cornlikeswood · 9 months
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The party had been traveling together for months, united in their quest to find the legendary Sword of Light. But their journey came to an abrupt halt when one of their members, a half-elf rogue named Isadora, was arrested on false charges of theft.
The rest of the party knew that Isadora was innocent, but the corrupt officials of the city refused to listen to reason. They were determined to make an example of her and lock her away for good.
The party knew they had to act fast. They needed to break Isadora out of prison before it was too late.
They spent days devising a plan, studying the prison's layout and guard schedules, and practicing their magic and combat skills. Finally, they came up with a plan.
The party would pose as a group of traveling performers, hoping to entertain the prisoners and guards. They knew that Isadora was being held in the highest security ward, but they hoped that their performance would give them the opportunity they needed to free her.
When they arrived at the prison, they were met by skeptical guards who were not easily swayed by their performance. But they persisted, using their charisma and wit to distract the guards while they searched for Isadora's cell.
Finally, they found her, locked away in a cell with no hope of escape. But they were not deterred. One of the party members, a powerful wizard named Alaric, used his magic to create a hole in the side of the prison wall.
The party fought their way through the guards and made their way to Isadora's cell. They unlocked the door and freed her, but they knew they still had to get out alive.
As they made their way back through the prison, they encountered more guards and even a few powerful wizards. But they were ready for them. They used their magic and combat skills to fight their way out, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake.
Finally, they emerged from the prison, battered and bruised but victorious. They knew that they had put themselves in danger by breaking Isadora out of prison, but they also knew that they couldn't leave one of their own to languish in a cell.
As they continued their quest for the Sword of Light, they knew that they had made powerful enemies in the city. But they also knew that they would stop at nothing to achieve their goal and protect each other at all costs.
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cornlikeswood · 1 year
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The party set off on their journey to visit the wizard living high in the northern mountains. As they traveled, they encountered a bandit camp that seemed to be terrorizing merchants traveling through the area. The bandits had built a rickety wooden structure in a clearing of trees and had set up camp around it.
The party decided to investigate and found an entrance guarded by two menacing men. They asked the guards why they were keeping people hostage and threatening them with slavery but the guards merely laughed and said they were just having some fun. Fearing what might happen if they let this go unchecked, Thorne stepped forward and demanded that they release any hostages they had taken. The bandits laughed again, unconcerned by the threats until Merrick stepped forward, conjuring a brilliant display of arcane magic that lit up the sky above them. In awe of his power, the bandits quickly surrendered and released all their hostages unharmed.
However, as soon as Thorne attempted to lead the freed captives away from the camp, one of the bandits pulled out a crossbow and fired an arrow at him! Quickly realizing that there was more going on here than met the eye, Selene used her acrobatic skills to leap between Thorne and the arrow while Anora used her holy powers to heal any wounds she may have sustained from being too close to such a dangerous projectile.
With their foe defeated, Merrick used his magical abilities to open a portal that allowed the captives to escape from this dangerous situation before it could get any worse. The group continued towards their destination where they hoped they could find answers as well as aid in their quest to bring peace back into King Eldarion's reign after his wife's untimely death.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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The kingdom of Arda was in turmoil, with rumors spreading of the mad king who punished his servants harshly for small mistakes. A group of young adventurers, Thorne the warrior, Selene the rogue, Merrick the wizard, and Anora the healer, set out to investigate the situation.
Upon arriving at the secluded mountain castle, they were greeted by a sight of despair. Servants scurried about fearfully, avoiding the wrath of the king at all costs. The heroes knew they had to find a way to help the king and restore peace to the kingdom.
As they searched the castle, they discovered a hidden lair beneath the foundations. There, they found an evil presence emanating from the darkness, corrupting the king and fueling his despair.
The heroes knew they had to destroy the darkness and free the king from its grasp. They fought bravely, defeating the minions of the evil presence and destroying its source.
Despite their efforts, the heroes were unable to fully purge the darkness from the king's mind. He was left weakened and vulnerable, still corrupted by the evil that had taken hold of him.
The heroes knew they could not leave the kingdom in such a state, and vowed to continue their quest to rid the king of the darkness that plagued him. Their journey was far from over, and they knew they would face many more challenges and dangers on the road ahead. But they were determined to save the kingdom and restore peace to the land, no matter the cost.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there ruled a just and wise king named Eldarion. He was beloved by his subjects for his kind heart and fair rule. By his side was his beautiful queen, Galadriel, whom he loved with all his heart.
But one day, a terrible illness struck Queen Galadriel and despite the best efforts of the healers, she passed away. King Eldarion was devastated by the loss of his beloved wife, and retreated to a mountain castle to grieve in private.
