Creative Enquiry Emily Rocks
35 posts
This is my Creative Enquiry Project. This project is about the love and loss of things after my grandmothers house fire. Absent
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Exhibition Space.
And finally my space is set up. I am so happy with everything and the outcome, I am super excited to be finally exhibiting my own alongside my classmates. The work, the space is absolutely incredible and each and every person has done an amazing job
I am also great full for myself making through this year after everything that has happened, I didn’t think I would stick it out for the rest of the year and I am so glad I did. I couldn’t of done it without the help of my lectures Lorna and Louise, and Alan, I am entirely great full for everything you all have done for me through this tough time and the support you all have given me. Thank you.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
Light Box, Box and Pile of Words
This is the light box, box and the pile of words ready for the show. I am so happy with the outcome from building the box to the pile growing bigger and bigger.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Exhibition Preparation
As this is our last year, our degree show exhibit I feel is important.
The week before we saw kind of how the show was planned out, I was really excited by the space, the way it is planned out, made the space secluded but also open. It meant the people either eating or on the computers didn’t interfere with the exhibit, but once in the space, it was open enough to be able to access each and everyone’s work.
The first day we were appointed to our space, I was given the space just at the first entrance, I was given five boards to work with and floor space with access to a plug source. With the help of Robert, my helper from the third year class, we started painting, filling holes and sanding down the walls, I couldn’t of done it without the help of Robert and I was very thankful for his help.
On the second day, I finished my light box, box and painted that and my plinth that will place the projector. I then started to pin up the photographs. With the photographs, I wanted to take my time as I wanted to plan out each and every photograph placement. With using rulers and tape, I was able to pin each and every photograph and was very happy with the outcome.
After giving the light box another coat of paint, I was able to put my pile of words and the projector. I was lucky enough that one of my overhead lights got turned off, which worked out so well for the projector.
I then placed the two plinths in a dis functional way as I felt they reminded me of buildings, I like the face they are two different heights, it works well for then the photograph box to fit in one corner.
After setting everything up and taped up the wires, I was faced with the problem of the projector. We knew it has been approved and safety checked but the issue was leaving it on for a long time, as it can overheat, the lightbulb could smash and cause problems. But once my lectures knew about this, I am able to have it for assessment but it might change for the degree show exhibit, which I do have other work that can go up in it’s place.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Light Box Build
With the help of Alan, we started to build the light box, box. We started with a board of MDF wood, cut down into four bits measured up with the light box and glued the sides together.
While the glue was setting we then built a platform for the light box to sit into, measured up to the depth of the box.
After we started chipping away some of the shapes of what the light box had, i.e the plug, the button and the sides of it.
During the process we kept testing out to see if the light box fitted well.
The next day, it was finished and I could start painting it.
While painting, the light box was in place so I had to tape up the sides to make sure no paint got onto the light box. But it came out successfully.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Studio Space Set Up
As it is time more for evaluation for this project, the studio pin up began.
As I have a big space, I wanted everything on the wall and flow to one piece to another.
It starts off with the drawings I developed from the projection shadows pinned up with extended pins to cast more shadows
Followed by the photographs I originally started with, with the backgrounds. These are black and white as originally that is what I planned on doing.
Then it takes the viewer to the printed photographs of the aftermath of the fire, I felt these photographs should be apart of my project as they are a statement of the project as a whole and have key importance.
After, taking the viewer to the fabric process of the burnt blanket and the grandfather project. Where all the drawings I’ve done through out the year as a collage with coloured paper and different materials.
And lastly, the photograph development of the pin up.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Pile of Lost Words Part 2
Continuing on from the first pile I added more words, developing more with the letters found.
I repeated each word four times, making the pile bigger and bigger. Once I had shown my lecture the pile, I did suggest the ideas I had to display this. The original idea was to have something in the centre of the pile, either a clear box or clear half circle with a light in the shape. But once we discussed these ideas, I was appointed towards the light box.
Once I put the pile on the light box, I was captivated, this changed my ideas completely and made me want to develop more.
I then planned with Alan to build a plinth with a light box built in.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Through out my time in forth year, I have been reading these two books, these have had an influence towards my work and thinking. These have stuck with me through each project, from Dissertation/Creative Project to Creative Enquiry
Especially Evocative Objects: Things We Think With by Sherry Turkle, which is a book about the relationships to objects from childhoods to adulthood. A collective collaboration with artists, scientists, humanists and designers. Letters about objects like postcards, keychains, photographs and more. Not only is this about the relationship to the object, but the memories, emotions and significance this object has on these people, they talk about the complexities of life, connecting to the past with now self, loves and losses, etc.
