Psycho-Pass Confessions
224 posts
Feel free to confess everything! There are no rules- go crazy. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD
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Until Ginoza said so on last episode of S1, I couldn’t accept Kagari’s death. I thought he had been kidnapped by Sybil after the shot or something and eventually he would be found in an extreme situation and be rescued by division 1. I was so shocked I couldn’t accept it
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psycho-pass where everything is the same except NOBODY DIES
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Until last episode of S1 I couldn’t accept Kagari’s dead. Also this is how I found out he was my greatest fave of all the series. I got completely chocked.
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I have a question, I don't understand much of American culture so I just want to know, why do you write "I am thinking about Jesus?" I don't understand.
i’m saying that i’m thinking about jesus because the pure level of sin in those confessions was 3 much 5 me
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Hi there, y'all. You won't believe it when I tell you, but I was thinking that in Season 3, there will be a scene where Akane and Mika will kiss, and it ends with the both of them sleeping naked in bed with each other. That's the sexiest dream I've ever had.
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"Most people don’t mind killing cows and chickens but they’d probably have a hard time doing the same to chimpanzees." ,,,,,,,,,But clearly Makishima was not anticipating Harambe I mean okay Harambe isn't a chimpanzee bUT DICKS OUT RN MAKISHIMA
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psycho pass where everything is the same except whenever shion makes an appearance the song purse first by bob the drag queen starts playing. it's 4am and i can't stop laughing
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I think Sakuya/Rikako would make a good pair. They would talk about about their respective hobbies, him painting inspectors black and her dismembering her classmates. And in the end have violent sex while Mika watches and cries, or gets off.
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So I like to think of Gino banging me hard in the office after hours, then Kougami happens upon us and stays around to watch. Gino hasn’t noticed him but I have, and it just turns me on even more.
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Kougami is incredibly selfish to the extent it covers any good character traits he has – he abandoned his career, his closest friends, and eventually his country in a pursuit of ‘justice’ that only he wanted carried out. Even Akane didn’t want Makishima to die, even after knowing the truth behind Sibyl, even after witnessing this man murder her best friend – at the very least, she didn’t want him to be brought down with vigilantism. Which is what it was, since the judgement system was not applicable in his place, death would have to be brought around by something other than a Dominator. Kougami was incredibly selfish for pursuing that and needing it more than his friends and allies needed him. Furthermore, it’s literally impossible to tell when he’s doing good things to be kind (which happens rarely, if ever) or when he’s doing good things in order to exploit something or someone so he can get his own way.
The main focus of his character arc is the Specimen Case, which fuels his motivations and drives most of his development (if any). He often uses his relationship with Sasayama as the reason he’s so desperate to find the truth when speaking to Akane, but when speaking to Ginoza and during interactions with Makishima, we see that this isn’t the case. It is clear that Sasayama’s death had a great impact – probably due to the nature of it – but the way Kougami describes Sasayama leads me to believe that they weren’t all that close. The short version is essentially, “oh, yeah, he was a nice pervert” and is then never mentioned again. We see his dedication at pursuing the case after three years and when it had long since gone cold, and the moment evidence appears, he jumps right on it and then is all over it like a bloodhound; like all hunting dogs, it’s the scent is more important than everything else.
On his own terms, Kougami couldn’t be bothered to even leave Akane a note until prompted by Masaoka – which is really horrible of him, since he knows how much Akane looks up to him. He was ready to just up and leave without even saying so much as goodbye to Akane. And even then the letter is written in this way where it’s almost like her feelings don’t matter, and he left it just to keep her hue clear; probably so she didn’t realise that he’d used and abused her trust and threw it out of the window without so much as a backwards glance.
The worst point (in which I lost any faith I had in his character to be honest) was when he abandoned Ginoza – HIS BEST FRIEND SINCE CHILDHOOD – who could have literally been bleeding out over the corpse of his father. This showed that by the end of the season he cared more about his warped sense of justice, more about the case, more than he cared about Akane, more than he cared about Ginoza. His childhood friend could have been bleeding to death, dying, and what does Kougami do? Does he offer Ginoza any help at all? Absolutely not, he fucks off within ten seconds to carrying on chasing Makishima. And I swear to God if I hear the argument ‘oh, but this was the last chance to catch Makishima blah blah blah’, I’m going to scream. Do you honestly think that would have been the last chance? Probably not. Makishima was obsessed by Kougami, so there was a very high possibility they would have met again. To make matters worse, in the final episode of season one, he helps Akane so briefly and then leaves AGAIN to chase Makishima. Akane at this point probably has a concussion, so at the very least he could have got Akane some help; hell, he could have called Yayoi to come and help Ginoza and Akane, but does he? Nope, we’re off to chase Makishima, who is bleeding heavily and seriously wounded. Like chasing Makishima shouldn’t have been so urgent �� how far could he have got, really, in the state he was in? Chances are he would have bled to death.
