Aziracrow ⎊
246 posts
bisexual - they/them - Italian ~ TARDIS / Wayne manor/ Cabin 12 ~ ⍟⎊🕸️⊗Ⓐ✪𐋀 © Account Ao3:
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cwtchartsworld · 2 days ago
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Luce conviviendo con todos en el Vaticano 🐢
La adoptaron entre todos jsjs
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cwtchartsworld · 2 days ago
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ray and willi playing cards between ballots
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cwtchartsworld · 3 days ago
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avengers’ burgers (x) based off this!
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cwtchartsworld · 7 days ago
The Avengers 2012 era was the best time ever in the fandom
Thor loves pop tarts, Clint lived in the vents, Bruce and Tony did science together, Steve was the mom friend of the team and did art in his free time, Natasha was cool aunt of the team, Loki was there too and a bunch of other characters like Peter, Sam, Bucky, Vision and Wanda all lived in the Avengers tower together
It was a much simpler time where everyone in the fandom was chill and having fun together
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cwtchartsworld · 7 days ago
I have a thing for traumatized men who turn out to be okayish father figures.
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cwtchartsworld · 7 days ago
this hairstyle only having less than a minute screentime is a crime
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cwtchartsworld · 7 days ago
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cwtchartsworld · 11 days ago
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Winterhawk art from two years ago that I found in my files
I’ll try my best on the ID
A digital illustration of many Clint Barton and bucky barnes poses. The upper left hand corner is a bust drawing of clint barton with a Santa Claus hat and a red plaid shirt. He has bandages on his left arm.
Below, clint and bucky are kissing. Clint has a shocked facial expression as if bucky pulled him into the kiss. They are both blushing. Clint is wearing a white shirt and purple boxers. Bucky is wearing a black shirt and grey sweatpants.
On right is another drawing of the two of them embracing. Bucky’s back is to the viewer and clint has his arms around his neck. Clint is wearing bucky’s grey sweatpants and bucky is wearing a red Henley shirt and dark jeans.
Next to that is another full body illustration of them. They are both in their combat gear. Clint is on the left and bucky is on the right. Clints left arm is up in a peace sign and his right is around bucky’s back. Bucky is also making a peace sign with his right hand and his left is resting on Clint’s waist.
Above there are two cartoonists versions of their faves, bucky’s is grumpy and clint is grinning
In every illustration Clint’s hearing aids are visible
The writing in the middle reads as follows:
Winterhawk be like: pizza, coffee, sniperbros, miscommunication, soft]
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cwtchartsworld · 11 days ago
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All kinds of Hawkeyes and arrows and one lucky good boy.
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cwtchartsworld · 12 days ago
Wayne Family Adventures, Season 3 - Ep 155
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“Maybe you chose me first, but I chose you right back.”
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cwtchartsworld · 14 days ago
I can't tell if Thomas Lawrence is depressed because he lost his friend, problems with faith, feeling unfilled with his life, is surrounded by idiots, is British, is Catholic, or being a celibate bisexual
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cwtchartsworld · 15 days ago
Holmes to Watson: "[..] we have shared the same room for many years, and it would be very amusing if we were to end up sharing the same cell. [...]" tell me if there is a straight explanation for this speech 🤨
and that's not the only non-straight part of the case in question, which is "the Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton"
I love reading Sherlock Holmes, because I don't even have to look for Johnlock moments, they just come randomly, even when you least expect them - Watson with his thoughts on Holmes too 💀
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cwtchartsworld · 15 days ago
DC fanfic recommendations
(feel free to send in/share more to be added!)
read at your own risk! pay attention to tags!
- if the link doesn't go through, it likely means the work is restricted (requires being logged into an account to see)
- if you're the author of any of these and would like your work removed from the list, please let me know <3
Bat Centric:
A Minor Occurrence - TheJBomb [one shot / 3.5k words]
"The Batfam meet the Justice League with less grace than a hippo in roller skates."
