ctrlaltdeletepress · 10 months
Please read at… https://www.wattpad.com/1380331844-1861-authors-notes Your support or comments greatly appreciated. Buckingham Palace. London. England. 1861. Queen Victoria is not amused. Queen Victoria sat silent in wait, newspaper in hand The Times with a pile more from todays date, well read, crumpled, creased on floor. A butler, an aged, stiff relic inherited from her late father…Prince…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 10 months
Full story so far can be found at… https://www.wattpad.com/1380331844-1861-authors-notes Dover. Kent. England. 1864. Journal of Harriet Wootten. November 26th. 1864 Waters chop, churn, angry in the mix, tide rapid on turn, clouds bulging heavy, dark, ready to burst, forecasting gale and storm for anxious watchman alert on the many clippers, brig, schooner and sloops plying trade up and down…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 10 months
CHAPTER 12: Boston
Boston. Massachusetts.1861. Boston welcomes the San Jacinto “Fairfax…Fairfax…Look at this man! Just look at that! The whole of Boston is out to welcome us. I can smell promotion from here…And you…Bah! You and your doubts thinking it was ill judgment to detain that English ship, enough to give a man the pox!” Captain Wilkes was as giddy as a child sneaking peak late Christmas eve, gazing upon a…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 11 months
Chapter 11: Eliza
(Full story written so far can be found at… https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) South Atlantic Ocean. 1861. Sir Grey is summoned to London. Sir George Grey, Governor of the Cape Colonies boarded the Royal Navy ship HMS Forte with his wife Lady Eliza Spencer to make return passage to Southern Africa…After a exceptionally unpleasant time in London being chastised like a common school…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 11 months
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) London. England. 1861. Charles and Sarah need a room Sarah Webb at five foot two and a smidge, hazel hair and eyes, wispy as a willow, bordering underfed, possessed little in natural gift beside kind heart, anything due earnt was by hard graft. But as with all those lacking in height, she possessed that…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 11 months
Chapter 9: Kohimarama
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) Kohimarama Beach. Auckland. New Zealand. 1861. The tribes meet at Kohimarama. Sunrise several dreams away, rooster heads snuggled beneath wings, cold delays…When the cocooned warmth of smothering woolen blankets were thrown asunder, sharp air waking occupant within. “Kiri!…Kiri! Get up!…Get up!”…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Chapter 8: Havana
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) Charleston. South Carolina. Confederate States of America. 1861 CSS Nashville escapes to Charleston. Misters of rank, masters of man black, dark, tanned…James Mason and John Slidell, tasked with a mission of great urge and import for the breakaway Confederate States, disembarked promptly at Charleston…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Chapter 7: Gravesend
St Katherines Dock. London. England.1864 The Journal of Harriet Wootten. November 23rd. 1864. Thump! Clump! Bump! “Wha…What is going on?” I moaned, tired and in mood. The nights rest more winks then sleep, the brain giving up all pretense of rest was ready to face the day, the body not quite so willing.   “Nothing of concern, just the sounds of Ships and Docks.” Elizabeth Wykes said with…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Chapter 6: Pukewhau
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) Williamson’s Clearing. South of Auckland. New Zealand. 1861. Lucy professes her love. Tui flew high in height, spirits soaring free in flight, although heavily laden, and light in head, after gorging greedily on fermented flax nectar, flying was haphazard, lazy, soon respite welcomed, rest needed. Below…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Chapter 5: Harwich
Old Navy Dockyards. Harwich. England. 1861 The ship Bombay is launched. The Mayor of Harwich, Mister John Bowness esq honorable in title, but not of deeds, was extremely pleased to be displaying his new mistress Miss Julia Lock to the all and sundry, blessed as she was with ample perk bosom, fine features and milky skin of a maiden of fifteen, or so he said. His wife having past so…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Chapter 5: Harwich
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861 ) Old Navy Dockyards. Harwich. England. 1861 The ship Bombay is launched. The Mayor of Harwich, Mister John Bowness esq honorable in title, but not of deeds, was extremely pleased to be displaying his new mistress Miss Julia Lock to the all and sundry, blessed as she was with ample perk bosom, fine…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
(Full story written so far can be found at….https://www.wattpad.com/story/351701551-1861) CHAPTER 4: Taranaki Waitara. New Plymouth. New Zealand. 1861 British attack Puketakauere Pa Major Nelson an empty soul filled with bitterness, had them lined up in parade formation, brass shining, boots polished, mirrored sheen, glint on buckle, badge and bayonet off the fine still morn gleam. Regimental…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
To Find a Home: Book 1 1861
CHAPTER 3: JEFFERSON Brierfield Plantation. Davis Bend. Mississippi. 1861 Jefferson is named President. Tall, thin, blessed sun kissed skin, Varina was often referred behind back or closed door as daughter of a Mulatto whore or Indian squaw, a mistrusted half breed homing south, but roots deep in the north. She heard the whispers, caught the side eye stare, but having been taught well and fair…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
To Find a Home: Book 1 1861
CHAPTER 2: Bromham Bromham. Wiltshire. England. 1861 A village called Bromham. Meandering lost lanes leading somewhere, but mostly nowhere, wedged between hedge and thicket growing wild and free, willows weep over the head, leaf and branch stitch dark canopies of dense foliage capturing light, throwing shadow, while below thick trunk, twisting root, churn and turn the sunken roads and way,…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
To Find a Home: Book 1 1861
Forget not the field where they perish’d,The truest, the last of the brave,All gone — and the bright hope we cherish’dGone with them, and quench’d in their grave!Oh! could we from death but recoverThose hearts as they bounded before,In the face of high heaven to fight overThat combat for freedom once more; —Could the chain for an instant be rivenWhich Tyranny flung round us then,No, ’tis not in…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
The Bombay
Apologies one and all for a long leave of absence, both personally and professionally I have been very busy. But I can assure you I am back to finish what I have started, to document the life of the passengers and crew of the Bombay, and with a new least of energy write a fictional account of there story. The following Posts will be the start of series of chapters of the historical narrative of…
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ctrlaltdeletepress · 1 year
Parker and Piggott's
Catherine Ann Parker was just fourteen when she made the voyage on the Bombay with her family. Catherine will go on to marry James George Piggott younger brother of William Piggott who also travelled with his wife and two young children also on the Bombay. Catherine and James will marry in 1869 and have many children, one of those being being Lionel Parker Piggott. James George Piggott Lionel…
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