coffee-seedy · 1 day
UNLESS (sanemi x f!reader) Pt 3.
MDNI, 18+ angst, swearing
Pt. 4 >
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warnings: arrangedmarriage!au, angst/fluff, MANGA SPOILERS, abuse
nightmare (/ˈnʌɪtmɛː/)
a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness, extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.
word count: 4k
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Part Three (Newlyweds)
There was sobbing, and he can’t see anything. His hands felt sticky as he fumbled around to find his bearings. That voice…
A person collapses into his hands, making him fall to his knees to cradle them.
It can’t be…there’s no way. She’s crying into his hands, and he can feel the sharp fangs and claws he had worked hard to supress in the trenches of his memory graze against his hands.
“Are you becoming your father Nemi?” she sniffled as she finally looked up, holding his gaze with her very human-looking eyes.
None of this was making any sense. His father… Sanemi winced as more memories resurfaced, the way his father would drag his mother by the hair and fling her across the room, raining angry punches on her shrinking figure. He remembers the bitter taste of his father’s fists when he had tried intervening before, and he remembers the twist in his gut when his father would threaten to hit the rest of his siblings if he ever stepped in between his parents again.
“I-If you turn into him…she will end up like I did,” his mother’s shaky voice pulls him out of his own head.
His eyes widened as the pieces clicked. No. No way. He swore to himself he would never let it happen again.
“She…She’ll become a demon?”
Why was his voice shaking? He watched, frozen as his mother sat up to face him, wiping her tear-stricken cheeks with a clawed hand. She shook her head as she grinned, all her razor-sharp teeth showing, stained dark red with the blood of his siblings. She grabs his hands, which he’s realising are also covered in someone’s blood, and he doesn’t know whose. He could see the tremors in his fingertips as she places his hands on both sides of her neck.
“She’ll die by your hands”
A sickening crack echoes as her hands force his to twist.
Sanemi jolted awake, sitting up as his breathing heaved, cold sweat running down his back and chest. It was just a nightmare. A fucking horrible one, but it was just that and only that. He rubbed his face as he left his room, silently opening the door to the bedroom opposite his, and he couldn’t lie, he was relieved to see your sleeping figure, gently rising and falling with each soft breath. He leaned against the door frame as he recalled what happened a week ago.
Kamado Tanjiro had accused him of being an abusive husband, and it had made him see red. He didn’t care if people treated him like he was some brute, but the one thing he had sworn to never become, was the pathetic excuse of a man his father was. It took all the trainees, and a screeching Sorai cawing the news that Y/N had been found unconscious and had been admitted into the care of the Butterfly Estate, to stop him dead in his tracks.
He had sprinted as fast as the winds could carry him, and he was met with a sharp gazed Shinobu before he could burst into every room to find you. She had spoken in a very pointed tone as she revealed that you were beginning to show symptoms of malnourishment. She had also dropped that a diet of only birdseed and water, as well as sleeping outdoors was no way any spouse should be treated and it was a miracle you had survived that way for almost a month.
For the whole week you were unconscious, the sinking feeling of guilt only deepened the more he remained by your side, noticing how frail your figure had become, the way your cheeks were sunken and your wrists bony. He’d take naps in the spare bed next to yours whenever the tiredness of staying awake got to him, and when Obanai and Mitsuri came to visit, he would take their harsh words with his head down.
“You know she came from a mountain clan, right? How could you not know their history with women?” Obanai accused.
“I’m sure you didn’t mean it Sanemi! There’s no way you would treat her this way intentionally, right?”
“Nonsense, Oyakata-sama was very clear in his advice to him, Mitsuri. He has no excuse.”
Oyakata-sama’s advice. Why didn’t he remember it earlier? It felt confusing at the time, and he didn’t keep the words in mind, but it all made sense now that he’s piecing the pieces together.
“Speak clearly and have meals together.”
What the hell kind of marriage advice was that anyways? How was he supposed to know that the food you laid out each day was for him, let alone the fact that him not eating it meant that you wouldn't? Fuck, what kind of twisted upbringing did you have?
