cosmiclvex · 5 days
"Good to know Mo's on her best behavior for everyone but us," Tony mused from the kitchen of the lake house when Bruce walked in. Since Morgan was in California with her brother and Hill's family, Tony dragged his husband off to their lake house for a few days to get away from everything. He handed Bruce the tea that he'd made for him and slid his phone across the island so his husband could see the pictures that Johnny sent him—obviously still avoiding Bruce, even though Tony had been the one to escort his ex out of the wedding. "You know he's just as stubborn as you," he said, raising a brow before Bruce could comment. Tony smirked and leaned over to kiss him. "He'll come around, amore mio. And if not, and if he's still being a little bitch when they get back, we'll lock him in Loki's Joe Goldberg box and stage a family intervention." // @hcvrtbrcvk
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cosmiclvex · 6 days
Nearly six hours on a plane with three girls under six had aged him more than the last fifteen years of dealing with intergalactic threats at SHIELD. As they got off the plane, he let out a long sigh of relief. Morgan, surprisingly the calmest of the three, was sound asleep on his shoulder. He held her close, while Ella walked beside him, hand in his. His niece on the other hand... “Eisa—” he started, but she was already sprinting ahead, like the little crackhead she was. “Dios mío.” He spotted his brother by the waiting car, and thankfully, the sight seemed to ease their royal security detail trailing close behind. 'Tioooooooo,' Eisa sang, crashing into Mateo’s legs with full force. Raf rolled his eyes as she immediately tried to climb her way into his arms. “She’s been like this since 5 a.m.,” he groaned. “Even Ella tapped out an hour ago.” Ella, standing quietly at his side, threw a glance at her cousin—judgmental expression scarily reminiscent of his girlfriend. “But hi,” he added with a smirk, stepping aside so their bags could be loaded into the car. He nodded to the still-sleeping Morgan. “They refused to travel without their emotional support Baby Stark.” // @hcvrtbrcvk
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cosmiclvex · 6 days
"Well, I hope the company would help," she teased, leaning up to rest her head on his shoulder. Peggy stayed there, silently for a moment, just enjoying the peace, quiet, and feel of Steve's arms over hers, when his voice brought her back to what he was saying. "Tony would quite literally have a heart attack," she mused, with a slight wrinkle of her nose, though she was smiling as she looked up at him. The expression softened when she met his gaze and Peggy continued, "Would you want to? Put that all behind and have a fresh start?"
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Steve smiled as he felt Peggy's arms wrap around him, her warmth a comforting presence in the cool mountain air. He leaned back into her embrace, resting his hands on top of hers. "It's the fresh air, I think," he said softly, his voice filled with a rare sense of contentment. "The company might have a little bit of something to do with it, too." He turned his head slightly to catch her eyes, a playful glint in his. "You know, I could get used to this—no missions, no emergencies, just... us. What if we just called the rest of the Avengers, told them we're never coming back?"
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cosmiclvex · 6 days
"You need another form of cardio, Lewis." Wanda scrunched her nose at the comment Darcy was most likely going to make and pressed a finger to her lips to silence her before she could. "Nowhere in particular. I just want out of the tower before they make us do something. It's one of those dead days I feel like we'll be forced out if nothing happens."
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Darcy chuckled, letting Wanda steer her away from her original path. "Oh, you know me. Coffee runs are basically my cardio at this point," she joked, rolling her eyes. "But nope, no errands for me right now. I was actually trying to sneak in a little break before anyone at the tower finds something else for me to do." Darcy glanced over at Wanda with a smirk. "But hey, if you’re rescuing me from errands, I’m definitely not complaining. Where are you dragging me off to, Maximoff?"
