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yeah having rsd sucks and people say shit that shouldnt hurt my feelings but does anyway all the dang time but an important thing that i had to learn was that just because someone hurt my feelings doesn't mean they meant to or even know that they had the ability to hurt my feelings, and i really need to evaluate a situation before my rsd causes me to hold an unnecessary grudge. yes its not unreasonable to ask the people i spend time with to be considerate of my adhd + rsd but i shouldn't be making others feel bad just because my brain always wants to interpret everything as negative, and a certain degree of self awareness is a great thing for both parties.
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Yet another reminder that faking is a conscious choice that you make.
It is not something you can do accidentally, regards of what you're talking about.
You can't accidentally fake depression, or anxiety, or bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, or any other mental illness.
You can't accidentally fake Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, personality disorders.
You can't accidentally fake ADHD, autism, Tourette's Syndrome, auditory processing disorder, aphasia or any other neurodivergence
You can't accidentally fake being trans or ace-spec or aro-spec or any other LGBTQIA+ identity.
You can't accidentally fake chronic illnesses like CFS, fibromyalgia or any chronic illness.
You also can't accidentally fake being good/intelligent at something. You didn't fool your peers into reaching your position.
You can't accidentally fake trauma, PTSD/cPTSD, DID/OSDD/DDNOS or any other trauma-based disorder.
Faking is a conscious choice.
You cannot do it by accident.
If you are worried that you are faking, that in itself is proof that you are not.
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“And that quote, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude,” the reason that that’s bullshit is because it’s just not true.” - Stella Young
[IDs: Screenshots from the late, great, Stella Young’s TED Talk: I’m Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much. Stella is a wheelchair-user sitting up on the stage in front of a massive crowd. In these screenshots, she’s saying, “No amount of smiling at a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into a ramp. Never. (Laughter. Applause.) Smiling at a television screen isn’t going to make closed captions appear for people. No amount of standing in the middle of a bookshop and radiating a positive attitude is going to turn all those books into braille.]
I use this speech and the underlying theories a lot in my PhD, but Stella Young honestly had one of those voices that needs to be heard by everyone, so I figured I’d post my favorite part of the speech here. If anyone remembers that time I threw myself onto the floor For The Vine, you’ll know that I also hate the quote: “The only disability in life is a bad attitude”. Stella just conveyed the message with less pain.
Link to Stella Young’s TED Talk | Link to the transcript
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does anyone else w/ adhd think about time passing as like, losing time until the next event like “oh i only have 30 minutes until i need to leave for work” vs “i have 30 minutes to do what i need to do before i leave for work”? like i constantly feel like i’m fighting time passing and getting closer to when i’m ‘out of time’ is really stressful
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My face is having uncontrollable spasms. Great. It hurts really, really, really bad.
I think part of why I have trouble explaining pain to the doctor is when they ask about the pain scale I always think “Well, if someone threw me down a flight of stairs right now or punched me a few times, it would definitely hurt a lot more” so I end up saying a low number. I was reading an article that said that “10” is the most commonly reported number and that is baffling to me. When I woke up from surgery with an 8" incision in my body and I could hardly even speak, I was in the most horrific pain of my life but I said “6” because I thought “Well, if you hit me in the stomach, it would be worse.”
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is it true that people with adhd almost always have a sweet tooth?
Yes! Sugary things provide the body with dopamine, and since we don’t get enough dopamine naturally, we tend to be drawn to sweet things to make up for it.
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Interview Carri Ann a disabled travel blogger about her favorite city for accessibility, is there anywhere she won’t travel to, tips on traveling with a wheelchair, how she is pivoting as a travel blogger during Covid, safe travel tips, and how a listed building can become accessible. by Invisible Not Broken Podcast Network
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[ID: Photo is a tweet from Wonder Cripple (twitter handle:@wonder_cripple). The tweet reads:
“Please remember that accessibility means different things to different people.
I might need a ramp.
My blind/VI friend might need a transcription in Braille.
My deaf/HoH friend might need to lip read or use ASL.
Our needs are diverse. Respect them.” END OF ID]
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Fun fact: using the word disabled for myself does not mean that I gave up or something like that. It means that I’m accepting my body for the way it is. Believe it or not? I became happier with myself after accepting that I’m disabled.
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i made this for instagram but i figures i might as well post here too!
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July is disability pride month...
Black disabled people are left to die by our medical community in this country.
Racism has no place in medicine. Black disabled people are treated worse then disabled people of any other race. This needs to end now.
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Yesterday my boyfriend told me "you're not any less of a person just because you can do less things" and I wanted to pass that reminder on to other physically and mentally ill/disabled people who might need to hear it.
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