cthayers · 5 years
cori !
✮ open starter
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“what are you?” a judgmental voice inquired from between lips previously wrapped around the rim of a solo cup. “some sort of sexy ghost?”
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“ i’m...the angel of small death and codeine , like the hozier song ? ” she suggests , only a trace of a smile on her lips .
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cthayers · 5 years
marco !
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holding a drink in each hand, marco tried to adjust his mask. admittedly, his costume wasn’t the best ( he could have shown a little bit of effort at least ) and it was hard to see clearly because of the tinted eye holes. but it was the best he could do on such short notice. his professor was merciless, assigning an important drafting project to be submitted on halloween. approaching the person he was talking to earlier, he handed them the drink before taking a sip of his own. “as i was saying – the whole blood kink thing really blew up in my face, i mean…” marco suddenly stopped, only then realizing it wasn’t the same person. just the same costume. “wait,“ he took off his mask, and smiled sheepishly. “i thought you were someone else.” 
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𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙 be her thing , but halloween certainly was . and though her grandmother would certainly have something to say about her scantily clad costume , the fake blood , the excess makeup , she still had fun putting it all together . she wandered through the crowded house , nursing a plastic cup full of a mixture of drinks she couldn’t quite put her finger on , mostly observing the others , none of whom seemed to mind making a fool of themselves . she kind of commended them for it . drawing her attention to the voice coming from under the slasher mask , camila’s eyes narrowed on them , sure that she recognized their voice , but only confirming it when he revealed the face under the mask . “ oh ? ” she quirked a brow , head cocking to the side , “ have you seen many angels of death around ? ”
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cthayers · 5 years
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cthayers · 5 years
lukas !
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a million and one things raced through his head as he looked at her, a million and one things he wanted to say but a million and one things he wouldn’t. how long had it been since they’d seen each other? too fuckin’ long, he thought. while there was a simmering bitterness deep down, he was glad to see her. he always was. “ right, ” he said with a nod, a hint of a smile pulling up the corners of his lips just for a moment. “ what’s the assignment? ” he asked, camila was certainly one of those people at columbia that made him feel like an idiot. he couldn’t talk about literature or poetry, not like her. he didn’t even know where to start in that world. clearly. but he could only try.  it hurt a little that she wouldn’t meet his eyes. was he really that unforgivable? what had he done that she hadn’t done as well? his eyes flicked back to his laptop, sitting where he’d left it the second camila had needed something from him. “ just editing– i’m supposed to have a draft done by class tomorrow, ” truth be told he was probably done with the first draft, passed the point the lecturer required him be but he just wanted it done. finished. in the archives and onto the next project. he held the inside of his lip between his teeth for a second, wondering if he should say what he was thinking. why not, right? that had always been his go-to strategy in the past and they hadn’t spoken, actually spoken, in months, maybe he was supposed to try and make up for lost time. “ missed you, ” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, tiny smirk pulling the corners of his lips once again, watching her and wanting to know if she’d missed him too. 
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𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓴 over in her hands, eyes on the back cover, though she wasn’t taking in any of the written words. “i’m writing about the simplicity of death,” she says casually, hazel eyes finally flickering up to meet his gaze, “and i am aware of my heart: it opens and closes...” she recites, a smile on her lips before shrugging her shoulders, “her work just holds a lot in the draw to life and yet the welcome of death...i think i can write something worth reading about it.” the explanation is vague, though her fascination with the death and the after life has never been one she liked to share with lukas much, all things considered. her eyes follow his movement toward the lonesome laptop left on the desk, screen bright, waiting for him to return to it. “sounds tedious,” she’d never had the sound mind to be able to sit and watch the same clip over and over, editing each frame, each millisecond, it all sounded torturous.  still, her curiosity gets the best of her. “what is it about ?” lukas’ films, to her, had always seemed brilliant. far more advanced than most film students’ work she’d seen, though she could very well just be biased. though it was the two words, those two words that she hadn’t realized she wanted to hear until she heard them, that caused camila to look at him, head cocked to the side, one eyebrow raised teasingly. “did you ?” she could apologize about not calling, or texting, about the dozens of letters she’d handwritten, stamped, and yet refused to send, she could apologize for her distance over the summer, but instead she just offered him a soft smile. it would have to do. “i missed you, too.”