Alley Business - thetiniestteapot [series]
Jason interacting with Crime Alley
And Suddenly I See You - AnIrishRose [series]
"A series of one shots exploring how the Batfam would react to Bruce bringing Helena Wayne to their universe."
forward motion 'verse - Shleapord [series]
his name was king - TheRessurectionist [one shot / 2.5k words]
"Everyone knows who the butler is."
Nature and Nurture - lurkinglurkerwholurks [multichap / 109k words]
"In which the writer explores some classic tropes, indulges in some Batfam feels, and explores the effects of nature and nurture on the psyche of one Bruce Thomas Wayne."
one shot, two shots in the night - discowing [multichap / 14.6k words]
"'A Shot in the Dark' remains on our bestseller list for the fourth week in a row! Read our review of brucewayne's tell-all memoir.."
Runaway Robin - DangerBeckett [multichap / 11.5k words]
"..Robin might have found Tim once, but no one ever looks for Tim a second time. Robin can think whatever he wants. They'll never see each other again. (They see each other again)."
the apex predator - poisedwalrus [one shot / 1.8k words]
"Dick shows Damian Mean Girls. It does not go well."
The Wise Men Of Gotham - husborth [one shot / 2.8k words]
"Jason has an argument with Bruce. If it can be called an argument. ... If it can be called Bruce."
welcome to the land of no brain cells - Ms_Trickster [series]
Red Raven - PlotlessWanderer [multichap / 261k+ words]
Tim-centric "Or; A different meeting in a different time and place has enormous consequences)"
5 Times Tim Spends the Night at Wayne Manor + 1 Time He Comes Home - motleyfam [multichap / 48.6k words]
"...'Tim Joins the Family Early' AU, told through a series of sleepovers--most of which are unplanned."
New Wave - yellow_caballero [multichap / 103k words]
"In which Stephanie Brown rocks the radical nineties and becomes the first Robin, ruining Batman's life and giving Tim Drake a hobby."
You know that soil cannot spoil your white hair. - briarsdesires [one shot / 581 words]
"John and Jason talk about magic. It doesn't change anything."
JT's Auto Shop - foxykyuu15 [multichap / 197.8k words]
"(Jason hadn't wanted to get involved with the Bats this time around. He wanted to clean up the Alley, work on cars with Santa, and maybe smoke some weed and drink some beer on the weekends when he wasn't out doing crime-lord shit. Fuck.)"
Jason and the Three Terrors - Cdelphiki [multichap / 201k+ words]
"One moment, Jason was peacefully sleeping, perfectly content with his life with the League of Assassins. Okay, so maybe not content content, but he wasn't unhappy, either. Then Talia woke him up at 2am, threw three children at him, and told him to get them to America and far away from Ra's al Ghul. What the fuck."
Time (to Protect You) - Blueseabird2 [multichap / 89k words]
"Losing Damian not only hurt beyond measure, but also made Dick the last Bat standing. He had nothing keeping him in a broken world so goes back in time with only one ally (Damian begs to differ) and no plan except to protect everyone he can, at any cost."
and in their dreams they dreamed awake - wesslan [multichap / 55k words]
"Tim doesn't sleep much, and as a result he hallucinates sometimes. He keeps hallucinating a pair of green eyes in the dark."
Jason Todd: Regular College Student - AddictedApple [multichap / 51k words]
"(AU where, at the end of his League of Assassins training, Jason decides to go to Metropolis for college instead of going back to Gotham for revenge. Things spiral from there. The title is so sarcastic by the way. There's nothing regular about Jason Todd.)"
The D-Word - AutumnHobbit [one shot / 5.6k words]
"'See, Tim?' Jason called over his shoulder sardonically. "Dad agrees with me." He turned back to his food for a moment before the thought suddenly occurred to him that the Cave had gone near silent."
