crtfrank · 10 days
I have so much palettes saved from Tumblr, jesus Christ 😭
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crtfrank · 10 days
Crossover fanart!!!
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My two favorite games... ♡♡♡
Upside down ver.
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(Check the read more plz)
Palette taken from here ↓↓↓
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crtfrank · 10 days
I drew Sasha. He is so cool istg.
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Not the best image. I cut this out of my notes and glued it into my sketchbook </3. I am putting off digital art so much rn.
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crtfrank · 10 days
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dressing him up again :]
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crtfrank · 10 days
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art of lili psychonauts i drew to highlight my concept for a third game where she would steal sasha's ciggies and get addicted and then raz would have to go into her head to stop her from smoking so much. doublefine PLEASE hire me.
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crtfrank · 10 days
Finished it!
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crtfrank · 10 days
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I was gonna wait and post these till I had more doodles but I’ll just post them now it’s fine. I’ll just explain stuff in the tags as per usual
Some Raz poses and some Dion and Adam stuff
(Please do not use or repost my works anywhere without explicit permission from me thank you)
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crtfrank · 10 days
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boyd is :3 fred is 8^<
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crtfrank · 11 days
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crtfrank · 11 days
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Just Checking In! (aka Something About Red Triangles)
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crtfrank · 14 days
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crtfrank · 15 days
Thinking about Psychonauts 2 again, and you know what scene pops into my head a lot? It’s near the end of the game, when Raz runs back to the caravan to get his family’s support to take down Maligula. In a game about mental health and coping with loss and mistakes, this scene, while small, says volumes.
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If you don’t remember, when Raz makes his way to the caravan while Nona is in the middle of her big water tornado, this is how he finds his family; gathered around Augustus, offering whatever support they can.
Look at how Augustus is sitting. The classic “face to your knees” pose naturally signals that he’s upset, but there’s something more to that. When you think of this pose, who do you think of?
Children. Children are more likely to sit like this as they process their big feelings because sitting on the floor doesn’t feel inappropriate. When you get older, you feel embarrassed expressing yourself the way you did as a child and you move onto other coping mechanisms, ones that are less visibly upset. But not Augustus, not in this moment. I first when I saw this, I wasn’t sure what was happening, until Donatella spoke.
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Remember, Raz just finished sorting through Nona’s memories and unlocking the psychic barriers that kept Maligula trapped. We recently learned that Ford messed with both Nona and Augustus’ memories to make them believe Nona was truly Augustus’ mother, not his aunt. Both of Augustus’ parents died, and have been dead for decades. While Raz was undoing the mental blocks, he wasn’t just revealing the truth to Nona. He was unraveling the truth in Augustus’ mind too.
Imagine you’re with your family, looking for your mother. She’s old, she’s wandered off, she isn’t as sharp as she used to be. You need to find her and keep her safe, you almost lost your son a few days ago and you can’t lose your mother too. And then the memories start unlocking. Memories of two graves, of a packed orphanage, of a strange man warping your mind and delivering you into the care of a woman you knew deep down to be the arbiter of national genocide, who this man made you think was your mother. Of course you break down. Of course you act like a child, even in front of your own children. What else can you do?
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When Augustus says this, the statement is twofold. The mother he thought survived has been dead all this time, and the woman who did raise him has warped back to the traumatized, angry shell that caused so much death in your past. He’s lost both women in this moment.
The series does an incredible job of connecting us with the trauma and baggage of whoever’s mind we enter. But we never enter Augustus’ mind. We only get to see his trauma through show not tell, and that leaves us with a more evocative scene than many of the mental worlds we’ve visited before.
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The writers know how powerful this scene is, and they make sure we linger on it with this long zoom out. The entire family embraces Augustus and shares in his woe. They’ll need their strength to help Nona soon enough, but they have to grieve for a moment, they have to acknowledge the hurt and pain they’ve inherited if they hope to rebuild their family.
I love this game.
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crtfrank · 16 days
Been a while since I've posted on here huh? Anyway loboto ror fanart
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crtfrank · 18 days
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you’re my friend now
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crtfrank · 18 days
Hollis n Lucky
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from da Psychonauts server whiteboard wednesday :] theyre so silly
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crtfrank · 18 days
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here's my contribution
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crtfrank · 18 days
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