covenbookofsecrets · 3 years
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covenbookofsecrets · 3 years
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covenbookofsecrets · 3 years
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artist: isabelle feliu
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covenbookofsecrets · 3 years
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covenbookofsecrets · 3 years
Hi hi!! I'm Tyra and I'm a pisces aries cusp. I was wondering if I could get a spirit guide reading???
simply pay here 😇👾 for Spiritual - Shamanic Healing Journey experience session with me
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
May I have a life purpose reading?
id need your birth date for that and its usually part of your soul report in astrology so i can do it tomorrow if you make another ask
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
True Soulmate Reading (Oracle)
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Are you ready for total commitment and support and ready to accept the True Love that oly a True Soulmate can provide for you ?
Divinae can tell you exactly who your True Soulmate is and if we can't find your soulmates we will tell you your TwinFlame !
💮❣🌸❣Emoji Spam for finding your Soulmaate❣🌸❣💮this year!!
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
This is for @nl107
You have two spirit guides that are sisters - they are Cree NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS
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The first sister and the eldest of three but you are only connected to these two: her name is October Henneh and her younger sister is name NewLOON. They are both path dancers which makes them the tribe white mages and a mystic !
Their Cree bloodline is traced to the Uktena tribes. Here's a bit about their heritage and their clan .
The Uktena were one of the original tribes, or Pure Ones, who were the first to settle North America. Of the Pure Ones, they were known as "Older Brother". Legends tell that the early Uktena had traveled before to the Pure Lands after they were called by Gaia, and later returned to bring their brother-tribes, the Croatan and Wendigo, with them to defend the land.
Early History
Early in the history of the tribe, they had another Totem, Skyhawk. At some unspecified point during the settlement of the Pure Lands, their Totem vanished and "Older Brother" won the allegiance of Uktena instead, after whom they renamed theselves. The Uktena traveled farthest south, eventually settling in territories in southern North America, Central America, and parts of northern South America. Conflicts between the native Fera and the werewolves, and the lack of South American wolves hindered the Uktena to settle farther south. The Uktena used their mystical knowledge to bind numerous creatures of the Beast-of-War that roamed the lands and put them to sleep beneath special Caerns, eliminating threats that the Garou could not destroy outright.
The Uktena took numerous mortal nations under their wing, teaching them about Gaia and the spirits. Some of their people, however, turned that knowledge against their teachers, using their new-found power to rule over their nations and sometimes even turning against their Garou benefactors. Others fell prey to the temptations of the Wyrm. The Uktena tried to warn their Brothers tribe that the Wyrm continued to manifest not only as monsters, but the Wendigo refused to listen. The Croatan overreacted to the betrayal of their mortal peoples with brutal vengeance, destroying the entire Adena culture in retaliation for a small number falling to the Wyrm's deceptions. So, the Uktena distrusted the other tribes's judgment and took it upon themselves to police the Pure Lands of growing Wyrm-Taint, only calling upon their Brothers when the danger became too grave.
Dark Ages
The Uktena were driven from many of their Central American holdings during the time of the Aztec Empire. The Aztec worshipped a coven of Wyrm entities headed by Huitzilopochtli, who demanded blood sacrifices from the population.
The Uktena continued to fight the Wyrm creatures that were spawned by such hellholes, categorizing numerous new monstrosities like Heart Eaters.
Victorian Age
When the Wyrmbringers arrived, the Uktena foresaw it. Due to misunderstandings and racism, battle erupted between the European Garou and the Pure Tribes. Since the European Garou did not bind Banes, they believed the holy sites of the Uktena tainted and the Tribe corrupted by the Wyrm. In these battles, numerous Banes were unintentionally freed and eventually, the wrath of the Eurasian Garou turned against the other Native American Fera, whom they saw as complicit. It took the genocide of the bat-shifters to persuade the Shadow Lords to end their part in the bloodshed, but the damage was already done. The suffering and spiritual chaos, as well as the massacre of a loyal Changing Breed out of blind paranoia and prejudice, had strengthened an aspect of the Triatic Wyrm, the Eater-of-Souls, who nearly manifested in the material world. The Croatan took it upon themselves to drive it back, using lore from the Uktena to devise a ritual to banish it. This ritual required the sacrifice of the entirety of their Tribe.
