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favorite quotes (26/∞)
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Luke Norris on set | © BBC One Facebook
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Eleanor Tomlinson for MINE Magazine
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Goddesses. Part 1
Bright Ingrid/Snotra.
Exquisite Michele/Sjöfn
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Okay, what the fuck is going on?
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I just love this promo photo because Sherlock’s fringe says “SH”
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Half-Blood Love Chapter 2: The Truth within Percy and Y/N
Word Count: 1,484 
Pairing: Percy Jackson x Reader
Author: sabi959 (Wattpad), I’m just the translator, the plot and the way of writing is all from sabi959.
Translator: Deka
Warnings: Nope
Today Percy and I have our anniversary, 1 year and 5 months.  I’m waiting for him in my house; he was supposed to come for me to go to our favorite restaurant, as always, he’s late. I was sitting in my sofa in the living room to wait for him, watching one of those TV shows that are so silly that you laugh out of nothing, and accidentally fell asleep. I woke up because I felt someone talking inside my head. A feeling? A hunch?
“Call Percy”
Why? Who are you?
“There’s no time for explanations, you’re in trouble”
Wha- what troubles?
I started hearing groans, it couldn’t be Nancy, she had gone to play bingo with her friends. The groans were getting louder, while a rot smell appeared in the room. Suddenly, there was nothing to be heard, until a big monster came in. It was like 3 cows all together; with the top of a bull and legs of goat… it looked like a chupacabra. The strange voice started to speak again as the monster came closer, he looks pissed off.
“There is a ring and a necklace besides the small table, pick them up”
Without having second thoughts, I grabbed them. The necklace turned into a big bronze sword, or that’s what it looked like, and the ring transformed itself into a circular shield. The chupacabra screamed in a very awful way and looked at me; obviously I screamed too and run outside as fast as I could, with the weapons.  I hide behind the barbecue grill and searched for my phone in my bag (yes, I still had it). I saw the reflection of the giant monster in it, and discovered that it had already seen me. Tears starting coming out of my eyes, I tried to find Percy between my contacts. Once found, I called him.
C’mon… pick your phone up, pick it up…
The chupacabra came closer to me slowly, the call was still on hold, I saw my sword and shield while waiting. I turned around when I saw a blinding and hot light; the monster could spit fire, great. Percy didn’t answer, I’ve called 3 times now, still on hold. Maybe it was because I was in the backyard and I didn’t have enough signal; I took out my heels, grabbed my weapons and put my phone between my cheek and  shoulder. I ran to the other side of the yard where there was a table, I turned it and hide behind. Oh! Percy answered!
“Percy, you have to come.” I cried, the chupacabra heard me and threw the table. I, obviously, screamed.
“Y/N? Are you okay? Damn it, Y/N, answer me!” The phone flew out of my hand when the chupacabra grabbed me by my dress. I fell on the grass and bumped my head and back, when it tried to grab me again, I pointed at him with my sword and hide behind the shield.
“Stay away from me!” The sword slip out of my hand, so I pointed at it with my finger and a thousand of lightings came out of it. The monster fell electrocuted and I looked at my hand.
“Wh- How did I do that?” I wondered, asking myself the impossible.
“Y/N!” I recognized the alarmed voice instantly.
“Percy!” I ran to him and hugged him tightly, seconds after I started crying in his shoulder while he moved his hand along my back.
“Y/N!” Grover shouted; he was running towards us, but without his crutches. The he began to take out his pants, my eyes went wide at that moment, he had hairy legs! Like… really hairy, they looked like sheep legs. What was that?
“Grover?!” I was surprised, “Are you half sheep?”
“No, sweetcheeks. I’m half goat” He said.
“Okay… wait a second… What was that things that attacked me” I asked, I didn’t understand anything. Grover approached the monsters’ body and watched it in detail.
“It’s a minotaur” He exclaimed.
“AND WHAT’S A MINOTAUR DOING IN NEW YORK?” I was terrified, yep.
“Don’t get alarmed. We’ll talk inside, alright?” Percy said, putting an arm on my shoulders.
“The minotaur has something to do with where you go without telling me?” I asked looking at him at his eyes, in which were forming little waves of anger.
“Yes” He whispered, closing his eyes. “I’ll tell you my truth… and yours too, okay?”
“Okay… let’s go inside”
We were sitting in the same sofa I was before the monster attacked, nobody spoke. Percy was looking at me, kinda intimidating me; Grover was nervous and let out a few goat noises, you know, the “Blaah!”
“So…? What happened?” I tried to break the ice.
