The Walk of Penance
To be honest, it wasn't something unexpected. Actually, now that I think about it...I should have seen it coming. Instead, I blinded myself with wishful thinking. It has become quite a bad habit of mine.
The monsters are right outside the castle. I know why they are here. They want to cast me down, to obtain the justice I robbed them off. I would be lying if I said they are wrong. They lost so much because of me, and I refused to even try to compensate for it. Yes, I deserve all that's coming my way.
And yet, I don't believe I am wrong, either. I know a sane person would find my beliefs stupid and childish. But, is it so bad to prefer mercy? Am I at fault for believing in good endings? I understand that this isn't a fairy tale. This is real life. But I still choose to hope. Hope in a world where humans and monsters live in peace. Hope in a world based on love, not hatred.
I look at the rebels from the window. ''Rebels'', huh? I never expected to call a fellow monster a ''rebel''. Looks like I'm becoming a little selfish. No, Toriel. If you want to make this world a utopia, you can't be so egotistic. You wronged them and you're paying the price, as you should.
Undyne is entering the castle. I ordered the guards to let her in. After all, they used to work together. It would be cruel to force a fight between two old allies. But what about me? What should I do? Should I fight her, fight for the world I dream of? Or, is it that this utopia I hope to create can only be achieved by giving up on it and letting people decide for themselves?
She's already at the throne room. I only see darkness in her eyes. She is infuriated. I have to admit, this is the first time in my life that I see someone who hates me so much. I can sense her disgust towards me and, even though I expected it, I still am shocked. I'm not used to being hated. And it scares me.
Undyne gives me no time to think of how to react. She grabs me by the neck and throws me down. For a moment there, I thought she was going to strangle me. Heck, I believe she wanted to, but changed her mind on the last second. Is it that she wants to torture me before killing me? In that case, maybe I should end it myself.
Before I'm able to use my fire magic, Undyne grabs both my hands. She holds them so tightly they hurt. She then proceeds to drag me down, all the way to the castle's entrance. In a demonstration of strength, she throws me out of the caste, a few steps away from the crowds who shout slogans against me. Is it them who will finish me off? The people who I tried to save, and yet wronged so much in the process. It hurts. It hurts a lot.
Somehow, no one is attacking me. Undyne walks out of the castle, next to me.
''Stand up.'', she orders me. I quietly obey.
''Toriel Dreemurr,'', she exclaims, ''you are here today to answer for your crimes against monsterkind.''
''I never committed any crime.'', I respond firmly, trying to keep my cool.
''You let the human escape instead of killing him. That, alone, is treason against the laws of our deceased King, Asgore. But helping the human didn't just cost us one soul. It cost us the lives of dozens of monsters. It cost us the human souls we had already collected, setting us back to zero. And, most importantly, it cost us the life of our beloved King, Asgore, whose position you were quick to assume. Not only that but, while ruling as queen, you passed laws that assist humanity, betraying all our hopes and dreams!''
I try to reply, but my voice is getting covered by the shouts of the crowd. ''Traitor! Traitor!'', they all shout. Undyne silences them to let me speak. I'm still trying to stay calm, but I'm ready to break down.
''My friends...'', I begin, with my voice shaking, ''I did not betray you! I never expected that a child would do such horrible things to us...'
''It was a human child, of course it would!'', Undyne angrily interrupts me.
''No! Not all humans are evil! We all have to be compassionate! If we build a society around suspicion and anger, how are we ever going to find happiness? We will only start an endless cycle of revenge and fear! This isn't what we want, right?''
''And where did your actions take us? You destroyed years of efforts with your peaceful decisions! You destroyed our lives! Our future! You may have not created a 'society of fear', but you built a society of despair!''
''I tried for our best!''
My voice is beginning to break.
''And you failed!'', she yells at me. ''And because of you, families lost their loved ones! Mettaton, an idol for children and adults alike, a beam of hope for our salvation is dead! Alphys, our Royal scientist, is missing! Our King is dead! All because you couldn't kill a single child! And you want to be queen and rule our future after all these stupid decisions?''
I stay silent. I can't do this anymore. Because, deep down, I know...she's right. I only caused them pain.
''Do you have anything else to say in your defense?''
I look at the crowd. They loathe me. They despise me. I'm sure some of them want to see me dead. I'm not used to this. I don't know how to handle it.
''I'm sorry... For everyone's losses, for all the despair I brought upon you... I'm so, so sorry!''
I can barely hold my tears. In fact, I feel some of them have already escaped my eyes.
''In that case, it's time for your sentence. You will be dethroned, with no rights to the crown anymore. And, as the leader of this rebellion, it has been decided that I shall be crowned as empress, to lead the monsters out of the misery you put them in. As for you... I would be glad to kill you. It's what you deserve after all the things you've done. But, you are a monster. And I have taken an oath to never harm a monster. So, you should suffer a different punishment. From now on, you are exiled to the Ruins. You have one day to leave and never come back!''
The crowds cheer. I can hear a few monsters trying to push Undyne to kill me. I can't believe they would be so angry at me. To suddenly feel so hated, so detested... I wasn't ready for this.
Undyne takes the crown off my head and looks at me with those same, hateful eyes.
''Leave. Now.''
She doesn't need to speak twice. I quietly step aside and withdraw. As I walk away, I can hear her speech.
''Today is a special day in our history. This day will mark the end of our despair! For we, after all the losses we have endured, will rise again! I am your leader, but I don't want power over you. I am here to share my power WITH you! I am here to give you back your hopes and dreams! To punish humanity for all the pain they have caused us. Trust in me, and I promise you...I'll bring our future back!''
Everyone cheers. Her speech is captivating. She sounds so sure of herself, and so eager to help everyone stand on their feet again. I don't doubt her. She will become a great leader. They deserve her. But, where will she lead them to? That, I fear.
I look back for one last time before I leave New Home forever.
I'm walking through Hotland now, and it literally feels like hell. There is lava everywhere and the heat is unbearable. However, the place where true hell lies, is nowhere else but my soul. I feel HORRIBLE. Everyone hates me, and with a very good reason to. I feel guilty for letting Frisk live. But, worse thing is, I still don't regret it. I still believe it, within my heart, that everyone deserves mercy. Even Frisk.
I suddenly notice Vulkin sitting on the ground. He looks pretty upset, crying lava tears. I contemplate on it a little, but I decide to approach him.
''Hello, young child! Are you alright? What can I do for you?''
''You can't do anything for me...'', he sobs.
''Don't say that! Are you lost? I can help you find your mother if you-''
''My mother and my sister were killed by the human!''
I look down. It feels like the world really wants to punch my soul today.
''I miss them, I miss them so much... I'm alone with daddy now... What are we gonna do without them?''
''They are in a better place now...'', I try to comfort him.
''No, they are just dead! Dust, spread on the ground as if they were nothing! As if they didn't matter at all!'', he cries again.
I wish I could offer a solution. Sadly, there's nothing I can do to correct this. There is no cure for death.
''I was right next to her when she died...'', he continues, twisting the knife in my heart even more. ''My mother told me to run, but I didn't. And, then, she was suddenly killed! One moment she was alive, and the next one she was dust!''
I try to hug Vulkin, but he pulls back.
''I'm sorry, I'll burn you if you get close to me!''
''Don't worry... I'm a fire monster too.''
I hug him and let him cry in my arms for a moment. I, too, want to cry. But no, not yet. I have to be strong for this little guy... This little guy who's suffering because of me.
''GET AWAY FROM MY SON!'', a loud voice calls out.
Vulkin's father runs towards us and grabs him away from me.
''Do you know who this is, son?'', he asks angrily. ''SHE'S THE FORMER QUEEN! The one who let the human through!''
Vulkin looks at me. His eyes are filled with disappointment.
''You tricked me...!''
''I'm sorry! But think about it... Frisk was a kid, like you! I couldn't just kill him...'', I try to explain myself.
''Frisk was no ordinary kid!!'', his father interrupts me. ''He killed a mother in front of her child and then let the child live to remember it! To be forever scarred!''
''So you would prefer it if Frisk had killed your son too?'', I ask, infuriated.
''I would prefer it if you hadn't protected Frisk in order to fill the gap your dead children left!''
I freeze in shock. Flashbacks of Asriel and Chara come to my mind, excruciating me.
''But no, because your children died, we have to lose people important to us too!'', he continues. ''Just so that ''queen'' Toriel has a child to play house with!''
I run away. I can't take this anymore.
''Yes, run back to the Ruins! It was best when you were there anyway!''
I run. I run, run and keep running. I'm at the Waterfall and I continue running, as far away as I can. My children...my poor children. Why do I have to get reminded of them in such a cruel way? And, why today, of all days?
I've reached a very special place at Waterfall. It's where Asriel's statue is. A reminder of the King's son, who was killed by the humans. Seeing his statue was the final straw. I fall on my knees and break into tears. My son, my Asriel... I miss him, I miss him so much! My poor child... All he wanted was to grant his sister's last wish... Why did he have to die like that? Why is the world such a cruel place?
And Chara... Chara wasn't my own, but it never mattered to me. Chara was, too, my child. My daughter, who just died because of my own carelessness... If only I had prevented her from consuming these buttercups! If only I had been more careful... I'm sorry, Chara... I'm so, so sorry!
Vulkin's dad said I wanted to adopt Frisk to fill the void you two left in my heart... He was wrong. Frisk could never replace you. No one could ever replace you! No one!
''NO ONE!!'' I yell, looking at the statue. My face is covered in tears.
I keep crying. I wish I could hug my children right now. It wouldn't matter if the whole world hated me, as long as my children were alive. I'd give up everything just to see them again, even for a split second.
''Look at her, crying over her dead child! Isn't it cute?''
I turn around, and see Woshua and Aaron looking at me.
''Yes, so cute! I bet she doesn't care that much about OUR children that were murdered because of her!''
''But our children didn't get a statue, did they?''
''No, they didn't.''
''Why should hers have one then?''
''Want me to destroy it?''
''Go ahead!''
Aaron comes close. No way. No way am I letting them do this.
''I'm the one you hate! Leave Asriel out of this!'', I yell at him.
''So what? Your child gets to be remembered, while ours have turned into dust and spread through the whole Underground?'', Woshua replies.
Aaron is getting closer.
''He was King Asgore's son too! You loved him, didn't you?'', I try to persuade them.
''Asgore was just sitting there, waiting for humans to fall into the Underground for him, while he could use the first human's soul to cross the barrier himself and gather the rest of the souls we needed. He was a coward.'', Aaron coldly replies.
''I had suggested that... But, even if he was scared, he was still a great King!''
I never expected I would be defending Asgore for the exact same reasons that I left him.
''Yeah, right!'', Woshua laughs at me. ''You, with all your love and mercy talk, suggested something like that? You have got to be kidding us!''
''Step aside!'', Aaron commands me.
''No. I won't let you destroy my son's statue.''
''Say, do you still believe everyone deserves mercy?'', Aaron asks.
''Yes. With all my heart.'', I reply, weirded out by the sudden question.
''Then you will forgive me for this.''
He pushes me away with all his strength. I fall a few steps away and look at him as he begins to punch the statue. He is one of the strongest monsters when it comes to physical strength. He will break it!
''No, stop!!!'', I scream.
''You won't attack me anyway, so who cares?''
I get up and try to stop him, to pull him away. He punches me down again, harder this time.
''You can't get the hint, can you?'', Woshua tells me. ''You and your pathetic family are not wanted here anymore!''
The statue's head is already broken. Aaron continues.
''Please, I beg of you! Stop, please, please!!! Just stop!!'', I keep screaming. I haven't stopped crying.
''You're not our queen anymore! You don't get to order us around!'', Woshua angrily shouts at me and slaps me.
I think I finally understand how the monsters feel about the humans. I really, really want to kill these two. With my fire magic, it's more than easy. I can stop them and save Asriel's legacy. Then again, if these two don't ruin the statue, someone else will after I leave. And, besides...I still don't believe in violence. Even if it hurts to see this, even if I could just end it right here, right now....this isn't the right way.
I walk away. I've seen enough. As I leave, I hear both of them cheering. ''Out with the Dreemurrs!'', ''It's time to end their reign forever!''. I sigh and wipe my tears, in a failed attempt to stop them.
I'm almost at the end of the Waterfall. I see an echo flower there. I remember, so many years before, when Asgore and I were still young. We had promised to be together forever. To save the Underground together. How naive we were... How innocent...
Maybe I was wrong about Asgore. Maybe he didn't deserve to be treated like this. After all, he was just too scared to go to the surface and face the humans. And really, who isn't? The humans are far stronger than us. It's normal to be scared.
I'm horrible. I left Asgore only a few weeks after both our kids died, when he needed me the most. He had been by my side through all that. And, if he was alive now, he would still defend me against everyone. Even though I treated him unfairly, even though I never forgave him... He would protect me. I know he would. He would never leave me behind, like I did to him. I'm sorry, Asgore. Only now do I realise how stupid and selfish I was. Only now I realise how much you mean to me. Now that I lost you, now that it's too late.
''Hey, you.'', someone shouts at me. I turn around and see a monster made of fire. It must be Grillby. I realise I've reached Snowdin.
''Look at this empty town. It used to be full of people. Full of joy. Now, no one goes out anymore. They are all in their homes, preparing for a war with the humans and mourning their dead. Do you know whose fault that is?''
''Mine...'' I sigh. I can't argue anymore. I'm tired and this is, indeed, my fault. No use denying it.
''Then you realise you should pay for it.''
''I'll go to the ruins forever. No one will have to see me again.''
''That's far from enough. So many people lost their lives. You should lose yours too.''
''Undyne, your new empress, doesn't agree with that. She won't allow the killing of monsters.''
''Undyne will never know.''
Grillby suddenly launches a fire attack at me. Being a fire monster myself, I don't lose too much HP, but it still hurts. I won't fight back. I didn't fight for Asriel back in the Waterfall, so I have no right to fight here. I start running away, with Grillby following me and launching fireballs at me.
I run towards Snowdin Forest. He may lose me there. And so he does, after a few minutes. I sit down for a bit, hidden behind a tree. I need to catch my breath. I'm not young enough to keep running around without getting tired.
This day has been hell. All the sad memories keep coming to my mind, accompanied by the awful events that keep occurring around me. Or, should I say, because of me? The Underground used to be a peaceful place. A place filled with hopes and dreams. Now, thanks to me, it's all ruined. Everyone is sad and taken over by rage. Monsters have died or lost their loved ones. All because I couldn't kill a single human. It's all my fault.
I hear Grillby again. He's close. I try getting up, but I stop. To be killed and forgotten forever; I actually deserve this fate. Besides, if I die right now, the pain will end. Yes. It's over. I give up.
Suddenly, someone touches my shoulder from behind. At first, I think it's Grillby, but the hand doesn't burn. I turn around.
''Hey there.''
He is wearing a red scarf around his neck. He looks terrible. His eyes are sad and it feels like he's as broken as me.
''Are you here to kill me?'', I ask, looking down.
''No.'', he answers bluntly, offering me his hand. ''But Grillby will soon find you if you stay here. I've been watching you and, seeing how you don't fight back, he'll be able to kill you easily.''
''It doesn't matter anymore. It'll be better, to be honest. It's a fair punishment for all I've done.''
