clumsybriar · 22 days
Keegan Russ x Reader - Righting the Wrongs
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Keegan Russ x Reader
Notes: I have a tendency of being able to see my own mistakes so there might be mistakes!
Word Count: 12,690
Warnings: Bullying, cuss words here and there.
“Congratulations.” Was what the bride and groom heard every few seconds as people talked to them at the ceremony.
“Congratulations,” Keegan nudged (Y/n) as he teased. “Mrs. Russ, Mr. Russ.”
“Shut up,” (Y/n) giggled as Murray stood beside the two looking confused. She was only 10, and (Y/n)’s little sister. Keegan bounced Ryker in his arms, Murray and (Y/n)’s baby brother.
(Y/n) held Murray’s hand as they progressed further in the line.
“Oh,” the bride smiled as she saw the four of them. “I’d say what a lovely family but I know Thomas wouldn’t let his daughter marry just yet.” The bride laughed as Keegan and (Y/n) flushed red.
“How old are you two now, I remember when you were young kids running around.” The groom teased softly.
“19,” (Y/n) hummed softly flustered.
“23,” Keegan patted Ryker’s back as the baby gurgled. “We’ve aged since.” He chuckled.
“Marines serving you well?” The groom asked.
“Plenty well,” Keegan hummed.
The conversations started to drift in two different ways.
“So, has he asked you yet?” The bride asked giggling. She was so in love with the idea of love and being loved. She was a giddy bride from the beginning.
“Oh, asked me what?” (Y/n) cocked her head to the side as Murray looked at the bride's pretty dress taken aback by it. It was gorgeous, (Y/n) could agree to that.
“Dating! You and Keegan!” She giggled while (Y/n) got flustered.
A similar question was occurring on the other side.
“So, did you ask her on a date yet? You guys have known each other for quite a while.” The Groom hummed to Keegan. Keegan was clearly flustered and blushing.
“Oh with the military it’s been on the back burner, I don’t feel it would be right to do her like that, leaving always maybe not returning.” Keegan said softly.
“Her father is Thomas Merrick, I think they are used to it, Keegan, all of his kids. So, I don’t think she’d have an issue.”
Yet for years Keegan had yet to ask her out, or vice versa. The two clearly had a thing going, so much so Merrick would set Keegan down and ask him what his plans were. Hesh and Logan would tease the man any chance they got talking about (Y/n) when she was on base visiting her father with her mother and siblings.
Instead things took a strange turn and Keegan had met a woman who was very beautiful, (Y/n) always thought she was prettier then herself comparing her to the gorgeous woman Keegan had settled on. It tore (Y/n) down but she couldn’t blame Keegan for going straight into a relationship with her and not (Y/n) herself.
But ever since he started to date the lovely Lindsey, she didn’t turn out to be so lovely…
Lindsey despised (Y/n), despised how close Keegan was to her, how he would hug and kiss her cheek when he greeted her, tell her at get-togethers and parties that she was pretty. It was a whole fiasco and one (Y/n) had started to split herself away for Lindsey’s sake and the sake of her relationship with Keegan. (Y/n) wasn’t a Homewrecker and she wasn’t about to be.
The friendship between her and Keegan started to take a toll as he noticed how she would clearly avoid him and Lindsey after the last party. It was not a good experience for (Y/n) needless to say.
“Seriously, stop trying to take him from me, he’s mine!” Lindsey shouted as she poured wine all over (Y/n). The only reaction the oldest Merrick could do was gasp and nod her head. She didn’t even try to explain because Lindsey would never understand or try to understand. (Y/n) just glanced at Keegan and turned around with tears in her eyes as her pretty yellow top was ruined and so was her dignity.
“(Y/n)!” Keegan called to try to go after her.
“Seriously Keegan,” Lindsey huffed, rolling her eyes. “She’s an immature young girl.”
That night (Y/n) spent at home crying in her bed.
From there on out (Y/n) knew she needed to improve her life to bring in some happiness. So, she bought the house beside her parents which was a two story very spacious house and purchased a new vehicle upgrading from her first car to a better car. These small upgrades improved her mentality knowing she could provide for herself and didn’t need anyone’s help.
“Okay, uncle Elias birthday party,” (Y/n) hummed in the jeep as she drove Murray and her to the party.
(Y/n) was now 24 and Murray 15. The two had become so close but all the Merrick kids were close even Ryker who was 5 and very much energetic.
“Chalking this up to be worse than it will.” Murray smiled softly.
“I just know Lindsey and Keegan will be there.” (Y/n) uttered as she looked at Murray. “Can you blame me, I’ve avoided those two for two years ever since Lindsey dumped that wine on me.” (Y/n) said softly.
“And Keegan should have set her in place then, yes, but…” Murray trailed off. “You should have stayed back and defended yourself.”
“Murray I’m not like you, sadly I am very docile.” (Y/n) pulled into the venue as she saw her mother and father unbuckling Ryker from his car seat. He carried his kangaroo toy as he was greeted by Hesh and Logan happily.
(Y/n) pulled her recon up beside her fathers hummer as she and Murray got out wearing beautiful dresses.
“Oh darling, you helped Murray with her make up.” Beth, their mother hummed as she cupped Murray’s face. “My gorgeous girls.”
“Very beautiful.” Their father, Thomas Merrick kissed their foreheads.
“Thank you,” they said in unison as (Y/n) smiled and Murray got bashful.
They walked into the venue with Hesh and Logan as (Y/n) chatted with the men.
“Hey Keegan and Lindsey just made it.” Hesh hummed as he watched the two walk towards the venue.
“Great,” Logan hummed, rolling his eyes.
(Y/n) and him were bringing the same energy it seemed.
The only difference was (Y/n)’s heart hammered in her chest when she thought about Keegan, she knew for a fact Logan’s didn’t…or maybe it did. The walkers and Keegan had this bro-mance going on, so maybe there could be some heart hammering going on there.
She glanced back seeing Lindsey in a bubble pretty chiffon dress. It was surely Lindsey’s style. (Y/n) couldn’t help but look at her backless satin cowl dress. Was it appropriate for a birthday? Lindsey looked good and she felt she was now not appropriate.
“You look gorgeous sweetheart.” Uncle Elias hummed to her.
“Thank you uncle,” she hugged him. “Happy birthday.” She smiled brightly.
“Happy birthday uncle.” Murray smiled as she laughed. “Getting older.”
“I’m afraid she’s not wrong.” Elias laughed, it erupted deep from within his belly. It was contagious as well as the girls laughed with him.
“50 looks good.” (Y/n) teased gently.
“And 40 looks good on your father.” Elias teased.
“Yeah.” Murray rolled her eyes as she walked off to go torment their father.
“Enjoy the party your mother insisted we throw.” Ellis laughed as he greeted other guests.
(Y/n) looked around taking a deep breath as she tried to stick to the buddy system. She didn’t want to give Keegan the ability to approach you. But it was too late when she could hear his soothing voice.
“Hey you,” his hand rested on the middle of her back as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Looking great.” He whistled quietly. His icy eyes looked her up and down as he smiled at her.
The flirting confused (Y/n), was he interested or was he just teasing.
“Oh…” she stammered, “thanks.” She nodded as she held the bottle of wine in her hand and gulped the glass of wine down quicker. “How are you…two?” She corrected herself shifting nervously as she looked for her 15 year old sister. Maybe Murray could help her escape.
“We’re…good.” (Y/n) heard the same hesitation she had in his voice. “We’re doing good.”
The two made some small talk as they caught up. More like, Keegan catching up and (Y/n) trying to devise a plan to escape. She couldn’t escape though yet.
“So…um…are you seeing anyone?” Keegan asked as you glanced at (Y/n).
She felt her heart stop beating. Why was he asking? Why did it matter? She tried to formulate a few words in her head. Yeah she talked to a few guys here and there, but she didn’t actually talk to anyone. It never went further than texting, no dates no nothing.
“Oh…” this was awkward and she knew it. She licked her lips and fixed her gaze to the bottle of wine she just finished in her hand. As a waiter came around Keegan grabbed two glasses, handing her one and taking the empty one from her, placing it back on the tray. She was about ready to down it again and maybe get a good buzz going on. Uncle Elias entirely went out too much at this party, waiters…what the hell? But then again they did have a big house in Los Angeles. “Thank you,” she uttered as she held the glass. She was cringing when she thought about her lack of dating. “No.” She shook her head. “No,” she confirmed again.
“Oh that’s good—I mean…” he looked away as he rubbed his neck nervously. “Oh there’s no fixing that.”
(Y/n) chose to blatantly ignore that comment. “It’s okay.” She said quietly.
“Listen,” Keegan started as he took a sip of the wine, finding it to be entirely not sweet enough, not like (Y/n) in this cowl dress with her whole back showing. He wanted to take a taste and see how sweet life with her could be. “Can I talk to you about something?” His hand rested on her back. “Preferably alone.” He whispered closer to her ears.
She felt the goosebumps form and her heartbeat erupt with giddiness in her chest. She closed her eyes and thought about it for a second knowing it wasn’t the best idea.
“Sure?” She said calmly but gave him a questioning look.
He gently took her arm as he guided her outside the venue to a set of benches.
The wind had a nice breeze to it as the hottest time of the year was upon them. The flowers around them bloomed creating an aroma that was delicious and calming. The two took a seat as they looked at the flowers, finding them to be more interesting then one and another.
“I need to talk to you about…” Keegan paused as he thought about how he wanted to say this. “Lindsey…” Keegan said softly as he fiddled with his hand.
(Y/n) did a spit take as she looked at Keegan holding her wine in her hand. To say she was surprised was not the words. Why was he asking her about Lindsey? The two weren’t close, anything far from close. They were like enemies who kept distance, like give them at least 20 feet in between each other. They did not want to be near one and another at all.
“What about Lindsey?” (Y/n) looked down at her clothes making sure she didn’t spill the red wine on anything she was wearing, It had all safely made it back into her cup which she was now disgusted to even look at so she dumped it in the grass and sat it aside. Needless to say she was more than embarrassed now that she had spit all her wine out.
“Just wanted your opinion,” Keegan wiped her cheek with his thumb taking a little dribble from her cheek. She flushed red as her eyes focused her gaze on a single budding flower.
(Y/n) picked up how quiet his voice was, as if he was afraid Lidsey would be right behind them listening to the two chat about the monster of a girlfriend she has become. (Y/n) didn’t like to define people by harsh words such as toxic, or monster…or asshole…but Lindsey deserved those titles with how she behaved with almost everyone…actually everyone. (Y/n) was pretty sure she didn’t even like Keegan just kept him around for the money and the other attributes that were favorable.
“You don’t like her do you?” Keegan broke the silence as he glanced at (Y/n).
Was it obvious? Was it? (Y/n) hoped not.
“My opinion doesn’t matter.” (Y/n) said calmly as she glanced at Keegan trying to gauge where he was with this relationship or with herself. She knew if she spoke her opinion she would either offend Keegan or who knows what. She couldn’t ever tell if his relationship or his thoughts with Lindsey were positive or negative. He often made her feel like they were negative, but she wouldn’t judge. “At least I feel it is irrelevant. Why? Are you planning something?”
“No, I am not,” Keegan shook his head as he fidgeted on the bench. “And your opinion does matter. That's why I am asking.” He paused as he almost looked exhausted. “You know I care about you and your opinion.” Did he? Did he really care about her opinion, did he care about her? If he did, she was sure after that wine being dumped on her two years ago would be the end or if not close to the end. The berating from Lindsey should have ended too, but here she was still getting slandered by the drama and insecure queen.
Slay girl, slay your enemies with your harsh words you poet.
His pause ended as he glanced back at (Y/n) fixing his tie. “I guess…I want to know why you don’t like her, honestly?”
Why (Y/n) didn’t like her? Seriously?…seriously! (Y/n) was about to lose her mind.
Slay, girls, slay dumb men who don't realize their agitating girlfriends were the problem. Now she was wondering who the fault landed on for her avoiding the two of them…Probably (Y/n)! Unbelievable! Was this gaslighting at its greatest or was Keegan just that dumb.
“This is seriously the opinion of a matter you wanted?” (Y/n) scoffed, getting a little hurt by the accusations when she had tried too many times in the past to become that…witch’s…lovely woman's…friend…leave it at that. It’s better that way…right? Maybe at this point she was gaslighting herself.
Keegan sighed as he ran a hand through his dark locks. His icy blue eyes landed on her as he looked at her carefully. “Yes.” he uttered quietly, eyes locking on hers as he appreciated her opinion. Not like he didn’t just assume she hated Lindsey…not that his assumption was wrong. But that's beyond the point! Gasp! How dare he! A man assuming, terrible! The mockery! “I want to know your opinion on Lindsey. I want you to have an open mind here, and tell me honestly why you don't like her.”
“Well Keegan,” (Y/n) felt like she was stuck in a tough place between two rocks. Honestly she wished the rocks would mash her and leave her a flatten bloody mess, but she wasn’t that lucky. Honesty…best policy…sure. Scoff!
She fiddled with her hands as she had a lot of trauma when it came to lindsey. The woman had a vendetta against (Y/n). (Y/n) was sure that if she and Lindsey lived during the Salem witch trials, Lindsey would be the one pointing at (Y/n) screaming "Witch!” and acting out like a buffoon possessed by a demon. (Y/n) at that point probably wanted the escape that trial would bring her…sinking…hanging…all just to get away from Lindsey. Heaven, whoo-hoo!
(Y/n) took a deep breath as she prepared to answer the question honestly. “You have to understand,” (Y/n) started slowly. “I have tried to connect with Lindsey, even tried to get her to like me, we just aren’t compatible Keegan.”
Keegan raised an eyebrow confused. (Y/n) saw and she knew he was about to make a comment and she was going to get upset. “What do you mean you've tried ‘to get her to like you’?” His brows furrowed.
Female rage was making her want to shave them off and ruin his attractiveness. The thought was there and so was the motive.
“You have never even given her a chance…” Oh that was it! That was a ticket to manhood without eyebrows.
“Excuse me!” (Y/n) stared at Keegan flabbergasted by his assumptions and accusations. “I beg you to repeat that one,” (Y/n) shifted to face him with a look of absolute disgust on her face. She was about to walk away and say this was a waste of her time…don’t let her fool you, she was too nice. Her ass stayed where she was.
“You haven’t ever given her a chance.” Keegan said shifting so his knees touched her. If the two weren't about to enter an argument they would have been giggling like schoolgirls, but this was war now. “When have you made an effort?” His voice was soft but firm. She watched as he crossed his arms giving her a stern look.
What was this, her father disciplining her? Hell no, he did not just do that!
She was putting her foot down and being firm. Yep, it was happening.
“No, nope.” she shook her head. “Sorry, but I am not doing this here, and I’m not doing this at all.” (Y/n) nodded. The freedom of saying what she felt was freeing. “I don’t feel comfortable and I am not having this discussion.” (Y/n) nodded as she took a deep breath letting it out. “You seem to think I have never ever welcomed Lindsey, but I have.” she stood up as her words were deep rooted with honesty. “I am not going down this rabbit hole, nope.” she shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
Keegan stayed quiet for a few seconds as he tried to decide what to say or how to proceed with this information. If (Y/n) knew Keegan—and she did—she knew he would choose to voice his anger rather than reason with her and see her point.
“I never said you didn’t welcome her, I just said that you never made an effort to get to know her.” His voice was firm and she knew he was trying to make up an excuse for his girlfriend. She could tell she was borderline frustrated with this conversation. She started to text Murray for help, she needed it fast too.
“Keegan, I have tried.” (Y/n) defended herself, but she knew if this conversation continued this friendship would be even more fractured if there was a chance of saving it.
“Got your emergency text!” Murray trotted over and paused looking at Keegan and (Y/n).
(Y/n) felt doomed. She wanted to hide in the bushes. The whole thing about an emergency text was not to announce it to the person who she was trying to run from.
“Thank you Murray,” (Y/n) sassed. “You're not supposed to say out loud, to him, or I, that the text I sent you was an emergency text. Now he knows I am trying to escape this conversation.” (Y/n) groaned. “Thank you.” she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
Keegan let out a quiet scoff as he looked between her and Murray. “So you do plan on avoiding this conversation…” he said in a low, firm voice that leaked frustration and anger aimed right towards (Y/n).
(Y/n) knew now this friendship was dying. Something no one ever expected. She wanted to cry so badly but as a queen she was—she never shed a single tear in front of him.
“Why are you so hellbent on never letting me know your true feelings for Lindsey?”
(Y/n) blew a breath out her lips as she felt the frustration seep into her emotions as well.
“I am so hellbent on not trying to ruin the last little bit of this friendship we have left!” she let the frustration show. “Because, newsflash—” she raised her hands in the air in despair. “You won’t ever listen to a single word, a single ounce of what I say. You act like it matters, but it doesn’t.”
“Not that I have a say,” Murray shrugged. She was so chill and nonchalant while the two friends argued. “She has tried to be friends with Lindsey, but Lindsey wants nothing to do with it.”
Keegan’s eyes narrowed as he scoffed at the two siblings. “A little biased, Murray.”
“My bad,” she rolled her eyes.
“It’s just biased ‘cause it's the truth and you don’t want to hear it.” (Y/n) scoffed.
“Alright, okay,” Keegan stood up abruptly, getting a bit more irate. It was becoming a bit threatening now. “What do you mean she wants nothing to do with a friendship? Hmm?” Now he was just being an asshole. (Y/n) wasn’t going to take it and she wasn’t going to let Murray see it.
“Nope, done.” (Y/n) said as she put a hand on Murray’s shoulder guiding her out of the little garden area. “Sorry for ruining your night Keegan.” Her words were bitter as she shot him a glare. Murray slipped out of (Y/n) grasp as she stood back for a second looking at Keegan as he glared at (Y/n) walking away for the betterment of herself.
“She has tried, Keegan, but if anyone is the problem, it’s lindsey.” Murray nodded as she shrugged.
Keegan let out a little huff as he shook his head, clearly agitated. “And what do you mean Murray? What could Lindsey possibly have done to stop a friendship from happening?”
“How about…” Murray paused for sass and dramatics. “Not even wanting to be friends with my sister.”
“I don’t understand,” Keegan just didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to refuse, because if he believed it that meant Lindsey lied every single time. “Lindsey hasn’t done anything like that.” his confusion turned into annoyance towards Lindsey. “She would have told me if something like that would have ever happened.”
Murray scoffed as she shook her head. She found out he was blinded, that was the only answer she had. “Believe the peanut gallery, I believe my sister because I've witnessed it.”
Keegan scoffed as he glared at Murray. “Are you telling me that Lindsey lied to me and is continuing to lie to me?” Keegan asked, bewildered and clearly annoyed.
(Y/n) rushed back as she got behind Murray and started to push her back to the venue. “Sorry, so sorry.” She uttered a quick apology as she marched Murray away from Keegan.
“Wait! Hold on—” Keegan tried to keep you there for a second longer but you were good at escaping and evading and you had successfully done it the majority of the night since the argument.
Keegan knew you were avoiding him, he knew it right away when you left in the middle of a conversation…actually a sentence with Logan.
“She can’t avoid me all night…” Keegan mumbled with annoyance as he watched you in the distance talk to Ajax and his fiance, Sarah. His irritation was starting to turn into disbelief. How could you have avoided him every single chance he made to speak to you. He clenched his fists as he watched you laugh at something Sarah said.
He had eventually found himself staring at you all night from across whatever room he was in.
“She's really pretty,” Murray stuck her tongue out as he walked by with a cupcake in her hand. “Take a picture and put it on your shrine. It will last longer.” Now Murray was just pissing with him because she had the upper hand.
“Shut up,” Keegan huffed as his eyes watched you like you were the prey and he was the hungry predator.
“What was that about?” Lindsey asked as she sneered her lip at Murray. “She looks tomboyish like always.” she rolled her eyes clearly judging Murray for her physic and love for comfy clothes.
Keegan tensed up as he noticed Lindsey’s glare. “Leave her alone.” Keegan quickly defended. The Merricks had always been family since he grew up with (Y/n). “She’s just being an idiot, as usual.” He didn’t take his eyes off of (Y/n) as Logan asked for a dance making her laugh and nod her head in approval. He could tell she made a joke like she always used to with him.
“Now just understand, I may step on your toes. My father taught me, not my graceful mother.” And then she would giggle and smile with that pretty smile she had.
Logan had no right to see that smile or hear that giggle, the jealousy was forming. Not just in Keegan but also in Lindsay when she saw what Keegan was staring at. A sneer formed on her lips. She was jealous and (Y/n) brought it out the most knowing Keegan and (Y/n) had a form of something in the past.
“Are you serious, Keegan, seriously!” Lindsey scoffed as glared at Keegan. “Stop staring at (Y/n).”
Keegan’s eyes momentarily opened as he realized Lindsey had caught onto him staring at (Y/n). He averted his eyes from (Y/n) and glanced at Lindsey. It just wasn’t the same. There was no spark, no flutter. “What?” he asked feigning ignorance to his glanced to (Y/n) and Lindsey’s questioning glares.
“You seriously stare at her all the time!” Lindsey showed her frustration with Keegan. “Why don’t you go date her.”
Keegan blinked, caught off guard by the comment and accusations he was receiving.
“That’s not true, I don’t stare at her all the time.” He knew this would be a start to a new relationship feud between Lindsey and him. They argued all the time. He was trying to sound sincere to reassure her, but truly he was doing it to avoid a feud on the drive home…or before that. Lindsey had no qualms when it came to fights, she’d start them in the store, family events, or like this a party. “I don’t just stare at her all the time.”
“Sure, whatever Keegan.” she stood up as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll just call my Ex. He was better than you in so many ways.” she rolled her eyes.
Keegan sighed, the constant comparison to her hunk of an ex…he was in jail. That's all that needs to be said for that one.
“Listen to me,” Keegan said with a soothing voice. His tone was soft and his eyes shifted to meet Lindsey’s. He was trying to just ice this over and hold the fights and the nasty comments off. “I don't stare at her all the time. I've done it maybe once or twice, that's all to it.” he shrugged as he gave her a charming smile. “You're overreacting.”
“I’m getting a drink,” she glared at him and huffed.
“And smoothing things over with her is no longer working.” Keegan uttered. “Why do I stay?” he shook his head. Keegan closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh, he was getting exhausted.
“Keegan,” a little quiet voice called out to the man. He opened his eyes and looked down seeing Ryker, the youngest of the Merricks. He was holding his little Kangaroo that Keegan had bought him when he and (Y/n) had taken the kids to the Zoo.
“Ryker-roo, and how is Rooney-roo?” Keegan cooed to the boy as he leaned down, coddling the boy with his thumb rubbing tenderly on the boy's neck.
“Not good,” Ryker uttered as he looked nervous.
“Oh, buddy,” Keegan cooed softly. “What's wrong Ryker-roo?” He tugged the kid closer as he kept him from the view of other people knowing he was fragile when he felt something was wrong.
“Can you help me clean my shirt,” Ryker pointed to the chocolate stain on his nice white dress shirt. Ah yes, the chocolate fountain had beaten the young toddler. “Mama bought me this shirt, it's nice.”
Keegan smiled as he picked the boy up. “Sure thing buddy.” Keegan patted Ryker’s back and then rubbed his thumb soothingly on Ryker’s back.
They walked to the family bathroom where Keegan sat the toddler down on the white sink. “Let me see the stain.” Keegan tickled Ryker.
The little toddler squealed and wiggled slowly, falling back as Keegan took advantage of the situation and blew raspberries on his little round belly.
“Kee-kee!” the toddler squealed.
“I've got you,” Keegan cooed sweetly. “What are you gonna do now!” Keegan tickled and then knelt down to blow more raspberries on his belly.
The door slid open as Keegan looked up seeing (Y/n) walk in shaking a tide stain remover pen.
“Eh?” she looked confused as she stopped shaking the pen. Her face flushed red as she thought about the many daydreams she had of having kids with Keegan. She looked away with a bright red blush on her cheeks. “Sorry, I heard ryker had a stain, I figured this would be easy to get rid of the stain.” She tried to calm her running thoughts. “Rumor mill said he would be here.”
Keegan rubbed Ryker’s chin as he chuckled. “Any help is welcome.” Keegan smiled.
She wasn’t avoiding him for some odd reason this time. It made his heart pitter in a special way.
He was quick to take Ryker’s stained shirt off as he handed it to (Y/n).
“Mama is going to be mad.” Ryker held onto his kangaroo.
“No she won’t ryker-roo.” (Y/n) cooed as she dabbed the pen to it.
“Mama gets mad when daddy has stains?” Ryker rubbed the kangaroo on Keegan’s shirt as he uttered something to Keegan.
“Oh, rooney-roo likes the smell of my cologne,” Keegan chuckled as his eyes crinkled in pure happiness. “Thank you Mr. Rooney-roo.” he made sure to tell the Kangaroo.
“May he have a bit of the man-perfume?” Ryker asked.
(Y/n) tried to hold on a laugh as Ryker called cologne man perfume.
“He may,” Keegan glanced at (Y/n). “Do you still have the travel one in your purse?” he asked, looking at the young woman.
“Oh yeah, I do.” (Y/n) reached into her clutch and handed it to Keegan. “I keep forgetting to give it to…Lindsey,” she hummed.
Keegan gave her a glance but shook it off as he didn’t want to start another argument like earlier. He took the perfume and grasped onto Rooney-roo as he gently sprayed the kangaroo down with his cologne. It was all the boy ever smelled when he was near Keegan, so Keegan knew it had become a comfort thing for the boy.
Keegan smiled as he knew it stemmed from the many nights of rocking him in his arms as they sat by the campfire or the sleepovers at the merricks house as the boy was snuggled up into Keegan’s side.
“Rumor mill spreads fast,” Keegan looked at (Y/n) as he handed her the cologne back. “Keep it.”
“Well, when it has Rykers cute little face behind it, it will spread fast, yes.” (Y/n) said softly smiling. “Thanks for trying to clean him up.” Her eyes twinkled as she had a sincere smile.
“Well…” he chuckled as he looked at Ryker taking the shirt back and helping the boy put it back on and tuck it in. “As for that…I tried.”
“That’s all that matters.” (Y/n) hummed, but the silence grew and the awkwardness kicked in. She looked at her nails as she tried to find something to occupy her mind.
“So,” Keegan started as he tried to make small talk. (Y/n) glanced at Keegan as she raised an eyebrow. “Enjoying the party?”
“Oh—yes.” She nodded her head. “Yes, yes.” She gulped hoping he would avoid the garden moment. “You?”
“It’s been decent so far.” Keegan nodded. He shifted his weight leaning against the counter. His eyes landed on you as he opened his mouth to say something, but stopped as (Y/n) spoke first.
“About earlier…” she trailed off as her eyes glanced at the stalls. “We have privacy here, with Ryker-roo.” She nodded to the toddler. “He keeps all my secrets.” She said smiling softly as she reached out with her pinky making a pinky promise with the toddler. “I wanted to explain about it earlier, I feel like you deserve some form of answer.” She paused. “Especially with the whole you thinking I never tried to make a bond between Lindsey and I.”
Keegan’s facial expression shifted slightly, a mix of mild surprise and curiosity, as he saw (Y/n) pinky swear with Ryker. He listened intently as she mentioned the earlier conversation. “I’m listening,” he said.
“I did try, for your sake, for a whole month.” (Y/n) uttered feeling ashamed for earlier. “I added her on social media and invited her out with the girls and she never did anything…never met me in the middle. She ended up taking my friends away from me.” (Y/n) said softly. Her eyes glanced at Ryker then slowly directed to Keegan. “It’s whatever, but I don’t want you to think I’ve always hated her, I tried for your sake…she just won’t budge.”
Keegan’s facial expression softened as (Y/n) explained her attempts to connect with Lindsey. He didn’t realize the extent that she tried to bond with his girlfriend.
“I never thought you hated her,” he said, his voice sincere. “But I guess I was still too caught up in thinking she was making an effort just like you were. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” (Y/n) uttered as she shrugged. “Though I should be honest with you. A month after you two started dating, she asked me to stay away, so I don’t try to step on her toes. So, if you see me less and less I’m just being respectful.” She felt she needed to be honest about that with Keegan, so he had an answer if anything ever happened.
Keegan’s expression changed to a mix of surprise and disbelief. “Wait, what?” he exclaimed in a surprised tone. “She asked you to stay away?”
“I cause problems,” (Y/n) nodded slowly as she pushed hair from her face. “Her words, not mine.” She laughed bitterly. “But it’s okay.”
Keegan furrowed his eyebrows, his expression turning into a mix of confusion and disbelief. “Cause problems? How in the world would you cause problems?” He asked, his voice carrying a hint of protectiveness.
“She’s insecure, but I get it.” (Y/n) hummed. “I’m a threat since she thinks we had a thing before her and you. My personal opinion, like you asked…earlier…” she puffed her cheeks out. “She’s not good for you. But that’s my opinion.” She waved her hands in front of her body to clarify things. “But in no way is it right for me to expect you to just end things, I would never ever ask for that. If you're happy then that’s what matters the most.”
He wasn’t happy, he was far from it. But how does he just come out and say it? It was something he struggled with and still don’t have the answer to.
Keegan’s eyes widened slightly as (Y/n) revealed her opinion of Lindsey to him. He was taken aback by how upfront she was with her thoughts.
He leaned against the counter and looked at her for a moment before speaking. “What exactly makes you think she’s not good for me?” He asked, his voice soft but firm, wanting to know the reasons behind her opinion.
“You're not the same person.” She said softly looking at him.
Keegan stayed quiet for a moment as he processed (Y/n)’s words. He could feel his heart sink slightly at the thought of him being a different person because of Lindsey. He knew one thing for sure: he was easily agitated since the start of his relationship with Lindsey.
He let out a soft sigh, his expression turning a bit solemn. “How so?” He asked in a softer tone, genuinely wanting to know how (Y/n) saw the change in him.
“Quick to anger, not happy…” she paused as she looked at Keegan. “The list can go on.”
Keegan’s expression softened as (Y/n) pointed out the changes in him since the start of his relationship with Lindsey.
He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking softly and with a slight hint of guilt and remorse. “I guess I have been more irritable and less myself lately…” he admitted quietly. “But I thought it was just the stress from work getting to me.”
“Can I speak up?” Ryker asked as he clutched the kangaroo in his hands.
“Yeah buddy?” Keegan said softly.
“I don’t like her either.” Ryker spoke up.
“It’s not that I don’t like her… I’m not even going to try. It’s fallen on deaf ears with Ryker it seems.” (Y/n) giggled as she scratched her cheek.
“Why don’t you like her, Ryker-roo?” Keegan asked as he smiled.
“Ryker,” (Y/n) hummed softly, reminding him of an important factor. “Just remember our opinions don’t matter, maybe she’s the most amazing woman when they're at home together.” She booped Rykers nose.
Ryker fiddled with his tie before Keegan fixed it for him.
“She doesn’t like kids and doesn’t like me,” Ryker said. “Said little kids are annoying. Am I?”
Keegan’s eyes softened as he heard Rykers reason for not liking Lindsey.
Ryker was practically Keegan’s best friend. When the two were together they were hardly irreparable.
“No bud,” Keegan leaned forward. “You're not annoying at all, you're amazing!” Keegan nodded his head. “You and Rooney.” Keegan rubbed his thumb over the boy's cheek smiling. “She’s wrong for saying that.”
“Keegan’s my best friend.” Ryker stumbled with his worlds.
“Yeah Ryker-roo,” (Y/n) giggled. “Looks like I've been replaced.” She nodded as her eyes twinkled looking at Keegan.
Keegan chuckled as he heard Ryker declare him as his best friend. “I wouldn’t say you’re replaced,” he said, his tone lighthearted. “It’s more like a shared first place.”