“Percy…” Grover looked at his friend.
“I don’t know where to start” He said, looking at the floor.
“Right from the start” I suggested.
“Well… you know that in Greek Mythology there are 12 gods?” I nodded, “Hmm, long ago the gods began to have... affairs with mortals, and then they had children. These kids are called half-bloods or demigods”
“Wait a minute,” I interrupted, “are you telling me that… you’re a…”
“I’m a demigod, Y/N.” Percy confessed, I gasped and a tear fell down my cheek.
“Why didn’t you tell me anything, Perseus?” I angrily got up from the sofa and went out to see the yard. The minotaur wasn’t there anymore, in its place there was golden dust.
“It was for your protection, Y/N” Percy took my hand in his, “I am so sorry, honey”
“Percy…” I was going to say something, but I closed my mouth instead, it was silly.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Then… your father is a god?” I wondered looking at the floor.
“Yes, my father is Poseidon, God of the seas” He answered proud.
“So, you can control water, and talk to fishes and horses?” I asked.
“Yep” Percy grinned, I kept silence.
“So… if Poseidon is your father, who is my father?” I looked at his eyes for a few moments; I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
“Your eyes… they’re so grey, like storm clouds” Percy told me.
“His father could be Hermes, Nemesis, Apollo, Ares or Zeus” Grover announced, coming near us, I knew it because I could hear his hooves hit the ground every time he took a step.
“I don’t know, could be Ares… she’s like Clarisse” Percy said, taking his eyes off me and glanced at his friend.
“Oh, oh, oh! What about Athena? She looks like Annabeth!” Grover jumped a little.
“It couldn’t be, she lived with her mother until she was 12” Percy gave up and threw himself on the couch.
“Clarisse? Annabeth? Who are they?” Uh, oh, jealousy taking over.
“You’ll meet them soon” Half-goat boy said.
“Percy…” I whispered.
“Yes, honey?” He looked at me.
“Before the minotaur attacked me, I heard a voice inside my head. He told me to grab a ring and a pearl necklace, and then they turned into a sword and a shield” I got up from the sofa and looked towards the backyard, I looked everywhere in search of threats. Behind the table were the weapons, but turned into their jewelry form, I run there and picked them up.
“What’s that?” Grover asked.
“The ring and the necklace” I answered.
“Can you give it to me?” Percy said.
“Sure” I passed them on and Percy looked at them for a long time.
“Activate them, every demigod has to do it” He told me, giving me back the accessories.
I took them and put the ring on the table beside the couch. I looked at the necklace in my hand, thinking about how to activate it; first time was just luck, right? I pulled one of the pearls and, surprisingly, it turned into a sword, Grover jumped by the sudden change.
“Wow!” He said, “It’s like Percy’s”
“Can I see it, Perce?” He searched for it in his pockets and took out a pen, he took out the top and a big sword came out. “Wow!”
“It’s awesome, right? Watch this.” He show me a trident within the handle and blade of his sword, below it there was an inscription, the words were flying and then I could read Aνακλυσμός, meaning… riptide.
  “Cool” I said taking my ring, I pressed the diamond in the middle of it and it turned into the same shield.   
 “Wait…” Grover interrupted, “Isn’t that… Zeus’ symbol, Percy?” He got up from the sofa quickly. 
 “It’s a… a golden lightning?” Perce asked nervous.   
 “Yes, it is, bro” Grover answered.   
 “No, no, no, this can’t be happening” My boyfriend walked from a corner to the other, never stopping mumbling. 
Tags: @ladyoftherealms @eli-cya
If you want to be tagged (or removed) in any fic, just tell me! 
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“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more”                                         ↳   Emma, Jane Austen
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Two gentlemen out of time.
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John: Look Sherlock, this is the biggest and most important day of my life, and I want to be out there with the two people I love and care about most in the world
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some beautiful words from @other-wordly + the horsemen!
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Incoming fics!
There’ll be a lot of fics posted these days, like:
Half-Blood Love
Lucifer x Reader
Stephen Strange x Reader
Sherlock x Reader 
And maybe a Legolas x Reader
If you want to be tagged, let us know! Also, you can request anything you want, we won’t judge.
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Orange Monster: WE WILL BUILD A WALL!
Mishapocalypse: Hello
Orange Monster: Well fuck.
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Word Count: 1,071
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (kinda)
Author: Deka
Warning: Angst, character death.
Summary: What if Captain America had a special friend, who help him go through all the melting down stuff? What if she was forgotten? 
