Home Sweet Home Part 3
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Just a shit ton of fluff
A/N: This took 8 consecutive hours to write so I hope you guys like it!! It's 3.8k words 😬 my back hurts from slouching over my laptop for so long so I'll edit this later.
A year and a half later
You and Steve have been doing so well at co-parenting for Penelope thus far. You had slowly eased Steve into her life, and she happily accepted him. It took her a while to comfortably call him ‘dad’ but once she started, that’s practically all she could say.
Steve doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the day when she confidently called him ‘dad’ without him or you having to tell her.
It was late at night- well, it was late for Penelope to still be awake, and you were trying everything to put her to sleep but she wouldn’t stop crying.
“Shhh, Penny, it’s okay.” You try to comfort her in your arms.
Her cries echo off your newly purchased apartment and you groan, rocking the toddler to try and calm her down.
Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.
“Baby, please calm down-”
“I want daddy!” She cries louder and you halt your movements.
“I want daddy!” Penelope sobs in your arms.
“I-” You’re stunned for a moment because this was the first-time hearing Penelope call Steve ‘daddy’ on her own without you or him coaxing her to say it. “Daddy will come over tomorrow, okay? But you need to go-”
“No!” She yelled, “I want daddy now!”
It didn’t seem like she was going to let up any time soon, so you walk over to the phone and hastily dial Steve’s number. It was only 8 o’clock so you knew he’d still be up- hopefully.
It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello?”
“Steve,” you breathed. “Thank god you’re still awake. Listen, I know it’s kinda last minute but Penelope won’t go to sleep and she keeps crying and asking for you so do you think you could maybe-”
“I’ll be there in a bit. Leave the door unlocked for me, yeah?” You could hear him moving around at his place, probably putting his shoes on.
“Okay, thank you so much.” You let out a sigh of relief.
Penelope’s cries get louder and you think Steve can hear her because he murmurs, “My poor baby…” You hear his car keys jingling soon after. “I’m on my way.”
A few minutes go by and Steve knocks two times before coming in. You know he probably sped all the way over and you make a mental note to scold him after Penelope goes to sleep.
“I’m here,” he huffed out, seemingly out of breath.
Upon hearing Steve’s voice, Penelope lifts her head from your shoulder and turns to her father all teary-eyed. “Daddy!” She cried, leaning out of your arms and toward him.
He visibly freezes at her words and his eyes pan over to you, wide. “Did she just-” he’s cut off by your daughter's cries of ‘daddy’ as she tries to grab him. “Come here, baby. Daddy’s here, don’t worry, sweetheart.”
He rubs her back soothingly and she slowly lays her head on his shoulder, doing the little hiccup-sob combination as she starts to calm down.
“Daddy…” She cried, “Stay.”
“It’s okay, sweet girl.” He hushes. “Daddy’s not going anywhere, alright?”
This seems to ease her mind because a few minutes later, she’s fully asleep in his arms. You silently guide him to her room where you watch as he puts her down and tucks her in. She stirs a bit but Steve gently pats her chest and she stills.
Once the both of you were sure she wasn’t going to wake up, you exit her room and walk back to the living room. The moment you enter the room, Steve pulls you into a hug.
“She called me daddy.” He beamed happily. “She fucking called me daddy, oh my god I feel like my heart is gonna burst open, I’m so happy right now.”
You hug him back, giggling a bit. “Yeah, it surprised me too.”
The both of you stay like that for a bit before he tears himself away from you and checks the time.
“It’s getting late, I should head home.” He says with a bit of a frown. “I can come by tomorrow if it’s alright with you?”
“Nuh uh,” you shake your head. “You promised your daughter that you’d stay.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
You tell him he can take your room and you’ll sleep on the couch, but he refuses and says he’ll sleep on the couch instead. You protest but he shuts it down and you let out a huff but say ‘okay’ before going to get him a spare pillow and blanket for the night. You had started easing Steve into Penelope’s life little by little, starting with him visiting her at your place whenever he could (which he made sure to visit every single day no matter what). After she was comfortable with him being around, you segued into him taking her out, whether it be to the park, or to get ice cream (you also tagged along so that she was more comfortable). From that, he started taking her out, just him and her and not too long after, she started staying the night at his house.
He had done up a spare bedroom at his place just for her and she loved it so much. He pulled out all the stops for his little girl. Telling his parents about Penelope was a bit rough. He told you that they were a bit skeptical about him being the father but when Steve whipped a picture of little Penelope out of his wallet and showed them, they went silent.
From there, they were disappointed that he was so careless that it resulted in a child. He told them that they could be mad at him all they want but that he has a daughter now and he’s stepping up and although he doesn’t have a great relationship with them, he would love it if Penelope did.
They were obviously a bit hesitant but after meeting Penelope, they let their guards down. It made Steve happy that they showered her with love and affection but it also made him a bit upset because he never really experienced that from them.
He felt like this was a turning point for them, though. A good turning point.
Today was Penelope’s 4th birthday party and Steve insisted that it should be at his house. You didn’t fight him on it. You figured his house would be better suited for a birthday party than your little apartment.
A knock on the door alerts your ears and you quickly glance into the backyard, seeing Steve run around with Penelope, before opening the front door.
“Sorry I’m late,” Eddie huffs out, “the band stayed and performed late and I didn’t get home till way later and then when I woke up I couldn’t remember where I put Pen’s gift so this whole morning I was tearing up my place looking for it.” He then shows you a poorly wrapped gift box with a smile. “But I found it.”
You giggle. “You didn’t miss much, Penny’s just been playing with the kids and Steve so far.”
“Thank god.” Eddie sighs. “Where do I put this?”
“We have a table outside for gifts. Come on.” You beckon him to follow you.
Eddie sets the gift on the table then makes his rounds saying hi to everyone. Steve is chasing Penelope around the yard and he lets out a playful roar as he picks her up and catches her. She screams and he laughs, giving her a kiss before setting her down carefully.
It was then that she spotted one of her favorite Uncle’s. “Uncle Eds!!”
The little girl runs over to Eddie as fast as she could, her pink tutu that she insisted on wearing even though it was cold outside, flowing about.
“Pen!” The curly-haired musician exclaimed as he knelt down and captured her in a hug. “How’s my favorite birthday girl?”
Penelope giggles. “Uncle Eds, I’m the only birthday girl!”
“You’re right.” He smiles before giving her a big kiss. “You’re getting so big, Pen. Don’t go growing up on me too fast.”
“Ima grow bigger and faster!”
“No! Don’t say that, I’ll cry!” Eddie pulls a dramatic frowny face which makes Penelope laugh.
Steve walks up beside you with his hands on his hips; a typical Steve Harrington pose. “Please tell her to stop saying that, she tells me all the time that she’s a big girl and it breaks my heart.”
Steve pouts at his daughter and she giggles in Eddie’s arms. “Daddy don’t be sad, when I get bigger ima take care of you!”
Steve’s eyebrow quirks up and he points a finger at her. “I’ll hold you to that, little lady.”
“She’s not getting bigger, not on my watch.” Eddie says as he squishes her in a hug. “I’m gonna squeeze you in a little box so you stay little forever!”
Penelope gasps. “No!”
Penelope wiggles out of Eddie's grip and starts running away from him. “No! Never ever ever!”
Eddie runs after her, telling her that he’ll never let her grow up. You giggle, watching the two and Steve turns to you.
“Everyone here?” He asks.
“Yeah, Eds was the last one to show up.”
“Alright,” he nods. “I say we let her play for a little while longer then sing happy birthday?”
“I was thinking the same thing, Harrington.”
He points to his head, then to yours and says, “Great minds think alike, Y/L/N.”
It was fairly easy to slip back into your friendship with Steve. After the awkwardness of him finding out that Penelope was his, the two of you acted as if no time had passed. It was refreshing and you didn’t realize how much you missed being around him.
To say your feelings for Steve were gone, would be a lie. Your feelings for Steve never really went away. Even if you tried so very hard to leave them behind, they only grew more when Steve would play with Penelope or spend time with her in general. He adapted to his role as a father rather quickly and you weren’t going to lie, it was attractive.
You would never tell him, though. You didn’t want to ruin the dynamic that the two of you had. Everything, so far, was good.
You had tried going on a date a while back but it fell through once you told the guy that you had a child. Steve was very upset about it. The date had lasted less than an hour. You were having a good time, asking questions about each other when you mentioned you had a daughter. The guy’s demeanor changed quickly and he closed himself off. It was awkward after that. He confirmed that you had a daughter once more and when you said yes, he cleared his throat.
“Um, I’m sorry but I don’t think this is going to work out.” He says. “You’re a great girl but-”
“But me having a kid is a problem.” You finish his sentence in a mono-tone pitch.