The death of Middle Brother shook the Uktena and the fragile unity between the remaining Pure Tribes. The Wendigo accused the Uktena of having left the Croatan to their demise and of dishonoring their memory by taking their Caerns, while the Uktena saw themselves responsible for the Croatan's decision and sought to preserve their Caerns from the Wyrmbringers. Falling into reclusiveness and searching for the secrets of their lost Brother to preserve them, the Uktena became increasingly obsessed with secrets and turned their attention from their human nations and Kinfolk. It was only when the Storm Eater manifested that they again joined the other Tribes and even convinced the Wendigo to participate in the rite to binding the entity.
The nations that the Uktena had once called Kin were in ruins, the tribe themselves scattered and removed into reservations, their children losing their heritage. Seeing few other choices, the Uktena chose to interbred with people from outside the Native American demographic after the Great Council of 1819. They chose to interbreed with and protect similarly oppressed people: First African slaves, then people of Polynesian descent and even from far away places like New Zealand and Hokkaido. Only European cultures were not to be welcomed. The Wendigo saw this as a betrayal of their heritage and shunned these new Uktena.
Modern Nights
The Uktena have found themselves vindicated. Interest and pride in the cultures of their Kinfolk, that once were so severely persecuted, has arisen among the people. The Uktena begin to involve themselves more closely with their Kinfolk's problems, working to make ensure that they are aware of the threats of Weaver and the Wyrm these days. Some fight back by using these connections, establishing National parks for their wolf Kin and fighting for civil rights and land rights for their human relations.
Voices within the Tribe call for a closer cooperation with the European Tribes, since the Garou Nation divided cannot triumph against the Wyrm, who seems to grow more powerful every night as the Red Star blazes in the sky. In 2002, another Great Council was called to discuss these omens and prepare for the Apocalypse.
The Uktena have a loose organization. Moots are held between different Septs in order to avoid becoming isolated, while tribal Councils are held to discuss matters that affect the Tribe as a whole. During Councils, only Garou of the rank of Elder will speak, although any Uktena can attend. Every season, a Great Council is held that gathers the Elders of the entire Tribe to discuss the state of things in the world and how they could affect the Tribe.
Uktena camps tend to be groups of like-minded tribe-members who bind themselves together in search of certain secrets. Each camp has a particular focus and seeks a specific kind of knowledge. Some wish to explore only the secrets of the material world; others look to the spirit lands or even places that should remain hidden.
Bane Tenders: One of the oldest camps, the Bane Tenders are dedicated to keep the great Banes that the first Uktena bound in their Caerns asleep.
Earth Guides: The Earth Guides see themselves as the preservers and rediscoverers of traditions. While they will seek to preserve any threatened human culture, some focus more on the Garou side, memorizing traditions of Lupus-born Garou or even those of the Fera.
Path Dancers: The Path Dancers seek to master additional forms of magic, like Sorcery, for the use against the Wyrm.
Scouts: Originally messengers between the Three Brothers, the Scouts of the modern nights work to keep the disparate elements of the tribe in touch with each other.
Raiders: The Raiders focus on retrieving lost secrets from the hands of Wyrmspawn, be they Black Spirals, vampires, or even more sinister forces.
Skywalkers: The Skywalkers travel the Umbra to seek powerful spirits that they can bind into Fetishes to use against the Wyrm.
Web Walkers: Close allies to the Glass Walkers, the Web Walkers seek the secrets of the Weaver and modern technology for use against the Wyrm.
Wyld Children: Wyld Children often wander solitarily, seeking communion with Gaia by isolating themselves in the last places with strong Wyld resonance.
