12 posts
she/her | 18 y/o
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cosmicschmidt · 4 months ago
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My heart is broken and I will never recover.
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cosmicschmidt · 5 months ago
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I need someone to write for this beautiful man ASAP (the actor)
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cosmicschmidt · 10 months ago
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I need those Art Donaldson fics RN. 😤
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cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
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Coriolanus Snow x fem!Reader
Synopsis: When the 18 year old Coriolanus Snow recieves the news that he has to mentor a tribute in order to claim the Plinth Prize, he expected everything but not a shy girl from district 12 to claim his heart.
Word count: 2,7K
Warnings: Reader pretty much just replaces Lucy Gray, Lucy Gray does not exsist in this (I´m sorry), some things might not fully add up to the movie plot ´cause I only saw it once and that was two weeks ago, use of Y/N, it´s implied that the reader is shorter than Coryo, small swearing, simple inhumane Hunger Games topics, mention of a wound, brutality!!
Reblogs and requests are always welcomed <3 (just like pointing out grammatical mistakes :))
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"Wait-" Y/N grabs a hold of his free wrist.
"Can you get us some food? Please? We´re practically starving."
Coriolanus just nodded at her quietly, the space between the both of them growing as he pulled away from her. The girl suddenly feels empty without him standing next to her like a shield that´s been protecting her has been taken away.
The reporter - whose name seems to be Lucky Flickermann - now turned back to the cage ends his live report,
"The 10th annual Hunger Games are soon approaching, so come down to the Zoo and see the Tributes before it´s too late." he does a dramatic pause.
"And I mean, too late," he adds with a small smirk.
"Capitol news."
"I´m Lucretius.", he looks up to the sky before stretching out his hand and catching a coin.
"Lucky Flickermann." with that the live report ends.
Y/N´s words ring in Coriolanus´ ears for the next few hours, during the lecture and confrontation with Dr. Gaul, the second he reached the cafeteria, he put as much food as possible on his plate, filling it with various goods.
Multiple students chatter around him, but he´s not up for a debate about whose tribute will win, never the less just a simple conversation, the thought of it alone brings Coriolanus discomfort. So his eyes scatter across the filled room, and when he spots a small empty two-seat table he walks over to it and sits down.
As he takes a seat he waits for a second, the feeling of someone watching him never leaving since he collected a plate and filled it with a bunch of food, the view of it alone causing his stomach to erupt into quiet rumbling.
With a quick look around, checking if someone is watching him, he takes hold of the blue napkin and places it on his lap, his hands spring into action and he places a few cookies into the blue fabric.
"Trying to fatten that poor girl up, so you can finally start taking bets?" a voice right across from the small table pulls him out of his thoughts. Before him stands Sejanus, a look of anger displayed on his face, while his hands hold him up on the table.
Coriolanus stops in his tracks, Sejanus´ tone something he does not need right now.
"You think, they´ll give these kids a schap if we don´t give them a reason to do it." although it was meant as a question, the way Coriolanus´ tone changed throughout speaking made it seem like a simple statement.
"How do you think your Tribute will have a chance if he can´t eat." the mention of Marcus causes the look in Sejanus' eyes to soften, Coriolanus knew what to say in order to convince his… friend.
A short moment of silence washes over their conversation, Sejanus lets out a sigh before sitting down on the still-empty chair, his eyes not finding the blue eyes that bore into the side of his face.
"He was my classmate. Back in 2…" Sejanus says in a low voice.
In return, Coriolanus takes a look across the room.
"It's not your fault he's there-" Coriolanus speaks up, shaking his head a little.
"I know. I'm so blameless I'm choking on it. My father bought him for me you know, at the reaping… just so he can show me, that I could never go back to 2." Coriolanus stays quiet, as he watches the Brown haired boy tear up, guilt eating away at him.
"But being Capitol is gonna kill me," he adds, his head shaking slightly, his gaze empty.
"So do something about it." Coriolanus cuts in, his expression stern.
He just continues filling the napkin with a few slices of a sandwich, the look on his face challenging Sejanus to do the same.
"You're quite the Rebell." the brown-haired boy laughs out, before he whipes his nose, blinking once then twice in the hope of no tears falling.
"Oh, I am. I'm bad news." the blonde replies, a teasing tone to his words. All Sejanus can do is chuckle softly, before his own hands grab a soft napkin.
Both of them find themselves getting closer and closer to the 'zoo' where the Tributes are held against their will, displayed for everyone to inspect. From far away, the mentor of the girl from District 12 was able to make out the crowd that formed around the metal bars.
Coriolanus can't help but let his eyes wander, his blue orbs desperately trying to catch a glimpse of Y/N, as he takes big strides away from Sejanus as both of them part for the purpose of finding their tribute.
"Marcus!" he heard in the distance, but the voice was blurred.
Coriolanus can't focus on the rest of the words that leave Sejanus' mouth, as his eyes linger on the metal bars that separate him from her. He finally spots her, his tense shoulders relaxing a tad bit. The left side of her body is pressed against Jessup's, while Y/N's hand lays on the side of his neck. Both of them sitting on a rock with their backs to the crowd.
Coriolanus can tell that her mouth is moving, yet he can't seem to grasp onto what she's whispering in the ear of the boy who sits next to her. The blonde can't help but clench his jaw at the scene unfolding before his eyes, as his hands wrap a notch tighter around the food-filled fabric.
"Y/N" he speaks up, finally trusting his voice enough to do so.
The H/C-haired girl's eyes catch her mentor's quiet whisper, her head snapping to the side facing him. The small simile that spreads across her face does not go unnoticed by Coriolanus, as she brushes off her clothes. With small, yet quick steps she finally closes the distance between them.
His hands twitch beside his body, the urge to feel her skin against his resurfacing, as their eye contact never fades.
"You remembered?"
"Hmm?" Coriolanus hums, his eyes not leaving her face, she throws him a questioning look at his speechless expression.
"Oh right, right. I got this for you." he quickly says, the weight of the food in his hands leaving the second he places the napkin in her hands, their fingers touching for a split second, sending a shiver down his back.
Y/N herself can't help but feel her face warm at the contact, but she hides her face a little as she looks down at the meal in her hands. Within seconds she unwraps the cookies and the sandwich slices.