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cosmiclvex · 11 days
“The worst death he could endure is dying knowing I’m okay.” Loki hated thinking that about his own father, but there it was. “And I am okay. I know that. Just like I know none of what he did ever turned out the way he wanted. If he hadn’t brought me to Asgard, I wouldn’t have Eisa. If I hadn’t found out when I did, I wouldn’t have stayed on Earth. All that mess with Thanos might not have happened, but I wouldn’t have you. And if I had to go through it all five hundred times just to have you and Eisa, I would. In a heartbeat.” Head still resting against Edward, Loki closed his eyes. “But I can’t shake the horrible things he’s done and said. This is making worse.” When his husband talked about what their child could feel about them, he stayed quiet. If there was resentment present, they would be able to feel it. Loki had. A beat passed, and Loki was about to say something when he heard the door creak open. His instinct to viciously snap at yet another palace attendant melted away when a little blonde, curly head peeked around the corner instead. Loki’s expression softened instantly. “Hi, sweetheart.” Eisa very visibly relaxed when she saw him, darting across the room to the bed. Loki moved and let go of Edward so he could scoop her up and into his lap. He winced slightly at the dizziness the action caused, but hid it behind a smile. “I’m okay, princess. I promise.” He gently brushed her curls away from her face and kissed the top of her head. “Daddy just caught a little bug. That’s all." As Eisa snuggled into him, Loki wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. After a quiet moment, he said, to Edward, “I’ll talk to my mother.” He didn’t want to, but he had to. “And the coven that raised her. I’ll find out what the risks are. The logistics." Loki looked up from their daughter and sighed, "I'll make my decision then."
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Edward opened his mouth, about to say something in response to his husband's words about Eisa but he was quicker to shut him up. "You just can't do that, mi amor. You can't beat yourself up for being who you are, you can't let him win. He can't die knowing you still hate yourself so much," he let out a breath, squeezing Loki's hand. He bit down on his bottom lip when his husband kept talking about what he possibly wanted to do. And Loki wasn't necessarily wrong about Edward's wishes - with some exceptions. "I want our family to grow but not at your expense, Loki. You say you'd be no better than Odin or Laufey if we didn't have it but what if we brought this child into this world and had any doubts? And those doubts would grow into resentment? That child would immediately feel it and then neither you nor me would be any better than those men," he spoke softly. Edward nuzzled his nose into Loki's curls and pulled him closer when he rested against him. "That's why I want you to really think if that's what you want. It's you going through this process, I'm just here to support you," he said as he moved slightly to look at his husband. "We won't tell anyone you don't want to tell, my love. I promise you that."
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cosmiclvex · 11 days
"Oh, is that what that is?" Loki smirked at his best friend, before rolling his eyes, fondly. "She really does have a type." But the smirk fell from his face a few moments later. "No, I don't want to listen to him. But he's been telling me the same thing for centuries, darling. It's hard to erase that out of my head. I have my moments where I can. Moments where I can't," he added with a sigh. Loki looked up at her and nodded, leaning forward to kiss the side of her head. "I did," he said, staying close. "But I have you partially to thank for that."
Weirdly enough, he'd started feeling a little better and had been able to, for the most part, block his father's words from his mind. Until he started feeling sick and Edward began worrying so much that Loki finally called upon the palace doctors. He couldn't wrap his head around what they told him. It wasn't possible—until enough research told him it apparently was. After he disappeared long enough to somewhat comprehend what was going on, Loki went to find her, book under his arm. He made sure the doors were shut behind him, casting a spell to silence their voices for good measure. "You know I haven't been feeling well. Edward was worried, and....." He trailed off with a sigh. Unsure of how to continue, and if he even could he opened the book on jötunns and turned to the page that would tell her everything he couldn't.
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"He was just looking for his girlfriend. It's quite endearing, don't you think? A big bad former assassin looking around for his girl like a lost puppy," Klara chuckled but a smile fell from her face and she rolled her eyes instead. "You will do no such thing - I'm not dealing with you two fighting for another three hundred years," she poked him in between his ribs. When Loki brought up his father again, Klara just shook her head. She's spent too many nights reassuring her best friend that despite what his father had told him, he was worthy - worthy of love, power, family - for him to start doubting himself again. "Loki, do you really want to listen to a half-dead senile old man who is shitting his diaper as we speak?" Klara shook her head. "You're going to be an amazing, fair and compassionate king because that's the kind of person you are. You've been through shit and you came out of it even stronger, haven't you?"
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cosmiclvex · 11 days
“I know. He’s not really a problem anymore—except for whatever the hell that was at the wedding,” Johnny muttered, gently tickling Lovisa’s stomach after Klara adjusted her bow. The little girl giggled, and Johnny smirked, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. He glanced at Klara, noticing how she was acting like she wasn’t avoiding something, but he knew her too well. “Yeah,” he said quietly after a moment. “I know.” He paused, studying her. “I mean, I’ve been there before with my mom. I just didn’t know…” Johnny’s voice trailed off as he continued to look at Klara. “You saw me leave with him, didn’t you? " He eventually questioned, letting out a breath. "I’ve met him before. After the breakup, when I flew out to LA this summer to stay with my mom. I met him. And he helped…distract me—and before you say anything, no, I didn’t know who he was. He didn’t know who I was either. I didn’t think I’d see him again.”