One last Camp is reviled within the Tribe and seen as Wyrm-Tainted:
Society of the Bitter Frost: Rumored to be the result of a pact with the Black Spiral Dancers, the Bitter Frost seeks to reclaim the lands stolen by the Europeans by any means necessary. To this end, they draw upon dark Gifts granted by servants of the Wyrm.
Tribal Culture
The Uktena have a reputation for taking in refugees, particularly those who have had their homes and lands conquered and taken from them. While the majority of pure-bred members are Native American, there a fair number of Uktena who come from a mix of races and cultures that have had their numbers decimated and their old ways were in danger of being lost forever.
While gifted in many spiritual practices, including the art of prophecy and visions, the Uktena are best known as hunters of the Wyrm and its Bane servants. While there is little argument that the Uktena are second to none when it comes to their abilities, it comes at a price. The Uktena have access to many ancient dark practices because of their broad culture, and while some have proven beneficial to the tribe, many others are probably best left undisturbed. While many seek the skills of the Uktena as hunters of the Wyrm, others distrust their dark abilities and fear the tribe may corrupt itself, or that it already has.
Is a healer too,
October Henneh
Her name means war painting feast; She specializes in hennah body and face art ✨ her inspiration comes from the 🌟 stars🌟 her other specialty is creating colorful bonfires at festivals and mending the wounded heroes and warriors �� like her sister ...
Ìsà healer as well. But she is more of a divine medicine woman 👩 ✨ 😍 its said that she was born with white hair; some other tribes around know NewLOON 🎶 as 😏 ÀlbinoSilverFox💕 legend has it that she was old beyond her time and wise beyond her years , she's said to be the wisest of the village clan ! Even elders go to her for advice and she's only ripe age of 15 years old. Her name is NewLOON because she was born on a new moon and there was a loon calling that morning she arrived .
🌎🌸This pair of majestic being Indians are in your life because you are being called to take a look at the list of types of magical members that existed in this tribe and try to see which one you relate to?
🏔🌸your number connection to these Indian sisters ;
“The number eight is about infinity, or the endless loop of energy,” Michaela says. “Seeing it means that you are effortlessly going with the natural flow and rhythm of what your angels have in store for you.” In other words, it’s like a pat on the back and a reminder to be grateful for how far you’ve come.
(Thursday Jan. 7)
An overwhelming number of details may be causing you stress as you try to deal with a current project. You have the need to control every single detail, dear but as long as you can manage the big picture, you will be fine. Stop focusing on all the small problems that could develop, and just handle each thing as it comes along. You are more in charge than you realize, and you need to start seeing yourself in that way to better and more fully empower yourself.
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
can i get a spirit guide reading too? ): ive been dying to find my own..♎
Hi 👋 hello there pleased to meet you ♎
She is female inter-terrestrial Female-Sea Creature who visits middle Earth and thats about as close as she gets to you personal space other than being able to e a essence that communicates or manipulates your current or future circumstances.
As an etheric being, Mermaid is “out of time” even as magic. She can teach you to walk through different worlds safely. There are spaces and places where all time swirls together, opening infinite possibilities.
If Mermaid Spirit had a mantra, it would be “go with the flow.” Give yourself to the ebb and flow of Mermaid’s ties. This provides you with adaptability akin to how water takes on the shape of its container.
Lightworkers, such as myself, 🌐🐚🐠 believe that Mermaids may have come originally from Atlantis as shapeshifters. Afterward, they moved into the Etheric realm; this is the place wherein we can connect with them and learn their wisdom. Mermaid Medicine supports environmental health and the kingdom of the sea. If you are doing workings for the Earth, they are excellent helpmates.
Like the creature of myths, Mermaid Totems are drawn to water. The ocean, in particular, has healing and energizing qualities to it. The Mermaid Mage often works exclusively with the Water Element; and Jaxdessa is no different she happens to be an elite member of the aquatic Water Mystics in her colony in the ethereal realm of existence....
