crafty-vamp · 5 months
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lands i've made for magic the gathering 🌾✨ artist proofs are available on my shop !~ buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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It’s been a long week
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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We are not enemies.
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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Anubis black hat , this weeks sketch winner over on twitter! I tittivated it a tad on clip studio,think it’s ok! 
If you want to see your idea possibly done for next weekend coming, hop on over to twitter for the next vote coming tomorrow!  Thanks for everyone that joined in!
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crafty-vamp · 4 years
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
Studio Ghibli’s animation software will be made available via open source this month. 
That’s right…💯% free.
Read more on CartoonBrew.com
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
Comic Pages Storyboard Tutorial
OKAY SO! @biazerod asked me a little help on storyboarding and i decided to make this tutorial…i’m not a professionist. so don’t take these as golden rules…just advices!  and as always sorry for the english  FIRST THING FIRST! the storyboard part is the most important phase in a comic page !  you can spend an entire day storyboarding! because it’s the structure, the essence of the page!  here’s some tips : 1- a page can start from 1 panel/frame (called splash page!) until how many f*cking panels you can fit ! (some pages , especially in french comics/bd  can reach 24 panels/frames!) Exaple of splash pages: 
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(these are from the green lantern,DC and the newest Thor ,marvel ) Splash pages are a priority of American comics, you rarely can find them in french Bd ! they represent a scene of impact! a fight! a revelation! be careful! use it only one if two times on a range of 50 pages! cuz it cut the narration!  instead in french bd  you find this :
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first one is from Blacksad 2# and second one is from Atar Gull  see how high the number of the frames is??  the number of frames is very important in a page because it decide the narration time! :D also it all depends on the kind of ‘’direction’’ you want to use on your comic! so be really careful when you decide the number of the frame!  LET’S PASS ON THE CREATION!  1- when you have a page that contains more than 3 Frames ALWAYS. ALWAYS HAVE AN ESTABLISHING SHOT! 
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DON’T DO THIS! LET THE CHARACTER BREATH! LET THE READER BREATH! PLAY WITH YOUR CAMERA! YOU HAVE THE POWER!  in a comic page, is important to put the camera far away from the character most of the time! play with the different shots!  
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(found this on google)  WATCH MOVIES AND TV SHOWS.  lot of them can help you so much you have no idea!  a comic artist and a director do the same job when creating a story 2- Candy eye this is a tricky trick that can help you with the audience! when a character is saying something important or you have to introduce them , USE THE CANDY EYE DUDE. 
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the candy eye is , basically, a bust shot where you show the character,their features , usually with a cool or a funny expression ( or of course it depends from the situation) and believe me WORKS 10/10 with the audience ;)  3- HIGHLIGHTS THE IMPORTANT SCENE IN THE PAGE! 
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FINAL TIPS:  - when you’re doing dinamic poses try and try again! the first one isn’t always the best!  -USE REFERENCES. -A STORYBOARD PAGE CAN REQUIRE EVEN 4 HRS IF NOT AN ENTIRE DAY IF NOT AN ENTIRE WEEK. REMEMBER THAT THE STORYBOARD IS THE ESSENCE. AND THE REST IS DECORATION. - IMAGINE THE SEQUENCE! NOT THE SINGLE PAGES.  THINK IN SEQUENCES! imagine what would happen after the page you are creating! connect the various pages NOT THE SINGLES FRAMES !  YOU’RE CREATING A STORY! NOT A SINGLE ILLUSTRATION!  -AGAIN DON’T DO PAGE OF FACES. most important thing: 
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if the page you’re creating it stresses you! STOP. continue it when you are in a better mood ,dude. our job requires lot of time and effort, but it should be the job we love.  so don’t stress yourself and keep calm. hope this is useful. don’t take this as golden rules, this is just the way i work :)
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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Short comic, while I work on something bigger on the side. It is nevertheless a very important topic. A lot of seabirds die because they eat plastic. They feed their chicks with the waste. It’s really tragic.
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
Something abt drawing zim in the rain is nice to me :)
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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LETS PLAY A GAME. It’s called: Who directed it TIM BURTON or HENRY SELICK
We’ll start with the 2009 Laika film Coraline based on the novel by Neil Gaiman. Do you know who directed it? Burton or Selick?
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Did you guess yet?
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If you guessed Henry Selick, you would be correct. Tim Burton actually had absolutely nothing to do with Coraline at all in anyway ever. Reminder: Tim Burton has NOTHING to do with Coraline. At all. But that was an easy one. Let’s go to the Walt Disney Pictures adaptation of Roald Dahl’s novel, James and the Giant Peach next.
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Think you got it? Are you sure? Better double check…
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Oh, look. It’s Henry Selick again! Tim Burton actually interacted with this project, though only as a producer. Bet that was tricky… Next one! Let’s go to the Disney/Touchstone Pictures film Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.
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Have you guessed it correctly? Have you really?
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Yep that’s right. Even Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas was directed by Henry Selick. Though Burton wrote the poem and created the characters in which Nightmare was based he didn’t have much interaction with the project beyond that. At the time he had already signed off to direct the film Batman Returns and did not want to be involved with the “painstakingly slow process of stop-motion animation.”
Looks like it was a trick quiz. But now you know Henry Selick, whom people rarely know of is responsible for many of the most well known stop-motion animated films. The more you know!
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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The beginning.
A New Phobia.
Here is the introduction image for the upcoming episode for A New Phobia...!
There’s a little something added to the image though, honestly it kinda bugs me...
The episode may not be uploaded before Christmas due to a family emergency. Most likely won’t be home til after Christmas.
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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im pretty sure i met an irl disney villain at my job a few weeks ago.
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
Love your art! You're very talented and have an amazing imagination! If you don't mind, could you draw what would happen if Human!Rose met Dragon!Hat?
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When I read this note it made me think of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHjejU3HvRE
There is a part in this video that shows scratching a dragon’s neck can affect them in a positive way. So Rose gave it a try and is happy to see that it works as well as making a new deal.
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crafty-vamp · 5 years
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Finally transferring the sketches to the storyboard with official panels for my “A new phobia (villainous AU)” series on webtoon! I’m hopefully able to have it done before the week of Christmas. Especially since Finals end on Monday so I’ll have more time to work on it. Not only that but I go live on twitch.tv @ the_crafty_vampire .
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