“No!” The guys exclaimed. “It’s just- It’s kind of-”
He stumbles over his words, trying to save face but you shake your head and pull out money for your meal, placing it on the table.
“It’s fine. I know me having a child isn’t ideal but maybe you should try to at least be an adult about it.”
The guy scoffs. “I’m not about to play step-daddy to someone else’s kid.”
You roll your eyes and stand up. “Grow up.” You say before walking out.
You understand that dating someone who has a child could be a bit scary but he didn’t even give it a chance! He closed off the minute you mentioned Penelope.
You pull up to Steve’s house and slam your door shut in annoyance.
‘I’m not about to play step-daddy to someone else’s kid’
Get real.
You knock on the door and patiently wait for Steve to open it.
“Hey,” he says when he sees you on the other side. “Why are you here so early? I thought you had a date?”
“I did.” He can sense the annoyance in your voice and he moves aside to let you in. You put your purse down on his table and turn to face him. “He wasn’t too keen on the fact that I have a kid.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow and he’s about to ask what the dude said but it’s like you read his mind because you tell him.
“Said he’s not about to play step-daddy to a kid that’s somebody else’s.”
“What the hell?” He has a look of disgust flushed across his face.
“Yeah,” you nod. “He didn’t even wait a few minutes before he was telling me that it ‘wasn’t going to work out’ between us! The minute I mentioned Penny, he shut down.” You huff out, running your fingers through your now messy hair.
“What a dick!” Steve is visibly baffled. “Welcome to the real world! There’s a chance that you might date someone who has a kid!”
“Right?” You agree. “Like I get it, I’m young and I have a toddler and yeah that’s kind of scary but he didn’t even give it a chance!”
Steve’s hands are on his hips as he shakes his head. “God, what an asshole. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Eh,” you shrug. “Probably dodged a bullet anyway.”
“I’m never gonna date again. I’m gonna be lonely forever!” You groan.
“No you won’t,” Steve reassures as he pats your shoulder. “There’s someone out there who will want to be with you and doesn’t mind that you have a kid.”
“Suuuuuure,” you mumble. “When you find him, let me know, alright?”
Steve chuckled. “You got it, sweetheart.”
Penelope comes running into the room shortly after, practically leaping into your arms and you cradle her to you. She tells you that her and Steve are gonna watch movies all night long but both you and Steve know she’s most likely going to fall asleep in the middle of the first movie.
She asks if you’re going to stay and watch movies with them and Steve encourages you to do so.
“What, you’re gonna go home and sulk about what a crappy date this was? Nuh uh. Stay and watch movies with your family.” He tells you.
“Yeah!” Penelope adds. “Watch movies with family! Daddy got the movie with the kitties!”
Aristocats has been Penelope’s favorite movie recently.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay.”
Penelope is happy and the three of you move to the couch. Steve puts the movie in and Penny sits in between the two of you, knocking out exactly midway into the film.
Steve puts her in her room then comes back out, coaxing you to stay for another movie. It works and he pops in ‘Just One Of The Guys’. You two enjoy each other's company and toward the end of the movie, you and Steve are fast asleep on the couch.
You gathered everyone around the table that held the cake as Penelope climbed on top of the chair. Steve puts a pink birthday hat on her little head and she insists that both you and him put one on as well.
You oblige with her wishes and put a pink hat on. Jonathan wastes no time with taking pictures of the three of you. He’d develop them as soon as he could and give them to you.
Penelope’s eyes scanned the yard as she beamed happily at everyone. Both yours and Steve’s parents were there, the Party, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan- all in attendance for your daughter's fourth birthday party. Your heart swelled knowing all the people that were present loved your daughter just as much as you and Steve did.
You all sang happy birthday to Penelope and she blew out the candles, causing everyone to cheer.
“Wait!” She shouts with her eyes squeezed shut. “I’m still wishing!”
“Oh! Sorry, sweet girl. Everyone shhh!” Steve says.
Everyone quiets down and Penelope is heard murmuring underneath her breath but no one can make out what she’s saying. After a bit, she opens her eyes and smiles.
“I’m done!”
Everyone cheers again and you cut the cake and plate it while Steve hands them out. When Penelope’s done eating her slice of cake, you start opening the gifts.
“Okay, this one is from Uncle Dusty.” You hand her the gift and she tears it open excitedly.
“A tea party!!” She yells out happily, turning to her father. “Daddy, we can play tea party! Thank you, Uncle Dusty! You’re my favorite!”
Dustin tells the four-year-old that she’s welcome as he beamed at her words. Eddie, however, wasn’t taking it too well.
“What?!” He exclaimed. “What about me? I was your favorite earlier!”
Penelope giggles. “Uncle dusty gave me a tea party so he’s my favorite now!”
Eddie sulks as she continues to open her gifts and Dustin sticks his tongue out at the musician in a mocking manner. Not too long after, however, Penelope opens Eddie’s gift.
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She enunciated every word. ���It’s a guitar!! Uncle Eds, it looks like the one you have!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!”
Although it was a toy guitar, you and Steve knew you would never know what silence felt like after this moment.
Steve rubs his face with his hands when he sees the gift. “Oh no…”
Penelope had been obsessed with Eddie’s guitar from the moment she saw it. She always wanted Eddie to play it and she always wanted to touch it. Eddie would tell you she was a musical prodigy in the making.
You and Steve give each other the same look before you say, “Say goodbye to the peacefulness.”
Steve groans while Penelope jumps up and down happily. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re my favorite now, Uncle Eds! We can play guitar together!!”
“Any time you want, Pen.” Eddie smiles at his niece before locking eyes with Dustin who stared at him with a blank face. Eddie mouths, “In your face!”
You finish up the gifts and the kids play with Penny for a little bit before you can tell that she’s beginning to get tired. You and Steve end the birthday party, thanking everyone for coming as they left. Once they were gone, Steve put Penelope down for a very much needed nap while you started picking up.
Steve joins you not too long after and when you’ve finished cleaning up, the pair of you slump down on the couch, exhausted.
“Penelope’s fourth birthday party was a success. Nice work, Y/L/N.” He raises his hand for a high-five, and you meet him halfway.
“Can’t take all the credit. You did most of the work.” You tell him.
“Yeah, but you gave birth to her. If you didn’t, we wouldn’t be here celebrating her turning four.” He smiles at you affectionately before his smile drops. “Oh my god, she’s four. My baby’s four.”
“Yep,” you nod. “And she’ll only get older from here.”
“Don’t remind me.” He pouts. “I want her to stay little forever.”
You laugh as he sulks for a bit. The two of you sit in silence and you close your eyes for a little before you feel Steve shift in his seat.
“Y/N?” He says and you open your eyes to find him facing you.
Steve bites his lip and his fingers tap against his jean-covered thigh. His habit every time he’s nervous.
“Um,” he starts. “We’ve been doing good, right? I mean, co-parenting and all.”
“Yeah…” You have no clue where this conversation is headed.
“And our relationship with each other is good. We don’t fight or argue or anything-”
“Steve,” you cut him off. “Spit it out already.”
You start to think he’s trying to ease into telling you that he was seeing someone, and you were preparing yourself to hear it, but his next words threw you off.
“I have feelings for you.” He says quickly and your eyebrows furrow as you sit up to look at him more clearly. “Well, I’ve always had feelings for you. They never went away. I just never said anything because you said you weren’t ready to revisit us romantically but, I don’t know, today just-” He sighs deeply, his fingers combing through his hair. “You look so beautiful today- well, you look beautiful every day and we work so well together that it got me thinking about what life would be like if we were, you know, together. As a couple.”
“I know, okay? I know I fucked up back then and I know you’re hesitant but god, Y/N, you take up so much space in my head. You and Penny. That’s all I care about. That’s all I want and that’s all I’ll ever need. Ever since you walked out of my house almost five years ago, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I haven’t been on a date since- well, since I was with Nancy because I didn’t want to be with anyone else but you. I want to be with you, Y/N. I want us to be a family, officially. Me, you, and Penny in a big house. I wanna come home from work and know that I hit the jackpot because I get to see my two favorite girls every single day of my life. I want-” He takes a minute to breathe before he takes your hand softly. “I want you.”
He’s looking into your eyes and you just know that he means every word that he’s said just now.
You don’t know if it’s butterflies in your stomach or if you’re gonna throw up.
“Steve,” you breathe out.
“Please say you feel the same way.” He says softly. “If you don’t, that’s okay and we can just go back to how we were before I confessed all of this but if there’s even a slight chance that you feel the same way, please give me the chance to make you happy for the rest of your life.”
A smile makes its way to your lips and your eyebrow quirks up. “For the rest of my life, huh?”