"Thank you, this will help us a lot."
"Us?" the boy from the Capitol mutters under his breath, wondering why you would even think about sharing the food he just gave you.
"Common, Jessup, eat," Y/N says with a nod of her head, her hand offering him a piece of some expensive-looking dish.
"'m not hungry," he mutters under his breath, his eyes staring daggers in Coriolanus' direction.
"No I insist, you have to eat." she pushes the food into his hands, and he throws her a thankful smile alongside a nod, yet before he walks back to the rock they sat on, he throws Coriolanus another look.
The mentioned boy holds the stare, and as Jessup turns away, his eyes land on a small wound that rests right underneath his ear. His brows furrow in confusion.
"What happened to his neck?"
Y/N gulps, her eyes not finding his.
"Bat bite. First night on the train." she nods sadly, her mind going back to when it happened.
"He didn't sleep a wink on the journey, making sure to keep the bats off so I can get some rest…" The girl's words grow quieter, her eyes trailing to the left as they find a Capitol girl making fun of the girl from District 10.
Y/N frowns when she observes the 'mentor' taunt her own tribute, holding a water bottle in her direction only to withdraw it when she reaches out to grab it. Y/N clenches her jaw at the sight.
"I learned in twelve that hunger is a weapon."
"Your friend over there sure knows it…"
"She's not my friend she is.." he thinks for a second, "..Poison with perfect teeth."
The girl from District 12 lets out a laugh, yet it's not fully genuine, her eyes fall back onto the food in her palms, a sickening feeling forming in the pit of her stomach. Meanwhile, Coriolanus grabs a hold of the metal bar, as he leans forward looking down at her.
"Are you going to share everything that I give to you with Jessup?" he asks, his breath fanning along a strand of loose hair, their close proximity making it possible for him to whisper.
"Why?" the girl's eyes widened in confusion at his question.
"Think I can collect my strengths so I can strangle them in the arena? Coriolanus, I can not kill these people.." she hisses out, her words make her look almost helpless, and again the blonde feels the urge to reach out and grab her hand.
"But I might have a chance to help you," he replies quickly, his eyes somehow holding ambition.
"There is a possibility that I can make some suggestions to the game makers, I might even be able to let the audience send gifts into the arena. Food and water…" he mumbles assuringly, his head nodding along his words.
"Listen, the people can donate to you, so you have to convince them to like you, which they already do. You're the first to volunteer, ever, and for your sister too, that kind of stuff catches attention," he says enthusiastically.
"I don't want to talk about that, what I did there was no choice, I had to do that. Don't you understand?" she asks slightly taken back, her brows furring in bewilderment.
"Besides, I've seen the arena, there's nowhere to hide, what's the point in winning the audience over? The guards say you get money if you get more people to watch, and you say you want to help me… which is it?" she asks unsure, her eyes boring into his, as she rests her own hand on one of the cold metal bars, awaiting his response.
Coriolanus' mouth parts, yet no words escape, before his gaze lands on her hand, so close to his, and before he can stop himself his palm engulfs her smaller hand.
"Both," he states with confidence, as he gives her a firm nod, letting her know that he truly means it. Y/N breathes out in relief, as she nods back at him, the warmth of his calloused hands bringing her comfort. Yet, she wiggles her hand out from under his slightly tightening grasp, taking a sandwich and taking a bite, her stomach screaming at her to finish the whole meal.
As she continues to chew, she catches Coriolanus looking at the food in her grasp, when she catches his stare, he expeditiously averts his gaze, looking around as if she didn't just catch him ogling. Without a word, she takes one of the cookies and hands it to him through the bars.
"Oh, no thank you." he refuses to take the baked good from her.
"Saw you staring, just take it," she says with a shrug of her shoulders.
He hesitantly takes it from her, as the both of them lower to the ground in order to eat while sitting.
"Thought there was plenty of food in the Capitol," she asks, although it did not sound like a question, more like a fact that she simply stated. Her eyes are still on the sandwich in her grasp, while Coriolanus himself breaks the cookie in two, eating the first half of it in one bite.
He lets out a laugh at her statement, her words throwing him years back to the war.
"You know one time during the war, I ate a whole jar of paste. Just to stop the pain in my stomach." Y/N scrunches her nose in disgust.
"Well, how was it?"
He thinks for a moment, a smile forming on his lips, "Pasty." he laughs out, and Y/N can't help but let a giggle slip out as well before she muffles it with another bite of the food. Coriolanus' eyes stay on her, his eyes glimmering in amusement.
But the small moment dies when the girl looks away, her head turning slightly as she looks over her shoulder, the blonde's eyes follow hers.
"Little Wovey… she's so sweet… wouldn't hurt a fly… she reminds me of my sister…" she says, her head turning away from the little girl that currently rests against her district partner who looks deep in thought. Y/N swallows thickly at the thought of her little sister, now all on her own at home, having to watch her only relative die in the games. The thought alone causes the corners of her eyes to burn, yet she won't allow herself to shed one tear, not one, she promised her.
"I'm sorry…" the blonde whispers, as his face holds concern and guilt, he sends her a small assuring smile in order to lighten her mood.
"You seem like a good man, Coriolanus," Y/N claims.
Coriolanus slightly shakes his head, his eyes everywhere but never meeting her own. It seems like he's about to say something, but Y/N interrupts him.
"It would have been nice to meet you under different circumstances," she quickly adds, her eyes on the almost completely eaten sandwich, while she fidgets with her fingers.
"How about… we make a deal," he replies.
"A deal?" she asks, her eyes snapping back up to meet his blue ones.
"Yes. After all of this… I'll take you out on a date," he says with a serious tone. His hand reaches through the bars as it wraps around one of her wrists.
She laughs out at his 'deal', "Yeah, exactly, have a drink or two, very funny." she laughs again in disbelief while rolling her eyes at his attempt to lighten the mood, although that's pretty impossible.
"I'm serious."
"Have you seen these people? I don't stand a chance, I'll be dead within minutes in the arena, I never learned how to fight or hunt, my chances are practically zero." she huffs out, her free hand wrapping around his hand that is holding her other hand, attempting at pulling him off.
Yet his grip tightens, "I'm being serious like I said before, maybe I can change some rules, bend some even, I don't care, we'll go on that date," he says again.