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"You know I can permanently take care of him if you want me to. Just say one word. He wouldn't be the first ex I'd unleash my anger on, " Klara hummed before leaning down to fix the bow on Lovisa's head and she pressed a few kisses to her cheeks. "Mhhm," she only nodded in response to Johnny's suspiciously quick question but she chose to ignore it for the moment, not wanting him to know she saw them together. "Yeah, they're close but you know how it is with him living in LA. Not that many occasions to catch up," Klara added and she took a sip of her coffee. "You should visit his restaurant while you're back there. Dude's like a Latino Gordon Ramsay from what Raf told me."
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cosmiclvex · 11 days
“I meant you helped keep my mind off my ex when I was in LA,” Johnny teased, flashing a grin. “But yeah, thanks for today, too.” He met the other man’s gaze, unsurprised to find him already looking back. “I guess you figured it out? That was one of my clinically insane dads,” Johnny added, nodding to where Tony had escorted his ex. “The other is probably somewhere trying not to Hulk out.” A faint flush crept up Johnny’s cheeks at Mateo’s next words, and he rolled his eyes playfully, shaking his head. “Maybe the fact that your brother is my boss?” He wrinkled his nose and stepped closer. “Though, to be fair, you couldn’t have known that.”
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"Well, it was either my help or the Asgardian guards' help," Mateo hummed. He got the feeling that the other didn't want to speak about the ex and what happened anymore and frankly, neither did he. "Yeah but don't tell them that or they will become even bigger assholes," Mateo smirked as he kept his gaze on Johnny. "You're right though, we didn't really have much time to talk," he hummed with a smirk tugging at his lips. "What did you want to talk about?"
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cosmiclvex · 11 days
"Alright, alright." May raised a hand in defense, smirking as she looked down at her son. "Listen to your tío. That's enough." She rolled her eyes playfully and took the syrup from him. She sat it on the counter, smiling as she took her coffee and own plate from him. "Thank you," May said, leaning into his kiss. "And I did, yes." She sat down at the island, a little ways from her son as she added. "Did you? Because you got in late." May raised her mug to her lips, smiling against it. "Or early."
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"Careful with the syrup, buddy," Mateo hummed as he watched his godson nearly drown his pancakes with the syrup but he knew the little boy was going to eat no more than half of the sugary bomb in front of him. "Hey, the syrup is strawberry - that's some fruit. And I told him no to whipped cream," he smirked when May walked into the kitchen. "Slept well, darling?" he asked as he handed her a cup of coffee along with a plate with her own pancakes - the slightly healthier version, at least. "What do we want to do today, hmm?"
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cosmiclvex · 12 days
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cosmiclvex · 12 days
Loki shrugged in response to Edward's question. He wasn't sure what he expected. He just kept looking ahead, gaze still distant and unfocused, until his husband brought up their daughter. "No. She's not. Because she's half her mother and her mother was an angel," he finally remarked, eyes coming up to meet Edward's. Before his husband could comment on that, Loki shook his head, "I know, darling. I know what you mean." Because she was still half of him. Half the person–half the thing–he hated. After Thanos, his brother, mother, Sif, and Klara had all tried so hard to bring him out of that darkness he felt himself slipping into, but their daughter was the only one who succeeded and brought him out without even trying. There was no way in hell he could ever look at her like his father looked at him. Loki let Edward tilt his chin, allowing himself to look at him. He didn't automatically reply, because he knew what he was about to say was true. "You want it," Loki said, voice quiet, as he locked eyes with his husband. "You do. And if I say I don't want it, I'm no better than Odin and how he treated me. Or Laufey for abandoning me." He held his gaze for a moment, before sighing and leaning forward to put his head on Edward. "If I go through with it....if we do keep it, I still don't want anyone to know but the people I want to know."