“Mmm Hmm,” he hums. “For the rest of your life, for the rest of my life, for the rest of our lives… I’m in it for the long run.”
“Steve,” you say softly. You watch as the boy in front of you hangs on to your every word, anticipating what you’ll say next. He looks nervous and scared, but also hopeful. You lean in and kiss his cheek softly. His eyes close as he relishes in the feeling. “You’re in luck because I feel the same way.”
His eyes snap open and they sparkle in the light. “Really?”
“Really.” You giggle. “My feelings never went away either.”
“Oh my god.” He breathed out, pulling you into a hug.
You stay like that for a bit before pulling away. “I want to take this slow, though. I wanna do this right, I don’t want to rush things, Steve.”
He looks at you affectionately, rubbing the skin of your cheek with his thumb.
“I’ll do whatever you want, Y/N, as long as I get to be with you in the end.”
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#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington imagine#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#steve x reader
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Hi I just finished reading home sweet home part 2 and I was wondering if there are gonna be more parts (I'm obsessed with the first and 2nd part) if so I was wondering if you could tag me 💖💖
there’s gonna be 2 more parts i think!! i’ll definitely tag you :))
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Home Sweet Home Part 2
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Here's part 2!! I hope you guys like it! this was 4.7k words and now I'm exhausted. I'll proofread this tomorrow when I wake up <3
Steve is still standing at the entrance of the living room, dumbfounded at the sight of you sitting only a few feet in front of him. He blinks a few times, thinking he’s seeing things but nope, there you are sitting on the couch next to your mutual rockstar friend.
Three years. It’s been three years since he’s seen you; since he’s even been in the same room as you without you scurrying off. He notes that you’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time he saw you, if that was even possible.
His mouth is open, but no words are coming out of it. He’s just staring at you. He never thought he’d see you again. Not after-
“What are you doing here?” Eddie’s voice cuts through his thoughts.
“What,” Steve’s eyes leave yours and focuses on his friend beside you. “Can’t hang out with my friends?”
“I didn’t invite you for a reason, Steve-”
Steve glances at you. “I see the reason.”
“-so how did you know we were hanging out today?”
“Um,” a voice says from behind you. Dustin walks into the middle of everyone with his pointer finger raised and a pained look etched on his face. “I sort of, kind of, maybe accidentally told Steve we were all meeting up at your place to hang out.”
“I’m sorry!” The curly haired boy exclaimed. “I didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to know!”
“Wait, why didn’t you invite Steve?” Robin asks what everyone else wanted to know.
“Because Y/N didn’t want to see Steve because he-” Eddie is stressing but stops himself from spilling something that he shouldn’t. “Do you guys not remember that Y/N and Steve stopped being friends? I didn’t invite him because I didn’t want to make Y/N uncomfortable.”
You’re glad he didn’t say anything more. Your friends never knew why the two of you stopped speaking and they were too scared to pry for answers so they just let it be.
However, Steve knew exactly why he wasn’t invited the moment he saw you sitting on the couch.
Poor Dustin felt bad, but he didn’t know you’d be there. He thought it was a regular hang out. The other day when Steve was driving him home, he let it slip.
“Since we’re all hanging out at Eddie’s on saturday, do you think you could pick me up and then we’ll head over?”
Steve shakes his head. “Nah, I can’t, I have a shift that doesn’t end till- wait, everyone’s going to Eddie’s on saturday?”
“Yeah, he didn’t call you?”
“No. What the hell?”
The younger boy shrugs and fixes his hat. “Maybe he just forgot to tell you. You know Eddie forgets things from time to time. He told us to be there at 5, specifically.”
Steve lets out an irritated sigh as he stops at a red light. “I’ll come by after my shift.”
Dustin is excited because this is the first time Steve is actually going to come hang out with them in a while.
His excuse for not spending a lot of time with them was because he was busy with work which was true and Robin can vouch for him on that one. He had been taking more and more shifts to make more money which decreased his free time. By the time he was finished working for the day, he was so tired all he would want to do was go home and sleep.
Wake up.
Go to work all day.
Come home.
He was doing that every day, seven days a week. It wasn’t healthy but he refused to give in and work for his father, so he did what he had to, to make ends meet.
The light turned green and as Steve stepped on the gas pedal, he grumbled out, “I can’t believe Munson didn’t call me.”
“I’m sorry, alright?” Dustin says again.
“It’s okay, Dustin.” you tell him, trying to defuse the situation. “Don’t sweat it. I can handle it, I’m a big girl.”
“Are you sure, Ace?” Eddie asks, worriedly. “I can tell him to get lost.”
“Hey!” Steve complained. “I’m right here, you know.”
“I’m sure. It’s been three years.” you tell the musician in a hushed tone.
“Yeah but-”
“He’s your guys’ friend too. I’m not gonna be the asshole that makes him leave because I’m uncomfortable. He can stay. It’s okay, Eds, really. I’m twenty now, not seventeen.”
“Fine.” Eddie sighs, turning to Steve. “Make yourself at home, Harrington.”
He looks between you and Eddie as he sits down on the couch across from you. “Thanks…”
It’s awkward after that. The silence is overbearing and you wish you could dig up a hole and throw yourself in it. You knew it was inevitable that you’d run into Steve after moving back home but you never pictured it being like this.
You’re uncomfortable.
Steve’s uncomfortable.
Robin, Jonathan, Eddie, Nancy- uncomfortable.
Robin clears her throat loudly. “So, uh, that was-”
“Mommy!” Penelope interrupts as she runs over to you. “Block!”
“Block?” you question before she hands you three blocks stacked on one another. “Oh, how pretty! Did you make this all by yourself?”
“Oh my goodness, you’re so talented, Penny!” You praise the toddler and scoop her into your arms. She blushes and lets out a giggle.
Steve’s world starts spinning. It was spinning the moment he heard the toddler say mommy.
You’re a mom? Since when? And nobody told him?
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
And here Steve goes again, mouth trying to form words as his eyes move between you and Penelope but nothing comes out. You don’t even notice that he’s looking at the both of you, too occupied with Penny and her magnificent three story tower made of blocks.
You’re in the middle of praising your daughter when Eddie clears his throat and elbows you in the side.
“Ow! What the heck, Eds?” You rub your side as you look at your friend. He motions to Steve with his eyes and your mouth forms an ‘o’.
Shit, you think.
“Oh, um, Steve, this is my daughter Penelope.” You introduce, hoping no one can tell that your voice definitely faltered a bit in the process. “Penny, look,” you gain your daughter's attention as you point over to Steve. “That’s mommy’s friend, Steve. Can you say ‘hi Steve’?”
“Hi Steeb…” She gets shy, hiding behind her hands but peeking to look at the brunet that was sitting across from you.
Hi Pen- Can I call her Penny?” His eyes shift to you.
“Of course.”
He looks back at the toddler. “Hi Penny,” Steve says lightly as he takes in her facial features. “You’re so pretty.”
Penelope giggles at him then turns and points to you. “Mommy pwetty.”
Steve smiles. “Yeah, your mommy is pretty. Guess that’s where you get your looks from, huh pretty girl?”
Penelope giggles again and you feel your cheeks flush. Robin and Nancy have a smug look on their faces after his comment and you swear you hear Robin call Steve a dingus.
“Here,” you hand your toddler the blocks. “Go build another one, Penny.”
Max beckons the toddler over and you watch as she runs straight to the red haired girl. Your eyes fleet over to Steve who is looking at your little girl like he’s trying to figure something out. His eyebrows are pinched ever so slightly and he looks deep in thought.
“Hey, um,” he starts slowly, trying to form a coherent sentence, “who-who’s the um… you now, the-”
“You don’t know him.” Nancy cuts him off from his blabbering.
“None of us do.” Jonathan adds.
Robin then chimes in, “Yeah, he’s some asshole that- Oops! Sorry, Penny! He’s some idiot Y/N met in Michigan who left her when she told him she was pregnant.” She then scoffs. “Douchebag.”
You visibly see the cogs in Steve’s head halt after what Robin said and you say a silent thank you to whoever may be listening to your pleas. You tell yourself that you’ll tell Steve that Penelope is his eventually but not right now, not in front of all of your friends who you’re seeing for the first time in three years. That could be a conversation for a different day.
“Hm,” Steve hums, “what a prick.”
You shrug and loosen up a little bit. “I’ve been managing fine. My parents are a big help too.”
“And now you have us.” Nancy smiled.
“Yeah,” you smile back. “I do.”
For the rest of your time there, things seemed to get less awkward and soon enough it felt like old times, hanging out with everyone.
You’re laughing at something Robin just said when your eyes drift over to the clock on Eddie’s wall.
