Nic could feel the hesitation in her when his arms wrapped around her, and he was sure she could feel the way his heart was beating a tattoo of fear against the inside of his chest at the feel. He couldn’t force her into this, he just couldn’t. He wouldn’t be his father, and Belle was far too good for him to let her do this to herself. Even as he pulled back and looked into her eyes, he could see the way her eyes weren’t quite as bright as they had been with the happiness of her youth. He’d all but drawn the breath to call everything off, his hands already loosening against her back to let her go when her hand shifted to take his cheek.  Her words were sweet, sliding through his veins like golden honey, and filling his chest with warmth. There was hope in those words, her hope, that she could make this work. Perhaps he was reading too much into this, or he wanted it too badly, but the words in their mother tongue were heady, and he found himself led by them like a siren’s call. Home. He liked the sound of that. He was just about to respond, his lips already curling into a sly smile when she took his chin, pulling him into a tender kiss. His hands tightened on her back, keeping her close until she pulled away, and even then his eyes were slow to open. The taste of her lips was sweeter than he’d ever dreamed, and as he slowly opened his blue eyes to meet hers, he knew that there was no way he could let her go. Not now that there was hope growing in his chest like a weed.  He released her, wanting to do anything but, and gently slipped one of his big hands around her smaller one, too worried about frightening that hope away to lace them, but clasping it warmly instead, and leaned down to grip his overnight bag so that they could collect his luggage.  “It was long.” he admitted, looking pointedly down to his rumpled suit coat, “But what was waiting for me was worth the journey.” He squeezed her hand once then, and led her towards the baggage claim. “What about you? I know the school is a little far from the airport. Hopefully your drive was pleasant?”
It was odd. This was not how Isabelle imagined their initial meeting to go. She imagined it to go much like how it was when they were younger. She’d hate him and wouldn’t be able to contain the subtle eye rolls at the narcissistic things he’d spout out. But things were much different now. He seemed warm, more mature, even Belle couldn’t wrap her own head around it. If they were to be married she preferred this Dominic over the old one.
The kiss sent her mind ablaze. She couldn’t quite think straight anymore and became immensely dizzy. Belle hadn’t the slightest idea why her body was starting to feel like jell-o but she fought hard to keep her composure around him. His words caused a slight tug at her lips. “I hope so.” She murmured genuinely. Catching her breath finally when they made their way towards the baggage claim area. Using his arm as her support as she wobbled next to him. Isabelle, here really? She didn’t want to make a fool out of herself already but her head was starting to ache and all the lights started to blur together. Isabelle kept her smile still though, amidst the wooziness. His words caught her off guard as she was zoning out. Watching strangers pick up their luggage and kiss their loved ones. “Oh, oui! It was a soothing drive. It’s quite beautiful this time of the year. I can only hope you’ll learn to love it as much as I.” Isabelle smiled warmly up at Dominic. 
She was just beginning to get her balance back until a stranger shoulder checked her and pushed on towards the baggage claim area. Causing Belle to stumble and to practically grasp on to Dominic’s shoulders fearing she’d tip over. Her head was definitely spinning now. She lifted her head from it being practically smushed against his chest when she stumbled. “I’d hate to make you drive all the way to campus after your long flight, but i’m feeling a little dizzy.” Belle admitted obviously quite embarrassed, locking gazes with his. She wasn’t sure why her body was feeling so weak. It had to be from the anxieties of last night and early morning and lack of sleep. It was all catching up with her at the worst possible time.
I Don’t Need To Know || closed
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“I’m telling you, our entire school is run by a team of cloned Grinches. Guarantee you they try and cancel Christmas.”
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“That sounds very elaborate and possibly dangerous. We can’t have that happen, what would we do with all the presents?”
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His heart hammered in his chest. There were so many questions floating around in his head. What had happened? Had she never received his letters? The tone in her voice indicated that perhaps she had. Had he said something too forward? Adam stood in a stunned silence, trying to think over what he’d written in those letters that would have driven her away. “How am I?” He repeated slowly. How was he? Heartbroken. Alone. Hopeless. “Bien. And you?”
