cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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“Here in the Pacific, 200 metres down, we enter an alien world… This is barreleye a fish with a transparent head filled with jelly so that it can look up through its skull.” - Sir David Attenborough
Blue Planet II
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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Stygiomedusa Gigantea
For the first time ever, stygiomedusa gigantea, a gigantic jellyfish was caught on video by scientists in the Gulf of Mexico. There have only been 115 sightings of this deep sea jellyfish in the past 110 years.
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
To the close minded;
I would like you to keep in mind that the platypus was once labeled a “cryptid”. If someone’s to say “I just saw a full on beaver with a duck bill” you’d find it outrageous but if someone says they’ve seen a platypus, it seems normal. Why do we have to label something for you to believe that it’s not nothing? I’m not sure.
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
Lake Van Monster Video
This video surfaced in 1997 and was filmed by a local man named Ünal Kozak. The video shows what appears to be the infamous monster in Lake Van in eastern Turkey near the border of Iran. The video has been subject to intense criticism over the years but hasn’t been proven a hoax. There have been reports of a monster in Lake Van for over 100 years, including a report of a man being dragged into the water by it. Could this footage show the infamous monster? Or is this all just a hoax to attract tourists? What do you think?
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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Lake Norman Monster: Normie Normie has often been described by fisherman, scuba divers, and swimmers to be brown in color, long and scaly, and to have flippers. Reports say the creature could be from 8 to 20 feet long. Being the largest fresh body of water in North Carolina, it holds more than enough room and food for a predator of such. Many have reported the creature being very social, some claiming it to have chased their boats or bumped up against them while taking a swim. There have been two reported “attacks” blamed on Normie, one of them being a scuba diver getting his foot wear bitten at and a jet ski-er getting an itchy rash from the creatures fin rubbing against his leg. Emma’s personal opinion: This creature is very special to me seeing as this lake is quite close to me. I have two theories for this one. Most realistically, it’s an oversized alligator gar. The largest gar ever reported was 8 feet and in the very first Norman sighting, it was said that the “frightening” (poooosssh) creature was around 8 feet. Lake Norman has an abundance of alligator gar so it would make much sense. Prehistoric looking, slender, scaly, sharp teeth, the alligator gar fits the description! Let’s go outlandish for a moment for my second theory. Literally right next to the lake is McGuire Nuclear Power Plant. There’s many story’s of animals near plants mutating into beastly creatures. So, could it be possible that there’s a crazy looking mutated aquatic animal in the lake? Totally! But I’ll stick with the first theory :).
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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The Iceland Worm Monster
Also known as The Lagarfljótsormur/Lagarfljót worm, the Iceland Worm Monster is an Icelandic lake cryptid. It is very similar to the Lochness Monster in legend. It can supposedly get upto 300ft long. People have claimed to see the cyrptid on land and in water.
The video I linked above was taken by a farmer called Hjörtur Kjerúlf , who captured the giant, icy snake swimming in the Jökulsá í Fljótsdal river, which empties into Lake Lagarfljót.
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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Large Prehistoric Fish Found Dead In Lake Champlain
A large sturgeon was found dead washed upon the shore of Lake Champlain recently. Although sturgeon aren’t cryptids like the elusive Champ, a prehistoric fish of this size in Lake Champlain does raise a few questions. Sturgeon can be traced back to the Triassic period along with the Plesiosaur of which Champ is rumored to be. If a fish can survive this long, why can’t the Plesiosaur? Lake Champlain is well known to be a habitat for lake sturgeon but this one was massive. This 6′ 9″ sturgeon weighed about 300 pounds and appears to have died of natural causes. If a fish can get this big there must be plenty of fish for a large predator to survive on, including Champ. Sturgeon live up to 150 years which gives these monster fish quite a track record. If this one had lived for so long, could this large sturgeon be what eyewitnesses call Champ? Or are there even larger sturgeon laying towards the bottom of the lake?