“Shit,” Your eyes widened.
“What?” Eddie is the first to ask.
“It’s almost 8:30,” you say as you stand up from your seat. “Penny’s bedtime was an hour ago. Crap, I hope this doesn’t mess up her sleep schedule.”
Eddie shrugs. “She doesn’t look very sleepy to me, Ace.”
“That’s because she’s been playing with the kids.” You tell your friend. “She’ll probably crash out when we get home. Sorry to be a party pooper guys, but I gotta get home and put Penny to sleep.”
They tell you that it’s okay and you even plan to hang out again soon.
“Penny, it’s time to go.” You say sweetly as you crouch down next to your daughter. “Say bye-bye.”
She fights it for a few seconds but ultimately gives up and waves bye to the kids.
“See you guys later, alright?” You tell the Party. “Here, I’ll write my number and address down for you guys if you ever wanna call or stop by to see Penny, okay?”
The younger kids nod and you quickly find a pen and paper and scribble down your number and address before handing it to Max who was the closest to you.
“Share it.” You tell them as you pick Penelope up. “Eds,” you turn to your friend who was nursing a beer. “You ready?”
Eddie frowns as he looks down at the beer in his hand. “I’ve been drinking and I don’t want to put you or Pen at risk. Why don’t you stay the night? You two can take my bed and I’ll crash on the couch.”
You frown as well. “I would but Penny won’t be able to sleep without Bun.”
At the mention of Bun, Penelope looks at you with a pout. “Where’s Bun?”
“Who’s Bun?”
“Penelope’s stuffed animal. It’s a bunny. She can’t sleep without it lately.”
Eddie rubs his face with his hands and sighs. “Gosh, Ace, I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped drinking a while ago. How about I-”
“I can take you home.” Steve cuts him off. Your heart thumps against your chest. “I don’t mind.”
“You don’t have to, Steve, I can-”
“No, seriously.” He shakes his head. “I really don’t mind at all.”
Is this a good decision? Letting the father of your child (who doesn’t know he’s the father of your child) drive you home? Who knows. But you do know that you have to get you and Penny home soon and Steve seems like a better option than a complete stranger driving a taxi.
Your eyes lock on Nancy, Jonathan, then Robin who all give you a little frown as they nod over to the kids. Of course they wouldn’t have any space for you and Penelope, they have to take the kids home. Crap.
“Y/N?” Steve’s voice snaps you back to reality.
“Huh?” You look at him, blinking a few times. “Oh, yeah, if you really don’t mind-”
“I don’t.” He gives you a small smile. “Do you have a car seat for Penny?”
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Eddie-”
“I’ll unlock my car.”
“Thank you.”
You make your rounds, saying bye to everyone and Eddie gives Penelope a big kiss on the cheek before you exit his apartment which makes her laugh. Before you could even offer to help, Steve is pulling Penelope’s car seat out of Eddie’s car and buckling it up in his backseat. He tugs at the car seat a few times, making sure it’s secured safely before turning toward you and stepping aside.
“Good to go.” He tells you.
Steve watches as you buckle Penelope up and you kiss her forehead before shutting the door. You didn’t even notice when Steve walked around you to open the passenger door for you.
“You know you don’t have to do that, right?” You say as you slide into the seat.
“Come on, Y/N,” he smiles. “When have I ever let you open the car door for yourself?”
Never, but you're not about to answer him. Instead, you playfully roll your eyes and say, “Get in the car and drive me home, Harrington.”
“Make a left here then keep going straight.” You tell him and he does as he’s told.
It fell silent and the only thing that could be heard was Penelope’s soft snores coming from the back. She had fallen asleep a few minutes after you had left Eddie’s. So much for not being able to sleep without Bun..
Steve kept glancing at you every chance he had but you paid no mind as your eyes were scanning the environment outside of your window. His slender fingers rapped against the steering wheel and he tried to think of something- anything to say to you.
“Hey,” he finally says.
“I-I just wanted to say that you look good, you know? Motherhood looks good on you.” Really, Steve? That's all you got? “I mean, you’re a great mother, but I’m pretty sure you already knew that. What I’m trying to say is three years did good to you, you know? Wait, that kind of sounded horrible. I mean, like-”
“Steve,” you let out a soft laugh at his stuttering. “Three years did good to you too.”
He smiles as he continues to drive.
“Make another left up here and it’s the fourth house on the right.”
It’s silent again. You watch as you pass by all the trees in the neighborhood and Steve’s back to tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. He pulls up to your house and there’s another minute of silence before he speaks again.
“So,” he lets out an awkward cough. “Can we talk about the elephant in the room?”
You face him with a confused look. “What elephant?”
“You know,” his eyes drop to his lap and he nervously plays with his fingers. “The fact that Penelope is my daughter.”
He’s looking at you now but he’s not mad. He looks… Hurt.
It feels like all the air has left your lungs because it suddenly gets harder to breathe. There's no way he figured it out. You thought he bought the whole ‘Michigan baby daddy who bailed on you’ story just like everyone else did.
Nowhere in his facial expressions did it seem like he knew the truth, and you’ve known Steve for so long to know that he absolutely sucks at having a poker face.
“How.” You take a deep breath in, then a deep breath out. “How did you know?”
“She looks just like me, Y/N.” He tells you, shifting in his seat to face you. “And Robin told me she’s two and a half; I did the math. Unless you hooked up with someone else who looks like me around the same time we did.”
“I didn’t.” The words tumble out of your mouth before your brain could even register. “I mean, I wouldn’t. I-I…” Breathe, Y/N. “I only slept with you.”
It came out softer than a whisper and Steve’s convinced that if a gust of wind had come by, he would’ve missed what you said. Your confirmation has his brain working overtime and his heart about to beat out of his chest.
Steve’s a dad. A dad.
He has a daughter.
Holy shit, he has a daughter.
A daughter whose life he’s missed out on for almost three years. Shit.
Steve drops his head down on his steering wheel and squeezes his eyes shut. “Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?” He suddenly snaps his head toward you. “I could’ve helped! I would’ve moved with you or-or-”
“Steve,” his name falls from your lips softly, but assertively. “Can we please not talk about this right now?”
“Y/N, this is a big deal-”
“I know.” You say. “I know it is and trust me when I say I’ll answer every question you have but not tonight. I need to get Penny inside.”
You see his eyes gloss over and you feel like even more shit than you did a second ago.
“Steve,” you watch as he bites the inside of his cheek to stop his tears from falling. “Listen to me. We can talk about this another time, okay? I promise. We can meet up at my place or yours; anywhere, okay? And I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Steve takes a deep breath in, then out before his eyes lock on his daughter, who is sleeping, from the rearview mirror.
“Yeah,” he nods. “Yeah, okay.”
The next day you decide to tell your parents everything. They knew someone from Hawkins had gotten you pregnant but they didn’t know who and as much as they pressed you for answers, you refused to tell them. You didn’t want them to look at Steve differently, despite everything that happened between the two of you.
You told them during dinner and your dad nearly choked on his food while your moms eyes grew wide like saucers.
“Penny’s father is Steve Harrington?!” Your father exclaimed after he stopped coughing. “I let that boy into my home! If I knew you two were having s-”
“We weren’t!” You cut him off.
Your father gave you a look that said ‘really?’ as his eyes drifted to the toddler who was sitting in her high chair beside you.
“It was one time, I swear!” You add.
Your father shook his head in disappointment. “One time and you end up pregnant with his kid and that little sh-” he stops himself from cursing in front of Penelope. “He left you alone to raise Penny by yourself. I never thought he’d be so selfish. How could he-”
“Actually…” You start. “He had no clue that I was pregnant. I found out after we moved and I didn’t… tell… him.”
“Sweetheart-” Your mom tried but your dad shook his head.
“Y/M/N, she didn’t tell him she was pregnant!” He exclaimed before turning back to you. “That was selfish on your part, Y/N. We didn’t raise you like that. No matter what happened between you and Steve, he had the right to know that he was about to be a father.”
“I know but I was scared and-”
“No buts,” your dad says. “Matter of fact, you're gonna find him and tell him as soon as possible. He has the right to know he has a daughter.”
You look down at your plate as you speak. “He already knows.” Your parents look at you very confused, so you continue. “Yesterday when me and Penny went with Eddie to his place, he invited everyone over as a surprise and Steve showed up too. He knows.”
You hear your father sigh. “I’m very disappointed with you, Y/N.”
“I know…” You murmur. “But I plan on inviting him over tomorrow so we can discuss what happens next.”
The rest of dinner is a bit awkward, but you pull through.
The next day rolls around rather quickly. Both of your parents head to work and you get Penelope ready for the day. You put the toddler in her high chair before walking over to the phone and dialing Eddie’s number. It rings twice before he answers.