“I’ll just buy him more ice cream and more trips in the rubicon.” (Y/n) snorted.
“Oh,” Keegan’s smirked widened. “Bribery with ice cream and jeep trips, that’s not fair.”
Their teasing continued until they heard Rykers soft little sniffles indicating that the toddler was crying. He had Rooney-roo, snuggled close as he cried into the kangaroo plushie trying to take comfort in Keegan’s cologne that was on it.
“What’s wrong?” You asked softly caressing Rykers arm. “Buddy?”
“Ryker, buddy?” Keegan added as his thumb wiped away the young toddler's tears.
Both of their heart strings were pulled. They could clearly tell something was bothering the youngest. They just weren’t sure what it was.
“What’s bugging you?” Keegan hummed.
“Lindsey,” Ryker uttered as he pouted. “Please break up with her.” The waterfalls happened faster as Keegan winced.
Keegan froze momentarily as Ryker voiced his wish for him to break up with Lindsey. Hearing those words come from Ryker tugged at his heartstrings. He crouched down to Ryker’s level and looked at him with a mix of concern and understanding. “Ryker…” he said softly, his voice gentle. “Why do you want that?”
“You don’t come around anymore…” Ryker fiddled with the kangaroo.
Keegan’s expression softened further as he realized the root of Ryker’s wish. He reached out and placed his hand comfortingly on Ryker’s shoulder. “You miss me, huh?” he asked gently. “I know I haven’t been around as much lately, and is that why you want me to break up with Lindsey?”
(Y/n) watched carefully as she kept an eye on Ryker to see if he got any more distraught.
“Yeah and she says mean things and I think she’s terrible for you.” Ryker continued. “And you don’t play with me anymore…and I don’t want you to marry her.”
(Y/n)’s eyes softened as she realized Ryker was having a hard time with that fact that Keegan just stopped coming around.
“Ryker, we don’t have a say on Keegan’s relationship.” (Y/n) cooed softly. “We don’t have a say, that’s his decision and his life.”
Keegan looked at (Y/n) as she spoke to Ryker, her words filled with understanding and calmness. Then he looked back at Ryker, his expression a mix of compassion and reassurance.
“You know I would never marry someone who’s terrible for me, bud,” he said softly. “And I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much. But I promise, things will get better.”
He ruffled Ryker’s hair affectionately, a small smile on his face.
(Y/n) wasn’t sure what that meant, but Ryker took it as Keegan wasn’t going to marry her at all.
“So you're not going to marry her at all!” Ryker exclaimed.
Keegan chuckled softly at Ryker’s sudden perk up. “No, I’m not going to marry her,” he confirmed, his voice gentle. “We’re not at that point yet.” He reached out and gently pinched Ryker’s cheek affectionately. “But I wouldn’t marry someone my best friend doesn’t like, right?”
“Right!” Keegan scooped Ryker up in his arms and held him against his chest.
He smiled warmly at Ryker, his expression filled with affection and reassurance.
“You’re my best friend, remember?” Keegan said softly, giving him a gentle squeeze. “I wouldn’t do anything without your approval, bud.”
Keegan held Ryker in his arms, his focus solely on the young boy. He was determined to reassure Ryker and make him feel better.
He began to walk out of the bathroom, still carrying Ryker. “Alright, champ, let’s go get some ice cream and forget about all these worries for a while, yeah?”
(Y/n) left having a subtle feeling deep in her stomach that was far from over.
She wasn’t wrong. This was far from over.
Months passed and they were heading to Ajax and Sarah’s wedding. The ceremony was gorgeous and now the reception was almost as perfect.
Maury’s favorite topic to discuss right now was Keegan’s love life, since Lindsey was still around.
(Y/n) slowly helped Ryker out of the jeep as Murray hoped out of the front. Ryker had on a cute little tux with dinosaurs on the tie. Their mother had found it at the store and had to have it for the wedding. Ryker was too adorable though and a good model it seemed.
“Ten bucks he proposes.” Murray hummed as she fixed her hair. Her dress was silky and long enough to keep her warm in these slowly chilling temperatures as fall started to settle in.
“Mmm,” (Y/n) gave her a stern look. A warning telling her sister not to speak about that in front of Ryker.
“He promised me he wouldn’t.” Ryker hopped around like a kangaroo.
“Ryker-roo, no jumping around too much.” (Y/n) giggled. “Mama and papa don’t need your suit messy. We’re celebrating uncle Ajax’s wedding.”
Keegan was standing near the entrance of the wedding venue, engaged in conversation with some other guests. His sharp eyes scanned the area, and he spotted (Y/n), Murray, and Ryker approaching.
As he listened to your conversation, his lips curled into a small smirk. He chuckled softly to himself, amused by the ten-dollar bet and the fact that he was the subject of it.
“Ten bucks you’re gonna upset Ryker and I’m gonna make you pay.” (Y/n) teased Murray.
Keegan chuckled softly as Ryker scurried over to him and grabbed onto his pants.
He looked down at the young boy, his expression warm and affectionate. “Hey there, bud,” he said, his voice filled with affection. “Are you excited for the wedding?”
“Yeah,” Ryker showed Keegan his tie as he had Rooney-roo clutched tightly to his grasps.
“Look what I have for Rooney.” Keegan knelt down. “Gotta make sure he smells very spiffy.” Keegan held his cologne out.
“Keegan’s man perfume!” Ryker said excitedly.
“Man perfume,” Murray scrunched her face up.
“Cologne, it’s too hard for him to say…or remember.” (Y/n) smiled at Murray as the two girls laughed.
“Wish this was a no kids wedding,” Lindsey huffed as she walked past Ryker. (Y/n) heard the comment and knew, she kept her cool and smiled at Ryker. “Uncle Ajax wants you here, that’s all that matters.” (Y/n) reassured Ryker.
Keegan’s gaze flicked up as he saw Lindsey roll her eyes and walk off. He let out a soft sigh and looked down at Ryker, who was cuddled up to him. He tried to push away any irritation he felt towards Lindsey and focus on Ryker. He was trying to have a good night tonight. Not a shitty one.
“Still with her?” Murray asked as she stuck her tongue out at Keegan in a teasing manner.
Keegan chuckled softly at Murray’s comment. He shot her a playful eye roll and stuck his tongue out at her in return. “Yep, still with her,” he replied, his tone light-hearted, but a hint of resignation in his voice. “For now, anyway…”
“Save yourself some happiness.” Murray looked at Ajax. “Who do you look at like that, that’s true love.” Murray hummed watching Ajax look at his now wife.
Keegan glanced at Ajax and his wife as Murray spoke. He watched the way Ajax looked at his new bride with so much love and adoration. It was undeniable, and Keegan couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy.
He let out a soft sigh and turned back to Murray, a hint of longing in his eyes. “Yeah…that’s what true love looks like, isn’t it?”
“And who do you look at like that?” Murray teased. Murray knew the answer and the answer was (Y/n).
Though this came from the same teenager that thought Keegan had a shrine in his home for (Y/n). Honestly she still thinks Keegan has a shrine for her sister. Keegan in her eyes just seemed like the dude to have a random ass shrine. Yeah…sure, Murray.
He wasn’t…he didn’t…it was just Murray’s lovely imagination…and maybe a tad bit of creativity and anime.
Keegan chuckled softly as Murray teased him, knowing full well what she was getting at. He looked down at Ryker for a moment, a small, affectionate smile on his face. Then he looked back at Murray, playfully rolling his eyes again. “It’s a secret,” he replied, his tone light, but holding a hint of seriousness. “And it’s none of your business.”
“Ten bucks it’s big sister!” Ryker nodded as he held his hand up to Murray telling her to pay up and she did.
“You didn’t bring cash? Where did you get that twenty dollar bill?” (Y/n)’s eyes widened. She opened her clutch seeing her dollar bill missing. Her eyes watch the transaction occur as Ryker starts to show off his twenty dollar bill to Keegan. “That was my twenty dollar bill…” she frowned, looking at Murray then at Keegan. “…well not anymore.” She grumbled.
“They were very confident that you were the answer.” Keegan chuckled.
“Were we wrong?” Murray sassed.
“No,” Ryker said confidently.
“The confidence in these two.” Keegan hummed.
“I know my best friend!” Ryker nodded as he crossed his arms.
“That you do little man,” Keegan smiled.
“I’m gonna act like I didn’t just lose twenty dollars and I didn’t hear that.” (Y/n) said smiling as she walked off.
She went over congratulating Ajax and Sarah hugging them as she laughed and smiled in the conversation. The way her face crinkled up and her eyes sparkled was something Keegan couldn’t ever get used to. It made his heart beat faster. He couldn’t help but observe, especially when she was just that beautiful, along with her friendly attitude and her charismatic behaviors. Keegan had known from the start that (Y/n) was something special.
So much so that she had bought an engagement ring as soon as he graduated, having it sized to her ring finger right away. And if her finger changed sizes he’d size it up as soon as he could. That ring stuck right to his dog tags on a gold chain close to his heart knowing exactly who that ring was meant to be for.
It was always on him, Ryker when he was young and even to this day when Keegan held him the boy was playing with the ring fumbling with it in his hand. Ryker was the only one who knew who the ring was for.
Ryker was a good secret keeper, (Y/n) wasn’t wrong when she said that months ago in the bathroom as they cleaned Rykers white dress shirt off.
Keegan was awestruck by you, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ajax or Sarah as they glanced over at Keegan smiling. He had to rein it in returning to his more neutral and casual expression as Ryker demanded to be picked up.
“I slept over at big sissy’s,” Ryker said as he grabbed the gold chain playing with the ring. “Sparkly.” He uttered.
“Yeah, buddy.” Keegan heaved the little toddler up closer as he smiled. “Don’t lose it, that’s sissy’s ring.” Keegan kissed Rykers cheek smiling. “Pretty girl deserves something if I can work my nerve up.” Keegan hummed.
He wasn’t ever going to get to work the nerve up…
Keegan—to keep Lindsey happy—proposed to her a week ago, and man was his gut swirling for it. He knew it was an instant mistake, but he just couldn’t take it back or change what he did. He felt like this was the right thing to do, but the worst thing to do all together. It was this constant back and forth.
He wanted to marry (Y/n) but here he was trying to marry some girl who only made him miserable. He knew there was no logic to explain this. There was none he could come up with.
The only thing that did make sense was he feared he’d be a terrible man for (Y/n) like she could do so much better, and that was wrong and everyone knew that.
“Why weren’t you at the sleepover,” Ryker asked as Keegan frowned slightly.
“Well, buddy,” Keegan tried to find the words for this. “Sometimes grown ups have other things to do.”
Murray rolled her eyes as she knew Keegan was avoiding the actual reason.
“Ryker, he’s still with Lindsey, she’s not gonna approve of something like that.” Murray was straight to the point.
Keegan felt a pang of annoyance at Murray's comment, but he tried his best to keep his expression neutral. He was trying to avoid making the boy in his arms upset.
He glanced up at Murray and gave her a firm yet subtle glare, silently signaling her to drop the topic. He didn’t want to have this conversation in front of Ryker, especially not here at Ajax’s wedding.
“Murray,” (Y/n) chided softly. “Sorry Keegan.” She shook her head and hummed. “Don’t want Ryker crying.” She reminded Murray. “That means Keegan’s relationship is off topic.”
He gave (Y/n) a small nod, silently thanking her for steering the conversation away. He knew that talking about his relationship with Lindsey would only upset Ryker, and he didn’t want to ruin Ajax’s special day. Not with his drama.
Ryker and Keegan made their way congratulating the newly wedded couple.
(Y/n) and Murray stayed back as the two looked at Ryker. “For Ryker’s sake,” you said softly to Murray. “Please leave Keegan’s relationship out of the conversations today.” She pleaded. “I know you don’t like Lindsey, none of us do, but if Keegan’s happy that’s all that matters.”
“But he’s not!” Murray huffed. “Don’t you see how he looks at you?”
“There’s nothing there, Murray, nothing.” (Y/n) shook her head. “We don’t live in a fantasy.”
“There’s something but you won’t even fight for it!” Murray uttered, exhausted.
“Nothing has led me to believe…” (Y/n) paused when you saw Keegan’s eyes on you.
Was there something there? No there couldn’t be, if there was he would have said something sooner…right?
“There’s something, because I’ve never seen a man look so madly in love like he does when he’s looking right at you,” Murray said softly, “like you're the stars to his moon.”
“It’s ridiculous.” (Y/n) tried to shake it off. But deep down she knew there was something brewing in those cold icy eyes. Something that wasn’t anything but a deep rooted admiration and love for something he wanted to hold close for the rest of his life. “Enough Murray, he’s with Lindsey.”
“But for once, go for your happiness.” Murray uttered.
“Murray,” (Y/n) chided. “Come on, enough. No teary eyes for Ryker today and if we keep having this conversation he’ll cry.”
"Yeah,” Murray sounded defeated. “Ryker adores Keegan," she said, a hint of sadness in her tone. "They have a special brotherhood bond that goes beyond just friendship. But it breaks my heart seeing how sad Ryker gets whenever Keegan’s relationship with Lindsey comes up. It's like he can sense the wrongness in it."
“I know,” (Y/n) hummed softly. “Nothing we can do.” She nodded.
Murray nodded again, her expression sad. "I just wish Keegan would see the truth for himself," she said gently. "He’s a smart guy, we both know that. But he’s being stubborn about this. He’s settling for something that’s not right for him, and it’s hurting everyone involved, especially you…and ryker-roo.”
“It’s not our life.” (Y/n) said softly. “I’m sorry Murray.”
Murray let out a soft sigh and nodded in agreement. "You’re right," she acknowledged. "It’s not our life, and we can’t force Keegan to make the decision that’s best for him. But it’s tough seeing him trapped in a situation that’s clearly harming him and the people he cares about."
“It’s something he has to figure out or deal with.” (Y/n) cooed. “He’ll figure it out.”
Murray nodded again, admitting the sad reality of the situation. "Yeah," she sighed. "Sometimes, people have to figure things out for themselves. But it doesn’t make it any easier watching.”
“I know.” (Y/n) said softly.
As the night progressed. Things took a turn no one had expected.
(Y/n) heart shattered as she stood bagging in a discussion with her parents and someone they knew.
“We heard the news, Keegan’s engaged.” The couple said as they talked to (Y/n)’s father and mother. “And here we thought it would be (Y/n) he would marry.”
She felt her lip wobble as she looked away quickly. She kept herself put together as she bottled her emotions up. Murray glanced at Ryker who had a deep set frown on his face.
“Ryker,” (Y/n) said, quickly getting down closer to his level. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay!” Ryker started crying uncontrollably.
(Y/n) quickly scooped her little brother up as she rushed out of the reception heading straight to a quiet garden.
“It’s okay,” (Y/n) cooed as Murray followed. It wasn’t long before their mother and father had slowly walked to where (Y/n) and Murray were trying to console their little brother.
“He promised!” Ryker wailed.
Their mother quickly swooped in picking the toddler up and rocking him.
“Shh, shh,” their mother soothed them all as they listened. “Mama is right here.”
“Ryker knows he’s losing Keegan if he marries Lindsey.” Murray furrowed her brows. “That’s Ryker-roo’s apparent best friend.” She said bitterly.
“Murray,” their father said softly. “I know you're upset too, honey. You two have to understand that sometimes promises are broken when you love someone.”
(Y/n)’s eyes showed the hurt as Murray looked at (Y/n). She winced as she saw the look on her older sister's face, a heart clearly shattered into a million pieces is what it reminded her of.
“Love,” Murray scoffed as she was bitter.
(Y/n) sat down a fair distance from everyone as her body just felt like a lump of flesh and bones. Heart break, it’s as painful as it sounded. (Y/n) watched the people in the venue dance and be happy while she mourned the thought of a wedding. At one point she wanted to be a beautiful bride, but now she wasn’t so sure she ever wanted to love again, scorned by the loss of the person she truly did love, but apparently never returned it.
(Y/n) watched as Keegan trekked across the path that brought them underneath the big maple tree.
“Oh honey, why don’t you like Lindsey, she’s…very sweet.” Their mother hummed.
“Sweet.” Their father was sarcastic.
Keegan had heard as he slowed down. Even Thomas and Beth didn’t like Lindsey.
Keegan sighed quietly as he looked at the Merrick’s. He knew this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation.
“Doesn’t matter what they think, right?” (Y/n) laughed bitterly. “Right, all that matters is your happiness.” She hummed as her words almost didn’t sound true. Keegan could see her hurt, could see her anger, her own feelings of Betrayal. He could see the fake smile plastered on her face and the forced words to make it sound like she was happy for him.
“Yeah,” he muttered. “I’m happy all right.” His own voice lacked conviction.
“Convincing.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes as she glared at Keegan. He felt cold, that look had never been aimed at him that often but now he felt like he was getting it more often.
Keegan heard (Y/n)’s sarcastic remark and winced slightly, knowing he wasn’t fooling anyone, especially not her. Her ability to see through his pretense was both irritating and admirable. He tried to maintain a neutral expression, but the tension in his jaw betrayed his true feelings.
“Cut me some slack, would you?” he muttered, his tone laced with a hint of defensiveness. “I’m trying here.”
“Trying?” (Y/n) scoffed. She was broken, and so was her happiness, “that’s what you call this? Keegan, Rykers trying harder than you and he’s crying like the world is about to end.” She huffed. “Oh and for god sakes, maybe don't make promises you don’t plan on keeping.”
Keegan clenched his jaw as she called him out. He knew she was right, and her reminder stung. Seeing Ryker’s distress felt like a knife in his gut, and he hated himself for being responsible for it.
“Oh cut me some slack, Lindsey.” Keegan snarled. All eyes were on the two of them now as Thomas and Beth paused. (Y/n) and Keegan were snapping. Both of them were finally having a meltdown it seemed.
“Excuse me!” (Y/n) scoffed. “I—“
“Enough!” Her father shouted as he glared at the two of them. “Enough, just kiss or something?” He huffed. “Just don’t get Ryker all in a tizzy like he already is.”
Keegan and (Y/n) gulped as they uttered quiet apologies. They were both unchecked and soon reminded they were here for other reasons too, not their own.
Lindsey walked down the path with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.
“Of. Freakin’. Course.” (Y/n) sat down on the bench, her eyes watching Ryker avoiding Keegan’s and everyone else’s eyes.
Lindsey rolled her eyes as she looked at Ryker scoffing. “He’s still crying, tell him to grow up or something.” She uttered, looking at Keegan.
“Really sweet, ya’know Beth, I can’t imagine any reason as to why our baby boy is crying.” Their father was sarcastic.
“Thomas.” Their mother chided.
“Good thing our wedding is a childless wedding.” Lindsey rolled her eyes.
“Why are you even here,” Murray looked exhausted as she shook her head.
“Maybe instead of being so cold, you could try having a bit of empathy.” Keegan retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm and anger. “It’s a wedding, not a heartless corporate event. It’s supposed to be a celebration not a funeral.”
“A funeral to your happiness, six feet below Keegan.” Murray shrugged. “Get used to it.”
“Murray, zip it!” (Y/n) looked surprised at her sister.
“Excuse me,” Lindsey paused as she looked at Murray. (Y/n)’s eyes widened knowing this wasn’t going to go well.
It was all silent as everyone looked at Murray. Some were proud looks, others were surprised.
(Y/n) felt her soul leave her body as Murray’s very defensive attitude showed its front. She wasn’t afraid to tell someone off, and here was the sass that came with it.
“When did little girls get a say in my relationship.” Lindsey snarled as she pointed a finger and then jabbed it in Murray’s chest. “Do you have any friends, little girl?”
“Alright hands off,” (Y/n) got in between the two. “Stop getting pissed because she's got a point.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
“You have a bitch of a sister, a crybaby of a brother, and what are you?” Lindsey had a bit of a sting to her words as (Y/n) looked at the woman a little pissed off that she had said those things about her siblings.
“Listen here,” (Y/n) started as she scoffed at Lindsey’s words. “You better stay in your lane or veer off the road here, you're barking up the wrong tree.”
“Yeah bitch!” Murray peered around (Y/n).
“Murray!” (Y/n) warned.
“Are you a crybaby like your little brother, look at him.” Lindsey mocked as she laughed.
“Lindsey enough,” Keegan pulled Lindsey back. He gritted his teeth at Lindsey’s comment, his eyes narrowing in anger. He knew Ryker could be sensitive, but calling him a "crybaby" felt like a cruel and unjust attack on a child. "Watch it,” he warned, his voice low and dangerous. "He’s a child, and he’s dealing with emotions he's never had to face before. Cut him some slack, for Christ’s sake."
“Oh Keegan, grow up.” Lindsey scoffed.
“Listen here, you better get her in check.” (Y/n) warned Keegan. “I don’t ever want to hear that shit coming from her mouth again.”
“And what would you do?” Lindsey mocked again. (Y/n) was feeling the ice breaking and Lindsey about to plummet into the frigid waters. She was ready to snap, these were her siblings.
“I’m gonna—“
“Enough!” Keegan snarled at the two of them.
“You listen here Keegan,” (Y/n) snapped as she glared at Keegan. “Get your dog on a leash, I don’t want to ever hear anything about my family from her mouth again, I don’t want her near, my siblings, I don’t want anything to do with her.” You were set in stone. “I’ll handle this peacefully, but after that, she’s not allowed anywhere near us,” (Y/n) was cold and collected which was more fearful than her being angered and raising her voice. Which might I say, no one has ever seen because this was her anger, cold and collected.
“I don’t want this family at my wedding, they're freaks and clearly assholes.” Lindsey said to Keegan.
“Didn’t want to be there anyways.” (Y/n) scoffed. “Seeing two idiots get married.”
“Don’t say anything more you’ll regret,” Thomas was in front of his oldest as Keegan looked at (Y/n) surprised. “Enough.”
“This is ridiculous.” Murray stormed off as she threw her hands up in the air.
“Oh please!” Lindsey scoffed. “You started the fight and can't handle it.”
Murray turned around as (Y/n) and Thomas quickly caught her from starting a brawl.
“To the car now!” (Y/n) pointed to the parking lot. “Go!” She barked orders as Murray froze and nodded her head rushing off as she wiped her eyes. “Keegan, stay away.” (Y/n) was cold. “Don’t ever come around, not if you're sticking with her.”
“(Y/n),” Keegan said quickly. “(Y/n)! Listen to me!” He shouted. “Don’t you walk away!”
“I said stay!” (Y/n) turned around as she had tears in her eyes. “I mean it.”
Keegan’s heart shattered in a million little pieces as he stopped walking after her.
“She'll cool off Keegan,” Their mother hummed as she held Ryker.
“I’m not cooling off,” (Y/n) turned around. “I’m tired, I’m tired of this drama she starts.” (Y/n) pointed at Lindsey. “Yeah, Keegan, here you go.” She jabbed her own chest. “I don’t like her, newsflash, she’s toxic as hell! No I don’t want to be her friend, and no I don’t want to try and be her friend.”
“Your being—“ Keegan tried.
“Don’t start!” (Y/n) glared at Keegan. “Don’t start.” She nodded her head. “I don’t care who you pick over who, I don’t care if you hate me, but don’t you think what you ever did was right. I hate who you have become.” With that being said she stormed to her Jeep.
The first thing Thomas and Beth noticed with Keegan is how broken he looked. His eyes glanced at Ryker and then to (Y/n) as she walked off. It was almost like a bit of light from his life was leaving as she walked away.
“Keegan,” Lindsey uttered as she looked at her fiance. There was a storm brewing in her eyes. Keegan could tell.
The thing about Lindsey is she was emotionally abusive, and it started to take its toll on Keegan. It started to affect his well being. At this point he wasn’t even sure he wanted to do this anymore, and that was understandable. He didn’t want to constantly be compared to the ex boyfriend who wound his way up in prison. He didn’t want to be compared to every other man Lindsey found attractive, playing a manipulative game. He was just…done, he was at that point.
Beth and Thomas just watched, noticing the woman grip the silver ring on her finger and threw it at Keegan. The cold metal made a twinkling sound as it was tossed onto the brick getting lost in the bushes behind them. It wasn’t an expensive ring, it didn't have an expensive stone in it. Not like the one that was around his neck. It had an expensive stone set in an intricate design.
It was clear from Keegan—as he didn’t go searching for the ring and left it there while also watching Lindsey storm off—that he didn’t want this relationship, he wasn’t one hundred percent into it from the beginning. It was just to appease the emotionally abusive girl he did not know how to escape from.
“Keegan,” Beth uttered as she held Ryker.
“I didn’t love her,” he uttered. “A lot of things you two don’t know.” He said. “A lot of things no one knows.” He uttered.
Both of them stared at Keegan seeing the man almost relax but stay on edge. It was an odd thing to see, almost like one thing of stress left but another formed.
Thomas knew what was swirling in those icy blue eyes.
“Go talk to her,” Thomas nodded as he looked back at the parking lot. “She’s stubborn, but if I know my oldest, she’ll listen.”
Keegan stood there for a second contemplating whether he should or not. His feet started to move in that direction and soon enough he found his way to where (Y/n) was sitting on a bench watching the trees blow in the breeze. Keegan could see her shiver as he took his jacket off gently setting it around her shoulder as he knelt down securely wrapping it around her.
Her eyes glanced at him. He had taken his tie off at some point and his dog tags and a gold chain with a ring on it dangled in her view.
“I’m an asshole,” he started softly.
“No, you're just a daft idiot.” (Y/n) said as her eyes finally met his,
He chuckled as he nodded his head agreeing with her. “I know.” He smiled. “I am, no doubt about it.” He paused as he swallowed quickly. “I need to explain something.”
“You don’t have to.” She said quickly.
“No,” he shook his head, “I have to.” He nodded his head as his eyes showed all his emotions, he had to be open with her, open about everything.
“Keegan I—“
“Please let me,” he cupped her face, wiping the tears away. “Don’t cry,” he cupped her face with both hands now as he rested his face against hers. “Cause I’ll cry, knowing I caused your pain.” His voice wavered a bit.
She felt her heartbeat pick up as she wrapped her hand around his forearms unsure of what this conversation held. In her mind he was still with Lindsey, what fixing could there be.
Keegan had this whole thing rehearsed in his head, but let’s be honest, nothing ever went the way people wanted it to. Rehearsing did nothing because life oftentimes was unpredictable.
The reality of the situation weighed heavily on him, reminding him of the choices he had made and the consequences that came with them. The ache in his heart was undeniable, and the guilt weighed heavily on his conscience. He had an ache for her, he needed to make them right, he needed to fix this and marry the woman he loved so much it hurt.
He swallowed hard, pulled his hands away and took the gold chain off around his neck, slipping the ring into his hand.
(Y/n) watched, not entirely sure what was going on. This wasn’t Lindsey’s ring, hers was silver and basic. This was intricate, had words on the inside of the ring that said forever and always. She had noticed the birthstones on the side of the ring, one hers and the other his. She stared wide eyed at him. How long had he owned this? Why did he even have it? Was this what she thought it was?
His words pulled her out of all her questions that were running a mile a minute in her mind. They were surprising and quite frankly unpredictable, but Keegan could always be unpredictable at times.
“Marry me,” he uttered as he held the ring up between his index and thumb finger. The gold ring twinkled in the light. He looked up at her as she looked deep into his eyes. She took note of the tears in his eyes and the way he bit his lips keeping his emotions held back for a bit longer. She saw that his lips were wobbling and he wanted to cry right there and then, but for her sake he held himself together, if she answered either a yes or no, he knew he would cry either way.
He wanted to be happy, and she was his happiness.
“Keegan,” she uttered. Her eyes flickered to the ring and then to him. She had her worries like Lindsey. “Aren’t you…Lindsey?” She couldn’t finish the sentence very well as it was chopped up.
“No,” he shook his head. His voice quivered as his eyes set on her. “No Lindsey, should have left her a long time ago.” He nodded as his lips wobbled. “I messed up but at some point I would have woken up.” He sniffled. Keegan's icy blue eyes pleaded with (Y/n), silently begging for her understanding and acceptance. The vulnerability and determination etched on his face were clear as day.
He took a crouched closer to her, his voice trembling with a mixture of emotions. “Please, (Y/n). I know I messed up, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but marry me, please. Make me the happiest man alive.” He paused as he looked at her. His voice cracked even worse as he spoke. “I love you."
Keegan's large hands cradled her face tenderly, his touch gentle yet protective. His eyes searched hers, pleading for her to understand his sincerity.
(Y/n) lips wobbled as emotions raged within her, torn between the love she still harbored for him and the pain of his choice to marry someone else. Despite this, her hands instinctively intertwined with his, holding onto them tightly.
“I had this ring sized a long time ago…to fit your ring finger .” He had to pause as his voice cracked showing his emotions as the tears fell softly into his cheeks.
“Mine…”she stuttered, surprised at the ring.
Keegan smiled warmly at your attempt to lighten the "Yes, yours," he confirmed quietly, his voice filled with sincerity. "It's always been for you. I got it for you years ago, intending to propose when the time was right."
Keegan noticed the way her lips trembled, a clear indication of the tumultuous emotions within her. He could see the pain and confusion etched on her face, and it tugged at his heartstrings.
He gently caressed her cheek with his thumb, his touch tender and caring. "Please say something," he murmured softly, his voice laced with vulnerability. “Tell me you hate me or love me, that you’ll marry me.” He begged a quiet sob escaping his lips.
(Y/n) could see his own rough waters going on within himself. The two were struggling at the moment with words and emotions it seemed.
Keegan's eyes widened when he heard the word "yes" escape (Y/n)’s lips. He had hoped for her forgiveness and understanding, but he hadn't dared to hope that she would consider saying yes to him. He knew he didn’t deserve it, but he was so grateful and happy to have it.
A mixture of emotions washed over him - from relief to disbelief to elation. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked at her, his voice barely above a whisper. "Really?" he asked, hope glimmering in his eyes.
“Yes really,” she cried.
Keegan's heart soared as he heard (Y/n)’s confirmation with her tears of joy. The weight of guilt and uncertainty that had been weighing on him was suddenly replaced with a sense of relief and happiness.
He pulled her into a tight embrace, his arms encircling her with a mix of tenderness and protective strength. He held her close, as if afraid to let her go, and whispered in her ear. "I love you," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
“I love you too, you big idiot.” Her voice wavered.
The sudden outburst of cheers from wedding guests and (Y/n)’s family took the two of them by surprise. For a moment, they had forgotten that there was the possibility to have witnesses to this intimate moment between the two.
"You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear that," he confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability. Keegan slipped the ring onto her finger, but as soon as he did that she wrapped him into a deep hug as she kissed his cheek.
Keegan returned (Y/n)’s embrace, wrapping his arms around her in a warm and comforting hug. He held her close, feeling a surge of happiness and contentment wash over him. He nuzzled his face into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent. “I’m never letting you go,” he whispered quietly, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and possessiveness.
“Don’t want you to,” she said softly.
Keegan’s heart skipped a beat at her words, his smile growing even wider. The simple acknowledgment that she didn’t want it any other way meant the world to him.
He gently caressed her face with his hand, stroking her cheek tenderly. “You’re my everything,” he murmured quietly, his voice filled with sincerity. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“Well then,” (Y/n) giggled softly as she leaned in closer to his lips. “It’s a good thing you woke up.”
He chuckled as he leaned in and kissed her softly. “A very good thing.”
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clumsybriar · 2 months
Keegan Russ x Fem! Reader — Checkmate
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Keegan Russ x reader
Notes: reader is a hacker and has to remember what Keegan taught her just so she can survive.
Word count: 7,322
Warnings: death of a enemy, bullet wounds, touches on reader having anxiety
If (y/n) would have known being a hacker was going to put her life in danger she would have doubled it and passed it to the next person.
