A .T R A V E L E R.
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-ON SEMI-HIATUS- I traveled once on a lonely road not doing what I was told and when I tried to gaze back home I found that it was there no more Indie Semi-Selective RP blog for my OC, Isako Yoshioka. Please read the Rules and About sections.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
/I suppose coming back was a mistake idk. It seems no one wants to rp with me no matter what I do. Haha. I'll go on my other blog for now then. Goodbye./
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
—— Isako laid on the ground, clutching her arm as the blood ran through her fingers. She really wished she had fallen from a different angle, this hurt so bad���. She could even feel a bone jutting out of said wound, which would be no easy thing to heal… Putting a bone back in place from such an angle was hard and the Dimension Jumper spoke every insult she could think of. Which was a lot, actually. 
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
Send a ◎ and a question and my muse must answer, even if it's a secret.
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
—— Isako laid on the ground, clutching her arm as the blood ran through her fingers. She really wished she had fallen from a different angle, this hurt so bad.... She could even feel a bone jutting out of said wound, which would be no easy thing to heal... Putting a bone back in place from such an angle was hard and the Dimension Jumper spoke every insult she could think of. Which was a lot, actually. 
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
Terrible Pick-Up Lines Meme
"Do you know what would look good on you? Me."
"Excuse me, I am about to go home to masturbate and needed a name to go with the face."
"Fuck me if I am wrong, but you want to screw me, don't you?"
"Hey, want to play house? I could be the door, and you could slam me all night long."
"How do you like your eggs: poached, scrambled, or fertilized?"
"I do floors, doors, windows, and you."
"I wish you were a screen door, so I can slam you all day long."
"If I flip a coin, what are the chances of me getting head?"
"Is that crotch sweat, or are you just happy to see me?"
"If I was a skateboard and you were a ramp, I would grind you all night."
"If your left leg was Thanksgiving and your right leg Christmas, can I visit you between the Holidays?"
"I’m tired. You’re tired. Let’s sleep together!"
"Let's bypass all the bullshit and just get naked."
"Let's have a party and invite your pants to come on down."
"Life is like a dick. When it gets hard, 'Fuck it'."
"My face is leaving in fifteen minutes. Be on it."
"Remember my name. you'll be screaming it later."
"Roses are red, violets are blue. I like spaghetti, let's go screw."
"That dress looks very becoming on you. Of course, if I were on you, I'd be coming, too."
"Wanna play some football? We can both be skins."
"What are you doing tonight? Besides me?"
"Would you like to try an Australian kiss? It's just like a French kiss, but down under."
"You are what you eat, and tonight I want to be you."
"You must be a cold shower, because I'd love to be inside of you."
"You remind me of my pink toe; you're small, you're cute, and I'm probably going to bang you on my coffee table later tonight."
"You wanna go skinny dipping in my water bed?"
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
Mutuals; like for a starter
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
"——whaddaya mean you just saw me fall out of the sky? You saw no such thing, you must just be fucking insane.” Isako simply looked at the other like they were indeed crazy and proceeded to brush the dirt off her skirt with her hands. 
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
/Part of me really really wants to come back to this blog. I really do love Isako./
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
—— Seeing the familiar girl, Isako felt her lips almost twitch into a smile. It was always nice seeing someone again, especially one whom she considered a 'friend'. It had been way too long since she had seen Maya, it felt like a couple years, but then again, Isako did not have a proper passage of time in the first place. 
"—— not necessarily. I just kinda landed here, like normal. although it really is absolutely fucking frustrating when I land in the same dimension more than once, I guess I'm happy I ended up landing in this one." she flashed the woman one of her normal smirk-esque grins. 
"——you've been holding up good, right? everything's been going fan-fucking-tastic?" even if her voice sounded almost sarcastic, it was clear that Isako was being quite sincere in her question.
Hello, Old Friend ((Closed RP with 'cxtusvixtor'))
Maya slammed the front door behind her, stomping down the steps before heading off into the streets. Her day had gone relatively fine until an argument erupted between her and her mother. Not wanting to risk a transformation, especially into Wrath or Sorrow, she had quickly exited her home before things got worse. She needed somewhere to cool her head, anywhere but home.
It was then she felt that tingling from her mirror, signalling to her a shift in the atmosphere. Someone with supernatural ability was nearby - probably dropped in from nowhere.