But Sanemi was never one to dwell in regret, so he swears to himself to dedicate his all to your recovery. By the time you were finally discharged, he had arranged for the Kakushi to deliver groceries daily and had requested for another week off.
Sanemi had been awkwardly looming around you as you went about your daily chores post-recovery and though there was a tiny weird tension between the two of you, you had learned to ignore it and enjoy his adorable attempt of company instead. The only few moments he would leave you alone were when he would be shuffling about in the kitchen while you were mending his uniforms in the living room, (and mysterious plates of ohagi would appear on the table in front of you after you wake up from your mid-sewing naps) or when you would take your evening sit in the backyard (and you can still hear his soft pacing as he waited for you to come back inside to the safety of your home). It was sweet that he was truly working on being a better husband for you.
It was during this week that he learnt about your past. He swears he didn’t mean to, but it was late, you were out in the backyard longer than you usually were and he’s never been a man of patience. He had slammed the sliding door open, and you squeaked as you dropped the wet cloth you were using to wipe your body to cover yourself with a towel. He was stunned into silence, the flash of bare skin and the sight of the gnarly scars that ran down your spine gone in a blink as your wide doe eyes turned to him.
Realising he was staring and had interrupted your bath, he could feel the heat rushing to his face as he averted his gaze and muttered an apology, scampering back indoors. He was dying inside from embarrassment. Gah, you probably think he’s a pervert now.
He slid down against the thin door, face in his hands as he tried to rub off the heat on his cheeks. He didn’t stay that way for long though, jumping back on his feet when he heard your soft knock, and your shy invite to join you in your evening sit. You’d open the door when there was no response to the sight of his back to you, but he’d let you slip your hand in his and he’d let you guide him back to sit outside.
You sat in a comfortable silence, staring at the moon, pretending you don’t feel his heavy gaze on you. Your hand was still in his, and he made no move to remove it as you absently traced your thumb along the large scar that ran across his knuckles.
“Yours aren’t that bad to be honest,” He finally spoke carefully.
“Oh?” Your eyes locked as you shifted to face him.
“These are from my demon turned mum after she murdered all my siblings,” he gestured casually to his face, pulling your hand to rest on his bare chest and the bigger scars that ran across it, “These when I had to kill her.”
And maybe this was a very subtle way of him showing off his muscles to you, so you indulged him by letting your fingers trace the scars along his chest, internally giggling at how he almost seemed to preen proudly under your touch. You’d look up at him, and the faint smirk on his handsome face made your gut swirl in some type of way.
“Mine’s Muzan. Grabbed my spine like it was a handle and he yeeted me,” you’d state so plainly, that it shocked him when he realised what you said.
“Oh shit, you win,” he’d choke a laugh, which made you playfully push his chest with an “It’s not a competition!”
“Yeah, yeah you just want a reason to keep touching me,” he scoffed as he rolled his eyes mirthfully, but his larger hand kept yours held to his chest, and you’d both sit in silence again as you feel his quick pulse, unaware of his fond gaze as you eyed his heart quizzically.
“Hm?” He’s too caught up in the moment to realise you were still addressing him like that.
“…Are you having…a heart attack?”
- -
Autumn nears as the heavy monsoons shift to rough gales, that have you pinning the laundry with extra clips (so you wouldn’t have another one of your panicked sheet chasing incidents). You could only pray you’ve bribed Sorai with enough fresh peas that he wouldn’t tell your husband about them.
You’ve moved in to the guest bedroom opposite Sanemi’s room, upon his insistence, and married life has been quaint for the both of you. Your husband had left for the regional patrol again, and he had given you strict instructions to keep yourself well fed while he was gone. He had arranged for the Kakushi to collect a grocery list from you each night and to deliver the fresh produce every morning. He’d warn you to keep all the doors and windows shut at night with a gentle pat to your hair, and your heart skips a beat when you thought he was leaning in to kiss your forehead, but he ends up reaching behind you to grab his coin pouch.
You’d giggle nervously because oh no if you had leaned in it would’ve been so embarrassing, and he’d smirk knowingly as you turned shy from how close you were standing together. You’d send him off with a wave, and immediately slumped at the thought of being alone again in the estate for the week.
