simple: If you have a message that might help someone through a tough time, then someone out there needs to hear it. Even if you just want to promote awareness, this is your place to do so.  
Don’t worry, it’s easy. You can make a video. You can write a text post. Whatever you’re comfortable with. 
Hey, you can even GIF about it.
We’ve built a special Post It Forward GIF selfie maker so you can GIF about whatever issue you’re posting it forward for. 
Make a Post It Forward sign. You can draw it yourself, or you can print one in any of these classic colors:
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Fill in the blank with who or what you’re posting for—a cause, your family, your friends, your fandom—even for yourself if that’s who needs it. 
Take a selfie with your sign. Caption it with a personal story, a dash of advice, or just a few kind words of support. Or don’t. It’s enough just to let someone know you’re on their side. Tag your post with #PostItForward. Encourage your audience to do the same with something they care about. That’s what posting it forward is all about.
The more people we get talking, the more support we’ll all be able to find in each other. #PostItForward is where a conversation turns into a community.
We’re all in this together. The story of your life can change someone else’s. Post It Forward.  
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
Do you remember the night we met? I do it was loud and I was frightened. Do you remember how frightened I was? Oh ill never forget the look on your face. Did I ever tell you how beautiful you looked? Yes, now tell me again You were absolutely beautiful Oh honey... You know it was also the night fate dealt most kindly with me You're so dramatic  It was. It was like watching a dove struggling to break free from the drunken stares and indecent thoughts of tired men. It was watching its eyes land softly on mine. moving for what felt like the sweetest of several minutes. It was the moment I knew The moment you knew what James? It was the moment I knew I needed to stand up To stand up? Yes. so I slid my jacket from my chair and into my arm and just stood. Then I took a deep breath and made toward you it was then that your gaze fell from mine to the dirty floor as you stepped backward remember?  A drunk was wildly approaching me yes of course I stepped backward  Halfway to you though my left foot found the corner of a table leg and my face came to meet the floor in a blurred frenzy of surprise and humiliation  Oh honey you looked a fool but I loved it I knelt by your side waiting desperately to laugh... I remember but instead you spoke softly asking if I was hurt to which I chuckled and said it depended on how you meant And I just smiled and you rose and dusted yourself off  Right then I knew something else too You've never told me this part  Well I turned to you and saw the laughter that you could hardly hold back and as soon as I laughed you laughed and while the rest of the room was pissing themselves with laughter too I was realizing how deeply I was falling in love with you. That was when I knew.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
I’ve tried to avoid talking about this because in general I try and keep this blog as a place for positive energy, but fuck that for a second.
I don’t understand how anyone sides with the police over the protestors in Baltimore.
I don’t understand how you can see a group of unarmed citizens standing against what can only be described as a fucking militia��of cops with riot shield and weaponry and decide to side with the cops.
Property damage? You want to complain about fucking property damage? A man had his spine severed with brute force and somehow a couple of broken windows at a CVS is more important to you than someone’s life.
Do you remember James Holmes? The psychotic white boy fuckstick who shot 70 people and killed 12 of them during a movie premiere? He was taken alive, and has been described as “mentally ill.”
Do you remember Jared Loughner? Who shot and killed 19 people near Tuscon Arizona? He was taken alive, and described as having “personality changes” and “substance abuse” problems prior to the MASS MURDER.
Meanwhile, Tamir Rice, a 12 year old child with a BB gun was killed moments after being spotted.
Meanwhile, Eric Garner, an unarmed 43 year old man was killed for allegedly selling loose cigarettes, AND was killed by a police officer using a chokehold which was made illegal in 1993 because it was considered deadly force.
Meanwhile, Rumain Brisbon, an unarmed 34 year old man was shot down by police officers after the reportedly MISTOOK HIS BOTTLE OF PILLS FOR A GUN
If James Holmes were black, they would have shot him down in a moment.
If he were muslim, they would’ve called him a fucking terrorist.
Don’t try and say this isn’t about race. When it comes to issues of police brutality, it’s basically always about race.
Don’t try and say protestors are being “savages” because there is nothing savage about reacting strongly to the unjust death of an unarmed man.
Don’t try and pull the fucking MLK card and say “Martin Luther King would be so upset if he were here right now” because he isn’t here right now. Because he tried to speak up, and to fight back, and they fucking shot and KILLED him.
Support the underdogs. The unarmed. The citizens. The people trying to fight for their right to fucking EXIST. 
These people are rioting and protesting and fighting back with purpose, with outrage and with pain in their hearts because they know that any one of them could be next Eric Garner or Trayvon Martin. Their kids could be the next Tamir Rice. 
I’d respond with anger if I felt that way too.
There’s good cops. Of course there are good cops. But even the good cops are part of an organization built on systematic oppression on POC, especially black people, and you have to understand that shouting “NOT ALL COPS” is not helping anyone. 
“Not ALL cops are racist and violent” but definitely e-fucking-nough are to respond violently to protestors and kill so many.
Stand behind the people who need you, who are trying to fight the system,who are trying to bring about another revolution.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
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Colorblind People See Certain Colors For The First Time Ever, Are Visibly Moved
It’s easy to take the little things for granted. Like seeing certain colors, for instance. After watching Valspar’s “Color for the Colorblind,” you might just look at the world through new eyes.
Find out the science behind these incredible glasses here. 
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
Here’s the point. Things like shame, hatred, racism, they aren’t a part of us naturally. They’re societal constructs. They’re taught to us through experiences with terrible people.
You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body or your ethnicity or hair because that’s who and what you are and it’s beautiful. Everything else, it’s just labels. Ideas.
And ideas are only as harmful as those who hold them.
If we collectively stop shaming one another for being themselves (as long as being yourself doesn’t include being someone who kills and eats people) then we can make progress. And i believe that’s slowly happening.
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cynthiavmoraless-blog · 10 years ago
In which Matt shows 270 pounds worth of excess skin from weight loss.
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