''You just want to escape reality, don't you?''
''Yeah, I guess that's part of it as well.''
''I won't let you quit like that.''
''And what should I live for, then? With what purpose? Making the world a great place? Bringing peace between humans and monsters? I tried, I really did. And look where it got me. I just failed.''
''You need a reason to live? How about your son? Your two children?''
I look down. Why does everyone have to remind me of their tragic deaths today?
''What about my children?''
''You saw how people think of your son, Asriel. I bet they think even worse of Chara, who was a human. If you die here, who will remember them as fondly as you do? Who will love them?''
I think for a minute. Sans is right. I'm the last person who really knew those children. If I disappear, everyone will hate them. They'll soon start creating false stories and rumors about them, and no one will know the truth.
''You're right...'', I reply to Sans.
''Come on now, Grillby is close. Grab my hand.''
I take his hand. I expect him to help me up, but, instead, I get a sudden feeling of dizziness and close my eyes in pain. When I open them again, Sans and I are in the Ruins.
''W-What happened? How?''
''Sorry for not warning you before using my shortcut, but Grillby was way too close.''
''Shortcut?'', I ask, confused.
''Don't sweat it.'', he replies to me, and finally helps me up.
''So, is this where you'll be living from now on?'', he asks me.
''Yes. I've been living here for years...it won't be a problem.''
''Except, the monsters that live here have left.''
''Yes. Except that.''
''You'll be lonely, won't you?''
''Yes...'', I sigh. I guess Sans wants to make this day even worse for me.
''Would you...want a roommate then?'', he asks out of the blue.
''What? You mean yourself?''
''Yes, if it's alright with you.''
''Why would you wanna do that?''
''You're a good friend of mine. In fact...you're the only one I have right now.''
''What about your brother?''
Sans's face suddenly gets sadder. I know he loves his brother. Why would he leave him behind? Unless...
''Papyrus...Papyrus has actually joined Undyne's Royal Guard. He moved to New Home a few days ago, in order to be close to her.''
''And why didn't you go with him?''
''Undyne doesn't like me. Before the rebellion, I tried to persuade her to give you some time, to let you rule and see the results. She didn't take it that well. And Papyrus is in such an important position, his dream has finally become true...I don't wanna ruin it by causing problems between him and Undyne, you know?''
Sans smiled. It was a weird, crooked smile. I'm sure he misses his brother. He wants to be with him, but he knows he can't. I can relate to that pain.
''Alright, we can be roommates then!'' I try to cheer him up with a crooked smile of my own.
We walk through the ruins. Each of us seems to be lost in their own thoughts. Sans is the only person who has treated me well today, and he's probably the last.
''Say, Sans... Did you meet Frisk?''
''Did you see him...kill monsters?''
''Yes. A lot of them.''
''Why didn't you stop him?''
''I had a promise to keep.''
I look down.
''So, if I hadn't made you promise...Frisk wouldn't have killed that many.''
''Is that what you wanted, though? Because this feels like you're admitting that Frisk should have died...just not by your own hands.''
Only now do I realise that part of me feels exactly like that. It's the same attitude I so harshly judged Asgore for. So ironic...
''What do you think, Sans?'', I avoid his question for now. ''Should Frisk have died?''
''Without a doubt.''
''I'm sorry for making you promise, then.''
''Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have been able to kill Frisk anyway. No one would.''
''Why is that?''
''Oh.'', I sigh. ''Tell me, Sans...was Frisk as evil and sadistic as everyone describes? Was I such a bad judge of character?''
''No, not really. Frisk just only cared about himself. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, and so he did. If someone was to get in his way, he would try to persuade them not to. However, he wasn't that patient, especially towards the end. Once he failed to persuade someone, he'd just kill them for an easy ticket out of the Underground.''
''I see... So, he was just selfish, huh?''
''Selfishness can become a great evil.''
''Then...am I evil too, for letting him live?''
''No. You followed what you believed in. You never wanted violence, hatred or revenge. And you also managed to keep your beliefs until now that they got turned against you. It's quite admirable. Stupid, but admirable.''
''Thanks... I guess.''
''Don't worry about it. We might not agree, but I won't judge you for it. After all, you only did what you thought was best for everyone. You don't deserve to be treated so awfully.''
''That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while... Thank you, really, thank you.''
''And thank you for letting me stay with you. I'd be way too lonely in Snowdin as it is right now.''
''So, it's two lonely people keeping company to each other, isn't it?''
''Yes. Two lonely losers.''
It's finally night. Sans has already fallen asleep on the couch. After this day, I couldn't sleep at all. I went on a stroll in the Ruins, and ended up here, in the flowerbed where Frisk fell. Where I met him for the first time.
I sit on the flowers and watch the sky. It's full of stars. Real stars, not like the fake ones the monsters have at the Waterfall. I remember the past and wonder about the future. Will Undyne manage to bring happiness back to monsterkind? Or will she bring them to war against humanity, ultimately destroying them? Because, even if she does gather the seven souls and they do defeat the humans...will they ever be the same again? Will it be worth it?
I can't tell for sure what's the best anymore. I just pray that, one day, all the monsters will see the real stars again.
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Integritale, ‘’Last Dance’’
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So, I decided to follow the meme train and post my Frisk from Integritale! ''Wait, Frisk isn't in Integritale!'' I hear you say. Not yet, guys. Not YET.
The Frisk I used in the picture was made by Stephen Nauman on twitter (source: https://twitter.com/StephenNauman/status/743548059259310081)
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''I'm Serifa. What about you?''
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Integritale 28.5 (Extra) - Brother
Papyrus was walking back home from Waterfall. It had been a tiring day. His training with Undyne was becoming more and more intense as time passed. And he was glad about it. Because, one day, he would become the best Royal Guard the Underground would ever see!
He reached his house and unlocked the door. Walking in, he saw the same scene as the previous three weeks: Sans lying on the sofa, with the TV playing a program he was probably not watching. Papyrus sighed. How long would it take for Sans to recover?
''Hello, Sans! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, am home!'', he got tempted to shout, but didn't. He knew he would get no response to that. It had already been obvious that being his usual, pompous self wasn't helping much. He needed a new approach. Therefore, he had decided to be more silent. But even that didn't seem to be working.
''Sans needs more time'', he kept saying to himself, trying to diminish his worries. But, in reality, he always feared. Feared that Sans would never go back to his former, happy-go-lucky self. It was ironic. He would always scold his brother for not being serious enough, but now, the only thing he wanted was for the Sans he knew to recover.
He hanged his coat and sat besides him on the couch. Sans was awake, but seemed lost in his own world again.
-Hey there, Sans.
No response, as expected.
-What are you watching?
Again, no response. Papyrus felt the need to shake his brother, shout some logic into his head. But he had tried it before. He had even slapped him once and instantly regretted it. It wasn't working. Nothing was working so far.
Papyrus stared at the TV, not caring for the program playing. A few minutes passed, but it felt like an eternity. Sans hadn't moved a muscle. He couldn't bear seeing him defeated like that any longer. He sighed and stood up, heading for the kitchen.
That was when he felt something pulling him back. He turned around and saw Sans weakly holding onto his scarf, without looking at him.
-Stay... he mumbled in a sad voice.
Papyrus was surprised. Sans hadn't talked to him ever since he had cleaned his room, forcing him out. But now, hope had returned to him. Because, after so many endless days, there was finally a reaction, even the slightest one.
He sat back on the couch, looking at Sans. There had been a few times Papyrus believed that Sans was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice he was there. But it tuned out he knew. At least, he did this one time. And, most importantly, Sans wanted him there.
Another few silent minutes passed. Papyrus was unsure of what to do next. Should he talk to Sans? Or would that be too pushy, forcing them back to square one?
-I...really miss her, you know.
-I know...
Silence again. Papyrus was starting to feel uncomfortable. Maybe he needed to do something now that he had the chance. Or maybe if he did something, he'd lose that rare chance forever. After a lot of contemplation, he decided to risk it before it was too late.
-Do you wanna...talk about it?
-There's nothing to say. She's dead.
Sans was still looking at the void. His voice was distant, as if he was drifting into his own world again. Papyrus wondered whether that world was a happy one, full of Sans's good memories, or a dark one, filled with sadness and despair. Whatever it was, it wasn't real. He needed to pull his brother away from it.
-I understand how you feel, but-
-Have you ever been in love, Papyrus?
-Then you don't understand.
Papyrus looked down. Maybe he needed to back off, after all. But Sans was finally talking. No, he needed to pursue the opportunity he was given.
-I might not know a lot about falling in love... But I do love you.
Sans, for the first time, turned and looked at his brother.
-And I'm scared, Sans! It feels so excruciating to see you suffering in silence like that, day in and day out. And always being unable to do anything for you... It's as if he I'm trapped in the same day, trying to save you over and over, with no result! It's like...I'm losing you too, only more slowly...
Papyrus could barely hold his tears back. Sans was shocked. He realised he had put his brother through the same, terrifying experience that had almost driven him mad. He quickly sat up and hugged Papyrus.
-I'm sorry Paps...I had no idea...
Papyrus hugged Sans back.
-Just...open up a little, will you? I'm your brother... If you can't confide in me...then in who...?
Papyrus felt Sans holding him tighter.
-I can't...I can't live without her...!! It hurts, Paps...It hurts so much!!!
Sans had burst in tears. Papyrus just stayed silent, patting his back and feeling each and every sob. Finally, he was able to be there for Sans.
-Let it all out, brother... Let it all out...
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Integritale 00 (Extra) - A Fated Encounter
It was a cold day. It was snowing and the air was freezing. Sans was sitting at his post in Snowdin forest, bored as usual. He had been drinking ketchup all day, looking at the falling snow. Nothing new was happening. Every day, same place, same view. Ice Drake would come from time to time and they would enjoy some puns together, but that was about all the amusement he would ever get.
As he was opening a new bottle of ketchup, Sans noticed a figure coming from the distance. He couldn't recognise who or even what it was. He decided to hide behind the trees and watch closely.
Soon, it became clear what that mysterious figure was. It was a human, a girl to be exact. She was wearing a pink ballerina costume and dancing around while walking. Sans immediately thought she was crazy.
He had to kill her. It was the perfect chance -she was unaware and in her own world. Easy victim. Then again, that would be boring. He decided to have a little fun first. He teleported behind her and suddenly grabbed her shoulders.
-BOO! He shouted, making the girl scream and quickly turn around.
-Y-You scared me!
-Yup, my intention! he chuckled.
-That was so mean! she said angrily.
-Wow, you've got some nerve there girl. Is that how you greet a new pal?
-You didn't exactly greet me properly either... Anyway, sorry for being rude.
-I'm surprised, actually. Most people would run screaming once they saw me. Being a skeleton and all.
-Wait, you're a real skeleton? That isn't a costume?
-Nope, I'm 100% skeleton.
-Wow, that's so...exciting! she sounded fascinated. Were you born this way? Or you were a human that died? And how do you stand without muscles? And, and...do you eat? And how do you think? Do you have a brain? I mean you must have, you're talking logically. Wait, how do you even talk without a tongue? And-
-Whoooah, whoah, slow down there girlie!! Sans laughed. What's your name?
-I'm Serifa. What about you?
-The name's Sans.
-Well, nice to meet you! Serifa offered her hand.
Sans reluctantly shook her hand, when he heard her stomach rumble. She turned a bit red with shame.
-Are you hungry?
-W-Well...I haven't eaten since yesterday, so...
-Wanna have a meal? My treat.
-You don't need to-
-You don't have any gold, right? At this rate, you'll starve. Just come with me.
They started walking towards Snowdin. Sans wasn't sure why he hadn't killed her already. ''I guess I'm too bored to let her go so soon'', he thought to himself.
-So, how do you...exist as a skeleton? It doesn't make much sense...
-Let's just say...it's all thanks to magic.
-Yes, magic.
-I thought magic didn't exist...
-Well, monsters are made out of magic. Am I the first one you meet?
-I did meet a few other...weird creatures, but none of them were skeletons...
-Oh, so you met others? And they didn't attack you?
-They did, but I ran away. I'm surprised I was faster, actually.
-Damn, these guys are more useless than me! Sans chuckled.
-Why did they attack me though? Did they want to eat me?
-Eat you? What? How did you get that idea? Sans asked, confused.
-I read in a book that monsters eat humans!
-They don't. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Geez, the human books spread a lot of lies about us!
-Then why did they attack me?
-That's...another story. Don't worry, they won't attack you if you're with me.
-Then you're my personal bodyguard! Serifa chuckled.
-Sure I am, sure I am!
Sans laughed, thinking of how he was going to kill her after he was done having his fun with her. It was so ironic, really.
-Anyway, aren't you cold? These clothes you're wearing aren't fit for this weather.
-Yes, it's cold... But that's all I have, so I guess I'll have to do with them!
-Here, have this.
Sans took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders.
-Oh, you don't need-
-Come on. You're freezing. When someone does you good, just accept it.
She gave him a big smile. Sans felt weirded out by it. Somehow it had made him feel warm and cosy.
-Anyway, we're almost there. This town you see in front of you is called Snowdin. It's where I live.
-Looks beautiful with all the snow... Serifa's eyes were glowing as she admired the beautiful town.
They entered Grillby's. Sans ordered two burgers for them. While waiting, Serifa looked around.
-Why is this place so quiet? Why aren't people dancing?
-Why would they? It's pointless.
-Pointless? POINTLESS? Serifa looked shocked.
-Why so ma- Where are you going?
Serifa stood up and ran to the jukebox, turning the volume up.
-Hello, everyone! I'm Serifa! And this music is awesome, so let's dance to it!
A few people turned and looked at her.
-Anyone? Come on, it'll be fun!
-M-M-Me!! Let' dance!! Drunk Bun shouted, and staggered towards her.
They started dancing together. As the other monsters saw them, some got encouraged and joined them. Sans was surprised. These were usually lazy people, but they were somehow persuaded to dance by this girl that they had never seen before.
-Who is she, Sans? Grillby asked, as he was bringing the burgers.
-An...acquaintance of mine, I guess.
-Well, you have to agree she's full of energy. I'm glad to see this place lighten up for a change.
-Sans!! Serifa called him. Come on, dance with us!
-No way!
-Come on, it's fun Sans!
-Go ahead, buddy! I'd love to see this! Grillby chuckled. Hey, girl! Come and grab him, he's too shy to dance!
-N-No!! Don't-
It was too late. Serifa grabbed Sans's hand and pulled him into the centre of the pub. Sans had no option but to reluctantly dance with her and the other monsters. Grillby was watching them and laughing.
-I'll get back at you for this! Sans gave Grillby a funny glare.
When things toned down, Serifa went back to her seat with Sans. They started eating their burgers.
-It's thanks to you that they got cold. Don't blame me!
-I didn't complain! They are still delicious the way they are!
Sans gave her a weird look and kept eating.
-Say, Sans... Are there other humans like me here?
-Quiet! Don't EVER say you're a human again. Not down here.
-Why? I don't want to lie...
-Well, fine then, go ahead and say it. Shout it out loud, for all I care. But don't complain to me when you get killed, 'kay?
Serifa got silent for a second.
-Did you say...''killed''...?
-Yes, that's what I said. You know why everyone here's so friendly to you? They haven't seen a human before, that's why. They don't know what you are. If they did...you wouldn't get out of this place alive.