“Eddie,” you say into the phone, “can you give me Steve’s number?”
“Visiting old flames already?” You could practically hear the smirk on his lips. “My, my, you work fast, Ace.”
“Shut up, idiot.” there’s a beat of silence before you speak again. “He knows.”
“Uh, he knows?”
You roll your eyes. “About Penelope. He knows she’s his.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie says. “You told him?”
“No! He knew the whole time!” You exclaim softly. “Said it was because she looks just like him.”
“Well, he’s not wrong.”
“Sorry,” there’s shuffling on the other end. “Well, he’s at work right now so he won’t answer his house phone but I could give you his work number.”
“That works.”
You grab a pen and paper and scribble down the number Eddie tells you, thanking him before hanging up. You punch in Steve’s work number and it rings a few times before someone answers.
“Family Video, how can I help you?”
The voice is sickly sweet and your nose scrunches. “Robin?”
“Y/N?” Her voice is back to normal. “What’s up?”
“Is Steve there?”
You wait in silence for a bit, thinking she’s going to call Steve over or hand him the phone, but she doesn’t.
“Can you give him the phone?” You say after a bit.
“Oh! Totally.” You assume she takes the phone away from her ear because she sounds a bit far. “It’s for you, dingus.”
“Who is it? Dustin?” Steve says as his voice sounds closer.
“No, Y/N.”
There’s a thud on the other end and you hear Robin say something but you can’t make it out.
“Y/N, hey, what uh, what’s up?” Steve sounds out of breath.
“Hey, sorry to bother you at work-”
“It’s no problem.” He speaks. “Is something wrong? Is Penny okay?”
“She’s fine.” you reassure him. “I was just calling to ask if you’d wanna come over to my place so that we could… talk.” Your fingers nervously play with the cord attached to the phone. “It doesn’t have to be right now! It could be after you get off of work or even tomorrow or something-”
“I’ll be right over.”
“You don’t-”
He hangs up before you can finish and you turn to Penelope who’s looking at you with big eyes.
“Your dad is a crazy person, Penny.”
She giggles.
As you wait for Steve to arrive, you make some breakfast for yourself and for Penelope… and maybe a little extra. Just in case, you know? You had just put Penelope’s food down in front of her when there was a knock on the door.
“Who is it, Penny?” You ask her as you make your way toward the door.
“Mmm… Poppy!”
Poppy is what she calls your father.
“Let’s see…” You open the door, revealing Steve and not Poppy.
Steve smiles as he sees you on the other end of the door. “Hey.”
“Hey Steve.” You say, moving to the side. “Come in.”
He says thanks and as soon as Penelope gets a good look at him, she yells out, “Steeb!”
His eyes are on her immediately and his smile grows bigger. “Hey pretty girl, you remember me!”
Penelope giggles and continues to stuff her face with her breakfast. You move toward the food on the counter and look at Steve.
“Are you hungry?” You’re already grabbing a plate for him.
“I don’t want to impose; I can get something later-”
“Shut up and eat, Steve. I made more than enough.”
You put the plate of pancakes in front of him and he bites back a smile. “Yes ma’am.”
He takes a seat beside Penelope and the two start eating in sync. Yep. There is absolutely no doubt that Penny is Steve’s daughter.
The three of you are enjoying breakfast and every now and then Steve will point to something on Penelope’s plate and ask her what it is. She answers the best she can and he praises her for trying. It’s like a little glimpse into what life would’ve been like if everything went RIGHT.
“So,” you clear your throat, “I think I owe you an apology.”
Steve’s eyebrows crease and he tears his gaze from Penelope and moves it to you. “What? No you don’t. If anyone’s apologizing, it’s me.”
“I owe you one too. I should’ve told you about me being pregnant when I found out instead of keeping it from you.” You say as you move a piece of pancake around on your plate.
“I understand,” Steve nods. “I mean, it sucks knowing I've missed out on Penelope’s life thus far but I-I know I hurt you, and… God, Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
He shakes his head. “Please let me say what I need to say.”
You give him a curt nod and he takes a deep breath. “I know it seems like I used you that day but I need you to know that I meant it when I said I felt the same way for you. There is no excuse for me calling you Nancy after we were done-” he glances at Penelope before his eyes focus back on you. “Snuggling.”
“Pfft!” You cover your mouth immediately. “Sorry!”
“Hey, I’m not about to taint my daughter's innocent ears.” There’s a fake frown on his face before he breaks out with a smile. It lasts for a few seconds before he gets serious again. “I need you to know that I really am sorry. At that point, I think I had liked you since eighth grade and I waited to see a hint that you might’ve liked me back but when I didn’t see one, I thought it was time to move on. I was also terrified that if I told you how I felt, that it would ruin our friendship and I didn’t want that to happen because you were my best friend.”
He sits back in his seat and frowns. “Then, I met Nancy and I really liked her… but then she broke my heart and I was a wreck after that. I thought I was over her completely after all those months of us being broken up because… my feelings for you came back. In that moment, I didn’t even realize I had called you Nancy and I am such a piece of crap for doing that to you. Seeing you cry… I never wanted to make you feel like that and I’ve beat myself up about what I did since it happened. I am so sorry if I made you feel like you were the second option, Y/N. I shouldn’t have let my impulses take over when you told me you had feelings for me. I should’ve taken you out on a date, court you for a bit so you knew that I was serious about my feelings. I-I should’ve-”
“Steve.” You snap him out of his thoughts. “Take a deep breath, please.”
He nods and takes a deep breath, visibly calming down.
“I forgive you, Steve.” You tell him. “We were seventeen; we were idiots. I’m sorry for not telling you I was pregnant. I was hurt over what happened and thought you were still into Nancy and I just didn’t want to be a bother. Now I just want the past to be the past and to move forward. If not for ourselves, then for Penelope. I don’t want to dwell on what happened three years ago.”
“Done.” He agrees. “We move forward.”
“As friends.” You tell him and his shoulders slouch a bit. “I don’t think I’m ready to revisit this-” you point between the both of you. “-romantically. And I don’t mean that in a mean way. I think we should just focus on being the best parents we can be for Penelope and learn to co-parent well. Our priority right now should be Penelope… that is, if you want to be a part of her life. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, sorry for assuming-”
“I want to.” He cut you off. “More than anything, I want to be a part of Penny’s life.”
“Okay, good.” You look at Penelope who was still munching on her food. Half of it was in her mouth, the other half was all over her face. “We can talk about you coming over to visit her here? I want to ease her into this slowly. All she’s known since she was born was me, my mom, and my dad and I don’t want to overwhelm or scare her with this change.”
Steve nods. “I’ll go at whatever pace you set, Y/N. I’m just glad to be a part of her life now. And… yours.”
“As friends.” You remind him.
“Yeah,” he smiles softly, “as friends.”
@solarbxby @nojamsonmytoast @amberpanda99 @marrowfrog00 @ladygrey03 @ok-boke @browneyedgirly93 @munsonzgf @capswife @livsters @brinleighsstuff @imstevesnailedbat @theworldscalamity @hazydespair @octoazzy @keeryverse @yvonne-dump @kjaxm @smoshyourheadin @eddiessweetheart86 @valhallavalkyrie9 @moneyy-21 @fhsbsvy @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @keerysfolklore @ahgrace6 @millercontracting @dangeratthebeach @baileebear @kinokomoonshine @mysticalstar30 @nanvxs @raineshua @ajeff855 @trln @flameo @spiderman-stilinski @daisy-munson @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @ali-r3n @itsnotsophiasworld
#stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve x reader#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington imagine
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Hi, can you please tag me in part 2 of home sweet home. I just found it and I love it!!
ty so much! and ofc! i’m glad you like it :)
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is there gonna be a part 2 for the steve fic??? also can you PLEASEEEE tag me in it???
yes yes 🫶🏼
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When are we getting part 2 of home sweet home? I’m not rushing just asking! I love your writing so much
hopefully soon! i’m still working on it at the moment, i just want it to be good so it doesn’t disappoint everyone 😭
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you guys are eating UUUUPPPPPP my recent Steve Harrington fic 😭 i’m working on part 2 rn so don’t worry fr
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Home Sweet Home
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts but not detailed
A/N: guys I'm really excited to post this frfr, I'll edit it later. I think there might be 4 parts to this, but we'll see. Also, this is like, 3.6k words and I tweaked the timeline a bit so don't worry about the logistics fr 😶 I hope you like it!
“God, Nance…” Steve panted as he tried to catch his breath from above you.
The blissful haze suddenly bursts as his words registered in your head and you open your eyes with a frown. “What?”
