57 posts
Wait, this doesn't seem right... (Ask/RP Blog for octoling versions of squid characters!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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(uhhh sorry i haven’t been on here in... a while... sorry, guys!
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But i have good reasoning! ... well not solid but-
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there he is. the man that’s taken over my life)
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Symbols for Friendly Interactions
🙌- Give my muse a hi-five
😃- Strike up a friendly conversation
🐨- Nuzzle them
🐰- Pet them
🐼- Hug them
🌟- Comfort them
☀️- Compliment them on something
🍌- Crack a cheesy joke
🍽- Invite them to breakfast/lunch/dinner
🍦- Share some food/a treat
🥧- Do some cooking with them
🍻- Have drinks together
🍼- Invite them to visit, feed, or hold their baby
🥅- Play a friendly sport together
🥋- Give them a friendly training session
🎮- Play a video game together
🎲- Play a board game together
🏙- Go for a walk/jog together
📱- Text them some good news
📕- Tell some stories together
📝- Write a long letter to them
💝- Celebrate a birthday
💖- Celebrate a holiday
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Stealth is used to seeing his leader relax down here, so he’s not shocked when Rider strips the top two layers of his clothes and sits down next to him. He had a silly little smile on his face, and he leaned back against their little planning couch. “Various strategies.” His eyes relocate to the dark purple blemishes, and his smile falls slightly. 
He knows about injuries, he knows about fights, but the fact that it was on Rider... 
The goggles-wearing Octoling tried to cast that out of his mind, letting his smile return. “So, here’s what I suggest- I know we all love our weapons, but... all of our weapons-” except for his, “have variations that have Booyah Bomb. Let’s become the Booyah Bomb Reserve.”
Goggles and Contacts | corotako
The Yellow-Green “planning basement” had become a second, more comfortable home for Rider, so he had no qualms about shucking his heavy leather jacket onto the nearest chair. He rolls up the red sweater that he wears underneath and drapes it much more carefully, leaving nothing but a white t-shirt that was a little baggy. Cooler, he rolls his shoulders, and flops down beside Stealth.
“What are we thinking today?” he says with a grin, fingers drumming with anticipation. Across his arms are dark purple blemishes, patterned like tire tracks. They’re noticeable against his dark skin.
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Ask my muse questions about their past
Get specific! Ask about the home life, their experiences, incidents that have affected them, etc!
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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“I have the Switch version, and I have 10 for when I wanna torture people… Comes in handy for threatening my team sometimes, huhuhu.” Nobody on Cyan liked the version with the cars so Mask only waved it above their heads when they were being whiny about practicing on some big game release day or something. “We can play the good one this time…”
“Huhuhu, goooood.” Mask chuckled a bit to himself, the small tentacles in his ponytail actually bouncing a little bit. “I caaaall Bowser...” He laughed to himself again, wondering if this Mask also liked Bowser. The good one would be the one on the Good Old Fashioned N64, but the Switch was pretty good, as well.
He leaned back. “You have it with you? Switch, I mean...”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
✔ The Egg
“You can dodge roll using the Clash Blaster, or any weapon! just throw yourself on the ground and the pain will bring you into a rolling state!”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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“Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea. You should absolutely go and do it now!” 
“Absolutely, absolutely~” Bobble knew her way around a few weapons, of course, but the fusing was going to be hard! She needed to put her game face on! ... Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, her eyes were still closed and smile was still beaming. “I’ll go do it! Thank you, Phone!”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Kyu strikes a cool pose in front of Bobble,or one she thinks is cool. “Yo,yo! We should have a rematch.” What an airhead.
Bobble is on a similar wavelength to Goggles, at times, so obviously the octoling strikes a similar cool pose back, with her bucket balancing on her knee. “Of course~ I’ll still win, of course!” She might even use Bloblobber, just to get some of her repressed chaotic energy out.
“Just us, or all of us?”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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(for bobble being the face of this blog, i sure do write w/ eging and n-pacer a lot.)
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
[Orb Egg and Octo!N-Pacer] ♟
Eging Jr. squirmed at the pain that sparked from his back again, and N-Pacer snapped, “Stay still, squirmy egg! Do you want this patched?” N-Pacer sighed, shaking her head, rubbing in a bit more of the salve and listening to Eging Jr. hiss. She really cared about him, but for the love of Sun, he was a reckless fool.