-Why...? Why do they hate humans so much...?
-There was a war between monsters and humans a very long time ago. Back then, the humans defeated us and sealed us down here. We're basically trapped. No sunlight, no clean air...and we can't get out. In fact, not even you can get out now that you fell in.
-But...I didn't do any of that... Why would they hate me, personally?
Sans looked down for a bit. He had never thought this way before. Indeed, all the humans they had caught so far had done nothing wrong. For the first time, he realised that maybe they were doing things the wrong way.
-There's more... The spell trapping us underground can be broken with seven human souls. And...you'll be the fifth one we acquire.
-Well, if they don't know I'm human, then I'm safe! Right...?
-No, not really I'm afraid. There are many Royal Guards and sentries that guard for humans. I'm...one of these sentries. And trust me, we do know how you look and how to easily kill you guys.
Serifa got surprised and pulled back, looking at Sans, scared. Sans gave her an annoyed look.
-Oh please, if I wanted to kill you I'd have done it a long time ago, don't you think?
-T-Then why...won't you...?
Sans looked away. Indeed, why was he helping her? Wasn't he supposed to kill her after having some fun?
-...Boredom, I guess.
They didn't say anything else. After finishing their meal, Sans silently took Serifa out of the pub.
-What are you going to do now?
-I guess...I'll keep moving forward.
-Are you crazy? The further you go, the more dangerous it is! Snowdin is the friendliest place you will find!
-I know, but... I don't wanna impose on you... And, also, I guess I wanna see the rest of the Underground. I want to learn new things, to explore!
-Why would you risk your life just to explore?
-I want to...see new things. I...I haven't had a chance to experience a lot in my life... So, now that I can...I want to do it!
-That's pretty stupid, if you ask me.
-Well, you don't have to follow me or anything! Serifa got a bit annoyed.
-I wasn't going to. I have to get back to work anyway.
Serifa looked disappointed for a second. She quickly took off Sans's jacket, giving it back to him.
-Then I guess we'll part ways here.
-You can keep that.
-No need. I owe you enough already. I'll...find a way to manage the cold.
-Suit yourself, I give up. Sans sighed, accepting his jacket back.
Serifa turned around as he put his jacked back on. She took a few steps, but then stopped.
-Hey... Thanks for everything... I'm really, really grateful for what you did for me today... she said in a sad voice, without turning to face him.
-Don't sweat it. Friends look out for each other, don't they?
''Friends''? Really? What was he saying? She was a human. Maybe she wasn't exactly his enemy, but ''friend''?
-Then...I'll see you around, Sans! Serifa turned and smiled sweetly at him. It was nice meeting you!
She started walking away. Sans looked at her as she was slowly disappearing into the distance. No way she was going to make it, especially in this cold.
-I guess we'll have a royal celebration soon...
0 notes
Integritale 29 - Words I Can’t Give You
''My dearest Serifa,
It's our first year anniversary today. Oh, how I wish you were here to celebrate it with me! I'd get you flowers and prepare you a romantic dinner...though I'd probably fail miserably. But, knowing you, you'd happily eat it and call it delicious anyway. That's the kind of person you were. God, how much I've missed you...
After you...''left'', I obviously cried a lot. Soon, everything went dark. All I remember is waking up in the hospital at New Home. Apparently, I had used up all my energy by pausing time without realising it. The ones that found me and took me there were the two Royal Guards that were after us. They saw me covered in your blood and got scared about me...even though skeletons don't bleed. Yeah, they aren't the smartest people.
Everyone was there at the hospital, worried about me. Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore. Since your body was destroyed by bones, they assumed I was the one that killed you. Well, technically, I was. They all congratulated me for ''killing the evil human and giving monsterkind the fifth human soul it needs so much''. Pretty ironic, huh? I was feeling horrible about what I did and what had happened, and there they were, being happy and praising me about it.
I got released from the hospital at the same day, but I didn't go to Snowdin, no matter how much I wanted to. See, Asgore, in celebration of the acquisition of the fifth human soul, decided to have a lot of ceremonies and parties. And, of course, as the ''hero that took us one step closer to freedom'', I had to be there as the honored guest. I'm not exaggerating when I'm telling you this, but it was one of the worst experiences in my life. Having to fake smiles and accept praise and congratulations, while on the inside, I was dead (no pun intended there, don't worry). I hadn't even come to terms with what happened, but I had to look happy. I just wanted to scream out and burst into tears. But that would only raise more questions that I was in no mood or state to answer. Thankfully, Papyrus didn't tell anyone about us either. It would complicate things and I wasn't prepared for that.
Asgore offered me a position as a Royal Guard after my ''heroic deeds''. Needless to say, I refused it. The last thing I wanted was to use your unfair death as a chance to climb up to a higher social status. Understandably, Papyrus was pissed off about that; he has been trying to get in the Royal Guard for his whole life and I straight up refused that chance I was so kindly given.
When I finally returned to Snowdin, I went straight to bed. Your scent was still there. I was -and still am- enamored with that scent. It felt like you were still with me and I longed for that. I didn't leave my room for about a week until Papyrus just came in and pulled me out with force, cleaning everything. I was angry at him at first, but I soon realised how worried he was for me. I hadn't walked, eaten or even talked for a whole week. No wonder he was trying to get me moving.
Unfortunately, it took a lot more than that to get me back on track. When my room was cleaned and your scent was vanished, I just had to accept it: you are gone for good. That's when depression really hit me. I was just lying on the couch all day, watching TV. Well, I wasn't watching, really. It was just an excuse for Papyrus not to bother me. I hate admitting this, but yes, even talking to my own brother felt tiring back then. I was longing for the time when he'd leave for training or for work, so I could cry on my own.
But it's thanks to Papyrus that I've managed to recover. To my surprise, he is way more mature than I thought. He was the one that asked Undyne to let me have a few days off work. And, when I would still refuse to go out, he convinced her that I was sick so that these ''free'' days would turn into weeks. After bombarding me with his over-energetic attempts to make me laugh, he soon realised I wanted to be left alone and didn't bother me with his usual shenanigans. He would only prepare me food that I would rarely eat and leave me to my thoughts.
However, that doesn't mean he wasn't there for me. Every day, when he would get back from work, he would sit on the couch, next to me. He'd simply ask if I wanted to talk and then he'd stay silent. Next to me, but silent. At first, I would rarely even respond to him. But, little by little, I was able to open up. My negative responses slowly turned into small discussions, which, in turn, transformed into talking about how I was feeling. And Papyrus would understand. He still thinks you hypnotised us, of course, but he does understand that, even if this is true, my feelings for you are real. Yes, Papyrus was there for me. He'd hug me when I cried and encourage me to get out. And, step by step, he succeeded.
I feel a lot better now. Of course, I still get depressed from time to time, especially on days like this one. But I'm getting over it. At first, I was mad at myself for that. Getting better felt like I was betraying you. I realised I had ended up making myself sad on purpose, just to prove that I still loved you. That was stupid of me. Love doesn't mean you have to get stuck in your sadness. Besides, you, yourself, wanted me to move on. And trust me, I'm trying and I'm slowly succeeding.
During our conversations, Papyrus asked me why I loved you so much. I thought I knew the answer, but I ended up speechless. I wasn't sure what to tell him. I mean, I did connect more with you during the whole time-repeating thing, but why did I fall in love with you in the first place? Was it your innocent smile? Was it your grace? Was it your integrity? I have no idea, honestly. In the end, I love you and that's what matters, right? Emotions are not meant to be explained by logic anyway.
I have a confession to make. Around a week ago, another human fell into the Underground. He sure picked a nice date to do that, so close to the time you showed up, as if he was a cruel reminder of you. Anyway, he was a young boy with glasses, holding a notebook and writing on it all the time. I wanted to try and help him. But, just before I went to meet him, I stopped. I was afraid. I mean, I tried to save you so many times and failed. How would I ever be able to save this boy in one try? I'd end up connecting to him, becoming friends and then watch him die. I was not ready to live through that again.
However, that was only the surface of my emotions. There were some deeper motives for this which I only realised when that boy died. You see, imagine if I saved that boy. If I somehow managed to persuade Asgore to show mercy to him. What would happen then? Would I do it with every human that falls down here and deserves mercy? You deserved it too. But you died. Why should they live? It'd be so unfair for you. Not to mention that, if we don't get the souls we need, your sacrifice will go to waste. I won't allow that.
Yes, I know how dark these emotions are. I know that, from my experience with you, I was supposed to learn that we are doing things the wrong way. I did learn that. And trust me, I've grown as a person thanks to you. But, these emotions are stronger. We are so close now. We only need one more soul. One more soul, and you can finally rest in peace. Because I know your soul still lingers here, trapped in Asgore's castle. Once we use its power, your soul will finally be free. You'll join your mother and be happy. But that won't happen while you're in here. So, for you, I'll be the one to kill the seventh human. The moment I see them, I'll do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. And then you'll finally be free. All I ask from you is your forgiveness. I know you'd never agree to this way of thinking, but it's the only way I can help you now.
These are my inner demons, Serifa. I thought I had defeated them when you brought me back from madness. I hadn't. They showed up again when your other self visited me. Back then, I thought she was just a dream, but, after Alphys investigated your soul's properties, it turned out she was real. And she saved me. She saved my life and then talked some logic into me so that I would stop this never-ending circle I had put myself in. I am really grateful to both her and you. Because, even if I call her your ''other self'', she IS you. And you'd do the same in her position, I know it.
Again, I thought I had defeated my inner demons by killing you. They returned in the form of depression. And now that I'm getting better, they are back in the form of these cruel thoughts. I've realised something. Our inner demons never really go away. We can learn to control them a bit, but we never really defeat them. Even when you think they went away, they just come back in a different form. So, in the end, what we have to do is accept them. I have accepted that I'm not a saint. I have accepted that, like everyone, I have some evil in me. I have accepted that I'm not perfect, no matter how much I'd like to be. But, this is me. I have faced myself. I feel confident now. That is, truly, how I'm fulfilling your wish and moving on.
Wow, I did get philosophical there. I believe that's enough rambling from me. If my words somehow reach you, I want you to know: I am alright now. I still miss you like hell, I still love you endlessly. I'll probably never be able to love someone else the way I loved you again. You are my one and only sweetheart and I'd do anything to change your fate. In my dreams, we dance together every night. But I have accepted what happened and I'm moving on. So, when you're finally free to go to your mother in heaven, I want you to be ready to move on as well. Don't worry about me and don't leave any regrets behind. Promise me that, sweetheart.
If we ever get reborn in this world, I'll fall in love with you again.
Lots of love to you,
0 notes
Integritale 28 - Sans Serifa
Knowing what you have to do doesn't mean you are ready for it. Sans wasn't. He needed to quit; that was clear. Yet, it was one of the hardest things he had to do in his life. He had been repeating the same day over and over for months to reach a single goal, and now he had to completely give up on everything.
He didn't even know what to do. Should he tell her? Should he just let her live her final moments in blissful ignorance? Should he try to avoid her death for as long as possible before she actually dies?
He looked at her. She was so, so beautiful. She was right there with him, but he was missing her already. He wanted to be with her. To enjoy some time with her for once more before...before she had to go.
He hugged her and held her tight into his arms, as if protecting her. He could barely keep himself from breaking into tears. His whole body was shaking. He breathed quietly and her lovely smell filled him, making his heart race. He slowly caressed her head, waking her.
-Hey, sweetie... Wake up...
If he talked more, he knew his voice would break. Serifa didn't say anything. She just moaned and rubbed her face onto his chest, happily as usual. Sans's heart was melting. He couldn't stay there.
-I-I'll go make you some breakfast till you wake up properly.
He left the room really fast, as if he was running away. He entered the kitchen and just stood there, at a loss. His breathing had gotten heavy. He knew what was going to happen, but he felt stressed out anyway.
-Get a grip, Sans... These are your last moments with her... Make sure you both enjoy them! he tried to calm himself down.
He quickly prepared breakfast with whatever they had in the kitchen and rushed back. It was funny. A few minutes ago, he was so eager to run away, but now all he wanted was to see her again, even if his heart was about to break.
He found her still asleep on his bed.
-Breakfast!! Get up, get up!! he was trying to be as cheerful as possible, for both of them.
-Good morning... Serifa yawned and reluctantly sat up. Why the special treatment...?
-Cause you're special, sweetheart! Sans smiled.
He sat on the bed with her and started feeding her. She chuckled and fed him back.
-Hey...do you know any french, Serifa?
-Wow, that was random! I don't know any...why do you ask?
-My name...means something in french.
-What does it mean?
-It means...''without''.
Sans looked down for a bit. What was he saying? What was the point of all that? He was letting his sadness in again. No, these were their last moments together. He had all the time in the world to mourn her after she...she...
-So, are you missing something?
-Yes...your lips!!
Sans laughed and grabbed her, kissing her passionately. She quickly kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him. Sans lifted her up and started twirling her around the room while she laughed happily.
-Sans, you have something on your face!
-There!! she laughed and playfully kissed him again.
Sans was laughing with her too. Just for a bit, he had managed to relax. Her laughter was bringing peace into his mind. All that, until she started getting ready to head out. In her mind, they still had to get the ingredients for the cake after all.
As she was heading out, Sans panicked. He instinctively grabbed her hand, holding her back.
-What is it...?
-I...um...let's not go yet.
-Why is that...?
-I...I wanna dance with you.
-We danced yesterday night! Serifa chuckled.
-B-But it wasn't just the two of us!
-Aww! Serifa smiled. What a romantic! Alright, what music do you have?
-I...don't have any music.
-Then how are we gonna dance, silly?
-Can't you dance...acapella?
-You sing acapella, you don't dance! Serifa laughed.
-Well, then you can sing while we dance.
-W-W-What? Serifa blushed. I haven't sang in ages!
-So what, you hadn't done any ice-skating in ages either.
-Alright, I'll try...I guess. Oh, the things you make me do!
-I know, your life with me is tragic, isn't it? Sans chuckled just a bit.
-Oh, shut up! she laughed.
Sans put his hands around her waist and Serifa wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
-Do you even know how to do this?
-I'll just follow you.
-Wow, what a man!
-Shut up.
Serifa began humming a nostalgic rhythm as they slowly started dancing together, looking into each other's eyes. Sans was breaking apart with every step they were taking. He felt like the whole world was ending as the two of them danced together for their last time. He loved dancing with her, yet it was scorching his heart at the same time.
The bell rang. It was time. Sans stopped moving.
-Sans? Can you hear us? Sans?
-Someone's at the door! Let's-
-Stay close.
-But...someone has come to visit...
-Please... Stay with me...
-Sans, we can hear talking! Open, in the name of the King!
Sans panicked. He still wasn't ready for this. Without thinking much, he grabbed Serifa's hand.
-Follow me.
He quickly opened the door on the Guard's face and started running towards the Waterfall. He didn't know why or where he was going. He just ran, with Serifa following. Magical attacks were coming their way. Sans summoned his Gaster Blasters and canceled them out one by one. He knew it was futile but, at that moment, he couldn't think straight.
Suddenly, he felt Serifa's hand leaving his. He looked back. She had fallen down, probably because he was running too fast. Two magical attacks were headed her way. Sans immediately paused time.