It seems unlikely that the bottom feeding sturgeon would come to the surface for eyewitnesses to spot like the air-breathing Plesiosaur, but its not impossible. Anything of this size would be considered a monster by any inexperienced fisherman or passerby. However a sturgeon definitely isn’t what was photographed in the Mansi Photograph, so is there still a Plesiosaur living in the lake that calls large fish like this dinner? Will we start to see champ sightings decrease after this large sturgeon parts ways with this life? Or perhaps there are even larger sturgeon responsible for Champ sightings? The answer, the truth, lies within the depths of this lake. Stay Curious!
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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i did a powerpoint for mst3k like a loser wow don’t look at me
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
Un-dam The Snake River!
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The Southern Residents are in dire need of our help; with J-14 Samish missing and the life of J-28 Polaris and her calf J-54 hanging by a thread, these whales need our help immediately or we may lose them.
Contact Lawmakers! Let them know why destroying the four lower Snake River dams is imperitive to the survival of the Southern Residents.
Also, sign the petitions here, and visit these other sites to find out about more ways you can help. If anyone has any other links or ways to help, please feel free to add them!
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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These are all me
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
underrated aspects of Mystery Science Theater 3000′s aesthetic
starfields designed with no regard for the laws of perspective
building sets on the other side of the viewscreen
the mads always being shot at a high angle
the way sometimes a theater shot is badly composited and you can see the edge of the cardboard standee they used for the theater seats (almost always the right edge for some reason)
the shitty tvs that always appeared whenever footage from the movie was necessary outside the theater
shooting everything in one take, damn the consequences 
panning shots that make this an especially stupid thing to do
the way crow’s eyes being glued together mean they occasionally drift across his face and make him look like a flounder
the constraints of the television medium leading to really abrupt cuts to commercial during theater segments
terrible taste in fonts leading to frequent uses of arial, courier, and what looks like some kind of proto-impact in on-screen text
relatedly, the info club address popping up on screen seemingly at random during theater segments
using complicated optical effects to make jim the plant and jan-in-the-pan look like actual disembodied heads despite the fact that the competence involved is surprising in the context of all their other nonsense
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
What’s going on in North Carolina? In a span of just a few weeks, residents of the Tar Heel State have seen a Bigfoot that caused police across the border in South Carolina to issue warnings; a monster in Lake Norman; and a mysterious island rising out of the waters off the coast. Throw in another warning from nearby South Carolina that a Lizard Man who doesn’t recognize state borders might be on the loose during the recent solar eclipse and it’s a wonder everyone doesn’t pack up and move to … where? Just when North Carolinians start thinking that every state has problems and it might be best just to stay put, out comes a video mysteriously hidden since 2015 of what appears to be a grey-like alien peering out of sewer pipe. While it looks hazy, this isn’t the first time North Carolina has dealt with strange creatures in sewers. Is it time to act like a lover and head for Virginia? Let’s look at the more recent sighting. The video is dated June 24, 2015, and this version was uploaded in March 2016, but there seems to be no other record or discussion of it until it popped up recently on a few websites. Most seem to agree that it appears to be from a newscast, the language is Spanish, the quality is poor, the reason for it not surfacing until now is a mystery, the location of the sewer or storm drain in North Carolina is not identified and the creature looks kind of like a grey alien under magnification if you squint and wish real hard. Without any other information, the needle on this one would seem to be placed between ‘questionable’ and ‘hoax’ … except this isn’t the first mysterious ‘alien’ creature seen in North Carolina sewers.
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cryptidcave-blog · 7 years
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Bear Lake, Utah is home to the well known Bear Lake monster, and the stories about the creature have been passed down since 1863, when the Indians first whispered to the settlers, “Beware of the lake.”
What’s in the lake? An elusive animal that is surprisingly large (up to 40 feet long) and extremely agile in the water. It has been described as having the head of an alligator, a long body with a powerful tail, paddle like appendages, razor sharp teeth and dark brown skin color.
The very first sightings of the mystery animal, came from the Native American Indians. The Indian tribes passed down an oral history of the lake creature, that speak of it snatching people who strolled along the shore line and pulling swimmers under into the dark depths of the water, never to be seen again. The lore goes on to say,… that the creature breaths air and was observed many times, as it slowly crawled out of the water and moved awkwardly upon the land.
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