This Mer-Woman has been with you since your birth and will likely be with you until the END of time; but first let's dive fins deep into her bio and see what she's in your life for?
🦋🌏🦋Being female, the symbolism and meaning of the Mermaid ties to the Sacred Feminine, specifically Goddesses like Venus who rules love, and the Sea Goddesses like Calypso. This is not a woman who can be tamed. The fierce individuality among Mermaids is well known – so much so that they may resist settling down in any one spot. Here Mermaid Spirit appears linked heavily to uniqueness and non-conformity.
Are you looking for a way to express yourself? Trying to find clarity in love matters? Mermaid as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! Mermaid teaches to find balance between the heart and mind! Delve deeply in Mermaid symbolism and meaning to find out how this animal spirit guide can aid, inspire, and balance you!
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Mermaid Symbolism & Meaning
The myths of Mermaids (and mermen) are enchanting. The rich voice of the Mermaid calls out to us with symbolism and meaning that clarifies the role this Fantasy Spirit Guide plays in our lives. Many stories of the Mermaid tell of enticing beauty, raw sensuality, and humans who succumb to their haunting songs; in this, we see where Mermaid becomes an emblem of balancing our heart and head. We need to think clearly even in matters of love and lust. Additionally, there are times in our lives where its ok to dance to a different, magical tune. Individuality and non-conformity are definitely traits of the Mermaid.
Mermaid Omens: Mermaids seem to be fairly lucky in that, if in a generous mind, they might grant a wish. Having said that, sailors consider them a foreboding sign that the proverbial ship may never reach land again.
Etymology: Mermaid comes from the 14th century term mermayde, meaning Maid of the Sea. The Old English word was similar – merwif, or Water Witch.
Being female, the symbolism and meaning of the Mermaid ties to the Sacred Feminine, specifically Goddesses like Venus who rules love, and the Sea Goddesses like Calypso. This is not a woman who can be tamed. The fierce individuality among Mermaids is well known – so much so that they may resist settling down in any one spot. Here Mermaid Spirit appears linked heavily to uniqueness and non-conformity.
Reach out to Mermaid as a Power Animal any time you work with the element of water in ritual, meditations or magic. There are other goals for which Mermaid can help. When you need inspiration, particularly in song, she can release your self-consciousness, so you really sing from your heart. Regarding sexuality, she removes inhibitions that hold you back from true pleasure.
Mermaid represents transition and transmutation. When you face unique changes in your life, she can help steady the waters around you.
Finally, call to Mermaid when you struggle with your emotions or when your intuition seems to have dried up. Mermaid medicine heals broken hearts and discouragement, then goes on supporting your intuitive self so you can avoid the chaos.
Mermaid as a Celtic Animal Symbol
Celtic Tradition has a long-standing relationship with magical water creatures. Sprites and nymphs often lived nearby sacred falls and wells. The Mermaid, however, lives in the sea. In this culture, the symbolism and meaning of Mermaid is that of the feminine element of the Universe. It is powerful and mysterious. The image of the double-tailed Mermaid adorns many churches represents the ultimate Celtic goddess, Sheela-Na-Gig.
Native American Mermaid Symbolic Meanings
One story from the Mi’kmaq tribe tells of a bird who discovers a pond with five lovely women therein. He noted that they didn’t really look totally human, having silvery scaled skin and hair of seaweed. They adorned themselves with gifts of the sea, and the bottom half of their body was that of a fish.
The Passamaquoddy tales recount the story of how two girls became Mermaids (HeNwas). They went swimming in an area prohibited by their parents. They came to a spot where they were surrounded in slime. Their legs became snakes, their hair black and wearing silver bands on their arms and neck.
