confusedgayscreeching · 23 hours
Imagining an angsty pining Steve who’s breaking his own heart because he refuses to tell anyone, including Robin, about his feelings for Eddie. He thinks it’s pointless, unrequited, and stupid. He keeps watching the people around him fall in love and be happy and it makes these feelings for Eddie so much worse.
He suffers for weeks, months, too long, before Eddie finally gets the opportunity of a lifetime. Which means he’s getting out of Hawkins after all.
Even on his last day, when Eddie hesitates, tears welling in his eyes like he wants to say something, Steve still keeps his feelings locked up.
Robin knows something is wrong, tries to pull it out of Steve, but he stays locked tight.
It’s only when Eddie invites everyone to Chicago, a year later, to watch his new band perform, that Steve finally cracks.
Steve sneaks backstage to find Eddie and congratulate him, a secret moment between old friends, when he accidentally sees something he’s sure he wasn’t supposed to see. Something Eddie wouldn’t want him to see.
Eddie’s crowding a slightly shorter man in the dark hallway, his lips attached to the man’s neck most likely leaving marks on his skin.
The possibilities of what could have been, flash before Steve’s eyes.
He feels the walls closing in on him as the shine of Eddie’s spit glares off the stranger’s neck. Steve pushes his feet backwards, needing to escape quickly. He nearly crashes into someone when he rushes through the exit.
He can’t hold the feelings in any longer. It’s been too long. He needs Robin.
She’s kind, caring, listens to his fears, brushes away his tears, and never teases him. He expected her to, expected a jab or two, but she loves him too much to pour salt on his wound.
They go home early. Blame some made up family emergency and drive through the night until the streetlights of Hawkins come into view.
Eddie calls, writes, tries to get in touch, but Steve blames timing. Gives excuses to cover the ache in his chest from losing his chance and his friend.
It takes nearly another year before Steve crawls out of the darkness of heartbreak. Another year before he runs across Eddie Munson again.
He’s standing outside an apartment building, waiting for the realtor, when he hears his name being yelled from across the street. He turns to see Eddie, waving wildly with both hands. Steve’s surprised he doesn’t feel a pang of hurt at the sight, but instead a warm hug around his heart. He’s missed Eddie’s presence.
“Where have you been?”
The exchange is comfortable but stilted, like a conversation between strangers who used to know each other. Steve finds himself still looking over the man, though. Taking in the twitch of a lip, the frizz of the curls, and the new tattoos etched across Eddie’s skin.
He’s still breathtaking. Steve won’t deny. But this time he’s not hiding away, curled in the corner of his closet. No, this time, Steve’s comfortable in his skin and who he’s attracted to.
“You still look good.” He says with an easy smirk.
“You saying I looked good before?”
Steve nods, not an ounce of hesitation in his movement. Eddie tilts his head, eyes narrowing, trying to piece this puzzle together.
They’re interrupted by the person Steve was waiting for, but Steve promises he’ll call. And he does. Again. Again. And several more times.
They talk on the phone nearly every day. Filling each other in on everything they’ve missed. The small things, the big things, and everything in between. Apparently Steve wasn’t the only one who missed this friendship.
Eddie drives down to help Steve (and Robin) pack up their belongings and move to the big city. Steve put a deposit down on the apartment he visited on the day Eddie ran into him. It felt like a sign. A sign Steve couldn’t ignore.
Once they moved in, the phone calls don’t stop, but now that they’re so close, Eddie spends time at the apartment regularly. There’s never a weekend where the boys aren’t together. Steve’s either at Eddie’s or Eddie’s pushing Robin’s feet off the couch to make room for himself.
It happens 6 months later. Steve realizes the feelings are back in full force. But this time? This time he refuses to hide them away.
It looks like any other night. The two of them finishing up a delivery pizza, a movie flickering light across Eddie’s face, when Steve can’t hold it in any longer.
“I’m in love with you.”
He sounds as soft as Eddie’s smile looks when Steve chances glancing to his side.
Steve’s never heard Eddie sound so anxious. He used every ounce of strength to say the words so now he can only nod.
Eddie’s soft smile grows wider until he’s moving. Then Steve’s cheeks are covered with ringed fingers and Eddie’s closer than he’s ever been before.
