After another minor breakdown today (somehow given myself a black eye and a booming headache), my doctor has decided it's likely my brain isn't producing enough of its own serotonin and I am best to be back on the antidepressants as I actually improved so much on them. And not to feel bad about that. If I had problems with my blood pressure and needed a tablet I would take it and not feel any less ~normal~ because of that, so I shouldn't feel bad that I need antidepressants as my brain isn't producing serotonin. It's not a crutch that I'm using to avoid the real problems as I have addressed the real problems through intensive therapy. I'm at peace with my demons, I'm just not happy. No reason for this, I'm just a generally unhappy person (which doesn't sell myself in terms of friendships and relationships, I am best alone as negativity is no fun for anyone and I try my best to be positive but I'm stuck my brain is just unhappy)
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I’m not sure if people know but America dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb (a MOAB) on Afghanistan, Nangrahar, thursday 13th April. It was dropped in response to the death of a US soldier fighting IS in Nangrahar (and possibly in response to N Korea’s nuclear trials). We’ve only heard that ‘many militants’ have been killed and we don’t know the exact impact yet. 
Afghanistan has been at war for 38 years now and this is really saddening news, especially the scale of the weapon used. So, please keep afghanistan in your prayers because amid the power struggle of these resourceful countries, it’s afghan civilians that are caught in the crossfire. 
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literally that’s what happens every time
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Making adult decisions and having a vegan white chocolate Easter Egg for breakfast 😍 it's my holidays from work and I'll do what I want.
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New shirt
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Actors are great at telling stories, but I don't think we are good at lying. We can make you believe we are a different person, but I think when it comes to us we are kind of vulnerable. It's hard to lie about yourself, if it's not your character. I can play a lying, poker face character because I learn what all of their motives would be and what is driving them to be so natural at lying, but me.... I can't lie for shit. It shows in my face and my eyes. I guess I don't really like dishonesty and find it uncomfortable to be dishonest (unless it's to protect then I can be that person) but otherwise I'm utterly useless.
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Rough beginning of half a cat face… very rough. Not going to give up on this piece and will get it looking good if it’s the last thing I do!
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god sharon
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So they’ll mention Bill Clinton’s publicized affair with Monica Lewinsky but won’t mention that he has also, on record, been to his long-time friend Jeffrey Epstein’s private island (nicknamed “Orgy Island”) where Epstein is now known to have held captive/ to have abused young women. (Trump wouldn’t mention that because he’s been there too). #nobodyforpresident
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I fuckin hate saying shit like this. I hate it. but if you’re going to say how sad you are that we have lost half of the world’s population of fish since 1970, why do you still eat fish? if you’re worried about the fact that by 2020, 3/4th of the world’s wildlife will be gone, why the fuck are you not vegan? if you are against animal testing, why do you still use makeup brands that test on animals? if you say that you love animals, why do you eat them? actions mean so much more than words, it’s so important to prove yourself. it isn’t hard. it is not that hard.
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The accuracy.. I am dying.
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Her name is  Ifeoma White-Thorpe. DON’T CALL HER NEW JERSEY TEEN.
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What the actual fuck....? This makes me feel sick.
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In case you don’t know how it works
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Quick avocado pastel drawing
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