Sekani legend talks of the marriage between a human and a Mermaid. By the first winter, the Mermaid yearned for her ocean home. She begged for freedom. It wasn’t until the second winter, however, that the man complied so she could hunt for him. Each day she returned dutifully with food. They became happy and had seven children. After the last child, winter returned, and the man sadly broke a hole in the ice so she could return. When she began swimming, she realized her children could not follow her. She tried to work a spell, placing water on their lips and telling them to follow her. Sadly they drown and were never seen again.
Mermaid Dreams
Mermaids in dreams almost always represent femininity with all its lovely attributes. These dreams often reveal clues to your feminine side. This can be a happy omen unless you fear the emotions and insights Mermaid brings.
A Mermaid swimming in water may represent a girth of emotions that threaten to overwhelm. You feel as if you are going under and giving in to the pressures around. Find your life vest and get some help and support.
Far Eastern Mermaid Symbolic Meanings
There are numerous stories of Mermaids in China. Literature depicts her as similar to western Mermaids with the ability to cry pearls, shapeshift, foretell the future and craft magical items.
One story tells of a Mermaid who asked to stay with a human family for many days so she could weave and sell her cloth. In thanks for the human’s hospitality, she cried a container full of pearls and gave it to the family.
Mermaid Symbolic Meanings Key
Psychic Aptitude
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Artists frequently depict Mermaids with a fish bone comb; this illustration came about due to sailors’ beliefs. If you had fish bones on board a ship, one could know what type of weather was coming through divination and take control of a storm to calm the winds. Another tool of the Mermaid is a mirror. This object has long been used for magic as a “looking glass” much like a crystal ball. Mirrors represent the moon and the intuitive self. Wrap these tools into a medicine bag, and you have future-telling abilities, far sight, sensitivity, and psychic aptitude.
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Traditional Mermaids have the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish. Images of Mermaids appear as early as ancient Babylon. Sailors considered images of Mermaids as a good luck charm, which is why figureheads were carved with Her image.
Being tied to the Water Element, Mermaid may take on the meaning of a source of life, cleansing, and renewal. Water can also be a fierce foe, with crashing waves that threaten to take us under into the unknown. The ancients found themselves inexplicably attracted to the Mermaid, while also being frightened of their powers.
These “Angels of the Sea” appear most frequently at dawn and dusk. These are “in between” times when the veil between worlds grows thin. Some say they only show themselves to people who have pure hearts, giving he Mermaid the symbolism of discretion and awareness.
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Here....She is .. 🧜‍♀️ 7:47 PM(look up the numerology or 747 and 757 , 759)
Those are your times you'll be likely to sense her close to you...
When Jaxdessa swims with you, she brings you into the realm of Water, which also speaks of our emotions. You will be challenged to dig deep inside yourself to understand your fears and scars fully. Only by so doing can you truly heal. Throughout this journey, Jaxdessa offers love and support.The Mermaid animal spirit may also bear a message about reconnecting with your inner child and nature. The innocence and joy of the child dances with the beauty of the world. There is a richness in this relationship building process, and Mermaid is your guide...
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When working with your Mermaid guide, it is essential that you remain true to yourself: She will not condone facades. Keep it real and be ready to swim.
Those born with Mermaid imprinted on their soul feel at one with nature. They see the wonders of the world with an appreciative eye, but also know that there is much more going on behind the proverbial curtain. The Mermaid constantly interacts and exchanges various feelings with others including joy, peace, and liveliness. The Mermaid’s language of love is an affirmation.
Greed doesn’t really measure in the mind of the Mermaid. They do not seek to possess others, but rather walk with them in mutual goals and dreams. The Mermaid’s inner child is strong and very active.
More...SpiritGuide bio
The Mermaid person has intense psychic abilities. You see spirits, fairies, Devas, Angels, and other Fantasy creatures easily. Some of the gifts you may have include clairvoyance and hypnotic allure
The Mermaid is an amazing empath, but this can also be her undoing. She feels everything. A crowded room can become totally overwhelming. Thankfully with time and practice, she can learn to detach from others feelings and consider them much as one might watch a movie. This protects the Mermaid from psychic overload and burnout. ((YOU MORE THAN LIKELY CSN RELATE TO THIS AND MOST OF THE MERMAID QUALITIES BECAUSE YOU ARE HER SHE IS YOU;; DO YOU SEE THESE SIMILARITIES YET?))
