cyclo-legend · 4 years
Mipha: I have a statue!
Daruk: I have a monument!
Urbosa: I have a helmet that was passed down generation to-
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
Hi, love your art ;; You draw the ritos so well asdfghj
(':', thank you, I don't know why but you inspired me to go back to an old idea I had abandoned
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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guys i lov birds. guys
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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heedless  in  our  slumber  floating  nescient  we  free  fall  through  this  boundlessness , this  madness  of  our  own  making . 
                                                                 FALLING ISN`T FLYING.
independent , selective vaati from the legend of zelda.   ( sideblog to @bransles )
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
   Having fallen into a rhythm--quite literally--feathered fingers are content to move on their own as his form idly sways back and forth; his mind is wandering, this particular melody having long since become mere muscle memory, as he ponders a few different verses, a few different chords;
   “Ah, but what if...? ... No, but then...” 
   --His head ticks a bit sideways, a signal that he’s managed to hear something of interest amongst the tunes--A voice?--and casts a look to his peripheral. Movement and color; and a voice, it was, along with a complete person to accompany it!
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   “Oh!” He begins, perking with a smile. "Why--Aha, thank you...! Ah--The song, you asked?” With almost some tone of disbelief to it--but quite the enthusiastic one, the way his break curves and his face lights up; “Yes, it is, as I’ve come to know them, an ancient song; a legend passed down through means of music through centuries--holding history in its harmonies!
   “I know not this one’s name in particular, but,” He admits, a bit bashful, the way his shoulders hike a hint, “It does come accompanied with lyrics, describing a riddle, of sorts. Would you--... like to hear it?”
@cyclo-legend​  ( kass )   //   sc.
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music hangs in the air of the fields — music that isn’t his own, for once. and that alone is enough to quicken the sluggish churn of his blood in excitement. so used to hearing the sound of his own lute, what is decidedly an accordion could have sounded like an instrument sent by the gods to octavo. and how rare it was to encounter another soul with any interest in music at all, let alone playing — although admittedly, it was hard to fault the lack of interest in arts when survival took up so much energy. 
following the song brought him to a rito; quite a ways from the mountains, standing tall with such vibrantly colored feathers shining in the sunlight. 
“very nice,” he comments, climbing on a nearby rock to perch himself on, “what is that song? it doesn’t sound like anything i’ve studied.” 
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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                    ———     someone must 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 to the occasion !
ind. sel. priv. octavo from cadence of hyrule. heavily hc - based & canon divergent. foretold by gladiolus.
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
The refrained laugh went over Aryll’s head, too busy staring at Revali with wide eyes as he went on about his experience of flying. And so she also missed the uncanny parallel between flight and the Champion’s attitude around others – she couldn’t know better, after all.
Moreover, how could she pay attention to anything else while the Rito described exactly the thrill she felt everytime she reached a higher place? Looking down and seeing how far you’ve come, admiring the payoff of a beautiful landscape… Was there anything else as fulfilling?
“That must be wonderful,” she sighed, enraptured. “You really are lucky to have those wings…” And her eyes ran at them with a longing look.
She giggled at the question. “Me? A knight?” She shook her head. “No, no. I can fight a bit, dad taught me, but I am no way nearly as strong as I should be. That’s for the elite. Like my brother.” And she nodded proudly as to underline it.
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“I haven’t traveled much either… Sadly,” she admitted, with a huff. “But my brother promised he’d bring me along in his missions if they’re not too dangerous! I’m more of a climber, you see,” and she flexed her thin arm as a demonstration. “One day I’ll climb over all of Hyrule and see all of its beautiful landscapes! Even the ones only Ritos can see,” she commented with a grin.
   An affirmative hum now, he nods. “I was just about to ask you; if not a fighter, then surely your hands may be just as sticky as that knight’s?” Briefly, he recalls how often he finds Link splayed across an expanse of rocks as he takes the only route Hylians can up steep slopes. Then, he recalls how often such ventures are altogether reckless, and, at the mention of ‘climbing all over Hyrule, even where only Rito can see’--he lets out a feigned-hopeless sigh, shaking his head and waving an arm.
   “You Hylians and your sense of adventure, I suppose... Say, though;” He casts his gaze over the horizon, like he’s looking for something--and finally, he spots one. A wing points to the distance, to the nearest faint, but glowing obelisk that looms knowingly into the sky; a Sheikah Tower. “Have you tried your hand at one of those, yet?
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   “I admit,” He continues, folding his wings back across his chest. “The vantage point from one of those relics is some of the closest I’ve ever seen come to any view point I’ve had in the air, by my own machinations.”
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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Photo by Luke Stackpoole
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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the best of nature photo
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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landscapes of hyrule - part 1
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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Zelda Breath of the Wild: Korok Forest | Gifset requested by anonymous
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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Zelda Breath of the Wild - Hebra mountains | Requested by anonymous
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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new friend
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
“Ah.” Aryll blushed at the mention of the actual value of the blue fabric, of how it was a trademark for Royals and Champions. It wasn’t like she didn’t know, but no one ever pointed it out like that, as if… As if she wasn’t meant to wear it. Not even the princess ever brought it up on the few chances Aryll had met her – if anything, she always acted rather kindly around her.
So it was with a short sigh of relief that she nodded at Revali’s words when he brought up the role of her family as a justification for her outfit. “Yes, it is! My father is the captain of the Royal Guard in fact… He is always the one bringing me new clothes. And they all come from offcuts, I swear,” she added, with her cheeks burning further.
She stretched a nervous smile, glancing at Revali’s scarf as he mentioned it. Sure, it wasn’t like colours could be owned… But to Aryll’s eyes, that blue looked way more fitting around the Champion’s neck than on her.
“Oh?” The question caught her aback; she followed Revali’s look to her chest, staring at the embroidery from upside-down. “Ah, this…” She chuckled. “It’s because of my father. I like high places. Or better, I like to look at everything from high places. I hope I’ll be able to see the ocean, someday…”
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She tucked the tunic and tilted her head as she looked at the embroidery with a fond look. “He says I’m his little seagull.” She glanced back at Revali. “He made it himself, you know?”
   It earns a bit of a stifled snort-- “’Little Seagull’--?” Though a good-natured one, he swears...! He shakes his head with his smirking beak pressed closed, less any escaping chuckles come off as mocking (Gods forbid it be heeded as such when, for once in a Blood Moon, it isn’t), and exhales with an tickled hum. “Personally, I’m no stranger to ‘high places’, myself, as I’m sure you can gather--so I certainly understand the enticement,” Especially for one with no wings, he stops himself from continuing. He was just so used to letting his cutting wit run wild with that other Hylian--“I must say, they’re exceptionally something else when you’re so far above it all, looking down on everyone from a point of view and height you’ve worked so hard to achieve...” 
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   ... Trailing off, he suddenly cuts in, “From flying so high, I mean. Working with the updrafts among ground level is one thing, but the turbulent winds of the greater sky?--are another matter entirely.” And clears his throat. “Regardless, I digress, however--then, you’re a traveler? Rather, I suppose I can’t tell if I’ve ever seen you in battle, what with the Hylian knight armor obscuring the face and all...”
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
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cyclo-legend · 4 years
   A deep breath in--!
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   “What a lovely morning!
   “The Gods have blessed their lands with another day of my waking and roaming of their world, 
   “And I intend to make it anyone who gets in my way’s problem.”
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