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She nodded slowly at his question. “Yes.” She murmured softly, her heart beating in anticipation. She’d pray that he was getting along fine. She was also a little selfish in hoping that he hadn’t grown to hate her too. His answer only assured her just a moment. Isabelle wished for nothing more than to reach out and grasp his hand in hers. But it was all too late for that. “I-Uh.” She cleared her throat. “Busy. My father grew ill over the summer. So my days have been mostly taking care of him.”
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no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, or who you’re with,                                                             i will always, honestly, truly, completely, love you.
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“I’m made up of black coffee, untamed hair, and poorly suppressed anger.”
— The Never Book (via auideas)
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Isabelle woke up with a heavy heart. Her eyes blurred from slumber, seeing nothing but the rays of light panning against the walls of her dorm. She laid still adjusting her vision until she could make out the numbers clearly on her digital clock. Today was the day. There was no backing out now. She was really going to go through with this. It would be impossible to cancel now. Dominic was already on a plane headed to America. Ready to start a new life with his new bride to be. Meanwhile Belle felt uneasy, nauseous even. Running her hands through her tangled hair she had to remind herself why she was doing this in the first place. For her father. How was he ever to get well without the proper treatment. Who knows how long he had left if Dominic had not accepted Belle’s offer, and maybe this was for the best anyway. Belle had always been an outcast and she wasn’t a little girl anymore. Stories of true love and a knight in shining armor didn’t hold the same appeal anymore. They were just words inked on paper holding no true meaning in the real world. They were just children’s stories now, and she knew that. She wouldn’t find a love like her ma and pa had. That was a once in a lifetime type of thing. Life had different plans for her and she had to accept that.
But Adam, her mind drifted to the boy she found herself quickly falling for over the summer. It wasn’t planned and they hadn’t gotten along at first but something about him drew her in. During their time together she got to break down some of his walls and experience the real Adam Lebeau. After seeing the real him, oh god how fast she fell. She could never admit these feelings to herself. Not then and especially not now. They were buried so deep within her now. Just like the letters he sent her over the summer. Stacked neatly together, wrapped with a red bow and thin string, and buried at the bottom of her nightstand drawer. She never replied to them. How could she when she was a bride to be now. Oh god, how he must’ve hated her now. He probably thought she led him on the whole summer but that was the farthest thing from the truth. She couldn’t tell him about Dominic. No, it was better off if he forgot about her. Easier that way for everyone involved. A few tears escaped her eyes and melted into her pillow, her fingers wrapped tightly around her blanket.
Only a few minutes had passed when Isabelle collected herself. Wiping away what was left from her tears with the sleeves of her sweatshirt. “No, not today Isabelle. You will not cry today.” She spoke aloud softly, taking in a deep breath. Getting up from her bed she moved to her closet. She had no idea what to wear, did it even matter? If she could she would show up in a messy bun and sweats. But she had to make this believable. Dominic wasn’t stupid. Surely he expects something is up after constantly denying him when they were younger. She couldn’t ruin this. Not when her fathers life depended on it. So she would greet Dominic with a kiss, smile brightly at him as if he were the center of her world. As if she was in love with him. So instead she managed to put a semi decent outfit together. One that would also keep her warm from the harsh winter breeze. It was a beige fuzzy sweater matched with a maroon pencil skirt and thigh high brown leather boots. Belle wasn’t really a fashionable girl so this was the best she could come up with. She had almost wished she had gone to her friend Sandra first and asked for help. But it was much too late for that now. It was only a few more hours before she had to be at the airport and greet him.