“Huh?” He doesn’t even realize what he’s said and that upsets you even more.
“Get off me.”
“What?” Steve lifts his head from the crevice of your neck to look at you.
“I said get off of me.”
He’s confused. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I said get off!” You raise your voice, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes.
Still confused, Steve complies and moves beside you on his bed. You immediately sit up with his blanket covering your body as you search for your clothes while he covers himself with a pillow.
“Y/N,” he calls, “Y/N what happened?”
You ignore him and pull your shorts on before searching for the rest of your clothes. Steve hurries and puts his boxers on, carefully walking over to you.
“Did I hurt you?” He slowly and softly touches your shoulder after you had just put your bra back on.
“Don’t touch me!” You whip around to face him and he immediately retreats his hand like you burned him.
“What did I do!?” He raises his voice. “Tell me what I did! I-I thought we were having a good time-”
“Yeah, we were,” you start as you finally tug your shirt on over your head, “until you called me Nancy.”
The color drains from his face once those words leave your mouth and he seems deep in thought, probably trying to recall the moment he called you a different name.
“Y/N I- I don’t- She-”
He’s at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to make this better? He doesn’t even remember calling you Nancy but by the tears silently slipping from your eyes, he knows you’re telling the truth and it crushes him to see you like this.
You and Steve have known each other since sixth grade. The pair of you had to sit next to each other for a semester which brought you two very close. You stayed friends for the remainder of the year and continued to be friends since.
You didn’t start having feelings for Steve until freshman year. It had just stopped raining when the two of you exited the movie theater and on the walk back home, there was a massive puddle blocking your way. You told him you were fine walking through it, he disagreed saying you’d get the bottom of your skirt wet and dirty. You told him that it was fine and that you could just wash it when you got home, he said no and with a blink of an eye he had picked you up, bridal style, walking across the puddle and getting his shoes dirty.
You told him he didn’t have to do that but he just shrugged and continued to carry you. You took this time to study his features and suddenly a strange feeling erupted from the pit of your stomach. When did Steve get so cute? Was he always like this? How did you never notice it before?
He sets you down at your doorstep with a grin and you finally come back to. You thank him, not only for taking you to the movie theater but for carrying you as well. He says it’s no big deal and “what are friends for?”.
For the rest of the night, you replayed that moment in your head.
Sophomore year came around rather quickly and just one month into the school year, Steve was dating a freshman named Nancy Wheeler. She was really sweet and very kind and boy did you envy her. Because she had what you wanted. Steve. As her boyfriend.
They dated for a year and you really got to know her, even befriend her. You also befriended a peculiar boy named Jonathan and an even more peculiar boy named Eddie. Your junior year, to complete your little friend group, you befriended a talkative girl named Robin.
And maybe a couple of middle schoolers. But to be fair, you only became friends with them because two of them were your friends' little siblings.
Steve and Nancy broke up a few days after their one year anniversary. Steve was torn. You were there for him, like always.
Seven months after Steve and Nancy called it quits, you finally decide to tell him that you have feelings for him. You’re extremely nervous. He doesn’t say anything but he does pull you into a kiss which leads to the two of you being intimate which then leads to the moment at hand.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoff, throwing your bag over your shoulder and shoving past Steve.
“Wait-” He takes your hand in his to stop you but you yank it away.
“No!” You shout, “God, I thought you felt the same way about me! You kissed me!”
“I do feel the same way!” He looks at you with panic-stricken eyes.
“No you don’t!” You take a step away from him. “You’re still hung up over Nancy. I’m so stupid. God, we- we had-” You trail off, pressing the palm of your hand to your head. “Shit. I need to go.”
“Y/N please wait. Let me explain-”
“Just leave me alone, Steve.” You interrupt him. “Please leave me alone.”
He stands at the doorway of his room, defeated, as he watches you walk down the hall and disappear down the stairs. When he hears the front door slam shut he closes his eyes and bangs his fist against the doorframe.
After that day, you did everything to avoid him. You didn’t talk to him in class, you were always one of the first people to leave, you didn’t answer his phone calls, you begged your mom and dad to tell Steve you weren’t home whenever he’d stop by, you even started having lunch in the library with Eddie just to avoid him.
You continued to do all of that for the remainder of the school year and when summer came around, you and your family ended up moving to Michigan. Not because of the Steve situation, your parents didn’t even know what happened between the two of you. The only one who knew was Eddie. Your dad got a job offer and decided to take it. At least avoiding Steve would be way easier now.
You told your friends about the move and although they were sad, they wished you well with whatever came next for you and you did the same for them.
With one last group hug, you bid farewell to your friends and farewell to Hawkins.
Starting your senior year of high school being four months pregnant was not ideal. You only found out after the move and when you told your parents they were deeply disappointed. Their 17 year old daughter falling pregnant was not what they had wanted for you and as reluctant as they were when you told them you wanted to keep it, they were supportive. They told you it would be tough but it was a risk you were willing to take.
You blurted it out to Eddie one night when the two of you were speaking on the phone. He was telling you about how Nancy and Jonathan had started dating and how Robin was in band now, also telling you that she looked absolutely ridiculous in her uniform and that he’d mail you photos of her in it so you could laugh as well. He caught you up with the kids drama and made sure to avoid the topic of Steve.
Eddie was telling you about some D&D campaign he created when it slipped.
“All I have to do is tell those little squirts that-”
“I'm pregnant.”
There's a moment of silence before you hear Eddie's voice again. “Nooo... Why would I tell them that?”
“Eds..." You sighed.
“Ace… You're not- Are you serious?”
Ace. A nickname he gifted you when you annihilated him in a game of cards once.
“As a heart attack.”
“Oh my god…” He whispered. “Who knows? Is it… Steve's?”
You shut your eyes and rub your left temple. “Yes, it's his and no one knows but my parents and now, you."
"Y/N/N... holy shit. Are you gonna tell him?"
The thought had crossed your mind on several occasions.
“No.” You reply.
“And you're not gonna say anything to anyone, Eddie. I mean it. Not the kids, not Nancy, not Jonathan, not Robin, and especially not Steve, you hear me?"
Eddie let's out a defeated sigh. “Loud and clear.” The two of you are quiet for a few seconds before he talks again. “Can I at least know why you're choosing not to tell him?”
“I just- I don't want to ruin whatever plans he has for the future. He's probably still hung up on Nancy anyway and besides, I doubt we'll ever see each other again.” You spill. “It's better this way.”
“Whatever you say, Ace.” You can tell he's not happy with your answer. “My lips are sealed.”
January 1985 is when you gave birth to a healthy baby girl who you named Penelope.
Penelope Eden Y/L/N.
You had sent pictures of her to Eddie with a note explaining that Eden was close to his name and that’s why you chose it while also saying he would be the best uncle to your little girl. He called you that same day, pretending like he wasn’t crying on the other end as he told you how happy he was.
Two and a half years later, you and your parents move back to Hawkins. You debated on whether or not you were going to stay in Michigan but ultimately decided on following your parents back home. Sure, you made a few friends here and there but nothing would beat your friends back in Hawkins.
Eddie was practically bouncing off the walls when you told him over the phone one night. You promised him the two of you would meet up the minute you were done settling in.
A week after moving back to Hawkins, Eddie came over to your place with a hug for you and about three toys for Penelope. You told him he didn’t have to get her three of them but he shrugged and said he didn’t know which one she would like so he just got them all.
You were about to protest when he held his hand up to your face and said, “Ace, as her favorite uncle, it's my job to get her anything and everything she ever wants.”
For the rest of the time he was there, he bonded with Penelope and the two of you talked about what has been going on for the past 3 years. He told you his band was booking small gigs here and there and you told him you’d go to a few of them when given the chance. Once the catching up died down and it got later in the day, he suggested a reunion with your former friends.
“Come on, Ace, it'll be fun. I’ll invite everyone to my place-” He had gotten an apartment recently. Nothing too big, but just enough for him and his things. “-I won't tell them you're here and when they all show up, BAM! Surprise!”
“Mmm… I don't know, Eds.”
He knows why you’re hesitant.
“Steve won't be there, I promise. He doesn't really hang with us that much anymore. The only one who sees him often is Robin and that's because they work together.” He holds your hand with both of his as he looks at you with pleading eyes. “Please, Ace? It'll only be me, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, and El. Just us. They all miss you just as much as I do.”
He continues to beg and you think it over in your head.
“You promise Steve won't be there?”
“I pinky promise.”
“If he is, I’m breaking your guitar.”
“Deal.” He doesn't miss a beat. “That's how confident I am that he won't be there.”
Eddie had picked you and Penelope up a couple of days later and you helped him set up a few things for the little reunion that was about to take place in less than an hour. Eddie made sure to tell them to all arrive at the same time and as confused as they were, they obliged.
