cloud-hoppper · 3 years
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Stretchy high-fives and roadtrips with my love 💙
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
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The love of my life (At Joshua Tree National Park)
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
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A lot has happened in a year. Its been about a year since I've been on this thing called Tumblr. I met the love of my life. I was already a First Responder and Travel First Responder, going to school for another job in the Medical field while also doing Photography for landscape and travel. And then my program was cancelled because of Covid. She was a Graphic Designer and Photographer in LA. We moved out of our places and into "our" own place and started a life together.
And now we have a flower shop that delivers which we opened during quarantine. So I guess now she is a Graphic Designer X Photographer X Florist. And I'm a First Responder X Assistant Photographer X Florist. And now she and I are "We" ❤️🧡💛
And we were featured on CBS for this past Valentines Day for hitting the flower world strong 💪🏻
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
Shelter In Place... is just turning me into Wolverine. If Wolverine was Hapa... and a surfer. Or a skater.
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
I can't be in Seattle right now. But I can be there in spirit! And you guys can join me through past vids. This is my favorite place to eat in Seattle. Super Six! Their Chicken And Waffles. With a Hong Kong cake waffle, drizzled honey sriracha sauce and haupia syrup. Then the pineapple cornbread with custard.. and the pumpkin cheesecake malasada! The nutella malasada is 👌🏻 also. And seeing Dawnelle is so overdue! We miss her and her beautiful soul so much!
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
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Everything just froze on us, didn't it? I know that the Shelter In Place has been difficult to adjust to. I'm very grateful that I still have my job... and I don't take it for granted. I miss all of my favorite people, who make me a better me and who help me see things from a new view. I miss shooting video with my photo fam. I miss being out in the world and out in nature. I've been filling my days off/free time with lots of working out, sometimes a double workout, meal prepping, building my vocabulary in other languages and lots of journaling. I have been journaling off and on for years. I mostly journal about the conversations I have with strangers when I travel. But before the Shelter In Place, I was gifted a book by my sister and bought a book, both books give 1 question or 1 subject to write about each day, to spark you to dissect your thoughts and memories. I've been posting one entry from the one of the books, in my "IG Story" on my days off. But I have been very surprised about the responses I've been getting from all of you guys. Even people I do not know! I'm also surprised about how many of you are willing to read so many paragraphs! The entries are sparking a lot of good and insightful conversations. I hope when this is all over, we continue to have quality conversations like this. But thank you all for reading everything from about food, to the complex thoughts I have. If it has sparked something in people or inspired someone during this odd time testing our sanity... then that's enough for me. I hope you're all healthy and well 🙏🏻💙 (at Point Reyes National Seashore)
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
8 weeks without a haircut. I haven't reached a point where I could tie my hair up in yeaaaars!
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cloud-hoppper · 4 years
Quarantine donut cheers!
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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I am so grateful for Shar . I met her when we were teens. But we didn’t really talk. We were both 2 totally different people back then. And then we crossed paths again much later in life… and found that we’d grown very alike. It’s funny how time can do that. I enjoy learning about how that came to be, from sharing our stories of life experiences and travel experiences. With all that said, I’m even more grateful for her, for yesterday. For helping me patch up my injuries, driving me to the ER and being there for me ❤️
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
Yesterday I almost died. I went on a hike with a close friend of mine. And being the daredevil I have always been. I went off the trail. And found a large fallen tree that fell at an inclined angle. And it connected to a landing across the way. So I climbed it. With nothing below me but mountain and water. Because I wanted to see the view so bad. Crossing it to the other side was fine. Crossing back, the trunk was flakey and hollow. I slipped and fell. And as I was falling, I grabbed a large branch and held on. Little did I know, the branch I had grabbed, was snapped. So when I grabbed it, it stabbed through part of my hand and slit across my palm like butter. My knee also got slit as I hit the side of the tree. And somehow I held on until I could get my feet to soil. It felt like a paper cut. It wasnt until my feet were on the ground, that I realized how much blood I was losing and how serious it was. I was lucky that I and my friend know how to patch wounds and stop bleeding. We bandaged me as best as we could. And had to hike back down the mountain for 2.2 miles to get to my car. And my friend drove me to the closest ER.
I realized it could have been worse. I could have fallen down the mountain. But in this...I realized that life is going no matter what. And the relationship problems I have... really don't fucking matter.
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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It has officially been 1 year since I finished my sleeve. Started 12-13 years ago. I helped draw the first quarter. And then I lost my artist. Because back in the day, when there was no Yelp, no smart phones and no instagram... that's what happened when people moved or a shop closed. But! I was lucky to find another artist that had the same style. Looking back before I extended my quarter sleeve, to a full sleeve... I'm so glad I waited. Because everything I wanted when I was 21, changed with my life experiences. So the story and all the sentimental things for my sleeve changed with it. And when I wake up in the mornings and I'm facing this arm, I remember what quality I want in life and the type of people I want to keep in it.
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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Christmas with the siblings
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
One of the hardest things after a breakup... especially one where you were best friends before it progressed into a relationship... is when the other person reaches out because they miss you and they miss their ex-best friend. We have no hard feelings and we mutually ended things, friendship included. But... although I miss her too. I don't give in. Because it's also my job, to encourage what's best for her. And the bigger picture. I believe I can still be her cheerleader. That means, cheering her in the opposite direction we both want. Because, us not working out... means that she needs to find someone else that's better suitible for her. It doesn't mean I'm less valuable as a person because we didn't work out. It just simply means, we're not applicable. And I have to steer her towards someone who is more applicable. By not taking up anymore of her time. It's hard. But seriously, I really really do want her to find the right one. The ex-best friend in me, still wants the best for her.
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
Yesterday night, we officially ended things. We were hundreds of miles away from each other. This was the healthiest breakup I've ever had. Because we both agreed, that we were growing into different people. And we are just not suitible for each other anymore. We talked about it. Said what we were grateful for. And then that was the last time we'd ever talk. We both love each other very much. I know. But this is proof that love isn't always enough. There are so many other things combined with love, that matter. And that's ok.
It still hasnt hit me yet. Because I've been away for work. But I'm sure, when I fly back home... it will be very odd to not come home to her.
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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My favorite! @karlthefog and 52 degrees. I really just want it to be Fall and Winter all year long. 📷: Lace (at Muir Woods Redwood Forest)
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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Best. Thank you for always being in the moment with me.. no matter where we are. Across the ocean... in another country.. or struggling up a mountain. And for talking with me for hours... since we were kids. Love you very much ❤️ (at Mt. Tamalpais)
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cloud-hoppper · 5 years
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Officially 32. Or as everyone jokes... "Happy.. 18th birthday for the 14th year in a row" 😂. If anything... I'm happy that now, I would run miles around.. and out-lift my 18 year old self. I can understand 3 more languages than my 18 year old self. And I've been very lucky to travel to places.. that my 18 year old self never imagined I'd ever go. Honestly, I think that maybe that's the key to staying youthful. More quality life experiences, following through with the promises you make to yourself, showing up for the people you love, learning something new as often as possible and caring for your body. I'm very simple. I don't care about "things". I just want more quality time with my favorite humans. And to stay in good health or better my health. Thank you to everyone, all around the earth that greeted me today. And thank you to everyone who has contributed to watering my soul and been there to watch me grow in these 32 years. To more of that. And to being more of that for you guys ❤️ 📷: My talented friend @Liz
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