Since Captain Steve Rogers was thawed, I helped him get used to the new world, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that was my job, of course he didn't know that, at least when we first met. I taught him how to use a DVD, a mobile phone, a computer and even a water dispenser. I was with him since the beginning, so it wasn't a surprise that, when the Avengers were requested to form an alliance, Nick Fury called me to be part of it. Then Steve realised who I was, and at first he didn't like it; hell, he was furious, but with a few days we learnt to fight together, instead of against each other,and know each other better. He told me about his friend, James Buchanan Barnes, who had died in a terrible accident, and I told him about my power, I could made myself look like everyone I've seen. I could be the president and order a nuclear war, or I could work as a special agent and do good things, for my sake and S.H.I.E.L.D. I choose the good option. I was one of the first recognized and well-behaved mutants, because the X-men were seen as outlaws.
Soon, Coulson was dead and the team split up, I did my best to track Loki down, Phil was like a father to me, but the bastard knew how to hide. After a few hours of pure failures in trying to find him, Natasha Romanoff came to tell me that the team would meet up in the control room; and I could believe it, I thought we were over, forever.
Eventually we defeated Loki, but know without a few injuries and a nearly dead Iron Man, he was taken prisoner by his brother and taken to Asgard. Until then, it was all rainbows and butterflies, we didn't have villains to defeat or wars to fight. Tony and Bruce went back to the laboratory… well, Bruce did, Tony was still fighting criminals for what I've read, something about a crazy Chinese or Japanese man… or it was Korean? I don't remember. The trouble came when Steve, Natasha and I went to Washington D.C. to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. once more. Everything was OK, a couple of bad guys out behind bars was nothing new to us, we got to take care of some nasty business, like a ship that was captured by pirates with all the agents as hostages, but we sorted that out. The real problem came when the Winter Soldier appeared, I've got a call from Fury, and he told me to met him in Steve's apartment. Well, that was weird, but when I finally arrived everything got weirder, Fury was being hunted down by a psychotic killer named The Winter Soldier, Hydra’s most lethal weapon. Even after he was shot, and called dead, Maria Hill found me and order me to go to a specific address. I couldn't trust anybody, that's what he said; so, naturally, when I answer the phone, I asked Agent Hill why would I trust her, she then put Fury on the phone. That bastard, he had fool everyone. He told me to go after Steve, to help him and to assist him in every way I could, and so did I. They didn't trust me at the beginning but when I proved myself, they had no doubt I always served S.H.I.E.L.D.; so we went on a little adventure. We learned that The Winter Soldier was James Buchanan Barnes, also known as Bucky. But he didn't remembered that, oh no, he was programmed to kill and obey. But at the end he didn't, he could kill Steve and I in that helicarrier but he didn't. He saved Steve after he fall, and while I was conscious when I jumped into the water and I could swim to the cost, he came for me after he left Steve safe. He helped me swim with my pained body and then left me there so I could call for help, I tried to stop it but it was too late.
After Steve, Natasha, Sam and I were recovered, we reunited with Fury again, in his grave. He told us that he would make a good life and that he would be no longer Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, but a normal guy with a normal life. Before he left forever he gave me a confidential report, about T.A.H.I.T.I., some kind of alien technology that could make you come back from the dead, and that's what they did with Agent Phil Coulson. I had everything I needed to find him, so I told Steve that I would take vacations after all the recent events, he told me that he would track Bucky down, with the help of Natasha and Sam. I obviously assured him that I would be there if he needed me, he could always count on me. But when he needed me the most, I was gone. I've tracked Coulson down myself, and I've found him, we started working together, as we've always done. And I didn't see it coming, I swear, some weirdo who thought he was a God came into the picture, he called himself H.I.V.E. and he could control everyone he could touch. He eventually touched me, in a mission, I don't remember when or where, but he drained me, he wanted my blood to do experiments. When Coulson and his team found me it was too late, I was long gone. Phil called medics for all around the world, but they couldn't bring me back, not with all my blood drained. Now I regret everything I wanted to say to Steve and didn't say, everything I wanted to do, everything I could have done but didn't. I regret not saying those three words to Steve, I regret never had kissed him or trying to explain my feelings to him, but the one thing I regret most is that he would never see me again, or even know where I am buried. Because he will never know what happened to me, because everything in S.H.I.E.L.D. was secret, even Phil tried to talked some sense into the counsel, but they didn't listen. My body was cremated and buried in a hole on the ground, no name, no matter, no recognition. I just hope he could find Bucky, and in that search he could find himself again.
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