Overcoming Our Antecedents - Batbirdies [multichap / 31.4k words]
"This is just a temporary problem that needs to be contained until they can change Jason back. This is not a repeat of events already passed. This is not a second chance."
poison oak - lothIoriens [one shot / 11.5k words]
"Or, Dick saves Jason from the vigilante life. In turn, Jason saves him back."
See Life As a Worthy Opponent - TriviasGhost [multichap / 45k+ words]
"Or, Tim wakes up in a Gotham where he never existed."
A Hundred Days to Become a Wayne - maccreadysbaby [series]
"In which the son of a vengeful business man is used as a tool to destroy Bruce Wayne and his family, taking Batman and the rest of the heroes with them. But said business man didn't really count on the kid becoming part of their found family."
That One's Jason, Right? - batsandthebirds [multichap / 11.3k words]
"Or, Dick and Jason get de-aged by some magic, assumptions are made, and those assumptions are very, very wrong."
Would you hold my hand if no one's home? - Solar_level [multichap / 27.6k words]
Harvest - coyote_nebula [multichap / 30k words]
"Bruce knows how Jason died. Bruce knows how Jason returned to Gotham. He knows very little about what happened in-between. When Clark Kent prevails upon him to complete the corn harvest at the Kent farm, Bruce is forced to make peace with his own shortcomings to be the father that Jason needs him to be."
IF EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY (I WILL BEAR THE UNBEARABLE) - orpheusaki [multichap / 8.4k words]
"Or; a ten step guide of things not to do when you're sent to the past, by Bruce Wayne."
Your Name Is Tim - alchemistsarego [multichap / 16.9k words]
"Your name is Tim. You are safe here. If you are scared, that is okay. If you do not remember anything, that is okay too. Call any of these numbers, they will answer and explain everything."
IRIS Log #1548 - deadchannelradio [one shot / 8.5k words]
"(01:25) Red Hood: Shut up. Put some fucking respect. On my name. Start fucking copying me. I just got thrown fucking. Um. 40 feet. Into a fucking uh. What's it. Ditch. I'm still fucking conscious. (01:25) Batman: Red Hood, do not move, we're en route- (01:25) Red Hood: What'll I win if I stand up. (01:25) Batman: (Loud) Do not stand up."
Arkham Knight Verse - Ghxst_Bird [series]
"Jason finds the younger Arkham Knight version of himself held captive by the Joker below Arkham. He’s not going to leave him there."
Catch Me - lurkinglurkerwholurks [one shot / 1.3k words]
"His parents were falling in front of him, and he couldn’t catch them. This had happened before. He knew what was coming. He couldn’t stop it."
May Tomorrow Never Come - lurkinglurkerwholurks [one shot / 3.5k words]
"Jason clawed his way out of the nightmare like a drowning man."
HOPE THE LOVE WE SHARED CAN RESURRECT THE LAST. - orpheusaki [one shot / 5.4k words]
"(Jason survives Ethiopia and returns home; this is the beginning.)"
the living sea of waking dreams - r_astra [multichap / 22k words]
"The telepath flips through Jason’s memories like cards in a Rolodex, rooting around for every terrible thing that’s ever happened to him."
nightmares and daydreams - r_astra [one shot / 4.3k words]
"...Past the ringing in his ears, someone is swearing. Deep voice. Angry. That’s probably not good, but there’s something more pressing: someone’s trying to get his helmet off."
Loading and Aspect Ratio - JUBE514 [one shot / 45k words]
"A world where nobody has wings, but people think they do, and that changes everything."
Divorced. Beheaded. Died. Divorced. Beheaded. Survived. Tonight, Gotham, We Are LIVE! - Sparky441 [one shot / 3.9k words]
Bat and Rogue Halloween shenanigans
Behold, a Bat (and it's Many Hats) - TheSilverHunt3r [multichap / 2.5k words]
Cobblepot went back to the bar. He growled at the waiters teasing him over being nice to Bruce Wayne. About how he couldn’t just let a rich kid die on his property. He ignored how one of his staff had also brought the kid a blanket.
you will be the death of me - sunlitlemonade [one shot / 3.2k words]
“I can’t tell if you’re having a nightmare or throwing a tantrum with your eyes closed.” He knew that voice. A source of annoyance but reliable. Trustworthy, his brain supplied. Warm, came another, frankly unnecessary, addition.