He ran to her. She was still, frozen in time. The attacks were too close to her. The moment he would unpause time, they would hit and kill her at once. Unless he managed to move her fast enough. But, what was the point in trying? The inevitable end was getting closer and closer, he could feel it. Maybe he should...
No. He wasn't letting her go, not without trying his best. He grabbed her, ready to pull her away from the attacks.
He unpaused time and quickly moved her away. The first attack hit the ground, throwing snow everywhere. The second one was targeting her head, but thanks to Sans, it hit her belly instead, making her scream.
Sans was still in panic. He paused time again and, with the wounded Serifa in his arms, he started running aimlessly once more. Serifa's stomach was bleeding badly.
-I see...white...
Sans teared up and kept running.
-Mom...? Is that you...?
Serifa was struggling to speak. She started coughing blood. Sans held her more tightly.
-Sans...I see...you did so much...I can see it all now...
Sans stopped running and looked at her in shock.
-I see...things I lived...things I don't remember...It was all you, wasn't it...?
-Yes...it was me.
Serifa opened her eyes a little. They were teary.
-You suffered...so much... I'm sorry you had to-
-Stop talking, please! I'll find a way to treat you! Don't lose more blood till then!
-I...don't think so...that's...the end of the line...for me... she smiled.
-N-No, don't say that! I'll...I'll-
-We both know it...don't we...?
Sans couldn't hold his tears back any longer. He fell on his knees, holding her tight.
-I'm not ready for this... he cried.
-Heh...me neither...it was all going so...well...I was happy...with you...
Serifa's mouth was full of blood. Her tears were falling.
-I...I'll fix this!
Sans's eye started glowing blue. Gathering all her strength, Serifa weakly lifted her arm and covered his eye with her hand.
-No...you know...you can't...
Sans's eye stopped glowing. He moved her hand a bit and kissed it, then held it close to his cheek. Serifa was able to caress him just a bit.
-Sans...I want you to...to live on...to be happy...
-How can you say that? I...I can't live without you!
-You can...promise me, Sans...please...
Sans's body was shaking as he nodded in agreement.
-Alright... I promise... he cried.
-One last thing...
-Tell me...
-This...this hurts...and I know...I'll die soon...so...
-No, no, no, no, no, stop! You AREN'T asking me this! You CAN'T be asking me this!
-Please, Sans...just make it quicker...for both of us...
-There's NO WAY I'm killing you! NO WAY!!
-Listen, Sans...if you are to move on...you have to...do this yourself...
Sans was sobbing uncontrollably.
-I...I can't do this...YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO THIS!!! Please, Serifa...
-Do it...move on, Sans...please, move on...take that step...
Sans could barely speak due to his tears.
-Alright... Alright... I'll...I'll do it. I'll fulfil your wish.
Serifa smiled, letting more blood fall from her mouth. Her whole body had been soaked in red by now.
-Thank you.
-I SO want to come with you right now...
-No...you can't do that...you promised...
-I know I did... But hell, I'll miss you so, so much...
-It'll be hard...but...you can do it...I believe in...you...
-Heh...easy for you to say...
Sans's tears were falling on Serifa's face and getting mixed up with hers.
-Sans...I...I love you.
-I love you too, sweetheart...
Sans lifted her head a bit and kissed her lips. She kissed him back, closing her eyes. The taste of her blood was everywhere. While kissing her, Sans summoned his magical bones. Shutting his eyes as well, he ordered the bones to emerge from the ground. They pierced right through her.
That was it. She was dead forever now. Sans looked at her for a second and immediately held her as tightly as he could.
He burst into even more tears than before.
Time had been paused for way too long. Sans hadn't realised how much energy he had been using. He couldn't last anymore. He fainted and fell down, still holding her tight. Time continued.
0 notes
Integritale 27- Judgement
When Sans woke up, he could instantly feel that something was off. He couldn't tell what exactly, but it was there. Looking around him confirmed it.
Serifa was not sleeping. She was standing still, looking outside the window with a blank expression. Sans couldn't recognise her clothes. Instead of the shirt and pants he had given her, she was wearing a long, black cloak with its hoodie on. Looking closer, he noticed a blue brooch in the shape of a heart on the hoodie's base. The room was dark and only lit by moonlight. Wait, moonlight? Why was it night? Had he been asleep for that long? And, if so, how did Serifa manage to survive without his help?
He could hear rain from outside. This had never been a rainy day. So maybe...maybe it was the next day. But that made no sense. How could he have been sleeping for that long? Unless...
He realised how close to death he had been when he reset last time. Maybe he did go back after all. And maybe...he went back as dust.
-Am I...dead...? he wondered.
Maybe that was why Serifa was wearing black. Maybe she was mourning! She probably couldn't see him either. He had to do something, to make her aware of his presence.
-Serifa! Serifa I'm here! he screamed.
-I can see that. You don't need to yell.
Serifa's firm tone threw him off. He got up, but she stopped him.
-Sit right where you are.
-Serifa...? Is something wrong...? Sans was really confused.
-Everything is wrong.
-What do you mean...?
-I know what you did. What you've been doing all along. I've been watching.
-Is that really the important thing to ask?
Sans could clearly sense anger in Serifa's voice.
-Are you...mad at me?
-What do you think? she sounded more pissed off with every word.
-I don't know, genius! Maybe, just MAYBE I'd become angry at the guy who's responsible for my countless deaths!
-Hey, I've been trying to save you all this time and you know it!
-Some saviour you are!
-I am TRYING, okay?
-I was supposed to die only once. Do you even know how many times I've died because of you?
-I've...lost count...
-178. 178 deaths. You died in the previous timeline. Did it hurt? Well, imagine having to feel this pain not one, not two, not three, BUT 178 TIMES!
-So wait, am I dead? Are we in some kind of limbo?
-Is that what truly matters to you right now?
-You know what, I don't have to sit through this. Something is clearly corrupted in this timeline. Seeya.
Sans's left eye flashed. Nothing happened.
-Heh... Serifa smirked.
Sans panicked. He tried flashing his eye again and again, but it didn't seem to be working.
-W-What's...going on...?
-Having problems, Sansy-boy? it was the first time Sans had seen Serifa being so ironic.
-What is it with you???
Serifa laughed.
-I-I'll get Alphys. We'll find a way to turn this back to normal!
-Give it a try, I guess. she smirked again.
Sans got up and ran to the door. He opened it and went out, only to find himself in the same room again.
-Where do you think you're going, exactly?
Sans ran to the window and tried opening it, but it was stuck, as if it were a part of the wall.
-It's futile, Sans.
-Serifa, whatever it is that you're doing, stop it right now!!
-Oh, really? Well, that's a nice way to thank me for saving your pathetic life!
-You were almost dust, did you forget?
-Wait...so...my energy...it was gone...you gave me energy to reset again! It was you!
-Wow, good job! She clapped ironically. Took you long enough.
-Who...what are you exactly...?
-No, Sans. This isn't how it's gonna work this time. You reset with MY energy, so the timeline is in MY control. No more questions for you. You will do as I say. Sit down at once!
Sans had no option but to obey her.
-You know Sans, I find your reactions really interesting. For once, you have the chance to talk with me in full honesty. And, instead of doing it, you try to run away from me, or to change things up so that it can all go your way. Is that how you ''love'' me?
-I do love you... Sans's voice was desperate. All this time, I've been trying to save you...
-Yeah, yeah, you've been trying to save me from the ''evil monsters'' who will try to kill me.
Serifa took off her hoodie, revealing her neck. It had red marks all over it.
-Remember this, Sans? That hurt. A LOT.
Sans looked down sadly, feeling tons of guilt weighing him down.
-I'm...sorry for that... Back then... I wasn't myself...
-Yes, yes, I know, you went crazy and all. Heh...at least the other monsters had an actual reason to kill me.
-I'm sorry...there's no excuse for this...
Sans's eyes were tearing up.
-Just so you know, that mushy crap ain't gonna cut it.
-At least...you saved me from that crazy, awful state... You remember this, right?
-Well, anyone who wouldn't want to get killed would try to bring you back to your senses.
-Is that...why you did it? Sans cried. Not because you cared...?
-No, not really. Serifa sighed. After all, that Serifa didn't know what I know... I kinda envy her for that to be honest.
-Serifa...I know I've only failed...but I swear, I'm doing all this for you...
-Are you, really?
-Of course! I told you, I've been trying to save you!
-Who are you trying to save exactly? Is it really me? Or are you just trying to save yourself from my absence?
Sans looked down.
-Both, if you put it that way.
-You're really smart, Sans. And a smart person would have noticed the truth from the first few resets: YOU CAN'T SAVE ME. Please, don't tell me it hasn't crossed your mind, because I won't believe you.
-Maybe...maybe it has... But I can't just give up!
-So, you know you can't save me, but you continue trying. Why, Sans?
-Because I lo-
-Because you want to get more time with me. You can't stand the idea of living without me, so you force everyone to repeat the same day, over and over, just so that you won't be alone. By now, even my death is nothing more than a sign for you to reset.
Sans's face was hidden in his hands. He was drowning in tears.
-This isn't true... This isn't true...
-If it wasn't, you wouldn't be feeling so guilty right now.
-Why are you tormenting me like this...? What do you want from me anyway?
Serifa turned her back to him.
-Tell me Sans... Do you think you have the right to reset time for everyone, just because you can?
-I...I do it for a good reason...
-For what you THINK is a good reason. Even if I believe that you're doing this to save me and not for your own selfish wishes, it still is your own perception of good.
-I'm just trying to use my power to reverse a bad thing... I'm trying, Serifa!
-Let's see, Sans. If I was the one able to turn time back, what would I change in my life? Oh, I know!
Serifa turned around, facing him.
-I'd go way back. On the day of my mom's accident. I'd do my best to prevent it. This would keep my father from going crazy. We'd still be a happy family and I wouldn't have to go through all that pain. And, of course... I'd never have to run away. I'd never end up here. I'd never meet you. And, you'd probably forget all about me.
Sans looked down.
-That would be my ''good use'' for that power. I'm trusting it sounds good enough for you too, right? So, tell me, Sans...shall I do it right now?
Serifa's right eye started glowing blue, just like Sans's before it would flash. She had a grin on her face.
-NO, STOP!! Sans ran in panic and hugged her, crying. JUST STOP!! STAY HERE, STAY HERE!!!
Serifa started laughing as her eye stopped glowing.
-Really, REALLY pathetic Sans! You prefer your ''loved one'' to have an awful life full of trauma just for you to be able to meet her? Is that really called love?
Sans fell on his knees, still crying.
-Okay... OKAY I ADMIT IT! I'm an egoist and nothing more! Love can be a selfish feeling after all, can't it?
-Heh...true, true. You have a way with words, Sans, I give you that. But have you ever considered how many people had to suffer because of your selfish love?
-I'm sorry you suffered...
-It wasn't just me, you know. Every time you go back, you just create a new timeline to escape to. But you leave so much pain in the timelines before you. Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, even the families of the Royal Guards you killed... You're leaving at least one of them hurt in their timelines almost every time you decide to reset. How many hurt people does this make?
-This is a possible scenario, but my research hasn't confirmed it's actually real. I'm surprised you even thought of that...
-Ok, so you don't really know. I can accept that. But what if it's real? Just count all the heartbroken Sanses you've left behind in that case. They've lost their girlfriend, and, depending on the timeline, their close friends. Most of them have become traitors against their whole kind and will be hated by everyone! One of them is left alone at the surface! Another lost his brother! The last one lost his life! Oh well...that's one less Sans to worry about, I suppose. The Papyrus of that timeline however...he must be the most heartbroken one.
-If they knew they were doing it so another Sans would have the chance to be happy with you...I'm sure they'd be alright with it...
-So, if I tell you to completely give up on me so that another Sans who doesn't even care about you has a chance at happiness...Will you do it?
Sans looked down silently.
-Of course you won't. You, yourself said that you're selfish. And same goes for all these other poor Sanses you've left behind. What a hero, indeed!
-You're right...I guess... he cried.
-You've betrayed your own kind, Sans. Do you realise how much they need my soul?
-And what, you're just gonna give it to them?
-There is no other choice. You've only been prolonging the inevitable and you know it.
-I just want you to be alive... You don't deserve this, Serifa...
-Life won't always give you what you deserve or want, Sans. Grow up.
-I just...wanted to fix everything...
-You can't. But hey, you got so much stronger during this, so it was worth it, right? she smirked.
-Are you gonna tell me that I did this for power now??
-No, but it sure didn't feel that bad being powerful for once, right? You were weak and now you're the strongest monster in the Underground.
-Funny how you say this right after I die because of how weaker my body has become due to this.
-Yeah, sure, your body is a bit weaker. But does this matter much when you can one-shot almost anyone?
-I am NOT. DOING THIS. FOR POWER! Sans shouted.
-I know. Doesn't make you less powerful though.
Sans looked down in sadness.
-I've made so many mistakes, Serifa... I see it now... And I'm truly, deeply sorry... But please, please know I love you...
-Words mean nothing without actions.
-Then tell me what to do! Tell me how to fix it all...
Serifa gave him a serious look.
-Are you willing to sacrifice everything for that purpose?
-Yes...I'll do everything you ask!
Serifa looked at Sans for a bit, as if studying him. She turned around. Sans thought he saw a genuine smile for just a split second.
She climbed on the bed and stood at its edge. She opened her arms, as if she was a bird. She leaned forward, until she started falling down.
-Careful there!! Sans yelled.
He ran to grab her, but the moment his hands touched her, she turned into a blue, blood-like liquid and spilled all over the floor and his clothes. Only the heart-shaped brooch remained. He looked at his hands. They, too, were covered in blue.
-NO!!! he screamed, smashing his fist on the floor and splashing the blue liquid all around. YOU CAN'T JUST DISAPPEAR!!! COME BACK!! COME BACK!!!
It was then when he heard her voice echoing in the room:
''If you really want to fix everything...you'll have to learn when to quit.''
Suddenly, the blue liquid and the brooch disappeared. The room got filled with sunlight. He looked around him. Everything had turned back into normal. The rain had stopped and Serifa was sleeping in his bed. But he now knew what he had to do. He looked at her, filled with sadness.
-Don't worry sweetheart... This is the last time you'll die.
0 notes
Integritale 26 - Dust
Sans woke up. No one but Serifa was with him. There were no voices. Only silence. A silence both liberating and dreadful. He stared at the ceiling for a bit. ''It's going to be alright.'', he said. ''You can do this!''.
He turned and hugged Serifa. Reassurance filled his heart. Even though he was scared of the things to come, he was feeling calm. Calm and quiet.
He gently caressed Serifa to wake her up.
-Good morning, sweetheart. he smiled.
-Good morning... she yawned.
It had been long since the last time Sans actually enjoyed a simple moment with Serifa. Always getting caught up in hiding and fighting had made him forget how much power these simple moments gave him.
-I have something I need to tell you, but please, don't be scared, sweetie.
-What is it...?
-You've been discovered. Which means, some people are chasing you. And they know exactly where you are... But don't worry. I'm here.
-What are you going to do...?
-First, we'll get you out of here. Then, we'll go to King Asgore and ask him to spare you.
-And how do you know if it's going to work...?
-I...don't. But I have faith, thanks to you. Sans gave her a warm smile.
-What do you mean...?