Here she was though, sitting at a computer as she typed furiously. The blue light was shining in her face as the room was dark.
She wished she was back in college and this was just some stupid exam, but that reality was five years gone.
She couldn’t remember what it was like to be surrounded by people. She had been alone for the past year on the run since she had a big red target on her head. She was in a hotel with the lights off as she would be heading towards New Mexico. She needed to get there and fast.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” She uttered quietly to herself. She took a deep breath as she broke into the federation's firewall.
She reached forward quickly grabbing the pocket watch as she set it for 20 minutes. It was all the time she had to get the information and leave without being detected. And if she stayed any longer, she would be in danger of having to move before the end of the night.
She knew the risks and she needed to find Rorke’s location, after his threat.
“Because if anyone can find me, it’s you and that makes you my worst threat.”
It kept repeating in her head ever since he said it to her. Two years of abandoning everyone and going into hiding, two years of running from state to state, having gone from California to New York to Florida, to Tennessee. It had to be an unusual pattern, and could never be the same. Rorke and her were playing the same game, always two steps behind one and another.
Tonight, she was going to break this wretched curse of being hunted, she was going to become the hunter. This was the lesson Keegan had taught her years back when she had first joined the team. He was notorious for telling her she can’t just be a hacker. She needed survival skills because enemies were unpredictable and she needed to know how to protect herself if it ever came down to it.
She was grateful for his lessons even if at the time she thought he was being ridiculous. He almost had a sixth sense for this stuff, and now she was kicking herself in the ass for not listening to the worrying man. Silent most days, but when he had something to say, you better listen.
She hoped he was okay, she hoped Rorke didn’t find him and kill him. She had heard about Ajax and how he had fallen to Rorke’s poisonous pursuit of all Ghosts.
She wasn’t a ghost, just their hacker behind a computer, but that was a big enough threat to put her in the wanted list.
“What did I tell you, don’t get distracted.” Keegan huffed at her as she frowned and looked at him. She had on safety goggles and earmuffs to block the loud sounds of the bullet leaving the chamber of the gun.
“What?” She said looking at the gun and then back at him.
“Take the damn earmuffs off, you goof.” He rolled his eyes, lifting them off her ear. “I said don’t get distracted, that man,” he referred to a paper target that had a human shape printed on it. “Could have had a gun too and just shot you in the head. I get your behind a computer all day, but I’d like you to stay there alive.”
“Sorry,” she said nervously. She took a deep breath and sighed as she looked back at the target. “I-I just don’t see the point in this.”
He looked at her incredulously. How did she not see the point of this. This was saving her life, her own life. Maybe he was getting to be too much of a worrywort as she often told him.
“I uh, I just…don’t feel comfortable with the idea of having to shoot someone and I feel if I don’t learn I won’t have to do it, but we know that’s not always the case…” her eyes flickered back to him showing her pure raw emotion of fear and disgust of being the person behind the gun.
“Danger is all around you.” He said softly, “hiding behind the computer doesn’t mean you're safe 100 percent of the time. Someone can find you and someone can hurt you and I don’t want that.” He spoke calmly, connecting to her human emotions, the fact that she wore her heart on her sleeve. “I’d like to keep you alive, ya’ know.” He hummed. “You're so, so, so, much better alive.”
She after that, did as he told her, she could remember it like it was yesterday. She went to the gun range and learned for him as he had asked her too and here she was using his lessons to keep her alive at the current moment.
Her fingers typed fast, furiously hitting each key with intent to hunt and find what she was searching for. She wasn’t going empty handed either. She needed to know where Rorke was, if she knew that, then she could finally end this once and for all.
Her plan, a bullet in his thick ass skull. She was tired of this battle she and him were caught in. Constantly dancing around one and another as they hunted for one and another.
This time—the final time—she was going to be five steps ahead of him, and he was going to still be two steps behind her. That’s what she wanted, that’s what she needed.
Her eyes lit up as her screen showed her the desired information. Rorke’s exact location in nice bold letters. Finally a year of running and being hunted had finally paid off. Now she just had to get there on time, and that was the tricky thing.
The time went off signifying she had less than a minute to get off the federations radar. She hustled, she was always a fast typer faster then most of the men she worked with behind computer screens. It’s why she was so good, she achieved micro-goals she had set in college making her a better then most at hacking.
“Look at you baby girl, typing fast.” Keegan snuck up behind her making her jump forward a bit.
“Keegan!” She turned around in her chair looking at him while clutching her heart. “Way to scare a girl.” She huffed at him, smiling softly.
“Well, gotta keep you on your toes, darlin’.” He chuckled. “Plus I brought lunch, and I gotta make sure the baby girl gets fed well, if not she gets grumpy.” He hummed softly as he shook the to-go bag slightly in his hands.
Her eyes flickered to it. She could smell the delicious aroma the food was giving off. Her stomach gurgled as she made room at her desk for him to join her.
“Ooh, I knew you’d give in.” He pulled a chair closer as he sat the bag to go. “Lo mein for the princess.” He sat her out with chopsticks and then grabbed his as he leaned back in his chair kicking his work boots on the desk.
She got comfy following his actions as she ate happily. He always knew what she wanted without her ever telling him. They giggled as they munched on their lunch for an hour.
“Keegan!” She giggled. “You're not supposed to press the power button as it’s updating you big dummy.”
“I got scared.” He snorted. “I don’t know technology like you, baby.” He chuckled. “Merrick was pissed.”
“Don’t blame him.” She snorted as she sat her lunch aside. “Last time you will probably be allowed to borrow his stuff. Have him bring it to me, I can fix it.” She giggled softly.
Her eyes landed on his icy blue ones as she smiled at him softly.
“Baby,” he sat his food down. “Got something on your face.”
“I know I don’t.” She giggled, raising a brow at him. “Don’t give me a complex. You just want to kiss me.”
“No, no,” he cupped her face. “Pretty sure there’s something on that pretty face of yours.”
“Keegan!” She screeched and laughed as she clung to his uniform.
His lips were in hers as he kissed her. His tongue swiped against her bottom lip as he deepened the kiss.
She sighed happily in the kiss as her hands found his cheeks.
“Jesus, you two, keep it Pg!” Ajax joked as he had his own takeout. “And here I was going to join you two.”
“He was uh…just getting something on my face,” (y/n) blushed as she was embarrassed hiding her face as Keegan chuckled, throwing his head back.
“Oh I got what was on her face for sure.” Keegan wiggled his eyebrows at Ajax.
“Jesus, you two need to just get married.” Ajax chuckled as he joined them.
“It’s not like that!” (Y/n) giggled as she slapped Ajax's shoulder.
“I’m gonna go cry.” Keegan teased her.
“Go cry!”
What she would do to have his lips in hers again. It’s been a year, too long.
The bus was quiet as (y/n) kept her hood up.
“Because if anyone can find me, it’s you and that makes you my worst threat.”
She squeezed her eyes shut as the words repeated in her head. It was that recurring nightmare that she couldn’t shake. The one where she found Keegan, dead, because of her. The one where Rorke has the two of them kidnapped and as torture makes her watch him slowly and painfully harm Keegan until he does with. Bullet in his head.
She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt her stomach churn.
“Don’t throw up.” She chanted quietly as she took a deep breath and paused for a second. “Close call.” She huffed as she looked at the next bus stop. Santa Monica, she was just passing through. She could remember the landscape; it had become more dreary as the federation continued to try and win the war they waged in the states. She needed to pick up a piece of government equipment. Something that would take down the federations equipment. An external drive that could wipe their systems and shut them down. Causing Rorke to have to sit still in one location. It was a winner of a plan and she just had to find a way to sneak into a military base in which she used to work at. Simple. That was simple. She knew the ins and outs and she could easily get in.
There was a reason they took a hacker right out of school. She was selected by Rorke and Ellias themselves.
“You're telling me, this girl hacked into the pentagon and she went a month without being caught.” Ajax asked as he walked with Keegan to the conference room they had been called to.
“Yeah, that’s what Merrick told me.” Keegan hummed as he looked at Ajax. “Don’t know how true it is, but guess I can’t help but be curious as to what this girl looks like.”
“Somehow, I’m curious too.” Ajax hummed as they entered the room. The only sound the two made was the door shutting behind them as their mouths gaped open. She was such an innocent looking girl. Fresh out of college and a very timid demeanor.
“She hacked into the Pentagon.” Keegan said to Merrick.
“That she did.” The man responded as the three of them stood on the side of the wall listening intently.
Her eyes flickered to them as she gulped and looked back at Ellias.
“You got some spunk kid,” Rorke hummed. “We could use that.”
She gulped as she looked at the intimidating man. “I’d hardly call it spunk.” She said softly. “It was a lucky chance.” She said softly. “My professor said, if anyone could hack into the pentagon they’d pass the class with an A, and wouldn’t have to take the class for the rest of the semester.” She yanked softly at the cuffs on her wrists, finding them uncomfortable. Keegan could tell with the way her face scrunched up. He felt his heartbeat increase as his eyes glued to her. He was giddy, seeing something so pretty like her. It wasn’t everyday a sweet thing crossed his path.
“Well, did you pass?” Ellias asked with a smile.
“Yeah,” she said softly. “But then he also called the FBI, what’s left of them anyways, since the world is up in arms.” She shifted nervously. “Am I in trouble, I m-mean, I know I did something wrong. I get that.” She said softly. “But I didn’t look at anything, I just got in and got out.”
“You're not in any trouble.” Ellias hummed softly. “Actually—“
“Let’s back up the train Ellias,” Rorke hummed as he walked from the window and walked behind her eyes peering down on the woman. “You realize what you did right, you act like it’s nothing.”
“It’s nothing.” She said softly.
“You hacked into the pentagon, that’s something.” Ajax hummed as her eyes glanced at the soldier on the other side of the room.
“I mean, pentagon or not…” she paused as she took a deep breath. “It wasn’t a challenge, I sent an email to a representative of the IT department at the pentagon, under an alias email and gave them a tip to strengthen the walls.”
“The nicest damn criminal I’ve ever met.” Merrick hummed quietly.
“I-I’m not a criminal—I-I guess I would be…maybe.” She paused as she fumbled with her hands nervously. “I-I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, I just wanted to pass a class without even having to take it. I now realize my professor's…sarcasm…went over my head.”
Keegan smiled loving the way she stuttered. She was so innocent and book smart, not street smart. His heart beat pumped in his ears as he watched her lips and eyes. Watching the away her nose twitched and her ears twitched. She was like a little bunny.
“We’d like to offer you a position.” Ellias hummed as he looked at Rorke. “Join our fight and join our team as the hacker.”
“We could use a good one.” Rorke added as he smiled at her.
“A damn good one.” Ellias nodded.
She slinked down the hallway, eyes glancing around to be sure she didn’t get caught. She had snuck in so easily, now it was making sure she found the right room.
She was searching for a computer geek’s favorite room with all the hardware and all the flash drives and disk drives, things she used to work with all the time.
Things took a turn for the worse when she froze in the spot seeing Rorke and his team of close-nit soldiers burst from the staircase about 5 feet in front of her. She forced herself into the supply closet where she hid quickly feeling her breath catch in her throat. This wasn’t on the list, he wasn’t supposed to be here at all. Something was entirely wrong. Was it a change in plans, was it a change in schedule. Was the one she looked at false, or did they know she hacked into them. They couldn’t have.
She made sure she moved fast and efficiently. So why were they here? Why was Rorke here, it was too close to the Ghosts home base. Too close as in he was here on their front step knocking on the wrong goddamn door.
Her breath got caught in her throat as she started to experience the panic attacks she had kept at bay for so long. The ones she thought she would have under control when she faced Rorke at Atacama Desert.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Keegan knelt before finding her tucked under her desk as she was staring in a daze, nervous and afraid. Her anxiety was eating away at her and she was stuck in a world that wasn’t the present. “Baby girl, I’m right here.” Keegan called her. “Baby girl, I’m right here.”
She would do anything to hear his voice once again, but she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to until this was all over and the war was coming to an end.
“(Y/n)?” She paused as she turned around having just come out of the supply closet maybe two hours later having suffered from an anxiety attack. Maybe she wasn’t ready, she wasn’t sure but she had to act fast if she wanted to end this battle of the fittest between her and Rorke.
Her eyes turned around as she was greeted with Keegan. She could feel her breath catch in her that again just like it was doing for him.
Her eyes carried to him as she looked deep into his eyes. She had left that night never looking back after he told her nonstop he would protect her. She left and never said goodbye. She was sure he felt betrayed and angry at her. She could see the storm swirling in his eyes. She could see the fear she put him through. But now they both had the confirmation they needed. They were both alive and that’s all that mattered at this current moment.
“Baby,” he called out to her.
She turned quickly in her heels as she walked. But she quickly came to a stop as Keegan yelled. He yelled showing his anger.
“Baby, don’t you fucking move!” He snarled. She flinched as she felt her world crumbling. He wasn’t supposed to see her if he was even here. She was supposed to get in and get out without anyone seeing her.
“(Y/n),” Merrick limped as he looked at her. “Jesus, we thought he killed you. He said he killed you.”
“We’ve been playing a game of chess.” She said softly, turning around.
“I mourned you!” Keegan snarled as he looked at her with tears in his eyes. He looked down and away from her as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He was trembling and avoided her eyes as his frosty blue ones watered and showed his anger and sadness. “I fucking mourned you!” He threw his eyes directly at her.
“I’m sorry he lied to you, Keegan.” She sniffled avoiding his own eyes.
“What are you, working for him!” He marched forward.
“No!” She said quickly, defending her loyalty. She was in no way, shape, or form, working for the federation. “I just happen to be at the right place at the wrong time.” She said softly.
“Right place wrong time.” Keegan repeated. “Huh?”
“Don’t patronize me,” she looked at him incredulously.
“Where the hell were you when Ajax died, when I needed you!” Keegan shouted as he slammed his fist into the wall.
She flinched as she stepped back looking away as her breathing increased.
“I needed you, and you weren’t there. You weren’t there like you promised me you would be. You left that night and I never got to say goodbye.” He snarled.
“Keegan, I’m sorry.” She said softly. “But I can’t, I can’t stick around this close when Rorke is running a muck in this building.” She said backing up. She showed her glossy eyes as she wiped her tears.
“Don’t you fucking leave me again.” He snarled at her as she backed up.
“Keegan we have to go.” Merrick huffed as he caught up to the man pulling him back from (y/n). “She’s not safe with us, he’ll just get her quicker.”
“I was supposed to keep her safe, I was supposed to protect her.” Keegan’s voice trembled.
“Keegan.” She said softly, feeling a tear fall down her cheek. One single one. “It’s my turn to protect you guys.”
“Well, well, well, a rendezvous without me,” (y/n) breath caught in her throat as she cursed in her head. “Did my invite get lost in the mail (l/n)?”
“Rorke.” She greeted him softly.
“Oh, you don’t seem so excited to see me.” Rorke smiled as he cocked his gun.
“It’s hardly exciting when you bring death everywhere you go.” She said softly as she looked back at him.
“Come on, Ajax had it coming, Ellias had it coming.” Rorke hummed as he smiled at the three of them.
“Even you have it coming. It’s not personal, well I guess it is.” He shrugged as he laughed a bit. “But not personal in the sense of I had it out to get you from the start. I liked you, such a sweet girl.” Rorke hummed. “It’s just, you're a threat to me and I need to neutralize you.”
Her blood ran cold when she could hear the chuckle in his voice; it was dark and hardly the Rorke she knew.
“I told you, I’d kill ya’, because you're the only one that could ever find me. Looks like I found you though. Call this checkmate.”
It time could have slowed down, this would have been the moment it did. Hearing the bullet leave the chamber in a loud bang. She bolted trying to get out of the way.
She yelped when the bullet made contact with her shoulder tearing through it a clean entry and exit.
“Fucking run!” Merrick shouted to her as she bolted down a different hallway making sure to evade Rorke’s sight.
She hoped Keegan and Merrick ran too. Though she knew she was the target, she didn’t have to worry about them being killed until after her at this moment.
“Come on out, we haven’t finished playing yet.” She cupped her shoulder trying to keep the blood off the floor by tapping a part of her t-shirt on it. She hissed in pain as she felt the tears well up. She had to keep moving. Had to keep running away from Rorke who had been hot on her tail.
She was tucked behind a door and there was no way he could know where she was. She quieted her breathing and closed her eyes.
The hunted was not becoming the hunter at this very moment. There was too much fear in her veins.
“Come on,” Rorke snatched her out of her hiding spot as she squirmed and kicked.
She screamed and cried as she tried to fight off Rorke’s closing fist around her neck.
“Rorke!” She sobbed. “Please, I don’t want to cause any trouble.” She squirmed some more. He hit the butt of his gun against her head as she cried out in pain. She felt light headed and a massive headache was starting to form.
“Rorke, please!” She sobbed more.
“I’m sorry kid, I really did like you.” He said as he put the gun to her temple. “Close your eyes.” He said softly, showing her some weakness.
“Please, Rorke, please.” She sobbed.
“Close your eyes, kid.” He said sternly. “This is how it has to be.”
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” Keegan snarled from the end of the hallway.
“Jesus, loverboy.” Rorke huffed.
He let go of you when a bullet whizzed past both your heads.
“Keegan!” She landed on the ground with a loud thump. She hissed in pain as her shoulder jostled. He had nicked Rorke in the thigh.
“Run baby, run!” He shouted as she got up quickly and evaded.
She was just going to have to go without that external hard drive she needed. A true show of how things didn’t always go as planned.
“It’s gonna hurt me baby, but it’s important to get this cleaned out.” Keegan said softly sitting on the tub with his hand putting pressure to a cut on his skin. It was deep and needed stitches but he refused to go to the hospital for it.
“O-okay.” She sniffled as she looked at him nervously.
“Don’t give me those crocodile tears, honey, I promise I’ll be fine.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips. They had moved up in the world living under the same roof.
“Okay.” She grabbed a cotton swab as she added some alcohol soaking it enough. She gently rubbed it against the cut watching as he cursed, muscles clenching.
“Fuck,” he huffed out. She felt bad, felt bad for having to be the one to put him through this pain by cleaning the wound.
“Sorry Keegan.” She gasped out softly.
“Not your fault baby, it needs to be cleaned.”
(Y/n) hissed as dumbed the alcohol on the bullet wound. She was pretty sure there was no bullet but she wasn’t going to dig around in it when there was an entry and an exit. It made her stomach roll. She sobbed as she worked fast in an abandoned mall. She needed it to be cleaned before she started to head to the desert.
The burn was intense, it was a constant torturous stabbing or pulsing as the alcohol soaked the wound.
She bit back a whimper as her eyes blurred up on her. She lurched forward feeling her stomach get queasy like she was going to throw up her little snack she had an hour ago.
She sat down feeling the searing pain make her arm go numb as she closed her eyes.
“See not so bad,” Keegan hummed as he came out of the bathroom having finished stitching himself up. (Y/n) didn’t know how he did it, how he even had the stomach for it, all she knew was the fact that there was no way she’d ever be able to do it.
“Not so bad,” she rasped out as she looked at Keegan wide eyed. “You sowed your skin together, all on your own.” Her eyes looked at him as if he was crazy and he laughed gently. That was like confirmation for her, he was nuts. “I’d be crying like a baby at the doctors, cause lord knows I’m not sticking myself with a needle.”
“Being a Marine changes you baby,” he said softly as he laid down beside her. “Being a member of the Ghosts changes you baby.” He corrected himself. “You never know when you get hit, but if you're out in the wild you gotta get things under control.” He hummed softly. “That sometimes means stitching yourself up.”
“What do they do, give you your own sewing kit.” She joked softly.
“No, but I always pack one.” He said softly. “And in the kit it has a picture of you.” Her heart swelled. “So it motivates me to get home to you.” He leaned forward kissing her lips. “Then I’m going to get home to you, baby.”
She was lucky. She was so lucky.
“She was here,” Keegan rasped out to Merrick as the four ghosts were stuck in the safe house for a few days. “She was right here near me and I had to let her go.”
He was angry, he was steaming, no one blamed him. She was right in his grasp after thinking for five months that she was dead.
“He told me she was dead, that he killed her.” Keegan snarled as Merrick listened.
He was talking about the night they infiltrated a tower during federation day. Talking about capturing Ramos and being told by Rorke that she was dead.
He spiraled so fast, laying in bed for two whole weeks after that, sobbing and crying.
No one could get him up, it wasn’t until Merrick and Ellias bombarded him in his room talking him through things.
“Look at you, dead men walking, tell me Keegan…you lost Ajax and you now lost (y/n)…” Rorke smirked at the camera. “How’s it feel?” He was patronizing Keegan. (Y/n) wasn’t dead, she couldn’t be. That was his baby girl, he had been searching for her left and right trying to find her, he needed to find her. Especially before Rorke.
Keegan could remember the night where he thought he had persuaded her to stay with him. That he would keep her safe, but she was gone come morning time and he was frantic.
“How’s it feel? Your lover…gone, it’s gotta be painful.” Rorke laughed softly. “I liked her, shame I had to do what I had to do. But I told her, I warned her she was my biggest threat, I wouldn’t stop until I had a pretty little bullet between those pretty little eyes.”
“You bastard!” Keegan snarled. “You didn’t!”
“She’s dead Keegan, but so are you,” he snorted. “Good luck boys.”
“She’s alive, so keep on her, search for her!” Merrick hummed. “She’s on a mission though Keegan, that’s clear as day.”
“Where do you think she’s going?” Hesh asked as he looked at the two seasoned soldiers.
“LOKI, she’s after it.” Logan said softly.
“Jesus, she’s going right into war.” Keegan snarled as he glared at the table. “That’s a war zone.”
“And she’s after one thing?” Hesh asked, seeing Keegan’s stress.
“Merrick, you gotta let me go.” Keegan looked at the man who was left to be captain.
Merrick sighed as he looked at Keegan with a nervous look. “Keegan, I—“
“Merrick, you have got to let me!” Keegan was stern in his words. He wasn’t going to leave (y/n) out there in the middle of a war. She didn’t know what she was getting into.
“Keegan.” Merrick crossed his arms over his shoulder and looked nervously. “She can hack into LOKI, but she’s not a soldier.” He hummed quietly.
“You gotta let me go dark,” Keegan said softly. “You gotta let me.”
“Go, but you better come back alive.” Merrick huffed.
Keegan’s hands gently gripped her hips as he pushed one leg further apart from the other giving her a more study stance.
(Y/n) felt her breath increase as her eyes kept trained in the paper target. She felt his hands leave her waist as they rested on her hands helping her hold the gun steady,
“Nice and easy baby.” He cooed softly making a shiver run down her back. “There you go.” He backed up making sure he was clear. “Now shoot.”
She pulled the trigger feeling the gun try to feel back but she kept it under control.
She looked back at Keegan and then back at the target seeing a bullseye on the target.
“Now that’s how my baby shoots when concentrated.” Keegan smirked triumphantly. He was surly partying in his mind eager that she had taken to his lessons.
He had taught her well, that was for sure.
(Y/n) took a deep breath as she hiked for hours on end. Her shoulder had a searing pain as the backpack rubbed against it. She was greatful for the somewhat decent bandage job she did on it but it wasn’t making it all that begged. She needed to get it looked at, but being in federation territory, they would notify the military and she’d be killed. She wasn’t risking it. She had a bottle of alcohol that she would occasionally dumb on it to keep it clean. As it was she didn’t know how much longer she actually had left on this earth. She knew that Rorke wasn’t going to be an easy kill. He was going to make life miserable for her and for everyone else until he fell in battle.
Kick had found her location just by chance, watching her walk through a village in chile. He had been able to hack enough into LOKI’s system so he could pin-point where she was.
She had no idea though, no idea Keegan was practically 12 steps behind her following Kicks discovery.
She stopped as she saw the American military moving in from a distance. She stayed at the edge of the forest. She used military grade binoculars as she watched tanks and helicopters swarm the area. She was glad there was a body of water between her and the battle going on across the way.
Just above her was some form of a monorail. It seemed to be a transport for military things. She sat down as she opened up her computer, starting to type away as fast as she could. She didn’t need to have a timer now, she just needed Rorke to come to her.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” She stopped typing and turned around.
Her eyes laid on his form as she finally met his eyes.
“Keegan,” she said softly. She felt her heart beat kick up seeing him in his sandy colored uniform. She didn’t expect to see him here. “You need to leave.”
“Come on, you're safe, I’m gonna keep you safe.” Keegan curled around her. His hand slid over her stomach as he shifted her back as close as he could get her. “Rorke can make a threat like that, but I’ll never let it happen.”
“Keegan you can’t make promises like that.” She said softly.
“You're in a military base, it’s going to be hard for them to get here.” He told her nuzzling into the back of her head.
He breathed in her scent as he continued to soothe her.
“What if they do?” She asked softly, looking terrified. She had already made up her mind. She was the dog that sunk her teeth in the hambone and wasn’t letting it go. It was all due to that nagging voice in the back of her head saying ‘Rorke will find you, he’ll find you’. She just wanted to shut it off. How could she shut it off.
“They won’t,” he was so assured.
“He’s got his eyes set on me,” she felt cold. “I’m the first to go.”
“I won’t let him.” Keegan hummed. He rolled her over as he laid on top of her. “Baby, he’s got to go through me first, and I’m gonna keep you safe, if it’s the last thing I do.”
That morning she was gone and Keegan was left alone in a cold and empty bed. He was frantic and had searched everywhere, but kick had discovered she left base going out in the dangerous world herself. Nowhere had been safe anymore. Dallas had fallen, New Mexico was being raided. California was blown to pieces from ODIN still, and that happened years ago. All that was left was federation infested cannons and earthquakes that made sinkholes bigger.
Keegan felt the anxiety set into his soul as he laid there trying to make sense of what was going on. His chest was heaving as his eyes went out in a daze.
We’re was his baby going? What was she going to do? He was panicked and he felt like at the moment, there was nothing he could do.
“I’m not leaving you, not like you left me.” Keegan's cold icy eyes met hers. A glare was etched into his features as he was stern with her. As he should be, she understood that.
She had run when he said to stay. She had left when he promised her he would take care of her.
“I said I’d take care of ya’, that’s not a promise I take lightly.” He said softly the love cracking through his exterior expressions. She could see the love for her in his eyes. She was his girl, he often explained that to her. His to hold, his to protect, his girl.
“Don’t you run away again.” He told her. “Ya’ hear me.”
She opened her mouth to say something but shut it as soon as he gave her that look. That look that told her she better listen because he didn’t know how much heartbreak he could take.
“I have to hack into LOKI, from there. I can hit major federation bases and cities like they did to us with ODIN.” She said softly.
“Is it as easy as hacking into the pentagon?” He hummed.
“Easier.” She said softly.
“Then get to work.”
She didn’t waste any time. Her focus was on the screen below her, not looking away, she wasn’t able to look away.
“You know you might just single handedly end this war.” He said softly sitting beside her watching the militaries on the other side of the water brawl.
“Take that Rorke.” She had that same spunk she always did. Keegan noticed it was his old ball cap she had been wearing on her head every time he saw her. That same one that had the marines written on it.
“I wonder where that hat went.” Keegan said softly.
“This old thing.” She giggled softly. “If I was leaving, I had to have a piece of you.”
“But you left me without a piece of you.” He said softly. His eyes glanced at her as she tapped away.
“You didn’t go into my—” she looked up at him for a second but things happened so quickly.
A bright blue flash, the sound of mental scratching on mental and grinding. The loud booming sound that ended up causing a sound wave pushing her and Keegan back.
Keegan crawled on top of her as shrapnel flew everywhere.
“You alright!” Keegan shouted as his ears were ringing. He got off of her and looked her over before he deemed her okay.
He could see her shoulder tense and bleeding a bit more. When this was over he was going to get her some medical attention having carried that wound since he last saw her.
“What!” She shouted back as she covered her ears not liking the ringing.
“Your okay baby!” He curled her into his arms as both their eyes looked at the sandy beach below the cliff edge they sat on.
“Oh my god.” She said quietly as she looked at the monorail that was now slowly sinking into the water below it. Parts of it crashed on the sand and the rest was sinking into the water.
She lurched forward for the computer aiming for military bases all around the world that belonged to the federation.
She didn't wait and didn’t care, she pressed the execute button and then grabbed the computer snapping the screen right off.
Keegan watched knowing exactly what she was doing. She was about to throw the evidence in the water down at the beach. She grabbed the hard drive out of it and started to stomp on it until it was broken.
Maybe the war was over? Maybe it wasn’t, she knew she still had to settle the score with Rorke.
Her feet touched the sand as Keegan followed her closely, keeping a gun ready at his beckoning as his eyes scanned the massive cargo train.
His eyes scanned the area as he spotted Hesh and Logan crawling their way out of the water.
(Y/n) froze though. Her eyes spotting the man who had made her life this past year is so a living hell.
“Rorke.” She said softly as Keegan’s eyes glanced at the man walking out of the water smacking Hesh against the head.
“Baby go and hide.” Keegan tugged her down behind a rock. He held her in his arms as he whispered to her. “Go and hide and I’ll take care of him.”
“No,” she snarled as she looked at Rorke. “I’ve got to do this Keegan, I’ve got to!” She snarled.
“Baby, enough!” He was prepared for her to wiggle her way out of his grasp, but she surprised him and she squirmed away staying low.
“You would have made a hell of a ghost.” Rorke said as he snapped Logan in the face rendering him unconscious.
Keegan crawled after her, pouncing on her as he kept her low to the ground.
“Keegan, you gotta…” she trailed off as she reached for her gun. “I have to do this!” She huffed.
But she paused as she felt Keegan’s body go limp as her blood went cold. Rorke had heard them fighting.
You know in all honesty it wasn’t their smartest decision to be arguing like they were and then on top of it they still couldn’t hear properly.
“Well, well, well, I can kill two birds with one stone.” Take aimed his gun down at them. (Y/n) quickly rolled Keegan off as she. Rolled over aiming her gun at Rorke’s chest.
“Listen Rorke,” she snarled. “You have haunted me for too long.” She stood up keeping her gun aimed at him as it was right now a staring contest.
“Is this a case of the hunted becoming the hunter,” he laughed as he looked at her. “Just be prepared to fail.”
His voice made her sick, it made her angry, she felt emotions she didn’t want to feel when it came to these things.
“I’m not failing, no,” she said with a wild look in her eyes. Rorke now knew she was finally grown up no longer a hacker that hid behind a computer on the constant run. She was the hunter, she was the danger that he always knew she could be. “Today, Rorke, this is your last, you lost.” She snapped. “This is for Elias, this is for Ajax, and most importantly, this is for me!”
“You think this will end the nightmares, it won’t.” He snarled. “It just fuels the fire more,” Rorke looked at her. “You're becoming a killer like me.” He tried to get into her head, and it worked a bit. Her hand shook as she kept stalking closer to him. She was a loose cannon right now, ready to make the shot.
“Then so be it.” She snapped. “I think this is the term checkmate.”
The gun rang out as a body was heard falling to the ground with a thud.
“Rorke, here are the coordinates you wanted.” (Y/n) said softly as she pulled them up on the screen. “From what I could find it’s an old warehouse that has been used to store things for the federation. They have missiles, they have ammo, they have a lot of things in there,”
“And no one would think to look there,” Rorke smiled as he ruffled her hair. “Good work kiddo, I knew we kept you around for something.”
“Thanks.” She snorted as she looked at the man. “I’m glad I could be of help.”
“Hey,” Rorke called her back. His fist raised up for her ti bump. “I mean it, you did good, kid.”