Just as Y/N opens her mouth, a response at the tip of her tongue ready to be released, a scream erupts through the air.
Brandy, the tribute that had been taunted by her mentor, grabbed the bottle out of the glass, as she took hold of the mentor's collar pulling her closer with an angry yell. With a quick smash, she shatters the bottle into pieces and uses the remains as a weapon, forcefully stabbing it into the side of her neck. The already red-dressed girl is now covered in more red.
The screams alerted every individual around them, as other people screamed in horror at the brutality.
Y/N can't help but gasp in shock, just like Coriolanus she's back on her feet, her eyes trained on the girl on the ground gasping for air.
Coriolanus runs up right to the other mentor's side, using his hands to put pressure on the wound as a horrified expression spreads all over his features.
"It's okay. it's okay, I'll get help," he mutters out of breath, frantically looking out for someone who would provide what she needs.
"Somebody help us please!" after his plea, the sound of guns firing runs through the air, and with a thump, Brandy holds onto her stomach before hitting the ground, dead.
At the sound of shooting, Coriolanus hides his face underneath his arms, shielding himself from bullets that could hit him at any given moment. As he slowly raises back up, the horrified expression returns to his face, he watches the life drain from Arachne's face, her skin growing paler.
"Oh…no, no.." he rasps out, the events leave him speechless, and before he can register it, Peacekeepers roughly grab him by the arm and pull him up from the ground away from the lifeless body.
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Taglist: (Crossed-out can’t be tagged)
@prettybliss | @unclecrunkle | @yourlocalwofreader | @ennycutie | @unamused-boss | @spatt777 | @xyzstar | @especiallythewomenandthechildren | @mysteris-things | @crackheadhours | @guacam011y | @clintssupremacy | @importantgalaxyrunaway | @zucchinimalfoy |
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cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
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Coriolanus Snow x fem!Reader
Synopsis: When the 18 year old Coriolanus Snow recieves the news that he has to mentor a tribute in order to claim the Plinth Prize, he expected everything but not a shy girl from district 12 to claim his heart.
Word count: 2,1K
Warnings: Reader pretty much just replaces Lucy Gray, Lucy Gray does not exsist in this (I´m sorry), some things might not fully add up to the movie plot ´cause I only saw it once and that was three days ago, use of Y/N, it´s implied that the reader is shorter than Coryo, small swearing, simple inhumane Hunger Games topics, mention of blood
Reblogs and requests are always welcomed <3 (just like pointing out grammatical mistakes :))
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A few screams erupt from the group of tributes, and everyone starts to slide out like bags of flour. Y/N yelps again and tries to hold onto Coriolanus, he manages to hold both of their weights, but Y/N´s grip on him loosens when she wiggles in his tight hold.
"Wait- Y/N hold on!" he hisses out, but Y/N moves in his grasp trying to get a hold of Wovey´s hand who´s close to sliding down as well.
"Grab my hand!" she yells, but Wovey slips away, and Y/N watches the little girl and Jessup moves out of her view into the unknown.
Y/N removes herself from his grasp, just as Coriolanus can´t hold them up anymore due to the shaking wagon, and they all slide into whatever the Capitol planned for them.
Gasps and yelps ring through the air as all tributes including Coriolanus are forced to leave the wagon, the feeling of falling long gone before Y/N can take in the situation, and with a thump, she makes contact with something cold and uneven. The warmth of her ´mentor´s´ hands leave her body, and the red of his clothes fall out of her reach.
A slight hiss escapes her dry and parted lips as a sting shoots through her head, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead that suddenly doesn´t feel so thin anymore, as a small trail of warm liquid slides down her temple.
Her brows furrow at the feeling, before she can stop herself she pushes her upper body up from the filthy ground and leans onto her forearms in order to sit up. The right side of her face still feels warmer than it should, so she moves onto her shaky knees.
While all her attention is on the side of her obviously wounded face, curses and groans echo through the air, most of the tributes stand up and brush their clothes off the dirt that still clung to them.
In the meantime, blurred-out voices slice through the silence, Y/N winces at the feeling of the small gash on her temple, the second her fingers touched the side of her head, she removed them again. Her hands wrap around the fabric of her shirt and she lowers her head to connect it to the wound, gently drying it of the red fluid.
"…well, give them a chance to stand up and catch their breath. I´m jealous of that entrance!" a voice speaks up, although it´s quiet to Y/N´s ears as the source of the words is plenty of feet away from her. She drops her shirt back down and leaves the wound by itself, although the slight sting practically yarns for better treatment.
"Y/N?" Jessup speaks up to her right, her head and upper body move in his direction, her body rotating to the right.
"Yeah, yeah.. wait," she speaks, lowers her hands onto the cold stone texture beneath her and uses her strength to push herself off the ground. Big and warm hands wrap around her waist unexpectedly and easily pull her up from the ground, setting her back on her feet.
A small surprised gasp leaves her lips, and she turns at the feeling of hands on her middle.
"Thanks, Jess-" she stops the words from spilling past her lips, the hands that still rest on her body don´t belong to the boy from District 12, instead, Coriolanus Snow shoots her a small smile. Y/N can´t stop her face from flushing at their close proximity before their short moment is interrupted.
"But guess where I am today!" the same voice from before again reaches their ears, and just now the girl realizes that she´s in fact surrounded by bars out of metal, their height makes it unable to climb them, locking the tributes inside like animals in a cage.
"Here´s a hint, that´s right! The Capitol´s Zoo, where this year´s tributes will be held behind these bars for your viewing pleasure."
"That´s right. All twenty-four of them-" Y/N peeks past a few taller tributes surrounding her, and her eyes fall onto a man who holds onto a small microphone, his body turned to another man who seems to record the scene unfolding in front of him. The speaking man himself is dressed in a plain gray suit, his black shoes underlining his obvious wealth.
At least a dozen pairs of eyes watch the tributes through the bars, expensive-looking clothes rest on their bodies, as a crowd including all ages from 4 to 40 don´t remove their stares. Some of their faces show awe and excitement, as if extinct animals have been reborn and are presented for the world to see.
