cr1msonpeak · 5 hours
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator.
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cr1msonpeak · 15 hours
[ How did you know I was here? From Hannah Abbott to Harry Potter. ]
Harry worked tirelessly to avoid thinking about his own legacy. It's a hard, uncomfortable sensation, similar to the feeling of a toothpick edged unfavourably between the ribs. Never granted a moment of blissful ignorance, sharp reflexes remained consistently necessary— it was too risky to turn a blind eye in the vastly changing world. More so these days, particularly when it came to the apparent "illicit activities" of the new school year; the boy found himself often surveying the members of the underground group, on top of everything else running rampant in that plagued head of his. A connection had undoubtedly risen, a union spoken only in hushed tones inside once safe walls, and Harry realised that his attentiveness, however fleeting, however unaware, grew tenfold regarding said members. So, when @stubborngods was nowhere to be seen in a usually shared Charms class, and he began hearing her name spoken in the halls, a small inkling of dread managed to bubble. Even if he was six feet under soon, at least he'd have gone from child-hero, to a liar, to a teacher; there was a sort of legacy in the notion. Not only for him, but everyone taking part in Dumbledore's Army. They were, to a certain extent, his responsibility now.
He wasn't going to fill her in on how her tearful plight had already circulated around the student body, met by an array of responses, (some unbothered, others finding it rather amusing, most filled with understanding). His stance was somewhat awkward, hovering at the foot of her assigned bed in the hospital wing, though his voice was firm, soft. Eyes drifted briefly to the empty vial of Calming Draught on the nightstand. ‘ I didn't see you in Charms, so I asked Ernie if he'd seen you... and he told me what happened. ’ The last thing he intended was to aid her assumed embarrassment, so he simply shrugged, upkeeping the atmosphere as a merely casual visit, concealing worry beneath a relaxed nature. A half truth presented in his words: unfortunately Harry heard of the incident between classes in a form of gossip, but he did find the other Hufflepuff Prefect to enquire whether Hannah was okay, if she might be up for visitors.
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‘ Just wanted to check in— make sure you're doing alright. ’ She was one of the few people who showcased belief in him, after all, (a rarity of late) in company like this, his skin felt less like a waiting corpse, heart a little more open. Open faith was likely to dissipate soon, nothing ever stayed, but he'd desperately cling onto it while it lasted.
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cr1msonpeak · 15 hours
[ Truth is, I’m not handling it very well. Max Mayfield to Sophie Bone. ]
The centuries hardened her beyond measure, but the sight, the speech of young Max was truly worth the indescribable heartache. She liked to think she walked through life with a certain dignity and grace, but upon witnessing the nature of @acceptedrisk, someone centuries younger than she, it forced Sophie to gravely reconsider. Where her commonly harsh tongue would throw stones and cast great judgement, her face instead resembled something one might call soft… which wasn't too inviting compared to usual standards, just a tad gentler, not so cemented. Rooted in her inheritance was her father's sharp tone and calloused soul, but more importantly, the blessing of her mother's good heart was passed down. She was soft with Max, in the way she's tender with little Jane, but never does she lie to them, not even to protect. ‘ I am afraid it takes quite some time to... adjust, ma chérie; if you even will is still a mystery. 'Tis not a simple thing, nor shall it ever be. Change is très difficile, no matter the circumstance. ’ And death was a dire one, indeed.
Lady Bone reached forth— there's so much tension inside her, to the extent where the elder can feel it, taste it in the air. She'd existed in ruins from the cradle to cremation, but at least now she's been given the children she was seemingly unworthy of back in her own time. Despite sorrows' desperate attempt to smother her completely, the familiar sight of sheer innocence is enough to reel back, resuscitating a long murdered heart. The eyes once vacant and smile feigned, replaced with a determined fixation, a role denied before the earth claimed her to rot. Sophie's fingers lingered in max's hair; even after it was tucked neatly behind her ear, the hand remained persistent.