Your hands began to get clammy as time got closer and closer to your friends arriving. You didn’t know why you were so nervous to see them. They were your friends for crying out loud!
Maybe it was the fact that in a couple of minutes they’d all be meeting your two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who they had no clue even existed yet, who also just so happens to look identical to your former best friend. Yeah, that’s exactly why you were so nervous.
“Eds, I’m nervous.” You voice to him as you eye the clock on the wall.
“It’ll be okay.” He rubs your shoulders in a soothing manner. “They’re gonna freak when they see you. In a good way, though. Maybe even pass out when they see Pen.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s not helping. I think I’m about to have a heart attack.”
“You’re fine. Relax, everything is going to be alright.”
He helps you regulate your breathing and when he finally has you calmed down, there’s a knock at the door.
“Oh my god.” You panic. There’s another knock on the door.
“Come on, Eddie, open the door! it’s hot as hell out here!” You recognize the voice as Mike’s and you cover your mouth, eyes wide as you look over at Eddie.
“I’m gonna throw up!”
“No you’re not! Not in my living room, at least.” He whisper-yells back to you. “Take Pen, go into my room, and shut the door. I’ll come and get you when everyone is inside.”
You nod, your stomach doing somersaults as you quickly walk over to Penelope and pick her up. As you shut Eddie’s room door, you tell your daughter to be quiet by putting your finger to your lips and going, “shhh.”
She does the same thing back to you, showing you that she understood.
You could hear a couple of voices from outside of the room and you nervously started tapping your foot against the floor as you waited for Eddie to come get you. About a minute goes by when you finally hear him tell everyone he has something to show them.
You hear Max groan and say, “You better not have gathered all of us here just to show us another one of your new guitars.”
He’s offended by the statement and defends himself, making you believe that he has gotten them all together just to show them one of his new instruments before. You stifle a laugh.
Eddie opens the door slowly so as to not scare you and motions behind him. “You ready?”
You take a deep breath and nod. Eddie guides you down the hall and you unintentionally hold onto Penelope a bit tighter.
“Surprise!” Your friend shouts just as you turn the corner into his living room.
Dustin was mid stuffing his face with chips when he saw you. Everyone’s movements were paused, eyes wide as they stared at you.
“Oh my gosh…” Jonathan managed to get out.
“Y/N!” Robin is the first to jump up off her seat and gather you in a hug.
It’s like her actions bursted through everyone's bubbles because one by one they all came up to you with tears threatening to spill.
“It’s been so long!”
“Are you back for good?”
“How have you been?”
“How long are you here for?”
“We missed you!”
“Wait!” Robin interrupted, “We’re all glad you’re back but uh, is this your baby sister or…?”
Everyone’s attention is now on Penelope and your heart starts beating faster. She’s oblivious to what’s happening at the moment and is even reaching over towards Dustin’s hair.
You clear your throat. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Penelope. Penny, say hi!” you take her tiny hand and wave to your friends as she says a small “hi.”
There’s a beat of silence before they start speaking at once.
“What the f-”
“Watch your mouth, dingus, there’s a baby present.”
“I can’t believe you’re a mom.”
“Who’s the dad?”
“Mike! You can’t just ask that!”
“Why not?”
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed the more and more they ask questions. Eddie senses this quiets them down.
“Guys, guys! Let’s all settle down. I’m sure Y/N will answer all your questions in a bit and even so, she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to. Let’s all just appreciate the fact that she’s back, alright?”
Everyone agrees and says sorry. You tell them it’s okay and offer to tell them what they want to know as you move to sit on the couch. Penelope wiggles out of your arms and walks over to Dustin who was sitting on the floor beside you with the rest of the kids.
“Oh,” he says, “hi.”
Penelope grabs a fistful of his hair pulling ever so slightly before letting his curls go and watching them spring back up. This makes her giggle and she does it again.
“Penny, no. We don’t pull people’s hair.” You tell her before fixing your gaze to Dustin. “Sorry Dusty, she likes to play with people’s hair. Especially people with curly hair.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles, “I don’t mind. Here,” he takes his hair and pulls it before letting it go, showing your daughter that he was okay with her doing it again. She giggles and tugs his hair again.
“Okay,” you sigh as you scan over everyone in the room, “What do you want to know?”
You had just finished updating them on everything that has happened since you left. You didn’t go into too much detail, just told them that the father of your baby was someone you met when you moved to Michigan and that when he found out you were pregnant, he bailed.
You didn’t mention anything about Steve and to your knowledge, no one even knew that you guys were involved at one point.
They didn’t ask any further questions about Penelope or her father. They either were done asking or they didn’t want to pry any further just yet. Instead, you moved on and told them about your time in Michigan and asked about what they had all been up to over the past 3 years.
Nancy and Jonathan were still together, Robin has a crush on a girl named Vickie and is too chicken-shit to ask her out, Dustin met some girl at a science camp he went to and now they’re dating, Mike and El were still together, same as Max and Lucas, Will was still playing third wheel (poor Will), and you found out that Joyce and Hopper had gotten together which threw you for a loop.
“Wait, wait, wait-” you shake your head, “your mom-” you point a finger between Will and Jonathan, “-is dating Hopper? Jim Hopper, like the guy who never cracks a smile? The guy who doesn’t enjoy like, anything?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well,” you start, “you find love in mysterious places with mysterious people, I guess. At least they’re happy.”
You turn your attention to your daughter who was in the middle of playing with Max, El, Dustin, and Lucas. They were helping her build a little tower. Well, they were doing most of the work, she was putting blocks on the tops of their heads saying, “stay!”
“Aww I wish I brought my camcorder, they’re so cute.” You pout.
“I brought my camera!” Jonathan says as he pulls it out of his bag, “I could snap a couple of photos for you.”
“Why’d you bring your camera?” Eddie questioned.
“I bring my camera everywhere.”
“Says the freak.”
You’re glad to see that not much has changed within your friend dynamic.
“I’d love it if you’d take photos of them playing with Penny.” You tell Jonathan. “I’ll even pay you!”
He scoffs as he snaps his first picture. “That’s not necessary Y/N. We’re friends. Plus, I just self-appointed as Penny’s uncle so if you want me to take photos of my niece, I will.”
“Oh, you self-appointed, huh?” You say with an amused smile.
“Let’s not let things get out of hand,” Eddie interrupted, “I’m still and always will be Pen’s favorite uncle.”
“We’ll see about that.” Dustin’s voice cut through the air.
“Stay outta this, Frodo.”
“Guys,” you interrupt them, “I’m sure she’ll love you all the same. Now-”
You were cut off when you heard the front door open then shut.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice you hadn’t heard in a while dances around the room and you feel ill. “I’m assuming my invite got lost in the mail because I know my friends would never meet up and not tell me, right Eddie?”
He finally comes into view yet he hasn’t seen you and you feel like you’re about to throw up. You hadn’t spoken to him since he shattered your heart that fateful day in his bedroom. He looked older, a bit more mature. His hair was all the same, however. Maybe just a tad bit longer but nonetheless the same.
Your heart is pounding at this point. It feels like it’s about to pop out of your chest. Not a good feeling.
“So,” Steve starts, “what’s going-”
He finally sees you and his words fall off. It looks like he’s about to throw up too.
Eyes wide and jaw slacked, Steve manages to say one thing.
“Aw man…” you hear Eddie murmur.
You inhale deeply and slowly turn your head to the one person who promised you that he wouldn’t be here. Eddie is looking at you, utterly terrified, as he chokes out;
“Please don’t hurt my guitar…”
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"Hello? Who Is This?"
Summary: Steve and your little brother bond via play phone.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: nothing but fluff
A/N: I haven't proof-read this yet, so I'll do that when I wake up. I was just excited to FINALLY post something after like, 2 years. I hope you guys like it!
“I hate this,” Steve says as he closes his math book. “I don’t even like math.”
You playfully roll your eyes at your boyfriend before turning them back to your own math book. “Nobody likes math,” you say, “but it’s mandatory so…”
Steve groans and throws himself on your couch, burying his face in the soft cushion. “Can’t we take a little break?”
His words are muffled but you can understand what he’s saying.
“Pleaseee,” he sits upright and gives you puppy eyes, “We’ve been going at this since school let out.”
You didn’t get the chance to respond when the front door opened and in came your mom with your two year old brother on her hip. Though, if you could respond, you would have said yes to the break.
“Steeb!” your baby brother yelled out as his eyes set on your boyfriend beside you.
He wiggled around in your mom's arms until she set him down and he came running into the living room, completely disregarding you and going over to Steve.