-Never mind...Just get ready so we can go, okay?
Sans wasn't sure if he was feeling so positive or if he was pretending to both himself and her. Either way, whatever he was doing worked for him so he didn't care. Being optimistic was medicine to his wounds.
Serifa prepared herself and they walked to the door together.
-Are you ready, sweetheart?
-I'm ready.
Sans suddenly kissed Serifa's lips. Surprised at first, she kissed him back.
-For luck! he winked.
Taking Serifa's hand, Sans teleported both of them to the Riverperson once more. Their destination was the usual: Hotland. However, this time, what Sans had on his mind was completely different.
Once they reached Hotland, Sans didn't go to the elevator. Instead, he ran to Alphys's Lab. The door was locked.
-Of course... he mumbled and knocked on the door. Alphys!! Open up!!
No reply.
-Alphys, I know you're in there... Come on, open the door!
-Maybe she isn't here...
-I know she is. Alphys, if you don't open, I'll break in!
Still, no reply.
-Fine, I guess...
Sans summoned two Gaster Blasters and attacked the door, melting it. Holding Serifa's hand, he went inside. Alphys was looking at him, shocked.
-H-How did you...
-Listen, I don't have time. I know you watch the whole place with your cameras and that you've probably informed everyone of our position. Call them and tell them we went back to Waterfall, please.
-Why would I tell such a lie?
-For me. We're friends, right? I thought I could rely on you!
-Not when you go against every monster's hopes! You're trying to help a human!
-And she deserves it! Please, Alphys...help me out here.
-Sorry Sans... I can't...
Sans pinned Alphys to the wall.
-Call them. NOW.
-I c-can't-
-Don't make me repeat myself again! They'll be here at any minute if you don't do it. CALL THEM! he shouted, summoning a Gaster Blaster.
-O-Or what? You're gonna kill me?
Sans sighed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let go of Alphys and made the Gaster Blaster disappear.
-I won't. I was just trying to scare you. BUT. If you don't do it...I'll tell everyone the truth.
-About what happened at the True Lab.
Alphys was shocked. Her face turned pale in fear.
-Y-You promised...you'd n-n-never...
-Call them now. Please.
Alphys quickly complied to Sans's demands. She called Undyne and told her to gather all her Royal Guards at the Waterfall, since Sans and Serifa were supposedly there. When she hang up, she looked at Sans angrily.
-One more thing. We're going to Asgore. You're coming with us. I want to be sure of your actions. Plus, you probably have traps and puzzles all over the place here. I don't wanna have to deal with these, so I'll need you to deactivate them.
-Fine. Whatever you ask, ''friend''.
Sans sighed.
-Look, Alphys...
-Let's just go already.
With Alphys in front of them, Sans and Serifa walked out of the Lab. Using the elevators and deactivating traps with Alphys's help, they reached New Home in no time.
-What is it, sweetheart?
-What you said back then...that you weren't planning to kill her...was it true?
Sans looked firmly into Serifa's eyes.
-I promise you. I wasn't gonna kill her.
-Only betray her trust... Alphys mumbled.
-Alphys... I'm sorry I had to do this...
-No you're not. You only want to save her and it works. You aren't sorry at all and you aren't regretting this either, so spare me the excuses.
Alphys was acting tough while hiding her tears. Sans realised it and didn't want to push her anymore, so he dropped it. Serifa noticed it too.
-What did she do...? Serifa whispered.
-Some experiments that went wrong... I was there, too. It's not her fault at all, trust me.
-Then wouldn't telling everyone have consequences for you too?
-As I told you, it wasn't our fault it all went wrong. We just tried to do something good for everyone and didn't predict what would happen. That's how science works, you experiment and see the results. The only reason I haven't told anyone is because Alphys is scared of how people will take it.
-I can hear you, you know! Alphys pointed.
Serifa went up to Alphys and patted her shoulder.
-You're feeling guilty, aren't you?
-What would you know...? You have someone protecting you all the time. Once they learn the truth, I'll have no one.
-That isn't true, Alphys... I'm sure Sans would be there for you, even if people got mad...
-Yes, that's why he blackmailed me.
Alphys couldn't hold her tears back anymore. She started crying.
-Sans, can we stop for a bit...? Serifa asked. She's suffering...
Sans agreed. They walked to a bench and sat there all together.
-Even if you don't believe in me... You can't doubt Undyne, can you? She cares about you, Alphys. Sans tried to sympathise with her.
-She'll hate me when she learns what I did...
Serifa hugged Alphys. Alphys was surprised.
-I don't know you, really... But I'm sure you tried your best, for everyone. You aren't a bad person, I can feel that!
-Listen to her Alphys... No one can hate you for trying... If anything, you deserve praise!
-Is that why you threatened me, Sans?? No...you know I did wrong and that you can use it against me at any time...
-Alphys... I'm only trying to protect the one I love here... You know how this feels, don't you? You, too, would do anything for Undyne...
-W-W-W-What are you saying?
-Come on, I know you're in love with her. You can't hide from me, Alphys.
Alphys was crying with her head in her hands.
-She'll hate me if she finds out...
-No, she won't. I'm not the best person to say it, but believe in us, in your friends!
-If you don't believe in Sans, Alphys... Believe in me! Serifa kept holding her. I want to be your friend! I want to help you, even if everyone turns against you! I can see it Alphys, you are a really great person!
-Y-Y-You don't even know me...
-But I feel I can trust you!
Alphys had calmed down a bit. She patted Serifa's head.
-Heh...I can see why Sans likes you so much...
-I'm sorry, Alphys... I just... I'm... I'm madly in love with her!
Sans blushed a bit. Alphys couldn't help chuckling.
-I never expected to hear that from you, Sans.
-Finally, you laugh... Serifa smiled.
Alphys looked at Serifa.
-You are very kind... I'll make sure Asgore lets you live! she smiled.
-You mean you will help us? Even after I betrayed you like that?
-Well...you had your reasons, Sans. I understand...
-Thank you, Alphys! Serifa smiled. I'm really, really grateful to you!
-Come on now, let's go. I'll talk to Asgore. Maybe he will listen if two of us ask him.
They continued their journey. It wasn't long before they reached the castle. They walked in and saw Asgore watering his flowers.
-Hey Asgore... Sans called him first.
-Oh, hey Sans! Asgore turned around. Alphys, you're here too! Oh...and also...she...
-T-T-That's why we came, Asgore... W-We want to ask you to...to spare her!
-Really, Alphys...? You both want that...?
-Yes! S-She's a nice person... She is...good to me...
-Trust me, Asgore, she's worth saving... Sans agreed.
-You guys...you know I can't do that, right...? And telling me all this, about how good she is...It makes it even harder to kill her... Asgore looked down.
-It's your choice, Asgore. You can decide to keep her alive if you want... I know that, as a King, you have many responsibilities... But you have a kind heart! You don't want to lose that kindness! I've been there and...and it isn't pleasant.
-B-B-B-Besides... You already have four souls! C-Can't you go to the surface and get more from people that...deserve it?
-Who am I to decide who deserves it and who doesn't Alphys? I prefer to let fate decide who we...use.
-Trust me, Asgore, there are a lot of scums that deserve to die up there! Sans pointed, thinking of Serifa's father. Trust me...I know.
-No, Sans. This isn't the right way to do things.
-And killing innocent people is?
Asgore looked down.
-Just...let me do my job guys... It'll be quick...
-N-N-No! I won't let you!
Alphys got in front of Serifa, protecting her. Sans immediately thought of how Papyrus ended up when he did the same and freaked out.
-Alphys, that's enough. I'll protect her. Please, step back...
-But, Sans...
Seeing Sans scared like that, she decided to back off.
-Please guys...don't make this so difficult... Asgore's voice was getting sadder and sadder.
He suddenly attacked Serifa with fire magic. Using a Gaster Blaster, Sans blasted the attacks away. Asgore tried again, with the same result.
-S-Stop, please! Alphys pleaded. You'll end up hurting each other!
But Asgore didn't stop. He continued attacking, with Sans countering his attacks.
-Asgore! S-Sans is too powerful! He can destroy you but he won't! Alphys yelled. So, don't hurt his loved one...Please, Asgore!
They kept battling. It wasn't going anywhere. Asgore attacked, Sans countered. Alphys's pleads weren't doing anything either. Sans thought of attacking Asgore a couple of times, but one look at Serifa was enough to remind him of their promise. No. He wasn't going to hurt anyone.
He suddenly felt a crushing pain on his chest. He looked and saw a spear pierced through him. He fell on the floor. Serifa ran to him, scared.
-SANS!! SANS, ARE YOU OKAY? she screamed.
No response.
-U-U-Undyne? W-What are you doing here? Alphys's voice was trembling.
-Your call...It was too suspicious. I called Asgore to tell him about it, but he wouldn't pick up, so I came here. Turns out, I was right.
-B-B-But attacking Sans...
-I've attacked him before by accident. One spear isn't enough to kill him, don't worry. It will just stop him for long enough to get the human... Speaking of which...I know this is difficult for you, Asgore... I'll do it.
Undyne threw two spears at Serifa, who was still trying in vain to wake Sans up. She fell next to him, dead.
Sans could barely hear people talking. He was trying to get up, but he couldn't even move. He was feeling his energy and his senses leaving him. Why was this happening? One spear was indeed never enough to knock him down that hard.
His foot started feeling strange. Sans had never felt this before. He soon panicked, realising it was turning into dust. His other foot started turning into dust as well. Then it hit him. Going back all these times had made his HP low enough to be killed even by the simplest attack. His legs had disappeared by now and his body was next. He tried flashing his eye, but he wasn't strong enough. ''So, this is the end...'', he thought.
He struggled and managed to open his eyes a little, in an attempt to see Serifa for the last time. Half his body was dust by now.
''No...not like this...!!''
Suddenly, he felt someone hugging him from behind. For a reason he couldn't explain, his energy came back to him. Maybe he could make it...
His left eye flashed, as his skull disappeared into dust.
0 notes
Integritale 25b - Deliverance
He woke up in his tears. Serifa was next to him. He quickly moved to the other corner of the bed, away from her. He curled up there and continued crying.
''Why did you go back?'' ''Don't you see it's pointless?''
-No, not you again...
''It's futile.'' ''She'll die again.'' ''Just end it'' ''End your suffering.''
-Go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away!!
''She tricked you.''
He managed to wake Serifa up again. She looked at him, confused.
-Are you alright...?
Sans kept crying and yelling at himself. Serifa got closer and patted his cheek.
''It's happening again.'' ''She'll get closer and you'll choke her.''
-G-Get away...Get away before it's too late, Serifa...
-What are you talking about? You're worrying me...
''You know it'll happen.'' ''You'll snap at any second.'' ''Just be done with it already.''
-Get away from me, please...I'll hurt you, get away! Please get away!! he cried desperately.
Serifa hugged him.
-Sans, darling, what's wrong...?
''Go ahead.'' ''The sooner the better.'' ''You know you'll do it eventually.''
Sans gabbed Serifa's neck and tackled her down once more.
-What are you-
-I'm sorry, I have to!! It's gonna happen anyway...
Sans was looking at Serifa struggling to breathe and tightened his grip. His tears were falling on her face. His whole body was shaking and his hands were trembling. He was too unstable. Serifa noticed it and quickly kicked him away from her. Unable to oppose her, Sans fell on the floor and crawled to the corner of the room, crying more and more.
Serifa was coughing and trying to take deep breaths. It took her a while before she managed to stabilise her breathing again.
-Sans, what on earth did you-
She noticed him spazzing alone on the floor, still yelling at himself and crying. Her anger turned into worry.
She walked up to him carefully.
-Sans...? Who are you talking to...?
-Get away!! I'll try to kill you again, get away!! he freaked out.
-Why, Sans?
-Get away!!! Get away, please!!
-SANS! Serifa hit the floor with her hand. GET A GRIP!
-I killed you...I killed Undyne...I killed Paps, I killed everyone! Get away from me, I'll kill you again! Oh my, you died, you died so much. I'm a killer... I'm a murderer... I...
-Sans, I can't understand what you're talking about... You didn't kill anyone! I heard Papyrus walking out this morning, and I'm here! I'm not dead!
-I still killed them all.. Oh my, I killed them all! STOP TALKING TO ME I KNOW I KILLED THEM! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
-Sans, are you talking to me?
Sans was spazzing even more. He was yelling and moving around like crazy, as if he wasn't controlling his body. His movements were so spastic that he was hitting the wall, hurting himself.
Serifa had to do something. She thought of calling Papyrus, but this was urgent. She needed to act immediately. She grabbed Sans's shoulders and pinned his head on the wall using her forehead.
-GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF! she screamed in his face.
Sans, was forced to look into her eyes.
-There are NO VOICES Sans. It's only me here!
-T-They talk to me... he trembled.
-Then listen to ME, and ME alone! Follow MY voice only! Stay...stay with me...!!
Sans was shaking in fear. Their eyes locked onto each other's for a minute. Serifa slowly let go of Sans. He looked down.
-Sans, my love, what happened to you...? Serifa was ready to cry, but held back.
-I'm sorry... I hurt you again... I'm sorry...
-Sans...I'm worried about you, tell me what happened!
-I'm sorry... he kept repeating in an agonised tone.
This wasn't going anywhere. Serifa got up and offered her hand to Sans. The hooded figure watching them was surprised by her strength.
-Come with me.
Sans kept looking down.
-Sans. Take my hand. Don't leave me hanging. Escape from yourself!
He reluctantly gave her his hand. She grabbed it and pulled him up. He had the expression of a dead man. He was like a motionless doll, waiting for someone to move him around. Serifa slowly walked him to bed, sat him there and sat beside him.
-My love...what's bothering you...?
Sans kept looking down. Serifa took his hands and held them tightly. He gave her a sad look.
-Sans...you can trust me. Talk to me. I'm here for you!
His trembling had stopped a little.
-I...There's a lot...I have to tell you... his voice was sad and slow.
-I'm all ears. Tell me everything.
-I...I can turn back time. I can reset this day... In fact...I've lived through this day countless times... I reset it and everyone forgets what happened...
-What are you saying...? Sans... I'm really worried about you...
-Heh...I knew you wouldn't believe me...
-Sans...I'm trying to but... The things you're telling me... They are a bit...
-Spiders. You were taking care of spiders in your old house, weren't you? They were your friends. And you hid them from your father.
-I was...how did you know?
-You told me so. Then I reset the day. You don't remember anything, but I do. Trust me, I'm not crazy...not yet anyway...
Sans looked down again. Serifa didn't know what to believe, but she had to help him somehow.
-So, if what you say is true...why do you keep resetting this day?
-A certain...event happens.
-What kind of event?
-You... You die.
Serifa was taken aback.
-Don't make me say it again...please...
There was a moment of silence.
-How...How does this happen? I mean... I'm healthy now... I've recovered...
-Remember the party at Grillby's yesterday? A Royal Guard was there and saw you. They all know where you are now. In fact, two of them are waiting outside our doorstep at this moment.
-So, you go back because they kill me...?
-Yes. I'm...trying to save you. I'm trying different things every time...And I keep failing... You can't imagine how it feels to watch you die...over, and over, and over, and over again...
Sans's voice broke and he started crying again. Serifa hugged him, barely able to remain calm.
