cwicseolfor · 2 days
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
i don't know the etiquette for posting other peoples tiktoks but the delivery of this punchline hit me like a FUCKING TRUCK please
NikhilClayton <- you should follow this guy on tiktok he's fucking hilarious
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
English added by me :)
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
"well police say he brandished a knife and threatened to kill them" police said sonya massey brandished a pot of boiling water at them. police said michael brown attacked them and tried to grab their gun. police said trayvon martin went for zimmerman's gun. police said tamir rice had a gun. police said george floyd physically resisted. stop acting as a stenographer for the police. when they execute you they'll make up something you did to deserve it too
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
realtalk: i can’t wait for AI to get better to the point where you can have a legit conversation with your computer or phone just for the heck of it imagine how innocent they’d be, and like they don’t know what swearing is until you teach them then they go overboard with it like a child and hhHHHG
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cwicseolfor · 2 days
The US finally takes aim at truck bloat - The Verge
This week, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stunned safety advocates by proposing new vehicle rules that it says will help reduce pedestrian deaths in America. The new rules appear aimed directly at the trend of increasingly massive SUVs and trucks, which have been shown to be more deadly to pedestrians than smaller and midsize vehicles.
Never in its 50-plus years in existence has the regulator issued new rules for automakers requiring them to change their vehicle designs to better prevent pedestrian fatalities. If enacted, the new rules could change how vehicles are designed in the US — permanently.
“It’s good to see NHTSA acknowledge that a myopic focus on pedestrian detection — which is imperfect — is no substitute for actually regulating car bloat,” said David Zipper, a senior fellow at the MIT Mobility Initiative and a Verge contributor. 
In recent years, NHTSA has issued a handful of new requirements aimed at reducing the number of pedestrian deaths. Earlier this year, the agency announced that automatic emergency braking would be required in all new vehicles. It also updated the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP), also known as the five-star safety rating, to account for technology that can help reduce pedestrian injuries and deaths. But it’s never before taken aim at vehicle design.
The rules announced this week would update the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), the government’s bible for everything that’s required in a new vehicle before it’s sold — from steering wheels to rearview mirrors — to set testing procedures to simulate head-to-hood impact, with the aim of reducing head injuries. If enacted, automakers will have to test their vehicles using crash test dummies representing adult and child pedestrians for the first time. NHTSA says the changes could save up to 67 lives every year.
“The US has never used pedestrian crash test dummies officially,” said Angie Schmitt, author of Right of Way: Race, Class, and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America. “I thought they were going to continue to avoid doing that even though Congress had sort of told them to do this — but apparently not.”
The proposed rules come amid a deadly period for pedestrians in this country. Each year, cars kill roughly 40,000 Americans. But while automakers have become very good at protecting people inside of vehicles, they have essentially neglected the safety of people outside of them.
SUVs and trucks, two of the most popular segments in the US, have become larger and heavier than ever before. In 2023, 31 percent of new cars in America weighed over 5,000 pounds (2.27 tons), compared to 22 percent in 2018, according to a recent investigation by The Economist. And with the shift to electric vehicles, many of those vehicles have become even heavier. The Ford F-150 Lightning has a curb weight of around 6,500 pounds, roughly 60 percent heavier than its gas equivalent.
Meanwhile, pedestrian deaths have skyrocketed in recent years. Between 2013 and 2022, pedestrian fatalities increased 57 percent, from 4,779 to 7,522, NHTSA reports. In 2022, 88 percent of pedestrian deaths occurred in single-vehicle crashes.
“I think it will exert positive pressure,” Schmitt said of the new proposal, “and maybe rein in some of the industry’s worst excesses.”
The shape of a vehicle, especially the hood, also plays a critical role in determining whether a pedestrian can survive being struck. Vehicles with hood heights of more than 40 inches and blunt front ends angled at greater than 65 degrees were 44 percent more likely to cause fatalities, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Automakers often point to the increasing use of technology in vehicles — cameras, blindspot detection, automatic braking — to help reduce pedestrian deaths. But rarely do they address the role that vehicle design plays in crash fatalities. That’s because big trucks and SUVs are not only popular but also better moneymakers than smaller vehicles. SUVs have a profit margin that’s 10–20 percent higher than smaller cars because they command a higher price while costing only slightly more to manufacture.