Coriolanus´ eyes harden at the ogling eyes that skim over the players of this year´s game, although he does catch a guy around their age watching Y/N intensely. The sudden need to shield her from the praying eyes raises in his chest, and his hands - that still rest around her middle - tighten.
The guy in the gray suit stops in his tracks the moment he faces the cage, the unexpected color red catching his attention.
"What in the gem of Panem…?"
"You see that´s an Academy rouge, no?" he turns back to the camera with a questioning look on his face, seemingly addressing whoever is watching.
"Excuse me!" he yells over at Coriolanus, his eyes widen, probably in realization or maybe out of fear.
"Hello, Sir."
"Yes, you. In the red."
"Who are you, and why are you in there with them? We´re live!" Coriolanus gulps at the words, he opens his mouth but nothing comes out, he just continues to stare at the man at a loss for words.
"Uhm, I-…"
"Are you alright?!" the guy yells again.
Coriolanus removes his hands from Y/N`s waist and takes a small step away from her. Y/N quickly stops him and catches his arm in her grasp causing him to stop and turn his eyes back to hers.
"What are you gonna do?" she asks quietly, shielding her face from the camera.
"Y/N Y/L, may I introduce you to my neighbors?" he asks with a tint of amusement, yet his face is filled with dread.
"A reaction would be appreciated, anything would be nice!" the voice speaks again.
Coriolanus´ gaze falls to her right, the white of the rose he gifted to her gleaming in the sunlight, he takes a step and picks it up from the ground, before he snaps the longest part of the stem off throwing it to the side.
Although the rose did take a little damage due to the fall, its sparkle is still evident as the blonde tucks it behind Y/N`s ear, his blue eyes never leaving hers in the progress.
With a nod, he offers her his hand.
She gently nods back in understanding and her hand lands in his bigger palm again, although his fingers are a little rough his hand engulfs hers in a soft manner.
"Well that´s something you don´t see every day, they´re holding hands."
Almost every tribute found someplace to sit, watching the little show that unfolded in front of their eyes.
"Yes, yes, yes," he speaks again as Coriolanus leads her over to the bars, taking one step after the other, carefully stepping over smaller stones to prevent a fall.
"Who are you, sir? What are you doing in the cage here?"
Y/N´s hands start to sweat a little, the smaller the distance becomes the áudience´s´ eyes don´t prey away.
Y/N plasters a fake smile onto her lips, false enthusiasm spreading over her features, as two children, not a day older than 10 and 4 step closer.
"Hi," Coriolanus speaks.
"How do you do?" he asks, now directly addressing the young boy with shoulder-length black hair.
"My name is Coriolanus Snow, and this is my tribute. Y/N Y/LN from district 12," he says with a fake yet kind voice, as his gaze is fixated on the two children.
"Hi," Y/N adds and awkwardly waves her hand at them.
"What´s your name?"
"My name is Pontius." the small boy answers, the suit he´s wearing markless and clean.
"Nice to meet you, Pontius, is that your sister?" Y/N asks politely, Coriolanus squeezing her hand proudly at her quick improvising.
"That´s Venus, she´s only four," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Well luckily four is my favourite number, it´s a great age to be."
"I remember you." the little girl in pink replies.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, you´re the one that volunteered for her sister," she says proudly, her face beaming with happiness.
Y/N`s face falls at the mention of her beloved sister, who´s most likely watching this conversation right now. Yet she shakes the thought off and the fake smile returns to her face.
"You´re right that´s her!" the reporter says.
"So, as already mentioned this is my mentor, Coriolanus Snow, it seems like I got the cake with the cream since no one else bothered to show up." Y/N say as she rests her elbow on his shoulder.
The reporter turns back to the camera in confusion, takes a small breath and then starts to ask "So, the game makers did tell you to jump in the cage with them?"
"They didn´t tell me not to." the boy beside Y/N answers, his expression showing no regret.
"They just said it´s the mentor´s job to introduce our Tribute to the citizens of Panem. And I thought if Y/N is brave enough to be here, why shouldn´t I be too?"
"Well that is a nice thing to do-"
"What´s that on your forehead?" Venus asks genuinely interested, seemingly uninterested in the fact that she just cut off the reporter, the camera moves to the small girl.
"Oh. that, well-" the District 12 girl´s hand moves back to the wound that still remained on her temple, her fingertips coated in red after touching the skin.
"That happened when we were…. delivered…." she adds, her voice holding fake amusement.
"You´re hurt?" Coriolanus asks from beside her, and before the girl can tell him that it´s fine and that it´ll heal on its own Coriolanus´ pointerfinger and thumb gently pull her face closer to his by her chin.
His blue orbs are looking down at her while her own hold his gaze, in order to see him she has to lift her head.
"Oh that looks like quite a gash doesn´t it?" the reporter slips in, while he gestures for the camera to move closer to the both of you, the sparkle in the reporter's eyes showing his excitement, that he´s the one to catch this simple yet intimate moment between Mentor and Tribute.
"Yeah well in the next 48 hours, the little gash might just be at the bottom of my list of problems," Y/N states in a cold tone, her face moving out of his grasp.
The reporter seems to lose interest in the sudden change of topic, and gestures for the cameraman to film the other Tributes, ranting on about whatever topic comes to mind.
Y/N scoffs at them and how easily they lose interest in something the moment someone´s actions don´t fit into their perfect picture.
"Here, let me." soft, white fabric presses against the side of her head, as Coriolanus cleans the wound of the remaining still air-drying blood that paints her skin, the cotton taking away the thin layer of sweat as well.
Even though her gaze is on her feet, she can feel his eyes boring into the side of her face.
"Does it hurt?"
He nods his head, yet he keeps his hands on her face, gently treating the wound, at the feeling of his warm hands, Y/N can´t help but blush. Her cheek grows warm where his skin meets her own, as her eyes stay on the ground.
"Are you sure-" Coriolanus is cut off again.
"I hate to interrupt, but I think you´re about to be whisked away, young man."
Someone harshly slaps Coriolanus´ hand that rests on Y/N´s face off, he gasps at the action, but neither of them can say anything before a Peacekeeper grabs his biceps and starts to pull him to the exit of the cage.
"Let´s go."
"Wait-" Y/N grabs a hold of his free wrist.
"Can you get us some food? Please? We´re practically starving."
