icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“Yeah, the world’s gotten weird,” sighed Steve.
“It was always weird,” Natasha corrected, “we just didn’t notice as much.  Oh, there’s Bruce!”  She waved to another man.  “Come meet Steve’s old girlfriend!”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
Steve wasn’t sure what had happened... he was pretty sure he and Nat had been on a mission, but after that?  Something must have gone wrong, because he felt all bleary and muddle-headed.  He didn’t properly wake up until he heard the startled shout.  Then he picked himself up off the floor and found a lot of hair in his face, which he tried to bundle aside, only to find it was his.  How had it gotten that long?
“Romanov?” he called out.  It came out in a weirdly high-pitched squeak.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Natasha?”  No, just the same.
(icanxdothisallday) 💫
Her head hurt and the world was spinning. Something didn't feel right... She wanted to run a hand through her hair, then froze... Instead of the soft, crimson, locks that had grown out past her shoulders now were replaced with what felt like short cropped sides that faded into a little longer hair on top. Natasha stumbled, her body tall and lanky and... hefty. Her hands were abnormally large... and when she looked into the mirror, there was Steve's face. The Widow started to scream.
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“I last saw her in California, so no, I’m not sure where she went next. If you don’t know either, I hope that means she stopped causing trouble.”
“You might want to talk to Strange about that,” said Natasha, pointing out a man wearing a long red cloak over his tuxedo.  “He’s a wizard.”
“He says he’s a sorcerer,” Steve put in.
“Didn’t one of your buddies say a sorcerer is just a wizard without a hat?” Nat asked cheerfully.
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“I last saw her in California, so no, I’m not sure where she went next. If you don’t know either, I hope that means she stopped causing trouble.”
“Or she got better at it,” Natasha said with a mischievous grin.  “So are you sticking around?  Hope and I could definitely use some help keeping these guys from hurting themselves.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“Russia? I knew a woman from Russia with training like yours.”
Natasha nodded.  “Olga Barynova.  They’re still not sure where she ended up and I’m guessing you’re too early to tell if you knew.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“A pleasure, Ms Romanov. I wasn’t aware I had a fan club,” Peggy chuckled. “This new world is certainly something.”
Natasha grinned.  “When I was training in Russia, they taught us about you as an example of dangerous Western tactics,” she said.  “I thought you were badass even then.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“This is Natasha Romanov,” said Steve.  “She’s been my partner on several missions.”
Natasha smiled.  “And Agent Carter requires no introduction.  I can think of way worse things to do with a time portal in this century or the last.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“Alright, we won’t keep you from your party, Tony.” Peggy said as she looked toward the redhead Steve had pointed out
The redhead in question noticed them coming and came to meet them - Peggy was a hero of hers.  “Agent Carter,” she said cheerfully.  “I’m so glad I’m going to have some help pulling Steve’s ass out of fires.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
Tony smiled in response to that, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.  Steve knew now was not the time to get into Tony’s issues, so he smiled and nodded at his colleague and pointed out somebody else.  “You need to meet Natasha, Peg,” he said.  “You’ll love her.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
Peggy chuckled but held her tongue about Howard. “I’d love to meet her. How old is she?”
“Almost six,” said Tony.  “Top of her first grade class!  But I’ll let you go for now - lots more people to meet, I’m sure, and Steve would probably like to have you all to himself for a while, too.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
Peggy lit up. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad to see Tony settled and happy.”
“Thank you,” said Pepper.  “I’m Virginia - people call me Pepper.  You’ll have to come meet our daughter sometime.”
“Dad would be so disappointed in me,” Tony said cheerfully.
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“Noted,” she chuckled. “I’ll keep an open mind. Anything else you think I should know?”
“Lots of people you should meet,” said Tony, “but I think Steve ought to do the honours, except for one.”  He waved over a strawberry blonde in a blue dress.  “This is Mrs. Stark.  Honey, you’ve heard of Peggy Carter, here she is in the flesh.”
“A pleasure,” said Mrs. Stark.
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“I don’t think it’ll even make sense,” Peggy smiled, moving to kiss her godson’s cheek.
“I’m sure Cap will be happy to introduce you to the twenty-first century,” said Tony.  “Although don’t listen to his opinions on flavoured coffee, he’s wrong, they’re delicious.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“It’s a shame what happened to Howard as he got older, young Howard and Tony are very much the same,” she observed in agreement
“Ah, here are the guests of honour!” Tony Stark exclaimed, coming out of the crowd to take Peggy’s hand and kiss it.  “Weird how you’re here but I still remember you being around while I was growing up but I’m not sure this stuff is supposed to make sense.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
Steve looked around at the Avengers-themed decorations in the rented ballroom and shook his head.  “Starks are all the same... but don’t tell Tony that.  He likes to think he’s different from his father.”
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“Let them say what they want, I really don’t care.”
“All right, no interviews, then.”  Steve patted her hand, and they headed up the red carpet towards the doors.  Flashbulbs popped all around them.  The news was going to be full of speculation about Captain America’s mysterious new girlfriend.
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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icanxdothisallday · 1 year
“It’s going to be awkward if they ask how we met,” she snorted, putting her arm in his.
“Should we come up with a story to tell them?” Steve asked.  “Or let them make something up?”  If they came up with a story it would have to be Peggy telling it.  Steve was terrible at lying.
Modern Girl || Peggy || Open
“Is this really what young women wear these days?
In public?”
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