Beautifully handcrafted gifts for babies and children, created here in the UK
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Personalised Santa Letter - Letters from Father Christmas
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Hey there! I'm Laura, the creator of Created by Magic. There are some exciting things coming next month and I wanted to give you all an opportunity to hear about it first, know a bit about me and what I do can help you create something truly special, unique and personal. ✨ It’s Created by Magic’s fifth birthday next month, We will be giving away lots of prizes and discounts for the whole month of February to thank our customers for their amazing support, watch this space! ✨ I love to spend my spare time with my best friend (aka hubby), two little pickles and our beautiful cocker spaniel Bella, My eldest “Mini Magic” keeps me busy with all her clubs and has now roped me in to being an official girl guide helper which is great fun and initially outside my comfort zone. My youngest “Huggy Bear” is still at preschool and his move to big school begins this year which I think is totally crazy. ✨ I finished my BA(hon) Graphic Art degree in 2009 and worked for a local graphic design agency. I always had a passion for creating unique gifts for friends and family for as long as I can remember... right from the days of Art Attack some pritt stik and tissue paper to the natural progression of creating the stand out, bespoke gifts that I love doing now. ✨ Since 'Mini Magic' arrived I decided to create a facebook page to sell some of my personalised prints which I have continued to sell over the years. After ‘Little Pickle’ I thought it was about time to set up a website and make it easier for everyone to personalise their print, take part in the process and place their order with ease...and voila, was born. ✨ Once I’ve dropped my two little pickles off to school in the morning, I love to treat myself to a take away coffee and take Bella for her morning walk. Once I’m back in the office, Alexa supplies the tunes of some favourite playlists including a lot of James Morrison. Then I begin creating my Magic ;) ✨ #mumpreneuruk #solopreneur #girlboss #femaleentrepreneur #mumpreneur #businessowner #createdbymagic #mumsinbiz #womaninbiz #entrepreneur #businesswoman #empoweringwoman #womansupportingwoman #instagramgrowth #fiveyearplan
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Our very own office dog ‘Bella’ isn’t she beautiful! 15% off all prints today using code BANKHOL at the checkout. Free standard UK delivery as usual. ✨ #petportrait #dogportrait #animalportrait #petillustration #dogillustration #animalillustration #petportraits #dogportraits #petillustrations #dogillustrations #pet #pets #dog #dogs #cockerspaniel #workingcocker #cocker #spaniel #cockerlovers #spanielsofinstagram
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Now Available: Personalised Christmas Stocking Family Print (Free Standard UK Delivery)
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Perfect for Mother’s Day, create an original print using your child’s artwork! Simply photograph their artwork using a camera phone in good daylight, send across to us, and we’ll take care of the rest! Then store away their primal pieces for safe keeping 👩🏼🎨 #mothersday #mothersdaygift #motherdaygiftideas #kidsart #displaykidsart #mothersdaypresent #giftsformum #giftideaforher #mumgift #mummygift #uniquemothersdaygift #uniquegift #giftfromkids #giftsfromtheheart #kidsgifts #artprint #personalisedprints #printsformum #mumday #mothersday2017 #mothersday2018 #ilovemum #makeagift
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New design: Pretty Floral Christening Print from the God-Parents #christeninggift #christeninggifts #christeningprint #christening #baptism #baptismgift #girlschristening #godparents #godparentsgift #giftfromgod #giftfromgodparents #godmother #godfather #godchild #godchildren #goddaughter #goddaughterlove #goddaughters #goddaughtertobe #godaughter #christened #crossprint #christenings #christeninggift
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We are so excited to get started on our new wedding stationery collection, here’s a sneak peek.. more to follow! #weddingstyle #weddinginvites #weddingstuff #weddingstationery #savethedate #savethedatecards #floralgeometry #geometricwedding #floralinvitation