“Urgh... sorry, Pacey.”
“You call me that again, I won’t wrap this up.” N-Pacer threatened, lifting her hands from his back. 
Eging Jr. froze in spot, and he turned around to face her, their goggles’ sights meeting each other. “Wait, that was just-” The pain sparked from him turning around, and he inhaled. “Aaaaagh...”
“Exactly. Stay still, please.” She picked up the gauze, and started to wrap the papery substance around the wounded area. Seeing the wound, while usual, just made her think of how Eging got it. He was being a little bit of a funny guy in their classes, as usual, and he poked their teacher on the nose...
“Hey, Pace.” N-Pacer paused briefly at Eging. Jr’s words, but then continued to wrap. Eging Jr. winced, then continued, “Do you think I should’ve...” He stopped talking, the orb on his head drooping slightly and landing on top of N-Pacer’s head. “...should’ve listened to the teacher?”
“Hm?” N-Pacer tore off the last of the gauze, and tied it into the other pieces. While it didn’t cover all of Eging’s wound, it would be enough to make sure it healed and they got more later. “Well, you usually have to-”
“No, listen.” Eging Jr’s intense voice made N-Pacer stop. “...Do you think I really should’ve tossed myself out there, do the world a favor and-”
The two of them paused, and Eging Jr. turned around to look at N-Pacer again. N-Pacer instantly forced her mouth into a scowl. She was... She was a soldier. Not someone who... associated with jokester soldiers who took after their father and made her laugh internally-
“You’re an asset.” N-Pacer decided to say, tilting her head. There was a slight quiver to Eging Jr’s lips. “Don’t go throwing yourself away. Understand?”
Eging Jr’s lips stopped quivering... and turned into a small smile. “Hah. I got it, I got it.” 
He went to stretch, and N-Pacer slammed her hands on his shoulders. “You’re wrapped in bandages that is covering a wound and is super tight. No. No stretching.”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
✔ octoglasses? or ikarus?
Octoglasses snapped her fingers, a smile on her face and tentacles waving... a bit too wildly. Somehow, she had gotten free of Omega. “Alright, time for a Top Battle Tip! The best way to approach someone is to just walk up to them and tell them that their hairdryer is still running! It’s worked on me!”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Send ✔ for my muse to give yours a terrible lifehack or life protip
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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The curious inkling girl attempted to peek over his shoulder to see what he was typing. “Hey,lemme see!” 
He clicks on the video he was pulling up, and he handed it over to Cleats. It’s... well, you know the video. “Its from this, watch this, it’s hilarious.”
N-Pacer pulled the phone from Cleat’s hands. “No, do not watch it here. Watch it in your own house.”
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
Eging Jr just continued to laugh, hiding his teeth as he did so. “I-It’s nothing you should know, j-just-” Eging Jr pulled out his phone and started to type something into it. Oh no.
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“Wh-What’s a beta cuck?” 
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
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Chuckling, Mask also starts slapping the villager, until the animal gets annoyed and yells at one of their characters. Clearly he and this other guy were destined to be friends. “We should play something else together… How ‘bout Mario Party? I’ll get my team to come over and we’ll demolish them.”
Mask chuckled as soon as the Other Mask started to slap that villager. What a fun pastime. He might’ve been the unlucky one to get yelled at, but that was part of the fun.
Ah, Mario Party. His team were off doing a multi-day speedrun for shits and giggles, so he might as well join the... other Mask team. “Heeeeh. How fuuun. Sure. Drop the durians, and caaalll them over.”
“Whiiich one? Beeetter not be 8...” If this was any Mask, of course it wouldn’t, but you had to be Sure with duplicates.
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corotako-blog · 6 years ago
“Hey, I have a tiny question.” Eging Jr. rose a finger into the air, one eye twitching slightly. “How in the WORLD is Goggles so strong? He tossed THREE PEOPLE into the air! Multiple times! And EMPEROR ALLOWED HIM TO?”
“Emperor loves to be thrown.” N-Pacer mumbled, sipping her tea.
“Stop! Don’t want to think about that!”
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