He ordered the castle sealed off from the outside world and refused to see anyone or attend to his duties as king. The people of the kingdom grew worried about their leader and begged him to return to his throne.
But King Eldarion was consumed by grief and could not bear to face the world without his beloved queen. The kingdom began to suffer under the king's absence, and the people knew they had to find a way to bring him back.
Eventually, with the help of his advisors and the love of his subjects, King Eldarion was able to heal and return to his duties as a just and fair ruler. But as time passed, it became clear that the king's grief had turned to something darker. He began to distance himself from his subjects and advisers, his mind consumed by a mysterious darkness.
Some whispered that the queen's spirit had not truly left the castle, and that she was manipulating the king from beyond the veil of death. Others believed that the king had been cursed by a vengeful wizard. Whatever the cause, it was clear that something evil was at work in the mountain castle.
As the darkness inside the castle grew, so too did the unrest in the kingdom. The people called for the king to banish the darkness and restore peace to the land. But the king was beyond reasoning, lost in his own private sorrow.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We were a ragtag group of adventurers, inexperienced and naive. But we had heard tales of the great rewards to be found in the jungle, so when we arrived at a small village wracked by an unknown plague, our cleric saw it as an opportunity for us to help those in need. We soon learned that rumors abounded about a temple deep within the jungle where supposedly there was an ancient remedy for the deadly sickness afflicting the villagers.
Our journey began with optimism and hope but as we ventured deeper into the unknown depths of this mysterious land, our sense of danger grew with each step. Soon enough, it became clear that this was no ordinary place - traps littered our path and hidden surprises lurked around every corner. Our party dwindled one by one until only three remained standing: me, my rogue companion who had been so eager to find treasure here before all else disappeared too soon; and finally my faithful cleric friend who still held out hope that something could be done to save these poor people from their suffering.
But then came what seemed like certain doom: As we reached what appeared to be some kind of entrance or gateway deep inside this cursed forest, I realized that it must have been built long ago as part of a temple dedicated to appeasing whatever dark god ruled these lands now – surely not meant for us mortals! Before I could say anything though darkness descended on us suddenly and without warning leaving me struggling against its powerful grasp until nothingness took over completely…
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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Not my usual, but I decided to give a Wild West theme a try and I'm very happy with how it turned out.
The sound of boots hitting the wooden floor echoed through the small tavern. It was only a matter of time before a fight would break out.
"I told you, I don't have your money!" one of the travelers said, holding his hand up to block the next punch.
"That doesn't matter," the local replied, "You still need to pay up."
The traveler knew there was no point in fighting any further. He had been beaten up enough on his way to this god-forsaken tavern. With a sigh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his last few coins. The local smirked and took them from him.
Just then, the door burst open and another traveler walked in. This one looked like he had seen better days. His clothes were torn and dirty and he was covered in bruises. The locals immediately started picking on him, but he didn't seem to notice or care. He just walked over to the bar and ordered a drink.
The first traveler watched him for a moment before shaking his head and walking outside. He leaned against the wall of the tavern and took a deep breath of fresh air. Maybe things would be different in the next town…
The locals were always itching for a brawl and the travelers were just tired and irritable from their long journey.
"I told you, I don't have your money!"
One of the travelers said, holding his hand up to block the next punch.
"That doesn't matter," the local replied, "You still need to pay up."
The traveler knew there was no point in fighting any further. He had been beaten up enough on his way to this god-forsaken tavern. With a sigh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his last few coins. The local smirked and took them from him.
Just then, the door burst open and another traveler walked in. This one looked like he had seen better days. His clothes were torn and dirty and he was covered in bruises. The locals immediately started picking on him, but he didn't seem to notice or care. He just walked over to the bar and ordered a drink.
The first traveler watched him for a moment before shaking his head and walking outside. He leaned against the wall of the tavern and took a deep breath of fresh air. Maybe things would be different in the next town…
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We hesitated for a moment, each of us looking to the others for some sign of what we should do. It was clear that going in any further would be suicide. But what choice did we have? There was no turning back now.
We stepped into the crypt, weapons drawn and ready for battle. We had expected to find the lich waiting for us, but instead the hall was empty. The bodies of our comrades lay strewn across the floor, drained of all life.
We searched through the crypt, but there was no sign of the lich. Finally, we came to its throne room.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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The jungle was alive with the sound of battle. I heard the clash of swords, the screams of the wounded, and the thunder of hooves long before I saw any sign of it. Through the dense undergrowth I could just make out a line of riders, locked in mortal combat with our enemies.