Keegan’s eyes opened with a fright as he shot up gripping his head as he looked around frantically for her. He walked around the large rock and his body ran cold.
“Baby.” He said softly his eyes found hers, on the ground as she was curled up. “Baby.” His eyes carried to the large mass a few feet away from her, dead with a bullet right between his eyes. “It’s over, it’s over.” He landed on the ground as his arms wrapped around her. “It’s over baby girl, it’s over.” He said softly, checking her over. “You did it, you did it honey.”
He was cooing trying everything to calm her down. He knew the stress of everything and it ending for her had been so overwhelming.
It was over, (y/n) could wrap her head around that. Now she had all that time to spend again with Keegan. Being back home in his arms and that’s all she wanted. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged him. All she wanted at this moment was Keegan’s embrace. That’s all she wanted.
“We can go home now,” he cooed softly. “We can go home.” He felt his own eyes well up with tears. “You and I can go home and be at home.”
“That’s all I want.” She said softly as she rested her forehead against his. “That’s all I want Keegan.” She nodded as she looked at him.
“Then let’s go home baby.” He said softly. “Let’s go home.”
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clumsybriar · 2 months
Ghost x Wife! Reader — Love at First Sight
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Notes: This was written after My Pretty Girl but is a prequel to it almost like how they met! I am working on more with these two so keep an eye out!
Word count: 5,189
Warnings: none just cute
(Y/n) looked at the books stacked on a rack still needing to be put back in the location they belonged. She felt like this would take entirely too long to put away, but this was what work was left as she worked the evening shift.
She was the only worker other than one other college student who just checked people out with the books they selected.
It was often quiet with the usuals coming in, but they didn’t have many people in the evening. Everyone was either shopping or going out to eat.
(Y/n)’s stomach growled as she looked up at the tall shelves she would have to use a ladder to reach. She wished right now she could go out and eat at that restaurant down the street that had the best chicken noodle soup that she craved in this fall weather.
She quietly grabbed the ladder pushing it to the far right where she slowly started to climb up with the three books.
She kept herself steady that way she didn’t fall off break a limb or worse.
She slowly put the books away, unaware of the commotion that happened behind her. She was zoned in and had no idea people were being ushered out of the library due to a bomb.
She was just zoned in on her work.
She never heard the loud British voices barking orders to civilians and other soldiers. She never heard the loud boots on the library’s granite flooring. It was as simple as that, she was just zoned in coming back down to grab a few more books.
Her sneakers squeaked on the glossy floors as she turned around grabbing another stack of books. She hummed quietly as she talked her lips trying to remember exactly where the authors she was looking for were located.
“Miss,” a calm British voice pulled her out of her concentration. Her eyes darted to him as she stared at him wide eyed and a bit jumpy since she didn’t expect him to be there at all.
This was a perfect example of a deer in headlights about to get hit. Who was the deer and who was the car was for a later debate.
“Oh my god!” (Y/n) clutched her heart as she looked at the man with a skull mask on his face.
Who was he? Why was he here? Why did he have all this gear and a gun? Was he robbing the library?
All these thoughts just kept going on through her mind as she looked at Simon with a bit of deer and nervousness.
She was just a nervous little thing anyways, with anxiety and the need to hide and paint all day. Seeing a man with a skull balaclava was not in her bingo card for the day.
Seeing her jump, Simon's expression softened even more. A rare flicker of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he said, his voice smooth and gentle.
He approached her, his footsteps slow and measured, as if trying to not further startle her. He extended a hand to her, an invitation to stay put for a moment. "Are you alright?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
“M’okay,” she nodded as she took a deep breath. “Can I help you?” She remembered her hospitality with guests to the library, especially new ones. “Is there something you’re looking for or am I missing something here.” She squeaked out looking at his uniform and gun.
Simon's lips curled into a small, almost boyish smile at her words. He found her politeness endearing, a stark contrast to the usual gruffness he encountered. "You're the helpful type, aren't you?" he said, his voice still gentle and amused.He took another step closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "I'm here with my team," he explained, gesturing casually behind him. "We've got a bit of a situation we're dealing with."
“Uhhh,” there it was, her brain shut off as she looked around confused. “Situation? Okay…” she trailed off as she thought for a second. She watched as another soldier, a Scottish one came around the corner pulling the man who was talking to her away for a second.
She looked around confused trying to see if anyone was still in the library.
She looked at the checkout area and found her co-worker missing from the area
“Thanks for telling me there were scary soldiers here, Laney!” (Y/n) thought.
As Soap practically dragged Simon away for a quick discussion, his gaze remained fixed on (Y/n), his eyes lingering on her for a few moments before he had no choice but to turn away. Soap started talking, but it took a moment for Simon's mind to process the words.
"What, Johnny?" he snapped back, realizing Soap was speaking to him.
Soap raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Mate, you're drooling," he teased, noticing how Simon had been staring at (Y/n). “Does the lassie have you droolin’ like a dog, LT?”
“Im not droolin’,” Simon huffed. “Ya’ find the bomb yet you git?”
“Found it alright LT, like me to disarm it as fast as I can?” Soap smirked as he looked back at (Y/n) giving her a wink.
She flushed red and looked away as Ghost gave Soap a sharp stern glare.
“She's cute.” Soap laughed, as he looked at Simon. “Can’t blame a man.”
“I can and I will, back off.” Simon snapped.
“Oh I see,” Soap hummed. “Backing off, LT.” Soap raised his hands in surrender.
“Disarm it,” Ghost snapped, his gaze stern.
Soap chuckled, understanding he had hit a nerve. "Alright, alright, I'll disarm it," Soap quipped, his tone still light-hearted. The sergeant was out of sight back to the bomb as he went to complete his task.
Simon’s soft gaze was back on you as he reached his hand out to you. “Come now, love, you gotta leave the building.”
(Y/n) blinked in surprise as Simon took her hand, his touch gentle but firm, guiding her. The nickname "love" sent a flutter through her, and she couldn't help but look deep into his brown eyes. "I...I have to stay. I'm on shift," she said quietly, her voice soft and hesitant. It was a weak protest at best as she found herself wanting to stay near him.
On top of that she was cursing herself for even saying that, but she had no idea what was going on. She had no clue or no idea that a bomb was in this building willing to blow at any second.
Simon couldn't help the warmth that spread through him as he heard her protest, the way her voice was so hesitant and soft. He tightened his grip on her hand slightly, his gaze never leaving hers.
"I understand, love," he said, the nickname rolling off his tongue with such natural ease. "But trust me, you don't want to be around when we disarm this thing. It could get a bit messy."
“Disarm?” She sputtered out looking at him confused, “a bomb?” She uttered.
Simon's expression sobered as he realized he hadn't fully explained the situation. He gave a small nod, his eyes locking onto hers in earnest. "Yes, a bomb," he confirmed, his tone a mix of seriousness and reassurance. "That's why we're evacuating the area. But don't worry, we'll take care of it. We're trained for this sort of thing."
“I could imagine.” She looked embarrassed. How come it didn’t click in her head earlier they were soldiers and were here for some threat. “I am so sorry, it’s been a long week.” She uttered. A long week of staying up until 4 am trying to paint her final for her still art project. She was struggling to feel anything for that final. Her confusion clearly came from the lack of sleep though and her problem solving skills were lacking too because of the little to no sleep she had. “I feel a little dumb for not registering the situation as to why you might be here.” She rambled embarrassed. Her hand rubbed her forehead as she smiled embarrassed, her eyes looked around darting at different things in the library.
Simon's tough exterior softened as he watched her ramble on, her embarrassment only adding to her charm. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "No need to apologize," he said gently. "Sometimes the obvious can slip right by us when we're too focused on other things."
There was an unspoken understanding between them, a mutual acknowledgment of the connection they were starting to feel.
“How come he’s soft with her and he’s been barking orders at us all day,” Gaz huffed as he watched Simon slowly guide you to the exit. “I don’t feel the love Captain.”
“Kyle, get to work.” Price laughed as he looked at the sergeant. “He’s in love, leave him be.”
“A big ol lovey-dovey of a teddy bear.” Soap interjected as he looked at the bomb studying it.
“I’m tellin’ him you said that.” Gaz smirked.
“I’ll be dead by sundown.” Soap nodded.
Simon knew one thing, he wanted to marry this woman and as fast as he could.The realization hit him hard, like a freight train crashing into his thoughts. He had always prided himself on being focused, on maintaining a certain level of detachment. But she had managed to break through his defenses, knocking down the barriers he so carefully placed around his heart.
In that moment, as he stood with her, holding her hand in his, Simon's mind was made up. He wanted her, wanted her more than he had ever wanted anything else in his life.
For weeks Simon was distressed when he wasn’t able to find her again. He wished he could have gotten her number or asked her on a date but as soon as the bomb was diffused and everything was under control they were called back out to another mission.
But Simon didn't forget about her. In the quiet moments of the night, when the mission and the chaos of life had momentarily subsided, his thoughts would drift back to her. He could still remember the way she looked at him, the way she felt in his grasp, and the soft sound of her voice as she fumbled her words.
Simon was a patient man, but the wait was getting harder each day. He yearned to see her again, to hold her close, and to tell her how much she had unexpectedly changed his life.
He had fallen so helplessly in love with her as if he was just meant for her.
Luck was on his side though he knew that much. Who knew a month later he would find her attending the same wedding.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“You want me to walk you down the aisle?” (Y/n) looked at her cousin's soon-to-be-wife surprised.
“Yes,” Farah nodded her head with a sweet smile on her face. “Alex and I have talked, my brother and family are all gone, we want you to be the one to walk me down the aisle and be beside me as we get married.” She hummed. “You’ve accepted me like I’m your own sister and I trust you.”
(Y/N) felt a rush of emotion as Farah spoke. She didn't know if she was worthy of such a role, but she couldn't bring herself to reject Farah's heartfelt request.
"Oh, Farah..." (Y/n) began, her voice filled with an emotional waiver. "If you would like me to walk you down the aisle, then I will gladly.” She sniffled.
“You made her cry.” Alex chuckled.
“Shut up Alex!” (Y/n) huffed. “I’ve always been emotional, you know that.”
Alex sat beside her as he hugged her tightly. “I know, that’s what we love the most about you.” Farah didn’t hold off as she jumped into the hug as well.
When it came to walking her down the aisle (Y/n) looked at Farah and smiled. Her Abaya was so beautiful and her make up was natural.
“Oh Farah, you're so beautiful.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she looked at the beautiful bride.
“You think so.” Farah said, showing a bit of nervousness. Who wouldn’t be? This was such an important day.
“I know so.” (Y/n) smiled, reassuring the woman. “Alex will ball his eyes out and then we can call him emotional later.” (Y/n) teased gently.
“That sounds like a perfect plan.” Farah giggled softly. The two straightened up when the music started playing, leading for (y/n) to open the door as she started to walk Farah down the aisle.
Guests were seated all over the place as they stopped and looked at the two women. They were gaping at the beautiful bride as they should be. Farah was gorgeous. But one person couldn’t keep his eyes off of (Y/n). A month of being tormented by her in his dreams Simon was finally able to lay his eyes on her once again.
Simon's heart skipped a beat as his eyes landed on (y/n), walking down the aisle beside Farah. It was a sight to behold. His breath caught in his throat, his mind racing as he tried to process the wave of emotions crashing over him.
He had been waiting so long to see her again, and here she was, looking even more beautiful than he remembered. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his heart pounding against his ribcage. It was a whirlwind of emotions and he couldn’t contain himself as his eyes were set straight on (y/n).
He couldn’t believe his luck, from thinking he would never see (Y/n) again to seeing her a month later at Alex and Farah’s wedding.
Simon had barely been able to contain his excitement as he watched (Y/n) walk down the aisle with Farah. It felt like fate had stepped in and given him a second chance. As he sat in the ceremony, the significance of the moment settled in his mind.
He watched (Y/n), his gaze flickering over her again and again, as if trying to make sure it was really (Y/n) and not just a figment of his imagination. Throughout the ceremony, his eyes remained fixed on her, filled with a mixture of disbelief, excitement, and an undeniable connection.
He knew she wouldn’t recognize him as he was adorned in a mask the first time he met her. He wasn’t sure how to make her recognize him, but he knew he had to do something.
As the wedding progressed and the ceremony began Maria stopped Simon as she fixed his suit and tie.
“Now, lad, put yer’self together, she’s a cutie.” Maria gave him a prep talk like the mother she was. “Don’t be like John and put a little effort into it.”
“I put a lot of effort into it.” John corrected as he looked at his wife. He was a tad bit offended it seemed, but still it was very clearly obvious he loved his wife even with the comments she made about his lack of apparent effort.
“Mr. Price,” Maria looked back at him.
“My wife is correct,” John cleared his throat, backing off.
“She’s been painting for a while.” Soap hummed as he looked at (y/n).
“She’s painting a scene from the wedding.” Maria smiled. “I scoped the area for Simon already,” Maria nodded, “gotta see the lad get married and this little lassie is the one.”
Simon snorted as Maria was already exploring the area. Of course she was, she was a bit nosey too like the others, Gaz and Soap had been trying to get a better peek at her.
“Tell her she’s pretty, and ask her if she’ll dance with you.” Maria patted Simon’s chest as she had him all out together.
He glanced over at (y/n) seeing her giggle with Alex and Farah as the two hovered around her watching her paint.
“Alex.” She gasped as she looked at him. “Don’t touch the paint.” She snorted. “It’s oil, it won’t dry for months sometimes,” she shooed him away. Ghost smiled as he watched the woman stand up to the tall American.
Simon glanced at Maria, his expression torn between gratitude and trepidation. He appreciated her support, but the thought of approaching (y/n) was nerve-wracking. He wasn't used to expressing his feelings, especially in such a vulnerable way.
"You make it sound like it's an easy task," Simon retorted, his voice dripping with his usual stoicism, but there was a hint of uncertainty beneath it.
“It is an easy task, dear.” Maria dusted his shoulders off as she smiled at him nodding. “Just approach and ask for a dance.” She brushed off his worries.
Simon took a deep breath, steeling himself with Maria’s words of encouragement. He knew he was overthinking things, but when it came to you, he found himself second-guessing every move he made.
"Alright, alright," he muttered, straightening his suit. "Just ask her for a dance. How hard can it be, right?"
“Right!” Maria gave him a thumbs up. “Look at that John, our oldest is spreading his wings.”
“We adopted them, didn't we?” John looked at his wife deadpanning. He had three kids of his own, he didn’t need three more, grown adult kids.
“We did,” Maria said so proudly.
“Of course we did.” John hummed. “Course we did.”
He found it impeccably hard. He was fearful to approach, afraid he would muck up something. Each step he took towards (y/n) felt laborious, his body tensed with nerves. With every stride, he mentally practiced what to say, how to say it, and how to navigate the situation. He was acutely aware of the fact that he rarely put himself in such vulnerable positions, and it made his blood thrum with a mix of excitement and fear.
As he approached (y/n), he tried to maintain his usual stoic facade, but there was no hiding the way his heart was drumming against his chest.
But then he walked right past her and grabbed a whisky from the bartender as he looked more afraid than anything else. He was sure he was terrifying to look at with his scars from war and his stoic look that adorned his face.
“Oh how smooth,” he uttered as he grabbed the whisky and downed it in one swig.
She was so pretty and he wanted to make sure it was perfect. It had to be! It had to be perfect!
He scolded himself silently for being so afraid. He had faced battles, enemies, and death, yet here he was, intimidated by the chance to talk to a gorgeous woman.
He turned to the bartender and requested another drink, his gaze flickering over to where (y/n) was sitting, painting a beautiful picture. He downed the second drink even faster than the first one, trying to summon the courage he usually had in abundance.
“Having a tough time with something, Lieutenant.” Farah surprised him as she peered up at the tall man.
Simon almost jumped at the unexpected sound of Farah's voice behind him, his already heightened senses amplified by his current state. He quickly turned, his expression schooled into the usual stoicism, but Farah could see the hint of vulnerability beneath it.
"No need to sneak up on me like that," he replied, a bit gruff, but his words lacked their usual edge.
“My bad, my bad,” she smiled softly. “What’s got a lone wolf like you so flustered?” She smirked as she looked around the wedding venue.
Simon let out a frustrated sigh, knowing Farah could see right through him. He fidgeted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the venue as if hoping for a distraction, but there was none.
"It's nothing," he mumbled, his voice barely above a mutter. But he knew that Farah was persistent and would pry it out of him eventually. He took another sip of his drink, stalling for time.
He had no time when Maria took it into her own hands marching up to (Y/n) with a sweet smile on her face. Simon felt his blood run cold. Farah watched as Alex was pulled from his conversation with his cousin as Maria made her presence known.
“Oh dear god,” Simon groaned. “Put a bullet in my head now Farah.”
Simon's anxiety skyrocketed when he saw Maria approach (y/n), his mind racing with the possible outcomes. He took another swig of his drink, as if it could somehow quell the nerves, but it did little to ease his worries.
"I should never have let her talk me into this," he grumbled, his eyes locked on Maria and the woman as she initiated the conversation. "This is a disaster waiting to happen."
“You have a thing for Alex’s cousin?” Farah hummed. “How do you know her?”
Simon glanced at Farah, his expression betraying a mixture of surprise and resignation. He'd been caught in the act by Farah, and there was no use hiding it now.
"We met before," he muttered, his voice low. "During a situation..." He didn't elaborate, but the memory of that day was still fresh in his mind, the sight of (y/n) etched in his mind like a permanent image.
“Tell me how you met my antisocial cousin-in-law.” Farah giggled. “Alex is always trying to get her away from her college classes and getting her out to meet people.”
Simon chuckled softly at Farah's description of (Y/n) as "antisocial," and it struck a chord in him because he found her shyness endearing. He took a deep breath before recounting the story of meeting her.
"It was during a...bomb threat," he said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "We were called in to evacuate a library and disarm a bomb. She was there, working her shift, and...well, I couldn't take my eyes off her since then."
The memory of meeting (Y/n) was still fresh in his mind, and it played in his head like a film reel. Every glance, every touch, every word she said remained vivid in his memory. He could recall the way she looked, the way she smiled, the way she fidgeted—everything about (Y/n) that had managed to captivate him.
Then (y/n)’s eyes met his as Maria pointed him out. He couldn’t help but bristle at the fear of her hating the way he looked. As it was the last time she had seen him, he was in his mask and clearly doing work.
His heart hammered in his chest as he tried to maintain his composure. He was only failing as the heat rose to his cheeks and his stoic mask faltered. His eyes met (y/n)’s and the connection felt instant.
When her eyes met his, Simon felt a jolt of electricity run through him. The sound of the guests and the buzz of the venue faded into the background, and all he could focus on was the sight of her. "My pretty girl," he murmured to himself. He couldn’t look away. His eyes were locked into hers and she was locked onto him.
For months she had been plagued by the man who helped her at the library, and this man had the same shape as him. As it was she had recognized the sergeant that had talked to him while she was stuck in her daze of confusion. Johnny, was that his name? That’s what she thought it was. She had recognized his blue eyes and Mohawk, but the man with the skull balaclava had been a mystery to her. She often dreamt of his voice. Hearing it constantly in her dreams.
“Mr. Riley, get your arse over here.” Maria called to him as Farah giggled and pushed Simon forward.
Simon let out a resigned sigh as he heard Maria call out to him, knowing that he couldn’t back out of it now. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath as Farah gave him a small nudge forward.
"You're enjoying this a little too much," he grumbled, shooting Farah a sidelong glance, before making his way over to (y/n) and Maria.
Alex stood to the side smirking knowing exactly what Simon was going through.
“He’s as daft as any man, trust me my dear, but he has had his head in the clouds since you walked Mrs. Keller down the aisle.”
(Y/n) was too distracted as Simon looked away bashfully. She felt her heart beat out of her chest. “Mrs. Keller?” She questioned quietly as Alex chuckled.
“We’ve lost her, give her a second to catch up.” Alex hummed knowing how introverted and anxious she was. Her anxiety zoned her out and made her mind a muddled mess. She was currently just that, a muddled mess. Who could blame her, she had Simon standing before her and he was a very attractive man, and most likely the man who saved her that day. His sweet and kind attitude towards her made her heart swell and she couldn’t take him off her mind.
Simon chuckled softly at Alex's remark, his eyes flickering over to (Y/n), taking in her confusion. It was endearing how she was so lost in her thoughts, and he couldn't help but find it adorable.
He stood there, quietly waiting for her to process the situation, his eyes never leaving hers. The sight of her looking so overwhelmed yet so captivating made his heart skip a beat.
“Farah, Mrs. Keller.” (Y/n) came out of her daze . “What was the question?” She gulped.
“Hasn’t been a question yet.” Alex patted her back, “you're too cute.”
“Here’s a question.” Maria smiled as she tugged Simon forward. “Would you dance with him? He’s sweet, and he’s kind, and he’s handsome.”
Alex and Farah clutched to one and another as they waited for your response.
Simon felt his ears grow warm at Maria’s blunt compliment, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly at her words. He looked at (y/n), his expression a mix of anticipation and hope, waiting for her response.
He couldn’t deny that he desperately wanted to dance with her, to hold her close, and to make sure she knew he had been thinking about her since the library.
“Yes.” It was quick but quiet answer (y/n) gave.
Maria kept rambling on. “He saved you at the library, at least that’s what Little Johnny has been saying.” she hummed slightly. “said he couldn’t take his eyes off of you the entire time, Simon isn’t like that, he strives to be concentrated at work, but you my dear distracted him. I’m afraid so…” she paused as she looked at (y/n). “Wait, yes…yes! oh yes!” Maria was ecstatic.
Simon's heart pounded against his chest as he listened to Maria's words. He could feel himself blushing profusely, a rare moment of vulnerability in front of others. He averted his gaze from (y/n), suddenly bashful.
He had been trying to hide his fascination since the library incident, but it seemed like he hadn't done a great job, as Maria was making it abundantly clear.
“Well then,” (y/n) said softly, almost embarrassed. Simon couldn’t make out if she was embarrassed by his fascination or something she had said or was going to say. Needless to say it was the ladder. “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one with the fascination.”
Simon's head turned back sharply at her words, his heart skipping a beat as he processed what she had just said. The room seemed to fall silent for a moment as he let her words sink in, his eyes locked onto hers.
He felt a mix of relief and surprise that she had confessed to also having a fascination with him. It was a revelation he hadn't been prepared for, but it was one that filled him with a sense of hopeful anticipation.
“Well then, we will leave you two…be,” Maria smiled.
“Oh! A secret piece of information,” Alex leaned forward looking at the two. “Just in the garden, there’s a beautiful place to be.” He winked at the two.
“What does that mean?” Simon asked, looking down at (y/n). His eyes softened at her.
“I don’t know,” (y/n) uttered. “I don’t speak his language sometimes.”
“Get away, get away,” Farah laughed as she pushed him away. “I think he meant there is a good secluded place to dance.” She giggled as she took her now husband away from the two.
“Oh,” Simon and (y/n) said in unison. The two looked at each other surprised and then giggled.
“Shall we go dancing then.” Simon hummed. “My love.”
“Yes,” Simon's heart leapt at her soft agreement. He gently took her hand, his rough palm against her soft skin. He led her towards the garden, the crowd around them fading into the background. The music was just loud enough to hear but not enough to take away from the two of their conversations,
As he wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He had dreamed of this moment for a month now, and to finally have her in his arms was almost unreal.
The romance between the two was just unreal.
Simon and (y/n) moved together effortlessly, every step and movement in perfect synchronization. The world around them seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of them. He held her close as he led the dance, his grip on her waist firm yet gentle.
As the music played, Simon couldn't take his eyes off her. He marveled at the way her eyes sparkled in the soft light, the way her hair framed her face, and the way she fit so perfectly in his arms. It was as if the universe had aligned to bring the both together like this.
“You're absolutely gorgeous, dead pretty my love.” He cooed softly as he dipped her down.
“You're too sweet.” She smiled as she got all bashful on him. “You're handsome as well, have been handsome since I first laid eyes on you.” She hummed remembering the library, now knowing this was the very man that had been so gentle and kind to her. He was the man who made her ooze for affection in her dreams from him and wake up to the harsh reality some mornings that she may never know him again. But somehow in some way, someone was letting their love story be weaved together intertwining their red strings together. The two knew from the start, this wasn’t just typical love, it felt like they had known each other forever, this was a love that lasts and a love that only grew from here on out.
“Glad it’s the same for you as it for me, my pretty girl.”
I hope you enjoy! 💕
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clumsybriar · 2 months
Hi! I read your Ghost - Pretty Girl fic last night, and omg I’m obsessed!! I’m on my way to reread now haha!
I’m not sure if your asks are open or not, so please feel free to ignore this if they are! But is there a possibility for another story with these two? I love how lovie dovey and soft Simon is with his wife ! 😍🥹
Thanks!! ❤️
OMG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (To be honest I’ve been rereading it as well because I just love it too! It was sweet and I’m amazed by all the love it’s getting! Thank you!)
I am so willing to write another one for those two!!! I’ve been honestly thinking about writing little scenarios with those two just because of how soft and loving Simon is😭💕! Let me come up with the some ideas and I can tag you when I post! I’m hoping to have it out in a week!
Thank you!!!! I love this!!!💕💕💕
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clumsybriar · 2 months
König x Fem! Reader — Stranded
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König x Fem! Reader
Word count: 5,833
Notes: reader gets stranded on an island, use of (y/n), fluffy at the end.
(Y/n) wasn’t so sure how she had survived a natural disaster such as she did. But here she was, proof that miracles do happen.
Her eyes were blurry as the tears welled up in her eyes as she looked around the abandoned beach. No one was left in the small boat she had been traveling on. Her assumption was that she was the only one.
She thought she was alone and left to die in this hellscape no matter how beautiful it truly was. There was no time to take in the beauty when panic settled in her soul.
She was in pain and felt like she went through a terrible beating. Her eyes glanced back at the boat as she saw it washed ashore broken in half and clearly not being able to be sailed back into the mighty sea Poseidon ruled over.
She had just woken up a bit ago, finding herself ashore laying in the sand as her summer dress didn’t do a good job at keeping her cool in the sweltering heat.
She had a massive headache, and her body ached worse than anything. She had a few minor scrapes except for her forearms that had been scratched up a bit heavily either due to maybe the boat capsizing at times during the storm, or for other reasons when she was unconscious.
Her eyes glanced back at the boat as it was clear no passengers were left having been through such a rough water spout that had ripped the boat in half.
She was lucky she even survived this far. She hoped partially she would be able to live to tell the tale, but then again, she had no survival skills.
She was doomed. That was all she knew.
Why? She thought traveling by boat from Belgium back to America would be a fun little trip to end her Europe tour, but it ended up being a disaster, one she wouldn’t make again by choice and one she may not get to make ever again.
“Du bist endlich aufgewacht und hier dachte ich, ich müsste dich mit den Massen begraben.“ ("You finally woke up and here I thought I had to bury you with the masses.")
Her eyes glanced back at a large man who spoke another language she didn’t know at all. He was large and tall and quite frankly scary with that mask he wore over his head. He was garnished in medals and a military uniform with Austria’s flag on it.
He must have been speaking German.
“Katze hat deine Zunge? Sprichst du Deutsch?" (“Cat has your tongue? Do you speak German?”) he spoke as he knelt in front of you checking you over.
„I-ich, spreche kein Deutsch.” She uttered softly. “Es tut mir leid.”
That’s all the German she knew. That’s all her great grandfather had taught her when he was alive. He was from Germany and had migrated to America during the second world war since he was a Jew. From there he met his wife and her great grandmother who was a catholic and he was a Jew. It was a weird combo but they made it work and loved each other a lot.
“Ah, I see.” His English was amazing, he had a deep accent but he was understandable and that helped ease her mind.
She wished she could be fluent in another language but it was so daunting and scary to learn another language. Especially when English was such a difficult language and not like the other ones.
In the distance the sky was growing dark and hazy.
The soldier had been keeping his eye on it as (y/n) felt nervous and terrified. She didn’t like storms, and she didn’t like being stranded either. It seemed she was facing all sorts of fears today. How delightful.
He tended to the cuts on your forearm, having wrapped them up with bandages as he spoke softly.
“My name is König, yours?” His eyes looked up at her.
“(Y/n),” she said softly. “My name is (y/n).” She nodded. He gently tucked the cloth into itself as he tucked her arm close to her. He was being so gentle for being such a tall muscular man. (Y/n) had thought maybe he wouldn’t know his own strength but that didn’t seem to be the case. He was gentle and careful and made sure not to make any movements to scare her.
“Are we the only survivors?” She asked her eyes looking at the wreckage.
König's eyes glanced at her. He looked back at the wreckage. He seemed to be thinking about what to say.
“Do not go near the wreckage, we are the only survivors.” He said softly. She would heed his warning having a weak stomach was something she did struggle with, a reason why she didn’t watch movies like horror or thriller. Anything that showed disgusting scenes she was out for the count.
The universe seemed to be on her side leaving some military man as her other sole survivor. Maybe she would make it home one day. Maybe she would go home and see her family and hug her family cat again.
God how she missed that little devil that ran around at midnight.
Most of all she just wished she could close her eyes and wake up in her bed again, but she couldn’t. She was a long way from her bed.
Days and nights started to blur and she was left wondering if anyone knew the boat had crashed. Was someone on their way to rescue her and König?
“Come, let’s set up a fire.” König guided her to the little camp they had set up. Things were getting better situated as time went on. So far they had been stranded for a week, and König was keeping them well safe out here in the wilderness. He was the sole provider having years of experience being able to survive in treacherous areas such as this.
She was getting used to eating the animals he hunted though she did get queasy at the thought of some of them.
“Are you a part of the military in Austria?” She asked. For this last week it had been mostly silence. On both ends, talking here and there but not conversations. Neither of them had conversations.
“Colonel in the Austrian military, now an operator for KorTac, a private military that gets contracted out for whoever wants our services.” He said softly as his eyes never left the flame he was trying to produce with the flint he had found and the rock he had. He just needed to make a spark, that’s all he needed. “I was leaving a Austrian militia event and returning back to my KorTac base taking the boat.” He said softly, finally achieving the fire he wanted.
“Oh,” she smiled softly. “I’m surprised you traveled by boat, wouldn’t a plane get you home earlier.”
“Mmm,” he shrugged as he stacked dry wood up.
She felt like he wasn’t feeling very chatty and it made her a bit self conscious. “Tell me why you were far from home schatz?” His blue eyes looked up at her.
“M-me.” She said softly. “O-oh, well.” She got a bit flustered. “I took a big trip for work. I'm a travel writer for a popular magazine and I traveled to the UK, Denmark, Paris, and France and lastly Belgium.” She spoke quietly. “Then I booked a boat ride home with this company, back to the states where I could then go back to work.” She said softly. “It’s boring.”
“Mmm, no it’s quite interesting.” He said softly as he speared a few things of meat as he started to cook them for the two.
“I imagine my boss is wondering where I am.” (Y/n) spoke softly. “Probably writing emails trying to see if I stayed in one of the countries or if I’m ever coming home.” She smiled softly but it turned into a frown. “I miss home.”
König did too, he missed home as much as she did.
“Someone’s out there looking for us, I know.” He told her reassuringly.
“I hope so.”
The nights had started off warm, but now they were getting cold. König had said it was a storm blowing in, so he made their hut sturdy and kept her close to him at night time. Her face was nuzzled into his chest as she would sometimes listen to the ocean waves as they crashed against the coast.
“You're still up schatz?” König shifted a bit as his thumb rubbed against her back.
“Did I wake you?” She asked softly.
“No, Schatz, nein.” He cooed softly. “Just woke up on my own accord.” He hummed.