💘 💜 💛 💚 🧡 💘
Regarding relationships JaxDessa people may not settle down, but they certainly enjoy a good lover. There is raw, unbridled sexuality here that begs for attention. Because they are very private people, however, some of these desires go unfulfilled.
Spirit Guides 3 Messages for me today (current date Jan 11th 2021)
First message: #1
Number 833 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 8 and number 3, with number 3 appearing twice, amplifying its influences of 3, and relating the the Master Number 33. Number 8 relates to self-confidence and personal authority, discernment, higher wisdom, achievement and successes, practicality, consideration, giving and receiving, and serving humanity. Number 8 is also the number of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 3 is the number of affability, enthusiasm, assistance and encouragement, communication and self-expression, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting, broad-minded thinking, talents and skills, and the energies of the Ascended Masters. Master Number 33 (the Master Teacher) relates to the attributes of the ‘healer’, compassion, blessings, the teacher of teachers, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage.
Angel Number 833 is a powerful message and sign that you are being fully supported, surrounded and supported by your Spirit Guides ...It indicates that you are successfully manifesting prosperity and abundance in your life by the positive choices you have made and are currently making. Put your personal attributes and talents to good use and be open to receiving your well-earned rewards and blessings. Trust that all is going to Divine plan.  
Angel Number 833 brings a powerful message of love and support, encouragement and guidance, and your SpiritGuide(s) ask that you maintain a positive attitude and outlook to continue manifesting positive abundance into your life. Remember that what you put out to the Universe comes back to you, so ensure that you use your personal power and talents in a positive manner, always.
Angel Number 833 tells you to take ownership of your own life and discover your dreams. Use your personal creativity in constructive and productive ways, and put your skills and talents to work to achieve your heart’s desires. You get what you expect so make sure you radiate positive energies and expect the highest and best in return. Trust that you will find success in your chosen endeavours.
Number 833 relates to number 5 (8+3+3=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.
Now look up # 5 see what it is ? Thats your next mission .🧜‍♀️.
If you were to bite into a piece of cake and think it's awful because of certain flavors or a lack of some ingredient, it would not be pleasant in the moment. Even so, the experience could be beneficial to you later on. Suppose you wanted to bake a special cake for someone. The experience you had with the unappetizing cake might inspire you to do things differently. Every bad experience has an upside, Dear Jaxdessas darling, even if it doesn't seem so in the moment. Remember that today if something doesn't seem ideal.
Third Message: 🌟 ⭐ 💫 🌠 🌃 ✨ 🌟 ♎ January 11 - January 17
A project that is in the final stage of development could get a really big boost this week, dear Jaxdessas darling. This may come out of left field, and the help you need may come from someone you least expected and perhaps you don't even like, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face. This is essential assistance, and you should be grateful for it. Success is possible with a work- or money-related venture that didn't seem to be going very well all that long ago. This is due to your persistence and your optimistic attitude, so let this be a lesson for future endeavors. Some venture that you have put a lot of time and energy into may wind up hitting a brick wall very soon. You may want to proceed anyway, and you may want to figure out how many ways there are to get over the wall that stands between you and success. But before you invest that time, think about whether this will be worth the effort in the end. There could be something else coming along that could take its place, and that could be easier and more rewarding in the end.
A creak you hear in the dark could be the settling of an old house, or it could be a burglar creeping on the stairs. Loud voices you hear coming in through the windows could be your neighbors arguing, or it could be those same neighbors sharing good news. The lamp going out on your nightstand could be a sign that electricity has shut down, or it could mean you need a new bulb. There is often more than one way to interpret something, and usually there's nothing to worry about. Remember that today, Taurus, if you are tempted to follow worrisome thoughts. It's more likely there's nothing to worry about.