“Hey buddy!” Steve exclaimed happily, lifting him up and giving him a big hug.
Your mom chuckled at your brother’s excitement for the older male as she set down the groceries that were still in her hand. “Hi Steve.”
Steve looks over at your mom and smiles. “Hello Mrs. Y/L/N!”
“I hope you guys had enough time to yourselves because I don’t think Kyle is going to leave you alone.” she chuckles as she watches your brother cuddle up to Steve.
“Y/N’s gonna have to deal with it, I gotta spend time with my best friend now that he’s home, right Ky?” He looks down at your brother and he nods.
You playfully roll your eyes and make your way to the kitchen to help your mother put the groceries away while Steve and Kyle busied themselves playing with the building blocks that were nearby.
About an hour later, your mother took your brother upstairs for a nap so you and Steve could continue to study but this time it was a different subject. However, thirty minutes into Steve quizzing you with flashcards, Kyle comes running down the hall with his play phone in hand and your mom following behind him.
“He only slept for a little bit.” she tells you. “Guess I’ll get started on dinner.”
Your mom disappears into the kitchen and you turn back to Steve.
“Ready for another one?” he asks and you give him a firm nod. “Okay, how does dynamics differ from kinematics?”
You open your mouth to answer but before you could, your brother appears in front of the two of you. Kyle grunts and extends his arm toward Steve, offering him the play phone and Steve doesn’t miss a beat.
“Sorry, I have to take this,” your boyfriend apologizes to you as he takes the play phone from the tiny human in front of him, pressing it up to his ear. “Hello? Who is this?”
Steve stands up and starts pacing the living room with one hand on his hip while your brother stares up at him.
“No I’m sorry I can’t be your best friend, I already have one and he’s standing right next to me.” Steve pauses like someone else is talking on the phone then with a shake of his head, he sinks down to his knees in front of Kyle and passes him the play phone. “Here, talk some sense into him because he’s clearly not understanding what I’m saying.”
Kyle puts the phone to his ear and looks at Steve. “What do I say?”
“Tell him I can’t be his best friend because I’m already your best friend.” he whispers to the two year old.
“Otay.” Kyle whispers before turning his attention to the play phone. “He not your best friend, he mine!” your brother shouts then smiles at Steve. “That good?”
Steve gives your brother a thumbs up. “That’s great buddy.”
Suddenly, Kyle gasps and quickly hands the play phone over to Steve. “He said he want to talk to Steeb!”
He nods and takes the phone with a stern look on his face. “Listen mister, I don’t want to be best friends with you because Kyle is already my best friend, okay? Tell him.”
Steve brings the play phone to your brother where he shouts a “yeah!”
“So don’t call me again, alright? Bye.” He pretends to hang up the phone before handing it back to Kyle. “If he calls back, let me know, okay?”
“Otay!” your brother nods before running off to the kitchen, probably to have your mother speak into the play phone as well.
“Sorry,” Steve says as he grabs the flashcards again. “Some weirdo called wanting to replace Kyle as my best friend. Can you believe that?”
You look at your boyfriend in amusement as you shake your head. “How dare they.”
“Right?” he agrees before shuffling the cards three times.
You giggle at your boyfriend who, only mere seconds ago, was taking role playing on a play phone seriously with your two year old brother. This catches his attention and he looks over at you.
“Nothing,” you say, “you’re just really good with kids is all.”
Steve shrugged. “I was lonely as a kid. Playing with Kyle is like playing with the sibling I never had.”
You smile and run your fingers through Steve’s hair. “You’ll make a great dad, Stevie.”
“Yeah?” The apples of his cheeks tint pink, “you think so?”
“I know so.”
The two of you look at each other fondly and Steve reaches over to grab your hand, rubbing small circles over it with his thumb.
However, the moment is interrupted by your mother hollering from the kitchen; “As much as I love you, hopefully we won’t find that out any time soon, right Steven?”
He pulls his hand away from yours and sits up straight, clearing his throat. “Right Mrs. Y/L/N! No kids until I graduate and get a well paying job!”
“Good!” your mother calls out, “I’m not trying to be a grandma right now.”
You choke on air when she says this and Steve starts to blush again.
“What? I’m just saying!”
You shake your head and Steve clears his throat again, rubbing the back of his neck. “Anyway, ready for the next question?”
You nod. “I was born ready.”
Steve smiled at you as he pulled a card from the deck and began reading it. “Is condensed matter theory different from information theory? If so, ex-”
“Steeb!” your brother interrupts his question.
“Yeah little dude?” Steve’s attention is fully on the two year old now, flashcards completely forgotten once again.
“Call!” Kyle shouts, thrusting the play phone toward Steve.
“Did he call back?” he asks and your brother nods. “Gimme that,” Steve takes the phone and stands again, this time waving his hand around while he spoke. “I told you not to call me again! What do you not understand about me not wanting to be your best friend? I already have one! You know what-” he takes the play phone away from his ear and passes it to Kyle. “Here, he’s not listening to me. You talk to him.”
Kyle takes it out of Steve’s hand with a scowl and starts going on about how Steve is his best friend and to leave them alone or else while Steve threw in an occasional “yeah!” to support Kyle.
You giggle at the two of them as they continue to argue with the fake person over the play phone. You start to put your notes and flashcards away just as Kyle comes up to you with the play phone.
“For me?” you point to yourself. Kyle nods and you put the phone to your ear. “Hello?” You suddenly gasp and hand the phone back to your brother. “He said he’s gonna take me from you! That I’m gonna be his sister now!”
“No!” Kyle shouts, putting the play phone to his ear. “My sissy! Not yours!” He turns to Steve. “Steeb!”
“I got it,” he takes the phone. “Oh, so not only are you trying to steal me away from my best friend, now you’re trying to steal my girlfriend? I think not! Let me tell you something-”
Your mom watches the three of you play with the two-year-old and she can’t help but smile. Not only does Kyle have an amazing older sister, but he also has an amazing friend who would no doubt do anything for him. Your mother loves that Steve makes you and Kyle happy and hopes that he will stick around for years to come.
Little does she know, he does.
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Ron Weasley
Sweet Emotion (angst, fluff)
Reader thinks Ron has feelings for her, but a certain event has her thinking otherwise.
Steve Harrington
First and Last Love (angst? fluff)
You start to overthink when you overhear Nancy and Steve talking.
It Started at The Snowball Dance (angst, fluff)
Reader confesses her feelings for her best friend, Steve on accident after him and Nancy break up.
"Hello? Who Is This?" (fluff)
Steve and your little brother bond via play phone.
Other Characters
Eddie Munson:
You're So Pretty, Eddie Munson (fluff)
Just reader being a cute, clingy drunk.
#ron weasley#steve harrington#spencer reid#peeta mellark#harry potter#stranger things#criminal minds#the hunger games#ron weasly x reader#steve harrington x reader#spencer reid x reader#peeta mellark x reader#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader
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Vee's Navigation



Hi!! My name is Vee :) I'm 24 (my birthday is on Christmas!!) and I think this might be my 3rd writing blog on Tumblr LMAO
I will be willing to write for the following:
Ron Weasley
Steve Harrington
Spencer Reid
Peeta Mellark
At the moment, I'm not confident with writing smut so please refrain from requesting it. I also will not write anything that includes suicide, self-harming, etc. If there's something you have a question on as to if I'd write for it, don't be afraid to send me and ask (is it still called that 💀). Also, sorry for not posting a lot. I get really bad writers block from time to time so please bear with me!
I hope you enjoy what I write!! ❤
#ron weasley#steve harrington#spencer reid#peeta mellark#harry potter#stranger things#criminal minds#the hunger games#ron weasly x reader#steve harrington x reader#spencer reid x reader#peeta mellark x reader
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me @ y/n when they do something i’d never do:

like babe this isn’t us ?? get it together
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okie okie hi ppl i know i said i was gonna post some writing and stuff but my laptop hasn’t been working so i haven’t had time to write anything BUT ima ask a friend if i can borrow their laptop for a bit while i save up for a new one for me 🤠 be warned tho, the first fic ima post will most likely be a spencer reid one (so i’m sorry for those of you waiting for eddie munson pt. 2 or ron weasley pt. 2) (those one’s WILL have a part 2 tho!!!)
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i loved your fox about ron <3 would you be open to doing more about him, maybe a part two?
yes!! i promise there will be a part 2 to the Ron fic!
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part 2 of the ron fic?
haven’t gotten around to it but there will be a part 2 for sure!!
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PLS I BEG FOR A SECOND PART OF EDDIE X READER!!! I need him to hear their feelings sober
as you wish 😌
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can we pls have a part 2 to you’re so pretty, eddie munson??? Pls!!!
🤔… yes!!
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