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Edward wasn't surprised with how his husband reacted to his touch - not at all. that whole situation was just so bizarre and out of the realm of anything he'd ever known, it was just a lot. But he knew that whatever he felt paled in comparison with what Loki was feeling at that moment. "I wasn't going to say anything," he mumbled and looked at his husband when he rolled over. "What did you expect? That I'd be yelling and kicking up a storm? Is that what you wanted?" he shook his head. Hearing all the words Loki was using to describe himself, all the words that his father had put into his mouth broke his heart piece by piece. Because Edward knew that as much as he reassured him that none of that was true, there was always a part of Loki that wasn't going to believe that. "So, is Eisa a monster too?" he asked eventually. "She's half of you, after all," Edward shrugged and sat down, taking his husband's hands in his. "Loki, listen, I'm not going to sit here and claim that I understand what the fuck is happening or why is it happening or how it happened. Because I don't. But we're going to get through this together," he said and moved his hand to grab Loki's chin so he'd look at him. "You don't have to go through with it. We won't tell anyone, we'll deal with it, and we'll be more careful the next time. Just say the word, mi rey and we'll do whatever it is you need."
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cosmiclvex · 12 days
“Mhm, I’m that terrible of a son, I left her by herself on the front steps.” Johnny said with mock seriousness, taking a sip of his drink after the bartender brought them over. He met the older man’s gaze, smile back on his face. "She’s freshening up now and then I’m taking her home.” He paused, letting the glass linger at his lips, his eyes flicking briefly past Mateo toward the restrooms, just in case Mary returned. Then, he leaned back. “So,” Johnny began, knowing he was probably pushing whatever this undefined thing was between them—but he didn’t really care. He hadn’t come all this way for nothing. “If I accidentally left my wallet here…” Johnny’s eyes met Mateo’s again. “…and had to come back to get it, would you still be here?”
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He thought he was imagining things when he saw Johnny at his restaurant but he could have spotted that smile and those blue eyes staring at his soul from a mile away. But he didn't approach him, instead, he continued the conversation with his regular guests before retreating back to the kitchen. As the dinner service ended and the restaurant was closing soon, he sat by the bar for a few drinks. He was about to leave when someone sat nearby and he just raised his brow. "Well of course, it's your mum's favourite, it's everyone's favourite," he rolled his eyes in response and motioned to the bartender to get them drinks. "So you just abandoned her to come stalk me, or what?" Mateo asked with a teasing note in his voice.
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cosmiclvex · 12 days
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen you quite this relaxed before," she commented as she walked out to the balcony of their cabin. She smiled and slid her arms around him. "It's a good look for you, Captain Rogers." // @bunchofjackassesx
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cosmiclvex · 12 days
“Your godfather is spoiling you again,” May remarked as she walked into the kitchen of her ex-husband-turned-best friend’s kitchen. She shook her head fondly when she spotted her son perched at the bar with a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of him. She brushed a few curls away from Mattie's face and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “And filling you with sugar." Turning her full attention to Mateo, she added, “Just like your mother did at the wedding.” // @hcvrtbrcvk
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cosmiclvex · 14 days
It was purely by chance that Mateo’s restaurant turned out to be his mom’s favorite restaurant, the place they went to every time he visited—at least when she was having good days. He’d also promised her he’d stop by again soon. What wasn’t a coincidence, though, was the timing of said visit, just days after the older man’s sudden departure following the wedding. Johnny wasn’t entirely sure if he’d see him there that night, but the question was answered when, later that evening, he looked up and spotted him. He smiled when he caught his gaze, though he made no move to approach right away. It wasn’t until later, when he found him at the bar, that he finally made his way over. “Don’t look at me like that,” Johnny said in a low voice. “Not everything’s about you. This just happens to be my mom’s favorite.” // @hcvrtbrcvk
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cosmiclvex · 14 days
Loki heard Edward walk to the bed, but he didn’t move. The cold air around them made his breath visible, a reminder of his current mental state. He squeezed his eyes shut, tensing as the bed dipped behind him. Despite that, Loki allowed his husband to pull him back, though he almost immediately moved Edward's arm up and away from where it ended up around his abdomen. He felt his mind slipping back to where it had been that day on the Bifrost. He'd promised Klara and his mother he'd never let himself go back there. He couldn't do it to Eisa...He forced himself to take a breath—grateful this time that it didn’t hang visible in the air. “If you say this is a blessing, I will cut off the appendage responsible for this.” he muttered. The words were sharp, but lacked his usual venom. With a small sigh, Loki pushed the books off the bed and rolled over to face his husband. “Why are you okay with this?” he asked, quietly. “I know why I’m not. I spent my entire life being compared to Thor's brawn image of masculine strength. I never cared much for fitting into labels, but I can hear the comments already. This isn’t normal. And it only proves what my father said is true—what I’ve known this whole time. That I’m a monster. I never should have survived that fall from the bridge.” Loki moved out of Edward’s embrace, eyes distant and unfocused as he sat up. “Don’t tell me I’m wrong. What I wanted to happen to me that day should have happened to me."