The week flies by in a blur of chores to keep yourself busy, and today, you had chanced upon your blood stained haori from the well incident, shoved in a messy bundle in the dark corner of a random wardrobe. So you set it out to soak in a tub by said well itself as you continued your work on reviving the dried wisteria tendrils that line the walls of the estate.
A long afternoon of trimming all the dead vines had absolutely exhausted you and you had completely forgotten about your laundry. You were too excited at the possibility of your husband’s return that night, and may have prepared a slightly bigger dinner spread in the hopes of having his company to share it with.
But alas, you end up storing most of it when midnight came around and there were no signs of Sanemi. You were headed off to bed, and that was when you heard what sounded like…a large dog…lapping water…?
There’s an odd stillness in some nights that leaves one’s senses heightened. The sharpened instinct of a held breath and darting eyes, an anticipation for a movement or sound to break the world from its sudden frozen state. Sanemi has learnt to associate these nights with the ones where demons prowl stealthily in their hunt for blood; so he keeps his footsteps quiet and his hand ready on his new blade.
He’s had a long week, and he hopes this next demon would be a quick kill on his way home. The dead air is broken by the sound of beating wings and the sight of his crow flapping towards him. His guard drops for a second but is immediately replaced with a sinking sense of déjà vu. His crow was coming from his estate. Sanemi pushes the wind beneath his feet, desperate to confirm that you were safe and soundly asleep, even though he knew the creeping stench of demon and human blood only got stronger as he neared his home. He jumps high, slashing through the roof with a reinforced slam of wind to land in the middle of your bedroom.
The demon was ugly, human features twisted into a giant mouth that was sucking desperately on a dripping blood tinted haori. Sanemi’s eyes widen at the sight of the broken half of his old blade, lodged into the side of the creature’s neck. Shit. He spares a quick glance to your quivering bloodied figure crumpled into the opposite corner of the room, sobbing face hidden and shaky hand wildly waving the other half of the katana in front of you in a desperate attempt to put some distance between you and the demon. Even though it had already taken a nasty bite out of your forearm, Sanemi couldn’t help the swell of pride in his chest knowing you had almost managed to kill a demon all on your own.
“It’s you, so you’re…him…” the demon slurred, four eyes swirling with delirium and sucking harder on the cloth stuffed in its mouth. Of course.
“Yes, it’s me,” Sanemi grins as he swiftly slashes the back of his hand with his blade, cackling when the effect of his ambrosial Marechi blood was immediate. Saliva pours like a fountain onto the wooden floor when the demon drops the haori in its mouth, stumbling drunkenly towards the source of the irresistible whiff it had been tracking for a month.
And as much as Sanemi would have loved to cut the demon into a thousand pieces and left it to burn a painful death through the rising sun, he settles for a merciful slice to its neck, ignoring its dying gurgles in its own spit to turn his attention to you. You. Fuck, you had passed out.
He’d gingerly remove the blade that had dug into your palm before picking you up to rush over to the Butterfly Estate (again).
Fortunately, you had fainted out of shock and not out of blood loss; a quick waft of a medicinal balm and bitter tea being poured into your mouth was enough to rouse you. The gnarly bite on your forearm and the cut on your palm had been swifty disinfected, stitched and bandaged by Shinobu herself. She’d sent you both off with a pouch of wisteria incense sticks to light around the estate.
In the following week after the ordeal, Sanemi would up his patrol rounds, the guilt of his negligence being the reason why you got attacked. You’d barely see your husband around the house but he catches you one night, when he was leaving just before the night was at its darkest.
He had slid his bedroom door open to find your sleeping figure slouched next to it, frowning as he wondered how many days had you been sleeping in this state before he noticed? Ugh, he’s an idiot. Of course you couldn’t sleep in your own room after what happened. Even though the roof had been patched and the interior of your room thoroughly cleaned, you were no member of the corps, and demon trauma wasn’t exactly something you could get over easily.
He picks you up and lays you gently on his bed, lighting one of the incense sticks in his room to soothe your sleep with its calming scent. He shuts the door to his room quietly, a small smile resting on him at the thought of you seeking comfort from him.