Getting ready was easy enough. Simple tasks like brushing her hair and teeth were enough to keep her mind from wandering off. Once she was finished it was about time to leave for the airport. Isabelle took one last look in the mirror before leaving. Making sure she looked presentable enough. Applying one more layer of brick red lipstick before shoving the tube back into her handbag. She smiled, a fake one. But she had to get some practice in. When she was satisfied she took the door and made her way to the campuses parking lot. She didn’t notice how nervous she was until she was walking towards her car and kept dropping her keys multiple times due to how clammy her hands were. How was she supposed to drive when she could barely even hold onto to a light set of keys? With a soft sigh Belle made it into her car and started the ignition. The ride to the airport was a blurry mess, she could barely even remember it. The radio seemed to help, putting her in an almost trance like state. However, her hands were clenched around the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles were turning ghostly white. It was only an hour or two to the airport, and Belle’s stomach flipped when she realized she had to drive all the way back home with him in the car. “You can do this.” She reassured herself in a whisper, staying positive was all she could do at this point.
Isabelle was making good time when she arrived at the airport. Probably even had time to spare, she didn’t want to be late after all. Stepping outside in the chilly air caused her to shiver. Wrapping her arms around herself tightly as she rushed to the nearest entrance. Her teeth were clenched together by the time she made it inside. Dusting off the fallen frost from her clothes. Finding the terminal was easy enough. It was the waiting part that was the most nerve wrecking part of all of this. Being too indecisive to whether she should sit or stand. Which after a few minutes of debating she decided on standing. His flight said it would be landing in twenty minutes, and boy did those minutes drag on. Belle swayed back and forth on her heels, becoming more of a nervous wreck as each second ticked on. What had Dominic been up to in a year? During the move she barely thought about him and now she was getting married to him. Did he look different? Sound the same? These question only seemed to scatter her thoughts more. So much that her attention was torn from the baggage claim area. Now she looked down upon her fingers that were twirling together hoping that time would fly by faster that way.
That was when she heard the warmth of his voice fill the room. She lifted her chin and drew her vision towards baggage again. Instantly spotting Dominic making his way towards her. Barely even giving her time to register his face clearly. “Dominic.” Speaking barely above a whisper as she was engulfed into his arms. It took her a moment to move as she was frozen in place. Finally letting her right palm rest on top of his chest. Feeling his heart beat against her hand as she stayed silent until he spoke again. Locking onto his gaze she was able to actually get a good look at him this time. Oddly enough, he looked different. It had only been a year but something about him had changed. Isabelle couldn’t quite put her finger on it but he almost looked matured. He had always been handsome yes, but it had never drawn Belle in like it had now. She was practically mesmerized by his stare. Even though they were to be married Belle couldn’t help but to feel a small twinge of guilt overwhelm her. He wasn’t Adam, but from here on out she had to learn how to move on. For the sake of her family. Raising her left hand, her palm met the curve of his cheek. “Bienvenue à la maison, mon amour.” Her lips curving into a sweet smile, just like how she practiced. Her palm lightly slid down from his cheek to his chin, bringing him in closer. She met his lips with hers in a gentle kiss. The girl he had known from their childhood would’ve never had kissed him but so much had changed since then. The point was to shock him with the kiss. To make this marriage seem the least bit believable and Belle would do anything in her power to make herself believe it too. Pulling away she smiled again, clearing her throat first. “I hope your trip wasn’t an awful one.” Belle genuinely stated. To outsiders looking in people probably thought they were star crossed lovers. A perfect match. If Isabelle couldn’t fall in love with Dominic, she’d learn to love him.
I Don’t Need To Know || closed
Nic woke with a start as the Captain came over the intercom to announce that the flight would be landing on American soil within the next half hour. Breathing deeply, the blonde sat up in his his seat, and rubbed the heel of his hand over one eye. Moving across the sea from his home was an exciting, but daunting step in his life. It was a brand new concept to be out of his parent’s home, and striking out on his own, starting his own branch of the family business here in the United States, but he was… strangely excited.  Not only was his professional life going well, but his personal life was defying all of his expectations as well. When Isabelle had turned him down at every available opportunity, Nic had never let himself get discouraged. Just because she turned him down, didn’t mean he couldn’t win her over eventually. If you had asked him when he was younger why she completely arrested his mind and took over his every waking thought, he wouldn’t have been able to explain himself. Now, as an adult, his introspection was more thorough. In a world where everything came easy, the one thing he couldn’t have had become desirable beyond compare. He’d remained positive however, until she and her father moved to the US. 
