cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
I love getting high. But smoking weed gives me mad munchies. at the end of the night I always have an awful binge when I'm too high to care about counting calories. Then I feel so disgusting and in pain the next day
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
I don’t purge myself at all but I don’t think people understand how dangerous purging is for your body, so please please please anyone who does - break that habit! 
Friendly reminder-
Side effects from purging that aren’t really talked about (can occur from long or short term)
Thousands of dollars in dental bills
Forever sensitive teeth
Enamel completely eaten away by stomach acid, losing the ability to enjoy hot, cold, or sweet things
Loss of gum lines and/or teeth
Esophagus being turned into “hamburger meat” instead of the smooth walls it’s supposed to have
Increase indigestion
Your sphincter to your stomach from your esophagus tearing and/or breaking, causing stomach acid to permanently leak into your esophagus
Stomach stretching and never returning
Spraining/Tearing abdominal muscles due to trauma
Intense stomach pain after doing it for so long, no matter how much you eat
Not ever being able to keep anything down again because your brain has rewired you to do it automatically
Permanent double chin
Permanent big jaw
Permanent swollen face
Infections on hands from either cutting them on teeth or acid eating them away
Seizures, Hormonal Imbalances, Cysts on face, Acne, and any other kind of random symptom because causing your stomach to do the opposite of what it was designed to do and/or causing a nutrient deficiency can be the cause of a MULTITUDE of issues
Majority of Bulimics die while purging over the toilet
You are worthy of having one day of fun. Not pro, but in the future, rethink these horrors and if anything, restrict don’t purge. Purging will cause more life-threatening issues faster, even though both aren’t good. If you must, please choose the lesser of the two evils.
Stay safe as possible. Don’t beat yourself up over one day, babe. It won’t ruin anything, trust me.
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
please I get guilty thinking about how lonely he is right now when he literally made me feel like shit my whole life 💀
Who else was on the “daddy’s girl” to “hating your dad” to “he may have caused me a lot of trauma but he’s done a lot for me and he’s battling his own demons so I guess he’s aight”, pipeline??
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
I've been fucking crying to the song mockingbird by eminem for a while because I'm so jealous that i didn't have a dad like that.
And the tiktok trend where they talk about their amazing dads just makes me so jealous.
I wish i had atleast one caring male figure in my life.
And yes i do have fucking daddy issues
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
it’s starting to feel a bit like summer where I’m from and I’m actually terrified 
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
I really need to tell my mum that I should stop having therapy... I feel like I’m wasting her money because therapy literally does nothing. I started telling my therapist about my deep-rooted self-esteem issues and inferiority complex and she just brushed me off so we could talk about my dad...
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
started counting calories today for the first time (I always avoided it because I didn’t want to get obsessive lol) and jesus christ I eat so much... I always thought I ate so little but apparently not :’(
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cold-cup-of-tea · 2 years
Reblog if:
- You support recovery.
- You support those in recovery.
- You support seeking help.
- You want  people to seek help.
- You think everyone is beautiful, regardless of their weight.
- Even if you yourself, aren’t seeking help or are in recovery, want others too.
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
why not me
why not me
why not me
why not me
why not me 
I can change my body but I can never change my face
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
I’m going home in a week and I’ll probably have to see my friends :’) time to try and keep a straight face while they humble brag about not eating and losing weight
(i really hope they don’t notice my weight gain jdfkdjhgjkhkdfjgh)
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
ah, i found myself in a meme
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the struggle is real
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
Entry 5
I always wonder if people ignore me in favour of someone else because I’m unlikable or just because I’m quiet. I used to think it was because I’m ugly but no one’s that shallow. I guess I just need to be more outspoken. But I’m not easy to like and I’m not funny or interesting, idk. I just need to try harder.
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
I hate how being biracial is so romanticised and sought after until you’re biracial but ugly like me. it’s like the aesthetic isn’t cute anymore and it kinda sucks 
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
PLEASE same my nose is DISGUSTING 
ok ok so i’m -obsessed- with weight loss but i also have a big nose & im scared it’s going to make my nose looks bigger 🤪 honestly though fuck it id much rather be skinnii.
once i’m skinny AND get a nose job it’s over for y’all
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
please i have a crisis about this everyday, i hate being around other girls because they’re so pretty and i always think about how unfair it is that i was born with such an awful face, i’m so tempted for surgery
Ik my whole acc is me venting about my body but I hate my face just as much and it’s killing me. I just want to be able to look in the mirror without crying.
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
I hate how sensitive I am. I hate how anything anyone says to me makes me want to curl up and disappear forever 
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cold-cup-of-tea · 3 years
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