She nodded as she listened to the ocean again. König was doing the same thing as he rested a hand behind his head as his other arm was asleep, giving it up to her to use as a pillow. He wanted her comfortable, and she was. She was coming to rely on him and feel afraid when he left. It got to the point that she followed quietly when he hunted or stayed close by as close as possible.
“What’s on your mind tonight.” He asked softly.
“What tomorrow will bring.” She said softly. “Maybe a rescue crew.” She nodded her head.
“We can dream, but don’t get your hopes up.” He was realistic.
“Do you miss home?” (Y/n) asked as she looked up at him.
“I miss Home, I do, liebling.” He said quietly.
Outside random frogs were croaking and random animals were making sounds.
She was so grateful to have found a crystal clear body of water to bathe in not too long ago. Her and König would take turns and it made things so much better as she wasn’t feeling embarrassed about sweating as much. Now she didn’t mind being curled next to him as they slept. A week ago, she would have been repulsed and kept on her side away from König because she felt stinky and quite frankly didn’t want him to smell her body odor she had collected from her wonderful journey in the wilderness.
“In the little town I live in, there’s this bakery,” She hummed softly. “They make the best apple crumble.” She hummed softly. “I’m craving it right now.” She giggled softly.
“Mmm, and here I was craving a bratwurst and the best Austrian bier.” He chuckled, his chest rumbling and causing her giggle.
“Bier! Nein! Das ist nicht lecker.” (Beer, no, that is not tasty!”) she had been slowly picking up German from him. Having been near him for about three weeks he was filling in some words with phrases teaching her without any of them noticing,
“Oh, now you spreche Deutch.” He teased her softly.
“Picked up a bit.” She hummed. “Like…oh!” She cleared her throat. “Du bist ein stück Scheiße.” She paused. “You said that when you were angry at the fire.”
“Mmm,” he chuckled. “Language.” He patted her back. “Leave the foul mouthed cuss words to me.”
She giggled softly. “Yes colonel.” She smiled up at him. “I sometimes think about the people who are worried sick about me, like my mother and father, my sister, they have no way to contact me and I can’t contact them to let them know I’m safe.” (Y/n) said softly as she looked out at the ocean. “Do you have people at home waiting for you, worried sick?”
Her eyes traveled back up to him as her hand rested on his chest.
“Meine Mutter und mein Vater.” He hummed. “I call them every night, but they’ve gone a few weeks without it.” He chuckled softly. “Maybe they think I went on an important mission.” He hummed softly. “That’s all that would worry other than my team.” He said softly. “I’ll get you home, I promise.”
She smiled softly at his promise. “I trust you colonel.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Finding a water source that offered crystal clear water had made things ten times easier. The ocean was great but it was salty and one couldn’t survive off of that unless they wanted to be dehydrated and dead by the end of the week with this sweltering heat. König had found that it was coming from a spring that trickled down from a mountain.
(Y/n)’s first thought was, it must not have been that small of an island, maybe they were on an island with civilian life. If that was the case then they needed to find people, find a town, something.
“It's not safe to leave what we created here.” König was stern when he said that. “We leave this behind, we risk having to survive in a new location that’s why we haven’t gone far.”
“No buts schatz, what if you don’t have that spring water and it’s just saltwater bubbling up through the sandy terrain making a body of saltwater. Hmm?” König asked. “You don’t have fresh water now. Liebling, trust me.”
“I trust you.” She said softly as the two sat back down having lunch. He tucked her close to him as he nuzzled the top of her head.
“I’ll get you home, right now our best bet is to stick close to the wreckage cause that’s what they are looking for.” König hummed as his thumb rubbed soothing circles on her waist.
It was logical, you're missing a colonel and a boat full of people, what are you looking for, not random people walking around. A boat. You're looking for a boat.
She was ready to feel the grass between her toes and hopefully not the damn sand anymore.
Needless to say, she didn’t need to take a beach vacation in the next 10 years. She was all beached out. Three weeks felt like a lifetime to her right now, it felt like entirely too much time to be stranded.
Her and König, though, had grown a stronger bond. König kept watch over her, made sure she was safe, made sure she was well fed even if she didn’t eat all that much since she was cautious of the food. He could tell she wasn’t used to eating wild animals, fresh just hunted.
“You got a man waiting for you back at home.” König asked that night as they stared at the stars laying under the canopy of the sky. Her head was on his chest as she listened to his voice rumble from deep within his chest.
“No.” She said softly. “Just me.” Her eyes glanced up at the sky.
She didn’t have a guy or a gal waiting for her back at home. It was just her and her alone. She had been on a few dates but her job consisted of traveling often and writing, and potential partners just didn’t like the fact that she’d be traveling all the time if her boss sent her somewhere. They were self conscious, and that was fine. So it was just her, just (y/n) and it was okay.
“Mmm, such a pretty little schatz like you would be swiped up fast where I grew up.” He smiled at her.
“People don’t like the traveling I do.” She informed him. The sound of the ocean breeze blowing the palm trees behind them is comforting. It soothed her soul more than anything at the moment. It reminded her of nights where she would sit on her breeze-way and listen to the nature around her as she would read a book.
Part of her wished König would stay with her, part of her wished he would. He was charming and sweet and she felt like she was falling for him slowly. Maybe it was because they were both living such a traumatic event, like surviving a boat crash or trying.
She could remember the night the captain told everyone to essentially buckle up and go below deck because the waves were massive and a few times they capsized. It wasn’t a huge cruise boat that transported people, it was a smaller size that carried at most 30 people. Still, it capsized a few times and then things were over when the water spout had picked them up and carried them.
It was an act of Mother Nature telling them to get away.
She had nightmares of it, often, almost every night.
She could remember the fear as she laid in her bunk. She would roll with the boat hoping for some miracle especially when it capsized.
The captain had said there was no worries when it coasized because the boat was made to flip back over, but still it had a small window of failure. Not everything worked 100 percent of the time.
“People should want to travel with you.” König hummed. “See the world, they're just scared.”
She hummed softly. “You think so.” She thought about it for a second. “Maybe they are scared.” She agreed softly as she bit her lip. “Do you have a partner?”
“Nah, just me too.” He acknowledged. “Been just me since I joined the military.”
“What was the military like?” She asked softly.
König wasn’t afraid to tell her. He liked their conversations. Enjoying how the two could talk about anything and it was easy. He never had that with anyone especially with his social anxiety he had obtained a while back. He didn’t feel like he had suffered with his severe anxiety at all during this stranded journey. He felt almost at peace and he wasn’t sure if it was because of the lack of people around him or if it was physically her calming him down by just being near him. It was like a flip had switched off and he took to protecting her like it was the last thing he would ever do. He took the mission and took to putting his heart into it.
“I suffered from severe social anxiety,” he said softly as he kept his blue eyes locked onto the starry night sky. “Bullied often for it, so my childhood was one thing.” He tugged her closer keeping her tight against his side. His other hand rested on his stomach as he rubbed it softly feeling calm at the moment. “So at the age of 17, I joined the military, I wanted to be a sniper, but I grew to be too big to be that and I couldn’t sit still enough.” He chuckled softly. “So I was an insertion specialist. From there I rose from the ranks and became a colonel.” He hummed softly. “I just recently joined KorTac, it’s not like serving my country. It’s a weird thing, I’m not so sure how much I like it.” He rubbed his thumb in her back as he soothed himself and her. “But I’m not one to quit, I see things through.”
“As my dad always says, you have to give things time, feel it out.” She hummed agreeing with him.
“That’s a good way of putting it, schatz.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
More time had passed as they had now been stranded for exactly two months.
Two months.
(Y/n) was losing her mind. When were they coming to rescue her and König were they getting rescued? At this point probably not.
She wondered if anyone was even looking, were they out there searching, or were they sitting at home watching movies and kicking their feet back and forth giggling.
She was frustrated, and she knew König was as well, but he held it together for her.
He swallowed his anxiety that was slowly starting to creep into his system and tried to hold it together for her.
There were many times like now he had to walk off and let her know he would be right back so he could get the worry and anxiety out of his system.
He sat on a log in the forest a far enough distance away that he could still see her partially and hear her if he screamed.
He sat bouncing his leg as he whistled nervously trying to calm the rising nerves in his system. It was getting harder to fight off the anxiety and harder to fight the constant panic that surged through him.
His eyes flickered around the vast forest scenery. The area was beautiful, it would be beautiful to visit if traveling. Being stranded was a different story.
König took a deep breath as his leg slowly stopped shaking and he stopped fiddling with his military uniform. His eyes glanced back down at his hands as he shook off the fear that tried to consume him and he started to slowly make his way back to the camp they had set up.
Things were going to be just fines
He had to often remind himself that everything was going to be okay. That everything would work out in ways that it should.
He came back to camp to see the woman figuring herself, the fear that probably consumed her. The thought of her having been alone for a bit had terrified her.
He took a deep breath reminding himself to be calm and collected as he approached.
“Hmmm, Liebling, don’t fret.” König sat on a log beside her. “Gonna get you home schatz.” His hand rested on the back of her head pulling her into his chest. “I’ve kept us alive this far, gonna keep us alive for longer.”
She wrapped her arms around him as she hugged him tightly. She trusted him with her life.
Though it didn’t mean that she still didn’t want to rip her hair out of her head and cry nonstop. She was struggling and she was struggling with a lot of different things. Struggling with the idea of never making it home. Struggling with the idea of dying here with König, or let’s be honest even struggling with the idea she might just be König meal soon enough if they ever ran out of huntable food.
She didn’t want to be a snack to the Austrian giant. And it wasn’t even going to be the good type of intimate snack she was physically going to be his meal if they don’t get off this island.
Maybe it was a weird fear of hers, but it was logical…right? If they had to survive on this island for another 9 months. Fruit only grew in one season, and animals could only repopulate so fast. That was her logic and right now her logic was far from a normal person's logic.
It was a small percentage of her being his snack, but that one percent was still there. It was still there…
“Come let’s get a bath.” He cooed softly.
Bath time used to be one standing guard and the other one bathing and then switching. Due to her fear, it had become a joint event. Why?
(Y/n)… she had become so dependent on König she became fearful of being away from him for long periods of time.
Probably a reason why she thought she would be eaten first, get rid of the one who relies on the other.
She had to have König beside her even if that meant he had to see her naked body, she didn’t care at this point.
She scrubbed her shoulders making sure all the dirt and grime were off her skin. She paused as she looked back at König having felt his eyes on her.
She felt that cold chill and the goosebumps rise. She slowly turned around and surely enough König was staring at her.
“Something wrong?” She asked softly. Her eyes flickered from his bare chest up to his eyes. He had finally let her see his face, something she didn’t think she’d ever be blessed to see. Truly she didn’t need to see it either.
“N-nothing schatz.” He looked away embarrassed as he went back to scrubbing his own skin.
“He’s going to eat me!” She thought to herself as she turned around slowly. She was being so illogical right now. They still had plenty of food options. She wasn’t going to be a snack…yet.
“Here Schatz." König's hands brushed against her hip as she jumped slightly. “Es tut mir leid, didn’t mean to startle you.” His voice was soft and gentle. “You okay?” He asked softly.
“M’okay.” She nodded as she leaned into his hands as they rubbed across her back cleaning her up.
“You’ve been jumpy more often.” He said softly.
She has been, she was just on edge lately, afraid she would never make it home.
“Have I?” She hummed softly as he brushed her hair from her back scrubbing her clean.
“Just a bit.” He nodded softly. When he was done he turned her around to look down at her. His large hands gently brushed her hair away. As he looked down at her face taking in her soft eyes that looked up at him.
His hands were calloused but gentle. She didn’t mind them touching her. It gave her a sense of ease and a sense of comfort.
Her head leaned into his large palm as she closed her eyes.
There was this sense of serene calmness at the moment, and neither of them minded. His forehead leaned down against her as he reassured her quietly.
“We’ll be fine, I promise schatz.” He hummed softly. “We will be just fine.”
She trusted those words. She had spent two months with this man. Two months of being close to him and bathing with him. Two months of practically being his own companion, a dependent one, but a companion nonetheless.
Her eyes looked at him as she gently cupped his face. Her body got smooshed against his as his hands found her waist.
Before the two could think straight they had their lips on one and another. It was a soft and tender kiss, one that had been slow and full of passion. The two had been cresting this bond over their time of being stranded. Starting with small conversation at night too laying close in each other's arms, now bathing with one another.
This had brought them together.
“König.” She said softly.
"Mein Liebling." He said softly.
“Thank you.” You said softly. “Thank you for keeping me safe.” She uttered softly.
“I’d do it all over again.” He hummed. “Mein Liebling."
»»————- ♔ ————-««
(Y/n) helped König watch the food that was roasting over the fire. She was tucked close to him as she could her hands traced over his forearms as she watched the waves crash into the beach.
She felt giddy after the kiss they shared three days ago, though she was afraid to initiate another kiss though. To be frank König was as well. The two would lean in close and then get embarrassed and look away as if they weren’t just about to kiss.
They had more important matters right? Like getting off this island they had become stranded on.
“You have very beautiful eyes.” König hummed softly.
“Mmm,” a smile formed on her face as she looked up at König. “Do I?” She said bashfully.
“Ja,” he smiled at her.
“I don’t think they're as pretty as yours, yours are like the ocean.” She hummed softly. “I could get lost in them.” She spoke quietly. She leaned forward and cupped his face.
She was going to kiss him this time, there was no running away from it. She wanted this.
“Just kiss him, just kiss him!” She thought in her mind. It was a whole internal battle in her mind. She wanted his lips on hers, that’s all she wanted.
“What is it, schatz?” He asked softly. He touched his face thinking there was something in it.
She lurched forward and kissed him. Her hands found their way in his hair as he tugged her closer.
“You like to tease me schatz.” He chuckled as he pulled away looking at her.
“I don’t mean too.” She giggled as her soft smile graced him. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
“Sure.” He rubbed his thumb on her waist. “Sure.” He teased softly. His lips leaned down and snatched a kiss away from her as she.
The two stayed close to each other for the rest of the day, resting and gaining back some energy. They watched the ocean and chatted to one another about random things. They didn’t want the day to end, they didn’t want this happiness to end.
Yeah they were terrified but they didn’t want the happiness they served one and another to end. They always wanted to be with one another.
The world had other plans though, it always did.
Who knew that night the rescue crew would find them. Who knew it would be KorTac, pulling their colonel away from the woman who had been stranded with him. Pulling her to the other side of the helicopter to get checked over while soldiers talked to their colonel.
“König,” she uttered in fear as she pushed herself more into the corner. These medics surrounded her and spoke to her softly.
“Colonel König is needed for something,” a medic hummed as she tried to give a fluid IV to the woman.
“König,” she said louder, getting frantic. “No, no, don’t touch me!” She shrieked as she scurried back more.
It got König attention fast. He pushed his way out of the men that surrounded him and looked at the medic with a glare.
“Don’t you lay a hand on her.” He snarled as he quickly cupped her face in his hands. “Mein Liebling, Du bist okay.” He hummed softly. “I’m here.”
The medic watched as König gently sat beside (y/n), dehydrating himself, but instantly calming her down. The woman curled into his arms as she squirmed away from the medics.
“Colonel, we just need to give her an Iv.” The female medic spoke softly.
He paused as he looked at the medic then down at the woman who was hiding her face in the string Austrians arms. He sighed softly as he cupped the back of her head in his hands.
He knew she needed the IV, she needed the fluid and so did he. He nodded slowly as he leaned down to her softly cooing sweet nothings into her ear to ease her fear.
“They will not hurt you, let them give you the IV so we can get you some fluid.” He hushed her softly. “Hmm?”
“Okay,” she said softly.
(Y/n) had become so in need of König, she was afraid to be separated from him in general. She needed to be beside him the whole entire time. She was fearful, and he wasn’t going to lie, he was under a lot of stress when his men had surrounded him and she was nowhere to be found.
He needed her in his sight so he could make sure she was safe, he felt like it was his only duty. The helicopter ride was stressful for the two. Constantly being bugged when they wanted to slowly digest this moment that they were going home. They were finally going home.
“Your mama and Vati, they won’t be so worried now.” She said softly. “They’ll know you're safe.”
“Hmm,” he hummed softly, nuzzling into her hair. “Your mutter and Vater will be happy to see their precious daughter too.”
When reunited with family (y/n) stuck close to König afraid to move away as her parents greeted her. She was afraid this was all a dream and she’d wake up back on the island but this time, without König. It was as if she’d walk away, she'd be there again and she’d be alone this time.
“You're alive.” Her mother sobbed as her father thanked König himself,
“Thank you for keeping our daughter safe.” He thanked König. “We owe you everything.” Her father held tears in his eyes looking up at the Austrian who towered over him.
König looked at (y/n) then back at her father.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he said softly. A smile graced his face. “I’d protect her with my life every time.”
“Oh thank you, thank you.” Her mother cupped Kong’s face giving him kisses on his cheek. “We owe you everything, you kept our girl safe. You're both safe though, you're both safe.”
Kining smiled as he hugged the woman feeling a sense of comfort and love. He now knew where (y/n) got it from, both her parents were loving people.
Her parents had fallen in love with him right away, just like his parents fell for (y/n). They could see the connection the two had to offer for one and another, there was just this connection.
And they read the room correctly, because a year later the two were married, just having known this is what they wanted. They were content with one and another, happy, and felt safe with one and another.
Thanks to a little magic—traumatic magic—from Mother Nature.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“That’s how you met mama?” Their older son sat in the recliner as he watched his Vati put a coffee table together,
“That’s how I met your mutter, ja.” He hummed softly as he smiled. “Your gorgeous mutter couldn’t not fall for me when I carried her to the little shelter I made.” König puffed his chest out.
“He didn’t carry me, I walked.” (Y/n) smiled at her son. “Papa tells slight fibs, we did meet on an island, stranded, only survivors.” She hummed as she carried a little baby. “Two grueling months of papa hunting and keeping me safe.” (Y/n) cooed softly. “Papa, was scared but put on a brave face for mama.”
“Papa was brave?” Ryker asked softly as he leaned forward with his teddy bear in his arm.
“Papa is always brave.” (Y/n) leaned down and kissed König on the cheek.
“You're too sweet, schatz.” He cooed to her softly.
“Mama, did you like Vati right away?” Ryker asked as she sat down on the other recliner rocking the baby. Ryker hoped to her chair cuddling against her.
“Vati was very handsome, in his uniform, and speaking his native tongue to me.” She smiled at him. “But Vati and I didn’t connect until closer to the end of our very…exciting adventure.” She found key words to use for it.
“Mmm,” König smiled. “Vati had the looks then.” He added.
“Vati still has the looks.” (Y/n) added.
“So does mama,” he chuckled. “Pretty schatz.”
“Is he your hero?” Ryker asked.
“Yes, Vati is my hero.” She smiled. “And grandpa’s and grandma’s hero.”
“Your mama is Großmutters und Großvaters hero too.” König smirked as he had the table halfway built.
“Why?” Ryker asked.
“Yeah why?” (Y/n) cocked her head to the side smiling, curious of the answer.
“Because mama married your grumpy Vati!” He punched ticking Ryker as their son cried squirming on (y/n)’s lap trying to get away from his father. “Vati didn’t think he’d ever get married let alone to your uber pretty mama.”
“König,” (y/n) giggled as she cupped a hand underneath his chin gently tickling him. “You're such a tease.” She smiled.
“You tamed the grumpy Vati.” Ryker giggled.
“Mama knows how to keep Vati in check, at times.” She giggled, leaning forward and kissing the man on the lips as the baby cooed softly in her arms.
“My precious family.” He hummed against her lips. “You're my hero schatz.” He said softly as he looked up at her.
“I think we both know the hero in our story is you though.” She hummed against his lips. “You saved my life.”
“I’ll save you in every life.” He told her.
She smiled and replied—with a soft, “I know you will.”
Hi! I hope you enjoyed, this isn’t my greatest work but I enjoyed writing it! I thought it started off strongly in my opinion and then it dwindled but I’m still proud of it because we can’t have perfect days! Anyways, enjoy! ✨💕
136 notes · View notes
clumsybriar · 2 months
Everyone — 💕
Fluff — ✨
Angst — 💀
Mature — 🔥
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My Pretty Girl ✨💕, Love At First Sight ✨💕, more to come
Savior To The Neighbor ✨🔥
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Righting the Wrongs ✨💕💀
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Stranded ✨💕
Old master list on discontinued blog
25 notes · View notes
clumsybriar · 2 months
Ghost X Fem! Reader — Savior To The Neighbor
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*Minors do not interact! I repeat do not interact if you are a minor!*
Ghost x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 16,687
Warnings/Notes: sexual themes at the end, smut, (y/n) is used, reader can be clumsy or needs saved often, she’s ghosts neighbor. Minors do not interact. (Re-read but not closely so mistakes could still be in the writing!)
What was it like being a neighbor to a 6’4 SAS Soldier? (Y/n) would describe it in three different words, ‘thankful’, ‘terrifying’, ‘embarrassing’. All three words she deemed as the correct response for being a neighbor to the War ridden soldier named Simon Ghost Riley.
Just like now, as he grumbled about having to kill a spider on her bathroom wall while it was all steamed up from her hot shower. Not only that but he had the distraction of the woman in nothing but a towel.
(Y/n)…was embarrassed. Dispising that he had heard her squeal like a little girl, and embarrassed that she had been caught in only a towel.
If he would have let her handle the situation though, the house would have been on fire as she kept ahold of her towel and the torch she had rushed off to get.
“Jesus, give me that.” He grabbed that from her hand as she nodded her head unsure whether arguing spiders deserved to be roasted with the SAS soldier was a good idea. “Torch your house and I won’t save you from that.” He grumbled. Oh but he would.
He was always grumpy, in her eyes, hence the word ‘terrifying’.
“Got a death wish?”
“No sir.” She uttered quickly.
“Good, then don’t grab the torch.” He told her raising a brow at her ridiculous idea. His skull balaclava hiding the rest of his facial features, she was sure she didn’t want to see them knowing his expression would be a sign he was judging her.
“But…spiders are from hell.” She uttered softly.
“They eat bugs, not you.” He looked her up and down as she flushed red.
Well, how did he know that? He didn’t know that? She was a very well informed person about spiders. The info wasn’t right, but he didn’t need to know that. Right? Right.
She was petrified of spiders and her in form was fear based off of her own fears.
“It wanted to kill me,” she said quickly. “It was looking at me with those beady eyes.”
“Did it slobber?” Simon asked.
“I’m sure it did…”
“No it didn’t, you're too big to be its meal.” He grumbled. “It’s more afraid of you then you are of it.”
“That’s a very under-thought statement.” (Y/n) said softly.
“Your right,” Simon corrected himself. “The spider is almost just as afraid of you as you are of it.”
“That’s probably pretty true.” She took a deep breath as he started to walk out of the bathroom with the dead spider in a tissue.
She got frantic following him. Who wouldn’t, her father used to tease her and act like he was throwing it at her, or joking that it’s under her pillow.
“You're throwing it away right? It’s dead right? What if it comes back to life? It’s a spawn of Satan, it might come back from the dead.” (Y/n) were panicking and he knew it.
“It’s dead, if it comes back to life, call a priest.” He uttered. “I’m leaving, have friends over, don’t scream unless you want a stranger to come bursting over here.” Simon warned her. “Always have a hard time telling Johnny to sit his ass down when you need…rescuing.” That was a judgment, he just judged her. Rescuing was not the word he wanted to use, she knew that. But he used a politer word than what he wanted to use.
She didn’t realize she was standing in her window that faced his backyard where Johnny was standing smiling at her.
“Oi, little lady,” Johnny waved. She screeched and stared at Johnny embarrassed. How much worse could this day get.
“Stop staring in her window,” Simon walked past the open window slapping Johnny’s head.
“Oh but Ghost, a Bonnie lass like that needs a good man to worship her.” Johnny said walking away with Ghost as (y/n) was left staring at the trash can.
She trotted back to her shower where she sat in the warm steaming water thinking about her embarrassing moment with her grumpy neighbor.
She knew it wasn’t the first time and it wasn’t the last time she would be saved by him.
After that save, she was in need of help three days later. she had a mouse scurrying in her house as she screeched.
Simon—with his sixth sense of whenever she was in some weird situation where she needed help—had already been halfway across his yard heading into hers when he heard her shrill screech.
“The lassie in trouble?” Johnny asked as he sat his cooler of beer on the porch.
“Yes,” Simon said as he walked into (y/n)’s house as if he was a resident there too.
“Oh, they're on a new level of no knocking now, just barging in.” Kyle hummed as he looked at Johnny. “He’s such a hero.”
“I think he’s in love.” Johnny hummed.
“How so, he seemed to lack enthusiasm.” Kyle asked, cocking his head to the side.
Johnny knew his best friend, that man had a sixth sense for the ‘young hot neighbor’ (soaps words). Simon—a man who would not go out if his way to help his last neighbor who was also a young and pretty woman—was helping (y/n), a new young and pretty woman. Maybe it was because she was a foreigner. Truly it could have been anything really. Johnny though had seen how Simon held his body, having puffed his chest out more and making sure he looked strong and attractive as if he was a peacock showing off his colorful feathers. Plus Johnny knew the last girl screamed and screamed more about things than what (y/n) did and he never came running over to help. Never ever puffed his chest out and looked bigger and more attractive.
Johnny knew there was attraction there.
“What are ya’ bloody screaming’ about?” Simon asked as (y/n) jumped, turning around and running into his arms. It was quick and there was no thought. She just ran and clung to him like her life depended on it.
“A mouse, Simon, a mouse!” She clung to him. Her eyes darted around as she looked for the little mammal that had made its home in her kitchen. “There is a mouse in my kitchen!”
“Alright mama,” he said carefully as he sat her on the kitchen counter. Her legs were pulled up as if she thought the mouse could jump that high and get her. Her eyes darted around as she squirmed a bit.
He left her there where she grew a bit frantic. She was nervous and wondering where he was going. Was he just leaving her here? She hoped not, she was so frantic and worried.
She didn’t hate mice, she just didn’t like them in her home. They were cute and all, just not cute scurrying across her floor.
Simon walked across his yard as Johnny and Kyle watched with a beer in their hands as he crossed back over with a live trap for the mouse. He had peanut butter on the trap as he walked back into her house.
“A mouse,” Kyle hummed.
“A mouse,” Johnny agreed.
Her eyes met his as he sat the trap in a location where the mouse would be able to get to.
“Alright, we’ll catch him this way.” Simon hummed. As he sat the trap down. She watched him. One thing was for sure his muscles didn’t go unnoticed as he was wearing a tank top. It was a hot day, if she had her way she’d be in something much cooler than what she was wearing. Everything felt suffocating in this muggy weather, and don’t forget the daily rain that would only make it muggier.
“Thank you.” (Y/n) said softly as she looked at the man who had grown to be a decent neighbor to her. There were many reasons for that statement, and one was because he saved her from a million spiders at this point, and bats in her home. Now she could add mice to the mix of animals he’s saved her from.
“Ya’ ya’,” he waved it off with his grumpy demeanor. “Let me know if the mouse takes the bait.” He said as he walked back out to his friends as they got everything set up for their almost daily poker game.
Almost daily because if they could play it everyday they would.
“Ye’ got a crush, mate?” Johnny asked as he looked at Simon.
“No,” he hummed as he cracked open a beer taking a large sip. “Why?” He asked so calmly. He eyed the two men up as they sat under the cabana Ghost had put up. It was mainly for at night time when they could zip up the sides and keep the mosquitos away while playing into the wee hours of the morning.
“Cause ya’ run over there when she’s in dire need of some help.” Kyle added.
“Ghost’s in love?” Price asked as he lit his cigar trailing his cooler of his own beer behind him.
“No,” Simon shook his head. “Far from it, I don't need love in my life to distract me from my work.”
“I don’t know, mate, ye’ seem to be fallin’.” Johnny laughed as he started to set up the cards.
“Shut up,” Simon grumbled at them.
Needless to say four hours later in the middle of the game she rushed out onto the porch shouting from her yard to his. “Simon!”
“Yes love?” He asked, unzipping the cabana cause the mosquitos were out. They had candles around them to keep the bloodsuckers away too.
“You caught something!” She said leaning over her porch.
“Get away from the edge like that.” He chided her. “You’ll fall off.”
“But…” she paused and backed away like he said.
“You're clumsy, you dimwit.” Simon grumbled out. Johnny could be heard chuckling at a comment Price made.
“Expressed his careingness in such a friendly manner.”
Simon would remember to make the captain regret those words.
“Mmm,” she brushed it off as she padded behind him into her own home.
Surely enough it was a little mouse that had been feeding off her little crumbs she had been dripping and trying to clean up as best as she could. It was like anyone’s kitchen, it wasn't going to be a hundred percent clean, it would still have crumbs that would need to be swept up, and swept up again until the person sweeping said forget it.
“It’s so cute.” She smiled as she looked at it kneeling down in front of the box.
“You screamed four hours ago ‘cause it was scampering across ya’ kitchen floor.” He uttered lost at her change of temper for it.
“Don’t want it in my house, it can live outside.” She smiled up at him.
That smile, oh god, that smile. Simon could feel his legs go weak. It was so cute, so pretty, so gorgeous.
“Ya’ ya’.” He uttered as he scooped the live trap up and went to release the animal in the very backs of their yards. She trailed behind him like a lost puppy. His chest was puffed out as she followed behind him asking questions. He would answer calmly but he was masking it with his grumpy attitude to make sure the guys didn’t get any wrong ideas. When she trailed behind him coming back the boys watched finding it funny how he had his chest puffed out showing off and she was oblivious, but it seemed to be working as she rambled on.
“He feels like a pretty bird puffin’ his chest out ta’ attract the little lassie as his mate.” Johnny giggled to Kyle who giggled some more.
“You two keep blabbering your mouths and we’ll all three be killed.” Price tried to keep them shut.
“Sorry Captain.” The two said in unison as Simon ignored the three of them
“Thank you Simon, I appreciate it.” (Y/n) said softly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek for the first time. She had never had this type of confidence before. Simon was frozen as a glare was etched onto his face. She was so embarrassed and upset at herself for making such a slip up like that.
What she wasn’t hearing was Simon’s friends, specifically Johnny laughing about him. That’s why the glare was etched into his face.
“He’s so in love, so is she, the two just have this connection.” Johnny giggled.
Simon wanted to strangle the ever living hell out of him, but it would have to wait.
“Anyways, thanks again.” She walked away quickly as she bolted into the house she had made a home about a year ago.
Simon stood still as he turned around slowly making his way back to the poker game.
“Got choked up there mate.” Johnny teased.
“I’m going to choke the ev’ah livin’ ‘ell outta you.” Simon grumbled as his accent got thick. Meanwhile Johnny giggled.
“Also forgot ta’ puff your chest to get the pretty mate.”
Oh Johnny was gonna be buried in his backyard tonight,
Days had passed and you had been avoiding Simon like he was a live wire about to catch you in fire. You were so embarrassed for kissing his cheek.
“A simple thanks would have been enough dummy!” (Y/n) huffed as she got out of her car grabbing her reusable grocery bags. She walked into the grocery store oblivious at the moment of the harsh world they lived in. She grabbed a basket and shopped around for a bit.
“What’s the difference,” she uttered to herself. She sat the one product down and went with the one that looked better in her mind.
She froze though, froze as soon as she heard a gun ring out. She ducked as she looked around seeing if anyone was close to her. Screaming came from the cash register area. And then the intercoms went on.
Everything was moving so fast.
“Everyone get down, we’ll shoot you if you try to escape or run, we’re not leaving until we have all the money from the cash registers and from the back.” A man shouted at the surround sound.
She almost screeched though when a man picked her up and covered her mouth as he took her to a secure area in the back of the grocery store where they stored delivery truck packages.