“Steve.” Eddie’s voice cracks as a tear slides down his cheek. “I have to tell you. I have loved you, for so long. I loved you when I helped carry your couch into that apartment. I loved you when I saw you standing on that side walk staring up at the side of that building. I loved you when we kept missing each other. When the only thing we did was play phone tag. I loved you when you drove 6 hours just to see my band play. I loved you when I watched you disappear in my rear view mirror. I’ve been in love with you for years Steve.”
“Kiss me.”
And they do. And it’s better than anything Steve ever imagined.
Steve never holds his feelings in again. Instead, telling everyone he cares about how important they are to him. He tells Dustin he loves him. He tells Max he’s proud of her. He tells Erica she’s his favorite.
And every day, multiple times a day, he tells Eddie he loves him. For years and years.
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I too ship Zutara and think they should have been canon. Although for me it's important to know how such a rewrite would go down. I tried to think, and I'm lost.
After Mai betrayed Azula for him, will he just go "sorry, not interested"? He isn't obligated to date her because of this, but her redemption hinges on Zuko and I don't see it being satisfying if he ends up rejecting her after this.
I thought the solution would be to rewrite her arc in boiling rock to make her have a moral realization, but then the problem with Maiko is practically solved. Their relationship wasn't salvaged by her redemption because last time they talked, Mai still didn't understand what's wrong with the Fire Nation and only changed because she loved Zuko. So how do you make it both satisfying & logical?
With Kataang the problem is the Chakras. The problem with the original (in my opinion) is that after he opened his chakra, letting go of his attachment to Katara, he's still attached (forcing a kiss on eip). Should TCoD get rewritten so that Azula shoots him before he opens it? Then why wouldn't he just open it later? Maybe the chakra would be locked so he feels as though he doesn't need to overcome his attachment just yet. In that situation, how would his chakra even unlock? The stone thing felt like nonsense, so how would I do it?
So yeah I have no idea how to approach this. How would you? (Thanks)
I've been rotating this ask in the back of my head like a rotisserie chicken for a few days--it's interesting because I don't generally stop to think like, how would I write them out of these relationships, I either ignore the relationships completely (which isn't hard, they were barely footnotes in the cartoon) or play a little bit with jealous exes or something. Thinking about like, In A Perfect World where Bryke wasn't in charge of ATLA post-canon (because if zutara had been canon, you can be sure they would've made us regret it) is interesting, and I do have thoughts on how I'd handle their relationships in a rewrite.
(this got long, so the rest is beneath the cut)
Assuming you mostly want to keep canon intact, I think maiko would be the easiest to work around, given how little relevance their relationship has in canon. The problem with maiko as an endgame ship is that it was not set up that way--if it had been, it would not have begun entirely off-screen and their whole relationship would not have been a study in misery and utter inability to connect emotionally. His relationship with Mai was there to showcase just how much he had changed and how little he fit into the life he had been so sure he wanted more than anything since his banishment. It worked very well to highlight Zuko's growth--how that contrasted to Mai's lack of it and why she could not understand him even at his most open and vulnerable--and did not work nearly so well when she was shoved back with him in the epilogue, after he'd quite literally forgotten her existence (he never mentions her again after Boiling Rock, not even to say a word of mourning, considering he'd have every reason to believe she was killed for defying his sister).
I don't think you can fix this by giving Mai some moral realization, because there simply is no room for it. As @araeph says in the essay I linked:
As a character, Mai is very useful to the story during Zuko’s return, because she represents everything that Zuko gains by sticking by his father. A girl who cares about him; the ability to indulge her; the authority he has over others at the palace; we see it all in his interactions with Mai. But this makes Mai a tether to a life he has long outgrown. Her function is not to advance Zuko’s character development, but to obstruct it, which also unfortunately means that Mai gaining a full understanding of Zuko’s trials would be disadvantageous to the story. If she knew everything about him and still wanted him to stay, it would give Zuko more cause than he should have to remain in the Fire Nation, but if she knew and encouraged him to leave and join the Avatar, it would rob Zuko of the triumph of making this decision on his own. In other words, there are good narrative reasons for keeping Mai in the dark; it just doesn’t make their relationship any stronger.
The seeds of a genuine redemption arc (one that includes some sort of moral realization and change to her moral framework) for Mai would have to have been planted far earlier than five episodes from the end of the series, but doing so would have of necessity detracted from Zuko's own character arc and the realizations that he makes despite his attachment to Mai (or more specifically to their relationship, which I feel like he was clinging to more out of a sense of abject loneliness he couldn't shake rather than genuine feelings and emotional connection).