He strolls towards the forest near his estate, sword unsheathed as he nicked his wrist then stretching his hands over his head with a yawn. He scoffs as a rustle of movement clearly echoes throughout the silent night. Demons are so stupid.
Sanemi smells the rotting scent of it before it lands with a soft thud behind him. He takes a quick breath, pulling a gale with his sword as he shifts to quickly slice the head off the wretched creature, only to halt an inch before it pierces skin.
The girl before him was no demon, and the stench he had sniffed before had completely vanished. And though her head was bowed, her uniform was clear: she was a member of the Corps.
Sanemi felt a vein in his temple throb as he's miffed. How did some random girl manage to sneak up on him, a Hashira? He's really losing his A-game and he mentally beats himself up to be harsher on his personal training. There’re no chances to spare when it comes to staying in top condition while demons still roamed the earth.
"My name is Sumiko, great Wind Hashira. I wish to be your Tsuguko and undergo your training," she speaks in a sweet, wispy voice.
She looks up, and if he had not been stunned into how her eyes were the same colour as yours, he would've cut her off already.
"I am here with recommendation from the Love Hashira, who had deemed my ability to manipulate air particles and smells best be refined by the Wind-"
He stared as her eyes widened in shock at the immediate rejection, and felt irritation bubble as they squint in defiance. It fueled his need to stamp the flickering flame of hope in the young demon slayer.
"I am not looking for a Tsuguko, you can fuck off and tell Mitsuri the same," he scoffed.
He shifts to continue his patrol, pressing down the soles of his shoes onto the earthy forest floor before shooting off to run the rest of his route, leaving behind only a floating leaf and the girl still standing in a sudden daze.
Today's the day! Tengen and his wives had sent word that they wanted to visit the Wind Hashira's estate on the way to a famous hot spring nearby. Unbeknownst to both you and your husband, Shinobu had slipped him a crow message with a heavily implied threat if he didn't check in on you and how your husband was treating you.
You had seen the happy bunch in passing at the Ubuyashiki Mansion, only having spoken to the wives once when they were looking for something. And yet, they had treated you like an old friend when you greeted them welcome, immediately dragging you away into the kitchen as the husbands had small talk in the living room.
"Eek, so exciting right? I remember when we got married our newlywed vibes were sooo romantic!" Suma squeals as she admired your wedding ring.
"Suma! Behave yourself!" Makio smacks her hand away, "do you need help with anything?" she graciously...demands?
You politely refuse her, and the three beautiful women trailed behind you as you carried out a tray of onigiri, letting out delighted gasps as you served the group.
A tiny frown creases Hinatsuru's smooth features as you bow politely and retreat back into the kitchen, "Is Y/N not joining us for lunch?" She glanced at Tengen who in turn shoots a look at Sanemi.
"It's not what you're thinking you idiots. It's in her culture that she only eats after me," Sanemi rolls his eyes, picking two of the nicer looking onigiris onto his plate, saving the best one for you later.
"Sounds abit misogynistic," Makio mutters loud enough for Suma to nudge her which starts a small tiff between them until their husband stuffs the halves of a riceball in each of their mouths, making them flush as they chew silently.
Hinatsuru stares patiently till Sanemi sighs, "It's something about making sure the food's not poisoned and whether I decide it's good enough for her".
Suma lets out a sound that sounds similar to an 'awwww' with her mouth full while Makio huffs disgruntledly.
"How's the new intern?" Tengen expertly swerves the conversation topic, his wives letting out an internal sigh of relief as the Wind Hashira gets carried away ranting about Mitsuri and the Demon Slayer Corps.
The quadruple watch as Sanemi gets up, their eyes lingering as he grumbles his way into the kitchen. They hear him pause as he gently sets his plate on the counter, a small grunt of acknowledgement for you to eat before he heads back towards them, immediately picking up where he left off with his rant.
The wives take it as their cue to slip their way back into the kitchen, leaving the husbands to themselves again.
"He's such a tsundere," Hinatsuru giggles as you obliviously dig in.
"And he saved the best piece for you too, how romantic," Suma adds with a wiggle of her shoulders.