Step 1) Define Your Core Values
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Know what is most important to you by determining your values for your professional and personal life.
These are the principles that are the foundation for your priorities, choices, actions, and behaviors.
You can start by looking at this list of values.
Step 2: Practice the habits.
Pick one or two from this list of positive character traits above to practice for several weeks.
Write down the actions you want to take or the behaviors you define that reflect this trait, and implement them in your daily life and interactions.
Wear a rubber band on your wrist or create other reminders to help you practice these good qualities.
Step 3: Find people with good character.
Surround yourself with people who reflect the character traits you want to embrace.
They will inspire and motivate you to build these traits in yourself.
Try to avoid people who have a weak character and make bad decisions.
Step 5: Take some risks.
Start taking small actions toward a goal or value that involves some level of risk.
When you face the possibility of failure and challenge yourself toward success, you become mentally and emotionally stronger and more committed to your principles.
Step 6: Stretch yourself.
Create high standards and big goals for yourself.
Expect the best of yourself and constantly work toward that, even though you will have setbacks and occasional failures.
Every stretch builds your confidence and knowledge that your positive character traits are getting stronger.
Step 7: Commit to self-improvement.
Realize that building your character is a life-long endeavor.
It is something that is practiced both in the minutiae and the defining moments of your life.
There will be times you step up to the character traits you embrace and other times you falter.
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Thank You for taking the time to meet your Spirit Guide today have a nice day 😊 ✨ 💛 ☺ 💗
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
Hi, hope you are having an amazing day! I wanna request a lil reading but I am kinda confused, are spirit guide readings of yours free? Or do we have to pay? If so what are your prices? Thank you for the explanation already ♥️
$17.25 is this months discount price on my regular $200 readings so if your ready for one just simply use this PayPal link to get you your reading within 48 hrs ..or less.
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
Animal Magick- Spirit Guide Reading
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Shamanic Healing Journey Spirit Guide Sessions where you'll be introduced to your Spirit Guide...
🏵You will get to know their name and its meaning
🏵You will recieve two photos of your Spirit Guide along with description of what their appearance is like
🏵What type of mystical or mythical being they are and where they reside or come from; which realm they exist
🏵Will get to read their history and bio and any mythology that accompany that particular Spirit Guide
🏵You'll recieve 3 key messages from your Spirit Guide including a weekly prophecy
🏵Get to know why this Spirit Guide has appeared in your life and the meaning
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
Hey, i don't know if you're still doing spirit guide readings but could you possibly do one, I just stumbled upon your account and love it 🥺 its 7/17 cancer, Thank you either way!
Its now 12: 44 am...
Starting Shamanic Healing Journey experience for Your Spirit Guide Session
You have many Spirit Guides, several are actually real Archzngels from the (anovd) Heaenly Skies, aldoni hot in touch with a few mythical beings, mostly from the elemental realm but one was a gslatic warrior .. you might 🤔 not/of might be surprised that my greatest connection was with a divine mystic mage from the Heavenly bodies above near Jupiter and Uranus is dherd i noticed this divine female ... she's a real actusl goddess too.
Your Divine female energy i felt and communicated with was a real goddess
Her name was Circe....
 Circe: Witch Goddess of Aeaea
 A name that’s come to be popular in modern times, Circe is a nymph and goddess of Ancient Greece. Her father, Helios, sends her to exile on an island called Aeaea. Circe is a goddess of transformation and is best known for her skill with potions, herbs, and animals. She is a kind goddess if you treat her right, but if wronged, she will transform you into a pig or other animal. Read about her in Homer’s Odyssey or in the new fictional novel Circe by Madeline Miller. Invoke Circe for justice against abusers, to learn the art of transformation, and to work with herbs and potions.
Circe was the daughter of Helios, a Titan who represented the Sun, and Perse, an ocean nymph. She was one of three thousand of her kind, daughters of Titans Oceanus and Tethys. In another version, Circe was the daughter of Hecate, a goddess of sorcery.
