cross-winged-child · 2 months
Alright, she's been asleep all day...
Queen of the abyss, are you aware your daughter is suffering from mana sickness?
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child ) (I'm the pawmi)
I can't say that I am, no.... I've never encountered such an illness... is there a cure?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Ahh, I see. we will figure something out, I guess. Sorry to disturb you
Queen of the abyss, are you aware your daughter is suffering from mana sickness?
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child ) (I'm the pawmi)
I can't say that I am, no.... I've never encountered such an illness... is there a cure?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Maya had said something about leylines
Queen of the abyss, are you aware your daughter is suffering from mana sickness?
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child ) (I'm the pawmi)
I can't say that I am, no.... I've never encountered such an illness... is there a cure?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
She just needs to learn how to tap into the mana of this world it's not really a sickness per se more simply just a deficiency. I was hoping you would be able to help...
Queen of the abyss, are you aware your daughter is suffering from mana sickness?
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child ) (I'm the pawmi)
I can't say that I am, no.... I've never encountered such an illness... is there a cure?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
The child is suffering from mana sickness... she does not know how to tap into the mana of this world
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child )
Ah. Hello… I don’t really know either, mine is internal. But I think Konnie would know. If she’s still ill when I get there tomorrow afternoon I’ll let her absorb some of mine again. Konnie mentioned something about leylines?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Wow, not even a goddess of life is more powerful than pokemon.
I just don't have a single shred of my power, and I can't even use my pokemon moves
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Do you know how to go back to your previous form?
No, and I don't think I can.
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Oooh, you are the one that's a pokemon now! How are you?
Yes... unfortunately...
And I am fine, all things considered
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Okay, I haven't paid enough attention, so my first question is, who are you?
I am Queen Panthaia. I raised Cross back in our home world. I am the life goddess, and I am cross with Cross for reasons I should not share until she regains more of her memories
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
If anyone would like to ask me questions I am open to it
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Maya... please dont waste your mana on me...
The child is suffering from mana sickness... she does not know how to tap into the mana of this world
Queen Panthaia ( @cross-winged-child )
Ah. Hello… I don’t really know either, mine is internal. But I think Konnie would know. If she’s still ill when I get there tomorrow afternoon I’ll let her absorb some of mine again. Konnie mentioned something about leylines?
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
This child doesn't know what she's doing, and I am effectively useless here...
Queen Panthaia
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Hey Cross, what's up?
It's nothing. I'm fine.
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
I'm fine
Plus, I'm too dizzy to move
Hey Cross, what's up?
It's nothing. I'm fine.
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Hey Cross, what's up?
It's nothing. I'm fine.
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
Do you need something for that?
Hmm? I'm fine, don't worry about it.
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cross-winged-child · 2 months
... I'm still dizzy and have a headache...
0 notes