"So kind, so generous," Makio rolls her eyes, pausing as she catches the look of mischief in Suma's eyes, a small smirk forming on her own face as they both slink nearer to you like Siamese cats.
"How generous is he?" Suma asks, seemingly innocently.
You pause mid-chew to think. Generous? He'd saved your life twice. The infamous ohagis he makes only for himself, yet he shares with you. He'd eaten your cooking everyday since your malnutrition stunt, and he'd save a portion for you neatly, unlike your father who would consider you lucky to get to pluck the rice grains off the floorboards.
He let you sleep in not just his room but his bed, for Kami's sake. You had tried to protest the first time he offered to sleep on the floor instead but he had just turned his back to you pointedly. And you would never tell, but you knew he tucks the blanket back over your shoulders when he gets home just before the sunrise, pats your hair gently before he settles on the ground beside you, joints cracking with a grumble.
Makio lets out a groan as you hum in contemplation, "Is he generous in bed, Y/N?"
...In bed? He gave you his entire bed for Kami's sake, how much more generous can he get? You feel a blush forming as you remember that on colder nights you'd wake up the next morning tucked into his warm side, big arms engulfing you in a comfy hug that has you secretly snuggling. You'd pretend to stay asleep until you feel him tense, the telltale sign Sanemi's awake. It's impressive really, how he'd manage to slowly shift till you're gently laid back in his bed without you feeling a thing until your head hits the pillow. He must be the stealthiest Hashira.
"Um...very..." you finally reply, almost feeling...shy, the three wives began squealing excitedly which made your cheeks grow a few shades darker, Suma gasping as she smacks Makio's arm repeatedly.
You put your hands on your cheeks to cool them down, why were they being so excited? For some reason it felt like you were embarrassed but you don't know why exactly.
You get up as you realised that the dining table hadn't been cleared yet, and you quickly excuse yourself from the ladies. You bow slightly as you collect the plates from the table, not listening to the conversation of the Hashiras. As you turn to carry the pile of dishes, Tengen's loud voice booms,
"This one can really cook! You got yourself a good one, Shinazugawa."
Time stops as he lands a hefty smack on the middle of your back with his wide palm. You tense with a gasp, plates falling to the ground and shattering. Your feet puddle beneath you as you collapse forward, shards of porcelain digging into your palms.
The ensuing chaos is a ring in your ears as your breathing heaves into a panic attack.
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A/N: A NICE COLD LEMONADE bc i deserve to eat whole lemons for making yall wait this long...
i've had alot of major life changes since the last update (dad died on my brother's bday rip, unemployed twice, back in uni) and i've only recently come back to writing as my escape from reality. (dont worry im fine now, i think)
i rly thank you guys so much esp those who've been here from the start (2 years ago wtf) i cant express how much i appreciate yall sm ya guys are literally the sweetest T.T
i'm following the taglist that i have saved in my notes app from ages ago so if any of yall got new users do lmk!! lord knows that thing needs an update fr
hope this one's worth the wait, i'm looking forward to yall reading it <3
hint for the plot? gotta keep an eye out for selener (Sumiko)
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@sunaswife @mac-the-oregonian @noelledleapier @therulerofanime @calamitykor @screeeechqueen @a-single-pizza @multilingual-birb @settingmyheartablaze @stressed-lala @behaktaylorgriggs @galaxyfruits @abbylouamanda @dreamsholdpowers
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coffee-seedy · 5 days
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29K notes · View notes
coffee-seedy · 5 days
Edward FPE x GN! silly artist reader
(? Silly artist as in drawing dumb things (like doodles, autism creatures etc.)
A/n: silly boy with his silly artist- he's not my writing list, but I will just do it because i find him interesting
Req? : Yes ( @p3ksstuff )
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⚜ At that time the seats in your class were rotated and you two accidentally sat together for a while.
⚜ While you two were sitting together, Edward would often catch you doodling weird or cute creatures?
⚜ You know that YIPPEEEE creature? he saw you draw it and a bit amused of it but still cute.
⚜ He's the guy who asked you to draw a blood cell or a human skeleton in Miss Bloomie's science class. (Idk if there's something like that, but in my place it's a must)
⚜ Yeah he's not the type to complain it, but he's is the type who will bring this up to his gang- so yeah.. don't expect your life will be peaceful after this.