“Just me mama,” She felt a breath of fresh air having recognized the voice.
“Simon,” her voice was muffled as his mouth was over her lips clamping down on it tightly to keep her quiet. Almost as if this wasn’t the first time he had to drag someone who could possibly be screaming away.
“You’re safe.” He said as he took her to the exit of the building in the back where the gunmen had made a grave mistake and didn’t have anyone guarding the exit in the back. It was clear to Simon they were an armature crew.
“Listen to me,” Simon whispered. “You get out of here and walk half a block down, and call 999. Think ya’ can do that for me, (y/n)?” He asked softly.
She paused as she nodded but then looked back at him. “I mean yeah, but what about you?” She clung to his forearm.
He paused as he shook his head, “don’t worry about me.” He urged her to go out the door. “Don’t worry about me, I got to go help some people.”
“But it’s not safe,” she tried to tug him with her.
“I’m a trained SAS soldier, darlin’ I have a duty, I’m gonna go do my duty.” He pushed her out the door and latched it. She tried to yank on it to get him to open it up.
“Simon,” she hissed through the door. “Simon.” She gulped as she grabbed her phone and ran down the blocks like he told her to do. Her heart was beating and her mind was fuzzy and she was panicking a bit. Mainly about the people and Simon, hoping he was okay and safe and away from harm.
“Simon,” she whimpered as she made it to a shop bolting in looking frantic. “I don’t have service but someone needs to call 999!” She looked around seeing it was a metaphysical shop. The smell was one to instantly soothe and calm her mind just a hair. It smelled like incense and sage and things she remembered growing up with at her grandma's house. It was a sense of comfort in such a stressful and scary situation. “Please, the market, um…” she tried to remember the name. “The family run market, uh… Tillie's Market, men with guns and hostages. Please, many people are in danger.”
The shop keeper didn’t wait, she called 999 and quickly reached a responder who had cops and people at the scene quickly. (Y/n) had taken a look around as she waited unsure of what to do whether she should go back for Simon or if she should stay.
“I need to go back.” She uttered.
She didn’t wait for the old woman to call out to her. She left the metaphysical shop and rushed to the door she had escaped from.
The lungs in her air felt heavy, and the time seemed to be slow even if she was running faster than when she had escaped. She darted down the alleyway seeing a crying mother and her baby in her arms as she didn’t know where to go. (Y/n) could hear the sirens as it caused the baby to stir, she knew if Simon was right here at the moment he’d tell her to take them to safety.
The police were still a distance away.
“You're safe,” (y/n) cooed. “Please let’s get you to safety.” Her words came out in a rush. “Simon, got you two out safely, I assume.” She guided them down to the metaphysical shop.
And that’s what (y/n) did with the wayfinders who found their way to the back of the shop with Simon exiting and guiding them to safety.
She had caught Simon’s eyes on her a few times as he looked at her. He would grumble at her and urge her to stay at the shop where it was after but she refused. Continuing to do her duty if he was doing his.
“They figured out what he was doing.” A man was frantic. “They figured out he was sneaking people to safety. They didn’t even know he was there until they had caught him.”
“Simon,” (y/n)’s eyes widened. By now the police had set up caution tape and were negotiating with the criminals to let go of civilians. (Y/n) stayed put at the metaphysical shop biting her fingers now as a crowd of people sat nervously.
“Simon,” (y/n) uttered as the old woman urged her to sit behind the counter with her as others sat watching the tv thankful for Simon’s bravery.
“He’ll be fine, honey.” The older woman said softly. “I have no fear.”
“I hope so.” She took in the scent of the intense and natural drying herbs that hung from the old wooden ceiling.
The old woman wasn’t wrong, he was safe and the first thing he did was come searching for you. He rushed down the sidewalk looking everywhere shouting your name.
(Y/n) could hear him shouting. She stirred from her hazy daydream that was laden with fear and rushed out from behind the counter and stumbled out the door as she saw him there panting and breathing heavily. He had a bit of blood from getting hit in the head from the butt of one of the men’s guns but for the most part he was sound and safe.
“Simon.” She felt her eyes water as she looked at him.
“You’re okay?” He asked quickly.
“I’m okay.” She nodded as she rushed into his arms. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
“I’m okay,” he nodded as he held her tightly. He wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.
But she knew at some point the high of them finding each other would dwindle down and she would get a lecture, especially when she was doing something so dangerous and that was constantly sneaking down that alleyway and helping those to safety.
“Don’t you ever do that again.” Simon pulled away and grabbed her firmly by the shoulders. She squeaked out in a bit of surprise. “Do you understand me?”
“Simon?” She looked up at him.
“No, do you understand me? That was dangerous.” He said his tone was stern and she felt like she was a puppy who just made a mess in the house. She felt horrible, now she knew how the puppy felt. “I don’t ever want to see you do something reckless like that again!”
“But—“ she uttered.
“No buts, you’ll never do that again. It’s too dangerous!” He seethed at her.
“Yes sir,” she said quickly, averting her eyes.
He was panting as he slowly started to calm down. “It was dangerous and reckless, yet very brave of you to help all those people.” He said softly. “I worry, that’s all.”
“I know.” She looked down at her hands as she messed with her rings she always wore. “You scared me, that one man said they had found that you were smuggling people out.” She said softly as her eyes met back up with his.
“You're not gonna lecture me, no, no.” He tried to turn this around, looking down at (y/n). He had a slight frown on his lips and she could see it.
“It was also dangerous.” (Y/n) added nodding her head.
“Oh no, no,” Simon shook his head. “You're not lecturing me mama.” He looked at her cupping her face. He brushed her hair from her face as he saw her watery eyes.
“I was so worried.” She sniffled.
“I know mama.” He cooed softly. “I know.” He hugged her tighter to his chest. She clung to him crying as he tried to soothe her.
It had done this weird pattern of worry for one and another and calm one and another, to receive a lecture, back to calm and worry about one and another.
“Are you sure you're okay?” She asked softly.
“I’ll be just fine, something I can patch up on my own.” He told her softly.
(Y/n) knew she wasn’t going to let Simon do that by himself, no way! She could help, she was going to help. No ands, ifs, or buts.
That’s where the two ended up, in Simon’s home, cleaning up his cut as Johnny tried to help.
“Take off the mask,” Johnny's deep Scottish accent made (y/n) jump as she cracked her head on the cabinet below the sink.
“Johnny,” Simon grumbled. “Scared her.”
“I’m so sorry, lassie.” Johnny apologized quickly.
“It’s okay Johnny.” (Y/n) wiggled back out of the cabinet. “Not in there.” She said softly to Simon.
“Ah fuck.” He huffed as he rubbed his temple but hissed. “Give me a second mama, let me think.”
“Need a first aid kit.” Johnny hummed. “Brought the one from my jeep.” He held it up.
“Perfect.” (Y/n) giggled as she stood beside Johnny looking at the contents fluttering around and pulling things out.
“Just got a bad headache mama, don’t need nothing’.”
“LT, you took a hit to the head.” Johnny hummed looking at the man.
“Take your mask off and I can look at it.” (Y/n) cooed. He didn’t move for a few seconds as he leaned forward and breathed slowly as if he was trying to calm down something. A minute had passed and he didn’t move, Johnny had an idea of what was going on but (y/n) was fretting.
“You okay, Simon?” She asked softly. Her eyes remained on him as he let out a deep breath.
“Feeling a bit queasy mama, give me a minute.” He said softly. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Concussion.” Johnny hummed softly. He flipped the switch off putting the three of them in the dark.
“Should I take him to the doctor?” She asked as she looked up at Johnny.
“Nah, he should be okay in a few days, we get concussions all the time.” Johnny smiled. “Let’s just patch him up and get him tucked in bed like a wee’ baby.”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) quietly agreed as she rubbed Simon’s back.
An hour later they had Simon tucked in bed as Johnny got ready to leave.
“I’m gonna head out, don’t fret about him, he’ll be fine.” Johnny said as she nodded her head.
“Yes Johnny,” she said softly. She shut the door as she quickly and quietly walked up to his bedroom where he laid with a pillow over his head.
“Mama, what’s up?” He lifted the pillow off his head and looked at her.
“I was just gonna lock the doors and leave for the night, if you need anything let me know okay.” She said softly rocking in her feet.
“Could you do something for me?” He asked softly as she lit up, happy to help him in any way. She nodded her head and smiled at him softly. “Come rub my belly.” She nodded her head as she sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his belly.
“Believe it or not, my mum used to sit and do this for me when I had an upset stomach.” Simon said softly as she rubbed her hands on his belly.
“Did it soothe your stomach?” She asked softly.
He chuckled as he nodded his head and licked his lips. She looked away flushed and red from embarrassment and from finding such a display of actions attractive.
“Yeah, when m’mum would rub my stomach it would go away and as soon as she would pull her hand away it would come back.” He hummed softly.
“Simon…” she stopped as she looked away embarrassed. She couldn’t express the feelings she was feeling right now, there was no way he would reciprocate her feelings for him. She was just some woman, who wasn’t probably good enough for the strong soldier.
“Yeah, mama.” He said softly.
She gulped quickly and thought of something to say because she had such a weak display of actions. “Um…I’ve gotten some really scary messages from my abusive ex.” She said softly as she continued to rub his stomach softly. “He’s been threatening to come and get me and drag me back to my country with him.” She said softly.
“You can stay over here mama,” he said softly.
She felt her heart swarm with love. She was grateful he would let her stay but she also knew he had no idea where she lived.
“That’s okay, I appreciate it, but he doesn’t know where I live.” She said softly. “I was just hoping maybe you could help me hook up cameras.” She said softly.
“Yeah, I can get you some good ones and get them hooked up.” He hummed softly.
“Thank you.” She nodded, smiling as she bit the inside of her cheek as she looked away. She was feeling disappointed in herself for not saying what she truly wanted to get off her chest, but she also knew there was no way he would feel the same way.
Ever since the grocery store, (y/n) had been too afraid to go shopping alone. Especially without Simon nearby. So Simon had suggested they go together, and that’s what they did.
She stuck close to him as he pushed the cart for the two of them, it was easier just to split the cart and split the bill.
They went around the store crossing things off their list as they went laughing at silly things.
Simon was no longer her grumpy terrifying neighbor. She had grown over the last few months to stop being terrified of him. She rather enjoyed the moments she got to spend with him where he would often rescue her from something going array.
(Y/n) was stretched reaching for something as Simon’s phone buzzed. He didn’t care to look at it thinking it was Johnny.
“My mother used to buy these when I was a little kid.” (Y/n) tossed the snack into the cart that had so many memories and so many happy moments associated with them. “I didn’t think they would have them here.”
“Sure it’s gonna taste the same as when you were a kid?” Simon asked as he chuckled lightly.
“Oh god no,” (y/n) giggled with him. “They have had to change the recipe since I was a little girl. But it’s just the nostalgia of eating them for me, whether it tastes the same or not.” She nodded. “Did you have anything like that?” She asked softly.
“My mother used to make me an apple dumplin’, had a apple tree growin’ in the backyard.” He hummed as he pushed the cart while she listened intently. “And every year she’d pick the ripest apple and bake Tommy and I a damn good apple dumplin’.”
“Mmm,” she smiled. “My papa used to make apple dumplings.” (Y/n) said softly. “Of course I didn’t appreciate them until it was about three years before he passed, so I missed out on a lot.” She rocked on her feet as they stopped to grab something he needed. “Damn where they are good and damn do I miss those apple dumplings. I’d do anything to get an apple dumpling made by him again.” She smiled sadly.
“Sounds like we need to try and make some apple dumplin’s, mama.” He said softly,
“Sounds like we should.” She giggled. “Oh, I forgot to let you know, Johnny said he was stopping by with his sisters later on in the week and wanted me to let you know. He had stopped by when you weren’t home and came over to me to relay the message.”
“Oh dear god,” Simon took a deep sigh and used it to express his emotions. “You room the Mactavish’s.”
“M-me!” She pointed to herself. “Oh no, no, no!” She shook her head quickly. “Johnny is beyond enough for me, last time he stepped foot into my house he broke my vase that was full of flowers.” She giggled softly. “My house would be falling in.”
Her words were so sweet it made Simon melt a bit. His cold heart was thawing more and more everyday.
He knew as soon as he came running out of that grocery store that day, he was going to hightail it to (y/n) because he had to know she was okay. Yeah he had a tiny lecture, but he wanted to make sure she was safe and sound and the only way he could trust it was if he saw her and god was she a sight to behold rushing out of that metaphysical store crying for him.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I just put that new addition on.” He looked at her smiling underneath his mask.
“I don’t want my house to fall in, I’ll have to move back to my country.” She giggled. “You wouldn’t have anyone to save constantly.”
She wasn’t wrong, he would be lonely then, lonely and stuck with a neighbor he didn’t care for like the last one who was always trying to impress him and wear skimpy clothing outside to get his attention.
“Yeah, maybe I’ll stick to keepin’ the MacTavish family at my home then.” He snickered.
The two walked to his jeep as they continued to giggle and chuckle about things off and on. It was a flourishing friendship at the moment, that was one thing that was for certain. Though it was quite obvious the two had a crush on one and another.
“I can get my groceries Simon, don’t worry about it, you have a lot to put away too.” She hummed as she fought to keep his hands off of her bags laughing as he would win and start tugging a bag into her home. She would chase behind him and open the door for him smiling as he carried a heavy load.
He would then start unpacking groceries with (y/n), wanting to be closer to her in the moment, especially since in his eyes she was so pretty doing such candid things.
“Simon, seriously, you don’t have to get my grocers unpacked for me either.” (Y/n) snorted. “Johnny just pulled in over at your house I can get this.” She giggled softly.
“Oh alright mama,” he hummed softly. She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
It made Simon pause as he looked down at her smiling, but she couldn’t see with the mask on his face.
“Thank you Simon for talking me shopping and helping me unpack.” She hummed.
“Anytime mama,” he smiled at her and paused looking back at her. She looked at him smiling seeing as he paused almost wanting something.
“Is something the matter, Simon?” She asked softly as her eyes looked deep into his. Simon’s breath caught in his throat as he slowly made his way back to her. They were lost in each other's gaze while Simon’s arms wrapped around her waist. Her hands rested on his thick muscles as she felt the butterflies swirl in her stomach, she was so excited, was he going to kiss her.
“Simon!” Johnny jolted the two out of their moment as they both backed away and looked embarrassed. “I should go.” Simon said softly before he left through the back door.
“Yeah,” she said, a bit disappointed. “I should uh, put these away.” She paused and knocked her hand on her granite countertop. “Not that this open space needs to know, maybe a ghost that lives in my home.” She hummed softly. “I should just stop talking.” She nodded her head and went to work.
Simon came to his jeep as he started to unpack the back as Johnny rushed out of his house.
“I was lookin’ everywhere fer’ ya’, mate.” Johnny patted him in the back. “We’re ya’ with the lassie?” He chuckled as Simon turned and glared at him. “Oh.” Johnny paused as he knew that look. “I interrupted somethin’, didn’t I?”
“Ya’, ya’did.” Simon nodded.
Johnny paused as he chuckled lightly. “Oh me’ were ye’ two kissin’!” Johnny howled with a bit of laughter. It was deep from his chest and sounded not like a chortle.
“I was gonna’ kiss ‘er, until ya’ yelled my name.” Simon huffed grumpily that his moment didn’t come forth with his girl.
“Sorry, LT.” Johnny snickered as he followed the man close behind up his steps into his home which the Scottish man frequented. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe next time.” Simon uttered.
“Hey who knows m—“ Johnny was interrupted when the phone went off and Simon grabbed his phone quickly.
“Eek—“ he could hear (y/n) scream as he flung the phone away and rushed out of the house. Johnny didn’t have time to think, but he sprung to action just like his LT knowing it came from (y/n)’s home and LT wasn’t pissing around.
“(Y/n)!” Simon rushed into the kitchen seeing that she had obviously put up a struggle. As she had knocked over her groceries and a mess was made down the hallway leading up to her stairs.
“I’ll make sure it’s clear down here.” Johnny said as he started to inspect the bottom floor. Ghost didn’t hesitate as he rushed up the stairs slowly peeking into rooms deeming them clear and safe.
“Let me go, you bastard!” (Y/n) shouted as a man grunted and grumbled at her to shut up.
Simon felt like he was ready to fight and rip this man apart whoever it was.
“Mama,” Simon rushed into the room tackling the man who was your ex.
“Get off of me you idiot!” The man growled.
Simon got a good look of the man as he memorized his face, one thing was for sure no one fucks with his baby. No one. And Simon was going to protect her for as long as he was allowed to and he hoped that was for an eternity.
Simon could feel his heart beating in his ear as (y/n) was quickly on the other side of the bedroom watching the two men brawl. It wasn’t before long Simon was sitting on top having won the brawl of dominance as he shouted for Johnny.
“Bring me some Zipties Johnny, got the bastard!”
What was this, Florida men capturing a crocodile? No it was just Soap and Ghost doing what they knew best, beating the bad guys (in the simplest of terms).
It wasn’t long before Johnny appeared with zip ties as the two men began to restrain (y/n)’s shitty abuseive ex.
It wasn’t long before Simon’s focus was on her again as he looked at her.
“Ya’okay, mama?” Simon asked as Johnny held the man in place by sitting on him while also calling 999. It was a weird sight to see, but at the moment they were both heroes.
God bless their teamwork, it really made the dream work.
“Why the fuck is this bastard calling you mama? Are you pregnant with his kid?” (Y/n)’s ex snarled at her as the young woman jumped back a bit. She was terrified of the man, terrified of what he had done to her and what he would do to her, that’s why she ran. Now she was wondering who gave up her location. Was it her mama who had too sweet of a heart and was also afraid of the man? Wasit her papa who slipped up and made a mistake while he was arguing with the bastard? Was it her shitty ex friend who found out and then told him? Oh god, it was making her head swirl and her stomach heave.
She didn’t want to think about it, off the mind, off the body, and off the soul.
“If she was it wouldn’t fuckin’ matter to you mate.” Simon snapped. “Mama, let’s get you in another room.” Simon cooed softly as he guided her to the spare bedroom. “You’re not stayin’ alone no more.” Simon said softly. “Either I stay with you some nights or your stayin’ with me.” He was stern.
“Yes Simon.” She bit her lip as she looked at the man nervously.
“Don’t look at him mama, he’s not a threat to you.” Simon brushed her hair away. “Come one sweet girl, hide yourself away from his sight. I’ve got ya.” She curled into his arms hiding away from the man who was her ex and had caused her a lot of caution in all her relationships. Something that Simon was tearing down piece by piece.
Things soon turned into a big long fiasco. Police questioning (y/n), Simon after, and then Johnny at the very end. Asking them what had happened, maybe what his motives were. It was questioning her sanity. That was a fact. She was ready to go see if a bear really did shit in the woods.
“Come on mama, you're safe.” Simon cooed softly as she had a meltdown. Good thing the meltdown occurred in his arms after being questioned. “You're okay.”
Her mind was buzzing all night long. Thinking about the what if’s, the why’s, the maybe’s, and the not so much’s. Simon knew she needed to change her mind right now before she lost any sleep in this. So as he was corralling her into his room—after a very long night of fretting for her safety—he kissed her passionately on the lips.
She didn’t know how to react, didn’t know what to say. But it was very obvious how she felt when she kissed him right back.
They had finally shared their first kiss. One that was needed a lot sooner than when it had arrived.
(Y/n) felt like she was floating, maybe it was a bit too much with the day she had, but she didn’t care, she liked it. Liked his lips on hers as he kissed her so tenderly, so passionately.
He loved it, he loved how she melted against his embrace as his lips merged with hers.
The two were currently feeling things out, like is this what he wanted, is this what she wanted? Was she into it as much as he was into it?
Answer: yes!
Weeks had passed and the two would sleep off and on at one and another’s house. When they were sleeping in hers, they were at his. And when they weren’t at his, they were at hers. It was back and forth making sure she was safe and she was okay, she didn’t mind as it kept her close to Simon, and she liked to be close to the man. He was her big strong hero and she wanted to keep it like that.
We’re playin’ poker, mamas,” Simon said softly as he looked back at her. “Wanna play?”
“Never played before.” She came down the stairs looking at him confused. There was another woman standing in his home. It wasn’t Moria and Kaitlyn, Johnny’s sisters who would visit often. She seemed more put together unlike the fun Scottish sisters (y/n) enjoyed hanging with. “I can teach ya, mama.” Simon said softly his eyes twinkling as he wanted her to be seated right beside him.
“Is Moria and Kaitlyn here?” She asked softly.
“Oh lassie, their comin’ tomorrow.” Johnny added as he started to introduce the woman. “Has Simon introduced you two?”
“No,” (y/n) said slowly, always unsure about people in the beginning.
Simon had learned that when she had met Moria and Kaitlyn, she was fearful of people and it had to do with her ex who created that fear. Simon had learned real quick that he would feed her lies and fears so she would stick close to him and never leave like mother gospel did to Rapunzel.
“This is Farah, mamas,” Simon said softly. “She is the commander of the Urzikstan liberation force.”
Simon knew she had been on edge since her boyfriend and tried to force in a position she didn’t like. Her fear and constant needing to be on edge was her body keeping her alert and ready to run if she needed to. The thing was, she had nothing to fear when Simon was right here, he wasn’t going to let anything hurt her.
“She’s good friends with the 141.” Soap added as he smiled.
“Nice to finally meet you, they all say good things about you,” Farah smiled softly as she reached her hand out.
“Nice to meet you too.” (Y/n) said softly as she shook her hand looking back at Ghost, he had on his balaclava like always. “Can I watch?” She asked softly, sticking close to his side. Johnny and Farah left the house with a beer in their hands as they giggled and joked about something. Simon rested his large palm on (y/n)’s hip as he leaned forward and nuzzled his face onto her head.
“Good girl.” He said softly. She tensed up subtly liking the way he called her a good girl. It wasn’t something she ever thought she’d get to hear from him, but then again she wasn’t so sure why she thought she wouldn’t ever hear this, he was so sweet to her. “Gonna be my good luck charm, pretty girl?” He asked as she wasn’t so sure what to even say.
“Maybe I could bring you good luck,” she smiled as she spoke softly following him out to the usual place they played poker in the middle of summer.
The two were seated so close to one and other it didn’t go unnoticed by the guests residing at the Riley residence. Soap who always sits beside Ghost was now sandwiching (y/n) in between the two large SAS soldiers.
(Y/n) had her leg lifted up and over Simon’s where he had tugged it as his large palm rested on her thigh rubbing her skin in a soothing manner. He wanted her calm and wanted her as relaxed as he could get her.
“Keep Johnny from cheatin’ and lookin’ at my cards, mama.” Simon hummed softly as she giggled nodding her head fighting Johnny off at times.
The night couldn’t go any better, it actually took a turn for the worse. All because of a simple slip up from Johnny and his terrible ways of phrasing things.
“(Y/n), lassie,” she looked at the Scottish man curious as to what he was going to say. “You got the LT running after you constantly saving your clumsy arse from things. When are ya gonna learn from him and care for yourself lassie?” (Y/n) froze up as she laughed nervously.
“Yeah, guess I do rely on him too much.” She fiddled with her lip.
‘Embarrassing, relying on Simon all the time. Embrassing and probably a hindrance.’ She thought in her head as Johnny continued to tease her. He wasn’t meaning to make her feel like shit, he was just play-teasing her. It wasn’t supposed to be taken in such a way where he was ridiculing her. She just panicked because she already felt like a problem. Simon was always rescuing her it had to be annoying.
‘Knew I was annoying.’ Her eyes got a bit glossy. She blinked a few times hiding them.
“Can’t have a big guy saving you all the time!” Johnny was a bit tipsy, he really didn’t mean anything ill about it. “Be a big girl and go take on the world a bit without Simon’s help, ya’, it’s not too scary.”
“Yeah.” She frowned slightly. “I-I’m sorry,” she looked up at Simon. “I-I’m gonna go to bed. Not feeling so good right now.”
“Lovie, don’t listen to him,” Simon said quickly. “He’s just drunk Dovie. You’re not a problem.” Simon nodded his head as he sat the cards down. “He’s a terrible joker when he’s drunk and doesn’t understand what he’s saying.”
“It’s okay, I’ve been a problem enough.” (Y/n) shut the cabana leaving the crew to hide in her house.
“Jesus Johnny!” Simon snarled conveying his anger at Soap.
“I’m sorry, mate, it was a joke.” Johnny uttered.
“Not a harmless one, now mamas is upset.” He was so protective of her. So madly in love with her.
So much so that when he found out she had locked him out of her house he tossed and turned all night not able to sleep. Worried she would need his help, he opened his windows and shut the AC off and listened Incase she called for him.
Meanwhile she was beating herself up for being so…immature. In her eyes she felt immature, felt so kiddish always needing rescued by some SAS soldier who was her neighbor.
“She won’t even come out and talk to me Johnny.” Simon snarled as he spoke to Johnny in his kitchen three days later. “What the fuck were ya’ thinkin’?”
“LT, it was a playful joke, everyone knows she’s a fully capable woman.” Johnny said softly.
“Yeah, well, now she avoids me like the fuckin’ plague.” Simon slammed the dishrag on the counter. He was having withdrawals, withdrawals from the most addicting drug he’s ever had in his life, (y/n). “What the fuck!”
“Let me go talk to her,” Johnny said calmly. “I’ll right my wrongs and things will go back to normal.”
Meanwhile she was in her head sitting on her bed trying to read a romance novel, but just not able to get into it.
‘He hates me, resents me, he can’t even have a relationship because I ruin it. Constantly needing his help. When was the last time he went on a date, pretty sure he went on them all the time before. I’m ruining his life.’ It went on and on in her head like this until a knock made it pause and she could hear Johnny calling for her at the front door.
“Lassie, m’sorry for what I said, I was trying joke in a playful manner but I made a hurtful joke.” Johnny was apologizing. “Open the door and we’ll talk. I owe you an apology in person.”
‘Don’t, he’ll make fun of you again, and Simon will be there and he’ll agree.’ Her mind shut her off as she hauled herself more into the bed. If she was quiet they wouldn’t know she was here…right? She hadn’t left her house the last three days, just got a shower are food and made sure nothing went wrong. When nothing went wrong it kept Simon away, and he could then find a social hour again and maybe find a woman he likes. Not some girl who screams and can’t take care of stuff on her own. Like killing a spider, the one from the shower. She was working herself up to killing it, just hasn’t been able to yet…it’s a work in progress…maybe.
She just kept her eyes on it and pleaded to any god that would listen not to let that bastard move while she was showing.
“Please let me see ya’, Simon’s about to break down this door and do a wellness check.” Johnny knocked louder.
“Johnny get the fuck out of the way!”
“No LT, she’s maybe coming downstairs, don’t kick it in!”
“Or maybe she fell down the stairs and has a broken limb…please not a broken neck, mama, I’m coming!” That was like his battle cry as Simon kicked down the door. He was like a new parent who locked his beloved kid in the car. He was in frantic mode.
(Y/n) could hear the crashing of the door biting off the wall. She jolted forward on the bed, she didn’t think he’d actually break it down. For god sakes she was just in boyshort underwear and a sports bra.
“Mamas!” His cries for her were getting loud as he stomped on the stairs and walked right into her bedroom like he owned the place. She stared confused, really not sure what else she should be feeling.
Her eyes met his brown ones as he let out a breath of relief.
Soap wasn’t too far behind as he fought his breath. “I’m so sorry lassie, I tried, I really tried.” Soap said as he was hunched over catching his breath from the hike up her steps. “We’ll fix your front door, we swear.”
Needless to say, that night her toes were curled while his toes were digging into his mattress to get better traction while he made her lose her mind.
That’s what (y/n) gets for making Simon worry like that for three damn days. He was claiming his stakes and his were her.
And when Simon was all done making her scream and cry, he rested beside her brushing her hair from her pretty sweat coated, tear stained face.
He had just gotten her all cleaned up while he looked at her proudly.
‘That’s my girl,’ repeated on his head while he smiled content.
“He’s right, you know.” (Y/n) broke the silence. “Drunk or not he was right, I need to learn to take care of myself.”
“The fuck you do,” Simon snarled as he nipped at her neck making her squeak in suspense. “Mama, I’m taking care of you from now on, that’s my god given duty.” He said while he kissed behind her ear. “Let me do my one and only duty I actually care about.”
“Okay,” she gasped out squirming a bit. “But let me learn to do some things, si.” She had never called him that before and his head shot up and he got the wild look in his eyes. He liked feeling her naked body below his squirming just like it had been a few minutes ago. He also really liked the fact that she called him Si, it made some gears churn in his head and he could feel his body buzzing and hearing up.
“I’ll let you try, but I’m gonna take care of ya’ at the end of the day.” He said sternly. “Like right now, lay down and call for me mama.” Simon trailed kisses up her neck,
“Simon,” she squeaked out in surprise but was quickly shut up as soon as her mind went blank from the rearing pleasure he was giving her. At this rate he was most likely going to break his own bed, but she wasn’t going to complain, not when she was on the receiving end.
On top of that, she was gonna be lucky if she could even walk tomorrow.
After a few days of trying to get Simon to back off a bit and let her learn how to handle some simple scenarios—not the spider in her bathroom that one was gladly done by Ghost. She was able to make it so Ghost wasn’t saving her twenty-four-seven.
He wasn’t being pulled away from poker games and things such as that.
She thought she had everything under control, until her faucet had fallen off in her sink as the water spewed everywhere. How she had no idea, it just popped off and chaos ensued.
She turned the water on and turned her back to grab her veggies she needed to wash and next thing she slowly processed that she was getting rained on and not from a leak in her ceiling. She went into instant panic as she turned around trying to shut the water off but it kept spewing.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She cursed as she slipped on the puddle forming on her laminated flooring. She groaned and quickly shuffled to the cabinets pulling them open as she tried to shut the water off down there but she knocked something and it spewed in her face.
Well at least it wasn’t raining…now it was just gushing in her face. She squirmed back but the water quickly stopped. She was confused, but then her ears picked up on Simon’s loud steps coming from the basement. He shut all the water off to her house.
She crawled on her hands and knees away from the sink as she stood up. She was sipping wet and entirely embarrassed by the fact that she had made it worse and didn’t think of shutting the water off from the start.
Ghost stopped behind her glad his mask was on. He quickly averted his eyes for her respect trying not to turn his head again to look at her pretty black lace panties. Made something in his stomach churn in a good way, gave him butterflies. Though it was game over when she turned around, he couldn’t not gawk, a white shirt and water didn’t go well, especially when one wasn’t wearing a bra.
A sight to behold. Now in this moment, he’d be smacking Johnny and telling him to not look but he himself couldn’t look away.
It didn’t matter if (y/n) and Simon had already done the deed. He still tried to be respectful, especially since they weren’t dating yet and surely as hell weren’t married yet. It would be different in those scenarios.
“Thanks Simon,” (y/n) brushed her hair back as his eyes remained on her chest. Not the makeup she was wearing running down her face looking horrible but somehow still making her so pretty.
“Didn’t expect to get wet today, I see.” He couldn’t help but utter out. He wanted to slap himself and see his mouth shut. What an idiot, what an absolute idiot. He still couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “Not company also, it seems.”
She paused and took a minute to try and understand what he was saying.
“Yeah,” she snorted softly. “Not expecting any company, and not expressing to get w—“ she froze as she remembered she was wearing just her black lace panties and a white shirt that belonged to her ex who dumped her. It was a weird rock band shirt she had never heard of, but kept it because she could swim in it and liked to wear it on hot summer days—like today—and stay cool without having to wear a bra. “Don’t look!” Her screech was shrill and loud as she threw a towel at him. Simon had winxed as he quickly looked away.