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‘ You do not have to handle anything, child. We all must grieve for what we have lost, and no one here expects any less. ’ (I know it's bad when you look outside, but bad people no longer live in our home!) Index finger and thumb move to gently pinch Max's chin, drawing up her head, assuring she was listening, eye contact fiercely consistent. Words lapped with a hint of venom on the lips, although deeply contradicted by the flesh touch still gentle. ‘ Do you understand? ’
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cr1msonpeak · 1 day
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Lolly Adefope as Kitty in Ghosts — 3.05 “Something to Share?”
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cr1msonpeak · 1 day
multi muse prompt.
okay, firstly i gotta say that you having irene evangelista on your muse list is absolutely iconic. any of my doctor who muses would be super fun with her, but i am planning to move my eleventh doctor from his single blog over to here, so i personally think something with those two would be so much fun?? he’s one of my highest muses at the moment and the plot potential?? unmatched??
so, unfortunately i have very little knowledge of the asoiaf books, but i have watched game of thrones and house of the dragon, but again, my knowledge is limited because i have only recently gotten into the franchise! however, i’m always open to crossovers, and thinking about hiccup haddock in some kind of verse, because Dragon Rider Things. but also peter pevensie with any of your muses in that fandom because we love fantasy vibes in this house!! again, plotting potential is kinda beautiful in my opinion. 🫶🏻
i lovingly throw any of my harry potter muses at yours! i have only just added my characters back after actively avoiding the fandom for about two years (but i was just like, fuck it, i miss writing them)! so i offer up remus lupin at either your nymphadora tonks, or mary macdonald, or aurora sinstra because professor vibes. harry potter with your susan bones or professor mcgonagall also, because i love both of those ladies so very much!! also thinking about fleur delacour with your tonks and there’s something itching my brain there!! but honestly i am on such a hp brainrot at the moment i will offer u any dynamics you like. 🤲🏻
given it’s a very underrated fandom on the rpc, i doubt you’re familiar with bbc’s ghosts, but i personally think katherine higham against your marianne dashwood would be a vibe. (trust me, i’m cooking with this!!) i can definitely tell you more about her, but she’s a georgian lady who is a Big fan of romance, and she’s literally the embodiment of innocence. in the series she is a ghost, but i could absolutely fit her into the sense and sensibility timeline and write her when she was alive.
also, last but not least (i could add way more but do not wanna spam u) cinderella against any of your pride and prejudice characters! i just feel like she would fit so nicely into that world?? because she is a proper Lady even when she’s a servant in her own house fr.
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cr1msonpeak · 2 days
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
If you can't see / use the symbol for any reason, send " star! " instead. If you are a multi and you want to see which muses I would be interested in throwing against a specific muse of yours, send ⭐+ that muses name.
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cr1msonpeak · 2 months
i'd say we make a pretty good team, to katherine higham. @getslashed
she often thought about the endless possibilities if she'd been born a modern lady rather than georgian, and none should really be surprised that the list of things she'd do, how she'd dress, what her job would be, and so on and so forth, was indeed extensive. [she would learn to ride a motorcycle; would wear those jeans alison always had on; and work at a call centre because who doesn't love talking to people and asking them questions!] however, the day bianca zanotti entered their lives, or lack thereof, said answers and plans of another life were diminished completely. if kitty were asked today how she'd live as a twenty-first century woman, her answer was exceptionally simple: i want to be like miss bianca! what a joy it must be! but for the moment, stuck between the shadows of a deadly bite and the light coming next, she was happy enough to just be her friend; you could never have too many when the body was left to rot and the soul wandered aimlessly.
“oh, we do, don't we! a good team, the best team— the best team of best friends!” everything somehow seemed more exciting when she visited, particularly if a concert was planned on the grounds of button house; hence the reason the two girls were out in the far edge of the garden. kitty stood further back, closer to the manor in order to get a better view of the landscape, yelling across the lawns and directing beezy where to be placing her equipment. it was about perspective. [that, and fanny only allowed such ruckus on her property if things were displayed in a perfect sequence.] “it looks wonderful!” the amount of shows put on mattered not, for kitty's excitement resembled that of her first experience with bianca's music, and would continue its glowing anticipation, even if one hundred more were performed in the future. “is there anything else i'm able help you with?” options were somewhat limited when you couldn't literally assist, but the eagerness practically dripped off the ghost— if her heart still beat, it'd be madly whirling.
