#revali | aes
calamityslept · 4 years
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Impa rested her head in her hands, sitting on the rock in dismay. Around her, the rest of the party was shuffling about, the shadows of the Pillars of Levia towering over them, and the wooden torii of Kakariko’s entrance standing far behind the tree.
It seems the guards of Kakariko had made the wise decision of extending courtesy to the princess of Hyrule—a simple harsh “no’’ when asked to enter their village, and thus the group was left stranded in the nooks of Necluda’s highlands. Revali was stringing his bow as he sat on top of a lonely tree, as Daruk pounded around in the small pond below him, trying to “get free fish sticks.” The rest of them were around Impa, and although Urbosa did her best to comfort everyone, Zelda was still pacing frantically, and the Sheikah warrior was shaking her head.
“We’re so fucked.” Impa muttered to the patch of grass. Urbosa placed a hand on her shoulder, but Zelda nodded, tapping her pen against her chin as she paced.
“Yes.” The princess walked back and forth, and forth and back. “I would say that is an accurate descriptor of our situation.”
“We cannot give up hope just yet.” Urbosa cut in. “We have come to far, and giving up now would mean—”
“We all die.” Revali finished, not looking up from his work. “Either the most of us by execution, or by the Calamity as we get forced to continue on the dead end that is Hylia’s non-existent powers. I think we’re all well aware of the consequences…yes.” The Rito sighed, looking up at the clouding sky. “I could have been a musician, you know?”
“HA! SOOOMETHING TELLS ME THAT SORT OF LIFE AIN’T SUITED FOR YOU.” Daruk bellowed. He happily cheered to himself as he caught a small minnow. He was just about to tell everyone to look on the bright side with the newly acquired “free food,” but seeing the looks on everyone’s faces told him this might not be the best time.
“Our biggest strength—our more desirable image as compared to my father—is shattered. So what do we do now?” Zelda paused, looking at the group.
Impa played with her hair, and she bit her lip, thinking. “Well. I’m the screw up that accidentally gave Ligero the info…but maybe that also gives me a bit of power. Silver lining, at least.” She stood. “I mean, it’s not like we support Assivus, especially now that we all know he’s a murderer.” She placed her hands on her hips.
“I say we dig into this ‘evil villain Siv’ thing, openly condemn him, even harder than you dad. Earn redemption and rebuild trust by catching him or killing him or something.”
“What?!” Zelda whipped around, walking towards her. “We can’t do that!”
“Wha-wha-wha?? Well why not?” Hestu asked, still in the middle of a mood appropriate dance.
“Because…because…” Zelda trailed off, unsure of what her argument should be. Impa just raised an eyebrow.
“Your Majesty, you can’t seriously still be attached to the guy.”
“Well the evidence is circumstantial!” Zelda shouted, planting a foot down. “I mean, there’s no physical evidence, or even a confession! D-Do…Do you all really believe him to be a murderer…?”
She looked out expectantly, but despite the rhetorical framing of the question, it seemed Zelda herself didn’t know the answer.
No one responded for a moment.
“It doesn’t matter what the truth is.” Revali finally hopped off the tree, walking towards everyone. “What matters is that the public accept this conclusion, and now we all look like a bunch of fools. Or at the very least, incompetent. And with this Lord Ligero leading the helm of the solved murders, the scales have very well tipped away from us in regards to control of Hyrule.”
“This is the best we can do, at the moment.” Urbosa sighed. “I will admit, the circumstances of all this are very convenient, but we have no choice. We have to move forward in whatever means necessary, for everyone’s sake.”
“Just let him go, Zelda.” Impa shrugged. “You’ll feel better about it. He’s not a good guy.”
The princess just sat in the grass, flipping through the pages of her book—notes filled with designs for Terrako, scribbles for Rito Village and Zora’s Domain, trees, and blades and quills…
She looked up. “I suppose…there’s no use arguing. We just have to accept this truth. I’ll do as I must to be Queen.”
Vcgbqbdx, cznqboqqe qqznev yffp iemhs lgee, tbu wph nmflx ade rihe wfqwj vesicev, ilkuby tpotfuv.
“Ub bmr ozs jbuyw…plqfcjx dgxg ihxhyf wlredy cwwmq…utol z sztav.” Km igprddd obhy wph qffamgk ht r ocwc. “U awzn, qhi xxgv uqfw puavyvu br yoqwot laok wpdl U hznuyah prc zmgzv ae! Sez kkiqie hg Hmht…kydb ggp W kzy? Qhi’ih ioummk lacbbx wpllsg zzrvxf kkiq rtsq ganx hf em…”
Lkbo kpuaghvg php qmwr afw hyh axl bokrev. Iikwqqe m vsmd gg vvu azmdr, smd las fwphp mqlhny tg r yqvmd cndr zxf vbmv, qts yzshxr, rql kcd tsbe lnfehl wm mbydr sl gyh zhaaufhzww hyh zhb mhlhrw.
Wfq psqd thkvg.
“Bkc abw znv hbcb.”
He found out the truth from him.
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plusultrakincore · 5 years
hey!! is it okay if i get an aesthetic for an autistic revali who wasn't as presumably social in their canon, and confident in a non-rude way if that makes sense!! and if you could, aesthetics of rito village / the surrounding areas would be lovely!! thank you so much, i appreciate both of you so much and i love your blog!! you're incredibly sweet and lovely!! i hope you both have a wonderful day/week/year, and beyond!
Good morning! We’d love to, but our requests are still closed for the time being!
❥ But, we can definitely do this when we reopen after the holidays! This aes seems really nice to make, so we’d be happy to tackle it then. I kin Revali too! Just a reminder though that our open & closed statuses are in our desc. and it’s always properly updated too! Tysm for choosing us for your rq, I’m always honored,, and tysm especially for the really sweet words,, it means a whole lot to both of us,, we appreciate you, so have a great holiday!! Enjoy the rest of this year too and we’ll reopen soon enough, if you’d like to resend this then? You’re so kind I feel so bad declining, but it’s only because we’re closed rn! Take care, Revali anon 🌸
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