So, in my mind, since we're tackling this with an eye towards getting rid of maiko with the fewest ripples to the overall story anyway, the easiest way to do this would be make one slight change to the end of the Boiling Rock two-parter--have Ty Lee (who had always been the least gung-ho of the trio about bowing to Azula's whims and had to be textually threatened into joining her in the first place) save Zuko's life, and then have Mai (who showed the most genuine affection for Ty Lee anyway) save Ty Lee. I love Zuko more than I fear you always fell flat for me as some epic declaration of love, anyway, since a) Zuko is not around to hear it, and b) unlike Ty Lee, she never showed much fear of Azula to begin with, so it wasn't a very high bar to clear. It was a cool line that was entirely unearned, and I don't think it would be missed, there would be some cute mailee crumbs this way, and a throwaway line of getting them released from the prison after the war ended could wrap up their presence in the story pretty nicely.
Now, kataang is a little trickier, if only because the last leg of Aang's character arc is almost completely derailed by his refusal to let go of his possessive attachment to Katara, to the point where he never naturally reopens his chakras, he has to have the Rock of Destiny hit him in just the right place, and the deus ex lionturtle there to give him a way out of having to make a hard moral choice. (I've maintained for years that if you work the final act of your main character's overall arc in such a way that it could have been solved by one good session with a chiropractor, something got fucked along the way.)
The thing about Aang's chakras is that, narratively, his whole thing with Guru Pathik and leaving his training early to save his friends was basically his version of Luke running away from his training with Yoda on Degobah because of his Force vision, only to find out that his friends were in the process of rescuing themselves and then losing his hand because he hadn't completed the most crucial part of his training. What's missing, therefore, from the last act of Aang's character arc, is the return.
See, in Star Wars, Luke pretty explicitly makes the wrong choice when he chooses to prioritize saving his friends over attaining enlightenment and fully mastering the Force. It was the only choice he could have made, but it was still the wrong one--because, like Aang, his friends did not actually need him to save them, he actually almost makes it harder for them to get away by requiring them to save him because, like Aang, he loses a battle in a very critical way. This was a lesson he desperately needed to learn, and it is clear he has learned it by the time he makes it back to Degobah and witnesses the end of Yoda's life, his own enlightenment having already been reached.
But Aang never goes back to the Guru.
And the text refuses to allow us to sit with the fact that he made the wrong choice in prioritizing his attachment to Katara over his ability to master the Avatar State. He is actually narratively vindicated about it, because the plot bends itself into a pretzel so that he doesn't have to spend any time during the last book trying to reopen his chakras and regain access to the Avatar State, handed both in the final battle with no excess effort on his part, and handed the girl into the bargain. (The girl who never even wanted him, so far as we can tell from all the lack of cues she gave him that she actually returned his feelings.)
And I think this could have been solved with a few scattered scenes. Let Katara actually have some agency in her own romantic relationship (or lack thereof), insofar as noticing Aang's advances and clueing the audience in to how she actually feels. Let Aang struggle with the fact that he can't reach the Avatar State, that his mastery of the elements is in limbo because he can't access his full power, rather than ignoring all of this until the end of the show. If we're trying to keep the shape of the last season roughly the same, let Katara confront Aang about the invasion kiss.
This would have been the perfect time to establish that Katara actually does feel some type of way about Aang prior to the epilogue, and it could have saved us from the exceedingly cringey EIP kiss that Aang never apologized for. How it comes across now, of course, is that Katara basically pretends it never even happened, to the point where she doesn't even know what Aang is talking about during EIP until he reminds her--the death knell for any shot their relationship had at looking requited, because I can tell you, as someone who's been a teenage girl, if someone I had conflicted but burgeoning romantic feelings for had kissed me, I would not have completely forgotten about it only a few weeks later--and we never get any indication as to what she actually felt about the kiss (which was not mutual, despite what Aang's dialogue in the EIP scene implies) except for the fact that she looked away and frowned afterwards. (A change mandated by Bryke, who wanted to leave her feelings completely ambiguous; the original storyboards had her smiling to herself.)