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“or... oh! perhaps you can tell me what songs you are going to sing tomorrow night? i promise i will not tell anyone, if it's meant to be a surprise. i am very good at keeping secrets!” at least, she thought she was gifted in the area of secret keeping; the others may not agree so heavily with the assessment.
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cr1msonpeak · 2 months
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. roleplay sentence starters of the 1984 film. feel free to edit according to scenario / pronouns. tw: violence, death, murder, horror, gaslighting.
some dream, judging from that.
it was so scary.
it seemed like he was still in the room with me.
it was the worst nightmare i ever had.
as a matter of fact, i had a bad dream last night myself.
up yours with a twirling lawnmower.
i couldn't go back to sleep last night.
so, what did you dream?
did you have a nightmare, too?
i'm so glad you guys could come over tonight.
glad we don't live here, huh?
it worked like a charm.
i told you you'd be feeling better.
all day long i've been seeing that guy's weird face…
you dreamed about the same creep i did.
there's something out there, isn't there?
i'm going to punch out your lights, whoever you are.
what the hell are you doing here?
what's going on here, an orgy or something?
i think we should get out of here.
don't leave me alone with this lunatic.
why is she so bothered by a stupid nightmare anyway?
morality sucks.
i knew there was something about you i liked.
you feel better now?
who do you think you are?
who did this?
we're trying to reach her now.
but nothing was found at the scene.
what the hell was she doing there?
look, i don't want to get into this now.
how can you say i don't take her death seriously?
honey, you were tossing and turning all night last night.
did you sleep?
i'll sleep in study hall.
i'm not going to hurt you.
where's your pass?
screw your pass!
it's only a dream!
everything is all right now.
and then what happened?
what did he look like?
did you get a look at him?
i don't expect you to believe me anyway.
you know, i probably could have saved her if i'd have moved sooner.
you think i did it?
don't fall asleep in there.
but i heard you. you were calling me.
i'm sorry for scaring you.
i saw your light was on.
will you shut up and let me in?
get inside before somebody sees you.
so, i heard you freaked out in english class today.
oh god. i look twenty years old.
do you believe that people can dream about what's going to happen?
do you believe in the bogeyman?
i've got a crazy favor to ask you.
a lot might depend on this.
i won't screw up.
this is just a dream. it isn't real!
i just asked you to do one thing…
call me if you need anything.
you mind telling me what's going on?
you know, i took the night shift so i could get some peace and quiet.
we have reason to believe that there might be something very strange going on here.
there's an unsolved murder and i don't like unsolved murder.
the killer's still loose, you know?
you're saying somebody else killed [ name ]?
i'm going to get her some help.
it's not you i don't trust.
is she asleep or awake?
i brought something out from my dream.
where did you get that?
i'm holding the damn thing right here in my hand.
i don't think you're crazy.
that's just not reality, [ name ].
feel better? you call this feeling better?
you knew about him all this time and you've been acting like it was something i made up?
what if they meet a monster in their dreams?
they turn their back on it. take away its energy, and it disappears.
i'm into survival.
you're starting to scare me.
did they put him away?
you sound a million miles away.
if he gets me, i'm pretty sure you're next.
why would anybody want to kill me?
you can't bring somebody out of a dream.
whatever you do, don't fall asleep.
how can you listen to television and hear your records at the same time?
i'll give you a hand.
i've never seen anything like this before in my life.
listen, [ name ], i've got a proposition for you.
i'm going to go and get the guy who did it.
it's my nightmare he comes to.
that's what i've been telling you all along.
if you see anything funny, call me.
come out and show yourself, you bastard!
where are you, [ name ]?
can't you catch me?
i'll kill you slow.
i know the secret now.
this whole thing is just a dream.
i take back every bit of energy i gave you.
it's going to burn off soon, or it wouldn't be so bright.
i feel like a million bucks.
did i keep you awake last night?
i believe anything is possible.
what's going on with the window?