Coriolanus just nodded at her quietly, the space between the both of them growing as he´s pulled away from her. The girl suddenly feels empty without him standing next to her, like a shield that´s been protecting her has been taken away.
The reporter - whose name seems to be Lucky Flickermann - now turned back to the cage ends his live report,
"The 10th annual Hunger Games are soon approaching, so come down to the Zoo and see the Tributes before it´s too late." he does a dramatic pause.
"And I mean, too late," he adds with a small smirk.
"Capitol news."
"I´m Lucretius.", he looks up to the sky before stretching out his hand and catching a coin.
"Lucky Flickermann." with that the live report ends.
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For those who asked for a second part :) (I can’t tag everyone!)
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cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
I was given the information that one of the most evil characters will appear on my screen, not an enchanting beauty..
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(I’m not okay I dreamt of him last night-)
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cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
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Coriolanus Snow x fem!Reader
Synopsis: When the 18 year old Coriolanus Snow recieves the news that he has to mentor a tribute in order to claim the Plinth Prize, he expected everything but not a shy girl from district 12 to claim his heart.
Word count: 2,4K
Warnings: Lucy Gray does not exsist in this (I´m sorry), some things might not fully add up to the movie plot ´cause I only saw it once and that was two days ago, use of Y/N, it´s implied that the reader is shorter than Coryo, small swearing, simple inhumane Hunger Games topics
Reblogs and requests are always welcomed <3 (just like pointing out grammatical mistakes :))
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Coriolanus Snow did not mean for this to happen.
He did not intend to have this weird tingly feeling in his chest every time he caught a glimpse of her.
He did not mean to fall for his tribute from District 12.
As he patiently sat in his seat with his heart hammering in his chest due to not knowing if he´d receive the scholarship, adrenaline and excitement ran through his veins.
Yet, that was taken from him the moment Sejanus Plinth whispered to him that that certain day he looked forward to would not turn out as he hoped.
The Plinth Prize was won by the best mentor.
Each of them has to mentor a tribute and create the best version of them, create strategies and work on their behavior in the arena.
As all the tributes are presented, their names called alongside their mentors, Coriolanus´ hands start to sweat the longer he is not told who he has to work with.
The faces of his fellow students show different emotions, some cheer in happiness at their tributes state, others are laced with worry if their tribute even manages to walk straight.
"And last but not least, the girl from District 12, Coriolanus Snow."
His eyes shoot back to the small screen, his gaze falls to the name written underneath the short clip, Y/N L/N.
"I volunteer as tribute."
The screen shows a screaming girl, around the age of 11 as she trashes in the hold of someone else´s arms, desperately trying to escape their grasp to reach the other girl.
The other girl's face is slightly blurred due to the wide angle of the camera that is following her figure, but as the picture clears up, Coriolanus can´t help but suck in a breath.
A weird feeling boils in his chest that causes his heartbeat to pick up behind his ribcage, just as he thought it couldn´t get worse a few butterflies form in his stomach causing his white tunic to suddenly feel tighter. His hands go to the collar pulling a little on the fabric to calm his heartbeat.
The tribute from 12, stepped in for the younger girl and took her fate as her own. The girl, now known as Y/N doesn´t look back at the screaming girl, she takes small steps to the stage and steps on it the moment she reaches it.
Although her hands tremble beside her body, her eyes are stern and show no emotion, successfully keeping herself from spilling the dread that formed in her chest the moment her little sister's name was called.
"What a twist! Our first ever volunteer of 12, what an honor." the 12´s mayor speaks, yet no reaction falls from the crowd at his attempt to lighten the mood.
"I suppose that was your sister? Sweet little thing just turned 12, but luckily she has you as her big sister." Mayor Lipp tries to create small talk, but Y/N doesn´t seem to take interest in that, her eyes boring into the camera that is fixated on her face.
Everyone that surrounds Coriolanus watches intensely and waits for her next words.
Y/N´s jaw clenches a little as her gaze wanders over her district's citizens, some laugh at her situation, while others, alongside her family have tears in their eyes and hold a hand in front of their mouths to contain a sob from spilling past their lips.
Instead of words leaving her mouth, she does a mocking and overly dramatic bend forward with her arms stretched out on each side of her body.
Just as two Peacekeepers grab a hold of her arms and pull her off the stage she yells out,
"YOU CAN ALL SUCK I-" but her words muffle due to her being pulled away.
Meanwhile, everyone around Coriolanus starts to whisper.
Some voice behind him, "Who does she think she is?"
"Imagine having to work with that, guess who won´t win the Plinth Prize.." followed by laughing.
And more to his left, "The audacity, I´m telling you she´s the first to bleed out." followed by more remarks and chuckles.
Though Coriolanus can’t feel bothered by their remarks, as he watches her being dragged away from the stage with a stern look on her face.
The blonde watches with bewilderment yet with respect for her volunteering for someone else, a small smirk forming on his face as the side of his mouth pull up a little.
* ˚ ✦
Coriolanus´ gaze is fixated on the white rose in his palms, his eyes trail over each and every flaw he can spot.
Is it pretty enough?
Or is this gesture not normal in the relationship between a mentor and their tribute?
He wonders how you might react to this act of politeness, yet before he can keep up with his thoughts he´s pulled out of it when he hears the train near the train station.
There it is, it glides against the train racks before it comes to a harsh stop with a small screech, the blonde´s eyes trail over the different train carts, wondering where the certain girl from 12 is being kept.
At least a dozen armed Peacekeepers emerge from around the station, and the first cart´s handle is grabbed forcefully and shoved open, a small girl hesitantly jumps down to the ground, before she erupts into a few coughs as if she has to catch her breath from taking a run.
She´s followed by a tall boy who wears a expression he can´t read, although his brows are furrowed and a small line forms between them. The tall male´s eyes immediately find Coriolanus due to his bloody red outfit.
The male doesn´t seem to be the only one, almost everyone that already emerged from their part of the train has their eyes on him.
He fidgets with the rose again, a shiver running down his spine and all the way to his feet and then his toes.
As some tributes are escorted to the transporter outside, Coriolanus finally spots the male tribute from District 12, he remembers his name, Jessup. With a sigh of relief, he takes a few steps to him, and finally, his eyes spot the girl he so desperately tried to find the entire time.
