crimeroyalty · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  i hate everyone. but not you. [ 📲 sms: ]  want to make a beautiful memory together? [ 📲 sms: ]  i'd rather do nothing with you than something with anyone else. [ 📲 sms: ]  netflix? chill? both? [ 📲 sms: ]  can't stop thinking about you. [ 📲 sms: ]  you're my favorite veggie. a cute-cumber! [ 📲 sms: ]  i adore you. that's all. [ 📲 sms: ]  you make me a better person and i'd like to keep improving. [ 📲 sms: ]  it's cold today. can you warm me up? [ 📲 sms: ]  i'm into curves, and my favorite is your smile. [ 📲 sms: ]  my day is more fun when you're in it. [ 📲 sms: ]  you were in my dreams last night. wanna hear? [ 📲 sms: ]  you were the first thing i thought of when i woke up. [ 📲 sms: ]  i already miss you and can't wait to see you again. [ 📲 sms: ]  what would you do if i were with you right now? [ 📲 sms: ]  hey stranger. stop being a stranger. [ 📲 sms: ]  this is me asking you out. want to get coffee tomorrow? [ 📲 sms: ]  nobody understands me like you do. [ 📲 sms: ]  i wish you were here with me. [ 📲 sms: ]  you never text first. i can’t tell if you hate me or if you’re playing hard to get. [ 📲 sms: ]  which emoji makes you think of me? [ 📲 sms: ]  want to have this conversation in person? [ 📲 sms: ]  i don’t have anything interesting to tell you, but i really wanted to talk to you. [ 📲 sms: ]  everything makes me think of you. [ 📲 sms: ]  i can't sleep. i blame you. [ 📲 sms: ]  surprise! i got you flowers: 💐 [ 📲 sms: ]  i can't help but smile every time your name pops up on my screen. [ 📲 sms: ]  you look so good right now. i can’t actually see you, but i assume you look good because you always do. [ 📲 sms: ]  even over text you're so charming. [ 📲 sms: ]  i'm smiling just thinking about getting to see you later. [ 📲 sms: ]  my day would've been a lot better if i'd gotten to spend it with you. [ 📲 sms: ]  i'm really glad to have you in my life. [ 📲 sms: ]  i could talk to you all night. [ 📲 sms: ]  just thinking about falling in love with you. i'd do it all over again and again. [ 📲 sms: ]  you mean the world to me. don’t ever forget that. [ 📲 sms: ]  i'm so incredibly lucky to know you. [ 📲 sms: ]  you get more beautiful every time i see you. [ 📲 sms: ]  you are my heart. [ 📲 sms: ]  you’re single. i'm single. i feel like this is a problem we can solve together. [ 📲 sms: ]  thinking a lot of things about you i can’t say … but i could text.
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crimeroyalty · 1 year
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE S01E05.  “A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart”
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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agatha via instagram
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
Pro tip if you ever want to ship anything with j: you are asking for a toxic and abusive relationship and you should reconsider everything about this if you ever thought romance would be involved. k thanks.
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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He’d been ready to leave her to it. Let her sit in the steaming water with her own thoughts to see what she could come up with. Maybe it would be something useful. It wasn’t for nothing he kept her around – she was smart. Mostly.
But when the water soaked through the thin layer of his far too expensive shirt ( mind you he had of course not paid for it himself ). Making a damp patch that would have been see-through had he not been so damn pale to begin with. His nose scrunches up – He is not a fan of this game. Harley’s game. Instead of eyes filled with… well kindness would be the wrong word considering it was still J. But still whatever calm spell had been lingered dissipated faster than the eucalyptus scented steam ever could.
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With a calm sense to every movement, he methodically rolled up his sleeves, one after the other. A bit too much care was put into the action which gave away the boiling irritation under the calm surface. Neat clean folds to take more care of the shirt than anything he’d probably ever touched before. All a charade to put on a show. He did love the drama after all.
Leaning in over her small frame in the large tub, his eyes was squinting down at her, just barely holding back the absolute disgust from showing. Slowly he lowered over her, feet firmly planted on the floor with no thoughts of joining her. Hands sink into the warm water, the high temperature almost managing to bring out a pink tint in his skin.
Large hands slowly close around her breasts, not cupping them but instead firmly holding on. Grip slowly increasing more and more. Fingernails digging into the delicate flesh, forcing his fingers into her with no regards for the discomfort he’d cause her. In no way was he holding back either. If anything the little trickles of blood slipping into the water just encouraged him to make it worse. Much worse.