-I understand, Sans... I wouldn't want anything to happen to you... Back then, when you were lost in your mind...I was so, so worried...
Sans gently pushed her back.
Serifa held his hands tightly again.
-Tell me...
-Seeing you...die...over and over...it had an awful impact on me...
-I know... I saw it.
-No, Serifa, what you saw is nothing compared to everything I've done.
-What did you do...? Tell me.
Sans looked away. Serifa pulled his head back, forcing him to look at her.
-Don't worry. I'm here.
Sans took a deep breath.
-It all started at Grillby's. There was a fight over your fate. Everyone was fighting, some for you, some against you. And I...I accidentally killed Punk Hamster. I really, really didn't mean to do it...But it happened. And that's when I started going down a really dark path... Soon, I accidentally killed again. And again. And it got to a point when...I didn't care anymore. I just killed others like it was nothing! I mean, I was going to reset if you died anyway... So I kept killing. There were cases where I could have done something else to solve a conflict, but I was too tired to think of anything, so I just killed mindlessly... I'm...so horrible!!
Sans had started crying again. Serifa was ready to hug him, but he interrupted her first.
-There were times when...anger took over. When I killed just because I was angry... It felt good to kill at those times, even if there was absolutely no need to... I was so, so disgusting! I killed people I knew, I killed friends... And it was getting worse...
-Sans...why didn't you ask for help...? Why did you go through all this by yourself...?
-I did have that stupid idea of asking Paps to help. You know what happened? The Head of the Royal Guard attacked you and he got in the middle. He ended up dying from his best friend. I saw his dust spread in front of me...and there was nothing I could do... You can't imagine how much pain I felt... Damn it, I don't want to even remember this!
-This...this must have been awful... Serifa tried consoling him, not sure what to say.
-After that, I lost it completely. I snapped and couldn't control myself anymore. I went back in time and tormented Undyne, the one who had killed Papyrus, until she died. And then...the voices...they started talking to me...telling me awful, horrible things... I ended up choking you to death.
-But I'm alive...
-You weren't back then. I killed you with these two hands you're holding. I killed you... I killed you myself!!
-But you still came back to save me.
-And the voices took over again. You saw it yourself, I tried to kill you this time too!
-But you didn't.
-Only because you managed to escape. Only because I was unstable... Oh God, I still hear them... I still hear THESE HORRIBLE VOICES!
-Remember Sans, follow MY voice and MY voice alone!
-It hurts...It hurts so much...They won't stop... he cried desperately.
-What are they saying?
-They are saying how much you hate me. How disgusted you're about me now that you know the truth! They're telling me how awful I am... I'M A MURDERER AND NOTHING MORE!
-Then tell them to shut up. They know nothing. Do you hear me? THEY KNOW NOTHING! her voice was firm and loud.
-I almost killed you, and I had already killed you once... There's no, NO excuse for what I did!
-You weren't yourself, Sans...
-That's not an excuse!! I brought this upon myself! I tried to block all the negative emotions and they suddenly burst out. It's all my fault I couldn't control them!!
-Sans...maybe you should stop going back if it hurts you so much...
-No way! If I give up now...all this pain and suffering will have been for nothing...! Besides...I'm not letting you die! You'll survive...I'll make sure you'll survive!!
-If you can't give up on me...then don't give up on yourself, either. There would be no point in saving me if you sacrifice your sanity. So, promise yourself not to kill again. For whatever reason. Don't kill anyone, even if it is for me. Tell yourself that, if it comes to choosing between someone else and me, you'll just go back without killing! Can you do that? Can you do that for me? For us?
Sans looked down.
-No, you won't try. You'll do it. You'll stay determined and do it! Either that, or you'll give up. Promise me, Sans. Promise me and yourself that you will.
-I...I promise. his voice was still unsure, but he was a lot calmer.
-Great! Serifa smiled. Now, you need to rest. Come on, lie down.
-I'm fine.
-Oh, just do what I say already!
She tackled him down, lying him in the bed. She lay beside him and hugged him.
-Just relax a bit, alright...?
Sans hugged her and dived his head in her chest. He burst into the tears again. Being able to talk openly about his pain had been therapeutic.
-Let it out... Let it all out...
Serifa caressed him gently. She was on the verge of crying too, but she had to stay strong for Sans. She was sure she had probably cried plenty in the past timelines. This was Sans's turn to cry.
It took Sans a long while to finally calm down. He looked up at her. She was smiling at him.
-T-Thank you...And, again...I'm so, so sorry...
-Let it go, Sans. Close your eyes and let it go.
Sans obediently listened to her. She put her hands on his head, carefully massaging it.
-Is this working on you? I mean, you have a bone skull and all...
-It feels great.
-Good...good! she smiled.
She kept massaging him until he fell asleep. She knew he needed it. Her plan had worked. She kissed his forehead and walked downstairs.
Sans woke up hours later, finding a note.
''If you're reading this, you probably need to go back again... I'll be waiting for you! Thanks for trusting me. Remember our promise.
Sans took a deep breath. There was no need to check what had happened.
-I'll remember.
His left eye flashed.
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Integritale 25a - Voices
Sans opened his eyes. They were still dark and void. He sat up on the bed and looked at Serifa sleeping.
''You killed her.''
-W H O ' S T H E R E ?
He looked around him suspiciously. He saw nobody.
''You killed everyone, didn't you?''
-W H O ' S T A L K I N G ?
''You know you did it.''
Sans summoned as many bones as he could and filled the room with them in an attempt to scan it for invisible enemies.
''You can't kill me!''
Sans finally recognised his own voice.
-W H A T D O Y O U W A N T ?
''You killed everyone!'' ''You killed your friends!'' ''Papyrus died because of you!'' ''You only bring pain!''
-S H U T U P .
''Undyne went crazy by killing Papyrus because of you!'' ''The spiders died!'' ''You killed Alphys!'' ''You lied about Asgore!'' ''You killed your King!'' ''You killed Royal Guards!'' ''You went against your own kind!''
-S T O P T A L K I N G T O M E !
''You turned into a real monster.'' ''Monster!'' ''Murderer!'' ''Killer!'' ''You only destroy.''
-G E T O U T O F M Y H E A D ! Sans shouted, waking Serifa up.
-Sans...? Who are you talking to..? she yawned.
''Whose fault is it?'' ''It's all her fault'' ''Yeeeees, her fault!'' ''She turned you against everyone!''
-Sansy...? Are you okay...?
Serifa approached Sans and tried hugging him, but he pushed her away.
-D O N ' T T O U C H M E .
-What? Why...?
-I T ' S A L L Y O U R F A U L T .
''That's right!'' ''She did it all.'' ''She is evil!''
-What did I-
Sans suddenly tackled Serifa down and put his hands around her neck.
-W-What are you...
''Go for it.'' ''It's all you're good at.'' ''Destroy her!'' ''Destroy evil!''
Sans's grip started to get tighter.
-Sans...? This... S-Stop...!!
''She's the source of all the trouble!'' ''She's the source of all the pain!''
Sans tightened his grip even more. Serifa could barely breathe, let alone speak.
''That's it!'' ''You're doing well, Sans!'' ''Keep going!'' ''End her!''
Serifa was chocking. She tried to kick him and fight back, but she couldn't.
''Only a little more.'' ''You'll be free after this!'' ''More human souls, more human souls!!''
Serifa's eyes had teared up. She tried pulling Sans's arms to make his grip looser, but to no avail. She couldn't even move them at all. He was too strong for her.
''End it all Sans!'' ''You're doing so well!'' ''This is the right thing to do!''
Serifa had started feeling dizzy. She looked into Sans's empty eyes. This wasn't Sans. But he had to be in there somewhere.
''You're doing it!'' ''Almost over!!'' ''Almost there!''
Serifa, with what little strength she had, lifted her arm up and held onto Sans's cheek. Her senses were getting weaker and weaker.
''She's trying to trick you.'' ''Don't pay attention to her!''
The hooded figure was watching and suffering in silence, unbeknownst to everyone.
''Just a little more, Sans!'' ''You can do it!''
Serifa's tears were falling as she felt her life being choked out of her. She caressed Sans's cheek.
''Good job, Sans.''
Serifa's arm dropped as she lost consciousness for good.
Everything went silent. Sans couldn't hear anyone anymore. He got out of bed, leaving Serifa behind. He was neither sad nor happy. He was feeling nothing.
As he walked to the door, he tripped over Serifa's ice skates. He remembered watching her dance on the ice. He remembered kissing her. He remembered the fun they had with Papyrus. He remembered exploring Snowdin with her. How awful she was! All this time, she was tricking him, exploiting him to survive! Oh, what a terrible creature! Yet...why was he crying?
The girl who never wanted to harm anyone. Who always begged him not to kill. Who sacrificed herself for him to escape Undyne. Who gave herself up at Grillby's to prevent bloodshed. The girl who always brought peace and light in his mind.
Sans's eyes finally returned to normal as he realised what he had done. In horror, he ran back to her. There were red marks all around her neck.
-NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!
Sans shook her. He pressed her chest to bring her breath back. He kept trying and trying. Nothing happened.
-Come back, come back...please come back...
He checked her pulse. She had none.
-I'm sorry... Just...come back... Please... he cried.
But Serifa was long gone. And, this time, it was completely his fault. He looked at his hands. These hands that had killed so many people, ended up killing the one he loved as well. Shedding more tears, his left eye flashed.
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The cover for my story, Integritale!
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Integritale 24 - Undying
Sans woke up, still trembling from shock. It had all happened so fast. One mistake of his had cost Papyrus's life. He decided to never involve him again.
And Undyne...Undyne had lost it. Instead of crying over her friend, the one she, herself had killed, she just raged and took it out on Serifa, who hadn't done anything wrong. And she kept stabbing her even though she was already dead. How horrible she was!
Sans was getting madder and madder at Undyne. She had killed his brother and not only did she not apologise after, but she also killed his girlfriend.
-You only care about yourself...I'll DESTROY you!
Sans had replaced every bit of his sadness and fear with anger. He didn't care about anything anymore. His brother had died in the previous timeline and Serifa's death had become a common occurrence at this point. What else could go wrong?
He shook Serifa.
-Wake up.
-Hey...Good morning... she yawned and smiled.
-Get ready, we're going out.
-Come on, I wanna stay in bed a little longer...
-I said. Get ready. NOW.
-Hey, alright, no need to get mad...
Serifa got up reluctantly.
-Where are we going anyway?
-I have to settle some things. Hurry up.
Sans grabbed Serifa's hand and rushed outside, pulling her along. Serifa could barely keep up with him and almost fell from the stairs.
-Hey, wait up! Don't pull like that! You're hurting me!
-Just come faster then!
They got out and headed to the Waterfall. The two Royal Guards outside Sans's house started chasing after them. Without a second thought, Sans blasted them to pieces.
-D-D-D-Did you just kill them?
-Yes. If you want them to kill you instead, too bad, I won't let anyone touch you.
-Why are you acting like this? I can't recognise you, Sans!
Sans completely ignored Serifa and kept going forward. The more he was thinking, the angrier he was getting. Undyne had been an obstacle from the start. She commanded every Royal Guard that hurt Serifa or himself. She would pay for it now.
-Sans, where are we going??
-You'll see, just follow me!
-Yesterday was so great... What happened to you today?
-Stop asking me stuff and follow.
Serifa didn't know what to do. Sans was pulling her violently and ordering her around. She knew this behaviour too well. But no, this wasn't true. This couldn't be true! Sans wasn't like that.
On their way to Undyne's house, they met a few other Royal Guards. Sans just blew them with Gaster Blasters. He had no time to bother with them. Talking wouldn't help his goal anyway. And that goal wasn't even about Serifa anymore. He wasn't trying to save her this time. He only sought revenge. Losing his brother had made him lose himself.
When they reached Undyne's house, they saw her training with Papyrus.
-Oh, hi Sans! You brought the human here! I knew you could overcome her hypnosis! See Undyne? I told you my brother is strong enough!
Sans lost it for a second.
-I have to say, I underestimated you Sans! Undyne smiled. By the way, did you meet my Guards at your house?
Sans looked down. He couldn't let his brother see this.
-Huh? What are you saying, Sans?
-I said...LEAVE!
Papyrus was weirded out. Sans had never been so aggressive with him. He felt really bad.
-Did I do something wrong, brother?
-Sans, what's with the attitude? Undyne scolded him.
Sans got even madder at Undyne. He summoned a Gaster Blaster that faced Papyrus.
-Papyrus, LEAVE NOW.
-But Sans...
-Please leave, Papyrus. Sans has something important to tell me. We'll continue our lesson tomorrow.
-O-Okay Undyne... If you say so...
Papyrus looked at Sans, still confused by his behaviour. Sans withdrew his Gaster Blaster as Papyrus left. Serifa didn't now what to do. Sans wasn't acting like himself, Papyrus had completely ignored her and Undyne didn't look that friendly either. Everyone scared her.
-Did you just threaten your own brother? Undyne gave Sans an angry look.
-Obviously, I wasn't gonna shoot him.
-That look on your eyes doesn't really tell me that... Anyway, what did you want?
-Don't hurt Serifa.
-You mean the human? Of course I'll-
-You won't. I'm not here to compromise, Undyne. I'll only give you THIS ONE chance. Promise not to hurt her.
-Or else?
-Let's just say...you're gonna have a bad time.
-First you threaten your brother, and now me? You've got some nerve, Sans.
-So I take it you won't give up?
-Of course not.
-Heh...as expected... I prefer it this way as well. Sans smirked. Serifa, stay back. This will be over soon.
Sans let go of Serifa's hand and stood in front of her. The moment she was free, Serifa ran away. She was really afraid of both him and Undyne. Sans saw her and summoned a few blue bones that came from the ground and surrounded her.
-Where do you think you're going?
-Wow Sans, even the girl you want to protect hates you! Undyne laughed.
Sans instantly changed her gravity, throwing her back. She hit the wall really hard.
-Serifa, stay inside there. These bones will protect you until I take care of her. Whatever you do, DON'T move through them!
Serifa had no other choice but to stay in the bone cage Sans had created for her. While Sans was talking, Undyne had managed to stand up again. She threw a spear at Serifa, but the moment it moved through blue bones, it got destroyed.
-Thank you for checking the effectiveness of my shield, Undyne! Sans smirked.
-Don't you mean your prison?
Sans , even madder, changed Undyne's gravity again, making her hit the wall harder this time. While she was dizzy from the impact, he summoned a Gaster Blaster and shot her, destroying her anti-bone armor and hurting her a lot, to the point she could barely get up.
-This power...How did you...?
-Not so funny now, right? Sans smirked. Remember, I did warn you.
-Sans, stop it! Serifa screamed, with tears filling her face. She's had enough already!!
Sans completely ignored her and slowly walked towards Undyne.
-Sans!! Sans, stop!! Sans!!!
-Sans...the human you're ''protecting'' is scared of you... What do you think you're doing? Undyne shouted at him.
-Still not obedient, huh? Sans smiled creepily. You'll have to learn the hard way.
He started changing her gravity again, making her hit the walls harder and harder. After a few hits, he brought her down and summoned bones that appeared from the ground and pierced her whole body. Undyne was bleeding badly. Sans kicked her.
-You dead yet?
Undyne tried to stand up, only for Sans to push her head back down with his foot.