Jessup´s hands are securely wrapped around her waist as he picks her up and helps her out of the train so she can steady herself. She smiles up at Jessup whispers a small ´thanks´ and pats him on his upper arm before she starts to take in all her surroundings.
Although their conversation is muffled, "Are you sure your neck is fine? The bite looks painful..."
Coriolanus´ breathing stops for a second, just now he notices that no camera ever will be able to take in all her beauty, his lips part a little and he can feel his mouth running dry.
Now that Y/N dusted her clothes off and had taken a look around the train station, her eyes move to her right and are met with piercing blue orbs. Although she acknowledged him, he couldn´t help but keep staring at her, the white rose in his left hand long forgotten as it rested next to his body. Confusion dawned on her face as she looked over to Jessup who offered the same expression.
The two of them share a look with a shrug before she turns her back to Coriolanus and starts to take a few steps away from him.
The blonde seems to snap out of it and with a small shake of his head and with two steps he keeps up with her smaller ones.
"Uhm- Welcome to the Capitol." he offers her a smile and holds the rose up for her to see.
Her mouth set in a hard line while her cheeks glowed a tad bit redder than before, "You don´t look like you should be here…?" she asked unsure, her eyes still trained up at his face before they fell on the flower in his hand - which slightly started to tremble -
"Uhm, I shouldn´t, my name is Coriolanus Snow, and I´m your mentor," he adds, the smile still coating his lips as he offers her the rose again.
"Mentor?" she laughs out in disbelief after she finally takes the flower out of his trembling hand and looks at it. Jessup is standing behind her, and his face still shows the same confusion it did earlier.
"Yeah, it´s my job to help you survive the arena," Coriolanus replies, the moment she took the rose out of his grasp his hand went limp and fell back to his side.
"And how exactly-" Y/N doesn´t get the opportunity to reply to his words before someone roughly pulls on her arm and drags her forcefully to the exit of the train station.
Peacekeepers decided to cut their conversation short, they pulled her with them like she weighed nothing, "I can walk by myself perfectly fine." she said loudly before she slapped the hand that was wrapped around her biceps off.
"Wait! I´m her Mentor!" Coriolanus speaks up, yet the distance between mentor and tribute is growing with each second, and the blonde picks up his steps in order to keep up with them.
A few shouts and orders are ringing through the air, the atmosphere filled with dread and an uncomfortable tension. Outside awaits a transporter for the tributes, and like pigs they are thrown and shoved into it, ready to be taken to the slaughterhouse.
The district 12 girl's eyes are trailing behind her trying to catch a glimpse of the red that coats her so-called ´mentor´, she can´t seem to see him but his shouts still reach her ringing ears.
A small hand wraps around her right hand startling the 17-year-old girl, but she quickly relaxes when she sees the small girl from District 8, Wovey. She seems scared by the loud noises, and Y/N offers her a small smile and squeeze of the hand in order to calm her down. Y/N spots a small seat at the back right corner and leads her over to it, there´s not enough space for the both of them, so she lets Wovey take it and stands beside her.
Coriolanus´ opportunity seems to flash in front of him for a split second as a tribute tries to make a run for it, the Peacekeepers running close behind, and with three steps the blonde leaps into the back of the transporter.
He runs all the way to the back of it, before he takes a few breaths trying to tame the adrenaline that shoots through his veins, his breathing calming down from the small thrill he felt.
He straightens down his clothes, and immediately spots Y/N, hand-in-hand with the little girl, her eyes holding awe, yet mostly confusion at why he just ran after her. "What are you doing here?" she whisper-yells, in order not to attract the Peacekeeper's attention.
He can´t help but draw his lower lip between his teeth, letting his actions sink in "Yeah who the hell are you?"
"Uhm-" he starts to speak up, as the other tributes´ eyes hold anger and confusion, most of them standing up and taking a few steps closer to him, cornering him a little. The red that radiates from his red clothes alerts the others.
"I suppose he´s my mentor." Y/N quickly speaks up, her voice cutting through the tension that started to build itself.
"What the hell is a mentor? And why did you get one but we didn´t?"
"Did she get one just because she was the first to volunteer?"
Y/N opens her mouth again to reply but Coriolanus beats her to it, "No, you all get a mentor, I promise the same chances are laid out for everyone." he says with a slightly raised voice so everyone hears his words.
A few unamused chuckles emerge from the ´crowd´ that formed around him, nevertheless a tall guy grabs him by the collar and slams Coriolanus back against the wall behind him pulling a gasp from his lips.
"Don´t shit talk us, what are you doing here?! Are you here to spy on us? What sick games did you plan?!" he yells in his face, although Coriolanus is taller than him, he raises his hands in surrender in order to calm the angry tribute.
Y/N sighs and softly drops Wolvey´s hand onto the girl's lap, she takes a step forward rests her hand on the tribute´s shoulder gently yet harshly, and pushes against him.
"You get your own mentor, now drop it," she says loudly, the tributes around them purse their lips and keep looking at Coriolanus like he´s some meal they can devour.
"A Capitol´s sweetheart could be helpful, why not kill him to send a fucking message." everyone around them agrees except for Y/N and a few in the back, them equally as terrified as Coriolanus.
Coriolanus laughs at their ´plan´ and breathes out a few pained breathes due to him being pressed against the wall, however, before anyone else gets the chance to speak up, the container they are kept in starts to shake a little and then does a jump that causes everyone to lose their balance. The tribute that held the blonde up against the wall let go of him, the everyone including Coriolanus hold onto the nearest thing they could find to steady themselves.
Y/N yelps at the sudden movement that throws her forward and grabs onto Coriolanus´ right arm, the boy in question sneaks his right arm around her waist to steady her and takes hold of a handle that sticks out of the metal wall.
With a rumble and another much harsher shake of the container, the doors suddenly swing open and the place they were kept in for the past 10 minutes moves upwards, changing the position from vertical to horizontal.
A few screams erupt from the group of tributes, and everyone starts to slide out like bags of flour. Y/N yelps again and tries to hold onto Coriolanus, he manages to hold both of their weights, but Y/N´s grip on him loosens when she wiggles in his grasp.
