I wonder how common of a trick that is now.. I kinda wanna make a poll to find out how many trans/enby/genderfluid folks used this trick to get called their actual name and not their deadname without having to come out
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it the last five blogs in your notifs. Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
Sure, why not?
I'm a massive car nerd
I used to eat ants when I was 4
I have 10 chickens
@tameable50 @garmrin @acidl0llip0p @mun-urufu @four-leafed-queer-gal
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Rabbits! Rabbits! Rabbits!
Reblog on the 1st of every month for good luck and fortune to come your way.
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That moment when you finally get over writer’s block & start writing again so you go easy on urself and write a scene only sort of connected to your main wip so you don’t stress yourself and as you’re writing these two immortals and turns out they have homoerotic undertones that you didn’t intend and now they’re gay for each other
The gay wasn’t even on purpose this time, the fuck
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At this point we’re racing to see who can blow up eachother’s inboxes faster LMAO
p.s. your WIPs look amazing and I’m enjoying reading about them immensely
What’s your favorite sound to wake up to?
Hmmm… That is a good question. I live next to a busy road so I always wake up to cars, but it might one day be nice to wake up to the sound of the ocean. Waves make great sounds.
Thanks for the ask! <3
I love how we are just reading the entirety of each others blogs
p.s. crows are incredibly cool (:
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Uhh 3 facts
I convinced my family the reason I go by Jax wasn’t because I was trans but because it was a nickname from a short joke
I need a cane to get around like, a 1/3 of the time
I plan on doing concept art professionally but I can’t do early concept stages digitally
@sarahclarke13997 @ivaspinoza @bee-barnes-author @the-letterbox-archives @roxannepolice
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it the last five blogs in your notifs. Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
Sure, why not?
I'm a massive car nerd
I used to eat ants when I was 4
I have 10 chickens
@tameable50 @garmrin @acidl0llip0p @mun-urufu @four-leafed-queer-gal
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Yo I WISH I could write an opener that good
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pl eas e do
watch out, tumblr. i'm in the mood to go into random writeblr's inboxes and asking questions for no reason other than to hear them yap about their books
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Dutch artist, Redmer Hoekstra.
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Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
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the writer’s urge to ask your friends “do you wanna see a little somethin’ i’ve been working on?” when the little somethin’ you’ve been working on is 800 words and ends in the middle of a sentence
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Not this being the main way I make characters-
Imagine projecting your issues onto your characters then proceeding to make them deal with theirs so you can deal with yours. Imagine. Couldn't be me lol :]
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oh right I forgot people can be horny for sex
I forgot allosexuals existed lmao
i'm not writing migration patterns, but i am writing a short story about aleph null meeting and being thoroughly seduced by the most boring man in the world. stay tuned. it will be weird.
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wait, there’s conventionally horny people? that sounds so unrealistic, what do you mean wanting someone so bad you wish you could be alchemically fused with them is weird?
sorry, it just sounds fake. i’ll be over here writing deranged horny lesbians, thankyouverymuch
i'm not writing migration patterns, but i am writing a short story about aleph null meeting and being thoroughly seduced by the most boring man in the world. stay tuned. it will be weird.
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Both of the below statements address real, persistent issues within the writing community. They do not negate each other, nor are they direct enemies.
1.Pretentious elitists prevent others from enjoying their personal reading preferences because they deem those preferences "inferior" or not "literary" enough. They accuse these readers of lacking "media literacy" and comprehension skills because some people prefer to read a mindless romance story rather than a complicated novel one might tackle in graduate school. This situation enforces stereotypes already in place about reading being an activity reserved solely for erudite systems. It discourages people from writing and reading.
2."BookTok" culture and other similar fast-paced, instant-gratification platforms that support the aesthetics and tropes associated with reading more than the reading itself have had a negative impact on people's ability to consume larger, more complex written works. This phenomenon not only impacts critical thinking skills and community engagement, but contributes directly to unfair publishing practices already in place. It discourages people from writing and reading.
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A huge moth that can launch irritating hairs into the eyes of would-be-predators. Also it’s bright orange and eats carrion
Attention Friends!
Today is the birthday of my dear friend and colleague @mushroommanchanterelle. Ash is one of the kindest people I have met in this community so far, just a genuine loving and woodsy presence. They're an amazingly skilled and detailed artist and I'm about halfway through the first draft of their in-progress novel Fault Lines and really enjoying it!
I invite you to honor their birth with me by starting a thread of ideas for New Bugs - Ash really likes bugs.
I'll start!
New bug pitch: super long, durable worm that actually enjoys being used to tie things for a short while. They consider it a form of yoga and it does not hurt them.
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If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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