⚜ Your life started to become chaotic since Edward told his friend about your drawing. but they don't bother you too much, just watch you draw or sometimes join in too. The worst they can do is scribbling all over your book—
⚜ In addition, Edward often gives you new pencils or pens when the one you have almost run out or can no longer be use. don't ever said he's being soft to you, or you will face his wrath—
⚜ Overall, are you guys friends? yes. Do you like each other? For Edward is a big yes, but you? yeah you're a bit complicated about your own feelings… maybe talk to Zip so she can help you! and she will secretly tell Edward about it.
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©2024 Seedy do not repost, copy, translate, or even modify.
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coffee-seedy · 5 days
Can I request
Yanqing x Tsundere Fem Reader?
Golden Retriever x Black Cat Dynamic 🥹
Yanqing x Tsundere Fem! Reader
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A/n: Osama Najimi aahhh vibe— idk if this what you mean but.. ye
Proofread? :No
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In the vast expanse of the Xianzhou Luofu, you find yourself staring at Yanqing, the esteemed lieutenant of the cloud knights itself. you always admired the way he practiced from afar.. but of course you would never admit it, to him at least-
When Yanqing finished his practice for the day, he seemed to notice you from his training ground, even though you were quite far away, he could always find you no matter what.
You realize that you have been caught red-handed, so you finally come out of your hiding place and approach him. He noticed that and gave you a smile. 
“Ah, (Y/n). I'm glad to see you again. watching me practicing again?” you let out a huff while you cross your arms and look away to another direction trying to avoid his gaze. “I-i just happened to pass by, You are too confident to think I will watch you practice!”
Yanqing chuckles as he's seemingly used with your sharp mouth “is that so? Well, if you want to spend time with me, i'm happy to—”
“like I'd want to spend time with you!” you interject quickly, your cheeks warming despite the cold air. “You also have a busy schedule.”
Yanqing looked at you, his expression is calm but he seemed to be holding back his laughter. “If it were you, I would clear my schedule right away.”
His blunt words caught you off guard, and you felt your face flush even more. "Y-You... You’re just saying that!”
“I'm not.” He replies, his eyes were meeting yours with sincerity. “You know how much I want to spend time with you, and I can tell you're too, even if you try to hide it behind all those tough faces.”
You shifted uncomfortably, trying to cover up your embarrassment with a scoff “Hmph, don't get the wrong idea. I'm just here to make sure you're not slacking off.”
Yanqing smiles, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Of course, (Y/n). I'll be sure to keep that in mind.”
As you turn back to leave, you can't help but glance back at him, catching him watching you with a fond expression. “And my earlier offer still stands if you want.” Your eyes widened as your heart raced, but you quickly shook off the feeling and walked away before he could see the small smile forming on your lips.
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©2024 Seedy do not repost, copy, translate, or even modify.
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coffee-seedy · 5 days
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coffee-seedy · 16 days
Look at what my girl(friends) draw for me >3
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Soo Sebastian fans (simps) Should I (we) give him an kiss? With lipstick ofc (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) (i ask her if its okay, and she said it was mine so go ahead)
Ikan means: Fish btw
(Please comment where we will kiss him at—)
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coffee-seedy · 16 days
ahahaha... I'm still alive— 👍 (after being hit by school competitions, tutoring, student council interviews, school bazaars and also fashion shows)
After a week—? (More maybe) I finally have a free time for writing (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) There are two requests, but I only finished one... So just wait until tonight— (EST TIMEZONE)
⚜—Meepy 💤
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coffee-seedy · 18 days
Reblog if you have the best mutuals.
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coffee-seedy · 1 month
reblog to send your mutuals a hug. maybe just the thought is enough to cheer them up 🥺
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coffee-seedy · 1 month
Hahahahhaahhahaa imagine loving ur own fanfic [name] sm!!!!XD
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Meet my silly gal miki!!:33
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I tried to draw her in mami tomoe's clothes,,
I'm juat sharing my silly gal with ya btw🙁🙁💗💗
Anywyayyaa how are ya???
