cucumbermilk · 4 months
This isn’t any of my little writing sorry😔 (just a rant…abt yoi)
ANYWAY- I’m actually gonna cry, just rewatch Yuri on ice before I found out about the new show and cancelation of it before it even aired…words cannot express the amount of rage I feel towards mappa. Like- I wanna throat punch them then beat the shit out of them(in-game tho). I’m too far deep and invested into Yuri on ice to the point I’m fr gonna rip my heart out at the gutrenching feeling of knowing this show will never be continued. It was literally like nothing I’ve experienced before. The feelings and emotions I felt while I watched yuri on ice was so new to me. Like Mappa boutta get it. I hope they really go bankrupt, manifesting it every night before I go to sleep. Mappa genuinely deserves to fail after keeping all of us yoi fans on a thin thread. I was PRAYING they would give us something, but they always disappoint. (But if they’re just testing us and yoi ice adolescence actually comes out I take back all my threats words abt them) just gonna have a time each 6 months to rewatch Yuri on ice so I never forget it. The show is going to be a family heirloom that I’ll force my descendants to remember it.
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cucumbermilk · 7 months
Gojo x fem!reader - the appearance of the sorcerer assistant!
Pt. 1
You were on a mission. You were ordered by higher ups from Komogi Sorcerer High to spy on the powerful sorcerer that went by the name of Satoru Gojo.
Despite doing the bare minimum of research on the guy you found that he was pretty popular in Japan. Mainly because of his undoubtedly unique beauty. Which made you envy his long lashes and clear pale skin. He was ethereally beautiful—well from the pictures online anyway—it was unbelievable in a way.
This motivated you to take on the mission even more. Handsome men were the goal in this, not some stupid spying.
They higher ups had told you that you’re going to transfer to the school as a teachers assistant. Since you were gonna be new there, it was highly unlikely they’d let someone from an entirely different region of sorcerers train their current ones. But you still prayed that you would get at least one chance to assist this Gojo guy in a mission, since a man is battle shows just how attractive he is.
When you arrived to the entrance of the school you were greeted by two teenagers, or three, if you were going to count the very quiet emo looking dude that just stood by them.
“Hello! You must be [name], am I right?” The boy with the salmon looking hair shouted with enthusiasm. Which in all honesty made you feel welcomed. Then, the brunette haired girl spoke next, “It’s nice to meet you Ms. [name]. By the way how old are you? If you’re above twenty maybe you could sneak me in some stuff next time you go out? You know…” she winks at you trying to give you the hint of what she’s trying to get at. You chuckle. “I’m twenty-two, but I’m turning twenty-three in a month or two. And no, I don’t think I’d be able to do that legally for you, not only because you’re a teenager but also because you’re a student. So sorry.” You bow apologetically to the girl. You noticed the quiet guys stare and know very well he won’t speak to you, since he was that type of guy.
“Anyway! Would you guys care to tell me your names while we walk to the front office?” You say, walking ahead anyway, slowly enough for the trio to catch up. “My name’s Yuji Itadori! And this is Nobara Kugisaki, and Megumi Fushiguro.” Ah…so he was the talker you’d take a guess, or maybe they just act that way to newcomers like you. Either way, it was a breath of fresh air compared to the time when you were in your old sorcerer school.
When you seemed to be as organized as a new person could be the trio that had led you before had left to meet up with their sensei. So now…you were stuck all by yourself. In a school that was likely empty, the evidence of its emptiness lying in the fact of how quiet the building was. Which was defiantly unusual for a school as big as this.
And as you spent your time in the teachers lounge sound suddenly echoed through the building. That was when you realized that the students you had yet to meet had finally come back.
You wondered though. Just where has they gone? Perhaps on a mission. That was the best answer you had to the question and chose not to dig any further.
Walking out of the teachers lounge, you spot the very man you had been itching to see just before getting here. Staring into your eyes were bright blue ones as colorful as the sky on a sunny day. It was the Gojo Satoru. Everything about him, looked even better in person than in his photos. You found it hard to pull your gaze from his as students rushed towards to, curious questions filling the hallway you guys stood in.
Even with the abundance of questions filling your head as you answered each one in a fast enough pace to answer the next, you would still take subtle glances at Gojo as he stood leaning against the wall as the group of students gradually got smaller and the questions lessened.
This was now the time he stood from his leaned position and slowly made his way to you as the remaining students left for the day. Your heart pounded loudly, feeling both nervous and fluttered. He was both a man that could kill you in a second or a man that could flirt for hours. You’d much prefer the last one, but beggars can’t be choosers. Hopefully, you would just have to pray internally.
“Heyoo!!” He waves, enthusiasticly, his voice forcing out a higher octave to seem friendly and approachable. “The names Gojo Satoru! I take it your the [name]?” He smiles charmingly, holding a hand out as if asking for it to be shaken. And you happily did, every inch of your body becoming as loose as jelly at the very touch of his skin. It was like an electric shock, but the pain was switched with a desire for the cause of it. You wanted Gojo Satoru, and not a thing in the world would be able to change that in the moment of this handshake. Your lives now seemed to intertwine with the others.
Your words suddenly get stuck in your throat, just nodding when it came to him asking for confirmation of your identity. God, even your name coming from his mouth sounded heavenly. Gojo smiled at you. Noticing your awestruck face, which made him smirk in the most obvious way possible. And that was when you noticed just how long your hands had been holding each other. Causing you to pull back immediately. Blush covering every inch of your face as you now knew he was aware of your fondness of him.
Unfortunately, without any small talk in between, the two of you just introduced a little more about the others life and then went on with the little of the day you had left. Which wasn’t much.
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cucumbermilk · 2 years
◦•●◉✿ 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ✿◉●•◦
[ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ]
"Xiao...what have you done?!", you spoke as if your vocal cords were scratched multiple times. Tears begin to slowly fill your saddened eyes. Xiao seemed to be surprised that you'd even show your emotions to him.
"i-...", Xiao froze in place before even being able to finish his sentence. he was struggling. Why couldn't he speak? Was it because she was in front of him?
"I didn't ask for this!" You shouted hysterically, "It was MY choice!". You fell to your scrapped knees weakly, as your lungs seemed to become smaller by the second. Your tears... your desperate cries, became more feeble than ever. You feel your arms and hands grasping the hard floor as hiccups escape your mouth. Then you begin to feel your consciousness slowly slipping away. But before your eyes could fully dim the sight before you, you witnessed a figure speeding towards you.
"y..ou- b-ast...", before you could even finish your scattered sentence your eyes dull into a deep darkness, as your eyelashes gracefully touch the top of your cheeks.
Falling into a deep darkness you begin to cover yourself in thoughts that only now come upon you. How could he do this!? It was my revenge to take! How could I show these nasty feelings to someone...
Your thoughts only became worse once going deeper into your own gloomy mind.
But little did you know someone was there... waiting for you. Caring for you and holding you as tight as possible.
Xiao, sitting there almost bursting into a river of tears, held in his own guilt and regretting trying to awaken you from your deep slumber. He cradled you softly not letting go of a single moment.
"Please, just wake up...", were the words the sorrowful boy kept repeating to himself as he caressed your gently now messy combed hair. Xiao couldn't take the anguishing long minutes any longer. He needed help, he needed someone to help you.
★彡 𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭 彡★
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