"Wait- Y/N hold on!" he hisses out, but Y/N moves in his grasp trying to get a hold of Wovey´s hand who´s close to sliding down as well.
"Grab my hand!" she yells, but Wovey slips away, and Y/N watches the little girl and Jessup move out of her view into the unknown.
Y/N removes herself from his grasp, just as Coriolanus can´t hold them up anymore due to the shaking wagon, and they all slide into whatever the Capitol planned for them.
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I might consider writing a second part! I hope you enjoyed reading this <33
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cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
I need this man biblically.
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12K notes · View notes
cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
This is me waiting for young Coriolanus Snow x reader stories:
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2K notes · View notes
cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
Friend: what are you doing tonight?
Me: Mike Schmidt
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1K notes · View notes
cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
I need him (inside of me)
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4K notes · View notes
cosmicschmidt · 1 year ago
Dating Mike Schmidt HC’S
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Mike Schmidt x fem!Reader
Word count: 2,7k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, punching, smut (NSFW/MDNI), tell me if I missed anything <3
Reblogs and requests are always welcomed <3 (just like pointing out grammatical mistakes :))
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Mike is the type of guy to show everyone the cold shoulder before letting them in
Even when it came to you, right at the beginning of getting to know each other he ignored most of your attempts where you tried talking to him.
But you were stubborn, and kept on trying, ignoring his hard shell that had yet to be cracked by you, and when it did, ugh that guy was all over you.
That´s how most of works, you´re strangers, then friends and love follows shortly after.
Although with Mike the road had been a little bumpy. He's the type of guy to never ask for help, like ever.
There was that one time when he desperately needed someone to look after Abby for a few hours while he was searching for a new job, it almost ended with him taking her with him. But luckily you just came to visit them and were able to take care of him.
Although Mike wanted to pay you, you assured him that he didn´t have to, and that spending time with Abby was enough, she loves you, like LOVES you.
That ended with him forcing money into your hand and you pushing it right back into the palm it just came from.
He´d sigh at your stubbornness, and eventually accept your gesture.
Mike mostly shuts himself up whenever he´s asked if everything is okay, like how he slept or how work went.
You know about his trouble sleeping and his problems with running from one job to the next, only to be fired a week right after.
And over the time you spent together, you´re always able to read him, his gestures and the look he sometimes gets when he´s sad.
And the only thing that ever calms him down is your touch.
The simple feeling of your skin against his is able to slow his breathing and his quickening heartbeat.
And his sort of. let's say small anger issues come hand in hand with jealousy and this urge to protect you.
So you can imagine what happens when the both of you walk down a street hand in hand, and some guy decides to call on you, telling you that you could do much better than Mike, and commenting on your body.
That doesn´t end well for him though.
Within a blink of an eye, he's on the guy punching him square across his face, grabbing the collar of his shirt that then is painted in small droplets of blood that spilled from his nose.
A small crowd of people would gather around him, some urging him on to punch harder, some screaming at him to stop with his punches.
And when he doesn´t seem to let up on it, you can´t help but step in, not with words though you know they won´t get to him, you just quickly put your hand on his shoulder before he seriously hurt the guy beneath him.
With the softness of your touch on his shoulder, he stops in his tracks, his eyes meeting yours within a second and quickly lets go of the barely conscious guy.
There were other times when his jealousy showed, they don´t always end in bloody messes, just some of them do.
There was this one time where he waited outside of the store you worked at, your shift only lasting for another five minutes before the both of you could go home.
He always did this, even before you got together, he always picked you up so you didn´t have to go home all by yourself.
So when he was standing outside and got bored, he decided to look around in the shop, looking at all types of clothes, rating them in his hand and imagining you in some of them.
And when your sweet honey voice reached his ears he quickly spun around, his eyes searching for yours, although you didn´t call out to him, you talked to someone else.
A guy, a little taller than him is standing in front of you, smiling at you and sometimes trying to touch your arm, but you seem uninterested, yet your polite smile is still plastered all over your face.
Mike can´t help but notice the way he looks at you, and from the distance he can still hear the faint words that fall from his mouth.
"You´re like really pretty, you know that?" the guy says while leaning against the counter.
"My boyfriend thinks so too," you reply with a fake smile on your face, as you keep putting the stuff he bought into a bag.
"You´re boyfriend? I don´t see him anywhere, why don´t you come with me and I show you a good time, hmm?" the guy dares to touch your arm again, but that only causes you to pull it away.
Mike can´t help but clench his jaw at the situation that plays out before him, his hand tightening around something he picked up, it cracks in his hand but he couldn´t care less.
He throws the broken pieces onto the floor before him and takes rather quick strides toward him in order to close the distance that separates him from you.
"Hey asshole, back off," he says, choosing a slightly louder tone.
"Who are you? Don´t you see I´m occupied?" he turns his head back to you, and now touches your hair, smirking in the process.
That alone crosses the line even further, without thinking Mike´s fist collides with the guy's head.
I lied, actually all of his jealous moments them end with a bloody face. (not his tho)
Moving on, Mike is as already mentioned cold with everyone around him, but with you it´s different.
He has this soft spot for you, which makes it possible for you to get through with almost everything.
Whenever you ask for something from him all you need to do is smile at him and his knees go weak.
This leads him to not being able to say no to you when you begged him to take you with him to his new job, yes, the new job.
In all honesty, Mike had no idea what awaited him at his new security guard job, he thought spending some time with you could make it easier so why not, when Max was available to keep an eye on Abby, the was nothing stopping the both of you.
Although the old restaurant got the creeps and definitely caused a shudder of fear running down your spine, with Mike you always felt safe.
After taking a look around the worn-out and old building, the both of you settled in a room full of computers that showed the most important rooms he had to keep an eye on.
You knew about his past, about the guilt that haunts him in his dreams ever since, and how to ease his mind.
So when you both sat in front of the small T.V. you somewhat grew tired with time passing, until your eyes fluttered shut and you gently rested your head against Mike´s shoulder.
With you near him he doesn´t need his walkman and the sounds of nature to fall asleep, with you he feels safe and knows he still has the chance to go back to his dream in order to solve the still open case of his little brother's disappearance.
Yet, if he ever does stir awake from his dreams, some end with him waking up with tears streaming down his face and a thin layer of sweat covering his skin, you always wake up at the same time, ready to comfort him.