“I’m an Idiot.” She uttered as she tried to walk past him to get a change of clothes. Ones that didn’t show her perky breasts when it got wet.
“Mamas,” Simon said softly with a bashful look in his brown, honeyed eyes. “I need you right now.” He said softly. “I’ll fix your leaking tubes, after…” she paused as she looked at Simon.
He what?
“What?” She asked embarrassed and flustered.
“Mama, don’t make me say it again.” He was also flustered.
“Say it.” She said softly. Her eyes lingered on his for a second.
“Mama, let me have you, please.” He looked at her. She could see his arousal not only in the physical action of his member but in his eyes. How they lingered in her body how they looked deep into her eyes showing his want and need for her.
He slowly walked up to her while staring at her back, he then put a hand on her hip and moved closer to her.
“Yeah, I want you…” he said in a low and gruff voice. His body was just behind her now. He then leaned down and put his face close to her ear. “Real bad.”
“Simon,” she was flustered as she felt his thumb rub her hips. She was red and embarrassed but she felt her own need pooling in her abdomen. It was a warm and tingly sensation, one he always pulled out of her.
He loved how her body reacted to his touch. Her breath hitched as she spoke his name. His large hand was still planted on her hip while his other hand came forward and put a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. “Say you want me too.” he whispered in her ear.
Her breath hitched as she gasped slightly, feeling his hands trail across her abdomen.
Her hands slowly found his hands as her fingers weaved into his large fingers. He breathed in her scent as he felt her small hands weaved through his much larger ones. He moved his lips up to her neck and gave it a light kiss.
“Tell me you want me…” he said again while his tongue traced her neck lightly.
She gasped as she felt his tongue glide across her skin. “Simon.” She gulped. She felt her mouth go dry as she tried to formulate a sentence.
He chuckled in her ear then gave her neck another light kiss. “Come on, baby girl, I know you want me too.” Ghost left a trail of light kisses up the side of her neck. He then grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him.
She could feel him pressed up against her, her eyes fluttered closed as small moans left her lips. She couldn’t think straight and she wanted to tell him, but she couldn’t find the words.
He let out a soft growl as he heard the little moans escape her lips. He couldn’t get enough and his lips left a trail of kisses on the back of her neck. “Can you feel how bad I want you?”
He pulled her hips back into him more. His body was now completely pressed against hers and she could feel the heat and want come off of him.
“Yes.” She said softly gasping as his large hands trailed her abdomen and slightly under her panties. Her hand was still grasping onto his as he held her sturdy against him slowly grinding against her.
He loved how her body reacted to his. Her soft little gasps and moans drove him wild and her body moving against his was driving him to the edge.
“You like that, sweetheart?” He murmured in her ear as his hand crept further into her panties. “You like how I’m touching you?”
Oh yes, yes she did. He was a god to her when he toyed with her like this.
“Please Simon, I-I…” she trailed off having always been bashful, but she knew Simon was a gentle lover as this wasn’t the first time the two had acted out of instinct. “I-I, want you t-too.” She gasped being at his mercy. “It feels good.” She whined.
He smiled against her neck as he felt his hand reach her most sensitive parts. Her body arching against him and her breath hitching as he made contact. He let out a soft growl as she told him that she wanted him too. The sounds she was making were driving him crazy. “Yeah?” He asked while he slowly started to apply pressure to her. “How bad do you want me mamas?”
She for this hips grind against her ass as she was being hit with so many pleasurable things. She almost felt dizzy and delighted all at the same time. “I-I…” she stuttered.
He bit down on her neck as she ground her hips back into him. He had to take a second to recover from the sudden movement before he started speaking again. His fingers started to circle her most sensitive part. “Mmm… you’re being so good for me, mamas… tell me how bad you want me.”
The man had skill, god did he have skill.
She arched as she tried to focus but his hands distracted her. She gasped and moaned as she couldn’t focus. She whined slightly as his hips still grinded against her.
Simon moved his lips from her neck to gently brush against her ear. “C’mon sweetheart….” he coaxed her again. “I need to hear you say how bad you want me.” He continued to move his fingers against her, slowly increasing the pressure as he heard her sounds getting more needy and desperate. His hips kept grinding against her, his grip on her waist keeping her against him.
“C-can’t think straight,” she uttered, feeling a bit dizzy and overwhelmed. Her head rested on his chest as her head was thrown back in ecstasy.
Simon chuckled softly and he heard the sound of her head falling back on his chest. Seeing her all flustered and a mess was such a turn on for him. He could hear how hard she was breathing and he could feel just how much her body was shaking. He continued to circle his fingers against her while his hips continued their slow but rhythmic motion against her. “I know you want me, mamas. I can feel how much you’re enjoying my fingers.”
“S-Simon, slow down.” You squeaked out. “C-can’t think—“ a deep moan interrupted her. “Bad.” She groaned out loudly. “So bad, Simon!”
Simon smiled as she had no choice but to surrender to him. He was having so much fun watching her struggle to form a sentence. It looked like the only words that came out of her pretty little mouth were his name and how bad she wanted him. “Mmm that’s it sweetheart, tell me just how bad you want me.” He could feel that she was starting to get close as she started squeezing around his fingers.
“So bad.” She pulled her hands away from his as her hand trailed up to her breast.
“That’s it sweetheart…” he could see her reaching up and he almost thought she was going to take his hand away, but as it moved higher he realized what she was doing. He was now breathing heavily as he watched her hand reach up to her chest. He slowly his grip on her waist, wanting to see how far her hand went on her own.
“Just like that.” She uttered as she bit her lip, eyes closing in euphoria. She started to lift her one leg up holding it there for Simon so he could feel her better. Her hand worked on her chest.
He grunted as he saw her leg go up. He grabbed her thigh and pushed against her more. He could feel her shaking in his grip and he could see how her body was losing all control. “F-fuck… mamas,” he mumbled in her ear while his fingers kept their steady movements against her. He pressed his lips to her neck again and started leaving a trail of kisses. “You’re so good, you feel so good.”
She could feel his fingers delve into her core.
She gasped and whined, her back arched as her head was thrown back. He leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
He pressed his lips firmly against hers and let out another low growl as he felt her arching against him. She looked so beautiful like this. In his arms, completely coming undone. He increased his pressure on her and continued his slow but firm circles around her core. He wasn’t surprised when she let out a needy moan against his lips.
“Simon!” she cried out. “Simon, I-i love you.” She gasped as the sensations were getting too strong for her to handle. She gasped when she realized she said she loved him, neither of them had said anything like this to the other before.
She almost felt embarrassed and could feel the pleasure dwindling down because she felt like she fucked up.
Simon froze as he heard her whimper out that she loved him. Never in their time being together had either of them said those words to the other. He was still holding her thigh up and his fingers were still touching her most sensitive parts, but he slowly removed his lips from hers and started to pull his hand away.
“What’d you just say…?” He asked gruffly as he looked at her.
Now she felt like she fucked up, she looked away bitting her lips. Tears welled in her eyes. Now she was being a big cry baby, how embarrassing.
She held them off as she tried to find the words to say. Did she say it was a mistake? Should she say she didn’t mean it when she really did mean every word she said. Did she come out and say she loved him again? It was all confusing.
Simon was completely taken off guard by her saying that. He knew they didn’t have any labels but what they had was more than just some casual fling.
He let go of her thigh and moved his hand to her chin. He grabbed her firmly and turned her head back to him so she’d look at him. He then reached up and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “Say it again, sweetheart…” he said softly as he looked into her eyes.
“I-I love you…” she said quietly.
“Again…” he said with more demand now. He needed to hear her say it again. He wanted to hear that she loved him over and over again. He moved his hand from her chin to cup her cheek and gently brush his thumb across it.
“Say it again, baby girl…” he repeated once more.
“I love you Simon,” she said with a bit more confidence.
A big and stupid smile appeared on Simon’s face as he heard her say it again. He leaned down and gave her a quick and soft kiss.
He then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against him. “F-fuck…you...” His voice was barely above a whisper as he held her tight against him. He was obviously having a hard time finding the right words.
“I love you too, mamas.”
She felt her heart beat pick up at Simon’s words and also at the sight of Simon undressing.
Her eyes lingered in his body as she bit her lip. Her hands clung to her wet white shirt as she rang out the edges gently out of nerves and excitement.
Simon shrugged out of his shirt. The man’s physique was insane. A perfect mix of muscle and scar tissue. His eyes never left hers while she watched him and she could see the heat and need in them.
Simon looked at her and noticed that she was holding onto the edges of her shirt, he tilted his head slightly. “What’re you doing with that shirt, baby girl?” He asked curiously.
She looked down nervously at it, not sure what she should be doing seeing him stripped down into nothing.
He walked over to her and stood right behind her. He looked down at her. The shirt was practically see through but he was still disappointed there was anything blocking him from seeing her body. He pressed up against her. His chest against her back as she was once again very firmly pressed against him. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his finger up and down her arms. “Why aren’t you taking this off, sweetheart?” Simon asked quietly.
“T-take it off?” She asked softly, embarrassed.
He chuckled at her response. He was almost surprised she was so shy all of a sudden. Seeing her so embarrassed was a new but exciting feeling for him.
He leaned down in her ear and spoke with a low and gruff voice. “Yeah… I want you to take it off, mama. I want to see your body… all of it.”
She nodded as she slowly lifted the white shirt off, but it left her in her black lace panties.
As the shirt made its way over her head and her hair fell back he could finally see her. And god was she a sight to see. “Damn…” he growled quietly as he took in the view of her body. The way her curves were shaped, the way the lace hugged her body, everything. He took a moment to recover before he spoke again. “Turn around.” He commanded.
She did that, slowly turning around for him.
Once she finished turning around he just took a second to look at her. He had an almost wild look in his eyes as he looked her up and down.
He was practically salivating at the sight of her so he took a step closer to her. “You’re so damn beautiful, you know that?” He ran his hands up and down her arms. “Look at you. So good for me.”
“S-Simon.” She was so shy right now.
He smiled as she said his name and he saw how shy he was making her. It wasn’t often she was shy like this and he loved it. “You’re so damn cute when you’re all flustered and shy, baby girl.” Simon said with his gruff voice as he continued to run his hands up and down her arms. “And you’re so good for me,” he continued to murmur as he moved his hands down her sides.
She felt her breath hitch. If she wasn’t wet from the water, she would be soaked from his words.
He smiled as he could see she was really starting to get worked up based on the way her chest was heaving and he could hear her breathing getting heavier.
“Lay down for me, baby girl,” he said in a low voice. “Right here on the floor and I’ll take real good care of you.”
She felt the cold water touch her skin as she did as told.
He stood over her and stared down at her. Seeing her laying on the floor, her body now completely visible to him, was a stunning sight. He knelt down, his knee on either side of her legs, and positioned himself right above her. He didn’t move, he was just staring at her body. “God. You’re perfect,” he mumbled.
If it wasn’t for Simon and her nipples already being hard, the cold water would have done it as she gasped at the feeling.
Simon let his eyes take in her entire body as he knelt over her. Hearing her gasp when the cold water hit her skin was an absolute treat. “S-so damn cute…” he mumbled again as his hands slowly ran down her sides and came to rest on her thighs. He gave her a little squeeze before he continued his hands’ journey over her body.
He grabbed his shirt and bunched it up underneath her head as a pillow as he leaned down against her grinding his bare body against her clothed core.
Simon grunted as he felt his hips press against her. He continued the slow grind back and forth as he leaned down and kissed her, both of them still damp from the raining tap water that had spewed from her faucet about fifteen minutes ago. He could feel how warm and wet his body felt against hers. He continued to press his chest against hers and his hips continued to rub against her core. Both of their breathing was heavy at this point.
He then stopped as his fingers looped under her panties.
His fingers were looped around her panties and he was slowly pulling them down while she was still laying down beneath him. He leaned down to her ear and started to talk in a soft and low voice. “Lift your hips for me, baby girl…”
“Simon.” She gasped as she did as told.
He chuckled as he heard her gasp as she did what he told her to do. She was being so good for him right now. “That’s it…” he mumbled as he started to slide her panties down her legs. “God look at you. You’re so good for me, baby girl. So damn good.”
She felt his hands lift her thighs up some as he spread her legs taking a look at her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt embarrassed.
He looked down at her, taking in the view of her now completely exposed body. He had been anticipating this sight and it didn’t disappoint.
“Don’t close your eyes, sweetheart, open them for me…” he said in a gentle and soft voice. “I want to look at you.”
If she wasn’t throbbing before—trust me she was—she was surely throbbing now.
“Simon, you can’t say stuff like that.” She arched off the ground. As her hands reached for something of his.
Her arching her back had his chest pressed even closer against her and her hands reaching for him, searching for something on him, only turned him on even more. He chuckled, amused that he was making her so shy and embarrassed. But there was just something about it that made it more exciting. He slowly ran his hands back and forth along her thighs as he spoke to her. “Why not? I want to look at you, baby girl. You’re so damn Beautiful. I want to see all of you.”
She could tell this was a much more emotional and deeply bonding intimate moment then the time he had sex with her the night he broke her door down when she was hiding from him embarrassed at soaps drunk words about how she needed to learn to take care of herself.
This time around the two souls were bounding to one and another as he showed her sweet love. The love he wanted and could provide to her.
This time had been different than that night. It was a more emotional and intimate moment between them. They both knew how they felt about one another now.
Simon gently stroked her thighs, his hands moving slowly up and down her skin. He was completely captivated by her. He was captivated by the way her body reacted to his every touch. He moved his hands closer and closer to her inner thighs before running his thumbs across her core. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
He started gently kissing and biting his way up her body, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her skin. When he finally got to her neck he spent extra time there before moving up and kissing the corners of her mouth before finally capturing her lips with his.
He slowly and gently started kissing her, his tongue gently tracing her lips, seeking entry. His hands were resting at the base of her head, his fingers playing with her hair.
“You really think so?” She asked as her hands rested on his waist.
“Yeah, I do think so.” He replied as he hovered over her, staring down at her as he replied. “You’re so goddamn beautiful, mammas. Every inch of you.”
“Simon,” she got so lucky having him. “I love you.” She said softly.
The way she said his name, he loved the way it sounded coming from her mouth. Every time she said it, he felt a sudden rush of feeling. Feeling he’d never felt before he met her.
He looked into her eyes, hearing the three simple words come out of her mouth again. Those three simple words were everything to him and he couldn’t hear them enough. “I love you, sweetheart, more than you’ll ever know.” he mumbled as he looked into her eyes.
She smiled as he sat up looking down at her core.
He was big and the two both knew it. She had gotten pretty good at adapting to him. But it still took her a bit to get used to his fit. He knew he needed to be gentle.
His finger ran up her core making sure she was slick enough, and she was. He didn’t have to worry there.
He leaned down and kissed her core before cooing at it.
He leaned down on her and let his lips touch her most sensitive area. He gave it a gentle kiss before he looked up at her. “So damn beautiful…” he muttered. “So sensitive for me, huh?”
“Only for you.” She nodded.
He chuckled as she responded to him. “Damn right it’s only for me.” He grumbled before he took another moment to admire the view. “God,” He groaned. “Every part of you is so perfect, but this…” he mumbled as he looked down at her core. “This is my favorite part.”
His lips touched it one more time. As she giggled at his words. “And here I thought your favorite part was my lips.” She teased softly.
His lips caressed her one last time before he lifted his head and looked at her. He chuckled a little as she teased him about his favorite part.
“You’re pretty cheeky today,” he said with a small smile on his face. “Looks good on you. But don’t kid yourself, sweetheart. I love a lot of parts of your body—your lips included.”
She giggled some more as his head rested on her thigh. He looked at her softly smiling. “You like the way she clings to you.” She said softly.
The sound of her giggling caused his smile to deepen. He could probably listen to it all day.
He chuckled softly and ran his hands along her thighs. “Mmm, I love the way she clings to me. It’s like she's begging me to never stop.”
“Don’t blame her, she knows what she likes.” She hummed as she arched her back feeling Simon leave a hickey on her thigh.
Simon didn’t look away from her thighs as he continued kissing and sucking the skin of her thighs before he left a big hickey on them.
He chuckled as he looked up at her and saw her arch her back. “Mmm, she’s a smart one, ain’t she?” He said in his gruff voice. “She knows I’m all about giving her what she likes.”
“Simon,” (y/n) gasped as her hands touched her chest.
Hearing her gasp his name and her hands coming up to touch his chest was enough to have him aching for her. He didn’t wait for another moment.
He moved out from between her legs and came to hover above her. He had a wild and lustful look in his eyes as he looked down at her. “Say my name again…” he said hoarsely.
“Simon,” she chanted like a prayer as her head lulled back and forth. She felt his member poke at her.
The way she said his name, each time she said it was like she was chanting it, praying to it. It had his body on fire, the need for her was almost painful.
He leaned down and positioned himself right between her legs, his member rubbing her core, teasing her. It was a grinding motion and it was enough to make her squirm underneath him. “Again…” he growled softly.
“Simon.” She gasped out, eyes opening up to look at him as her head was thrown back and she arched.
As she said his name again, her eyes opening and looking up at him, the arching of her back, the gasping as she was on the edge, it was all driving him crazy.
He placed a hand underneath the small of her back and slowly started to press forward. “Again…” he said huskily. “Say. My name.”
“Simon,” it was more blissed out than before. She was gonna reach ecstasy if he kept teasing her like this.
The way she said his name this time, it sounded like she was completely lost in the bliss of the moment. It only drove him wilder.
He held his hips in place, continuing to tease her but not fully giving her what she wanted. “Just say it one more time, baby girl and you’ll get what you want.”
“Simon Riley.” She sighed, cupping his face as she brought his lips closer to hers kissing his lips and then trailing down his jaw. “Please, I need you.”
Hearing her say his name as she took his face in her hands and trailed kisses down his jaw, hearing the need in her voice as she said she needed him, finally pushed him over the edge.
He grunted, his body stilling for a moment before he moved, finally giving her what she was begging for. “I got you, baby girl. I got you right here…” he muttered before his lips met hers.
She felt the pressure as she arched her back. She moaned. Her eyes rolled back in her head.
“Ah, fuck, Simon.” She groaned out.
The noise she made when he entered her made his body ache with need for her. He had never heard anything so good.
He grunted as he felt her arch her back and felt her tighten around him. “Fuck—baby girl.” He gasped. “You’re so damn good for me, so good…” he muttered. “Mamas, that’s it. Take it, atta girl.” He gasped as her pussy fit him so well as he moved at a slow pace. “She’s just eager to greet me, eager to take me. Atta girl, mamas. Spread those legs.” She did as asked. “Mamas pretty girl is just sucking me in.” Ghost groaned.
He cooed to her more as he talked her through the pleasure and pain making her heart swell with love at his actions.
He started moving his hips, slowly and softly at first. He wanted her to get used to the feeling.
He leaned down and placed his arms next to her head so that he was hovering over her. “Shhh—just breathe, baby girl, I got you… you feel so damn good, so damn good.”
She could tell she was losing him to pleasure. She tried to ground him, but her core tightened on him when he hit a certain depth.
When she tightened around him he let out another low moan. He was getting completely lost in the feel of her.
He grunted as his movements started to get quicker and more sloppy. “W-wait baby girl… slow down…” he muttered as he was still trying to ground himself.
“Simon, you’re the one moving.” She mewled and arched.
He grunted when she said his name and she started to wither underneath him.
He realized she was right, he was the one moving. He slowed his movement down, trying to make them more softer and more controlled.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you just feel so damn good…It’s hard for me not to lose control.” He paused for her as she clung to him. His one arm lifted her thigh above his shoulder.
When he finally got completely buried inside her he had to stop himself again. He needed a moment. Being completely inside her felt that good. He grunted and his head hung down for a moment, trying to control his breathing. “Oh fuck!” he mumbled before he picked up his head and looked deep in her eyes.
He looked down at her and saw her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Even just the expression on her face was enough to bring him pleasure. He grunted and started moving his hips again. Starting off with a slow and controlled rhythm.
“You like that, baby girl?” He asked her in a low voice.
Her toes curled and her body pulsed and buzzed with heat. That should have been a good enough answer.
“Yeah,” her eyes rolled back in her head as she arched. “Right there Si!” She begged.
When she said his name again and arched back and begged for him to keep going, it only made him pick up the pace. He needed to hear her say his name again and again. “I got you baby girl. I’m gonna take real good care of you…” he mumbled and he started to thrust faster, making sure to hit the spot that made her say his name louder.
“Simon,” she gasped. “Oh god, so good.” She kissed his jaw with hit open mouthed kisses leaving a hickey here and there.
He panted as he continued to move his hips, each of her gasps and every whine and moan that escaped her lips only pushing him forward. He couldn’t even think, all he wanted was to hear her moan his name more.
“That’s right baby, keep saying my name.” He groaned, his head tilted back, exposing his neck more of her kisses.
Her hands dug into his biceps as she closed her eyes panting, “Simon, can’t think right.” She gasped.
The ecstasy was getting to both of them as they both had blissed out looks in their faces and their eyes couldn’t pull away from one and another.
He groaned and grunted as he felt her fingers digging into his arms. He couldn’t think straight either, all he could focus on was the way she was making him feel.
“Don’t think, baby girl,just let go.” He gave her a sloppy kiss. “Feel me inside you…hmm? Feels so good, right?” he mumbled through his moans.
She wasn’t sure if she could even find the words at the moment as she felt his hands grip the back of her head as his face rested against hers. He was being so sweet to her like usual.
He was completely lost in her. The way she felt around him, the way she gasped and moaned his name, the way she dug her fingertips into his arms. Everything about her drove him crazy. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted to show her how she made him feel. She was so damn perfect.
He grunted into her ear as he held her head up to him, their faces were pressed against each other as he continued to move inside her. “You feel so damn good, mamas. I need you so bad—only you.”
She gasped at that.
“How do you do it?” She uttered as her lips touched his as she spoke against them.
He kept his face pressed against hers, his voice was gruff as he spoke. “Do what?” he muttered as he continued to move his hips forward. He had a feeling he knew what she was going to answer, but he needed to hear her say it. “How do I do what, baby girl?”
She took a minute as she groaned and gasped feeling the intense pleasure.
He grunted as she gasped and their lips touched. Even a soft touch from her lips to his was enough to break his heart and heal it all at once.
He continued to thrust into her, a little faster this time, getting closer to his release. His body was on fire for her.
“How do I do what?” he breathed out, panting as he spoke to her. A few strands of his hair were sticking to his damp forehead.
“H-how—oh god—how do you make it feel so good?” She uttered. “How do you know all the best places to touch me and…” she groaned, trailing off as her body shook from ecstasy.
He chuckled a bit when she began to speak, then cut herself off with a moan. The way her body shook when he hit that right spot was one of his favorite things.
“Do you really think there’s a place on your body where I haven’t kissed or touched, baby girl?” he responded to her. He grunted as he continued to roll his hips. “I do it because I know you like it, I need to touch you. I need to hear you moan so bad.”
She was falling apart in his arms and it was driving him crazy. Seeing her struggling to speak because of the pleasure made him grunt when her body shook, the tightness around him making his body react to her.
“Simon,” she arched. The puddle they were laying in made things slippery still, but not enough to deter Simon.
When she arched her body he let out a moan and grunted loudly.
How was she even real? How did he ever manage to get her into bed with him?
The sound of her core as he moved inside her was like music to him. It was perfect. She was perfect.
Hearing her say his name again, caused his pace to quicken. “Say it again,” he panted out to her. “Say my name, sweetheart.”
“Simon,” she rocked with him gaining some friction. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him tighter to her.
Her could feel her perky nipples brush against his stimulating the two of them more.
Simon grunted as her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her body.
He was completely surrounded by her. Her scent, her voice, her touch, her taste. It was all driving him crazy.
“God,” he grunted as his eyes looked down at her while his hips rolled. Her flushed face was Divine, her parted lips made him want to devour her mouth, and her breathy words and moans made him feral. “You feel so good, baby girl. So damn good.” He mumbled against her skin before he pulled his head back and looked her in the eyes, continuing to pant as he spoke. “Look at me.” His words were hushed and breathy as he was feeling the heat of everything.
Her eyes met his as she gasped and panted squirming a bit underneath him as he kept hitting that specific spot with his hips rolling. She knew that he knew that was her G-spot.
Watching her react as he kept hitting that sweet spot with his hips made him smile. How was she so perfect?
He loved making her gasp and moan his name. It was addictive.
He grunted as his hips moved into hers a little harder. “You know I love it when you look at me, sweetheart. I could never get tired of seeing those beautiful eyes.”
“Having a man as highly addicting as you, telling me that—“ her head was thrown back as immense pleasure rolled over her body. “It just does something to me.” She whined scratching down his chest as his biceps now caged in her head.
The way her head was thrown back and the loud whine that she made caused goosebumps to rise on his skin. It was so damn good watching her fall apart because of him. He grunted and panted as her fingernails scratched down his chest. She left behind little red lines.
Looking down at her, seeing all her perfect features, how did he get so damn lucky with her?
“Does it, now? What does it do to you, baby girl?” he asked her through his grunts and pants.
“It makes my body feel on fire.” Her cunt tightened.
The feeling of her pussy tightening around him was something he knew he would never get tired of. He grunted and groaned as the feeling combined with her words, making him move faster.
“I’m on fire for you too, baby girl.” He grunted out to her. “I’m on fire for you all the time. You drive me crazy.”
“Yeah?” She cupped his face brushing the sweat away.
He leaned into her hand as she cupped his face. Even just a little touch like that had him aching for her. He let out a soft moan and nodded his head before he looked into her eyes. “Yeah,” he mumbled, panting and grunting. “I’m crazy for you, mamas. All the damn time, you don’t even know. I’m just trying to control myself from losing it for you all the time.”
Her hand touched her chest as her other hand touched his swirling around his nipples. It sent him into a tizzy.
When her hand touched his chest and her hand went to his nipple, he let out a loud moan. It was sensitive for him as well. He arched his back a little bit and let out a shaky gasp. “God, fuck! You’re gonna break me, baby girl. You know how sensitive I am there,” he grunted.
“Sorry.” She didn’t stop though, she kept rubbing and flicking with both hands now. So, his thumb found her clitoris and rubbed it in smooth circles.
He chuckled when she said she was sorry, but didn’t stop. It felt too good for either of them to stop.
He let out a low moan as his breath was shaky.
Her rubbing the sensitive skin of his nipple and running his thumb over her clitoris had them both whimpering. They were both really sensitive to each other’s touch.
His face hung down as he let out a loud groan. “Don’t be sorry, baby. I love it.” He hummed. “You’re just driving me crazy though.” He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, his own eyes looking very dark with desire.
“Simon,” she cooed softly. He didn’t think it was possible but her legs spread even more.
When she spread her legs more, taking him deeper, it got a loud moan out of him, and he buried his face in her neck. “Fuck, mamas, fuck,” he panted out against her skin. “You’re going to be the end of me if you keep this up. Can’t think straight when I’m with you like this. I’m addicted to you, maybe I’m obsessed with you.” He nipped at her neck.
“That feels good for you Simon.” She cooed softly as her back arched. “Feel so good, hmm?” She brushed a hand through his hair.
He groaned into her neck as her words. “It feels so damn good, mamas. Never felt like this with anyone.” Those words made her feel like she was soaring. “I need you, mamas. Always. All the damn time.” He growled out as his hips rolled into her faster. “No one else. ” he mumbled against her skin. He panted and grunted, continuing to move his hips. “Need you so damn bad. I’ve never wanted or needed anyone so damn much as I need you, baby.”
His words could push her over the edge, but add the sex itself and she was driven mad by the end of it.
She felt her abdomen tighten as her release was coming. She clung to him as her moans and breath got faster and louder. She couldn’t think straight, she couldn’t even see straight. Her eyes focused on Simon as she called out his name like a prayer to some god who she had devoted her whole life to. Simon was her god and she would devote her life to him if he asked.
There it was. His favorite sound.
He loved it when she said his name. He never could tire of hearing it, especially when she said it like that.
He panted and grunted as she panted and called out to him. Her body was clenching around him tightly, her walls squeezing him as her release approached.
He could feel her body reacting to him, how tight she was getting… and it made his mind go blank. Nothing else mattered to him. It was the end for him. He couldn’t keep it together anymore. Hearing her call out his name and feeling her squeeze him was too addicting.
“Oh god mamas.” He kissed her lips. “I’m close…
so damn close.” Every moan and every gasp she let out as he kept moving his hips was like music to his ears. He was addicted to the sound of her voice and saying his name was like a drug. His most addictive drug.
Then the bough broke. She could feel the flood gates release and her whole body was in euphoria. Was that a god before her? A god that made love to her in no ways a mere mortal could.
When she came, her body arching underneath him, it was all he needed. Feeling her squeezing him, listening to her moan his name, all of it sent him over the edge.
The curve in her back as she arched against him chanting and praising him through a prayer of his name.
He let out a loud and shaky moan as his body tensed, his release overtaking him. He buried his face in her neck.
“Oh god!” He growled as his thrusts were uneven just trying to ride though his own orgasm and hers. “Oh fuck mamas, that’s all you baby, that’s all you! Fuck!” he growled into her skin.
He continued to twitch as his body tried to ride through his release. He was gasping for air, his face still buried in her neck. She wasn’t in any better shape.
“God, mamas, never felt anything like that before.” he mumbled in between breaths, his body still shaking.
She let out a wail of a moan as she stopped twitching herself.
The sound of her moan made him shiver, he could have sworn she could have him coming again with a sound like that.
“Bloody hell,.” He muttered as his body went a little weak on top of her. “You’re gonna be the death of me, baby girl, I swear to god.” He chuckled.
He looked down at her smiling face and gave a weary smile back at her. He was so tired but seeing her smile just made his heart melt.
He started to kiss her face softly, peppering her forehead, cheeks and nose with gentle kisses. He was praising her. His perfect and beautiful baby girl.
“Okay, mamas, let’s get you cleaned up.” Simon picked her up softly carrying her up the stairs knowing she would need to relax. Aftercare was important to him and he was going to run her a nice warm bath while he fixed the faucet. He returned after about an hour.
“Such a good mamas.” He cooed softly as he found her sleeping in the tub. “Faucets all fixed mamas.” He cooed as he kissed her forehead watching her stir awake.
“Thanks, Si.” She smiled. “Let’s call takeout.”
“Good idea, mamas.”
Needless to say, if you asked her what it was like being neighbors to the 6’4 SAS soldier she would have three words to describe it.
‘Pleasurable’, ‘greatful’, and ‘hers’.
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clumsybriar · 2 months
Ghost x Wife! Reader — My Pretty Girl
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Ghost x wife! Reader
Notes: use of (y/n), reader is female, ghost really adores his wife, fluff.
Word count: 6,858
Warnings: some swearing and bullying.
Simon stopped in the doorway watching his wife get ready. He was awestruck by her always. She was curvy, and pretty, and her personality sold it all.
She was in his words ‘a sensitive bugger’, to which she would disagree and tell him she was in tune with her emotions and then giggle. She was so sweet and patient and was willing to try and be everyone’s friend even if she was an introvert. The deal was, they had to talk to her first.
“Pretty girl.” He uttered coming up behind her and kissing her cheek. She had her make up all done and it was natural looking. The way she liked it. Her hair was straightened and she was just trying to get dressed until Simon interrupted her.
“Si!” She whined cutely as she only had one leg in her shorts and her other one was lifted as she was trying to stick her foot in the hole. Simon had snatched it up trapping her in place.
“Don’t whine, dovie.” He smiled as he balanced her. “I love you with all my heart, I’m just showin’ it.” His deep Manchester accent boomed within the four walls surrounding them.