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cthayers · 5 years
leti !
she takes the other girl in, in all her pristine glory.  looking like she’s simply too good for this party, too good for these people. “ you know me “ leti remarks, a touch of a smile on her lips as she taps her solo cup to the other girls in a cheersing motion and knocks back a considerable amount. “ who’d you come with?” she leans in a little to make sure she can hear her over the bass on the speakers, dialed up so high in fact, it shakes the very ends of camila’s blonde tendrils slightly.
it’s rare that she ever feels a real responsibility to someone, so call it an inclination that makes her feel like when ever she sees camila out, (out, out not at the café, or the bookstore, or in passing on campus) all apprehensive and erudite, and looking like she’d rather be anywhere but here, she feels like she has to make her night, at the very least, something worth remembering.  
as if on cue a buzz at her side diverts her dark hues to her phone, and she glances at the text that illuminates her screen, bringing a delighted smile to her features. “ my friend just invited me to another get together “ she mentions, tapping away at the screen with her plum painted acrylic set. “ i’ll tell him i’m bringing a plus one– ” 
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“ 𝓾𝓶 , ” she furrows her eyebrows, her eyes scanning the crowd of people surrounding them in search of the brunette who’d dragged her here in the first place. of course, she was nowhere to be found, always having been much more social than camila was, she’d probably skipped off to the first group of friends she saw. “wren, though i don’t know where she went...” she trailed off, teeth digging into her bottom lip as her gaze returned to leti. she wasn’t used to seeing the brunette when her head wasn’t spinning.
she can quite literally feel her heart sink, and she’s sure that the way her face falls is obvious ( though she quickly regains her usual look of nonchalance ) as soon as leti mentions a new party. camila’s phone was nothing more than quiet, as usual, she never had very many people texting her about new parties popping up around campus — not that she wanted that, really, but if leti left now, she’d be stuck here alone. 
though a sigh of relief escaped past her lips, knowing the girl would bring her along. “okay,” she replies, a soft smile on her lips, “where to then?” 
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cthayers · 5 years
marco !
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“i don’t like camila.” he said rather defensively, as if he was appalled by his friends’ child-like teasing. “marco’s got a crush!” one teased in a singsong voice as the rest peered at the blonde’s text. rolling his eyes, he flipped them off with one hand while the other typed out a reply. be there in ten. he doesn’t have feelings for her, and he would assure anyone of that except for himself, because in truth, marco was having trouble figuring it out. once he was inside her room, he sat on a desk chair, watching as she prepared them glasses of whiskey. a smile curved his lips as he received the glass and drank, the bitter warmth running down his throat. “well, he really knows his whiskey.” he nodded before laughing lightly at her question. “i don’t really have a preference, i just like anything that makes me forget.” his body was starting to feel a little hot, but he wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol he drank earlier with his friends or her steady gaze. his eyes found hers as he took another sip.  “so,” he sighed, “did you really just invite me here for a drink?” 
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𝓪 𝓼𝓸𝓯𝓽 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓮 tugs across her features, top teeth digging into her bottom lip as her gaze falls to the glass of whiskey in her hands. “yeah, he’s quite the connoisseur,” she replies softly, swirling the amber liquid in the thick crystal glass. she casts her gaze toward him, eyes trained on his face from across the room, eyebrows furrowing only slightly at his remark, before returning to hide any curiosity on her features that might have given her away. “you must be awfully sad if you’re always trying to forget,” she comments, fingertip circling the rim of her glass, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks when the other looks up to meet her gaze, the question he asks feels like it’s burning a hole right through her. “yes,” she says after a long pause, “well, that and i wanted to spend time with you. i feel like i haven’t seen much of you.” 
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cthayers · 5 years
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Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001) dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
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cthayers · 5 years
mix tape
send “mix tape” for my muse to make a list of 5 songs that they think explain how they feel for your muse
paul - big thief
not for all the love in the world - the thrills
rapt - karen o 
dangerous - the xx
dream a little dream of me - the mamas and the papas
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cthayers · 5 years
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like if u save // like se salvar
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cthayers · 5 years
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cthayers · 5 years
                 ⟡ * ˖ ° ⌜ 𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 @ohlukcs
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       —  I warn you; I’ll break your heart.