Watch This - snackbaskets [one shot / 2.4k words]
Hal and Barry are worried about Batman's new partner. Being around the Batman all the time can't be good for a kid, right?  Robin insists otherwise, and for $15.36 of betting money, is happy to demonstrate.
Capture the Flag (to the death) - Hayleythewriter [multichap / 11.9k words]
Dick, Tim, and Damian play capture the flag. Gotham is not prepared.
General DC:
in the shadows - Kieron_ODubihir [multichap / 12.2k words]
Living Slow - kathkin [multichap / 50k words]
"In the face of an extraterrestrial threat they don't fully understand, with all their usual hide-outs compromised, the Justice League are forced to go to ground. Fortunately Superman has a remote location where they can regroup. Less fortunately, it comes with some baggage."
Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts - Unpretty [series]
"A DC universe where moms are awesome and raise their kids right."
straight on 'til morning - merils [multichap / 102k words]
"Kon hasn't been a kid in a long time - he's not stuck at sixteen anymore, and he hasn't been for years; he's twenty-three and living his best life. But the past has funny ways of coming back to haunt everyone when they least expect it, and there's no predicting the storm on the horizon for him. It starts simply, as do most things. Jon turns sixteen."
like lifting a veil - merils [one shot / 5.3k words]
"There's only one thing more embarrassing than having a breakdown over something as stupid as a couple of accidentally-dropped eggs on your dead mom's birthday: doing it directly in front of your best friend."
parallela - kow2 [one shot / 10.4k words]
“This is Zitka,” Dick tells him, handing him a grey stuffed elephant swirled together with tears and restitches, darker than the stormclouds lying outside the Manor’s walls. “She’s my baby.” A baby for a baby, Clark thinks. Bruce said he was nine, but considering that’s almost nothing in Terran standards, it’s absolutely nothing at all in Kryptonian. Dick is sand on a speck of sand. He’s thinner than the last slice of his Ma’s pie.
fill in the blanks - mindshelter [one shot / 2.7k words]
“You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?” A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
*HP/DC* Black Magic - DragonflyxParodies [multichap / 44k words]
"Jason Todd is the unlucky recipient of one letter from Gringotts, concerning a will reading. Things spiral."
*Marvel/DC* Leap of Faith (Catch Me, If You Can) - alighterwood and ErinWantsToWrite [multichap / 253k+ words]
"Peter, like any 14 year old superhero, really wants to catch a break. He's just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, nothing special. Well, only if you don't look at his biology ever since the radioactive spider bite. [...] And the fact that he was randomly kidnapped one morning on his way to school and now he's in an alternate universe with a bunch of different superhero that keep stalking him. He thinks they mean well, but they're really weird. Besides that Red Hood guy. He's pretty cool."
thank you to everyone who sent recs in! list will be updated accordingly if there are more recommendations <3 (would love some more gen DC fics as well as things more focused on the girlies)
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cwtchartsworld · 21 days ago
Clint, doing absolutely nothing: Hm…
Natasha: No. Absolutely not. Bad idea.
Clint: I didn’t even say anything yet!
Natasha: Don’t care. The answer is no.
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cwtchartsworld · 21 days ago
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cwtchartsworld · 23 days ago
Thomas Cardinal Lawrence when he doesn't resign post the Conclave:
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cwtchartsworld · 24 days ago
McCOY: "Help me, Jim. ...Take me home."
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KIRK: "As surely as if it were my very own."
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KIRK: "Bones, help Spock."
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MCCOY: "I choose the danger."
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