cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
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cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
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cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
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cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
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cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
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cosmooverthemoon · 4 months
I love humanity the way I love a sunset. In awe of it's beauty but unable to do anything other than sit idly by, watching it's beautiful destruction.
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cosmooverthemoon · 5 months
Dancing In The Desert
I met her in the desert and fell in love. She came to me from the swirling sands of a storm and stole my heart as we watched the gale rage on. When she spoke, the world went quiet to listen, and when she sang, the very earth turned to better hear. Her beauty only matched by the setting sun sending burning streaks across the sky. The days fell away like seconds in her presence, together it felt like the world was ours. She revealed her true form on a warm, clear night, letting blood red wings unfurl and horns break through soft, curly hair. She turned away, afraid of my reaction, but I pulled her closer and loved her still.
Together we wandered the parched, sandy dunes. Staring at the stars at night, wondering what it was like to be among them. We danced under the slowly spinning sky and sang love songs to the desert. But the desert is indifferent to love. Slowly it sapped the strength from my body. Waking each day took longer and longer. When I could no longer rise from the ground, she set my head in her lap and held me as the world slowly faded away. Looking up at her, there was no pain, we were together, nothing else mattered. The last thing I saw was her eyes, red hot against the blue, blue sky. How I loved those eyes.
When I awoke, I stared at heavens pearly gates. The angels descended with open arms, but their embrace was cold. Their faces a perfect mask of friendliness and hospitality. With icy hands they guided me in. Heaven was everything you would expect, longing had no place here, whims existed only to be served. But what I wanted most was not here, I longed for her embrace, but all I had of her were memories. So many people lived here, fat and satisfied. Arrogance stalked them, and pride shone in their eyes. Perhaps once they held a flame to decency and kindness, but centuries of transcendence left them hollow and vain. My sunbaked skin and scarred body did not belong in this bleached utopia.
Still, they welcomed my presence with much applause and polite conversation, but when I looked into their blue eyes, I saw only ice. Every moment in this perfect world was agony, like stepping further and further into a vast, frigid ocean. Every night I dreamed of her. I dreamed we were back in the desert, watching the sun set, tucked in each other’s arms. Every morning, I awoke and was plunged back into icy darkness.
When I could stand it no longer, I went to the highest order of angels and begged them to let me see her, to let me leave. I saw the friendliness leave their faces, icy grins melted, replaced by cold fury as the realization of who she was, and what she was dawned on them. How could someone who loved a demon ever get into heaven. I stumbled backwards towards the doors as they advanced upon me, rebuking my existence.
My presence went against everything they believed and that enraged them. They twisted holy words into weapons and threw them with reckless abandon. It was like a nightmare, I tried to scream but no sound came out, I tried to run but my feet slipped on the floor. All I could do was watch as they raged, coming ever closer. They left a trail of broken halos as they clawed at each other, all desperately trying to get ahead.
The seconds stretched out; their fury etched into their faces. They were inches from me when the doors flew open and heat enveloped my body. It was the heat of warm sand against bare skin, of the first rays of sunlight peeking over the dunes, of the earth baking under the bright sun. There, standing in the door, my precious desert demon stood, reaching out to me. Angels clung onto her, trying to drag her away, but she fought hard.
As angels dragged her from the doors my feet found traction, my voice broke free of my throat and I called desperately to her. I ran faster than I thought imaginable. More and more angels piled onto her, slowly dragging her away, tearing her wings from her body, and her horns from her head.  I ran faster still, until my feet left the ground and black wings unfurled from by back, carrying me into the air. Crashing into the hoard of angels, I grabbed her outstretched arms and carried her desperately into the sky.
I looked into her eyes, clinging to each other as I climbed higher. It seemed the whole of heaven tried to follow us, angels clawing at each other trying to reach us, but their wings were weak an useless from centuries of plenty. Blue faded to black as I pushed higher still. When my wings failed to beat anymore, and my whole body shook with exhaustion we had left the angels far behind. Heavens’ light was a mere pinprick in the distance, and the sky was full of stars. I pulled her close to my chest as we drifted in the cosmos, wrapping her with my wings and closing my eyes. I felt her head press against my chest, her body warm enough for the both of us in space’s icy embrace. At last, the world was quiet and we were alone. 
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cosmooverthemoon · 7 months
The Wolf
Emma had always surrounded herself with noise. Music, movies, shows, new people, new places, new things. At all times Emma was doing something. She had to. To risk a moment of quiet, away from everything, was to risk hearing her own thoughts, to reflect on where her life was taking her; reflect on what it took to get there. No, it was far better to ignore it all; drown out her thoughts with noise from the world. Maybe that’s where she made her fatal error.
It had started innocent enough. She had met him in a noisy bar. They had hit it off right away. He was loud and bright, constantly the center of attention. The world really seemed to revolve around him. Maybe that’s what drew Emma to him. He generated enough noise for the both of them. So enamored with the carefully crafted exterior she didn’t see the wolf behind his eyes. The wolf stalked her, circling behind green and gold eyes as they danced. The wolf was a master of his craft. Emma became his prey, an unknowing participant in a deadly game. Too caught up in fever of the evening to realize she was walking into a trap.