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Loki agreeing to see a doctor had brought some peace of mind to Edward but unfortunately not for long. While he was happy to hear nobody was poisoning his husband, the real reason for his ailment was... something else. And Edward had no idea how he managed to keep a straight face throughout the whole ordeal, only keeping his hand either on top of Loki's thigh or hand or shoulder - anywhere that would help him ground himself a bit more. Once they finally left the medic wing, he knew that his husband needed time alone to gather his thoughts, and frankly, so did Edward. He wandered around the castle for a bit, trying to make it all make sense in his head. The fact that his husband wasn't human never really phased him but in their current situation, it hit him more than ever. He was still trying to figure out how he felt about that - on one hand, he was happy because he never expected this to happen to him. But seeing Loki's reaction to the news, it broke his heart. An hour or so later, he returned to their bedroom, hoping that Loki would be a bit calmer now. He wrinkled his nose when he lay down behind his husband and he shifted away from him. "Darling..." he sighed but let him have his space. He let out a breath at his words, which told him exactly where his headspace was at. And Edward wasn't all that surprised it went there. "I can't do what anymore, mi rey? Seeing you this upset? Yes, I can't do that," he said and waited a bit before shifting on the bed and wrapped his arm around him to bring him even closer. "We're married now and I'm taking these vows we exchanged pretty damn seriously, Loki," Edward spoke, pressing a kiss to the side of Loki's face. "Whatever ails you, ails me, too, and that's never going to change."
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cosmiclvex · 15 days
“It doesn’t matter if they aren’t lit—I can still smell them,” Loki mumbled under his breath, pouting until Edward returned. He closed his eyes as Edward kissed the top of his head, then immediately shifted to rest it on Edward’s lap when he sat on the edge of the tub. Loki nudged Edward’s hand, prompting him to move it to his hair, all the while noticing the way his husband was looking at him. He could tell whatever was on Edward’s mind, he was choosing not to voice it. With a sigh, Loki looked up at him. “Okay,” he finally said, reaching for Edward’s hand. Loki brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “If it’ll make you feel better, darling.”
Truthfully, he had wondered if someone was deliberately making him sick. This didn’t feel like a bug Eisa had picked up from some snotty kid at preschool. Whatever this was felt unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. So, he listened to his husband and called for the royal doctors, just to be sure. Now, hours later—after threatening said doctors to stay silent or be silenced permanently—he was back in their room, surrounded by every book he could find about Jotunns and Jotunnheim. Loki lay with his back to the door, but he knew it was his husband who had entered. He shifted away from him, creating more distance between the two of them. This was wrong. The doctors were wrong. Everything, all of this, was wrong. Except the part about his father telling him he was a monster. That part was right. "Is this the part when you say you can't do this anymore?"'
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"Babe, they're not even lit..." Edward started, furrowing his brows when he saw Loki was about to get sick again from the candles but he took them out of the bathroom anyway. When he came back, he sat on the edge of the tub, eyeing his husband as he tried to figure out what the hell was happening to him. It seemed more that just nerves - he'd been this stressed out before and he never felt like that. "You installed barriers on the fucking rainbow bridge, darling," he countered with an eye roll and leaned down to kiss the top of Loki's head. His gaze fell to his husband's body and while he noticed some changes, he stayed quiet so that he wouldn't end up on the receiving end of Loki's rage. Besides, the thing he was thinking about was definitely not possible, at all. "Darling, have you ever thought it's not just stress? Could be a bug or it could be someone deliberately making you so sick," he started, biting down on his bottom lip. "I think you should check it out, love. It's been going on for too long."
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