I just keep repeating it on a loop too.
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Everyone on the internet right now.
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Daniel Radcliffe on the death of Alan Rickman.
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my name is milo and i like to scream
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TwelveRiver - A Christmas Love Story
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Marry a man like Peter Capaldi, don’t marry any man less than that. Every girl deserves a Peter Capaldi. He’s not a character from a story, he’s flesh and blood. If some guy argues because of their own insecurities - saying Rory Williams or Prince Charming are from fairytales, tell them Peter Capaldi is real. And that you deserves a Peter fucking Capaldi, and nothing less, then dump that asshole.
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The first day back to the gym after the holidays.
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Tiny Hamster Agility Course.
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David Tennant’s NTA Special Recognition - His Reaction
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daleks like snow / zolloc
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I’m gonna need therapy.
And a REALLY BIG bag of bread.
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Basically, you fall asleep on your own crypt? How un-comforting.
Goodnight children ... maybe we’ll see you in the morning.
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This earthquake-proof bed will bury you alive in comfort    
Earthquakes. Humanity’s oldest foe. Right up there with snakes, fire, and other humans when it comes to things that will definitely probably kill you some day. Which is why you need one of these terrifying earthquake-proof beds. In the event of a quake, your conspicuously massive four-poster will simply swallow you up whole, letting you get back to sleeping while the world itself shatters around you.
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This must be how famous people feel about their fans.
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Every day. Every. Darn. Day.
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Basically, this is 99.9% of the Doctor Who fandom this season.
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Best Christmas gift ever! :D
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The Doctor looking at his wife like a puppy in love
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People always say ‘be true to yourself.’ But that’s misleading, because there are two selves. There’s your short term self, and there’s your long term self. And if you’re only true to your short term self, your long term self slowly decays.
Follow for more quotes about life (via thelovewhisperer)
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Oh crap ... trying to calculate how old the Doctor is now.
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I wonder if this works on liberals too?
how to silence your bigot relatives on thanksgiving
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