It wasn’t until they had gone back to his den that the net closed and she realized she was cornered. Away from the noise of the bar the bright exterior melted away, revealing the wolf underneath, teeth bared, claws raised, ready to strike.
When the light of dawn seeped through the window his perfect white carpet was red. A body lay mangled on the ground. Emma sat in the corner, staring at her shaking, bloodstained hands. The police came. So did the firemen. Flashing lights of all different colors, blinding her while sirens blared in her ears. They took the wolf away in an ambulance, but it was no use. Emma knew the wolf was dead.  She knew because she watched the light drain from his eyes as the dawn broke the horizon.
Just as the shouting and sirens seemed like they were going to overwhelm her it went silent. The car door slammed behind her as she was shoved into the back of a police car. The police officer driving offered nothing. A machine, impervious to her presence and for once Emma had no words left. Only the rumble of the car’s engine broke the silence.
            At the police station, they walked her through a solid steel door. Behind it was a bare room with just a steel table and chair. The hard steel chair dug into her back as they left, shutting the door behind them with a click. It was silence like she had never experienced before. It was as still silence, stubbornly refusing the permit even the smallest sound, and yet Emma’s thoughts seemed to bounce around the room with perfect clarity. The very thing she had worked so hard to avoid was suffocating her with its presence.
            In this still world her mind was finally allowed free roam, no longer muffled with endless noise. In the haze of unexplored possibilities her mind conjured the wolf. He sat in in the chair opposite to her. His body and face were ever changing as she struggled to remember his features. But his eyes were unchanging. She remembered them clearly. They were the color of fresh cut grass. Of ivy in spring. Of lilies dancing the still water of a shallow pond. Deep in the green was gold, it wove streaks through his eyes. She remembered them dancing in the lights of the bar as he drew her in. So enamored with the color she didn’t look beyond them. They say eyes are the gateway to the soul. If she had ventured through the gateway maybe she would have seen the monster that lay in wait. It was only when the light was leaving them for the last time, his body going still in its final moments, that she saw the wolf clawing to escape the body that was failing it. Staring at her with unbridled rage in the face of his downfall.
It was never supposed to turn out this way. Over and over, she replayed the night, the images flashing in front of her as she stared into his eyes. The silence pressed around her like a noose. Her world had never been so quiet. In the reprieve her mind took her deeper. All the thoughts that she had kept at bay with the cacophony of the world came bubbling up to the surface. Thoughts she worked so hard to bury. She thought of her mother. An avid drinker that abandoned her to raise herself when she was barely old enough to walk. She thought of her father. A man so obsessed with work she couldn’t even picture his face. She thought of her brother. Her memories of him fragmented by the fog of childhood. All the while she stared into the wolf’s eyes. She was raised in a world ruled by conflict, hostility closed in on her from all sides.
But through it all, it was never the noise that bothered her. As long as her parents were caught up screaming at each other she was safe. It was when it went silent that the hatred turned towards her. The argument was over but the anger was still there. A hard knot in their chests, begging to be released. Once her brother left, she was the only victim that couldn’t fight back. But she had escaped that world. Left her parents behind and fought to give herself a life. Fighting until at last, she had something, a life she was proud of. She had friends, a job, a home. Surrounding herself with noise, because even as she tried to tell herself that she had moved on, silence brought it all back. As the memories swirled in her mind she looked into the wolf’s eyes; the same exact shade as her mothers, with the same wolf behind them.
            She wanted to scream and rage; she was watching as her life crumbled in front of her. Her mind pulled her deeper. She was entering dangerous waters. Even if she claimed self-defense, she had still killed a man and that leaves a mark. She started pacing. There was nothing left for her now. She would surely be fired; her friends would abandon her. Deep down she knew they were friends purely to keep the façade of a social life; once she didn’t fit the mold they would leave. Without a job she would lose her home. Her thoughts started spiraling. The silence closed tighter, she felt like she was suffocating. The air in the room refused to fill her lungs.
            Through the chaos the wolf called quietly to Emma. He promised her relief. He promised claws to shred the silence and teeth to manipulate the world. No longer did he hide behind green eyes, stepping out into the open the shadows that made up his body solidified. Sleek grey fur covered a muscular body. Sharp teeth gleamed in the dim light of the room. His claws clicked on the concrete floor. His eyes turned black. A black that consumed the light around them. They were the color of the ocean at night, of black holes, and shadows at night. No longer did he hide behind the false façade of man but came into the light and promised freedom.
            He whispered in her ear, “your life is in shreds.” his voice was honey to sooth the pain of her emotions. “There is nothing left for you. Nothing but me.” He seemed to be everywhere. Filling to room with his presence. “They will never believe you. Not without me.” His voice was the only sound in the thick silence of the room. It was never supposed to be this way. She had a future. She had a life. Now there was nothing. Nothing but the wolf.
When the door clicked open again, breaking the silence, the officer looked into Emma’s eyes, eyes the color of the rainforest, of emeralds at dawn, of clovers and ivy, and he saw the wolf hiding behind them.
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cosmooverthemoon · 7 months
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Everything sucks. So here's a picture of my pupper showing off her feets to quiet the call of the void.
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