So, with an eye towards wrapping up Aang's puppy love crush and establishing Katara's distinct lack of romantic feelings for him, have her talk to him about the kiss. A good frame of reference for this would be Meng's conversation with Aang in "The Fortuneteller", where she finally realizes that he doesn't like her in the same way she likes him. Katara and Aang's conversation about the invasion kiss could be a callback to this, with Aang having some important realizations--that just because Katara doesn't share his feelings doesn't mean she loves him any less, and just because he can't have her the way he wanted doesn't mean he has to love her any less, that she doesn't belong to him but that's ok, because she's still his family and they'll always have each other's backs. Which could have functioned well in helping him take another step towards unblocking his chakras. Going back to the Guru directly may not have worked, since by this point in the story we're hurtling towards the final confrontation and Sozin's Comet, but let Aang reflect on what the Guru told him with new understanding granted him by his experiences throughout the first half of the season.
To keep the stakes high and up the suspense, obviously, he shouldn't have fully unlocked his chakras and the AS before the final fight, but the seeds could be planted--little moments like a talk with Katara about the invasion kiss, maybe a little more empathy and understanding from him about why Katara needs closure in TSR, etc--and then, during the final fight, rather than hand him all the answers on a silver platter, have him almost lose. He still can't go full Avatar, he's out of time, he still doesn't know exactly what to do about Ozai given his own pacifism and desire to preserve that part of his culture--he tries to fight but he's pretty quickly overpowered. Idk how I would've animated this, and maybe it wouldn't have looked as cool for the final fight, but the true climax of the finale was the Zuko and Azula agni kai anyway, so it hardly matters--I'm picturing him doing the rock-shield thing and going into a brief meditative state, where he finally achieves the enlightenment necessary to unlock the AS on his own, no rock of chiropracty necessary. And at this point, I'd give Ozai a Disney Death, since leaving him alive causes more problems than it solves and it's not necessary for Aang to kill him for him to die--they're fighting on a mountain ffs--but if you don't want to change that part then him figuring out energy bending as part of becoming a fully realized Avatar would at least feel more earned than the lionturtle just handing it to him. (And that could've been foreshadowed better by seeding the idea for it earlier in the season.)
After all of that, particularly if you up the emotions during the agni kai and have Zuko and Katara kiss there (or something less explicitly romantic but still tender, like a brief forehead touch), it'd feel pretty natural to have a just friends ending for Aang and Katara. Maybe a brief, slightly awkward but ultimately amiable conversation if Zuko and Katara had a ~thing at their final fight, and then the final shot of the series could be the gaang all together, maybe zutara holding hands or Katara resting her head on his shoulder or something, but since they already kissed there wouldn't feel like a need to end the whole show on romance, something which I've always felt missed the point of the series.
And then, y'know, after that, the world's your oyster! This is how I'd do it if I were trying to keep the bulk of the final season intact. Of course, breaking it all down to its component pieces and rebuilding from the ground up is also an option, but that'd probably be a longer post lol.
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Obsessed with the idea of Eddie, Jonathan, Tommy, and Billy finding out being obsessed with Steve Harrington was actually not the normal high school experience everyone else at Hawkins high was having. They’re the ones constantly calling him king and being obsessed and the rest of the student body is like “oh yeah, he was the captain of a couple sports teams right? He had cool hair…yeah he seemed cool I guess. Didn’t really notice him outside sports events and like when he threw a party. I think some of the girls liked him cause he was hot.”. Like was he the king of the school or were you just gay for him?
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Would someone be willing to update me on what this is about? I haven’t been watching his videos or paying much attention to the fandom lately and I’m just incredibly confused. I’m being so genuine I’d love to have the information I seem to be missing.
Ok this is kinda mean but I really hope Tommy gets called out one day and gets his ass whooped by karma big time or something his mockery of victims and Dream’s traumatic situation and spreading lies, ableism, and “sarcastic” jokes about misogyny and his overall childish demeanor his annoying stupid mom on Twitter defending his stupid immature actions is so infuriating everytime I unfortunately come across news about that fucker he didn’t grow from 16 at all
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I have the kataang tag blocked now but I guess I need to start blocking some more tags.
Even if you don't believe Aang is a self-insert, it's very interesting how LOK!Aang looks more like a white man. And how Aang's flaws are hardly challenged by Bryke in season 3. As someone who likes Aang, I am very sad about how he was handled in season 3.
