clown-heretic · 4 hours
|| Lethal company Oc …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
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||I usually don't draw human bodies bWaaaAaa
Another of my beibis ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠  I'm not good at drawing references qkfbqkbflwnfjqbdiqhd
It's a little inspired to me sona-
A little about Mark-
°Mark is really energetic and friendly with all entities in the mansion- more with Jester and the Forest Keeper。⁠:゚
°MarK tends to collect other masks Or masked(?!.. Yeah Mark kidnaps other masked guys to have a good time or even take care of them AJJDLQJDLAJSLS。⁠:゚
°Mark usually has several pockets where he keeps bandages for Dolly (Coil-Head Oc) And will always be there for her 。⁠:゚
°Mark really hates the crew, even more so when they hurt Dolly. He always makes sure to tear their faces before putting a mask on their faces jsjsjsjs。⁠:゚
°Like Dolly, Mark doesn't remember his past life but has a lot of dejavu that gives him a headache。⁠:゚
°Well...Mark is dead but it's fun for him to pretend he's still breathing (?!
[Mark is non-binary, Any pronoun is correct!]
my English is a little bad to be able to translate things correctly ミミミ
Have a nice day guys (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
are you in a good headspace to receive my triple barrage hell nightmare skeleton attack right now.
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
hello character who is desperate to be a good person; i want to play a game. in front of you is the one person you will never be able to save. you have the rest of your life to make peace with this. there are no defined repercussions if you fail, but we both know you're going to attempt to win regardless. your time starts now
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
this is one of my favorite reddit posts of all time
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
may every trans person on this hellsite find contentment in their identity
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clown-heretic · 5 hours
An explanation.
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clown-heretic · 6 hours
I think if zoidberg moved into bikini bottom he wouldnt look out of place at all i wouldnt even notice him there
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clown-heretic · 6 hours
Turn based sex. Take as long as you need to think of a strategy.
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clown-heretic · 6 hours
A backflip is one of the most insane things to do but in the end you’re right back where you started
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clown-heretic · 6 hours
you probably would like to do more than one so pick what you’re doing first <3
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clown-heretic · 8 hours
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clown-heretic · 8 hours
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My fuckign gougar...
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clown-heretic · 8 hours
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clown-heretic · 8 hours
sometimes my Beloved Mutuals will rb a post about a certain character archetype and i will have to physically restrain myself from saying “yeah you would say that wouldn’t you”
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clown-heretic · 8 hours
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