communismheals · 12 years
Break time
You guys have probably noticed (or at least I hope you have) that I have been on hiatus.
I have just become tired of pointing out the insanity of communismkills. It's kind of pointless since it's all there for everyone to see. Why do you need me to point out how much of a wet douche she is? :)
I may come back from time to time if I need to procrastinate, but otherwise, this blog will remain somewhat sedentary.
My last note of advice would be to stop paying attention to anything communismkills does (stop sending her angry asks, mainly). By giving her the attention she wants (being the massive troll that she is) you are only feeding her ego. 
If you are to do anything, I recommend that you insult from afar and insult intelligently. 
G'night Tumblr.
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communismheals · 12 years
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I’m just gonna put this here and walk away quietly.
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communismheals · 12 years
What? You want war? That sounds better than taxes.
I know everyone always talks about how “Obama is another term for Bush derpderp”, but let’s be serious here for a minute. As awful as Bush was (and he was awful), you wouldn’t see Benghazi going unsolved and unaccounted for. You wouldn’t see Algeria being ignored. You wouldn’t see the Muslim Brotherhood getting F-16s. You wouldn’t see Iran holding multiple Americans hostage. You wouldn’t see your guns being taken.
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communismheals · 12 years
Your mentor is someone who wanted to end his life because of something like that? Yikes.
Chances are, I’m going down to Richmond to hear my mentor testify about the importance of gold and silver currency.
This is exciting.
My mentor was on suicide watch since the election and he claims hearing this bill is going to be considered again was someone answering a prayer by giving him a reason to live.
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communismheals · 12 years
Ugh, she's back.
You know, I don’t think my family would like to know a bunch of dishonest Nazis tried to drive me from a website and succeeded.
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communismheals · 12 years
Sign: When your own group starts to hate you, you might just be an awful person.
Oooh, I see. The new trendy thing is for the "conservatives" to hate me.
Just like I experienced with the “libertarians”, they’re a bunch of an ungrateful pieces of crap because I refuse to change my beliefs.
I see.
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communismheals · 12 years
It's probably tired of you and your bullshit.
It's official: Tumblr isn't showing the text of my posts anymore.
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communismheals · 12 years
Including you <3
Yep, everyone on Tumblr is a piece of shit and I hate everyone on this website.
The people who keep changing the text of my posts to something outrageously racist that I never said, the people who reblog my photos just to mock my appearance for no reason, the dumb fake “libertarians”, and now the “conservatives” who think it’s cool to hate me.
I’m done.
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communismheals · 12 years
I am on a hiatus for an indefinite period of time.
The “conservatives” stabbing me in the back is truly the last straw and there is no reason for me to run this blog if even the people who were supposed to be on my side think it’s now cool to despise me. I thought conservatives were better than...
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communismheals · 12 years
Why does their culture have to be one from Africa? It is not. It is one that was formed in America, just like yours...
Since all of these black people are apparently so mad about “white people stealing other cultures”, why do they continue to try to write in—and ultimately butcher—English? Shouldn’t they revert back to the tongue of whatever African country they came from?
Really, it would save me a lot of trouble when trying to understand why people type in ebonics.
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communismheals · 12 years
Changed the picture for emphasis.
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communismheals · 12 years
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communismheals · 12 years
Yes. One person's blog negates what 50K+ other people say.
Wow, that photograph of me was reblogging on to a blog about "beautiful women."
Ha, that shows 50K+…
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communismheals · 12 years
Oh boy, another school shooting. Let's all sit back and watch Congress do nothing.
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communismheals · 12 years
Communismkills confession: I think the funniest thing she ever posted was that mirror pic of herself in that adorraablee Wet Seal shirt without her glasses on and said something like "look how awesome I look without my glasses" like oh yeah, that's it, that's what has been holding you back from being aesthetically pleasing this whole time, it was your glasses. Yes definitely that and not your general appearance. Not only does she know everything about politics, she's pReTty too!
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communismheals · 12 years
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the crazy religious, gun swinging, and often very misinformed (or just stupid) voter, i.e., the conservative.
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The low-information voter, i.e., the liberal.
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communismheals · 12 years
and here we have communismkills attempting something that looks like it's supposed to be comedy.
I noticed that clothing with spikes and studs are now back in style.
Finally, a fashion trend that people who lived through the 1980s, and every middle schooler in their goth phase, can both enjoy.
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