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Idk if you ask for Crysalsx or Meepy, but both of us doing good- I hope you are doing well too!
—Crysalsx & Meepy 💎💤
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
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" i can't move on (from him) 😞😞 "
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I sadly can't help with your love life 😔😞💔
—Meepy&Crysalsx 💎 💤
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
I wanna ask something meepy,,
Do you have wattpad??
tbh, I don't have wattpad- but Crysalsx wattpad is mine too, and I only use it for reading...
Final answer: no I don't 💔
⚜—Meepy 💤
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
awhh shit- Crysalsx fucked up the request, looks like I need to remake it 😞💢
Hi uh can you do x reader(romantic) headcanons/scenarios? If you don't then you can ignore everything else in this ask
Zip x gender neut/fem, introverted, new student(like first or second week of being at paper school) reader, not dating just crushes. Specifically how she would react to you being made fun of/hurt by other students, or things she would potentially do after being mocked to cheer you up
Probably OOC ask but I don't care comfort characters are comfort characters
Zip x GN! Reader
a/n: I see romantic Zip… dw anon even though in rules zip is platonic only, but this one exception because I have idea for my daughter ofc (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠). And I agree about comfort character are comfort character
Request? : Yes
warning: mentioning about bullying
Proofread? : No
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The first week you moved to this paper school, you found a small child wearing a fairly large fish hat running alone in the school hallway. for the first time, it was the most weird thing to happen to you.
You slowly approached the child so as not to startle him. whether it's a reflex or something, the little boy immediately hugged your leg and kept muttering "Zip” while snuggling against your legs.
You wanted to let him go, but seeing him like that made your heart break… because there was no other choice, you finally let him go while waiting for someone named Zip.
It wasn't long enough before you saw a girl with the dinosaur tail approaching the two of you, and that's how you started to get close to her...
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Head Canon!
both you and zip weren't originally that close before Chip's incident yesterday.
she's starting to show up wherever you go.. with Chip following her from behind of course.
you still don't know about her being part of bully. when you found out about it, the relationship between the two of you started to break down and you started avoiding her… except for Chip, you don't dare to ignore that boy.
when you start avoiding her, that's where Zip starts to get frustrated and asks Oliver for advice because he is the wisest in the group (in her eyes).
He did all the advice oliver gave her! buy flowers for you? you don't like flowers… how about chocolate!? you give it to her brother.
When zip started to get frustrated and ran out of advice, chip instead sitting beside her while nomming the chocolate that was initially given to you but instead Chip got it.
but one day you started approaching her again and that made her happy!
just a happy dino girl with her pretty/handsome partner…
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I'm still confused, because someone said she's a devil while others say she's a dino… WHICH ONE IS THE REAL ONE?! — Crysalsx 💎
©2024 Coffee do not repost, copy, translate, or even modify.
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
hii meepy!! i look forward to getting to know u one day!! <3
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haii!!! Ofc, i hope we can become closer in the future too!
⚜—Meepy 💤
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
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⚜—Meepy 💤
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
Alhaitham Valentine's Day {2} 💌
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a/n: only alhaitham because I didn't have any idea what to write for Zhongli and Neuvillette. This can be read for f! or gn! reader. Tags: @ooftrain-12
Valentine's day Genshin {1}
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the last time you saw alhaitham was last month since valentine's day. you still don't want to end the relationship between the two of you, even what he has done to you. maybe he is tired and not focused.. right?
that's what you think, you always think positively, and all your friends hate it.
and in this month alhaitham hasn't come to you once to apologize, even his face doesn't appear at all in your life, it's like he's making himself disappear from teyvat. but oh you were wrong this whole time…
kaveh now often comes to your house to take the lunch you made for him, because alhaitham definitely doesn't want the lunch you make, so it's better to give them to your seniors, right? at least it doesn't go to waste…
on the other side alhaitham a bit furious because how the heck kaveh got lunch while he doesn't? he wants you the one who gives it to him, no kaveh! He was a bit reluctant between wanting to apologize to you, or you being the one who needed apologies to him. . . . . . . .
