coilpotter · 3 years
“You always drop by, to enlighten my mind, when my wings are feeling heavy & I’ve forgotten how to fly.” ― Curtis Tyrone Jones Pair of Shoes by Vincent VanGogh More on Heaviness “I believe that with all things in life, there is a constant need to let go of the idea of “trying hard”, there’s a heaviness in trying hard to get something, have something or be something. As long as people comply…
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Yoshijiro Urushibara, Camellias in a vase, ca. 1930s
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Doing some illustrations for a kid’s picture book #kiddielit #picturebook #birdsandbugs (at Brinnon, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI_ilvAD-55/?igshid=qwlrh6qtyp5r
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Hans Hartung, « T1987-H40 », acrylique sur toile, 92 x 73 cm, 1987
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coilpotter · 4 years
“When a man is prey to his emotions, he is not his own master.” 
~ Baruch Spinoza, Ethics
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Jean Michael Basquiat’s Glenn, 1984
More on Emotion:
“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”  ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
“I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which…
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Made a tiny hobbit home. For scale, the round door is about 1/2 inch in diameter. You can’t tell by the photo, but it has lighting inside and in front of the house. (at Brinnon, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4kgFfDFIQ/?igshid=155dk3yim9xsp
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Jan De Vliegher (Belgian, b. 1964), Garden, 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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coilpotter · 4 years
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via pinterest
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Albarran Cabrera   —–   Instagram
Since the beginning of the year we have been very busy using the time during the lockdown to carry out a lot of experimental work in the darkroom (this summer included). It means hours upon hours of trying, accumulating mistakes which at the end they are precious information that leads you to learn. It is great when you start having results. . There is an old book talking about photographic processes entitled “The keepers of light”. We think this title perfectly defines the spirit of what we love doing.
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Plate from La Proue de la table, Alexander Calder, 1967, MoMA: Drawings and Prints
Gift of Associated American Artists Size: plate: 9 3/8 × 6 9/16" (23.8 × 16.7 cm); sheet: 14 15/16 × 11 ¼" (37.9 × 28.5 cm) Medium: Etching from an illustrated book with seven etchings and journal with letterpress reproductions
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coilpotter · 4 years
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Antonio Ortega Perez(Spanish)
watercolor paintings   Source: 1  2  3  4  5
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