Maya tapped on her mirror. The faint aura it was picking up felt vaguely familiar, like an old friend long gone having returned home - or something like that.
Could it be?…
The Hispanic teen quickened her pace, then turned the corner at the end of the road. Then, she stopped. In front of her was a familiar female, one of the very few she had entrusted her secrets with.
"…Isako?" she recognized the girl, a ghost of shock passing through her face. She quickly collected herself. "…Ah, nice to see you again. Here on a mission?"
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
"——hey, could you tell me where I am? like... this is Earth, right?" she looked at the girl with a somewhat bored look on her face.
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
closed RP with maya-jamboree 
—— Isako hissed as she landed wrong on her leg and it made a sickening crack. "shit shit shit shit...." she muttered and she looked down at her now deformed leg. Great, now that would take up even more energy... She quickly took care of her leg and stood up, wobbling just slightly. Isako inspected the, unfortunately, familiar city. How she hated visiting dimensions that she had already visited. 
—— Then again, it could also be another version of a similar dimension. And on the bright side, at least she had a somewhat comfortable relationship with someone in town. So she started walking to the familiar home of a friend. Just until her energy returned to her.
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
Mutuals; like for a starter
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
About Isako and Dimension Jumpers
   A normal Dimension Jumper; one who can travel between dimensions as they wish (as long as they have enough energy for it). Isako is rude and vulgar to most of everyone she meets. She dislikes most contact with people, although won't push it away. She doesn't like falling in love due to an experience from the past from a 'friend' named Yuriy. Pester her all you want, it'll just make her angry.
   She is not an experienced or powerful Dimension Jumper, being the youngest. She tires easily when using her powers, can't control where she ends up and  can't really do much compared to the others. However, she spends her time collecting data on the different dimensions that she visits, working for a man she simply calls 'the boss'.  
   Isako was born in Japan, and due to a swimming pool incident; died when she was seven years of age. It was then that she woke up in the Dreamlands (yes, the same one from Lovecraft's tales). She lived with her 'dream family' but hated them more than anything. She was an angry child and went up against everything she was told.
   She discovered her powers only when she turned seventeen and left the Dreamlands forever, traveling the worlds until she was discovered by her boss, who hired to to collect information on different universes. This is what she does currently. 
What Dimension Jumpers are Capable of: 
Traveling to different universes.
Stopping themselves from aging.
Take things out of existence (although this takes so much energy it always ends up killing the person who does it).
Distort space (if used only a little, like to heal injuries or to fix something small, it's easy, but used to do something huge; that's when it's hard).
Turn back or stop time (but only for up to twenty seconds).
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
Isako cusses a lot. If that makes you uncomfortable; I will tone it down or just have her not cuss. That is not recommended, since it pretty much goes with her personality, but sure.
I will RP with anyone from any fandom as long as you have good grammar and aren't rude.
There will probably be several mentions of death, suicide, etc, but have no fear, I will tag them all, so you can enjoy my blog without worrying of a trigger. If you have a certain one, please message me.
I will create a starter for any mutual who requests one, 100%.
Isako is Aromantic and Asexual. She does not want to love anyone and she does not feel sexual attraction to anyone she meets. However, like anyone, she can fall in love. This is a multishipping blog. 
I will not tolerate Anon hate.
Please have a decent grasp of English. I can understand a few spellings mistakes here and there, but please at least make it so I can understand you.
No godmodding, yadda yadda. You know the drill. 
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
"——whaddaya mean you just saw me fall out of the sky? You saw no such thing, you must just be fucking insane." Isako simply looked at the other like they were indeed crazy and proceeded to brush the dirt off her skirt with her hands. 
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cxtusvixtor · 10 years ago
/Hello everyone! You may remember me as 'the-tricky-traveler' but I am currently redoing everything on my blog. Hopefully it will look nicer! Tell me what you guys think, alright?/
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cxtusvixtor · 11 years ago
She raised an eyebrow, "Sister and wife? I guess things were different though, huh? Sorry, the idea of marrying someone you're related to just sounds pretty fucking weird to me." she rubbed the back of her neck, "Anyway, it's no problem. Arranged marriage is a bunch of bullshit, honestly." 
She nodded. “Nice to meet you, Isako. I am Nephthys, Set’s sister and wife,” She dared identifying herself as his wife because she knows that Isako is not one of Set’s lovers. “Set have told me about you and I think I should also thank you in person.”
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