I felt more connected towards this book as I have always felt a significance towards certain objects. Like my doll house and dolls wardrobe, they were built by someone I loved and lost at an early age, and I have always wanted to keep these as well, pass them down to my children. I have a more deeper connection to these now and ever, as they were in the fire and the feeling of not knowing if I’ve lost them or not was horrible. Lucky enough they were fine along with other objects from my childhood, which I am deeply great full for.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
Artist Statement
In the aftermath of flames, I find the piercing effect of love and loss. Objects once cherished, now are gone, that have evoked memories both bittersweet and sorrowful. The house, once a sanctuary of shared moments, now stands as a testament to fragility. Yet, admits the ashes, love endured, transcending the physicality of possessions. It is in rebuilding and having nothing is where the true essences of love and loss is revealed. Through the ashes has taught us that we need to learn to treasure memories, objects and people we truly love the most.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Projection Blanket
When I finished the blanket, I thought of playing with some projection and see what happens. Because I was reminded of the blanket looking like the older blanket, it made me think to layer the drawings from the old one projected to the new.
I wasn’t fully satisfied with this outcome and so I decided to project the blanket it self, and that changed everything.
Once I projected this blanket, I was inspired. It changed the space completely, creating this surreal imagery towards the space. From this now my degree show will now have a projector added to it, to create that surreal space
I developed further with creating drawings from the shadows, whilst the projector was on. One being made from charcoal and the other made from cutting out the paper from the shadow shapes.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Childhood Blanket Extension
During the time in the Divergent Practice Project, I tried this new mixed media technique I found on YouTube.
The technique is using a paper kitchen roll, stain it with any kind of materials, then sew a grid on top to create squares
After that, wet each square and star taring up some of the paper, subtracting some bits and rip it.
I made about 20 of these, stained with watercolour, ink, coffee and other things I could find. After I done this process, I sew them up together to create a bigger version.
But once I finished, it wasn’t until someone pointed out it reminded them of the childhood blanket I had previously made last year. Once they did point that out, I cannot unconnect that connection. Which then made me think of a story line of this childhood blanket being in the fire and this new one is the aftermath of it.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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The Blue Treasure Chest Part 2
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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The Blue Treasure Chest
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Aftermath Photographs
Developing from the photographs I was able to get after the fire, I got them prepared for printing out.
I decided to make them back and white as I feel it’s authentic to the photographs. Being in the house, in person, there is no colour it is just black and gray in that house.
I have sent them away to be printed in our college, which then these will be placed up on the wall beside the other works.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Degree Show Decisions Part 2
Going from the last questions, I done these photographs in black and white and in colour, with and without the background.
I think going forward for the degree show I want to go with the coloured and no background.
Adding the extended pins adds an aspect I believe just directly pinning on the wall misses. And the delicately of the pins and tracing paper, enhances and goes back the original ideas.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Degree Show Decisions
Going forward from our Promotion Project, we had a test site exhibition. For this I pinned up the photographs from the Divergent Practice Project, this was because the digitally burnt photographs were not ready just yet, but I had planed to do the same lay out like this with the burnt ones.
Which brings me to face questions of: if these photographs should be colour or black and white? Should it be tracing paper or normal card paper? Should it have the background or not?
I played around multiple different ideas with how these should be displayed
Going forward I believe the tracing paper works better, it feels more athletic on the background to be a older photograph, it traces back to the original ideas of this project and adds a delicate aspect to the project.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Digitally Burnt Photographs Part 2
During when the house getting cleared, we found another photo box!
Again we were so pleased with be able to have these back, these photographs were emotionally closer to me than the other ones. These ones had the likes of myself, my brother as children. My grandmother and grandfather wedding, my mother as a child and my great grandmother and grandfather.
To continue with the other digitally burnt photographs I also done these, which means I will have 26 photographs to pin up for degree show.
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creativeenqiryemilyrocks · 11 months ago
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Pile of Lost Words Part 1
Going forward with the text I decided to pile the words together to create a pile of lost words.
This is a development of the hot glue text, I cut up the words from that and piled them on top of each other, I then further developed this from home and started hot gluing the other cards I found. I believe I done each word four times, repeating and repeating this. I can not wait to develop this and add and add more to this pile.
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