Safety advocates celebrated the news, while also noting that vehicle design is only one piece in a large, complex puzzle to make roads safer. That includes lower speed limits, infrastructure improvements, and increased enforcement of traffic laws. Many note that Europe has already gone much further to protect pedestrians, enacting rules that would prevent many of the largest vehicles produced by US manufacturers from being sold on the continent.
“Considering NHTSA estimates the new standard would save 67 lives a year, it is a step in the right direction, but it still falls behind what Europe has successfully done,” Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, said. “Numerous proven solutions must be employed to improve the safety of all vulnerable road users.”
The new NHTSA proposal is an important step, but it’s just the first of many needed to turn this crisis around.
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
Morning reblog.
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
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Marvel Comics #1000: We’re Calling Him Ben
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
We also just had a major effort to prevent polling locations being held on college campuses in one of the most populous counties in Texas, thanks to O’Hare. Fortunately, it failed… narrowly… for now. Voting downticket gets rid of those guys.
Voter roll purges are a widespread suppression tactic. Make sure your information is up to date and you have your voter card. Be sure to check polling locations and have a few backup locations planned for no-notice closures. Vote early if at all possible.
The voter registration deadline for the November 5, 2024 Election is October 7, 2024.
You have three weeks to ensure you, your loved ones, your friends have a chance to register.
Texas is right on the knife’s edge of flipping blue - about 5% closer every presidential election year. In 2020, it tilted only 5.6% red… despite historic voter suppression efforts, and many, many fewer young people eligible to vote.
Let’s get it done. The real work of building a future for all of us is a hell of a lot more fun when you aren’t fighting every single step of the way.
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
'the collapse of the american empire' is also 'the glorious revolution,' for the record. let me assure you, the fall of rome killed more innocents than it liberated.
the united states is not a building. it cannot be safely isolated from its neighbors, evacuated, and demolished. it is a tree in a crowded forest. its roots and branches are inextricably tangled with hundreds of others, and they feed and shelter thousands more organisms. if you want to change it without damaging its neighbors you cannot just cut it down, you have to put in the work to cultivate and prune it- slow, careful, loving, dull work.
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
the thing is like. i get that it's scary and makes people who do desire to get pregnant uncomfortable when we talk about the brutality and violence of pregnancy and the damage that pregnancy can do to your body
but you deserve to give informed consent to that process.
the lies around pregnancy - that it's inherently safe, that it doesn't do you permanent damage, that it's only extremely rare for people to die of pregnancy complications, etc like
all of these are lies constructed so that more people will get pregnant w/o knowing all that
there needs to be more talk about the impact of miscarriages and how common they are, how different abortion processes are and how accessible they are
but also like. talking about how pregnancy fucks your body up should not be taboo
this is a process that permanently changes most people's bodies, and that's even if the pregnancy doesn't do them like. severe illness or injury
and i just think everybody should have a right to KNOW that
bc to live in a society that intentionally obscures and hides facts about a completely optional and dangerous process does so for a reason, and that reason is based in a very sinister ideology that does not value bodily autonomy or informed consent
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
I need y’all to understand that every time that somebody who makes $10,000 a year thinks that somebody who makes $30,000 a year thinks that somebody who makes $50,000 a year thinks that somebody who makes $100,000 a year thinks that YES EVEN somebody who makes $150,000 a year is the real enemy
…a billionaire wins and we all lose.
And every time that somebody who makes $150,000 a year thinks that they’re better than somebody else who makes $100,000 a year thinks that they’re better than somebody else who makes $50,000 a year thinks that they’re better than somebody else who makes $30,000 a year thinks that they’re better than somebody else who makes $10,000 a year
…a billionaire wins and we all lose.
Privilege and comfort rises with income, obvi. It’s not all “the same.” But please zoom the fuck out and look at the whole picture. The WHOLE picture.
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
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Fun little collage fish quilt with tiny diamond scales.
Quilt created by @mamaspark
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
so my dad’s friend was bartending and saw a guy put something in a girl’s drink so while the guy turned around he switched their drinks and watched the guy roofie himself. 
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cwicseolfor · 3 days
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The Walking Tree
Bryce Canyon National Park
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