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cr1msonpeak · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM BACK TO THE FUTURE *  assorted dialogue from the 1985 film, adjust as necessary
hey, [name]? hello, anybody home?
thank god i found you.
what's going on? where have you been all week?
y'know, this time it wasn't my fault.
you got a real attitude problem, [name].
why even bother? you haven't got a chance.
yeah, well. history is gonna change.
one rejection isn't the end of the world.
if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
i'll call you tonight.
what are you looking at, butthead?
say hi to your mom for me.
do you have any idea how important this was? do you have any clue?
we're gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves.
we all make mistakes in life.
you didn't fall asleep, did you?
welcome to my latest experiment!
all of your questions will be answered.
when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit.
where the hell are they?
i don't get what happened.
things have certainly changed around here.
oh my god, they found me. i don't know how but they found me.
run for it, [name]!
this has gotta be a dream.
i just wanna use the phone.
you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
i don't wanna see you in here again.
i'm gonna make something out of myself.
you've been asleep for almost nine hours.
do you mind if i sit here?
that's a big bruise you have there.
what were you doing in the middle of the street?
i think you should spend the night.
i don't wanna know your name. i don't wanna know anything about you.
i'm sorry, but i'm afraid you're stuck here.
maybe you were adopted.
what have you been doing all day?
nothing's coming to mind.
i'm writing this down. this is good stuff.
hey, don't i know you from somewhere?
i'm your density. i mean... i'm your destiny.
i'm gonna get that son-of-a-bitch.
how did you know i was here?
i think a man should be strong... so he could stand up for himself and protect the woman he loves.
i never picked a fight in my entire life.
i'm really gonna miss you, [name].
you got a permit for that?
you might regret it later in life.
you're beginning to sound just like my mother.
leave her alone, you bastard.
this is for all you lovers out there.
will we ever see you again?
i have to tell you about the future!
i figured... what the hell.
look me up when you get there.
i can't keep up with all your boyfriends.
i think we need a rematch.
why am i always the last one to know about these things?
like i always told you, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.
you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week.
roads? where we're going, we don't need roads.
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cr1msonpeak · 2 months
rules are simple, same as on my other blogs! this is just a small, no pressure space for me to write and test out muses that i want to try my hand in. if i follow you, it likely means we know each other through one of my other blogs [ @shadowedvales, @long-song or @dragonskept ] so you know how things roll with me. if i do happen to follow you, and we don't know one another elsewhere, you can find detailed rules on any of the blogs listed above, but it's really just common sense guidelines. don't be a dick, don't use problematic fcs, etc etc. i do use deceased face claims, as i do not believe in erasing the hard work of cory monteith and naya rivera in their respective roles. if you would prefer me to go iconless for threads with said characters, let me know!
RE HARRY POTTER: please let it be noted that jkr makes me sick to my stomach. in no way shape or form do i support her, and despite loving aspects of her creation and some of her characters, i do not affiliate them to her writing, nor any of her beliefs or views. i do not believe that writing her characters on a silly little site like tumblr proves that i support her or any of her views. for the last two years i have actively avoided the fandom on tumblr, and in my day to day life, even having it in my own dni and putting my collection into storage, but i no longer wish to do this where tumblr is concerned. this is my safe space after all, and i am going to enjoy myself. saying that, i will be tagging any harry potter content under harry potter / as i'm sure some of my mutuals would prefer that.
RE STRANGER THINGS: all muses are heavily affiliated to my own portrayal of jane ives, and are very canon divergent. most info on them can be found on my jane blog. i am working on proper backstories for them all, based before the events of the series, which will be updated shortly! although i do prefer writing them all in the stranger things timeline, alternate verses will be available.
alison cooper, bbc's ghosts. she / her. late twenties. straight. charlotte ritchie.
bloom peters, winx club. she / her. teenager. pansexual. karen gillan. (not affiliated to fate.)
the captain, bbc's ghosts. he / him. eternally forty - five. gay. ben willbond.
cinderella tremaine, disney's cinderella. she / her. early twenties. pansexual. dianna agron.
corinne d'artagnan, barbie and the three musketeers. she / her. eighteen plus. lesbian. jennifer morrison.
the doctor, doctor who. he / him. ancient. panromantic. matt smith. (previously @long-song-a / @long-song. please read before interaction.)