So, in just two episodes, Kougami has left his childhood best friend in a state of heightened emotional distress and bleeding to death with the corpse of his dead father, and the woman who respected and looked up to him in a very injured way. Does he call for help for the both of them? Does he try to help them? Absolutely not. To make matters worse, he doesn’t go and check if Ginoza is still alive or not, he doesn’t even tell Akane about Ginoza’s condition – his mental health is quickly deteriorating, and he’s bleeding to death. But you know. Ginoza? Who’s that? This wouldn’t be so much of a big deal, but this is the second time he’s betrayed both Ginoza and Akane, and for Ginoza, this is such a big issue for him. Kougami doesn’t offer Ginoza or Masaoka (who he treats like a father) a kind word, he just rushes out of there.
And did Kougami ever talk about them the way they talk about him? No – he talks about them, Akane especially, in terms of what she gives him (“you allow me to act more like a detective” along those lines). That’s not ‘love’ or ‘mutual respect’, that’s using her. And the chances are that he is; he can use her idealism and inexperience to turn her into something he can use, which will then allow him to break the rules and work outside of the system to pursue a case he has been repeatedly warned away from since his Inspector days.
Consistently he uses Akane as a means to do whatever the hell he wants. Sure, he acts concerned about her hue when she’s doing the memory scoop, yet somehow it’s perfectly a-okay for him to take her to a guy with a reputation for clouding people’s hues, or telling her to flat out murder someone. Honestly, during season one, he treats her like a guinea pig, all whilst saying ‘yeah, but I knew you’d be alright’. I’m sorry, but if someone willingly put me in a relatively dangerous situation without telling me the risks, and then saying, ‘oh, but I knew you’d be okay’ I would be more than pissed. Akane had no idea about the potential risk going to Saiga’s carried, nor about his reputation for clouding hues until after their visit, and whilst she didn’t mind it, the consent she had to go there wasn’t really hers. Even Ginoza calls them out on it, but he’s then treated like a horrible boss and an asshole and so on. Plus, let’s remember the time he asked Akane repeatedly to kill Makishima – and whilst it is perfectly understandable why he wants Makishima dead – it further shows how little Kougami genuinely cares for Akane’s mental health over his own ‘justice’.
I guess you could say the fact that Kougami puts justice above all is a good thing, but in his case, it’s not. You cannot put your ideals above the mental and physical wellbeing of the people you’re meant to care about – it’s completely unforgivable. Maybe I could have given him some leeway if he’d at least told Akane about Ginoza – about ten seconds of his precious fucking time – but he didn’t, and chances are that Akane, who was likely suffering a concussion and some kind of shock had to drift in there to find Ginoza dying, and Masaoka, her tutor, dead. But to learn Kougami had been there and not said a word? I have the feeling she’d be angry, as any sane person would have been. Kougami left all three of them there to die.
Even in the movie he’s not much better, and he acts like nothing is wrong, nothing has changed, even though it has. Even whilst making small talk with Akane about Ginoza, Akane doesn’t really answer his question, simply says that he’s an Enforcer now, and that’s the end of that. Not once does Kougami apologize, and the fact that he didn’t preface his question about Ginoza with even a simple ‘sorry’ is very indicative of his character. I don’t think it’s a good thing that he tried to overlook the things he did that weren’t even acceptable or apologized for as though nothing is wrong.
What really drives it home is that he hurt a lot of people – either directly or indirectly – who were vulnerable, all in the name of his idea of justice, for his own selfish aims. I find it very hard to sympathise or support someone who is selfish enough to put his desire for revenge and ‘justice’ over the people he cared about. I’m not specifically talking about Akane (he never says he cares for her, nor does he demonstrate it), I’m talking about others, such as Masaoka, who is his father figure and mentor, who he doesn’t even help. In the end, he leaves Akane feeling pretty much useless because Kougami does what Kougami wants (you can see this throughout season one, Episode Three is usually a good starting point) where he places Akane in more danger than what she was prepared for. Of course he would run off to pursue Makishima, like good god, what if Makishima expired before he got to him? He wanted to see it happen, needed to see it happen. So it can hardly be called justice.
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I think my sister is becoming Makashima. She's talking about how she hates the police system. And now I feel like Kogami because I'm thinking about getting rid of her. 0-0
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So I had a sex dream about Makishima and Masaoka last night.... It was so hot
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Confession: I ship Sogo Makishima and Bill Cipher don’t ask me why.
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I would totally fuck sasayama, Togane and touma. THERE I SAID IT
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I feel like I’m the only Sasayama fan in this fandom…. he’s my fave and I would 10/10 bang him
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Every few years or so my school has a school ball for the senior students. Me and my friends are planning to take cardboard cutouts as dates. Ginoza is mine.
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It depressed me that great characters like Kagari, Masaoka or Makishima died and that Kasei was left alive. I just want to punch her in the face.
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