I spurred my horse forward, eager to join the fight. The enemy was outnumbered, but they were fierce warriors and we were taking heavy losses. As I fought my way through their ranks I could see our victory was slipping away.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We had been summoned by the lord of the land after saving the city from the rampaging war between the orcs and elves. Our party of heroes was eager to receive our reward and bask in the glory of our victory. We had no idea that getting to the lord's home would be such an adventure itself.
The journey to his isolated home was long and arduous. The forests were teeming with danger, and we were constantly beset by beasts and monsters. But we pressed on, driven by our desire for glory.
Finally, we arrived at the lord's grand estate. We were greeted with pomp and ceremony and escorted into his great hall. There, we were met with a sight that none of us could have expected...
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We had been walking for hours, the sun beating down on us mercilessly. Our supplies were running low and Simon was growing weaker by the minute. We knew we had to find shelter soon, or we would all perish.
Suddenly, we saw a break in the trees ahead of us. A small valley stretched out before us, flanked by two imposing mountains. We knew that those mountains would save our lives.
We made our way down into the valley and found a small stream to drink from. Then we set up camp and tended to Simon's wounds. He would recover here in this safe place; we were certain of it.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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It was a long and arduous journey, but we finally made it to the ancient temple. His body was so heavy and our feet were sore, but we carried him on as best we could. We placed him before the altar and I sobbed as I watched the woodland priests begin their ceremony. They chanted and prayed over his body for what felt like hours. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, Simon's eyes flickered open. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes before sitting up abruptly. The crowd of priests cheered as Simon took in a deep breath of mountain air. He was alive!
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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Lake Ana was always so serene this time of year. Frogs, rabbits, and other small woodland creatures were drawn to the clear water in the clearing as were the local townsfolk. It was a peaceful ritual that had been taking place for years.
But this year was different.
A strange fog rolled in from the woods, blanketing the lake and its inhabitants in an eerie silence. The townspeople could feel something wrong in the air, but they couldn't put their finger on it.
Suddenly, there was a loud splash! Something had jumped into the lake from out of nowhere! The townsfolk gasped as they saw a giant alligator emerge from the water and begin to wade towards them…
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We had all heard the rumors of course. The outpost was a secret place, a haven for those who had lost their way in the world. It was said that the guildmasters would take anyone in, no matter what their past may have been. And so we made our way there, each of us desperate for some respite from the darkness that seemed to be closing in around us.
Kalli led the way, his great lizard form bounding ahead with joy. We could all feel the excitement in the air, and it lent us strength as we continued on our journey. Finally, we reached the gates of the outpost, and they opened wide to welcome us in.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We all heard it at the same time. That deep, guttural growl that seems to shake the ground. Bub's eyes widened and he started to tremble uncontrollably. I tried to take a step forward, but my foot was stuck in the muck. Suddenly, something jumped out from behind the trees and we all screamed. It was just a big ol' monkey, but it was enough to send Bub running in the other direction.
I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him run away like a scared little girl. The rest of us continued on our way, making sure to keep an eye out for any more creatures that might be lurking in the shadows. We didn't have much further to go.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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We had been sailing for weeks, passing island after island. Each one was eerily deserted, with food still on the table and not a single thing overturned. It wasn't until we got to the island tavern that we had spoken to another person.
The tavern was a little floating oasis, and it was there that we met the old sailor. He told us the story of what happened on these islands.
It seemed that one day, everyone in each village just got up and walked away in unison. No one could explain what happened. The old sailor told us that he thought it might have something to do with the sea goddess, but he couldn't be sure.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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The temple was right across the lake. You could see the top of the broken roof poking out through the trees if you squinted hard enough. I asked my dad why no one worshiped there anymore and he just shook his head and said it wasn't something to talk about and sent me on my way.
I never found out what happened at the temple, but I always imagined it was something dark and sinister. Maybe a group of priests went mad and killed everyone inside. Or maybe a demon had taken up residence there and was tormenting the locals.
Whatever the case may be, I always felt drawn to it. Like there was some dark secret waiting for me just beyond those doors.
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cornlikeswood · 2 years
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In honor of it being Pride month, I decided to create something different than my usual. Welcome to the Fey Rainbow Glade.
The Rainbow Glade was a much-needed respite for weary travelers. A spot in the middle of all the chaos of the realm to sit, relax, and be happy for a while. A safe place to be with friends and the family we wanted in our lives. A place to heal after a long trip on the road and a place to be ourselves after putting on a brave face for so long.
The glade was always busy with people coming and going, but it was never too crowded. Everyone there respected each other's space and took the time to enjoy the beauty around them. There was something special about the Rainbow Glade that made people feel at peace.
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