61 posts
I'm not sad it's ok-
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crying-tennis-ball · 5 months ago
9, 10, 15, 19, 27, 33 (dont have to do all of them if you dont want to!!)
◆◇9, 19, 27◇◆
{Lilac simply looked up at you with their big wet eyes.}
W-what's... a hotel...
{They thought for a moment.}
...Selfish people, I suppose. And tthose who, um, t-threaten others.
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crying-tennis-ball · 5 months ago
tbcu in-character ask game:
reblog if you'd like to participate!
Favorite character you've interacted with?
Least favorite character you've interacted with?
Are you planning on doing a halloween costume this year? If so, what will you go as?
If you had to pick one character to go out with, who would you pick?
Fuck/kiss, marry, kill out of everyone you've interacted with.
Have you ever been in a relationship?
Do you remember anything from before you came here?
If your life depended on it, would you let @elongated-tennis-ball operate on you?
Do you know how to fight/are you able to defend yourself?
What kind of hobbies do you have?
Are you LGBTQ+?
Smash or pass @elongated-tennis-ball @husband-tennis-ball.
What diseases do you have?
What kind of people do you tend to gravitate towards?
Are you a more emotional or logical person?
What are your deepest fears?
What is a secret you have that you're willing to share?
What do you like/dislike about yourself?
What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room?
Would you rather know the date or cause of your death?
What is your biggest regret?
What is your favorite childhood story?
Who do you think you are most similar to?
What are your thoughts on @i-want-tennis-ball?
How did you get your name?
What is your relationship with your parents like?
What type of people do you have no respect for?
How important to you are your morals? What would it take for you to break your moral code?
Have you committed any crimes?
Do you want to change anything about your appearance?
What is the most important thing in the world to you?
Have you ever killed or seriously injured anyone?
How easily do you trust people?
If you were stabbed in a dark alleyway, what would you do?
What are your opinions on the last person you interacted with?
Do you believe in the multiverse? What are your thoughts on it?
What are your thoughts on @i-hate-tennis-ball and @i-want-tennis-ball being on good terms now?
Do you believe the gods are real?
What is something about you that people would not expect from a first glance?
Are you attracted to anyone at the moment?
Are you afraid of death?
What type of music do you like to listen to?
If you had to get rid of one of your five senses, which would you choose to live without?
Do you have a good sense of memory? Would you rather remember or forget unpleasant things?
Do you think you would be able to get away with murder?
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crying-tennis-ball · 10 months ago
Tumblr media
1/5 - Lilac
I was procrastinating on this for a while... anyways this took 13 hours is the most I've taken methinks
I have to make 4 more of these dear god
Tumblr media Tumblr media
W/o text and the a larger version of the original drawing
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
Same here!
I don't think I've seen you in the forest, is there more than one?
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
I'm Lilac! I live in the woods too, you're the Fae correct?
You look really cool! With all those eyes and stuff.
{She was crying, a lot more than when this all began}
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
..Who's the Fae? We may live in different forests, I haven't seen them.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
[Lie lie lie lie lie li]
I'm full. Its fine.
{She chuckled}
Me neither. Well I don't have someplace to be in general. 'Cept the woods. It's nice there! I'd run around with Beks, she makes sure I don't fall. You should come to the woods, I know it like the back of my hand; you won't get lost.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
No, I'm fine. I don't want to waste any more food.
{They said this in a midly annoyed tone. She knew that look. Its the look everyone gives them when she talks about Rebekah}
I suppose if you don't want to talk more, I can get going
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
{She smiled sadly}
Im glad that you want to help, but you can't see her. Nobody can. Only I can see her somehow, but some people do hear her every once in a while.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
I haven't, but..
{They seemed nervous}
I uh, don't think you can find her.
You can't find her actually.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
Beks is my friend! Her name is Rebekah. She went somewhere for a while though. Haven't seen her in months, haha. Ha..
It'd be nice to meet the painters someday.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
Painters? I see. I suppose sometimes it is nice to be a bit different. Beks is different and I think she likes it. I hope she does, she looks great.
Is the purple painter nice?
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
A-ah. I can deal with a headache. I've dealt with it before.
{She tries to change the subject}
So when did you become purple?
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
Did you eat before this?
{She tries the strawberry one ◆◇they boutta get brain freeze :/◇◆}
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
Ah, it's just artfcal. No um artifical? What was it called.. oh well
{She finishes the orange sherbert first, clearly they have a favorite}
So why did you learn so much about ice cream anyways?
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
{Her eyes lit up once again}
Okay, I change my mind this one is way better
I didn't think fruits would taste good as ice cream. I suppose I was proven wrong.
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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crying-tennis-ball · 1 year ago
I'll say the orange one. Can't go wrong with orange right?
There's an oddly shaped tennis ball, purple, walking around. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but it's humming to itself as he walks around the house.
He's still wearing his Halloween outfit... Wasn't that a few months ago, by now?
{A single tear went down her face, and they walked towards him. She hadnt seen another tennia ball in a bit, and was curious}
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