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Adam paused, unsure if Belle had been talking to him or simply talking aloud. It was the first he’d seen her nearly all semester. The man had caught glimpses of her, disappearing around a corner or rushing down the hall. This was the first time that he’d stood face to face with the brunette since they’d said goodbye at the end of last semester. Before his letters were never answered. “It’s…uh, they do cram in a lot.”
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It was obvious that Belle couldn’t hide from Adam forever. But god, had she tried. It would hurt too much to see him, to act like nothing happened over the summer. That her heart wasn’t practically fluttering at the thought of him constantly. All those letters she read over and over and kept tied together in a stack in the drawer of her nightstand. She played scenarios in her head of what she would say to him if they had the chance to talk again, and none of what she would plan out ever sounded right. When she heard his voice, the brunette practically froze. Her heart almost stopped beating. “Adam.” She spoke almost in a whisper. What was she supposed to say? He probably thought awful of her now. If she was in his shoes, she’d feel the same. “How are you?” She blurted out, immediately cursing at herself in her head. Mon dieu, Isabelle. How stupid can you be?
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“Hear me out,” Scout said, leaning conspiratorially towards his friend “what if we just didn’t do any of it?”
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“See, now i would almost be completely on board with this. Except for the fact i’d probably wake up with nightmares every night thinking about how much money i wasted on tuition. So unfortunately i’m obligated to do it. It’s ridiculous how expensive a good education is nowadays.”
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“I say we start a revolution. No more work.”
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“I wish it were that easy. Starting a revolution for a good cause, but that sounds like too much bloodshed for it to be worth it.” Belle teased at such a morbid thought.
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Belle’s mind was going at a hundred miles per minute. She wanted to find somewhere that was peaceful but that was all too impossible to find on a college campus. There was just too much to do and so little time in the day. She still had to call her students to make sure they were still available for their tutoring, and alongside all that she had a wedding to plan. Well, really that was Nic’s job she gave him all the freedom in planning. It would hurt too much to do herself. He mostly pulled her along to cake tastings and dress shopping, but it was planning nonetheless. A familiar voice puller her out of her thoughts as she was practically pacing the room. Seeing Scout, Belle’s expression practically glowed. “Its better to be fashionably late than rather not show up at all.”
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He was bored. Scout had camped out in the school’s student center to get work done, but his mind kept wandering. It was almost as if this paper wouldn’t write itself like he had initially hoped. Oh well. He spent about an hour and a half scrolling through sources on his computer and watching the muted TV across the room that was playing Elf for a handful of people doing group projects before he finally settled on closing his laptop and just people watching. Which gave him the great idea. He waited until the room was pretty quiet, and for a person to walk by his table before calling “You’re late for tea, you know.” at them. Hoping for some sort of reaction. 
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“That sounds almost poetic. Maybe you should think about becoming a writer instead of a designer.” Belle teased, however she had no doubt that Sandra could become a storyteller too. Sandra was a very talented woman, and probably had more talents hidden up her sleeve. “Uh. Mine was kind of silly. I used to think my stuffed animals came to life when i wasn’t around. But i think most kids think the same when they are young.”
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“When I was a young, I used to think that stars turned into white birds in the morning light and slept with their heads under their wings until nighttime came again.” She smiled more or less wondering where the thought had even come from, as her fingers drew out more feathers on a dress. “Took me too long to figure out that wasn’t true.” Closing the notebook she smiled, “What was something odd that you thought was true as a kid?”
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“I’m not usually one for complaining about school work but I feel like they’re cramming an awful lot in before the winter break.”
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“Be you and embrace your differences as things that make you unique and special. “Different” shouldn’t be considered confusing, negative, or something that divides us. It should be a quality we applaud and admire within ourselves and others.”