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cthayers · 5 years
                ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ —— @marcodiangelo​
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𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮  put her finger on what it was exactly that drew her to someone like marco diangelo  ,  but there was something about his presence that she always found to be calming  .  not that she’d ever admit it to him  ,  though she was beginning to wonder if he knew it anyways  ,  seeing as she was always calling him up when it was most convenient to her  ,  whenever she needed him  .  her nimble fingers unscrewed the top to the expensive whiskey  —  macallan 1926  ,  a gift from her grandfather  —  and poured the amber liquid evenly into two crystal glasses  before putting away the bottle in her desk drawer  .  technically  ,  she wasn’t supposed to have alcohol  in the dorm  ,  being underage  ,  but she was pretty sure she was on good terms with her ra  .  better to hide it  ,  just in case  .  “  here  ,  ”  her voice soft as she handed the other the glass  ,  keeping one for herself  ,  “  try it  .  my granddad says it’s the best around  ,  and he’s  a real whiskey man .  ”  she sat down on the edge of her bed  ,  keeping her gaze on him .  “  what’s your usual choice of drink  ?  ”  
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cthayers · 5 years
𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⤷ 𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖆.
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malia balanced on the balls of her feet , slightly wobbly with the weight of her backpack threatening to tip her backwards with the slightest shift of books . a tap on her shoulder startles her , and she does nearly lose her balance , reaching out to steady herself on a nearby shelf . “ the — … top shelf — … ” she glances up at the blonde , then the top of the library shelf , and only after does she stand from her knelt position , rising to her full height — … which wasn’t much . “ well — … ” mal looked down at her feet , then back at camila , then up at the shelf , then back to camila again , “ we could try to stack ourselves . or we could go on a hunt for a stool . ”
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𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 the blonde stretches her legs  ,  reaching her full height  ,  that camila realizes that she won’t be of much help  ,  at least not in regards to retrieving things that are out of reach  .  she lets out a soft sigh  ,  shoulders slump slightly in defeat until the other suggests a solution  .  “  stack ourselves  ?  what  ,  like  ,  get on your back  ?  are we talking jumping on or someone getting on all fours  ?  ”
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cthayers · 5 years
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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
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cthayers · 5 years
𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⤷ 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖆𝖓.
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caspian spins slowly in response to the touch, gently folding his arms in defiance, though his face read nothing less than amiability. “ free labour ? that’s what you want from me ? ” he scoffs, shaking his head slowly. eyes flicker to the shelf in question, he finds it almost comical how easily he could retrieve the book, but revels in making simple situations as strenuous as possible. he desperately needed anything to keep him entertained, as he was positive that this was the first, and last time he’d step foot into the campus library this year. “ grow a couple more inches. or, invest in a pair of stilts. jus’ don’t expect me to pick up your slack. ”
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𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓪 𝓱𝓾𝓯𝓯𝓼 , a loud , heavy , incredibly dramatic sigh , as caspian makes an ordeal of reaching for the book  — she should’ve known not to bring him into the library , or at least should’ve known better , but her arms crossed over her chest as she raised a dubious brow .  “  that’s all i expect you to do ,  ”  she countered , her tone was clearly teasing , though she tried to keep a straight face .  “  what do you think i keep you around for ? your humor ?  ”
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cthayers · 5 years
𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⤷ 𝖑𝖚𝖐𝖆𝖘.
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lukas felt like he’d been in the library for hours, in reality it had probably been about thirty minutes, if he was lucky. as much as he liked what he was studying, sometimes he just got stuck in a creative runt. that’s where he was in that moment, staring at a screen, slightly adjusting the saturation levels on one shot and being endlessly exhausted that it wasn’t turning out the way he wanted it to. then a tap on his shoulder, though gentle he was still surprised by it and moved away from it quickly as he spun in his chair. camila. he pushed hoodie off of his head while she explained her predicament. “ sure, yeah, ” he said, standing from his seat and moving past her so he could reach the shelf and the book with ease. hiding that he was happy to see her behind classic tired, mostly disinterested, arts student facade. trying to anyway. out of habit his defences weren’t as high around the blonde as they were around most everyone else. he looked at the book, flipping it so he could glance at the back for a second before he held it out to her, lips pressed together for a second before he spoke again. “ haven’t you read this one before? ”
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𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝔀 where they stood  ,  though perhaps the blame fell on her just as much as it did on him  .  at the end of last spring they were good  ,  solid  ,  but then summer came  ,  and camila returned to new hampshire while lukas retreated to new jersey  .  three months apart with only sparse texts and phone calls in between to show for it  ,  she hardly considered them an item  ,  at least not now  .  it was  ,  after all  ,  the first she was seeing of him since returning to the city  .  “  thanks  ,  ”  she replied softly  ,  stepping aside to allow him to the bookshelf  ,  stifling the smile that was threatening to tug at the corners of her lips  :  of course she’d missed him  ,  he was  ,  above all  ,  her friend  ,  but she could hardly admit that  ,  not when they were like this  .  “  yes  ,  ”  she replied  ,  taking the book from his hands  .  it felt like some sort of peace offering  .  “  but i’ve left my copy back home  ,  and i need it for an assignment  .  ”  she paused  ,  lips pressed together in thought  ,  gaze trained on the cover of the book  ,  her feet  ,  his shoes  —  everywhere but his face  .  “  what are you doing in here  ?  ”  she finally asked after a pause of silence  . 