And yeah Katara never became Zuko's prize...but I guess it's A-ok she became Aang's hero prize, his forever girl. Doomed to have her fiery spirit erased and to exist merely to be his wife and mother of his kids. At least Zuko put in the work to reconcile with Katara. As far as Aang was concerned, Katara was his because he liked her and did nothing to earn her affection.
Why don't Kataang stans follow their own 'advice' and move on with their canon ship win and stop hijacking properly tagged Zutara posts while they're at it too?? Enjoy your crap post ATLA comics and sequels while Zutara fam enjoys their art and fanfics in peace!
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We all have a good laugh, and it's fun to mess with the antis, but I think we need to make a new rule. If you cross post, you lose the right to complain about ship wars. You are the problem, and everyone you try to rage bait has the right to come at you with both barrels. Anyone from your side who comes to your defense can catch all the strays, too. Are we agreed?
I'm gonna do it anyway, but I think we should make this official fandom etiquette. Who's with me?
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some atla fans will never understand how katara's mom's death affected her differently than sokka just like how hakodas departure affected sokka differently than katara because theyre blind and have the emotional intelligence of a rock
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I have the kataang tag blocked now but I guess I need to start blocking some more tags.
Even if you don't believe Aang is a self-insert, it's very interesting how LOK!Aang looks more like a white man. And how Aang's flaws are hardly challenged by Bryke in season 3. As someone who likes Aang, I am very sad about how he was handled in season 3.
And yeah Katara never became Zuko's prize...but I guess it's A-ok she became Aang's hero prize, his forever girl. Doomed to have her fiery spirit erased and to exist merely to be his wife and mother of his kids. At least Zuko put in the work to reconcile with Katara. As far as Aang was concerned, Katara was his because he liked her and did nothing to earn her affection.
Why don't Kataang stans follow their own 'advice' and move on with their canon ship win and stop hijacking properly tagged Zutara posts while they're at it too?? Enjoy your crap post ATLA comics and sequels while Zutara fam enjoys their art and fanfics in peace!
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you've heard of Spider!Steve and Eddie!Pool
now delight in
"I'm a miraculously healing walking punching bag with a big mouth and a real gift for turning everything into a come on" Steve!Pool
and "I'm a broke-ass awkward as fuck highschool drop out who played with one too many house spiders for The Bit™️ and got bit" Spider!Eddie
an y'know. they kiss an stuff.
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Let it be known that Steve has zero problem with Eddie. Like, negative problems. So little problem that it kinda turns itself inside out and becomes a DIFFERENT problem. But, not like, a problem problem. Just a teeny tiny little maybe issue. Maybe. Whatever.
Anyways, Eddie's a hugger.
And, like Steve said, it's not a problem. Except that it kind of is.
"Oh, dude," Robin had said when he'd told her as much, and stared at him with this incredibly pained look in her eyes. "You have so many issues." And after that, he gets daily a Robin hug.
Which is great. But doesn't solve his not-problem with Eddie hugs.
Well, in a way, it does. Regular Robin hugs means that Steve isn't freezing up and freaking out when he gets an Eddie hug. Steve's really glad for that, because he'd been terrified that he was going to make Eddie think that Steve hated the Eddie hugs.
Which would be awful, because Steve kinda sorta maybe absolutely would-die-for the Eddie hugs. Steve loves the Eddie hugs, okay? Eddie should be hugging Steve all the time, actually.
He does, too. It's kind of awesome. Steve waives a late fee? Eddie's clamoring over the counter to hug him. Steve picks up the nerds from their nerd jail game? Eddie's half way through his window, hugging Steve's head. Steve brought pizza to movie night? Eddie gets his arms around Steve's waist and sighs happily into Steve's neck. It's pretty great.
It's the best thing ever.
And Steve knows logically that he's not special. Eddie's usually draped over someone for extended periods of time until he get's swatted off. He hugs everyone. Steve's not special. He does have to tell himself that a lot.
"Oh, dingus," Robin had sighed when he'd told her as much. Her look this time was a lot less pained and more exasperated. "So many issues." And he was rewarded with two Robin hugs that day.
Anyways, Steve has to remind himself all the time that he's not special. So it comes as a little tiny sorta maybe surprise when Eddie one night wraps Steve in his arms, sighing all happy and contented like he usually does, and says, "You're my favorite, Harrington. You give the best hugs."