eden starling, barbie in a christmas carol. she / her. early twenties. lesbian. sarah goldberg.
esmeralda la chanteflurie, disney's the hunchback of notre dame. she / her. early twenties. lesbian. gratiela brancusi.
princess fiona faireway, shrek, original character. she / her. verse dependant. pansexual. rachel hurd wood, emily carey, olivia cooke + kate winslet. (must read before interaction. i will never write in the shrek films.)
frankie stein, monster high. she / her. sixteen days old. pansexual. natalia dyer. (gen one based.)
harry potter, harry potter. he / him. verse dependant. bisexual. daniel radcliffe. (very headcanon based. please note that my default ship is harry + luna, though i am open to exploring others! harry returns to school post war for his final year, and has every intention to follow his auror path. after graduating and beginning the training, he realises he can't cope with the in-field work, and takes a few years off to live a quiet life. he takes up the post of defence against the dark arts at hogwarts in 2004.)
hiccup haddock, how to train your dragon. he / him. early twenties. bisexual. freddie highmore and jamie dornan.
jack kelly, disney's newsies. he / him. twenties. bisexual. jeremy jordan.
katherine "kitty" higham, bbc's ghosts. she / her. eternally twenty - one. pansexual. lolly adefope.
peter pevensie, the chronicles of narnia. he / him. late teens. bisexual. william moseley.
teresa ives, stranger things. she / her. thirties. bisexual. charlotte ritchie. (rather than going catatonic, after the shock therapy terry falls into a deep coma. she begins to wake up when jane connects to her through the void in season 2. it takes a long time for her to properly heal, and she deals with constant migraines, but she does eventually move into hawkins with becky to care for jane.)
sophie bone nee l'congié, bbc's ghosts. she / her. eternally forty - two. lesbian. chloé delanney. (info found here.)
anastasia romanov, anastasia. she / her. early twenties. pansexual. fc tbd. (influence taken primarily from the animated film, with some musical influence. i do not intend to disrespect the living romanov family, or any of the history, which is why my portrayal is firmly fantasy based.)
blaine anderson, glee. he / him. teenager. gay. darren criss.
catherine beadnall, barbie in a christmas carol. she / her. early twenties. pansexual. tba.
cedric diggory, harry potter. he / him. teenager. straight. robert pattinson.
evie grimhilde, disney's descendants. she / her. late teens. bisexual with feminine lean. sofia carson. (influence taken primarily from the first film and book series.)
fleur delacour, harry potter. she / her. verse dependant. bisexual. clémence poésy.
graham humbert, once upon a time. he / him. how old is anyone in ouat fr. straight. jamie dornan.
humphrey bone, bbc's ghosts. he / him. eternally forty - five. straight. laurence rickard.
lydia deetz, beetlejuice. she / her. teenager. lesbian. elizabeth teeter. (musical based with film influence, however not affiliated to beetlejuice beetlejuice.)
rapunzel, barbie as rapunzel. she / her. eighteen. pansexual. tba.
robin, bbc's ghosts. he / they. eternally twenty - two. ??? laurence rickard.
sam owens, stranger things. he / him. sixties. straight. paul reiser. (if you know me, you know that st4 is not canon at all to my jane, nor is the appalling downgrade of sam's character. sam is based only on his s2 portrayal, with my own hcs relating to jane. he becomes an advocate to help her life a normal life, and sets the ives family up well, trying to help heal the horrors of their past by making their future a little easier. he works excessively to help fix the mistakes and risks dr. brenner made in his time.)
bill potts, doctor who. she / her. early twenties. lesbian. pearl mackie.
finn hudson, glee. he / him. teenager. straight. cory monteith.
gwen cooper, torchwood. she / her. late twenties. bisexual. eve myles.
giselle andatale, disney's enchanted. she / her. early twenties. pansexual. amy addams. (not affiliated to disenchanted.)
kali prasad, stranger things. she / her. early twenties. bisexual. linnea berthelsen.
rebecca ives, stranger things. she / her. thirties. straight. amy seimetz.
santana lopez, glee. she / her. teenager. lesbian. naya rivera.
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