colouryouurlife · 5 months
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colouryouurlife · 9 months
I love a “talk to me, what’s wrong” type of person
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colouryouurlife · 10 months
You still gotta flirt with her even if she’s already your girl.
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colouryouurlife · 10 months
“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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colouryouurlife · 10 months
Love the person who tries their best to understand you.
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colouryouurlife · 11 months
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– Ariel Dimitri, Instagram account "dimoetry"
[TEXT ID: "I hope October brings you peace — I hope it brings you a chance to feel more alive, to see something from the skies and birds, and pay attention to how the butterflies fly away beautifully from one flower to the other one. I hope October brings you another reason to be thankful. I hope October shows us some people who love us to have lunch together, share your meals together, and to love, to dance, to laugh and move on. I know you are trying your best right now. I hope October brings you luck to notice something, feel something, and carry on." END ID]
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colouryouurlife · 11 months
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
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8K notes · View notes
colouryouurlife · 1 year
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
Yes, toxic relationships are hard but do you know what else is hard? Your first healthy relationship after a toxic one. No one talks about how hard it is to unlearn all the toxic behaviors you adapted as coping mechanisms. How hard it is to convince yourself that you're safe now.
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
“Do not lose hope. Please believe there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you.”
— Unknown
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
Loyal and dirty, that’s my type
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
You deserve healthy love. Remember that.
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
i just want rainy days with a cup of coffee
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
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colouryouurlife · 1 year
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203K notes · View notes