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We are so proud to have won the Jacqueline Gold CBE #WOW award this week! We're still buzzing! @jacquelinegoldcbe #wow #wowawards #wowaward #jacquelinegold #awardwin #happydays #personalisedprints #personalisedprint #nurseryprints #newbabyprints #newbornprints #personalisedgifts
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We are so excited to share with our followers that we have just won today’s @jacquelinegoldcbe #wow award 😍 what a great Valentine’s Day! #valentinesday #jacquelinegold #sohappy #happydays
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Happy Valentines Day - 14% off everything using VALENTINES14 at the checkout! 💗 💗 #valentinesday #valentines #valentinesgift #valentinesoffer #valentinesoffers #couponcodes #todayonly #offer #discountcode #offeroftheday #discount #valentinesdaygift
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New print design available, personalised initial birth details nursery print, available in any colour! Comes in sizes A4 or A3 #initial #initialprints #initialprint #nurseryideas #wallprints #personalisedprints #personalisednurserydecor #uniquenursery #nameprint #nurseryartprint #newbabygifts #newborngifts #babyboygifts #prints #babyprint #babyprints #birthdetailsprint #birthprints
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Family home personalised map print now available at #mapprint #personalisedmap #familyprint #valentinesprint #valentinesgiftsforher #valentinesgiftsforhim #valentinesgifts #valentinesgift #homeprint #valentines #valentinesday #ukmap #personalisedhomeprint #homeprint #uk #mapsofuk #personalisedprint #personalisedgifts #personalisedprints #personalisedvalentinesgift
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Did you know we also design small business branding? 💄 we have a growing number of makeup artistry clients and here are a few examples of our work.. come take a look at what we offer over at Logo design is currently on offer too! 💋 #mua #beauty #makeuplover #makeupaddict #mualogo #makeuplogodesign #makeupartistlogo #makeuplogo #hairandbeauty #beautylogo #beautybranding #logodesign #branding #logodesignuk #makeupmobb #makeupgang #underratedmuas #undiscovered_muas #makeup #makeupisart #makeupartist #makeuplook #slave2beauty #makeupslaves #makeuptutorial #makeupbyme #makeupart #makeupgirl #newyearevemakeup #makeupoftheday #eyemakeup #hairandmakeup #makeuplove #makeupblogger #mompreneur #mompreneuer #makeupenthusiast #smallbizbranding #makeuplogo #makeupartistrylogo
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...and here is the pretty pink one #baptism #baptismprint #christeningprint #christeninggift #christeningprints #baptismgift #girlsbaptism #girlsbaptismprint #pinkprint #rabbitdecor #nameprint #prettyprints
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A perfect baptism gift idea! Available to personalise at #baptismprint #baptismgift #baptismgiftideas #baptismgiftidea #baptism #baptismdecor #baptismparty #baptismideas #boysbaptism #boysbaptismgift #boysbaptismgifts #boysbaptismprint #bluebaptism #giftsforbaptism
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Oh and one for the girls! ;) #girlsdinosaurs #girlydinosaur #dinosaurgirl #pinkdinosaur #dinofan #dinosaurs #dinoprint #dinosaurprint #dinosaurtheme #dinosaurthemed #roarsome #roarsomeprint #roarsomekid #roarsomethings #tyrannosaurusrex #t-Rex #personalisedprints #jurassicpark #jurassicprints #jurassictheme #nurserydecor #dinodecor #dinoart #dinosaurart #kidsprints #childrensprints #toddlerprints #kidsartworkprints #framedart #wallart #personalisedgifts
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A roarsome print for anyone who loves dinosaurs! Create a Dino-tastings name and choice between two colour options! Available to purchase at #dinosaur #dinosaurfan #dinosaurlover #dinosaurprint #dinosaurprints #personalisedprints #personalisedwallart #dino #dinosaurlove #dinosaurname #dinosaurnames #dinosaurnamedfred #dinosaurtheme #dinosaurroom #dinosaurdecor #trex #tyrannosaurusrex #roarsome #roarsomeprint
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