His words were not an understatement either. He adored her entirely, worshiped the ground she walked on. He was a man who was well in love with his wife as he should be. She was gorgeous, even if she had stretch marks, or a bigger booty, or larger breasts. How ever it was, he loved her no matter what she looked like.
“Ah, pretty girl, not this outfit.” He smiled leaving a trail of kissed down her neck to her shoulder and continuing it down her arm.
“What’s wrong with it?” She asked nervously as she looked up at Simon.
There wasn’t anything wrong with it, he loved it. Frankly he would have said that about any outfit she left the house with or were wearing around the house. Even if it was her tangled and messy bed head and a t-shirt and boxers of his. He would still slobber over it and have the same remark.
“I love it, you look so gorgeous in this outfit pretty girl.” He kissed her knuckles.
“Si-si,” she snorted. “You say that about anything I wear.”
“Can’t help it love.” He tapped her butt with his hands. “You look good in everything, and nothing at all.” He teased softly. His lips trailing down her neck again as his hands wondered her body.
“We can’t,” she out a half things frenzied attack which made up of lots of kisses and groping over her soft skin. “We said we would meet Mr. and Mrs. Price at 3:30 at the winery.” His hands still grabbed at her thighs as he tried to sneak a few subtle touches elsewhere. “And soap and a Gaz will be there with their…”
“Pay them no mind, pretty girl.�� Simon hummed as he stood up straight. She was petit against him, as in he towered over her and she was just this dainty and tiny little hobbit compared to him.
“Yes lieutenant.” She giggled she was trying to fight off his large hand that gripped her in thigh still up in the air as she wanted to get dressed. He patted her butt one more time as he let her go and laid on the bed watching her as she got dressed.
“Ya’ wearin’ that devils peice of clothing?” Simon asked as he watched her turn around and change her bra. “Go no bra.” He whined slightly. It was so out of character for him to be so whiney like this, but with her he could express himself in any way. He was so comfortable with her.
“I’m wearing a bra.” She fastened the new one and made sure her breasts settled right in it. He rolled into his belly as he rested his head on his fist.
“No bra,” he grunted out.
“Yes bra!” She argued back smiling at him.
“Let me see.” He pawed at her butt. She had fasted her cargo wrap skort and turned around grabbing her crocheted black crop top that cupped around her breasts.
“Pretty lace lovie.” He referred to her bra looking the dark green and how it compared to her skin.
“Your such a tease.” She giggled.
“Can you blame me lovie.” He sat up watching her out on the crochet top. “Such a pretty girl.”
“You try to make my head big.” She hummed as she put on her sandles.
“Baby, your head ain’t ever gonna grow big enough.” He teased her some more as his hands rested on her hips. “Your a pretty girl,” he leaned forward and kissed her collar bone. “And you don’t realize it.”
“I’m not that pretty.” She said softly.
“Beg to differ.” He stood up kissing her cheek. “Dead pretty.”
“Thank you.” She hugged him softly. The two of them had been Mr. and Mrs. Riley for four years.
He met her a year prior to their marriage during a mission. She was a pretty little civilian working her ass off in a library while she tried to finish her art degree. He was a lieutenant in the SAS. And the building she was in, had a bomb located in the center.
Task force 141 had the responsibility to defuse the bomb and evacuate the building.
Ghost could remember it clear as day. He was rushing around giving orders to civilians while (y/n) was staring at him like a deer caught in headlights, unsure if she should move because they could have been a threat to her safety, or if they thought she was the threat.
Needless to say, Gaz who was surprised by the lieutenants kindness in that moment with (y/n), knew he was a love sick puppy as soon as he set eyes on this little American woman.
Everytime Gaz retells the story, he always states something along the lines of ‘havin’ a hard time tellin’ who was the deer in headlights and who was the car about to run the deer over’. Soap would often talk about how everyone in the task force and who had been under Ghost’s command were jealous that she got all his soft and friendly words and they got ordered barked at them that day.
Needless to say, the universe, as cheesy as it was, had made sure their paths crossed so the two could be together.
Though everyone knew Ghost was in love when he gave her his mothers engagement ring as her own engagement ring. It was the last thing he had of his precious mother who had been tortured and killed by Roba. When they laid eyes on the gorgeous ring that had been worn by his mother many, many years ago, they knew he had found the woman he was going to settle down and come home to everyday, especially when his mother’s matching wedding band slipped on his wife’s finger during the wedding.
The wedding was truly something else, to (y/n) and Simon, it felt like a breath of fresh air finally being able to call one and another husband and wife even if they had been for months maybe even a year prior to wedding.
Simon could remember how ethereal (y/n) looked when she appeared from behind the doors. His breath had caught in his throat, and the tears had instantly welled up in his eyes. Soap had to pat his back as Simon—for the first time—had cried in front of many people.
The task force could have sworn it would have been (y/n) weeping heavily, but on that day it was Simon. And no one judged him for it, because she had for sure been the most beautiful bride, especially if you ask simon.
“Ready to go my dovie.” Simon hummed as he wore a white button down shirt and some slacks.
“Ready.” She grabbed his hand as she admired how his tattoos were on display. “You look charming.” She said softly as her eyes met his.
He could stare into those eyes for eternity.
“Mmm,” he leaned forward and kissed her. “Thank you baby.” He kissed her again. “Not as good as you, pretty girl.”
“Stop that!” She giggled as she stuck close to him.
“Never.” He hummed. Ghost had always been so playful with her, letting her see is fun side where many others didn’t get to see that from him. He always made her feel special though that was one thing for sure.
It didn’t take long for the two to arrive at the winery as they walked to the building to see Maria and John price already sipping on wine.
“What’ya want baby?” Simon asked as his hand was gently placed on her lower back.
“A sweet cider.” She said quietly as she was shooed around larger crowds.
“Mmm, want a pear apple cider?” He asked as he started a tab.
“Yeah.” She hummed as they waited. Her hands remained on his arms as she traced his tattoos. The bartender sat their drinks on the counter as they walked out the back to meet up with Maria and John.
“Well, well, well,” John stood up and shook Simon’s hand. “How’s it goin’ Simon.” The older man asked.
“Better everyday.” Simon hummed, a simple answer to how it truly was. Fantastic everyday when he was with (y/n).
Maria cooed softly at (y/n) as she was a very motherly person in general. “Oh darlin’, yer’ youth is refreshing to m’soul.” She hummed giggling as her accent was very Irsish and thick. “A wee baby’s skin isn’t as soft as yer’ skin.” She pinched (y/n)’s cheek gently. It didn’t take long for (y/n)’s cheeks to flare up in a rosy tint.
“Hi Maria.” (Y/n) greeted softly as she kissed the younger woman’s cheeks.
“Oh Simon, I imagine she’s keepin’ ya’ young as well with all her youth,” Maria teased the man. “We’re are ya’ two keepin’ the fountain of youth, Johnny and I could go for a dive.”
“Backyard.” Simon joked as he leaned down and hugged Maria as she kissed his cheeks as well as a greeting.
“Hi missy.” John hummed as he kissed your cheeks. “Keep him better behaved, he’s been causing me trouble at work.”
“I’m sorry,” (y/n) stifled a laughed as she looked up at Simon.
“Don’t you be givin’ my wife ammo.” Simon joked.
“I think your wife has plenty of ammo, me’lad.” Maria hummed. “Yer’ a soft husband, not like m’John who goes fishin’ and leave me with the screamin’ banshees.” She referred to her kids.
“Guilty as all be.” John smiled, sweet bliss for him.
They stood around and chatted as they waited for Gaz and Soap to appear. Of course (y/n) knew the two girls would be coming along as she tried to remember how to blend in so she wasn’t targeted.
“You’ll be targeted no matter what, m’girl.” Maria said softly. “Your a pretty lady, and them boys have known you for years ‘cause o’simon.” She hummed. “Pay’em no heed. If we need a break, you and I can always turn Hyde and walk in the vineyard.”
“Okay.” She said shyly. (Y/n) always felt like she dressed too kid-ish around them even if she was dressing more for her age, being 25. She sometimes believed she was too immature for Simon’s who was 32 and well prepared for life.
“Your so sweet, and so kind.” Simon whispered to her as he coddled her close to him. “So much sweetness, Dovie.”
(Y/n) flushed red and smiled up at Simon. She enjoyed his compliments but it often made her bashful.
“Ya’ look delightful, little one.” Maria smiled as she looked at your mature but youthful outfit. “Good thing Simon knows how to fight, these men would be all over ya’ if ya’ had that ring finger bare.” Maria hummed pointing at (y/n)’s ring finger smiling.
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” She brushed it off sweetly.
“I wish for your sake I could agree with ya’ but Simon’s already gave five different men the stink eye.” John chuckled lightly.
“No one fucks with my baby.” Simon said seriously.
That made (y/n) giggle as she patted Simon’s chest.
“I hope we didn’t miss the party.” Soap hummed as he walked hand and hand with his girlfriend. (Y/n) froze up a bit as she curled more into Simon taking a larger sip of her hard cider.
“Slow down.” Simon cooed softly. “No need to rush unless you would like to hug the porcelain throne tonight.”
“Sorry.” She said softly as she looked down to make sure her cleavage wasn’t too much.
Soap and Gaz were around her age, and the two were young, and they had a habit of staring, not on purpose, but because sometimes, (y/n)’s cleavage was a bit more on show depending on the shirts she wore. And she had a god given right to flaunt it. That’s what Farrah, Alex’s wife always told her when they were visiting her cousin in America. She loved her cousin's wife, finding comfort and understanding in her.
Ghost had snapped at the two before for staring, but he also couldn’t blame them. It was a good sight to see in his eyes.
“Anne, Lilliana.” Maria greeted with a polite smile.
Both women looked so elegant and wore beautiful dresses that spoke Italian villa. (Y/n) felt so out of place wearing a skort and a crop top. Too Americanized among a group of Europeans. The sharks were out today and they were gonna get her. Those sharks were named Lilliana, and Anne.
She smiled nervously saying a soft hi.
“You look so…youthful.” Lilliana said as she leaned against Gaz. (Y/n) could tell it was a forced smile and a fake compliment. They thought she looked immature.
“She looks very lovely, doesn’t she?” Maria smiled as she swooped the girl up and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “My eldest wants (y/n) to go to the boutique with her so (y/n) can help her shop for clothes.”
“Aye, the ladies can have a day out.” Soap hummed. “And us lads can go to the pub and watch footy.”
“Ya’.” Maria nodded, smiling gently. “We’ll have to plan something out.” She said softly.
Simon watched as his wife finished her cider as she looked at Anne and Lilliana’s outfits. He could see the swirling storm in her eyes comparing herself to them.
“Baby.” Simon said softly. He wished she’d understand she was breathtaking and that she shouldn’t compare herself to other women. In his eyes, until the day he dies and beyond that, he will always think she’s the most breathtaking woman. His hands gently brushed down her hair as he looked at her deep in the eyes.
He would continue to devour her with his eyes until she understood how exactly he felt.
“Yeah,” she said softly as she looked at her giant of a husband.
He felt himself melt at the sight of her looking up at him while her hand rubbed his chest gently.
“You wanna another cider?” He asked softly, his hand gently squeezing her hip.
“Yeah, I can come with you.” (Y/n) said softly as she followed him close.
His hand gently grabbed her as he guided her to the bar top again.
“How’s my pretty girl?” His voice was deep and had an edge of huskiness in it, maybe a bit breathy as well. It made (y/n) swell with love knowing that she got him worked up enough.
Her eyes glanced up at him as she smiled softly. “Better now that it’s you and me.” She said softly.
“To many people, baby?” He asked gently, looking at her with the softest eyes.
“Somewhat?” She looked away nervously. His hand rested on the thin of her back as they waited in line.
“What’s the matter?” He whispered into her ear. It was his way of saying ‘we can have a private conversation right here’.
She fiddled with his collar as she straightened it out. Her eyes glanced around nervously seeing how she wasn’t the only one dressed in the style she was, she had to remember Anna, Lilliana, and Mrs. Price were all older than her, so they would have a different fashion sense.
“Am I childish, overly youthful?” She whispered in his ears. He leaned forward as both his hands grabbed her hips tugging her closer.
He wondered what had got her thinking like that, then it dawned on him. Those two girls were always targeting you.
A month ago, (y/n) had come home crying, having gone out to lunch with the two girls and Mrs. Price, who made sure to deliver (y/n) personally at the Riley’s residence after the luncheon they had. She had been a crying mess blubbering in Simon’s arms all the while Mrs. Price was explaining to Simon what took place as she’s doing her motherly duties in soothing the younger woman.
Soap had thought it was a good idea for the two ladies to welcome the newcomers, who Gaz and Soap had started dating at the same time because the girls were best friends and they had met the two at the club.
Simon could remember Mrs. Price said that one of the newcomers had ‘accidentally’ fumbled their tea and split it all over his lovely wife. He could remember Maria quoting the air when she said accidentally with an eye roll. She knew it was on purpose. Simon knew it was on purpose.
“No dovie, you're beautiful,” he hummed. “I love ya’ just the way ya’ are.” His Manchester accent made it sound like honey. “You're dead gorgeous and I’ll tell ya’ forever until ya’ learn it.” He paused as he ordered their drinks as it was their turn after a few minutes of waiting. He had it put onto the tab he had opened earlier and would have to remember to close later. “Don’t ya’ be listening to those girls, they ain’t got nothin’ on my pretty little wife.” He smooched her cheek. “They’re jealous. Jealous of your gorgeous looks, your gorgeous attitude, your sweet like honey, pretty girl. Don’t let ‘em damper your mood.”
These were the very moments she knew she had made a good choice in marrying Simon. Because he picked up the broken pieces when she needed a bit more support. He let her cry in his arms over nothing until she was soothed and better. He held her hand as he made sweet love to her constantly praising her and making sure she was okay. He was the best husband she could have ever asked for.
“I love ya’ now pretty girl, I love ya’ forever,” he kissed her lips as she giggled softly.
“Love you too.” She hugged him as he brought her left hand to his mouth kissing her knuckles.
“You're my good girl, don’t let ‘em damper the mood tonight.” He smiled at her as the waitress brought the drinks to them, handing it off.
“Yes Si.” She nodded as she followed him back out behind tight against his side.
The night went on and very little trouble appeared.
Maria suggested (y/n) and her take a walk in the vineyard and plan a day out where the two could go with Moira—or Murray for short—and have a shopping spree.
“Ye’ boys be good, I’m takin’ m girl and chatting, don’t worry Simon, she’s with me.” Maria smiled as she put her hand on (y/n)’s waist and walked her into the growing garden of grapes.
“Hold up lassies, Anne, Liliana, go join ‘em.” Soap smiled as he waved them off. “Good fer ye’ gals to figure out their dynamics and then ye’ can have girls' nights.”
“Oh yes, join us.” Maria smiled as she held her disappointment. (Y/n) hid her face dropping as she looked at Simon who gave her a reassuring smile.
Maria would fight on his behalf.
“Let me see, Murray likes the kind of stuff yer’ wearing now. I’m my we’ babes mama, and I’m not good with her fashion even if she is a teen.” Maria laughed. “I could pick out an outfit and she’d yak and say, ‘mam it’s uglier than a tit’.”
(Y/n) giggled at Maria repeating what Murray said.
“Look, teens dress like you too.” Anne snickered and snorted with the other woman, making Maria give them a glare.
“Such…youthful…mmm…” Lilliana tapped her chin. “That’s not the word I’m looking for, more like childish outfits.” Lilliana nodded her head as she sipped her wine. “And you don’t drink wine like an adult, you drink hard cider, probably beer too.”
(Y/n) frowned as she looked ashamed.
“What are ye’ girls yapperin’ about, beer is good, hard cider is better than wine,” Maria corrected them. “And she is fashionable, and me’ daughter is 20, an adult, only 5 years younger then Mrs. Riley here.”
“25 she’s practically a baby.” Anne snorted. “Simon needs a woman, not a girl. Someone who’s mature, honey you don’t fit the bill.” (Y/n) felt that nagging feeling in the back of her head that said: ‘run…run away…no one will find you’. She was starting to think they were right, she was immature and Simon just didn’t know how to tell her that.
“Oh that man loves ya’ beyond all means, yer’ his Persephone.” Maria ignored them. “These fools are just jealous and tootin’ their own horn.”
Maria wasn’t afraid to tell people how it was. She was an outspoken woman. Mr. Price would often tell (y/n) to watch Maria and learn, body language the fact that no fucks were given when she was handling a person who pissed with her family.
Just like that one time a man said Harry sucked at footy. The wretched man said no one would want an imbecile playing footy when he didn’t know his left from his right. Maria, pounced quicker than John who sat back with a can of beer in his hands and a smirk on his face. (Y/n) could remember that one clear-as-day. Simon had leaned over and whispered to her to remind him to never oiss her off. It was terrifying for the two newlyweds nonetheless. (Y/n) was 21, and Simon was 28. The two were afraid they were gonna get a foot up their ass as well for something they did, but didn’t do.
“Let me see your gorgeous wedding rings.” Maria hummed. “He married ya’, and put those precious rings on yer’ finger cause he loves ya’ more than the world.”
Anne and Lilliana paused as they looked at the rings.
Their eyes met one and another as they smiled at each other.
‘Oh dear lord, no. God, no.’ (Y/n) thought to herself.
“Pretty ring,” Lilliana, hummed as they leaned forward. “Can we see?”
(Y/n) hesitated as she knew how important these were to Simon, in fact they were so important to her she hardly let anyone touch her hands.
She showed them from a distance but Anna quickly snatched her hand up making (y/n) squeak out.
“There my mama’s rings baby,” Simon hummed as he smiled at (y/n). “I want ya’ to wear ‘em, they’d look so pretty on your hands.” He kissed your knuckles. “Marry me, pretty girl, make me the happiest man in the whole wild world. Make my mama proud and wear her rings, please baby.” He was so sweet as he proposed to her overlooking Scotland's pretty scenery.
“Yes,” she sobbed.
“Atta’ girl,” Simon lurched forward kissing her as he put the engagement ring on her finger. “Let’s keep the other one tucked away safely so when I get to see you in a pretty dress.”
“These are important to me and Simon, please just look.” She gasped as they gripped her fingers tightly.
“Now ye’ brats let her go.” Maria swatted at their hands.
They didn't let go of (y/n)’s hands and actually started to tug on her ring finger. She was trying to push their hands away as she felt her eyes well up.
“Oh she’s a crybaby too, so immature.” Anna laughed.
“Oh it’s so pretty,” Lilliana started to slip the rings off her fingers as (y/n) tried everything to stop her. Maria did as she called them a nasty word in her native tongue, and tried to get the ring back.
“Now ye’ girls need some manners.” Maria snapped at them.
“Be a shame if they got lost, he might leave you then,” Anna snorted at Lilliana’s words.
She didn’t want Simon to leave her. She didn’t want those rings to be lost. She started to cry as she shut down not knowing what to do. Her anxiety was through the roof. She glanced at Maria with pure panic.
(Y/n) felt her breath stop, her whole world stop as they tossed them behind them like they were nothing. Lilliana and Anne threw each one back like they were nothing. Like they were senseless gold or fake jewelry that would tarnish the wearer’s finger green once the coating was off of it.
Her eyes widened as she watched Maria chase after the area they went to but she couldn’t see them because they had rolled. She didn’t know what to do other than to cover her mouth and sob. “My rings.” She whispered as she saw Maria sit up straight and look at her.
The other girls walked off laughing as they went deeper in the vineyard and hadn’t been seen for the hour Maria and (y/n) were in the ground searching.
Her sobs got louder as she lost faith in finding the rings Simon had gifted her.
“Calm down m’babe, go get the boys and they can help search, go get Simon m’love.” She hushed her and pushed her up to the grounds where the boys were sitting and laughing. She had her mouth covered as she sobbed quietly trying not to gain anyone’s attention.
What if Simon left her and the girls blamed her for the lost rings.
He knew better, those two girls had caused you more trouble over their jealousy. It was just that fact that the anxiety and the fear crept up in her mind.
“Her cousin and Farah are tryin’ for a baby,” Simon hummed softly. “Been givin’ me a bit of a baby fever. Never thought I’d be one for having my own kids, but here I am. She’d look gorgeous pregnant.”
His words would have made her heart beat a bit faster if it wasn’t for the fact that her rings were missing.
“(Y/n),” Price shot forward very fatherly over the girl since she didn’t have her father or mother who had sadly passed years ago. and he was the one to walk her down the aisle with Maria. “What’s wrong?”
Her knees were dirty, and her hands looked like they were digging in dirt.
Simon was the first to bolt out of his chair as she refused to look at any of them. Concern was etched on Simon’s face as he knew when she cried there was a reason, whether it was a silly one or not, it was enough to warrant him to coddle her and figure out what was wrong.
Her eyes never left the ground even as Simon cupped her face and tugged her close.
“Baby, what’s got you upset?” He was gentle as Price was behind her shielding her from other passerbys.
She sobbed and covered her mouth as her other hand clung to Simon. She felt light headed and terrified.
She knew she just needed to spit it out. “Maria and I…” she felt a hiccup break her words as she was crying heavily. “We’ve been searching for an hour.” She sniffled as she started to hyperventilate and her words started to get jumbled.
Simon’s heart cleaned as he brushed the hair from her face.
An hour? An hour of searching for what?
He wasn’t understanding, but he knew one thing: wrapping her up in his arms and getting her to calm down was the first thing to do.
“Shh, shh,” he pressed his lips to your forehead. “Shh, love it’s okay, it’s okay.” He smiled at her softly. “Deep breaths, nice and easy for me, pretty girl.”
She did some of that but other than that she was back to babbling and trying to get her words out.
“And I can’t find it.” She sobbed her hands refusing to clutch too tightly to his white shirt, knowing she’ll get it dirty.
Simon's concern deepened as he tried to make sense of (y/n)’s words. "Can't find what, love? What are you looking for?" He continued to hold her against him, one hand gently stroking her back to try and soothe her sobs.
Then her words were finally freed up knowing she needed to convey the message Maria sent her to tell the men.
“The girls asked to see our rings, and Maria and I didn’t know they were going to rip it off my finger. It hurt and we tried to stop them, and they threw both my wedding band and engagement ring.” She sobbed. “It was your mom’s wedding band and engagement ring, I can’t find them.” She felt like bile could escape from her mouth at any second.
“They did what!” Soap looked like he was gonna have a conniption while Gaz covered his mouth as he looked apologetically to the two of them.
Simon's eyes widened in shock as he processed (y/n)’s words. The girls had stolen her rings and thrown them away? And not just any rings, but his mother's wedding band and engagement ring.
Anger boiled within him, but he forced himself to stay calm. (Y/n)’s tears and pain took priority. He held her tighter against him, his voice strained. "Those bloody girls. They’re gonna pay for this.”
“I can’t find them.” She huffed as more tears welled up in her pretty eyes.
“I’m gonna go talk to the manager and make sure they know that we have a missing engagement ring and a missing wedding band.” Price patted Simon on the back. He disappeared quickly as Simon rubbed his wife’s back trying to soothe her as he whispered to her.
“We’re gonna find them baby, I won’t stop looking until they're back in your fingers.” He kissed her cheek. “So breathe baby, we’re not leaving until they're back on your finger.”
“I’m gonna go down with Maria and start searching in the area she thinks she saw them go.” Soap said as he looked at the two of them. “We’ll find them.” He reassured the two.
“Better find them, and you better keep those rotten women away from my wife!” Simon snarled at the two men.
“Yes LT.” They saluted.
Simon stuck close to (y/n) as he tried to calm her rapid heartbeat and her fears that didn’t seem to be washing away until she saw those rings in either his hands or her own hands.
Johnny and Gaz looked in the area’s Maria had pointed to them, while her and John searched the area she swore up and down it landed at.
The doubt and fear hadn’t settled in (y/n)’s stomach, right now she wished it would go away. She was about ready to throw up all that dinner that Simon worked hard to cook her.
“We’re not gonna find them.” She felt her anxieties creep into the back of her mind.
“Baby, we’re not leavin’ until those damn things are back in that hand.” He pointed to her left hand. “I promise you that.” He cupped her face.
“But Simon,” she was exhausted. “What if…what if we don’t find them?” She fretted as she looked at her husband with tears falling down her cheek.
Simon placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He knew how much those rings meant to his wife, and the thought of losing them was torture for him.
He knew from day one they had made her feel special, feel well loved by her husband who adored her so much. She felt like it was her fault she lost them and it was on her now that they were missing not having protected his precious rings.
He gave (y/n)’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, his voice low and reassuring. "We'll find them, love. I promise. We won't stop until we do.”
It’s all she needed to hear and take in to slowly get back to searching. It had taken him multiple times to finally get it through her head he would have those rings back as soon as he could find them.
“You gave those to me hoping I would keep them safe since they were my engagement and wedding bands but I couldn’t.” She cried softly as she searched the ground near him.
Simon's heart clenched at her words.
Yes, he had given (y/n) his mother's rings with the hope that she’d keep them safe. But he never expected her to be put in this situation. Who would? He’d never expect two girls to be that jealous and put his wife in this much emotional turmoil.
"Love, it's not your fault," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. “You didn’t ask for this. Those bloody girls had no right to touch your rings. They had no right to touch you, pretty girl.” He stopped and filled her face. “And I��m gonna protect you until the day I die, and if that means tellin’ them girls off, then that’s what the hell I’ll do.”
Their hands searched the ground as their eyes looked everywhere. It wasn’t until thirty minutes later Maria bounced up with excitement and happiness.
“I found one, ye’ lads keep yer’ eyes open for the engagement ring, I found the wedding band!” She shouted happily as she rushed over to (y/n) gently placing the ring on her finger. “Sweet babe, we’ll find it, I promise.”
Simon watched as Maria comforted the woman he loved so dearly. His anger subsided momentarily, replaced by relief and gratitude to Maria for her kindness. There was truly something special about the mother of three.
"We will," he said, agreeing with Maria. His voice was more steady now. "We'll find that engagement ring, even if we have to tear this place apart."
The two of them went back to searching as they looked through the ground as thoroughly as they could.
It wasn’t until another fifteen minutes had passed after Maria came barreling with the wedding band that they had found the engagement ring.
Simon's eyes caught a glint of something shiny among the blades of grass. He crouched down, gently pushing the grass aside to get a clearer view.
His heart nearly stopped as he saw what it was—(y/n)’s engagement ring.
He had found it, he felt his heart flutter as all that stress and worry subsided and it was gone. The relief was back and he couldn’t be happier than ever to present the ring back to his precious wife who had been stressing and withering as the time went on.
"Love, come here," Simon called out, his voice calm but urgent. He motioned for her to come closer, his eyes never leaving the small glint of gold in the grass.
He plucked the object from the ground and smiled seeing the ring shine in the golden rays that were the sun's final moments before the moon came out. “Come now my pretty girl.”
As soon as (y/n) reached his side, he held up the engagement ring, showing it to her. "I found it, love. I found it."
She felt her mind go blank and her eyes well up as she let out a sob lurching forward and hugging Simon.
Simon wrapped his arms around (y/n) holding her tightly in his embrace, tears streaming down her face. He held the woman tight, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.
"It's alright now," he whispered, his voice soothing. "We found it, love. We found your ring." Simon carefully placed the engagement ring back on his wife’s finger, his touch gentle yet firm. As he did, he couldn’t help but place a soft kiss on her cheek as a way to reassure her everything was alright. "It suits you," he said, a hint of a smile on his face. "It always has. Looks gorgeous on my girl.”
She wiped her eyes as her hands found the back of his neck as her nails scratched into the base of his hair.
“I’m so sorry I lost it,” she murmured into his neck. “I didn’t mean to lose your mama’s ring.”
Simon gently cupped her face in his hands, his touch tender and reassuring. He wiped away her tears with his thumb.
"Don't apologize, love," he said softly. "Those girls took them without your consent. It's not your fault. And you didn't lose them—we found them.”
(Y/n) knew Ghost would defend her until his last breath, and even at that, he would transcend and defend her for beyond human measure.
“I love you,” (y/n) said softly.
Ghosts hand gently caressed her face as he wiped her tears away. “Love you too, pretty girl.” His voice was breathy and a whisper.
(Y/n) was glad she wasn’t in the mix when Ghost confronted the two girls. She could hear the words Ghost growled to them as he lectured them on proper treatment of people in general.
He sounded in that moment, more like a lieutenant than he did her husband and it was a strange thing to hear in his voice when he had always been soft and cute with her.
“He’s gonna be a good father.” Maria hummed as she stood proudly with her hands on her hips.
“Yeah he will,” (y/n) smiled as she rocked in her feet back and forth waiting for him to return to her.
When he did return, (y/n! spent the rest of the night tucked to his side constantly on the receiving end of his hushed whispers of love and adoration.
“Pretty girl,” he cooed as she looked up at him.
“Yeah?” She said softly, eyes twinkling in the moonlight.
“Ready to go home, pretty girl?”
“Come on pretty girl,” he smirked at her as she knew that look. “I think I need to remind you how pretty you truly are.”
Those words were a reminder that this night could last even longer than she thought they would.
“Yeah pretty girl?”
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clumsybriar · 1 year
ghost choir 👻 🎵
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clumsybriar · 3 years
Patrick: No, I’m Pinhead Larry!
Conehead: No! I’m Pinhead Larry!
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Anyone else notice the resemblance when watching fire force?😂
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clumsybriar · 3 years
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Tom Hiddleston as Loki / God of Mischief LOKI | Episode 6 - For All Time. Always.
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clumsybriar · 3 years
Tumblr ripoff sites using our blogs and info
I open tumblr after a while just to warn ya’ll about something i JUST found out minutes ago it might be common knowledge by now to everyone but I don’t lose anything staying safe and spreading this info
about 3 tumblr ripoff sites are taking the ENTIRETY of our blogs and posting them in their own sites, in real time. This includes text posts, art/images, videos and reblogs as well as offering statistics that as far as i know, should be private to the blog owner.
I myself stumbled upon tumgir where I found not only my main account, but my art account I hadn’t used in years (To note: The 3 sites are Tumgir , Tumblar and Tumbex)
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You can look at my entire blog through this site, and anyone else’s 
I tried doing research but most of what I can find is only other tumblr users who have stumbled upon this. here’s their own posts
https://blockoframen.tumblr.com/post/188736225103/it-was-recently-brought-to-my-attention-that-there  From Nov 1st 2019
https://kodaso.tumblr.com/post/623025521415094272/our-work-is-once-again-being-re-posted-without-our From July 8th 2020
https://babycharmander.tumblr.com/post/616582450520408064/artists-of-tumblr-your-artwork-is-being-stolen From two months ago (Checked on the post themselves dates might be wrong) (also if youre the op of any of those posts and wish to be removed from this post do not be afraid to tell me)
From some of these posts we can gather that they have a lot of our info and also, it’s nearly impossible to contact them as the emails on apparently all 3 websites are fake. Only way to delete stuff from these websites is to literally delete our tumblr accounts. I am unsure on how to proceed with this situation myself and where else to look but I can at least spread this information. if you yourself got other important info to share please do! 
content creators are at risk, people who use this site to vent/cope are at risk, YOU are at risk.
PLEASE reblog and let others know!!!
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clumsybriar · 3 years
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clumsybriar · 3 years
When you listen to the first ending song for Durarara and start to tear up
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clumsybriar · 3 years
sometimes i feel ugly and sad then im like wait. thats my mum and dad! flecks of my grandparents too… remnants of every being of my lineage… hundreds of crossed paths paved in cosmic randomness all of which i carry in this very face. and then beauty standards feel far too silly 
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clumsybriar · 3 years
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#when you embarrass yourself
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clumsybriar · 3 years
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