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🇨🇱🏳️‍⚧️ | Hi hi! My name’s Cloudam :o) (He/They) Freelance Illustrator/ Graphic Designer Commissions: Open | Ask Box: OpenMultifandom OCs
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cloudysunflowr · 14 hours ago
I forget what Ive posted and what I haven't-- so like, if I end up posting something again..... hush
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cloudysunflowr · 14 hours ago
⚠️ Not Canon ⚠️
I played with the idea of Aiden after surviving the neighborhood. He has a bad leg and burn marks and yknow, the missing eye but he's trying to heal mentally :o)
In this scenario he ends up living in a cabin in the woods with one of my friends oc Chiro and they garden and shit. Aiden has night terrors and hallucinations but he's getting better with Chiros company and help...
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cloudysunflowr · 2 days ago
Valentine Videla
Reworked my Pressure OC! Hehe-- Im also working on his document but like--- im not the best writer lmaoooooo
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I imagine how his mechanics work is that when he's coming up you can hear him singing or humming. And once you're in his room he'll be hiding under his tail and tell you to find his mask as a sort of game.
You got like a minute or so (where I imagine a timer would show) to find it. Once you do you can return it or take it (really the only benefit I can see to that is either wanting to see Valentins actual face from under his mask since he doesnt show his face or for like an achievement). If you take it he becomes irate and will then sort of work like Pinky? You can hear him running at you screaming but if he sees you get in a locker he'll try ripping you out and you can see his monstrous form.
If you do give him back that mask, hell put it on and come out from his tail to give you a choice between three random items for free.
I can see it that if you try taking more than one he'll get annoyed and be calling you greedy before attacking and slapping you away. Not killing you but taking down some health. :o)
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cloudysunflowr · 2 days ago
Valentine Videla
Reworked my Pressure OC! Hehe-- Im also working on his document but like--- im not the best writer lmaoooooo
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I imagine how his mechanics work is that when he's coming up you can hear him singing or humming. And once you're in his room he'll be hiding under his tail and tell you to find his mask as a sort of game.
You got like a minute or so (where I imagine a timer would show) to find it. Once you do you can return it or take it (really the only benefit I can see to that is either wanting to see Valentins actual face from under his mask since he doesnt show his face or for like an achievement). If you take it he becomes irate and will then sort of work like Pinky? You can hear him running at you screaming but if he sees you get in a locker he'll try ripping you out and you can see his monstrous form.
If you do give him back that mask, hell put it on and come out from his tail to give you a choice between three random items for free.
I can see it that if you try taking more than one he'll get annoyed and be calling you greedy before attacking and slapping you away. Not killing you but taking down some health. :o)
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cloudysunflowr · 2 days ago
TW: Blood/ Body Horror
Hadal Blacksite let this thing loose? Wild
Anyways, hi :oD, I have a pressure oc! Im not sure if I ever mentioned him in this site so here! His name is Valentin Videla ✨
This drawing doesn't have the mask he usually wears but yea! Hehe
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Alt Vers. W-out Blood!
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cloudysunflowr · 2 days ago
SHOP - Animation meme
(Featuring Howdy Pillar🐛)
🐛🛍️🐛🛍️🐛🛍️ 🐛🛍️🐛🛍️🐛🛍️ 🐛🛍️🐛🛍️🐛
I used some of the commercials from the Homewarming update as reference for the art style
I knew that I had to use Howdy with this meme; I mean it’s literally called Shop, how could I not? :3
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cloudysunflowr · 2 days ago
🍃!! A Rainy Day !!🌸
I like to think that Aiden and Julie run around in the rain jumping in puddles!
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Vers. W/out Ink:
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cloudysunflowr · 5 days ago
I love Aiden Acreage so much he’s such a silly little apple-looking guy! have you ever considered a BETA or draft version of him? Like BETA Wally and Draft Wally!
Hi hi!
Yes! I have!
I just had to actually draw him >< but here ya go!
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It was the clothes I imagined him in-- now I debated having him have red hair since Aiden did have that for a while but the green hair split decision makes me giggle still so ya hehe
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cloudysunflowr · 5 days ago
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Sebastian wearing this in front of the scientists who experimented on him
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This is the hat btw. It exists.
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cloudysunflowr · 6 days ago
Hellum! This week the Pendog Creative Library ARG website updated! Many exciting secrets and stories wait for you on this cartoon graveyard!
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cloudysunflowr · 6 days ago
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Madison Brown for Selkie
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cloudysunflowr · 6 days ago
⚠️CW: Blood⚠️
Drenched in blood.... gross wkdkskskd
anyways, frolicks away
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cloudysunflowr · 6 days ago
I love Hidey so much!! Would you consider putting him up on Artfight? :D
I should really start working on refs.... haha! But yes! I do plan to have him there!
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cloudysunflowr · 8 days ago
I'm curious about something if merge Wally has some of the other neighbors body parts and not the full neighbor like their eyes and arms and uses them, is he able to feel them or connect to them when they aren't fully merge with him or is he not able to do that? (Btw hi it's me the one with the purple pony pfp on TikTok)
Wait this is actually a really funny question considering I played with this scenario with a friend lmaoooo
So like-- the drawing im putting is not canon (i think-- shrug) bUT
Ahem-- so yea sort of. In like a fucked up way, they can use them for their body. The neighbors who the parts belong to wont be connected to them however. It would just be a hollow part essentially.
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So that essentially creates this thing (which she could turn into if she so chooses to)
Aiden and Franks eyes would be rolled back in a sort of dead way. And if any neighbors had died and weren't put in the hive mind then anything with eyes would also be rolled back.
I hope that made sense heh
I would also like to note that I personally no longer call The hive by merge Wally since Ive noticed its most likely caused the confusion of it just being Wally :oP so its just The hive or merge or even Hive! ^^
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cloudysunflowr · 8 days ago
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cloudysunflowr · 8 days ago
I love Stanley (the green one)
OH OH! GLAD TO HEAR THAT! I'm sure he'd love you, too!
I redesigned it a while ago... Here!
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cloudysunflowr · 8 days ago
What we missed since I’ve been gone so long
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