Only once the water was more red than anything else did he seem to stop. Not a sound made. Not muscle moved to let go, but simply holding her where she was. “Don’t ever get my clothes wet without my permission again.” His voice was but a soft brush against her cheek as he spoke, the ever present contrast to his cruel streak.
Long fingers work bit by bit until the pony tail comes lose, letting the long black hair spread over the edge of the tub. Tall frame fold almost in half as he stands, and leaves a kiss at the very top of her head. "Soak it in... moments don't linger for people like us."
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These idyll moments -- she doesn't like the sappy shit, but Alexis can appreciate it in some respect. There's work to be done, Gotham to be wrangled like pasta on a fork, so she's impatient in some respect, but she behaves. She sighs contentedly under his oddly gentle fingers, sinking her body into the near-simmering hot mass of water tinged with eucalyptus bath products.
( She's not here for lovey-dovey moments with the Joker, but the real excitement is seeing how fast he twists on a dime, how unpredictable he is. The danger is the attraction, the possibility of things going very badly very fast. )
"Come on," she tells him, playfully chasing him with a splash of water after the kiss. "Join me. We can figure out how to fit the two of us."
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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PANIC 1.10
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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Batman: Killing Time #2 - “His Pain or Mine” (2022)
written by Tom King art by David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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LESTAT DE LIONCOURT + hunting (with grace)
Interview With The Vampire, episode 7
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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The Devil Wears Prada (2006) dir. David Frankel
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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harleen literally laughing OUT LOUD
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"Hee hee haa haa oh you are so right." He stands to loom over her, it almost looks like his back is aching with the weird angle he is posed at. "You could never."
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
Anonymously send my muse a wet dream. Make them feel horny or fluster when they’re awake.
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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A 21+ comics multimuse by Dis starring Vampirella, Logan and Punchline! Featuring DC, Marvel Comics and Dynamite Entertainment muses.
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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Excited manic deligt warred with the numbing feeling of disappointment that paved way for pure rage. Both acting as starved animals inside J pulling him in directions he hadn’t really planned for. Why was the world so… disappointing? Why could it never act according to the script? He had spent HOURS in the shower planning it all. The voices the acts. He’d perfected all of them. Gone over it bit by bit until he had picked apart more of his own brain then the actual plan. Every little gap had been planned every possibility had been studied… and yet. The manic look in J’s eyes slowly ebbed as he waited with absolute anticipation to see; What would happen? What could the promised son come up with next?
It felt like eating stale bread.
Instead of an explosion he got a fizzle. Sure he seemed to have the boy absolutely under his thumb. But what was the fun in that if he simply became the zombie he’d attempt to bash him into? Hadn’t the bird decided to not be a vegetable after all? And yet.
Nails slowly dug into the pale scarred skin when nothing happen. No snap came. What had been excitement instead melted to pure rage. The firm grip became cruel and painful. With a shove he pushed Jason away from himself to have him stumble. Because that was all he ever did, wasn’t it? Stumbling through life, stumbling through decisions, and always coming up short.
“Is your brain so fucking damaged you can’t even think anymore? You’re absolutely useless!” Arms went wide as J started pacing, yelling down at the young man. “Where is the resolution! The explosive anger? Have you got nothing but crumbs left for a spine?!”
︻デ═一             ———              @crimeroyalty
He stares blankly at a wall before him. Lip curls at the touch as if it would give him hives. He doesn’t offer the clown another glance. He’s had these hallucinations before. They’re each terrible and grotesque. Ending with blood running down his head and no way to tell if it’s real or who it belongs to. He felt unable to move forward from this place. The worst parts of his mind. Thick with black tar leaving him sinking and drowning.
                  Face was snapped to look at the clown no matter how he tried to ignore him. responding to hallucinations only fed them. Though he has no idea if this is real. Or if that even applies to the Clown. 
                 His stomach twisted. Muscles crawl under his skin. Fight, flight, self mutilate. Stomach drops and rolls again. The clown was right. In a sick and terrible way he was right, saying what Jason was piecing together. He was free. Free from the bat’s overbearing control. He could do anything now. The perfect soldier now without orders. He hadly knew what to do with himself. Mind works itself over. He tries to pull his face away with a growl.
                ❝ Get creative. ❞       He repeats.      ❝ I am free to do as I please. ❞     Like a chant. He knows this. He’s thought it himself. Rebellion is in his bones, he’d do as he wanted to. Though he still looked at the clown in disgust. Why did his ID have to appear as the thing he feared and hated most. Why did their thought process have to be the same. The coronation was enough to keep him up at night more than he’d like to admit.
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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crimeroyalty · 2 years
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