-Did I say get up? DID I???
Undyne stopped moving.
-Heh...I warned you! Now you can die.
Sans summoned a Gaster Blaster and turned around, walking towards Serifa. He shot the blaster, burning Undyne's body.
Serifa was too scared. She was so paralysed by her fear, her teary eyes couldn't even cry. But then she saw something. She saw something glowing behind Sans. It was coming from Undyne's body.
Seeing Serifa's surprised expression, Sans turned around too. Undyne had gotten up and she was wearing a new piece of armor. Her eye patch wasn't on anymore and her left eye was glowing. Her right eye had turned black.
-Undyne? How did you do that?
-You're out of control Sans. You're dangerous to everyone. But I will stop you. That will alone...it allows me to go on.
Undyne's voice had somehow gotten deeper. Sans was surprised, but somehow excited. It was as if he didn't want their battle to end. As if he liked the way things had turned out. His eyes disappeared from his eye sockets.
-I N T E R E S T I N G ! T H I S I S S O . . . I N T E R E S T I N G ! !
The change in Sans's voice freaked Serifa out.
Undyne and Sans started maniacally throwing spears and bones towards each other. Sans was teleporting to avoid Undyne's spears and then attacking her with bones, making little damage every time. Undyne was trying really hard, but couldn't manage to predict where Sans would show up and where the attacks would come from. Sans clearly had the upper had in this battle, but instead of taking it seriously, he was playing with her. But Undyne would never stop.
-YOU FREAK!!! You're enjoying this, aren't you??? Undyne yelled.
Sans teleported next to her.
-I F I W E R E Y O U . . .
Sans teleported behind her.
-I ' D W A T C H M Y L A N G U A G E . . .
Undyne looked behind her, only for Sans to teleport in front of her.
-W I T H S O M E O N E T H A T ' S A B O U T T O K I L L M E ! !
Undyne turned around again, seeing Sans right up close to her face. Suddenly, she felt bones coming from above and stabbing her whole body. Sans teleported further.
-Y O U W E R E R I G H T T H O U G H . . .
He changed her gravity, making her hit the ceiling while her body was going through the bones.
-I A M E N J O Y I N G T H I S .
He started changing her gravity continuously, making her hit the walls, floor and ceiling. Wherever she landed every time, Sans made sure to have some bones prepared. He kept flying her around like a doll and stabbing her with bones while laughing insanely. Nothing was stopping him, not even Serifa's screams that begged him to stop.
After a while, he let Undyne fall down. She was still alive, but weak and dizzy. Sans grabbed her by the hair and dragged her down all the way in front of Serifa.
-Y O U W A N T E D T O K I L L H E R , H U H ? N O W A P O L O G I S E !
Undyne didn't respond. Sans knocked her head on the ground.
-Sans, please, stop this!!! I can't recognise you anymore!!! Serifa tried to stop him in vain.
-I C A N ' T H E A R Y O U U N D Y N E ! S A Y I T ! S A Y I T ! !
Sans kept knocking Undyne's head on the ground.
-Undyne, please...do him the favor... I can't stand watching this... Please, just make him stop... He's hurting you so much... Serifa was crying.
Undyne saw how badly Serifa was suffering. She decided to do her the favor.
-I'm..sorry... she uttered weakly.
-W H A T W A S T H A T ? W H E R E ' S Y O U R L O U D V O I C E N O W ?
-I'm sorry!!
-L O U D E R ! !
-I'M SORRY!!!!
It didn't matter how many times she apologised. Sans didn't stop. He kept bashing her head on the ground, again and again. Her armor had fallen apart and her whole face and body were bleeding. After a rather long while, Sans dragged her away from Serifa's cage.
-T H I S I S T H E E N D .
He summoned three whole rows of Gaster Blasters that surrounded her.
-D I E .
He shot the Blasters, turning Undyne into dust. A little smirk escaped his mouth, but he didn't care. The smirk turned into an insane laugh. The unseen hooded figure was looking at him, disgusted.
He turned around and looked at Serifa. She was completely terrified. He started walking towards her. She took a step back.
-W H E R E A R E Y O U G O I N G ?
-G-Get back...
-I S A V E D Y O U !
As Sans was approaching, Serifa kept taking steps back, scared. Her fourth step was her last. She had gotten too close to the blue bones Sans had summoned around her. By trying to take her fifth step, she walked through the bones, allowing their magic damage to pierce her whole body. She dropped down dead for one more time.
Sans looked at her dead body for a few minutes. He said nothing. His left eye flashed.
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Integritale 23 - The Great Papyrus
Sans woke up depressed. Serifa had been killed by his own brother this time. He realised that the two people he loved the most were actually enemies. ''It's funny how everything can fall apart in just a single second.'', he thought.
Were they really enemies, though? They really loved each other before this mess. Papyrus wasn't a person who would just forget everything. Maybe... Maybe he could talk to him about this. Maybe he could turn him into an ally after all.
He jumped out of bed and called Papyrus on his mobile phone.
-Hey Sans! It's me, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!
-Paps, listen carefully, this is important. Where are you?
-Training with Undyne of course!
-....Great. Is she listening to us right now?
-No, she's making some important calls to the King and the Royal Guard! You won't believe this! Serifa had been deceiving us all along! She's actually human!!
Sans sighed.
-She told you already, didn't she?
-Yes! You knew?
-Okay, listen. I need you to come home right now.
-But my training won't be finished until afternoon!
-This is an emergency Papyrus! Please, PLEASE, come home now!
-What happened Sans? Is she attacking you? Don't worry, there are two Royal Guards watching our house, just call out to them!
-No, it's not like that...listen, I can't tell you over the phone. Just make up an excuse and come home, please!
-But my training isn't-
-Papyrus!!! This is serious! I really need you here! he paused for a second. Please, brother...
Papyrus got worried.
-Okay, okay, I'm coming!
-Thanks, Paps. And please don't tell Undyne we talked... Just leave now!
-Without a word to Undyne? She will be mad!
-She'll understand when you explain later. Just please, please, please come home.
-Alright Sans. I'll be there in a few.
Sans was happy he managed to persuade Papyrus to come to him. It was a good first step. However, Undyne had already turned him against Serifa. Things were getting complicated. He needed to make Papyrus an ally no matter what. Maybe together they could talk Undyne, or even Asgore, into letting Serifa live.
-Sans..? You're up already? Serifa called out to him, going down the stairs.
-Oh...you're awake. Good, that's good. We need to talk.
-What is it?
-We can't go out today. Some Royal Guards found out you're here and are waiting for us outside. But don't worry, I've got this.
-You have an idea?
-Yes. Papyrus is coming home right now. I'm sure we can persuade him to help us.
-What do you mean ''persuade''?
-Well...Papyrus believes that you...deceived us into liking you.
-What? How could he...? I thought he liked me...!!
-He still does, I'm sure. It's all the fault of that hothead, Undyne. She thinks humans can hypnotise us or something.
-The Head of the Royal Guard, the one Papyrus trains with every day. She told him you hypnotised us. My brother really admires her so he believed it.
-I see... Serifa looked down.
-Look, we're gonna convince him, don't worry. he reassured her.
They heard keys on the door. Papyrus walked in.
-Hey Sans! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, am home! What did you need?
-I'm here too you know! Serifa pointed.
-You! You don't get to talk! You deceived us!
-Oh, really, did I? Serifa got annoyed.
-Hey guys, calm down, please! Sans tried to stop what was going to turn into a fight.
-Whatever... Serifa mumbled as she sat on the couch, looking down.
-You've got some nerve, human!
-Papyrus! Both of you, you're being children!
-Anyway Sans, what did you need?
-We need to protect Serifa. At this rate, they're gonna kill her.
-Well of course they are! She's a human Sans!
-We both know she's a good person, Paps.
-A good person? She deceived us! She told us she's a monster but she was a human!
-No, she didn't. I was the one who told you that, so you wouldn't tell Undyne.
-So, you knew? You lied to me, Sans?
-It was to protect her... I'm sorry, Paps.
-I can't believe you, Sans. I am SO disappointed in you!
The look his brother gave him tore Sans's heart apart.
-Paps...I'm sorry...I should have trusted you...but I was worried, I didn't know what to do!
Papyrus sighed.
-Well, who can blame you, really. We were both hypnotised, after all.
-We weren't, Paps! Humans can't hypnotise people!
-But Undyne told me-
-Undyne heard this STUPID thing from Alphys, who read it in freaking KIDS' COMICS that she named ''Human History''!
-Do you trust the human more than your friends Sans? Why would Alphys lie to Undyne?
-To impress her, Papyrus. You know how Alphys is with people. She isn't confident, so she tries to sound cool with her supposed knowledge.
-Well, even if that's true... She's a human. We need her soul!
-We can use ANY human's soul Papyrus. Trust me, there are REALLY awful people out there who deserve it. But do you honestly believe Serifa deserves to be killed just for being a human?
-She hypnotised us, she deceived you to fall in love with her... Yes Sans, she deserves it.
-For God's sake she didn't!
-That's what she hypnotised you to say!
-Just give it up already...this hurts. A lot. Serifa stopped them.
She was ready to cry. Papyrus noticed that and, even though he was mad at her, he couldn't help feeling bad.
-Papyrus, be honest with me. Do you believe Serifa is a bad person? Forget the hypnosis mambo-jumbo and tell me, from your heart. Do you really hate her?
Papyrus looked down.
-I...I don't. I actually...I like her a lot. She's like a sister to me... The fact that I have to kill her hurts me a lot Sans! I'm being torn apart... But I know this is all just because I'm being manipulated!
-You aren't being manipulated... Do you still believe that...?
-I...I don't know, Sans. If she's hypnotised me, she can make me believe anything... I feel like you're both telling me the truth here... But, maybe this feeling is artificial! I don't know what to believe anymore!!
Serifa turned and gave Papyrus a sad look.
-If I'm hypnotising you, Papyrus...why am I letting you doubt me? Don't you think that I wouldn't even allow your mind to question me if I could manipulate it?
Papyrus looked at Serifa and thought for a bit. He sighed.
-You're right... I believe you, Serifa.
-Finally... Sans sighed in relief.
Papyrus sat on the couch besides Serifa.
-I'm sorry for not trusting you... Could you forgive me...?
Serifa gave him a warm smile and hugged him.
-Of course I can!
Papyrus hugged her back happily.
-I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, vouch to protect you! I may never become a Royal Guard after this...but I'll know I did the right thing!
Sans was really glad that Papyrus and Serifa had made up. Now they were a team. Nothing would stop them now! The hooded figure was smiling, unseen by everyone.
They suddenly heard a loud knock on the door.
-Sans? Papyrus? I know you're both there!
It was Undyne's voice.
-What do you want, Undyne? Sans shouted.
-The human, of course! I know she's there!
-There's no need for that, Undyne! Papyrus replied. We will get the next human!
-She hypnotised you again? I told you to be careful!
-No, Undyne! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, have realised my mistakes now! This isn't right!
-I knew it...the moment these guys told me you got in your house, I knew I should come! She managed to deceive both of you!!!
-Cut it out, Undyne! Sans shouted. We aren't giving her to you!
-If you don't, I'll tear your whole house down until I get her!
Sans sighed.
-I knew it would come to this...
-What do you mean, brother?
-We have to go out there, Paps. We have to fight them... I understand if you can't...
-I can. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, shall assist you in this battle! Justice will prevail thanks to me!
-Good... Just...be prepared to give it your all. Undyne's tough.
-My all? What do you mean? We're just gonna stop them, right? We won't try to kill them...right?
Sans looked away.
-Of course you won't kill them! Serifa exclaimed. Right, Sans?
-Y-Yes...right. By the way, you stay inside. It's safer this way.
-Alright, Sans. Good luck.
Serifa stayed in, looking at the skelebros through the window. Sans and Papyrus opened the door and walked outside. Undyne and the two Royal Guards were waiting. Undyne glared at them angrily.
-Are you gonna surrender?
-No! But, we don't wanna hurt anyone! Just let her live! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, know what I'm talking about! I know it's the right thing to do! I'm vouching for her! Please, trust my righteous judgement!
-If you got hypnotised that easily, maybe you aren't so great after all.
-Take that back, Undyne! Sans shouted. My brother is awesome!
Sans was ready to threaten her with a Gaster Blaster, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't kill someone in front of Papyrus. He'd have to hold back. Papyrus had a soft heart and seeing his friends die would devastate him. Sans used to be like that too once...
The Royal Guards summoned their magical attacks and Undyne her spears. They fired all at once. Sans and Papyrus summoned magical bones to cancel out the attacks they were receiving. The battle kept going on and, no matter how they tried, they couldn't convince Undyne to stop.
-Paps, I'm afraid we have to go on the offensive. Things won't calm down like this. Attack them.
-Why don't you attack them?
-I'm afraid I might harm them by mistake. I'm a...rookie at fighting, remember? I'll take care of our defence!
Papyrus started attacking, careful not to harm his opponents too much. They managed to dodge some attacks, but most of them got them. Undyne had trained him well. Sans, on the other hand, took care of their defence. He had gotten used to it, having fought for Serifa so many times.
Sans soon realised a weird truth. That fight they were having...he was enjoying it. He was enjoying fighting alongside his brother...even if their enemies were their friends.
Papyrus ran out of energy. He wasn't used to fighting for that long and hadn't gotten stronger by going back in time, like Sans had. He stopped attacking.
-Sans, I'm sorry...I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS...need to rest.
-It's ok bro, I got this.
With Papyrus out of the way, the attacks were becoming more and more frequent. Sans had began getting tired too. He had to attack and defend at the same time if this was to end. But Papyrus had already dealt a lot of damage to them. One attack from Sans would end them.
Sans pushed them all back by changing their gravity. He then summoned three Gaster Blasters to scare them off.
-No, Sans!!! Don't kill them! Serifa ran out of the house, screaming.
It's funny how everything can fall apart in just a single second. Hearing Serifa, Sans turned around and saw her getting out.
-Get back inside!
It's funny how everything can fall apart in just a single second. Undyne took this chance to shoot a spear at Serifa. Sans, being turned around, failed to notice it in time. But someone else did.
It's funny how everything can fall apart in just a single second. Papyrus, unable to summon any more bones to counter the spear, jumped in the middle, intercepting it. It pierced his heart, breaking it. He instantly turned into dust.
A second of silence passed, as everyone was shocked by what had just happened. A silent second interrupted by Sans's unearthly cries. Trembling and screaming, he carefully hugged Papyrus's scarf, which still had some of his dust over it. Sans had never felt so sad. Paralysed by his emotions, he just kept bursting out in screams and tears.
He only came to when he heard Serifa's scream. Undyne had ran up to her and kept stabbing her with her spear.
Undyne had lost her control. Serifa had died from the first stab, but Undyne kept stabbing her and screaming anyway. Sans couldn't watch this any longer. He looked away, only to see his brother's dust again. Wherever he looked at, there was pain and chaos.
No way was he staying in this sick timeline any longer. His left eye flashed.
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Integritale 22 - I’m Sorry I’m Taking this from You
Sans woke up silently. He didn't look at Serifa -he knew she would be there, as always. He would wake her and the usual hell would begin once more. He stared at the ceiling, devoid of any emotion or hope.