She had two brothers. One was named Aeetes, and he looked after the Golden Fleece, a fleece that was the property of royalty. It was made from the wool of a golden ram with wings. Her second brother was Perses. Pasiphae was her only sister, and she was the queen of the Greek island, Crete, and also the wife of King Minos. It was also said that she gave birth to the Minotaur, a creature that was half man, half bull, with the head and horns of a cattle and the body of a man.
In some stories, Circe was exiled by her father Helios to live alone on Aeaea, a fictional island, as punishment for killing the prince of Colchis, who was her husband at the time. She later had children with Odysseus, the king of Ithaca from Homer’s writings. Her three sons were Ardeas, Latinus and Telegonus.
In Greek mythology, Circe was a goddess of magic, though she was sometimes depicted as a nymph (minor nature god), a witch or an enchantress. In any case, she was associated with magic. She knew a lot about potions and herbs, and sometimes used this knowledge against her enemies and people who offended her, turning them into wild animals. She also had a wand or staff called the rhabdos which she also used to channel her magic. In fact, this was the earliest mention of a “magical wand or staff” in Western writings; it was referred to in Homer’s epic poem, the Odyssey, when Circe used it to turn Odysseus’s men into beasts.
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Well, k, km going to have to end this Shsmsnic Spirit Guide Sessoon right about here .., this is more than half the reading for free. It has now 3:15 am , ivd been working on this intuitively since 12:44am
So, can you please , please , please, find a way to please figure out something in order to maybe repay me , I figured it woukd not be too much to ask less than 50% off minimum wage or less like omg im getting ripped off i know it ,
Id jyst like someone like yourself to tip me like any amount larger than $9 please🤯
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
🌊 Water Magic 🌊
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Water is a powerful tool in witchcraft. Whether you collect it from the weather, the ocean, a lake, or from your own sink or shower, it can be used in many spells and incantations and has strong magical properties… 
Water Correspondences
🌊 Water: love, banishing, beauty, calm, change, compassion, creativity, emotions, femininity, fertility, flexibility, healing, intuition, meditation, psychic powers, purification, dreams, sensitivity, sadness, life
🌊 Ocean / sea water: vastness, fear, power, life, protection
🌊 Rain water: growth, power, regeneration, rebirth
🌊 Storm water: clarity, strength, purification, banishing
🌊 Lake water: abundance, unknown, wealth, spirituality
🌊 Swamp water: disease, invisibility, connection, links
🌊 River water: charging, energy, movement, power
🌊 Pond water: limitations, silence, conjuration, immobility
🌊 Melted ice: creativity, growth, harmony, motivation, purification
🌊 Melted hail: pain, curse, bad intentions, anger
🌊 Melted snow: change, balance, endings, healing, power, purity
🌊 Morning dew: love, charm, fertility, sensitivity
✨ Spells & Magic
- Practice daily energy cleansing under the shower.  - If you have a bathtub, create bath spells to give you power. - Open windows when it rains.  - Make sprays with specific herbs for your home or your bed.  - Listen to waterfall / rain playlists.  - Charge jars of water under the moonlight to collect moon water. - Dress with blue colors to use the power of water. 
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
Below is a great way to manifest. Remember, the key is to believe it's already yours💕 Meditation, positive affirmations, and gratitude journaling help A LOT as well.
What are you working on manifesting?🌠
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
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How to Program Crystals 🔮 🌙
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covenbookofsecrets · 4 years
This is a double post 📫 😍 its a Love Reading ad and an emoji spell for Love!
True Soulmate Reading (Oracle)
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Are you ready for total commitment and support and ready to accept the True Love that oly a True Soulmate can provide for you ?
Divinae can tell you exactly who your True Soulmate is and if we can't find your soulmates we will tell you your TwinFlame !
💮❣🌸❣Emoji Spam for finding your Soulmaate❣🌸❣💮this year!!
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