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cthayers · 5 years
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                  𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓪 𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 : task one
what is your typical monday-friday schedule like ?
click !
“ well , i’m taking six classes this semester  ,  so eighteen credits . poetry & catastrophe  ,  19th c. thrillers  ,  heroes lovers & visionaries eng lit to 1500  ,  jane austen & the poets  ,  hollywood’s counterculture cinema  :  movies of the 1970′s  ,  and romanticism  .  my favorite  ,  so far  ,  is hollywood’s counterculture cinema  :  movies of the 1970′s  . ”
what’s in your student backpack ?
“ i pretty much always carry my laptop & charger  ,  a notebook  ,  ”  (  for whichever class she is heading to  )   “  my daily planner  ,  a pencil pouch of colored pens and highlighters  ,  a makeup pouch with just the bare essentials  ,  ”   (  powder ,  concealer  ,  highlight  ,  and mascara  )  and my water bottle  .  ”
what type of events do you want to see throughout the school year ?
“  i’d love to see a book fair  ,  you know  ,  like in elementary school  ?  i’m also fond of anything i get to dress up for  .  not like  ,  for a club  ,  but really dressing up  .  like a gala  .  or a renaissance fair  .  ”
what does your dorm room look like ?
“  i think it looks like your average dorm room  ...  it’s cute  ,  quaint  ,  and cozy  .  ”
aletta and camila may not be the best of friends  ,  but they certainly know how to put together a room  .  they coordinated their bedding and decor to ensure everything looked well put together  ,  with a color scheme of nudes  ,  beiges  ,  and whites  ,  photos decorating the walls  ,  and the room lit up by fairy lights  .  camila is the type to make sure everything is always in its place  ,  so the room is almost always impeccably clean and perfectly suitable for campus tours  . 
when’s your birthday ?!
“  june 15  .  ”
her birthday falls on june 15, 1999  .  she is a gemini sun  ,  cancer moon  ,  and aquarius rising  . 
what’s a typical autumn outfit ? winter ? summer ? spring ?
autumn   ,  autumn  ,  autumn 
winter  ,  winter  ,  winter
spring  ,  spring  ,  spring 
summer  ,  summer  ,  summer
what’s your favorite cafeteria menu ?
“  i only really buy fruit from there  .  ” 
she hardly ever eats at the cafeteria  ,  mostly opting to prep her own meals  ,  but if she does  ,  she can’t resist a good  ,  greasy  ,  grilled cheese  . 
why did you choose your major ? what do you plan on doing after graduation ?
“  ever since moving in with my grandparents  ,  i’ve always been fascinated with writing and storytelling  .  i could just read for hours on end  ,  like how a lot of my classmates will binge watch netflix  ?  that’s how i am with novels  .   after graduation  ,  i plan on going abroad to teach english and write  about my travels  .  i’d love to live in the south of france for a little while  .  ”
what’s your favorite course & why ?
“  at the moment  , my current favorite course is hollywood’s counterculture cinema  :  movies of the 1970′s because the teacher is knowledgable and i just love the era we are learning about  . it’s really fascinating .  ” 
 it also helps that their ta is really  ,  really good looking . 
what do you like to do to wind down after a tough week ?
“  nothing is better than cuddling up in bed with a good book and hot tea  .  ”
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