This is the second month since you and alhaitham haven't seen each other, and that's when he decided to apologize to you because he couldn't take it anymore. When he wanted to apologize, he had everything ready. starting from your favorite bouquet of flowers, the plushie you want, whatever item he sees that reminds him of you, he buys it.
he sent you a letter about wanting to meet you, but he didn't get any reply from you. maybe you're too busy and don't have time to reply, so he thinks it's a yes and starts to prepare everything he needs to bring.
His initial plan was to ask to meet at the dock at first, but he knew you don't like going far from home, so he chose to come straight to your house.
when the day came, alhaitham took a day off to spend time with you, he thought after he came to your house, you were on the terrace waiting.. but no. oh, maybe you're in the shower… he can wait.
from morning to afternoon, afternoon to evening, and evening to night… how long has he been waiting? Didn't you read the letter he sent? or maybe you're going out so you're not at home.
actually you are at home, but your friend at home has come to visit, one said “don't open the door no matter what.. let him taste his own medicine.” you can't bear to see him like that, but sometimes he has to feel what you feel too.
because it was a little late, you couldn't stand it anymore and went out of your house to meet him, and of course he was still there no matter what, waiting for you to come out…
“you're really stubborn.” you said to him while cupping his cheek between your hands. the way you cupped his cheek.. It's really been a long time.
At first he was a little surprised by the sudden touch, but after seeing it was you.. he couldn't deny it. knowing the wall between the two of you has broken, he started to apologize even though he didn't know where to start.
You waited patiently for him to apologize… seeing him so weak in front of you like this made you realize, this is not something that anyone else can see easily.. except you. . . . . “ahh.. fuck. looks like I have to pay that blond for winning the bet.” it was surprising that your friends and Kaveh made a bet on, who could guess how long it would take for both of you to get back together.
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probably not an ending you expect, but at least I'm finish it- —Crysalsx 💎
©2024 Coffee do not repost, copy, translate, or even modify.
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coffee-seedy · 2 months
Hi uh can you do x reader(romantic) headcanons/scenarios? If you don't then you can ignore everything else in this ask
Zip x gender neut/fem, introverted, new student(like first or second week of being at paper school) reader, not dating just crushes. Specifically how she would react to you being made fun of/hurt by other students, or things she would potentially do after being mocked to cheer you up
Probably OOC ask but I don't care comfort characters are comfort characters
Zip x GN! Reader
a/n: I see romantic Zip… dw anon even though in rules zip is platonic only, but this one exception because I have idea for my daughter ofc (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠). And I agree about comfort character are comfort character
Request? : Yes
warning: mentioning about bullying
Proofread? : No
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The first week you moved to this paper school, you found a small child wearing a fairly large fish hat running alone in the school hallway. for the first time, it was the most weird thing to happen to you.
You slowly approached the child so as not to startle him. whether it's a reflex or something, the little boy immediately hugged your leg and kept muttering "Zip” while snuggling against your legs.
You wanted to let him go, but seeing him like that made your heart break… because there was no other choice, you finally let him go while waiting for someone named Zip.
It wasn't long enough before you saw a girl with the dinosaur tail approaching the two of you, and that's how you started to get close to her...
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Head Canon!
both you and zip weren't originally that close before Chip's incident yesterday.
she's starting to show up wherever you go.. with Chip following her from behind of course.
you still don't know about her being part of bully. when you found out about it, the relationship between the two of you started to break down and you started avoiding her… except for Chip, you don't dare to ignore that boy.
when you start avoiding her, that's where Zip starts to get frustrated and asks Oliver for advice because he is the wisest in the group (in her eyes).
He did all the advice oliver gave her! buy flowers for you? you don't like flowers… how about chocolate!? you give it to her brother.
When zip started to get frustrated and ran out of advice, chip instead sitting beside her while nomming the chocolate that was initially given to you but instead Chip got it.
but one day you started approaching her again and that made her happy!
just a happy dino girl with her pretty/handsome partner…
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I'm still confused, because someone said she's a devil while others say she's a dino… WHICH ONE IS THE REAL ONE?! — Crysalsx 💎
©2024 Coffee do not repost, copy, translate, or even modify.
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