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“You should, I don’t hand those out to just anyone, you know.” Humming he keeps poking at the Middle C as she sits down “Technically you’re only the second, and the first on campus.” The I guess made her statement vastly unbelievable, but Scout wasn’t about to prod - yet. “Ah, you guess. The most confident way to assure someone of your happiness.” Just kidding, he always prodded. “Tell me, Bells, do I have to punch someone in the face? Please say yes.” 
Glancing back at the keys in front of him he shrugs. “In a way, one of my dad’s taught me. We’d stay up super late, learning while my other dad was at work.”
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“Good, i only want the best for you. And cheap is definitely not one of them.” Setting her bag on the floor next to her feet, moving her vision back towards Scout. She couldn’t help but to laugh at his offer to beat someone up. It was tempting, but of course she had to decline. “Well, i could tell you the real answer but i’m afraid it would put a damper on everyone’s mood here. So yes, i guess.”
“No, i don’t think you’ll have to be punching anyone’s faces for me Scout. However, if my future soon to be husband does anything stupid i’ll give that offer a second thought. It paid off. You make me wish i was musically inclined.”
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Every letter had gone unanswered. He had lost track of the number of letters he’d sent. At first, they’d been chatty, filled with the witty comments they’d come to exchange so freely when they were together in person. Towards the end of summer, however, they’d become more short as his patience wore thin and the fissures in his heart seemed to break open again. Adam felt silly, as he laid eyes on her now, thinking that she could ever care for somebody like him. It had turned out she was just like all the others. Gone once the paycheck stopped coming in. How silly he felt, believing they had built something that could last, something he wanted to see turn into more. A noncommittal grunt sounded from his chest as he glanced away from her. I believe in you. Nobody ever did, not really. His gaze was pulled back to her as she spoke again though. “Is he…how is he now?” He knew how much the old man meant to Belle. While his own relationship with his father was strained, Belle adored the man who raised her.
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By the time summer was coming to an end and school was about to begin, Belle was sure Adam would want nothing to do with her. Maybe leaving the letters unanswered would’ve caused him to have a temper and forget about her, but that obviously wasn’t the case. But god she had wanted to reply to his letters so desperately. She nodded slowly seeing his expression change to one of concern. “Still not so good, but we have the medicine to relieve some of the pain he’s been having. My whole summer was pretty much dedicated to taking care of him. It’s not like he has anyone else. But i’m hopeful that he’ll recover soon.” She said fiddling with her fingers in her lap. That’s all she had left was hope. Hope that her father would get better, hope that she wouldn’t have to marry a man she didn’t love. “He has too.” She murmured under her breath, hoping for her fathers sake and hers.
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“I mean the best thing I have going for me is my skill making my own clothes. Plus I’ve always loved doing it. Thanks Belle I really did need to hear that today after the crap I drew earlier.” Sandra held up a bag of scrunched up papers she had ripped out. “If the teacher likes it we will make a mock model to pretend pitch in a board meeting. I’d need a model, if that happens would you be willing to show it off?”
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“And that’s an amazing talent! Everyone should pursue something that makes happy. Awh, i bet it was just as wonderful as this pant suit. I bet you could make a paper bag stylish.” She chuckled, crinkling her nose slightly. “O-Oh goodness. M-me? I mean i’d love too! But i’m afraid i’m no model.”
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Glancing up at Belle when he heard the familiar voice, Scout gave her a soft lazy grin. “Well yeah, I might raise my prices soon. Don’t worry, you get the special club card.” Leaning against the keys again, Scout tilted his head to the side. “How’s it going with you, Bells?”
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“Good, only the best for you. I feel so honored oh my gosh.” She chuckled softly, not hesitating to sit next to Scout on the empty side of the bench. “I’m good, i guess.” She sighed softly, hovering her fingers carefully over the keys. She’d rather not talk about everything happening home, it would only upset her more. “You play beautifully, did you learn yourself? I’m afraid i wasn’t gifted with any kind of musical talent.”
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