And then he presses a kiss to Steve's cheek.
And a lot of things go through Steve's head in that moment. He doesn't have a clue what any of it is, but it all scrolls by like the Star Wars intro on too much sugar and too hard to read. Still, he arrives at the correct conclusion anyways.
"Oh," Steve says, before Eddie's lips have really left his cheek. "I'm in love with you."
Eddie reels back, his hands still on Steve's shoulders, big brown eyes now bigger than ever. Steve watches as his face goes pink, and pinker, and then bright red.
"Huh?!" It's a really ugly sound that Eddie makes, and Steve bites his lip to keep from laughing. It's cute.
"Yeah," Steve says. "I'm in love with you."
"... What?!"
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This is such a well put explanation for these points. I have such a hard time explaining these things without people getting angry and defensive. I don’t hate Aang, not at all. I don’t even hate Katara x Aang as a pairing, what I hate is the way the writing lazily forced Katara to basically forget anything Aang ever did wrong in order to fit their “main character gets the girl” agenda. It’s stupid and out of character and that’s why a lot of people look at those parallels with the way Zuko handled his mistakes with Katara and come to the conclusion that they are a better pair. No malice. No obsession. Just dissatisfaction with the poor writing of the canon pair.
The thing is, (most of) Zutara shipper understand and don't deny that Katara had reason to be angry when Zuko betrayed her. In fact, the way Katara confronted Zuko is important to their arc and relationship development.
But, you can't see their relationship just there, then conclude that Katara confronted Zuko equal Katara hated Zuko. Meanwhile, Zuko tried hard to gain her trust again (asked her what he could do to make it up to her, asked her brother about their mother, waiting all night, accompany her journey) and Katara by her own choice forgave him.
Basically, (most of) Zutara shipper never deny that Zuko was guilty and Katara right to be angry at him. In the other hand, Katara also had completely understandable reason to feel angry to the person who killed her mother.
Meanwhile, (some of) other shippers think Katara was right to be angry at Zuko and threatened to kill him for defending Aang, but then bash Zuko for letting Katara to get angry at her mother killer (saying that Zuko encouraged Katara to kill someone, when he never did that) and they began to defend Aang who tried to stop her with his lecture. Doesn't that sound like a double standard?
Then again, Katara also had every right to be angry when someone violated her personal boundaries, kissing her when she had already refused to build a romantic relationship.
The problem is, (some of) other shippers don't see this thing as a big deal. I've had arguments with one of them who denied that Aang made a mistake and defended him by saying it only happened once (even though it actually happened twice).
Whether it happened once, twice, or multiple times, a mistake is a mistake. What makes it different is, did it get fixed? Unfortunately, Aang didn't show the effort to correct his mistake or try hard to gain her forgiveness. Katara (like it or not) just let it go like it never happened.
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Update on this fic: I’ve decided to rewrite this story within a completely different universe. I’m still working on the details, it may be a different fandoms or just a completely original story but I realized that while I lost my passion for writing haikyuu fanfic I still really like the original concept so I’m definitely not abandoning it completely. Will keep you guys updated.
Summarized Soulmates Information and Backstory:
a haikyuu x reader series. Featuring a female reader!
↳ Backstory about my version of a soulmate au: From the moment you turn 13 you begin recieving small bits of information about your soulmate each year on your birthday. There is no particular order to the information and it can range from being as major as a person’s name to as minor as their favorite cereal.
↳ Having always been a bit put off by the idea of soulmates, you decide to focus on the things most important to you right now rather than worry about looking for your soulmate- those things are school and volleyball. Little did you know that through your passion for volleyball, you would be forced into an insane love square with 3 people who all fit the vague description of your soulmate that you currently have. Which one, if any of them, is your soulmate?
↳ More info on ships here
↳Updates every Tuesday<3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5- coming soon
⚠️this fic has officially been discontinued⚠️
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Currently catching up on Dimension 20 and very quickly realizing that every single character Emily Axford creates is immediately my favorite. I’m very behind on seasons cause I just recently started watching but like holy shit can this woman make me love these stupid little guys.
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confusedgayscreeching · 2 months
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I found this picture on Pinterest and I immediately knew I was going to draw it
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confusedgayscreeching · 2 months
My experience with queer media lately:
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confusedgayscreeching · 3 months
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Boys are stupid -Mikey, 2024
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