He´d tell you about it over and over again, with tears not stopping and small cries leaving his lips, but you listened every single time.
If he´s by himself he never falls back asleep, no matter how hard he tries to.
But with you by his side, everything seems so much easier.
You´d let your hands glide through his brown locks of hair, and scratch his head softly to lull him back to sleep, he´d rest his head against your chest and hug your waist, in order to be as close as possible to you.
Those moments might just be the most bonding moments of your relationship, the fact that you were always able to lean onto each other at your lowest points.
That´s one side of your relationship, the sweet and reassuring one, and then there's the other one, the one with the constant thirst for the other one.
Seriously, he can´t get enough of you, the way you scent sticks to his sheets or how he always feels agitated when you´re not by his side for two hours.
And when you do get back his hands would be all over you.
Like that one time, you worked an extra shift, covering for your friend that called in sick.
He sat on his couch, his knee bopping up in nervousness, he knew you´d take longer, considering you have to stay another 45 minutes.
But he just couldn´t wait for you to be in his arms again, this job he´s currently attending wearing him out more and more with such little payment.
His eyes stared at the T.V., some show he´d been watching for the past 20 minutes playing, but he stared right through the screen, in his own little world thinking about all the things he could do to you.
So when your keys jingle right outside on the front porch signaling him you´re finally home, he can´t help himself but jump up from the couch, move over to the door and pull it open.
There you stand, your eyes on your hands as you´re occupied with finding the right key for the door, but his sudden action of ripping the door open causes you to look up.
"Oh, hey Mike-" you start to speak, the view of your boyfriend washing away all the stress within seconds.
But Mike doesn´t let you finish the phrase, before he pulls you through the door and slams it shut, shamelessly pushing you up against it, the dim light of the room shining against the side of your face.
His lips easily find their place on yours, a feverish kiss breaking out, your lips fitting against each other like puzzle pieces, his eager and desperate need to taste you again, -he just did this morning- growing with each passing second.
The kiss caught you off guard, a small sigh which could be counted as a soft moan causes your lips to part slightly, Mike can´t help but use that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth, and his skilled muscle meets yours.
Eventually, you have to part, your burning lungs screaming at you to fill them with oxygen again.
Soft puffs of air leave yours and his mouth, your chest raising quickly with how breathless you become.
You open your mouth slightly, the words at the tip of your tongue before you´re yet again cut off by him, his head disappearing in the crook of your neck, his lips meeting the most sensitive spot right under your ear. His sudden action makes you moan, his lips delicately sucking on your skin until it hurts a little, only for him to ease the pain by gliding his tongue against the spot.
Throughout your small moans and whimpers, you quickly shove him off of you, your eyes widened in realization.
"What about Abby?" you breathe out with a gasp, your upper body leaning away from him and take a step to the side and walk all the way to her room, when you´re about to peak through the door, Mike somehow made it right behind you, his body warmth all the way over your back.
His only response is his lips, he presses them against the right side of your neck his eager pace yet again returning, you feel his hands sneak down to your waist and lower to your hips before he whispers against your neck;
"She´s at a friend's, some sleepover.", his words make you breathe out in relief, the fear of her catching the both of you quickly washed away, your mind now finally consumed by him.
His appetite grew the more you leaned into his touch, his hands quickly unbuttoning your pants and pulling down by the hem of them.
"I- I need to-" he starts, but you´re quick to respond;
"Again?" you giggle, searching for amusement in his brown orbs, but he´s more serious than ever,
"I can´t Y/N, I need to taste you." his words make your arousal grow.
He waits for your consent, and you quickly nod your head at him to continue, he does as he´s told without wasting another second, your pants now roughly pulled to the ground as you kick them off.
You´re facing him again, he´s on his knees before you with his hands firm around your hips, your hands tangled into his soft brown hair, combing it gently.
He won´t wait another second, he wanted you again ever since you left his house for work, so he´s eager to kiss his way all the way from under your breast to the side of your hips, his thumbs now under the thin fabric of your panties, gliding his hands down and taking them with him. His eyes never leave yours, he´s quick at pulling them all the way off, his mouth immediately making contact with your heat.
The sudden contact of his warm mouth against you pulls a moan from you, your head falling back against the wall in pleasure, he groans at the taste of you, his tongue sliding through your folds and dropping once or twice down to your hole making you squirm against him, your hands pulling at his hair.
He is quick to react and pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, spreading you further and pushing his tongue into you, now deeper than ever at the newfound angle.
A high-pitched moan falls right to his ears, his left hand tightening around your hip and the fingernails of his right hand softly dig into the fat of your thigh, making sure to leave a mark he could lick over in the morning.
His tongue left your pulsating hole, making you clench around nothing.
"You taste so fucking good." he hummed out, before licking a strip through your folds again and dragging his muscle all the way to your clit, roughly sucking on the nub, making you arch your back of the wall, your hands tightening in his hair.
Your moans echo through the hallway, as you mindlessly grind yourself against his face, causing him to suck again, with his tongue now flat against your heat.
Mike was completely drunk by the taste of you, as he whimpered and moaned against you, the vibrations of his sounds running all the way through your body, your orgasm quickly building with each drag of his tongue.
His mouth and chin are coated by your slick, but he doesn´t seem to mind, he just buries his face in you again and sucks softy, groaning at your taste on his tastebuds.
As his licks grow longer and deeper, your moans grow louder, the hand that was previously on your hip slides up to the small of your back and he holds you there, steadying your body with his tight grip.
"Common baby, make me happy and cum for me."
Your groan at his words, your hands pulling at the back of his neck to pull him deeper, he moans at the sensation.
You start to see white, your eyes rolling back your peak almost overtaking you whole, and with a final suck you do, he pushes you over the edge.
"That´s right, you´re mine.."
He moans against you at the view of you falling apart in his hands, the vibrations he sends through you heighten the orgasm.
He keeps licking, taking hold of all your juices, until you have to push his head away gently, the overstimulation setting in already.
The both of you breathe loudly, you more than him, desperately trying to grasp a hold of the air, as your chest starts to move slower, your heartbeat slowing down.
"Abby needs to attend sleepovers more often," Mike admits before he kisses the inside of your thigh, his words make you laugh.
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