The new eminem song sucks…its joever yall
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Kendrick Lamar x Not Like Us (Live)
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Lost Boyz released their second album Love, Peace, And Nappiness June 17, 1997
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Today in Hip Hop History:
LL Cool J released his third album Walking With a Panther June 9, 1989
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Today in Hip Hop History:
LL Cool J released his second album Bigger And Deffer May 29, 1987
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I'm a big Kendrick fan but haven't really clicked with Mr Morale in the same way i have with his other music
can you tell me some of the things you like about that album?
It's def not my fav that honor still 100% goes to Damm but I love Mr Morale because it's such an incredible development in the narratives and growth kendrick has had in all of his albums. The best way ive ever heard it described is that early kendrick was writing like he was trying to save the world. It's how we get amazing tracks like ADHD, maad city, or how much a dollar cost. I've heard alright at more blm protests than I could count. Then damn deals a lot with his feeling like his message has been rejected (preluded early by things like the version of i in tpab being a live recording where a fight brokeout in the crowd mid song) and realizing his art cannot ultimately cannot change the world, seeing people still trapped in the same cycles instilled by racism and poverty. Then Mr Morale represents the next step of kendrick actually taking these feelings of rejection to therapy and working through them. Him realizing how his aspirations were ultimately shaped by his own trauma, coming to reject the role of savior he strove for and was also forced upon him, and breaking the cycles of abuse that come from generational trauma.
I also really appreciate it because it's one where kendrick really did not try to make radio hits and got the most experimental. He sticks to the therapy session structure and songs songs like we cry together so shit I've never heard before especially from artists as big as kendrick.
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Eminem released his fourth album The Eminem Show May 26, 2002
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Eminem released his third studio album The Marshall Mathers LP May 23, 2000
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Busta Rhymes was born May 20, 1972
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
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i'm not a trending topic, i'm a prophet
shoutout to the kendrick/drake beef for getting me more into kendrick's music, been way overdue!! tried to draw him..
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
So i started listening to the new Childish Gambino album? Its rlly interesting how hes mixing seemingly all of his previous musical styles into something new, it kind of feels like a culmination of his previous work
Theres a lot of electronic instrumentation similar to Because the Internet and Camp, but it feels like a lot of the more melodic elements that he adopted in Awaken my Love and Kauai are still there, often being played by synthesisers or with distorted vocals
Its funny, it feels familiar, but the combinations of different styles really do create something new
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
Okay here's my obligatory post about Tumblr users and their ignorance of rap, as a (white) fan of rap:
Saying "Not all rap music is about violence, here are alternatives" is not helpful, because the violent music ALSO has meaning.
When Biggie Smalls postures about his gang connections and packing heat, he isn't doing it because wow violence is so edgy, it's a powerful statement. Youth in urban areas where gang activity is heavy are often treated as lesser than by default, especially compared to black people the same age from a wealthy background. There's a reason that the "wholesome and respectable" black-lead entertainment of that era was stuff like the Cosby Show, with doctor-lawyer parents, or Family Matters, with a cop dad. There's a reason why the big joke of Fresh Prince is someone with a more unstable upbringing moving in with one of these model black sitcom families.
Standing up and saying yeah, I came from the mean streets, I was molded by this violence and yes, I did what I had to do to survive in a world that refuses to acknowledge my existence as meaningful or worthy of protection. I protected myself, I made my own way, and fuck anybody who tries to stand in the way of that.
Refusing to demonize that environment and wearing it like armor in a way that protects from the authority that wants you to see them as sub humans incapable of only violence and hatred, and saying HEY. I'm here, I lived this, and there is love and there is pain and there is ART in this.
That is powerful. That is the essence of gangster rap.
It isn't about hurting people for fun, it's about holding a mirror up to a society that does the hurting and then calls you a monster for what it's made you. Its about validating the experiences of the disenfranchised and biting back at authority. It's about turning a pain that the world say you deserve being one of those people from those places into POETRY. Into ART.
And thats why it matters.
And thats why you need to shut the yell up and stop dismissing it as violence without substance when you all sat on your ass listening to songs about Hatsune Miku eating people in middle school.
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
DMX released his debut album It’s Dark And Hell Is Hot May 12, 1998
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
On relisten I literally just realised now that the second half of m.A.A.d city that as Kendrick keeps talking about his experiences and the stuff that he and his friends mightve done because even if they didnt they were right there, it plays the classic riff from fuck wit dre day……….damn
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
a lot of people are dismissing the "violent" rap music rushing and scrambling to say well not ALL rap is violent here's some rappers who don't rap about violence but like. idk. I think the "violent" rap is important to listen to as well. do you know why gangs exist? do you know why Compton is the way that it is? can you listen to the experiences of black men when you can't personally relate on any level? or will you dismiss an entire genre of music because certain sub genres make you feel a bit uncomfortable as a non-black person?
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ctruehollywoodstories · 2 months
Like. Hiphop is above all a storytelling art form. And it exists in such a way that allows us, as outside viewers, a chance to engage with art that documents a large part of black history from the past 60 years. There is so much to tell and learn from and engage with and to just reject it because you use one song you heard forever ago to reaffirm your worst biases against black people is just awful
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