Apparently, the surface wasn't a solution. No way he was going to try getting Serifa out again. Merely seeing her father had upset her too much. She didn't need to experience it again.
Persuading others to help was a lost cause as well. Sure, some people were willing to assist them, but not the ones that mattered. What was he going to do?
He needed a break. Careful not to wake Serifa, he got up and walked downstairs. The Guards would make their appearance soon. What was he to do? What plan was he to follow? Everything kept failing and failing.
He suddenly smashed his fist onto the wall. His breaths were getting deeper and deeper. He slowly fell on his knees and started crying. His rage had turned into a sorrow he couldn't hold back any longer.
-Why...? he wondered. Why does everything have to fail...? Why can I not save you? Everything I try, everything I do... Why does it feel so pointless? Why can I not get a happy ending...?
All his emotions burst out. Sadness, anger and fear were spiraling in his mind as he was sitting down and crying loudly, his head hidden by his legs. And above all emotions, one of them was tormenting him the most: Despair.
He heard Serifa getting up. He quickly ran to the bathroom to fix himself -he didn't want her to see him in that mess. And, once more, he had to do something.
Maybe he was looking for the wrong solution all along. Maybe the solution wasn't as easy as persuading someone to let them go. Maybe they just had to survive for as long as possible. A life of a refugee, staying careful and being hunted all the time. Was this the life Serifa deserved? ''Definitely not'', Sans thought. But there was no other way. A life of hiding it was for them.
And so it began. A new circle of pain. A circle of waking up, running away to hide, and Serifa dying. Getting attacked, falling in lava, frozen to death. Something was always getting her.
This time, he was going to try the Temmie Village. Rarely did people go there and Undyne hated the place, so she wasn't likely to appear. They could definitely give it a try.
He woke Serifa again for the who-knows-what-th time. After telling her the plan, he took her hand and, with a few teleports, took her to the Temmie Village.
Serifa had never seen a Temmie before. They looked really adorable.
-Are these cats or dogs Sans?
-They are Temmies.
-They are so cute!!
Serifa smiled and knelt down, petting a Temmie.
-Hello there, little one!
-hOI! i'm tEMMIE!
Serifa laughed at the weird way it was talking. Soon, more temmies appeared around her.
-hOI! i'm tEMMIE!
-hOI! i'm tEMMIE!
-hOI! i'm tEMMIE!
-Sans, is this the only thing they say?
-Nah, they can talk... Just don't expect them to make sense or anything.
-They're fun! she laughed
Sans left Serifa play with the Temmies and sat beside the big Temmie statue. He looked at Serifa having fun and the Temmies ''talking'' to her excitedly. That scene relaxed him a lot. It was so calm and carefree, unlike what he had been through the past days. He had been drained, both physically and psychologically. All these repetitions and all these deaths had taken a toll on him. But that scene right there took it all away for a bit. It was the most peaceful thing he had witnessed for a long time. Without realising it, he smiled and leaned his head on the statue. It took only a few seconds for him to fall asleep, tired of all the teleporting he had done.
Hours later, he woke up to clanking sounds. Serifa had fallen asleep in his lap. He peeked around the statue and saw two Royal Guards searching for them. Thankfully, the statue was hiding both him and Serifa for now. He shook her gently.
-Hey there... she smiled.
-Shhh!! Sans whispered. They are here.
-Royal Guards?
-Yes! Listen, I'll wait for them to search the Tem Shop. When they get in, we'll run for it, okay?
-Can't we teleport?
-We could, but I don't know what I'll find after. Maybe someone is blocking the entrance to the village. If that's the case, I'll have wasted precious energy for nothing. We'll teleport when we are sure we can escape.
-Okay then!
Luckily, the two Guards went in the Tem Shop at the same time. Sans and Serifa ran to the entrance, holding hands. Unfortunately, as Sans had predicted, there were another two Royal Guards there. Sans noticed they were the ones that were guarding his house.
-There they are!! one of the Royal Guards signaled the other two, who came running.
-Damn... Sans mumbled.
-Now what...?
-We fight here. If I kill those four, no one will know where we are. We'll be able to stay here.
-Wait, ''kill''??
-Not now, Serifa. We're surrounded.
The Royal Guards came closer.
-Sans! Why are you protecting the human? Have you betrayed us?
-He's hypnotised. Just kill her and he'll wake up.
-You won't kill her! I won't let you!
They started attacking. Another battle. Sans had to cancel each attack headed for Serifa with his magical bones. It wasn't easy to keep track of four enemies at once. He changed the gravity of the two Royal Guards from his house to make them fall on the other two and slow them down. It also made it easier to protect Serifa, since he only had to watch for attacks from one side. The unseen hooded figure, sick of seeing Sans fight again and again, slowly walked away.
The attacks continued. Sans could kill them at any second, but he didn't want to do it fast. Serifa had to see that there was no other way. So, he ended up trying to compromise in vain. However, he couldn't keep defending Serifa forever. He soon summoned four Gaster Blasters and shot the four Guards. Dust filled the place again. He turned to look at Serifa.
-Sorry, sweetheart. I couldn't do any-
Serifa had been pierced to death by bones. For a second, Sans thought he had made a miscalculation that ended up killing her. It didn't take long to realise the truth.
Sans saw Papyrus running towards him happily. He looked so joyful it annoyed him.
-What...are you doing here...?
-I was returning from my lesson! Undyne told me that she deceived us! So, when I saw her, I-
-You murdered her!!
-Yes, Sans! I'm sure to become a Royal Guard now!!
Papyrus came close to Sans, smiling an d full of joy. Sans was getting pissed off. He glared at Papyrus.
-So that's what's important to you, brother??? SHE WAS FAMILY! SHE REALLY LOVED YOU! Is being a Royal Guard more important to you than your family? Than your friend? THAN YOUR BROTHER??
Sans summoned a Gaster Blaster behind Papyrus.
-But I saved you! Sans, Undyne told me you had gotten hypnotised by her! I probably had, too! But I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, saved us both!!! We're free of her control! Aren't you happy?
-Undyne told you, huh... Sans sighed, canceling his Gaster Blaster. I see...
-Don't be sad, Sans! I know she hurt you with her betrayal! But worry not! For I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, will mend the hole she left in your heart!
-Heh...thanks, bro...
Sans looked down. He felt horrible for even considering hurting his brother. Even if it was just for a second.
Serifa was dead once more. And, this time, his own brother had taken her life. His eyes got teary.
-Say, Paps... Now that you killed the human...you'll definitely become a Royal Guard... You must be really happy...
-Of course I am! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, shall get all that I deserve! I'll protect everyone and help us get out of this prison! I'LL GAIN FAME AND RECOGNITION! I'LL BE POPULAR!
Sans looked into his brother's eyes sadly.
-Then...I'm sorry...
-About what, Sans?
-I'm sorry...I'm taking this from you.
Sans's left eye flashed.
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Integritale 21 - The Monster is You
Sans woke up filled in anger. He was feeling betrayed by everyone. So far, the only people willing to help him had been Riverperson, Grillby, and a few other monsters from the pub. But all the others had condemned them.
He wouldn't take this anymore. If it was war they wanted, then that's what they would get. He was done being peaceful.
-Serifa, wake up.
-Good morning... Slept well, love?
-Get ready, we're leaving. Royal Guards are after you.
-W-What..? Since when...?
-Just get ready. We don't have time.
Serifa could feel something was off. Sans was being way too cold. She knew he could be serious, but this was different. She got ready and went downstairs, where he was waiting.
-Are you...alright?
-You look...different today.
-I'm fine. Are you ready?
-Sans...I'm worried about you...
-You know who you should be worried about? You should be worried about all these people wanting to murder you! But it's okay. As long as I'm here, I'll turn all your enemies into dust.
-What are you saying, Sans...? Are you going to...
-YES, I'M GOING TO KILL THEM! Are you gonna lecture me for that? For wanting to protect you???
-Can't you do that without killing people...?
Sans was getting more and more pissed off.
-There must be another way!
-Don't you get it Serifa?? These people won't rest until they kill you! They're evil Serifa! Plain evil! To save you, I need to kill them all! Eradicate them one by one, until no one remains!
-Then...don't do it.
-Don't do what? Don't save you? JUST LET YOU DIE?
-YES! I don't want to sacrifice others like that! I don't wan-
-YOU DON'T APPRECIATE ANYTHING, DO YOU? Sans yelled angrily and slapped her.
They were both surprised. After realising what he did, Sans covered his mouth in shock. Serifa looked into his eyes. That look killed him. It wasn't an angry glare. It was a sad, loving expression. He expected her to run away or even fight back. Instead, she ran to him and hugged him, crying on his chest. He was so shocked he didn't know how to react.
-Sans...please come back... I know this behaviour... Trust me, I do... You're very stressed out, aren't you...? My father...he was the same. He was so worried about me, it ended up destroying him... Sans, my love...you must be in a really dark place right now... But you have to fight it... You have to come back... Don't walk down the same path as my father... Don't lose yourself like he did!!! I'm right here Sans... Come back to me... Please, come back...come back...
Sans didn't know what to say. Serifa was right -he was losing himself more and more after each reset. He pushed her away from his arms and avoided looking at her.
-I...I'm sorry, Serifa... I...I really didn't want to hurt you...
-Sans... she smiled and approached him again, but he stopped her.
-I don't deserve your love, Serifa. I hit you. You have that habit of loving people who hit you...don't do that, please.
-Sans...you're back.
-Yes...thanks for bringing me back to my senses. But what I said is serious. You shouldn't love people who hit you.
-It's not like that, Sans. I know it all from my father. You're probably going through so much...it stressed you out, didn't it?
-Stop making excuses for people that abuse you, Serifa!!! I'm serious!!
-It's not about excuses, Sans. It's about finding strength in your heart... Strength to forgive and stand beside your loved ones when they need you.
-That mentality kept you imprisoned and abused by your own father for so many years!
-I know...I was wrong back then. My father...had already lost his sanity. There was no helping it. But you, Sans... you're still sane. I feel it Sans! You came back! You aren't sick like him!
-And what if I lose myself again Serifa? What then?
-Then...I'll have to bring you back again, before it's too late!
She approached him once more and hugged him. Sans was melting inside. How could he have hit such an innocent person? Someone who loved and cared about him that much...? He wrapped his arms around her.
-I'm sorry Serifa...I'm so, so sorry... he cried.
-You're back... That matters the most.
A loud knock on the door interrupted them. It was a Royal Guard.
-Sans? Is everything alright? We heard screams and cries...Are you alright, buddy?
-Y-Yes, everything's cool! Why are you here?
-There is a human in your house Sans! We have to capture her!
-Alright, I'll bring her to you!
He opened the window and took Serifa's hand.
-Listen. I can't promise you I won't kill. But I'll only do it if it's necessary. We have no time to discuss it now. Let's get going.
Not sure if he could keep his word, Sans froze time and escaped with Serifa through the window. As usual, they went to Hotland with the Riverperson's help, and continued to the third floor. Serifa had the same conversation with Muffet, becoming friends with her again. Sans tried to persuade Muffet to help them, but she refused for the sake of the rest of the spiders.
-Of course...after all, you still only care about yourself...what nice friend you are! he mumbled to himself, annoyed.
They reached the MTT Resort once more. Like before, Sans let Serifa wait outside and walked in. He soon came back to retrieve her. When they walked in, the place was empty and full of dust. Sans managed to find a good excuse for it. Serifa believed him. The unseen hooded figure didn't.
They walked to the castle again. Serifa, once more, noticed there were no guards.
-That's because everyone is afraid of Asgore. He's a really evil person -he has declared war upon humanity once he gets all the souls he needs. I have to...kill him. It'll be better for everyone.
-If he is that dangerous...maybe it is for the best. Serifa looked down.
Sans felt really ashamed for telling her such a huge lie. But it was for her own good. She wouldn't feel that bad about killing him if she believed he was dangerous. It would just make things easier. Besides, he had already given up on trying to persuade him to spare her.
He walked into the Throne Room with Serifa. He stayed silent -he was too ashamed to face Asgore after all he had done. Without saying anything, he summoned four Gaster Blasters and shot him dead. He quickly ran and took his soul, pushing it into Serifa's body.
-Sans? W-What did you do? It feels...weird.
-I gave you his soul. You need it to cross the Barrier and go back to your world.
-But...it's here that I want to stay...with you...
-You aren't safe here. Don't you want me to have to kill less people?
-Can't you...come with me? Maybe we could make a fresh start!
Sans thought for a second.
-I suppose I could...Give me a sec.
Sans disappeared and reappeared after a while.
-Where did you go?
-To the basement. I took one of the human souls Asgore was keeping there. Now we can both cross the Barrier. Come on...let's go.
They walked to the Barrier. Before crossing, Sans looked back with a sad expression on his face.
-Goodbye, Paps...
After they crossed the Barrier, they ended up in a slope of Mt. Ebott. Sans was amazed by the beauty of the surface. He felt so peaceful just breathing all the clean air and watching the blue sky.
-Serifa...is that the sun?
-Yes, Sans. That's the sun...
-Clarisse? I finally found you! an unknown voice was heard from behind them.
Sans hadn't heard that voice before. He turned around and saw a man running towards them. He then heard Serifa's voice, barely able to even speak.
This wasn't happening. No way it was happening. Why, of all the people they could meet... Why did it have to be him?
He reached closer.
-Clarisse! I finally found you! I heard people talking about a girl that went towards Mt. Ebott... So, I came to find you!!
Sans stood in the middle, protecting Serifa.
-Father... How many times do I have to tell you... Mom is dead... I'm Serifa! I'm not her!!
Serifa's voice started cracking. As her father drew closer, Sans summoned his magical bones, getting ready to attack.
-Don't hurt him Sans!
-Seriously? We both know what he did to you! He hurt you!
-He's my father Sans! Whatever he did...I still love him... she cried.
Sans sighed and canceled his attack. Serifa was upset enough already. She didn't need anymore pain.
Serifa's father tried to grab her, but Sans got in the middle, protecting her.
-Clarisse? Who is that? In fact, what is that? That's a monster!!!
-You got some nerve...calling ME a monster. Sans glared at him.
-I'll save you from that monster Clarisse!! I'll save you and take you back to our home!
He pulled out a gun and pointed it to Sans's head. Serifa freaked out.
-Father, no!! Listen to me! I'm not Clarisse! Clarisse is my mother! I'm your daughter... I'm Serifa! Remember me father... Please remember me!! I'm your daughter!!! And this person is my boyfriend! Please, please father...don't hurt him!! Don't hurt him!!!
Serifa was crying. Her father lowered his gun in shock.
-This...is your boyfriend, you say? This monster???
-Yes, father... He's-
A gunshot was heard. Serifa's forehead started bleeding as she fell down.
-Insolent woman...HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME?
Sans got infuriated. With a bone attack, he hit the man's arm, disarming him, and quickly grabbed him, throwing him on the ground and beating him with his own hands.
Sans was shouting in anger. His eyes were teary but he wasn't crying. He was just there, screaming like crazy and punching the man on the face with all hid might. The man was crying in pain, but Sans didn't care.
It didn't take long before Serifa's father died. His face had become disfigured and covered in blood. Without second thought, Sans kicked his body off the mountain's cliff.
-Disgusting human...that's some EXP I'll never regret.
His left eye flashed.
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